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14 Given the spatial schematic below, evaluate the flow path lengths
for the following components.

A) Route A-B-C-D-E-F = 100+75+75+25+25 = 300

B) Route A-C-B-D-E-F = (100+75)+75+(75+75)+25+25 = 450
C) Route A-F-E-D-C-B-A-F =
(100+75+75+25+25)+25+25+75+75+100+(100+75+75+25+25) =
D) Route A-C-E-B-D-F =
(100+75)+(75+25)+(25+75+75)+(75+75)+(25+25) = 650

3.15 Given the following from-to chart, recommend an overall

flow pattern that will reduce flow.

The recommended overall flow is a circular flow, as shown on the figure


3.27- Use the direct clustering algorithm to form cells for the
machine-part matrix shown below. Propose alternatives for resolving any

Cell A:
Machines {2;4;1A}; Products {1;3;5}
Cell B:
{3;1B}; Products {2,4}

3.28- Consider problem 3.27. Given the following processing time

and demand data for each part, determine at least one potential
resolution to the conflicts

Assume that each machine has a daily capacity of 5000 units.

What other factors might influence your decision.

Considering 8h of work: 8h = 480min

For Machine 1:
Capacity of production of part 1: 480/2 = 240 Parts/day

To attend the demand of part 1, we might have 1000/240 = 4.17 =

5 machines 1
Capacity of production of part 2: 480 Parts/day
To attend the demand of part 2, we might have 2000/480 = 4.17 =
5 Machines 1
Capacity of production of part 5: 480/2 = 240 Parts/day
To attend the demand of part 5, we might have 1000/240 = 4.17 =
5 machines 1
For machine 2:
Capacity of production of part 1: 480 Parts/day
To attend the demand of part 1, we might have 1000/480 = 2.08 =
3 Machines 2
Capacity of production of part 5: 480 Parts/day
To attend the demand, we might have 1000/480 = 2.08 = 3
Machines 2
For machine 3:
Capacity of production of part 2: 480 Parts/day
To attend the demand of part 2, we might have 2000/480 = 4.17 =
5 Machines 3
Capacity of production of part 4: 480/3 = 160 Parts/day
To attend the demand of part 4, we might have 2000/160 = 12.5 =
13 Machines 3
For machine 4:
Capacity of production of part 1: 480/3 = 160 Parts/day
To attend the demand of part 1, we might have 1000/160 = 6.25 =
7 Machines 4
Capacity of production of part 3: 480/2 = 240 Parts/day

To attend the demand of part 3, we might have 1000/240 = 4.17 =

5 Machines 4

So, by what was said above, we can conclude that to attend the daily
demand we might have:
10 Machines 1A
5 Machines 1B
6 Machines 2
18 Machines 3
12 Machines 4

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