Week 2 Bible Study

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Week 2 Bible Study

Colossians 1:15-20
Kick OffThink about your household growing up.. Who was the leader? How did they
ObservationWhat was the main theme you noticed as you read through Col 1:15-20?
Supremacy of Jesus, Jesus being the head and leader of everything
Do you see any repetitions in this section?
First/ Before / beginning/ Firstborn,


What phrases did Paul use to describe Jesus in this chunk of scripture?
Image of the invisible God, first born over all creation, in him all things
were created: things in heaven and on earth, all things were created
thru him and for him
So we are starting to notice a common theme of Jesus being the head of all things in
heaven and on earth, all things in heaven and on earth, all things being done
through him and for him Hes kind of a big deal! And hes kind of the center
piece of life.
Think about some of those phrases and how they apply to our lives.
What does it mean that we have been created FOR him? vs 16
Everything we do should be FOR him and bringing him glory Big Picture:
THIS IS ABOUT JESUS!!!! Even our lives should be all about HIM! Since we
were created FOR HIM He should be the one calling the shots in our lives!
What does it mean that in Jesus all things hold together? vs 17
Jesus is the glue that holds our life together. When hes the center of our
lives things just work out the way they should and for our good.
Who do you know who makes God supreme in their life? What does it look like
when Christ is supreme in our lives?
What happened when Christ isnt the center of our lives? If we dont let Him be the
glue that holds our lives together?
Chaos! Confusion! Its only when we have Christ as the center of our lives
and as the focus of our lives that things will make sense and work properly!

So, if we are created for Him we should focus on Him and let all of our life activities
revolve around Him. Also if its IN CHRIST that all things hold together, we need
Him to be the center of our lives!
When we make the decision to put our full trust in Jesus he becomes the center and
Lord of our lives. But daily we have to choose to continue walking in step with Him
in order to enjoy life fully.
SPAM: Thinking about Jesus being the focus and center of our lives, whats an area
of your life that isnt focused and centered on Jesus? Even think about if youve
made the first step in committing yourself fully to Him making Him the Lord of your
life. Jot down one area of your life that needs to look different and one step you can
take to focus that area on Jesus!

What if then statement is there in verse 23?
What do you think it means that weve been reconciled by Christs physical body
and made holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation IF you
continue in your faith, established and firm..? Vs. 22-23
Did you make anyone else a little nervous that they could lose their salvation? Lets
look through our interp. on it!
Greek work IF- interesting fact when you look up everywhere that the bible
says if the only time its used to talk about conditional salvation was that one
verse. If it was a BIG DEAL if would have been used multiple times in
scripture concerning losing our salvation.
What else could this verse mean?
I found a few other verses that would be cool to look up. Lets see what the rest of
scripture says about if its possible to lose our salvation. Lets look up these verses
together and jot down our thoughts.
John 10:28-29- No one is able to snatch them out of my Fathers hand no one!!
Even you cannot be snatched out of the fathers hand
Eph 2:8-9- not by works why would it be by works to remain a Christian? If you
dont have to work to earn your salvation why would you have to work to keep it?
Eph 1:13-14- Holy Spirit is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance How do you
know you have the Holy Spirit? You know you have the Holy Spirit if you have a
conviction over sin!
1 John 5:13- I write these things so that you might Know you have eternal life.

Rom 8:1- There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ once you are
forgiven you are totally forgiven! Nothing is held against us, our slate is clean!!
Rom 11:29- for the gifts and calls are irrevocable
Numbers 23:19- God doesnt change his mind
Heb 7:24-25- he is able to save completely! Not partially!
Phil 1:6- he who started a good work, will carry it thru to completion. Once he
started working on you as a believer he wont just disappear because you lost your
salvation, could be a rough patch but your salvation is secure!
After looking at these verses what do they say about if we can lose our salvation or
not? What can we conclude?
The rest of scripture does not support the idea that our salvation can be lost!
Whoo! Great News!! Salvation is promised to those who have made the
decision to fully follow Christ.
So if we cant lose our salvation what is the verse talking about?
The only proof of salvation is if we continue. If they continue living this way it
is proof of their salvation.
How does knowing this truth that we cant lose our salvation richly effect our walk
with God?
Everyone pick a verse from the ones we just looked over and lets pray out loud
thanking God for the secure gift of salvation He offers us through Jesus!



Op World- Callie


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