Salt Contamination Meter SCM400 Datasheet

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Salt Contamination Meter


2 minute sampling time

Range from 0.1 - 20

No hazardous chemicals

Salt contamination on metal and other

surfaces has been shown to cause millions
of pounds worth of corrosion and coating
damage world wide. Salt contamination
from atmospheric (coastal and industrial)
and process sources can be deposited on
surfaces during production, construction
and operation.

Quick and simple to use

Undetected and invisible contamination

leads to:

Direct readout no
calculations to do

Suitable for metallic and

non-metallic surfaces

Use on curved,
horizontal and vertical

Battery powered and


Water resistant

Premature corrosion-induced failure of

plant items (stress corrosion cracking,
crevice corrosion etc.)
Early failure of paints and coatings due
to loss of adhesion
Interference with operating processes

The SCM400 salt contamination meter is designed to give rapid, reliable, direct
digital readouts of the surface contamination down to very low levels. The
SCM400 is compact, easy to use and is the perfect spot check for every
industrial situation where surface contamination could threaten your business.
How it Works
Use of the SCM400 is simple. A high purity sample paper is wetted with a pure
water sample and placed onto the surface being sampled for a short period
timed by the meter. Soluble salts on the surface are absorbed by the paper
which is then placed in the SCM400 for an instant analysis.

For further
click here

A direct readout of the surface salt contamination levels is given in

microgrammes per square centimetre (
The SCM400 is supplied as a complete kit with everything you need to take
your first readings. The kit comes with a high quality attractive case to carry all
you need to anywhere you need.
The SCM400 salt contamination meter confirms adequate cleaning of surfaces
before coating, aiding the prevention of premature coating failures. It shows
salt build-up on vulnerable surfaces which can be treated to increase the
lifetime of coatings.
If you are worried about salt contamination this is the quick and easy way to
solve your problem.
Call our Sales Team now to request demonstration or quotation on
+44 (0) 1543 411460.
Dyne Testing, Newton House, 5 Parkside Court, Greenhough Road, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 7FE, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1543 411460 Fax: +44(0)1543 415140
Web: Email:
2013 Dyne Technology Ltd

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