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Adverbs of frequency

They are used to describe how often we do any

Adverbs of frequency

Adverbs of frequency



Often Sometimes Rarely


In a sentence the position of the adverb is:

Subject + adverb + verb
I always wake up early.
Andrew never drinks alcohol.

I. Rewrite the following sentences using the adverb
of frequency in the right position.
1. John drives when he is drunk. (Never)
2. Kane plays table tennis. (Always)
3. Andrew goes to the disco. (Rarely)
4. Paul eats vegetables. (Always)
5. I study for my exams. (Always)
6. Tom and his wife go to the gym. (Rarely)
7. Kate and her boyfriend exercise. (Often)

8. The professor arrives early. (Always)

9. Michael gets good grades. (Never)
10. Brad enjoys his samba classes. (Always)

II. Choose the correct answer and write the

correct letter on the blank.
1. Janet never walks alone. She is ___ accompanied.
a) rarely

b) always

c) never

2. Heather is always happy. She is _________ sad.

a) always

b) never

c) often

3. Tom enjoys his French classes. He is_______

a) never

b) always

c) rarely

4. My family loves to travel. They _______ enjoy

their travels.
a) never

b) always

c) often

5. Sam goes to the school only twice a week. He

_____ goes to school.
a) always

b) sometimes

c) never

III. Put in order the next words to form the

correct sentence.
1. eat fruits and always vegetables I
2. drink never alcohol I.
3. never Jane smokes.
4. always Claire for studies exams her.
5. all almost artist always the a has good diet.
6. arrives Jacob late never at school.
7. is always Beto dancing.
8. a Peter healthy has life and gets never he sick.

9. always Angelique good gets grades.

10. always singing Tina opera is.

I. 1. John never drives when he is drunk. 2. Kane always plays table tennis. 3. Andrew
rarely goes to the disco. 4. Paul always eats vegetables. 5. I always study for my
exams. 6. Tom and his wife rarely go to the gym. 7. Kate and her boyfriend often
exercise. 8. The professor always arrives early. 9. Michael never gets good grades. 10.
Brad always enjoys his samba classes.
II. 1. B, 2. B, 3. B, 4. B, 5. B.
III. 1. I always eat fruits and vegetables. 2. I never drink alcohol. 3. Jane never smokes.
4. Claire always studies for her exams. 5. Almost all the artist always have a good diet.
6. Jacob never arrives late at school. 7. Beto is always dancing. 8. Peter has a healthy
life and he never gets sick. 9. Angelique always gets good grades. 10. Tina is always

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