Instagram Statistics

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Ward 1

Alex Ward
AP Statistics
Kiker 6
September 13, 2014
How Cool Are Austin High Maroons?
Instagram is an extremely successful social media app that continues to be most
teens favorite forms of social media. I chose to do my research on Instagram followers
because not only is Instagram most teens favorite form of social media, but the number of
Instagram followers is extremely important to some people, proving how popular or how
many friends one may have. I began to collect my data by first, going around to students
around Austin High School and asking them how many followers they have on
Instagram, and next went to the actual Instagram app and got other random teens amount
of followers from their profile pages. Once I had all of my data, I began by ordering all
the amounts of followers from least to greatest. From there, I began to make all of my
statistical calculations.
I began by calculation my 5-number summary; sample minimum, Quartile 1(Q1),
median, Quartile 3(Q3), and the sample maximum. I started with the median, to find the
median I made sure that my data was in order from least to greatest and I found the
middle number of the data, in this case I found my median to be 462.5 Instagram
followers. After finding the mean, I calculated Q1 by finding the middle number of the
lower 50% of the data, Q1=297 followers, and then Q3 by finding middle number of the
upper 50% of the data, Q3=809 Instagram followers. Lastly, for the 5-number summary I
had to find the minimum and maximum by finding the lowest number in the set of data,
minimum=100, and the largest number in the set of data, maximum=1585 followers.
Once I had my Q1 and Q3, I could easily calculate my IQR by subtracting Q1 from Q3

Ward 2
and I found my IQR to 512 followers. Next, I found the mean by adding up all the
followers in the set of data and then dividing by 30, because there are 30 students or
subjects of data, and then found my mean, or average, to be 536.433 followers. Then I
found my range by subtracting my minimum from my maximum and found that to be,
1485 followers. Lastly, I found my standard deviation and variance by inserting all my
data into my calculator and pressing 1-Var Stat to show my standard deviation to be
339.07 followers and then squared that, 114968.4649=variance. Once I had all of this
data for my original set of data, I calculated if there are any outliers as seen below.

As you can see from the work above, there are no lower outliers and there is just one
upper outlier that is barely an outlier but is still above our upper normal limit of 1577.
Once I had all of this data for my original statistics, I constructed a histogram,
boxplot, and stemplot as can be seen below.

Student's Amount of Instagram Followers


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The next thing I did was find all of the same statistics and the same way I did for
my original set of data, but this time I added 100 to every set of data and got the values
Standard Deviation=339.159
Outliers= 1685

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Student's Amount of Instagram Followers

(Origional +100)

With all of the same data calculated as the original set of data, I could then
compare the second set of data and see what adding 100 did to the original set of data. To
start, the shapes of the graphs still look the exact same but with different values, and all
of the data in my 5-number summary seemed to just increase by 100. As for the standard
deviation, variance, and range those all stayed essentially the same. The only thing that
significantly changed was the mean, which didnt increase by a steady amount, it just
increased with the set of data.
The last thing I did, was I took 50% of the original set of data and made all of the
same calculations as before to compare and see what taking 50% of the original data

Ward 5
would do to the data. I found all of the same data by doing all of the same steps as before
and this data can be found below.
Min= 50
Q1= 148.5
Med= 231.25
Q3= 404.5
Max= 792.5
Mean= 281.55
Range= 742.5
Standard Deviation= 169.5345
Variance= 28741.94669
Outliers= 792.5

Student's Amount of Instagram Followers

(50% of Origional)

Ward 6

With the new data collected we can conclude that the range and standard
deviation is again the same for both the original set of data and 50% of the original data.
We can also conclude that the median is 50% of the original set of datas median for the
median of this set of data, and the mean again completely changes with the new data
along with the range.
As seen in the two examples above, when adding, subtracting, multiplying, or
dividing a constant number to a set of data, it changes the data up quite a bit. The 5number summary will always do whatever you are doing to the set of data, for example
when we added 100 to the original set of data, we could then expect the min, Q1, med.,
Q3, and max to increase by 100. When we or subtract a constant to the entire set of data
we can expect the range, standard deviation, and variance to remain the same because we
are just shifting the data, thus all spread analysis data will remain the same. With that
said, when we divide or multiply a constant to the entire set of data we can expect a lot
more changes. The spread would change by a factor of whatever we are doing to the data.

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Again, the 5-number summary would change by whatever we are doing to the entire set
of data and the mean would change pretty drastically. As for the outlier, the range of
normal distribution changes between every change in data, but the outlier never changes.
The outlier is always the maximum number in the data and just that number. We can
conclude from this information that the person who has 1585 followers has quite a bit
more followers than the average person at Austin High School proven statistically above.
In the end, we can conclude that the Austin High Maroons are a bunch of very
popular kids. With an average of 536 followers per student, we can conclude that many
students probably have a lot more Instagram followers than they are actually friends with.
We can also conclude that many students these days are involved with Instagram with
one student having as many as 1585 followers. If we actually had this many people to be
friends with then we would be some very social people.

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