20+ Tips For Writing A Remarkable Resume in Today's Creative World

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20+ Tips for Writing A Remarkable Resume

in Todays Creative World

Posted by Assaf Avni[1] on Oct 22, 2011 in Best of[2] | Comments Off

The title of this post suggests that todays world is somewhat different from
yesterdays world, and that it is more creative. Before we explore this notion, lets
look at the definition of the word creativity. Most dictionaries or academic
researchers of creativity will agree creativity is the process of generating ideas,
that are both (a) novel (new) and (b) useful for (c) solving problems.
To be remarkable (i.e. worth making a remark about[3]) your resume should be
somewhat different from everyone else. If you aspire to be remarkable, you have
to be different (i.e. novel) and your resume must be useful (for the person reading
it) and solve a problem (i.e. you getting that amazing job). While most people think
about art when it comes to being creative, this post will follow the traditional
definition of creativity (novel, useful, solving a problem) to make you shine brighter
and your resume, a star.
If on the other hand, you dont think todays world is any different than yesterdays


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world and that your resume should follow traditional (may I say old-school?)
resume-writing-advices you once got from an HR director or a career counselor,
watch the following video:
Daniel Pink, the author of A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule
the Future[4]:

Before we start with actual tips, let me suggest a possibility, that every piece of
advice you ever got about how to write a resume (or about anything else really)
could be 100% true and 100% false at the same time. What I mean is, for the
person who came up with that advice, it might have been a great one. For you, on
the other hand, this advice might be a really bad one. Why you ask? (1) They may
be different people than you are, (2) working in a different environment or industry,
(3) they may be more concerned with practicality (like how your resume will be
scanned) vs. likability or remarkability.
Watch Seth Goodin, the Author of Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by
Being Remarkable[5]:


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(this is a short excerpt from his 20 minutes TED presentation[6])

Tip #1 Dont Listen To Every Advice You Get (including this one):

As a rule of thumb, when someone gives me advice, I always ask why? (as in,
why is that a good advice?). If their explanation makes sense to me sure, Ill
follow their advice. But many times, the original reasons for that advice may not
apply to me or may be irrelevant, outdated or serve someone elses benefit rather
than mine.


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Be a critical thinker. Always ask why. If the explanation doesnt make

sense to you, dont follow that advice.

Tip #2 Rethink The Purpose of a Resume:

Most people think the purpose of a resume is to get you a job. Wrong; the purpose
of a resume is to get you an interview. Similarly, most people think the purpose of
an interview is to get you the job. Wrong again.
The purpose of an interview is to connect with a human being (i.e. the interviewer)
on a personal level and leave a remarkable impression on them.
Personal connection, remarkable impression and likability will get you
a dream job, not the resume or the interview.

Tip #3 Brand YOU:

Read Seth Godins little blurb about superpowers[7] and tell me whats your
superpower? Whats yor USP (Unique Selling Proposition)?
Come up with that one amazing idea that will make you unforgettable.
Its hard not to hire someone you cant get off your mind.

The first thing on your resume should be your name

(dash) your brand. BIG. BOLD. Job titles can be sort of a branding statement (e.g.
John Doe Copywriter) but a smarter branding statement would be to actually
brand the essence of who you are (in regards to what they need from you, of
course). Think values and skills rather than job titles.


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Art Director is a title Visual Thinker is a skill. Account Planner is a title Cultural
Curious or Cultural Maven is a value.
People are more likely to hire you for your skills and values, rather
than for your title.
Plus, youre communicating that you are creative, unique, and passionate about
these values/skills.
Instead of trying to convey youre good at everything, emphasize a
few areas where youve accomplished the most
Additional Resources:
FastCompany: The Brand Called You[8]
FastCompany: Brand You Survival Kit[9]
BusinessWeek: Creating Brand You[10]

Tip #4 Leave Something For The Second Date:

Most people believe they should write as much information about themselves as
possible in a resume. They dont want to omit anything, thinking more is better. If
you agree with tip #2, that the purpose of a resume is to get you an interview

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rather than a job, then you might want to think of a resume as a first-date.
Weve all been there a horrifying first date, where the other side just wont stop
talking about themselves; and the more they talk, the more you dont want to see
them again. On the other hand, weve all experienced an amazing first date, which
left us wanting to know more about the other person.
Similarly, if the purpose of a resume is to get you a second date (an interview)
rather than marriage (long-term career), you want to leave the other side curious
and wanting to know more about you.
In addition, the more information you have on your resume, the more likely you are
to decrease the value of brand YOU (by saying something they dont want to hear,
something they dont care about, in a way they dont like, etc). If you include very
little information about yourself, on the other hand, they might not get the essence
of brand YOU, which isnt a good thing either. The solution:
Your resume should have the least amount of information that will
make you a star.
The same goes for a Portfolio, by the way (adverting, design, etc). If I see three
amazing campaigns in your portfolio, Ill think youre a star. But if I see three
amazing campaign, plus two just-ok ones and one bad one, Id think youre just ok.

Tip #5 Dump The Objective:

Dont tell me what your objectives or aspirations are, tell me who you are. I often
see people (especially students) add an objective paragraph to their resume (e.g.
OBJECTIVE: to find a job as a Jr. Art Director). Some take it to the next level and
use the word aspiring (e.g. John Doe Aspiring Art Director).
I dont want to hire someone whos objective or aspiration is to
become something they are not yet.
I want to hire someone who has the confidence to see themselves as their brand,
even if they dont have 20 years of experience in that profession. When Ill read
your resume, Im likely to see that you dont have the 20 years experience, but Ill
also perceive you as a passionate person who knows where youre going. Ill know
you are determined and focused and thats the kind of person I want to hire.

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The metaphor I like to use comes from the world of personal relationships. Its
Friday night, you go out and meet an interesting guy/gal. What would you think of
them, if they came to you and said: yeah, um, I think Im ok in relationships or
well I kinda wanna be great in relationships rather than them presenting
themselves as someone whos great in relating to other people? You might not
know them yet, youre definitely not in a relationship with them yet, but youre more
likely to go out with them if youd get the sense their most important value/skill is
their ability to relate to people.

Tip #6 Aim To The Right Target:

HR people might tell you objectives are important on a resume but thats only
because their job is to file your resume in the right box or put it on the right desk.
What if you find a way for your resume to reach the right desk without HR?
HR is not your target audience; avoid them as much as possible. If you want to be
an art director or a copywriter, the creative director or the creative recruiter are
your target audience. If you want to be an account planner, the group account
planner is your target audience.
Find out whos making the final hiring decision, not whos in charge of filtering, and
target your resume to them.
With that said, the cover letter is a great place to clarify what position youre
applying for. If your resume starts with the headline John Doe Cultural Geek,
make sure your cover letter clearly states that youre interested in that Jr. Account
Planning position.

Tip #7 The FedEx Rule When You Absolutely, Positively Have to Be There
on Time:


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Online sources claim employers spend an average of 20 seconds on each resume

they read. I dont know if this is based on an actual study, but from my experience,
if you get more than 30 seconds, consider yourself lucky. Im pretty sure they
spend more time reviewing your resume in details before you come to the
interview, but during the filtering process, 10-30 seconds sounds about right to me.
I would go further and say most people dont even read your resume;. skimming
through would be more like it. Now, what do you do when you skim through a
textbook? You read the headlines, the bullet points, right? Well, what if your
resume had only headlines and bullet points? Boom boom boom, straight to the
point, easy to read, creative, quick, etc.
If you make your resume skimmable, it doesnt have to be readable.
Make it easy for them to get all the information by skimming through your resume.
One-liners are best. Think twitter every new bit of information is 140 character or

Tip #8 Tell Me First or Last Ill Remember it Better:


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Teachers, professional presenters or speech writers, will

all tell you people remember best what you present to them first and then what you
present to them last; They least remember everything in the middle. Thats why
they call it first impression or last impression but not middle impression.
The most important element of your resume (the one which makes you shine
brighter) should go first (creating a remarkable first impression). The second most
important element should go last (leaving the reader impressed, curious and
wanting to know more). Everything else should go anywhere in between.
People are more likely to remember the first thing and the last things
they hear/read about you.

Tip #9 Structure:
If you want to have the least amount of information that will make you shine
brighter, the structure of your resume should be super simple and skimmable. Id
recommend having only four main categories: Education, Experience, Skills, and
If your education section is more impressive than your experience section, put it
first, and vice versa. In the creative sector (any job focused on generating new
ideas), awards are sometimes more important than education. If you won
impressive awards, honors or other forms of recognition, which are directly related
to the position youre applying for, Id add an Awards section before education or
experience. If the awards are not directly related to the position, but are worth
mentioning, Id put them under the Life section.
If you agree with the previous tip, that first and last impressions are more important
than anything in the middle, a good structure to follow is:
What What did you do? (job title, position, etc)


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Where & When Where & when did you do it? (name of the company or institution
and time frame)
Why (in bullet points) Why should I care? That is to say, what did you do for
them, that you can do for me?

Tip #10 Visualizing The Structure:

If you agree that a simple and quick structure will help your resume be
more skimmable, theres an easy way to do it visually.
English is read from top-left to bottom-right. Structuring your
information in stairs-like shape will help the reader find the
information they need, while still being able to skim through it.
A good visual structure for every section of your resume will look like this:



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* Note: the actual lines on the left example are to show you the indentation; I
wouldnt actually have them in my resume.

Tip #11 Education:

Following the previous tip, a good structure for your education section might look
like this:
BA in Marketing
California State University, Fullerton, May 2014
GPA 3.9
President of the Marketing Association
Captain of the football team
My assumption is that if youre applying for a position in marketing, the fact that
you have a BA in marketing is more important than where you got it from or when.
The first line in the example above is the what, the second is the where & when
and the 3 bullet points are the why.
GPA below 3.5 doesnt make you a star; dont put it on your resume. Instead, if
your GPA in Major is 3.5 or above, put that one.
If you have (or getting) a BA/BS from a university, dont list past associate
degree or community college education (unless they make you shine brighter
than your university education). Same goes for high school.
Phrases like: Expected Graduation Date or Graduated in are redundant. If
you write May 2014 and were in 2011, Ill know youre still a student. Vice
versa, if you write May 2009, Ill know you already graduated.
Similarly, spelling out Bachelor of Arts is a long way of saying BA.
Instead of listing relevant coursework under education, list the skills you
gained from these courses under the Skills sections.
Im not interested in knowing you took a typography class; I want to
know you master typography.

Tip #12 Experience:


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Dont tell me only your previous job titles. I cant learn much about you or your
skills from your job titles. Identify and quantify your past accomplishments instead
of listing a general job descriptions. In other words:
Tell me what you did for them, that you can do for me. Be specific and
quantify as much as you can.
For example, instead of writing:
Cashier and Shift Manager
Starbucks, Los Angeles, 2001-2006
Was in charge of the cash-register
Opened and closed the store daily
Served customers
Cashier and Shift Manager
Starbucks, Los Angeles, 2001-2006
Managed a weekly budget of $25,000
Opened the store on time and always stayed until the last happy customer left
Served 0ver 50 happy customers daily without a single complaint for 5 years
See the difference? The second example communicates so much more about you


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than the first one. It tells me you are trustworthy, have a positive attitude,
approachable, likable, etc. Most people will write attributes like these under their
Skills section without even giving examples. By writing them under the Why
section of each experience, instead of under the Skills section, you are
demonstrating your skills rather than just saying you have them.
Leave me curious and wanting to know more about those skills and
how you achieved them.
Life experiences are great, even if you didnt get paid for them. Thats why I
suggested the title Experience for this category, and not Work Experience. If
you volunteered for a summer camp, for example, you might be great at multitasking, solving problems, dealing with demanding customers (kids in this
example, but still customers). All of these are great skills I would love to know
For each experience listed, add one, two, or maximum three things you did for
them, that you can do for me (the Why). Bullet point style, one line for each. If
you list three, put the most impressive first, the second most impressive last,
and the least impressive in the middle.

Tip #13 Use Light Humor to Engage Your Reader:

Theres an old-school belief, that a resume must be serious at all times; Id like to
challenge that belief.
Have you seen Roberto Benignis movie Life Is Beautiful (La vita bella)[13]?
If you havent Netflix it today! Its a masterpiece. In any case, the movie was the
first ever to present the Holocaust and the Nazi regime in a light and funny way. It
wasnt trying to joke about the Holocaust or to diminish its serious and horrific
results. It was attempting to portray the history of events in more humanistic eyes.
Not only was the movie not criticized for using humor, it won a gazillion awards
and I personally havent met anyone who saw it and didnt like it.
Heres another example: Washington Mutual was among the first banks ever (if not
the first) to use humor in their ads:


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Before WaMu, advertisers thought banking is a serious business and no one

would like a bank to joke around when it comes to financial services. Again, wrong
assumption. After the success of WaMus campaign, many banks followed with
their own humorous campaigns.


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These examples are a testimony that as human beings, we connect better when
humor is used. And if you subscribe to tip #2, that the purpose of a resume is not
necessarily to present information, but rather to get people to like you enough to
invite you for a second date, humor can definitely make you remarkable.
Back to the resume instead of just having a What':
Server, Amys Ice Cream
Add a humorous Why':
Made 50 people smile daily @ Amys Ice Cream
Instead of just having a What':
Sales Manager, McDonalds
Add a humorous Why':
Made the big bosses 20% richer @ McDonalds
These can lead to great conversations during your interview and will present you
in a positive way, while communicating the what you did for them that you can do
for me.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You dont want to come out as a joker, so keep the humor
light and the language professional.

Tip #14 Your Skills:

In general, skills can be divided into three groups:
1. Skills related to knowledge or intellect, like knowledge of a language, computer
software, etc.
2. Skills related to ability or intelligence (that is, putting knowledge into use), like
design, negotiation, editing, etc, and
3. Skills related to personality traits, like analytical skills, listening skills, etc.
Whichever category it is, you want to make sure:
All skills listed on your resume should be useful and relevant to the

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position youre applying for.

That means, if youre applying for a number of positions, each version of your
resume should only include the relevant skills. Why? Remember tip #4 the least
amount of information that makes you a star.
Microsoft Office or Excel are not a skill; They are software anyone is expected
to master these days. Personally, Id be embarrassed to list them unless Im
applying for a secretarial position.
More advanced software (if relevant to the position youre applying for) should
be listed, but again, they are not a skill. You mastering them is a skill.
I only want to know about the skills that make you a star. If you feel you know
Photoshop well enough to talk about it during an interview, tell me you master
it. Telling me youre a beginner doesnt make you a star.
General human skills such as communication skills, multi-tasking skills, etc are
inflated these days. Too many people add these to their resume, making you
just like everyone else if you do too.
Instead of just telling me you have a certain skill, give me an example
of an achievement celebrating that skill.
For example: instead of writing:
Great Communication Skills
Communication As the membership director of the students association, Ive
presented to 100+ participants weekly.
That tells me so much more about your capabilities, and more important, it tells me
what you did for them that you can do for me.

Tip #15 Life:

This is the one section of your resume where you dont want to use bullet-pointedone-liners. Located at the bottom of the page, this section is your opportunity to
leave a remarkable last impression. Remember what we said at the beginning of
this guide? Personal connection, remarkable impression and likability will get

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you a dream job, not the interview. This section should be one or two paragraphs,
in the format of story-telling. People connect with good stories and this is your
chance to show youre a human being and not just another paper resume.
You can talk about your hobbies, countries youve visited, languages you speak
(although if relevant to the position, these can also go under skills), anything really,
but once again be remarkable.
If you tell me you beat anyone you know in Guitar Hero, I might conclude from this
you are passionate, goal oriented, enjoy challenges, etc. If you tell me you perform
at poetry slam open mic gigs every third Tuesday of the month, I might conclude
you are a great communicator, a story teller, can present in front of a large
audience, risk taker, not afraid of failure, etc.
While this section ends your resume, it should provide a great conversation-starter
for your interviewer. Remember: your goal is to make it easier for them to connect
with you on a personal level.

Tip #16 Dump The References:

Some people add a list of references at the end of their resume or write
References available upon request. If you ask any HR director or a recruiting
agent about the process of hiring they will tell you that only after a candidate is
seriously being considered for a job, they call references. Calling references is the
very last step in a long filtering process.
Adding references to you resume is like brining your mom on a first
date. Lets get to know each other first before we meet the parents.
Its redundant to list references early in the process and it adds a bunch of
information that does not make you a star. With that said, keep a list of references
on a nicely printed sheet of paper and bring it with you to the interview in case they
ask for it.
And a little secret if you hear from your references (after the interview), that they
called them to ask about you, theres pretty good chance you got job. Most of the
time HR will call references to cover their ass and make sure youre not a criminal.


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Tip #17 Copywrite and Art Direct your resume:

You might want to say a lot of things about yourself on your resume (e.g. youre
creative, youre trustworthy, youre goal oriented, etc) and you should, but the most
important aspect on your resume should be your brand.
Whether youre a copywriter or not copywrite every aspect of your
resume. Choose every word carefully, edit, re-edit and re-edit again,
and again, and then, again.
Ask a designer or an art director buddy to help you with the layout, visuals,
typography, etc. Unless youre a designer or an art director, no one is expecting
you to master these, but in the business of communications, they do expect you to
care for how your resume look.
Whether youre an art director or not art direct your resume. Art
direction doesnt mean adding art; it means designing a beautiful and
attractive resume.
Much like any other brand, your resume can either increase or decrease the value
of brand YOU with every word, comma, line or color you add. Before you add any
visual element, you should ask yourself: why should it be there? Is there a reason?
Does it make a remarkable point? Does it make me remarkable? Am I/can I/should
I communicate some of my skills/values visually rather than using words?
Learn the basics of Typography[14], know the difference between Serif and
Sans Serif.
Use Georgia instead of Times New Roman its designed to look better on
screen and its available on most computers.
Join the Ban Comic Sans Movement[15] dont use it!
Dont use font-size 12; most printed materials (books, newspapers) use
font-size 9-11 (depending on the font).
Instead, adjust the leading (line spacing) to 120% if the font size.
Clean Up Your Mess[16] will help you apply the principles of good design to
your resume.

Tip #18 Inspire Action by Telling me your Why':


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Watch Simon Sineks TED on How Great Leaders Inspire Action and tell me whats
your personal WHY?

Tell me something about how you see the world, about who you are as a human
being, not just as an employee. 99% of resumes dont tell much about the persons
attitude, quickness, humor, curiosity, personal manner, what makes them tick, and
a few dozen other really important traits. Most people assume these will be
revealed at the interview but the truth is I am more likely to call you for an interview
if I perceive you as the human being Id like to connect with.
In advertising, we call this Why Unique Selling Proposition (USP).
Whats your USP?
Its always better to demonstrate/show your USP rather than telling/writing about it.
If you think youre a great writer, for example, your resume should be a written
testimony (instead of writing: Great writing skills under the Skills section).
Similarly, if your USP is a personality trait show it to me using examples rather
than telling me about it.

Tip #19 Redundancy:

So often I see redundancy in resumes, and its usually in the small details. We
talked earlier about making you resume skimmable and a big part of that is getting
rid of any word thats really not needed. Some examples:
Writing Address: just before your mailing address (as if I dont know its an


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address), or Email:, or Phone:, or Degree: or, ok, you got the point.
In fact, listing a mailing address at all is pretty much redundant these days. All I
get in the mail in the last 5 years are bills and I doubt youll get any letter of
acceptance (maybe a rejection letter, but hey, you probably dont want to get
these any ways
If you got the job, youll get a phone call usually and if you
were rejected, they can email you.
Listing more than one phone number (like home, cell, work). Why would they
need anything other than your cell phone? If they cant reach you, theyll leave
you a voice mail, not turn you down.
Writing Objective well, we talked about that in Tip #5. Instead, write your
name, dash (-) your title at the very top of your resume. Bold.
Having a title like Relevant Work Experience if its not relevant, why would it
even be on your resume? And why would you want to limit your experiences to
only work related ones? Any experience that makes you shine brighter should
be on your resume, even if its a volunteer experience. The title should just be
When the name of an institution you work for (or study at) includes the city it is
in, you dont really need to add the city, do you? For example, I teach at
California State University, Fullerton (thats the actual name of the university,
CSU have other campuses as well) and its located in You guessed it:
Fullerton. No need to write: California State University, Fullerton, Fullerton, CA.
Why write Bachelor of Arts, when you can write B.A.? Remember less is
Under education, I often see students write: Expected Graduation Date: May,
2015. If were now in 2014, and you simply write May, 2015 believe me, Ill
understand youre still a student.
References Available Upon Request If they need them, theyll ask for them
(usually when you come for an interview).
Links to your LinkedIn, Facebook, or even MySpace (I swear Ive seen that one
profiles. Why? So I can get more information I dont have time to read?
Remember, your goal is NOT to provide MORE information but be likable and
leave me wanting to know more about you (in an interview, not via social media
Words like: Major in: / Minor in:. Instead, write: California State University,
Fullerton Communications/Advertising
Listing months under the dates of your experiences (June 2011 Sept 2014,
for example). Dates are on your resume to provide a general time-line and its
really not important what month you started or finished that job; 2011-2014 is
good enough. The only exception is when you worked somewhere less than a


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year; than you can write June-Sept, 2013.

There are probably many more examples you can think of but the rule of thumb
should always be: If I take this word out will they still get what I mean? If the
answer is yes, you probably dont need it.

Tip #20 Get Your Own professionally-looking Email Address:

Listing a Yahoo, Hotmail or Gmail address on your

resume doesnt make you shine brighter. Get your own domain name with a
professional email address. 1and1 always have great deals for $1-$5 per domain
name[17]. If you got the domain from 1and1, this tutorial will show you how to set
up your email account[18].

Tip #21 Dont believe everything I just told you without asking why and
agreeing with it:
Learn from others. Shop around for options. If three people tell you its a horse, try
to ride it, but if you get contradicting advise, own your opinion. Read and Use:
Really Ugly Resumes:
The Seven Deadly Sins of Resume Design:
Top 10 Ways to Rock Your Resume
The Periodic Table of Typefaces


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Give Your Resume a Face-Lift
If your resume goes online, read Ten Principles for Readable Web Typography:
Ten Things that Define a Killer Resume:
Ten Resume Dos
Ten Resume Sins:
Six Words That Make Your Resume Suck:
Six Word That Make Your Resume Rock:
How To Create A Great Web Design CV and Resume
10 Ways Your Resume Irks Hiring Managers
Top 5 mistakes on executive resumes


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The 12 Most Relevant Online Resources for Job Seekers

Powered by Facebook Comments[34]
1. http://www.creativelifeplanning.com/author/life-coach
2. http://www.creativelifeplanning.com/category/blog
3. http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2007/01/how_to_be_remar.html
4. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1594481717/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_tl?ie=UTF8&
5. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1591843170/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&
6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBIVlM435Zg
7. http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2009/03/whats-your-super-power.html
8. http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/10/brandyou.html
9. http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/83/playbook.html
10. http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/07_34/b4047419.htm
11. http://www.creativelifeplanning.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Visual_Structure.gif
12. http://www.creativelifeplanning.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Visual_Structure.gif
13. http://imdb.com/title/tt0118799/
14. https://www.google.com/search?q=typography+intro
15. http://sixrevisions.com/graphics-design/comic-sans-the-font-everyone-loves-to-hate/


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16. http://www.visualmess.com/
17. http://tinyurl.com/yf6wgfo
18. http://faq.1and1.com/e_mail/create_email_address/
19. http://www.slideshare.net/jessedee/really-ugly-resumes
20. http://www.lifeclever.com/the-7-deadly-sins-of-resume-design/
21. http://lifehacker.com/5777317/top-10-ways-to-rock-your-resume
22. http://www.behance.net/Gallery/Periodic-Table-of-Typefaces/193759
23. http://www.lifeclever.com/give-your-resume-a-face-lift/
24. http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/03/18/10-principles-for-readableweb-typography/
25. http://www.squawkfox.com/2008/11/17/10-things-that-define-a-killer-resume/
26. http://www.squawkfox.com/2008/11/18/10-ways-to-build-a-resume-like-a-professionalresume-writer-the-dos/
27. http://www.squawkfox.com/2008/11/20/10-deadly-sins-of-resume-writing/
28. http://www.squawkfox.com/2009/01/19/6-words-that-make-your-resume-suck/
29. http://www.squawkfox.com/2009/03/08/6-action-words-that-make-your-resume-rock/
30. http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/04/01/10-handy-tips-for-web-design-cvs-andresumes
31. http://jobs.aol.com/articles/2008/12/24/10-ways-your-resume-irks-hiring-managers/
32. http://management.fortune.cnn.com/2011/06/03/top-5-mistakes-on-executive-resumes
33. http://12most.com/2011/09/14/12most-online-resources-job-seekers/
34. http://peadig.com/wordpress-plugins/facebook-comments/


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