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Volume V Stability Analysis & Simulation of Transients DIgSILENT PowerFactory Version 13.2 os O DIGSIUENT PowerFoctory “Tre Domain Simuiations Chapter 22 Time-Domain Simulations With the transient simulation functions of DIgSILENT PowerFactory the dynamic be- havior of small systems up to large power systems can be analyzed in time domain, So it is possible to model complex systems from industrial networks up to large transmission grids in detail taking into account electrical as well as mechanical perameters. ‘Transients as well as stability and control problems in modern power systems constitute important considerations during the planning, design and operation of these complex sys- tems. The effects which are to be examined are for example electro-magnetic transients and different aspects of stability In power systems. These can be analyses with Power- Factory using different methods like verious functions of time-domain simulations for varying time periods as well as dynamic or small-signal stability analysis tools using e.9. the powerful eigenvalue analysis. ‘There Is a very large range of systems which can be analyses. For example it is easily possible to analyze AC or DC systems (e.g. motor start-up, transmission systems with de- tailed models of the power plants, complex HVDC systems) as well as a combination of both, Also new study fields like wind-power or power electronics applications constitute new challenges in the analysis of power systems and new models and techniques are pro- vided to meet these requirements. For modelling different machines and various controller units as well as the electrical and mechanical parts of power plants, etc,, there is the possibility of using a variety of pre~ defined models in the global library of PowverFactory. This model library includes various models of generators, motors, controllers, motor driven machines, dynamic loads and passive network elements, For example the IEEE standard models of controllers of power plants can be found here, Furthermore specific models of controllers and block diagrams of power plants can be modelled with a high degree of freedom. 22.1 Introduction To study and analyses power system stability the behavior of power systems under con- ditions before and after sudden changes in load or generation or during faults or outages of elements have to be examined. The robustness of a system is defined by the ability of the system to maintain stable operation under normal and perturbed conditions. There- fore it is necessary to design and operate a power system so that transient events, e.g. probable contingencies in the system, can be sustained without the loss of load or loss of synchronism in the power system. Transients in electrical power systems can mainly be divided into three time domains: * short-term, or electromagnetical transients, ‘+ mid-term, or electromechanical transients. + long-term transients 22-1 DIQSILENT Power Foctany “Tere: Domain Simulations Because of the sophisticated multilevel modelling of power-system elements and the use of advanced algorithms, PowerFactory covers the whole range of transient phenomena in electrical power systems. Consequently, there are three different simulation Functions available: 1 a basic function which uses a symmetrical steady-state (RMS) network model for mid-term and long-term transients under balanced network conditions. 2a three-phase function which uses a steady-state (RMS) network modet for mid- term and long-term transients under balanced and unbalanced network conditions e.g. for analyzing the dynamic behavior after unsymmetrical faults. 3 an electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulation function using a dynamic network model for electromagnatical and electromechanical transients under balanced and unbalanced network conditions especially suited for analyzing short-term transients, In addition to the time-domain calculations, two additional and more specific analysis functions can be performed: + Parameter Identification * Modal Analysis or Eigenvalue Analysis Based on the results of a valid load-flow calculation of the studied system, the Power- Factory time-domain simulation functions determine the initial conditions of all power system elements including all controller units and the mechanical parts of the system as well. These initial conditions represent the equilibrium operation point at the beginning of the simulation, fulfiling the requirements that the derivative ofall state variables of loads, machines, controllers, etc, are zero. Before the start of the simulation process, it is also determined what type of network rep- resentation must be used for further analysis, what step sizes to use, which events to han- die and where to store the results, ‘The simulation uses an iterative pracedure to solve AC and DC network load-flow and dy- namic model state variable integrations simultaneously, Non-linear and highly accurate system models result in exact solutions also during high-amplitude transients. Various nu- ‘merical integration routines for the electromechanical systems (Including voltage requia- tors and power system stabilisers) and the hydro-mechantcal or thermo-mechanical models produce best results within a justifiable period of time. ‘The whole process of performing an transient simulation typically takes the following steps: Calculation of Initial Values, which includes a load-flow calculation. Defining result variables and/or simulation events. Optionally defining result graphs and/or other virtual instruments. Run Simulation. Creating additional result graphs / virtual instruments or editing existing ones. Changing settings, repeating calculations. Printing results, Nawrunn 22.2 Calculation Methods The time-domain simulations can be divided into three different time periods to be anal- yses, so there are three different simulation functions available: 22-2 yd Oo DIgSILENT PowerFoctory “Tire-Domatn Simulations * the symmetrical steady-state (RMS) network model for mid-term and long-term transients under balanced network conditions. + the three-phase steady-state (RMS) network model for mid-term and long-term ‘transients under balanced and unbalanced network conditions, * the electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulation function using a dynamic network model for electromagnetical and electromechanical transients under balanced and unbalanced network conditions. in the following sections these three analysis functions in the time domain are described and the usage is explained in detail, 22.2.1 Balanced RMS Simulation The balanced RMS simulation function considers dynamics in electromechanical, control and thermal devices, It uses a symmetrical, steady-state representation of the passive electrical network. Using this representation, only the fundamental components of volt ages and currents are taken into account. Depending on the used models of generators, motors, controllers, power plants and mo- tor driven machines, the following studies may be carried out: * transient stability (e.g. determination of critical fault clearing times) * mid-term stability (e.g. optimization of spinning reserve and load shedding) + oscillatory stability (e.g. optimization of control device to improve system damping) * motor start-up (e.g. determination of start-up times and voltage drops) Various events can be introduced. As an example the following event types are listed: * start-up and/or loss of generators or motors stepwise variation of loads load shedding line and transformer switching/tripping symmetrical short-circuit events insertion of network elements power plant shut down variations of controller setpoint « change of any system parameter Because of the symmetrical network representation, the basic simulation function allows only the insertion of symmetrical faults. 22.2.2 Three-Phase RMS Simulation If asymmetrical faults or unbalanced networks have to be analyses, the three phase RMS simulation function must be used. This simulation function uses a steady-state, three- phase representation of the passive electrical network and can therefore deal with unbal- anced network conditions, either due to unbalanced network elements or due to asym- metrical faults, Dynamics in electromechanical, control and thermal devices are DIGSWENT Aowertocty ‘Tine Domain Simulators represented In the same way as In the basic RMS simulation function. Asymmetrical electromechanical devices can be modelled as well as single phase and two- a phase networks can also be analyses using this analysis function. {3 In addition to the balanced RMS simulation events, unbalanced fault events can be sim- ulated, such as: + single phase and two phase (to ground) short-circuits + phase to phase short-circuits * intercircuit faults between different lines + single and double phase line interruptions All of these events can occur simultaneously or in cascades so that any combination of symmetrical and asymmetrical faults can be calculated. 22.2.3. Three-Phase EMT Simulation Voltages and currents are represented in the EMT simulation by thelr instantaneous val- ues, so that dynamic behavior of passive network elements is also taken into account. This ability is nes for carrying out the following applications: * DCand harmonic components of currents and voltages. Exact behavior of inverter driven machines. «Exact behavior of HVDC transmission systems. Nonlinear behavior of passive network elements such as transformer saturation. Overvoltage phenomena in switching devices. Lightning strikes and travelling waves, ‘+ Analysis of the exact behavior of protection devices during faults. Due to the electrical network being represented in detail including all phases, all described. ‘events, symmetrical and asymmetrical, can be simulated. The EMT function can also be used for the simulation of longer-term transients, but due to the passive network ele- ments being represented dynamically, the integration step size has to be much smaller than in case of a steady-state representation and therefore, calculation time Increases, YY 22.3. Setting up a Simulation Based on the results of a load-flow calculation of the network, all internal variables and the internal operation status of connected machines, controllers and other transient mod- els have to be determined. As a result of this calculation, the synchronous generator ex- citation voltages and {oad angles as well as all state variables of controllers and power plant models, or any other device, which is active and will affect the time-domain simu- lation are calculated. ‘The calculation of initial conditions is started by te + elther pressing the “24! on the main toolbar 2 * or selecting the Calculation > Stability -> Initial Conditions... option from the main menu. 2-4 DIgSILENT PonerFactory “Ture-Domain Simulations In the upcoming dialogue of the initial conditions command dialogue alf simulation set- tings are defined. Here the type of simulation (RMS or EMT, balanced or unbalanced) can be chosen and different setting like the time steps are spetified, which are important for executing the simulation, These settings include Basic Options The simulation type Is selected here (RMS vs. EMT, balanced vs, unbalanced), and the load-flow command, the result object and the event list are defined. Step Sizes Maximum and minimum step size are specified for the available step size algorithms, ‘Step Size Adaptation enables the variable step size algorithm. Advanced Options including various error margins, iteration limits, damping factors, etc. © Noise Generation defines parameters of the noise generation for stachastic applications. 22-5 DIQSILENT RomerFoctory ‘Time-Domain Simutotions Ce R Gt ee ac oie Ue acc aac Feuion pence IMS Vole Electonecharical Taner) tancous Values (Electromagnets Transients) lonced, Posie Séquence © Unbalneed Pine ADC) Nest il Condions VY: Auitomatic'Step Size Adaptation. Fig. 22.1; The initial conditions dialogue 22.3.1 Basic Options ‘The basic options are used to select the type of simulation and the network representa- tion. References to the result object, the event list and the load-flow command are avail- able for Inspecting or editing these objects. Verify Initial Conditions If the required operation status allows to fulfil the initial conditions, the power system will be in steady-state conditions. When the Verify Initial Conditions's enabled, then the con- dition dx/dt=0 is checked for all state variables, If one or more of the state variable de- tivatives does not equal zero, the power system may start to ‘moving’ from the very beginning, even without the application of an external event. In this case the user should analyses the relevant controller or model and its defined initial conditions carefully, 2-6 DEGSILENT FomerFactory “Time-Domain Simulations All warnings or error messages should be checked carefully. Typical problems are devices which are overloaded or operate above or below signal limitation from the beginning of the simulation. ‘The error message displayed in the output window might look as follows: DigSt/exx - Sone models could not be initialized. DigSI/err - Please check the following models: DigsI/err - Digst/err - initial conditions not valid | 22.3.2 Fixed Step Size When using a fixed step size for the simulation (deactivate "Automatic Step Size Adapta- tion" on the basis options page), the integration step size for electromagnetic transients (EMT) respectively for electromechanical transients (RMS) has to be set. It is often not necessary and resulting in reduced simulation time not to plot every single calculated time step. So additionally the step size for the output graphs can be set, so not every point of simulation time will be drawn on the virtual instruments plot, By selecting a higher output step size, the simulation process will speed up without influencing the cal- culation process, Nevertheless faster changes may be lost in the reported results. ‘Also the start time of the simulation can be set. This point of time is typically negative, so the first event to be analyses can take place at t=0s, ‘The parameters which are available for the step size are: dtemt Electromagnetic Transients (typical 0.0001 sec) dtgrd Electromechanical Transients (sym, asm, vco, pss) (typical 0.01 sec) dtout Output (typical equal to dtemtfor EMT respectively card for RMS simulation) Note When setting up time-domain simulations, it 1s very Important to use the correct time steps for the simulations in order to observe the right phenomena in the results. For the RMS simulation the minimum time step should always be smaller then the time con- stants in the system. In controllers you have to consider not only the open-loop up also the closed-loop time constants. For electro- magnetic transients e.g. when analyzing travelling waves, the smallest travelling time would set the upper limit for the minimum time step, In addition to the Newton-Raphson based algorithm for the solution of "weak" nonlinear ities as for example saturation effects in synchronous and asynchronous machines, the EMT simulation function allows interrupts for the simulation of "strong" nonlinearities as for example switches, two-slope transformer saturation or thyristors. These interrupts can also occur in between time steps. In case of such an interrupt, all time dependent variables are interpolated to the instant of interrupt and the simulation restarts at that point, This prevents numerical oscillations and allows much 2 lower integration stepsize in case of power electronics devices. ‘The dynamic model equations of the voltage-controllers (vco) and the power system sta~ bilisers (pss) are solved simultaneously with the electrical generator and passive network 22-7 DIQSILENT AowerFactory ‘Time-Domain Simutations equations (stepsize dtgra). 22.3.3 Automatic Step Size Adaptation ‘A good way to speed up the simulation considerably is using the option "Automatic Step ‘Size Adaptation" on the basic page of the ComSim command. This option will enable the step size adaptation algorithm. When “Automatic Step Size Adaptation" is enabled, PowerFactory adjusts the step size to the actual course of each state variable at any moment in time, Based on the local dis~ cretisation ertor, PowerFactory calculates an optimal step size that keeps the numerical errors within the specified limits. A step size controller adjusts the integration step size. ‘As a result, when fast transients have decayed, PowerFactory automatically increases the step size and speeds up the simulation process considerable, In case of events (ex- ‘temal or internal), the step size is always be set back to the "Minimum Step Size”. So the behavior of the system during a transient event is represented in the best way. IF this option is activated, on the page "step size” there will be the two integration step sizes available: dtemt / dtgrd minimum step size for EMT respectively RMS simulations dtemt_max / dtgrd_max maximum step size for the method of simulation Further parameters to adapt this algorithm can be found and the "Step Size Adaptation” page: errmax Maximum Prediction Error (typlcal 0.01) errine Minimum Prediction Error (typical 0.01) nine Delay for Step Size Increase (typical 10 time steps) fine ‘Speed Factor for increasing the time step (default value 1.5) fdec Speed Factor for decreasing the time step (default value 2) ddtemt_max Maximum increase of the time step only for EMT simulations (typical 0,001 sec) Note The simulation time can be very sensitive to sore of the parame- ters. For example when you Increase the maximum time step the duration of calculating transients may not always increase. If this time step Is increased over an "optimal" time step the simulation time may increase as well. So please observe the simulation time and the results critically for different simulation parameters. 22.3.4 Advanced Options ‘The advanced options may be used to taifor-tune the performance of the simulation al- gorithm, Less experienced users are recommended to use the typical values, “The "Resolution Factor" Aresof the event control determines the time span which Is used OQ to synchronize events. Every time an internal or external event occurs, which is usually between two integration time steps, PowerFactoryinterpolates all state variables to the 22-8 DIQSILENT PowerFoctory “Time-Domain Siorlations moment of time at which the event has occurred and restarts the simulation from there. In case of heavy disturbances it can happen that a very large number of events occur almost at the same time. Because this would extremely slow down the simulation, PowerFactory executes all events that occur within a time interval of duration kres*dt- min at the same time, ‘The all system variables are then interpolated to the point in time, when the event is tak- Ing place, and the simulation is started from there. A higher resolution factor decreases the minimum time span between events. The typical value of 0.001 is normally sufficient. If an event occurs, there are two different options of treating it: Calculation of v(t) and v(t+h) as usual. PowerFactory uses special numerical methods for allowing this without numerical oscillations. Calculation of v(t) and v(t+), hence to values at the same time, one before the event ‘occurs, one after the event occurred, The second method is applied if the option Re- initialize after eventsis enabled. Further parameters can be changed to control the simulation algorithm. For integration control: errseq Maximum Error of State Equations (typical: 0.1%) itrpx Maximum Number of Successive State Iterations (typical: 10) alpha_rms Damping Factor (RMS) (typical: 1) alpha_emt Damping Factor (EMT) (typical: 0.99) For iteration control: errsm Maximum Iteration Error of Nodal Equations (typical: 10*erri/) The iteration error errsm depends on the nominal power of the machines and voltage levels. As an adequate starting value, errsm should be set to: errsm = 10¥errlf, where errffis the "Max, Allowable Load-Flow Error for each Bus". Checking is done best by plotting same valtages at generator busbars. If there are voltage steps observed, the value of ___ errsmshould be reduced. erreq Maximum Error of Model Equations (typical: 19%) itrlx Maximum Number of Iterations (typical: 25) dfpxspecifies the max. number of Iterations at each integration step which are allowed to reach the max, tolerable bus-error evrsm. During the transient simulation process, the typical number of iterations required is 1 to 5. Under certain conditions ~ le. after switching ‘operations - up to 25 iterations may be observed, itrix Iteration Limit to Recompute Jacobian Matrix (typical: 5) Local/Global Reference System ‘The PowerFactory stability analysis uses the angle of a reference machine and refers all other angles to this reference angle. This is a numerically very efficient approach. After running initial conditions, the reference machine is displayed in the output window. It is 2-9 DISSILENT AowerRactory ‘Time-Domain Simulations usually the "Slack"-machine of the load-flow calculation. In case of several isolated islands, PowerFactory offers the option of using one refer- ence machine for the whole system, or to use an Individual reference machine for each island. The first case should be used if the islands are resynchronised again later in the simulation. In all other cases the option "Local Reference System" should be used be- cause it leads to a higher numerical stability and to faster simulation times, Maximum Rotor Angle Deviation PowerFactory can also calculate the maximum deviation between the rotor angles be- tween the synchronous machines in the system. This variable is then called ofrotx and can be chosen and displayed from the variables of all synchronous generators in the sys- tem. This variable can be used as an indicator for the synchronous operation of a large transmission system. Long-Term Stability ‘The PowerFactory simulation algorithm always uses A-stable numerical integration al- gorithms, However, with regard to the solution of dynamic model equations and network equations, the user can chose between two algorithms (the models are always the same); Relaxation Method: Mutual solution of Dynamic model equations and network equations until convergence is reached: This algorithm is fast for small step sizes but fails to converge when the step size is increased. Best choice for classical transient stability applications. Simultaneous Solution of dynamic model equations and network equations. This algorithm is (slightly) slower in case of small step sizes but converges much better in case of large step sizes. Typical applications are longer term simulations, in which the simulation step size is increased considerably after fast transients have decayed. ‘Another typical application are systems with power electronics. Even if power electronics devices are usually equipped with very fast controls, the "long-term" algorithm stil allows reasonable step sizes, at which the relaxation method would fail. Note A requirement for using the “long term” algorithm is that just "true" input and output variables are used for exchanging informa- tion between different models ‘When using a conventional, explicit numerical integration algorithm, such as Runge-Kut- ta, the integration step size must be adjusted to the eigenvalues of a system and the nu- merical solution becomes unstable if too large step sizes are used, even if fast modes have fully decayed and are not apparent in the system. In the PowerFactory'long-term al- gorithm’, the step size can be adjusted to the actual course of all state variables without considering numerical stability. When fast transients have decayed, the step size can be adjusted to the speed of slower transients etc. If some very fast modes are not of interest, a large step size can be selected from the beginning and the algorithm is automatically smoothing fast variations. The term "long- term” comes from the classical application of this type of algorithm, the simulation of long-term phenomena, where it is necessary to increase the simulation step size to the range of minutes, even if fast mades are present in the system. However, if power electronics are involved, characteristic time constants can be extremely 2-10 DIGSILENT PowerFactory “Time-Domain Srwlations short (e.g, 1ms), even if a stability model with steady-state equations for the electrical network is used. Hence, using a classical integration algorithm would require to use step sizes much below the smallest time constant of the system, atherwise it would be numer ically instable, With the long-term algorithm, these systems can be analyses with reasonable step sizes. Hence, the long-term algorithm can not described as using simplified models but as dif- ferent type of numerical integration algorithm. 22.3.5 Noise Generation ‘The element "Noise Generator” (ElmNoise) can be used in a transient simulation to pro- duce a noise signal based on random numbers. On the Noise Generation page the type of this generator can be selected for producing these random numbers, The random num ber generator can be automatically chosen with auto, which is the default value and most often used. Also the option renew may be chosen, Then the random seed of the noise generator can be selected manually from "A" to "k". Thus the noise signal will look the same in every simulation, i.e. the results of a former simulation can be reproduced exactly. 22.3.6 | Advanced Simulation Options - Load-Flow ‘There are further options, which can influence the simulation process and its results, In the load-flow command dialogue (ComLdf, see also section 13.1 (Basic Options)) on the page for the advanced simulation options, the influence of protection devices or various controller models can be neglected. Hence the chosen models or protection devices will be ignored during the simulation as well as in load-flow and other calculations. DIGSILENT PoverFactory “Time-Domain Simutations ie driers bee Orbme | ‘command dialogue ‘Advanced Simulation Options in the Com! ‘The protection devices considered can be chosen between: none no protection devices are considered in the calculations all all protection devices are considered main only the protection devices are in operation, which are defined as ‘main' devices backup only the ‘backup’ protection devices are considered. According to the controller models, there is the possibility to ignore all controllers and mechanical elements with the option "Ignore Composite Elements". If there are only some model types one wants to neglect in the simulation, they can be moved from the left window "Consider Elements" to the right windows "Ignored Elements". 22.4 Result Objects During an EMT or RMS simulation a high number of signal variables is changing in time, To reduce the available data and to narrow down the number of variables to those nec- essary for the analysis of every special case, a selection of these signals for later use has to be defined. ‘Therefore one or more result objects, containing the result variables, can be configured, ‘The simulation function needs the reference to a result object to store the results. ‘The command dialogues for calculation functions, that produce signals, have result object references, as depicted in the figure 22.3 for the initial conditions dialogue. 22-12 DIQSILENT PowerFoctary “Tine-Domain Sinutations [5 susyCarbtcalaistons [2] sus cass ‘Study Case\Losd Flow Caleta Fig. 22.3: Result object reference Such a result object reference is referring to the currently used result object. The down- ward arrowed button is used to select, or reset the reference or to edit the contents of the referenced result object. ‘The right-arrowed button is used to edit the result object itself. When editing the output variables press this Edit button and then Contents to get access to the list of variables stored inside the result object, This will pop up the corresponding EimRes edit dialogue. An easier way to edit the result object is to press the is icon on the main toolbar, or to select the Data—> Stability—> Result Variables option on the main menu, This will enable the user to edit the contents of the currently selected Result object in the Initial Conditions command dialogue. Result objects (ElmRes) are treated in detail in chapter 27. To add variables of different elements to the result object for RMS and EMT simulations, right-click on the preferred element in the graphic and select Define... and Variable Set (Sim)... a8 shown in the figure 22.4, Then this element is monitored during the simulation. The result object is automatically ‘opened. By double-clicking on the variable set ‘tii! the desired variables can then be se- lected, see also section 27.2.1, 22-13 DIQSILENT Powerfectory “Time-Domain Simulations Note Most of the variables for RMS and EMT simulations are identical. Nevertheless there may exist variables that are valid for EMT but not for RMS calculations. It is advisable only to use variables for the calculation you are performing. 22.4.1 Saving Results from previous Simulations ‘The variables to be monitored are stored in the result object AN calculations. Here the results of the variables of the current simulation are stored as well, If the results of two different simulations shall be displayed, e.g. in one virtual instrument, there is the possi- bility to save the result object of a previous simulation simply by copying and renaming the result object All calculations. This can easily be done in the data manager. The result object can be found in the cur- rently active study case, Just copy the result object and paste it into the same study case, Then a second result object will be created with the name All calculations(1). The ob- ject can also be renamed. In the next simulation, the default result object All calculations will be overwritten with the new results, but the copied results will not be modified and can be displayed together with the new simulation results in one plot - see also section 27.1.2, 22.5 Events Besides the reference to a result object the simulation function needs a reference to an event object to determine the simulation events, The default event object in PowerFac- toryis Simulation Events and, like the result object, it is also stored inside the study case. External events are used in steady-state calculations (e.g. short-circuit calculations) as well as for transient calculations (Simulations), PowerFactory offers several kinds of events for time-domain simulations: 1 Control switch events (EvtSwitch) 2 Set parameter events (EvtParam) 3° Short-circult events (EvtShe) 4 Intercircuit fault events (EvtShell) 5 _ Events of synchronous machines (EvtSym) 6 Events of loads (EvtLod) 7 Outage of element (EvtOutage) ‘The different events are stored in the event object. The contents of the currently selected Event Object, which can be found in the diatogue of the initial conditions command Com- Inc, can be edited by using the right-arrowed (Edit) button and then the Contents but- ton to get access to the event list stored inside the event object. Easier the event object can be accessed from the main toolbar by pressing the “*! icon, A list of the currently defined events will be displayed including the set simulation time, when the event will occur, and the related object. The figure 22.5 shows an example for 22-14 © DIQSILENT AowerFactory ‘Time-Domain Simulations a set of events, Soh SC eu pens witch’ pens wish Clea: SC tout | eloseSwich i Raa | oseSiwich Fig. 22.5: The event object including a set of events When creating a new event, use the ==: icon in the toolbar of the Simulation Events object, The kind of event can be chosen from the list in the dialogue. The events can also be modified during a simulation by stopping the calculation, editing the events and con- tinuing the simulation. % Another way of defining events is - when the initial conditions (2©') are calculated or the simulation is already running - to double-click on the cubicles to create switching events respectively to right-click on an element and then select a element related event such as Define... -> Control Switch, Define... > Event of Loador Define... -> Short-Circuit Event. During a simulation all previous events, which already occurred, are displayed in a grey font style and can't be changed anymore. When the simulation Is finished or is stopped manually, the events which are still to come in the simulation can be altered and new events can be created as well. Note Atthe end ofa simulation the event list shows all the events, which are now in a grey color. Thus they can't be modified again for this simulation, Because the simulation could be restarted from this point on. To change the events for a new sinwlation you have first to initiaise the calculation agatn (8), so the simulation time is set back to the beginning. DIQSILENT ApwerEoctany ‘Tune-Domain Simutations 22.5.1 Switching Events Switching events are used only in transient simulations. To create a new switching event, the {4 icon on the main menu can be pressed, if this icon is enabled, which will bring a 2 browser with all defined simulation events to the front, Pressing the ‘a * Icon in this browser will show a ComNew dialogue which can be used to create a new switching event. ‘The reference to the switch has to be set by hand. Any switch In the power system may be selected, thus enabling the switching off lines, generators, motors, loads, etc. Here the user Is free to select the switches/breakers of all phases or only of one or two phases. More than one switching event has to be created if, for Instance, a line has to be opened at both ends. These switching events should then have the same execution time. 22.5.2 Set Parameter Events With this event an input parameter of any element or DSL model can be set or changed. First a specified time of the simulation may be inserted, when the event will occur. Then an element has to be to specified/selected using the button a Then choose Select... for the context menu. Afterwards Insert the name and the new value of @ valld element parameter, 22.5.3 Short-Circuit Events ‘This event causes a short-circuit on a busbar, terminal or on a specified point on the line. “The fault type (three phase, two phase or single phase faults) can be specified as well as the fault resistance and reactance and the phases which are affected. There is no possibility to define the duration of the fault, To clear the fault, another short- circuit event has to be defined, which will clear the fault in the same place. An example is shown in the figure 22.5. 22.5.4 — Intercircuit Fault Events This event is similar to the short-circuit event described before. Two different elements and their phase can be chosen between which the fault occurs. Equal to the EvtShe four different elements can be chosen: + a busbar (StaBar) + a terminal (ElmTerm) + a overhead-ine or cable (ElmLne) + a line routes (EImLnerout) Here only single phase faults are allowed. 22-16 DIgSILENT Pomertctory Fime-Domain Simulations 22.5.5 Events of Synchronous Machines For synchronous machines there is a special event to easily change the mechanical torque of the machine. A point in time in the simulation and an active synchronous machine Elm~ Sym has to specified. Then one can define the additional mechanical torque supplied to the generator. The torque can be positive or negative and is entered in per unit values. 22.5.6 Events of Loads For a certain load the point in time in the simulation and a load element (ElmLod, Elm- Lodly or ElmLodlvp) has to specified. The value of the load can then be altered using the load event, ‘There are different ways to change the power of the selected load: Incremental Change adds additional power (positive or negative) to the current value in % of the nominal power of the load Absolute Change changes the current value of the power to the given value In % of the nominal power of the load Nominal Change changes current and nominal value of the power to the specified value in % of the nominal power of the load 22.5.7 Outage of Element This event can only be used during a RMS simulation, when an element shall be put out of service at a certain point in time. Then the option "take element out of service” is to be used. It is not possible to bring back the outaged elements into service in the transient simulation. This option is active only in steady-state calculation functions, e.g. short-cir- uit calculation or reliability assessment. In time-domain simulation the following error message will occur in the output window: DigSi/err (t=000;000 ms) - Outage Event in simulation not available, Use Switch-avent. instead! 22.5.8 Save Results This event is only used in the PowerFactory Monitor part of the program. It can't be used during time-domain simulations. 22.6 Runa Simulation When the initial values have been calculated successfully, the ‘4 icon on the main tool- bar will be activated and can be pressed to start the simulation. The simulation is performed for the time interval between the start time defined in the initial conditions command Comine and stop time éstop, which can be specified in the simulation dialogue. After a simulation has finished, it may be continued by pressing the 2-17 DDIQSILENT FomenFectory “Time-Domain Simulations “3 EY icon again and entering a new stop time. In the latter case, the stop time may also be entered as relative to the current simulation time, running simulation may be interrupted by pressing the '#1: or the -™' icon on the main toolbar. Additional events can be created, while the simulation pauses and results may be viewed. The simulation is then continued by pressing the |{ icon again. Pausing and continuing the simulation may be done as often as needed. 2-18 DIGSILENT Powerfoctory Models for Stablty Analysis Chapter 23 Models for Stability Analysis Stability analysis calculations are typically based on predefined system models. In the ma- jority of cases the well known IEEE definitions for controllers, prime movers and other associated devices and functions are In use. For planning purposes, this approach might be acceptable. The predefined sets of param- eters will allow a favorable and reasonable behavior of the analyzed system. This ap- proach is often also applied for the purpose of operation analysis, and the system will show a good response similar to the real system. ‘Also for systems and configurations for which no IEEE models exist, such as wind gener- ators, HVDC-systems, etc, powerful tools for user defined modelling are required. For such analysis, also individual and very exact models can be created in PowerFactoryto meet all needs of the system to be analyzed, When manufacturers are able to supply exact contraller models including the real param- eters, the system model can be improved by not using the IEEE standard models but building @ new block diagram of the individual controller/mechanical system to represent the device. This will enable to perform a highly accurate system modelling studies, Especially utilities and consultants with an in-depth knowledge and tradition of conducting system operation performance and optimization studies have a clear need for adequate methods and tools for creating accurate transient models for stability analysis. ‘This inclucles complex operation analysis and special component planning problems. All this fed to the development of the highly flexible and accurate DIgSILENT PowerFac- tory time-domain modelling features, which are Introduced in this chapter. 23.1 System Modelling Approach ‘System modelling for stability analysis purposes is one of the most critical issues in the field of power system analysis. Depending on the implemented model accuracy, large-sig- nal validity, available system parameters and applied faults or tests, nearly any result could be produced and arguments could be found for their justification. This is one aspect of the complexity of a transient stability study. The other aspect results from the often large set of time-domain models that are required, each of which may be ‘a combination of other models. All these time-domain models are ultimately wired togeth- er into one single large transient madel from which the basic set of system differential equations can be obtained. Given this complexity of a transient analysis problem, the PowerFactory modelling phi- losophy targeted towards a strictly hierarchical system modelling approach, which com= bines both graphical and script-based modelling methods. ‘The basis for the modelling approach ts formed by the basic hierarchical levels of time- 23-1 DIGSILENT PowerFoctory Models for Stbllty Analysts domain modelling: + The DSL block definitions, based on the “DIgSILENT Simulation Language” (B51), form the basic bullding blocks, to represent transfer functions and differential equations for the more complex transient models. + The built-in modelsand common models. The built-in models or elements are the transient PowerFactory models for standard power system equipment, ie. for generators, motors, static Var compensators, etc. The common models are based on the DSL block definitions and are the front-end of the user-defined transient models. * The composite models are based on composite frames and used to combine and interconnect several elements (built-in models) and/or common models. The composite frames enable the reuse of the basic structure of the composite model. ‘The relation between these models and the way that they are used Is best described in the following example. ‘Suppose the frequency deviations due to the sudden loss of a fully loaded 600 MW unit in a particular network is to be analyzed, Depending on the network and the required de- tall in the calculated results, such analysis may ask for a detailed modelling of the voltage controllers, prime movers and primary controllers, or any other important equipment for all large generators in the system. * veo Pawer System ‘Voltage Controller ‘Seber ‘sym Pow ‘Synchyanas Machine co PMU m “2 primary Conler -—=—P rine Hover int > poy Primary Carrol Unit Fig. 23.1: Example of a composite generator or power plant mode! An typical configuration of a synchronous generator with power system stabilizer, voltage controller, primary controller, and prime mover model is shown in the figure 23.1. Primary controller and prime mover can be summarized as the primary controller unit model, To Create such a model, the following actions are required: 1 Transient models for each required controller type or unit type have to be defined (Model/Biock Definition). 2 For each generator, the transient models of the individual controller must be customized by setting the parameters to the correct values (Comunon Mocteh. 3 Adiagram has to be made defining the connections between the inputs and outputs of the various models ( Composite Frame). 4 For each generator, the diagram and the customized transient models are to be Grouped together to define an unique ‘composite’ generator model (Composite Modeh. It may seem unnecessary to include point 2 and 3: it would be possible to create custom- 23-2 oN C O DIQSILENT AonerFectony oels for Staity Analysis ized transient mode's for each generator directly, with 'burned-in' parameter settings, and to link these models to a generator without having to define a diagram first, This, how- ever, would mean that one would have to create a new voltage controller, e.g. for each generator in the system. Often the design of many of these voltage controllers will be similar. To omit the need of creating copies of these controllers for each generator and to avoid redundant copies of controllers or also of whole generator models. Here the same relationship between individual controller (Common Model) and controller definition (Model Definition) respectively between the generic power plant diagram (Com- posite Frame) and the individual power plant (Composite Model) is used, as the relation- ship between element and type definition). DIgSILENT PowerFactory uses two key objects in creating composite models, which can be compared to the efement.definition of the different elements: * The Common Model (ElmDs!) combines general time-domain models or model equations (a block definition) with a set of parameter values and creates a integrated time-domain model, + The Composite Model(ElmComp) connects a set of time-domain models inside a diagram (a composite frame) and creates a ‘composite model’. ‘The following diagrams explain the relation between the Composite Model (which is using a Frame as type) and the Common Model (based on a block diagram as type) in detail. + The Composite Model(ElmComp), see figure 23.2, references a a definition of a composite frame. This composite frame Is basically a schematic diagram containing various empty slots, in which controller or elements can be assigned. These slots are then interconnected according to the diagram, see section 24.3.1 (Composite Block Definitions). The slots in the composite frame are pre-configured for specific transient models, The schematic diagram in the figure 23.3 shows a Composite Frame (BIkDef) which has one slot for a synchronous machine, one for a primary controller unit (pou slot), and one for a voltage controller (vco slot). The composite model, which uses this composite frame, shows a list of the available slots and the name of the slot. Now the specific synchronous generator, voltage controller or primary controller unit model can be inserted into these slots. The synchronous machine that is used in the Composite Model are called Built-In Models, see figure 23.4. This means these elements are pre-configured elements which do not need a specific model definition. Into the slots alt kinds of elements can be inserted, which are able to input or output variables, e.g. converters, busbars, etc. ‘The voltage contraller, and primary controller unit, however, are user-defined Common Models, see figure 23.5. The ‘front-end’ of all user-defined transient models is always such a common model (ElmDsl), which combines a model definition with specific parameter settings. There are predefined definitions as well as the user can define model definitions by himself. The common model has a reference to the Mode! Definition (BIkDef), which looks similar to the composite frame (shown in figure 23.6). Here different blocks are defined and connected together according to the diagram. The input and output variables have to fit to the stot definition of the slot the model is defined to. Not all slots of the composite model have to be used. There can also be empty slots. Then the input of this slot is not used and the output will be assumed to be constant over the complete simulation. The usage of composite models with its composite frame as well as 23-3 DIGSSLENT AoverFoctory dels for Stablity Analysis the common model with its block definitions are described in the next sections. ‘The design and creation of user defined common madels using the "DIgSILENT simu- lation Language” (SZ) can be found in chapter 24 (User Defined (DSL) Model's). Pe ce Seca ale tae ae = Net Elemenls Ela? Sta" Inet Gl PCUGarereio (VCO. Gerarator Fig, 23.2: Fig. 23.3: Composite frame “Frame_Generator” Fig. 23.4: Generator “G1” (built-in model) 23-4 DtQSILENT RowerFactory Models for Stabity Analysts [eee es ars Cees altel Mocel Definition sw | { itsasy\ven Single Te OutetSevice "7 A‘tableiegrationslooihn ee Parana [PTs FieiDaivaive Tine conrtor To _ Fits Daley Tene fl KL Contotet Gah foul ‘Ke _Fielé Gain Constant faa) Te Excine Te Comtent ls] Exit Contes Ninrura OulpakTouul Emax Corloter Mavinurn Guapat [of Fig. 23.5: Example of a common model using the definition “vco_simple” ‘voo_Simple: Simplified Excitation System mpsmaae Fig. 23.6: Example of a model definition “vco_simple” CO DIQSILENT PowerFoctory Models for Salty Anais 23.2 The Composite Model A composite model element (ElmComp) can created by using the "New Object" icon in the toolbar of the database manager and selecting Composite Model. The next step is to select the composite frame. The composite frame can either be stored in the global or in the local library and can be compared to the type definition of the electrical elements. The composite model then shows the list of slots in the composite frame as shown in the figure 23.7. Existing controllers or models can be assigned to a slot manually by right-clicking the slot and selecting Select Element/Type, as depicted in the figure 23.7. A data manger window will pop up and the user can then browse the grid for the element to insert into the se- lected siot. Se Basie Das | Descnioa| TF duet Service Slot Defeone Wel Etenens lov Slane Gl [PCU_ Generar [VEO_ Generator Fig. 23.7: Editing the composite element folder If inserting controller models into a slot often the controller element has not yet been cre~ ated. To create a new controller select Nev Element/Type trom the context menu of the slot. PowerFactory will automatically jump to the project library and show a list of avall- able user defined models (EImDs!). Selecting a model definition form the project or the global library will open the element dialogue of the newly created common model in order to define the parameters, similar to e.g. a transformer element. If no suitable model is found, a block definition has to be selected prior to setting the model parameters (see section 23.3 (The Composite Frame) and the figure 23.6). If a element is assigned to a slot, there is the possiblity to edit the assigned element by simply selecting Define... -> Edit Element/Type, The menu command Define... -> Reset Element/Typewill reset the slat, so it is empty again. 23-6 DIgSILENT Aonerractory Models for Stbilty Analysts Note ~~ Depending on the settings of the individual slot the menu com- mand Define... -> Reset Element/Type will not only clear the marked siot but also delete the built-in or common model, if it is stored inside the composite model in the data manager. These set- tings are explained in the section 23.3 (The Composite Frame) in more details, ‘A faster method for defining standard composite models is to right-click an object in the single line diagram and selecting Define... from the context menu of the element. When a standard composite model is available for the selected object, a list of the avail- able controllers is shown. Selecting a controller will add it to the composite model, which is automatically created when no composite model exists yet for the selected object. ‘Standard composite models are available for ‘© The synchronous motor and generator, ‘* The asynchronous motor and generator, + The static Var system, 23.2.1 Slot Update ‘The Slot Update button in the composite model will re-read the slot definitions from the composite frame and will cancel all invalid slot assignments, Asilot assignment is invalid when a model has been assigned to a slot which is not suited to receive such a model, i.e. a voltage controller cannot be assigned to a slot defined for a primary controller model. All built-in or common models which have been created for a specific composite model are stored in that composite model itself. The contents of a composite model are shown in the database manager where the composite model is treated as a normal database folder. Basic power system equipment, such as synchronous machines or static VAr com- pensators, are normally not stored in the composite folder, but in the grid itself. The slot update will try to re-assign each model found in its contents to the corresponding slot. Hereby the options defined for each slot are important, These are described in the Paragraph (Classification) in section 23.3 (The Composite Frame). 23.2.2 Step Response ‘The Step Response button In the composite model will activate the Step Response Com- mand ComStepres. The dialogue can be seen in the figure 23.8. Next to the references to the composite model, the template and the target directory, the two step response tests, which will be created, can be specified, /iso the study case to be activated can be chosen. When Execute is activated, PowerFactory will create a new folder in the current project named "Step Response Test’. The figure 23.9 shows this folder in the data manager. 23-7 DIGSILENT PonerFoctony Models for Stabiity Anais’: Target Diectay Copy Template | PAR test | alec Vetape ew foe Fig, 23.8: Dialogue of the step response command COO Libra FEY Stop Response Test T°: Comp Pant Mods Gent | Be Teel Gd 1 hited Study Case AVR Step | hte Study Coro PCU Step {GID Types a Changed Settings Fig. 23.9: Step response folder in the Data Manager Inside this folder a second folder with the name of the composite model, witich is to be tested, is created. Here the simple test grid can be found including only the generator, the complete composite model and a load. Additionally there will be two new study cases in which a step response for the AVR and the PCU respectively of the composite model can be tested. The user can change between the two study cases and your old cases by activating and deactivating them. After — SSeS Note There now doesn't exist any connection between the original and the new elements of the composite madel any more. So you can change all settings of the controller without changing your net- work. testing the controller, the folder "Step Response Test" can be deleted completely without loss of information in the original network. 23-8 OQ 9D “ DIgSILENT PowerFoctory ‘Models for Stablity Analysis 23.3 The Composite Frame A composite frame is a block diagram which defines two or more slots, their input and ‘output signals, and the connections between them. A composite frame Is defined graph- ically by drawing it. Drawing a composite model frame is similar to drawing a normal block diagram. The main difference is that in stead of common blocks, only slots may be used. To create a new composite frame select the "Insert New Graphic" icon on the main toolbar and then selecting Slock/Frame Diagram and pressing Execute as shown in the figure 23.10. This new block definition will then be automatically created in the local li- brary. Naive. ENEMA Target Fol © "BlockdFtams Diagram (© Vitual inerumert Panel © Single Lins Graphic 7 Composite Net Element Drawing Size © Potted’ Format [ia ® Landscape Fig, 23.10: Creating a new composite frame ‘An empty diagram of the frame will appear in the graphics window, A slot Is then created by selecting the "=" icon in the graphics toolbox and positioning the slot on the drawing surface by once clicking at the appropriate position, This is similar to placing elements in the single line diagram. An empty slot will be drawn on the page. To define the input and output signals and dif- ferent parameters of the slot, edit the slot by double-clicking it. The slot edit dialogue will pop up as depicted in the figure 23.11. DgSILENT PowerRoctny dels for Seabltty Anzisis SORE iste dy lea ws Geuaclaeases Output Signale nou Sig Fig. 23.11: Slot dialogue Name and Sequences ‘The name of the slot will appear later in the dialogue of the composite model and should be given according to the element that is to be assigned (e.g. 'vco slot’), The "Sequence" parameter defines the order of the slots appearing in the composite model dialogue. Input and Output Signals ‘The input and output signals have to be defined for each slot. The available signal names for the Built-In transient models can be found in corresponding Technical References of the elements. The given input and output signal names in this slot dialogue have to match the input/output signals of the given transient model exactly, or the signals will not be connected properly and an error message will occur. Only after one or more input and output signals have been defined for a slot, it becomes possible to connect the stot with signal lines to other slots. It is therefore recommended to first position and edit all slots and draw the signal connections thereafter. Limiting Signals Also there Is the possibility to enter ‘limiting signals’. These signals are handled by PowerFactory exactly like the normal input signals, The difference is only in the graph- 23-10 DIQSILENT Ponerrectory Models for Stblity Analysis ical representation in the block diagram. These signals will be shown as inputs on the top or bottom of the slot, Class/Name Filter Additionally there is the possibility to specify a filter for the class name and/or for the model name to be inserted. This makes sense e.g. when only synchronous machines should be assigned to the slot, Then for the class name £/mSym*has to be entered. PowerFactory then will only allow the element class "synchronous machine" to be in- serted into the slot. A filter for a specific (part of an) element name can also be defined. Classification ‘The classification options does only affect the external behavior of the slot. Linear ‘The slot representation in the frame diagram will be as a linear or non- linear model, Automatic, model will ba created When this option is activated, the function ‘Slot Update’ (see section SlotUpdate) will automatically create a DSL model and ask for a black definition from the library. Local, Model must be stored inside This option is activated by default. This means that when a Slot Update is executed in the composite model, PowerFactary will only search for elements, which are stored inside the ElmComp. A reference to models, which are stored outside, i.e, like the synchronous generator in a plant model, will be removed from the slot, Not all input or output signals of built-in elements or common models have to be used and defined in the slot. Also a slot may only have input or output signal. For example the voltage or frequency of a AC voltage source ElmVac may be controlled by an external function. So the slot for the source will only have two input signal ud and f0. More information about drawing composite frame diagrams can be found in 23.6 (Drawing Composite Block Diagrams and Composite Frames). 23.3.1 Assigning a Block Definition to a Slot There is the possibility to assign a block definition (BIkDef) directly to a slot. This option will simplify the handling of the slot and prevent errors due to not matching signal names of slot and assigned block. To assign the external form of a block definition to the selected slot, edit the slot by dou- ble-clicking itand choose the "select" button | for the "Block Definition” in the dialogue. Now the block definition can be selected, e.g. the type of controller or built-in element, which should be assigned to this slot later on. For example if the new defined slot ought to represent a synchronous machine in the frame diagram, a predefined block definition can be chosen to insert the input and output signals to this slot avallable for the element ElmSym. A controller for example shoutd only assigning to a slot, when only this type of controller is to be inserted into this slot but no other model. 23-11 DISSILERT PoworFoctory Mode for Stblity Analisis ‘Some predefined block definitions can be found in the global library in the path Library] Models| Built-in. When the block definition Is selected (in our example the ElmSym.BlkDef), the input and output as well as limiting signals will disappear from the dialogue of the slot. The filter for the class name will automatically be entered. When selecting the Ok button, the slot will then show the right inputs and output of the block definition. Note When block definition is assigned directly to slot, only the input output signals is set automatically, The internal equations/defini- tions of the block definition are not implemented into the slot and the slot itself remains empty. There is always the need to create a common model, which is the inserted into slot of the composite model, When the siot refers to an outside block definition, take care that this reference Is also Inside your project. If the reference to the definition Is invalid or changed, the slot may be changed as well. So use the option of assigning a block very carefully. 23.4 The Common Model “The common model element (ElmDsI, (il) is the front-end object for all user-defined block definitions. This means that user-defined transient models, but also the block dia- grams that are ready shipped with the PowerFactory program, cannot be used other than through a common model. The common model combines a mode! or block definition ‘with specific set of parameter values. The Common Model shown in figure 23.12 uses the block definition “vco_Simple”, ‘Typically the model definition is implemented as a block definition, such as shown figure 23.13. ‘A model definition contains block references which may in turn either point to a primitive block definition (see figure 23.14) or to a another compasite block definition (see figure 23.15). The structure of the block definition is thus recursive and it should be watched ‘that this recursive structure does not contain circular references to composite block defi- nitions. ‘A primitive block definition contains one or mare DSL expressions and forms a basic block for more complex transient models. A description of how to use and create DSL models can be found in chapter 24 (User Defined (DSL) Models). It is also possible to Implement the model definition not as a block definition, but directly as a primitive block definition (figure 23.14), coded using DSL. Each block definition generally has one or more parameters which ean be changed to de- fine the model's behavior. Two kinds of parameters are supported: + Scalar parameters, i.e. amplification factors, offsets, setpoints, etc. * Two and three dimensional array parameters, which are used in the DSL lapprox()/ lapprox2() and sapprox()/sapprox2() functions. DIQSILENT AomerFoctory ode!s for Stablty Anaisis Name" Model Definition». sr [| titrary\vea" Single. JT, Dutot Seite 2 ST Aslabe integrin goth = Prender Pris FterDeivatve Time Constantia] Ty Fiter Delay Tine] Ki _Contoler Gan fu] ‘Ke fied Goin Constant [au] Te_Enetor Tine Constants} Emin Controfer Minna Ould [aa] Enna Conor Marnum Outpt fu] Fig. 23.12: Common model for the VCO vco_Simple: Simplified Excitation System ct 4 oe ¢ OP wom ape ig cpertor pa a sons Fig. 23.13: Block definition of the VCO, using a Sub-Definition 23-13 DIQSILENT Powerfscrony Modes for Sabiity Anaiysis feted eae ri Adaional Equations. . eergolest (150, (Keyi a} 7.0.8) orselect (120, Limotate(x, Vain, Yaax),lin(Kayi, Vain, Ynex)) Limits(T)=(0.] Fig. 23.14: Implementation of the limiter block, using a DSL routine Fig. 23.15: Implementation of the controller, defining a sub-block To create a common model, use the "New Object | ) icon in the toolbar of the data manager and select Common Model. The block/model definition has to be selected first. paneer to the composite frame, this definition is either stored in the global or in the local library. ‘The commen model then displays the list of available parameters and arrays from the block diagram, as shown in the figure 23.16. All parameters are listed on the first page of the common model, and their values be specified there. 23-14 1D DIgSENT Percy Models for Subity Analysts SS area Name eee Mode Detrion =v] Levay\Modsle0SLvnie mania F owetseivice “TT Atblinteatin igh [Pacer - ero. Fig, 23.16: Common model with parameter list If the selected block definition uses one or more arrays in its definition, then these arrays: are displayed on the second page (for simple characteristics) and third page (for two-cl- mensional characteristics) of the ElmDs! object. In the figure 23.17 an example is shown, for a simple 2x2 array definition. Fig. 23.17: Common model with array list The characteristics are defined as follows: Characteristic In row 'Size' insert the number of rows in the first cell, the number of columns is automatically set to 2 and can't be inserted. If the number of rows Is changed, Jump to the previous page —4 and back again >] to update the characteristic. Two-Dimensional Characteristic In row ‘Size! insert the number of rows in the first cell and the number of columns in the second call, Ifthe a number is changed, jump to the previous page 41 and back again 2! to update this characteristic. 23-15 DIgSILENT Aowerractoy dete for Stablty Analysis 23.5 The Composite Block Definition ‘composite block diagram of the model definition is a graphical representation of a math- D ematical transfer function, which produces one or more output signals as function of one or more input signals. A block diagram may also have limits (minimal and maximal values) as Input signals. A block diagram may thus be described as (yO, yA, »..) = function(u_0, ut, ...) where y_0, y_1, ... stands for output signal 0, 1, ... and v_0, u_1, ... stands for input sig- nal 0, 1, .... All these signals are functions of time. Block diagrams consist basically of the following elements: Summation Points which produces the single output 1_O+u_1+...} Multipliers which produces the single output y=(u_O*u_t* Divisors which produces the single output y=(u_O/u_1 Switches which produces the single output y=u_0 or y=u_t Signal Lines _ which produces one or more outputs from one input: y_O=y_1=...=u Block References which are used to include other block definitions, Block references can be looked upon as macro's that insert a low-level block definition inside a composite block diagram definition, A block reference may either point to another ‘composite block definition or to a primitive block definition. The PowerFactory program is shipped with a large set of primitive block diagrams for most common controller elements like PID-controllers, Dead Bands, Valve Characteristics, etc. and can be found in DataBase LibrarA Models\ Global Macros. These predefined DSL primitives may be copied and altered to specific needs. A block reference is created by using the :[ icon in the graphics toolbox. This creates an empty square which can then refer to any existing block definition in the library. Note The composite frame and the model definition are very similar and Dp the usage is nearly identical. When creating one or the other Pow- erFactory recognizes the class, when you place the fist siot or block, If you place @ block become inactive, so you can’t mix up stots and block sin one alae gram. See also section 23.6 (Drawing Composite Block Diagrams and Composite Frames). If the block type is selected PowerFactory inserts all available parameters of the re~ ferred block. You may change the name of the parameter but make sure, the order of the parameters is not changed. The order is important so the right parameter Is assigned to the parameters inside the block definition. Signal lines are directed branches, connecting input and output signals. A single output a) line may be branched off and connected to more than one input terminal. 23-16 DIQSILENT oyerFoctary Models for Stablty Analysts After the block reference has been edited, the it will show the input, output and limiting signal connection points of the referenced block definition as one or more colored dots on the left and right side respectively on the upper and lower side of the box. Signal lines may then be connected to these points. Itis allowed to refer to the block definition more than once in the same block diagram. In that way, it is possible to use a particular PID- controller, for instance, twice or more in the same model definition, An example of a simple block diagram, comprising a multiplier, a summation point and a ‘standard PI block, is shown in the figure 23.18. Fig, 23.18: Example of a simple block diagram When rebuilding a diagram, by pressing the *~ icon, the DSL representation of the block diagram is written to the output window. For the example block diagram in the figure 23.18, this results in model ol = 'MyBlock' (i1,12;x1;Xp,Ti;yi) 81 = '\System\Library\Models\DSL\PI.B1kDef' (xe;x1;Kp, Ti;yi) xe = i1*i2 ol = sisaz0i2 This simple example shows the whole meaning of the block diagram graphics: itis a con- venient way to define specific controllers, based on standard components, However, it would also be possible to define exactly the same block diagram by entering the above DSL script manually and so create a primitive block definition. 23.6 Drawing Composite Block Diagrams and Composite Frames Although the composite block diagram and the composite frame diagram should be dis- tinguished from each other, they are drawn in about the same way. ‘The basic distinction between a block diagram and a frame diagram is that the latter con- tains only slots and signals, whitst the block diagram must not contain any slots. Anew block or frame diagram can be created in various ways: « by the main menu entry File—> New or Strg-N and then selecting the option Block/ Frame Diagram from the "New" command dialogue (ComNew). * by the © icon "nsert new Graphic" on the toolbar of an opened graphic, and selecting the option Black/Frame Diagram. * by tight-licking w o inside a (brary) Felder inthe active project inthe data manager and selecting New... -> Block/Frame - Diagram from the context menu. 23-17 DIGSILENT AowerRactory Modes for Stebisty Analysis ¥ + by using the "New Object” “1! icon in the database manager and selecting Block Definition (BikDef). SSE Note The two later options only create a block definition object (BIkDef), but no graphic. This method is therefore not sulted to create 3 composite block or frame diagram, but only for creating primitive block definitions by entering the DSL code. In the first two methods, a graphic will be created and will appear in the opened graphics board, A new graphics board will be created when no graphics board is open. The new block/frame diagram graphic will show a single rectangular block, which visualizes the block or frame. The name of the new diagram will appear on top of the frame, Inside this rectangle the following objects can be placed from the graphic toolbox for the block diagram: Node objects: ~ block references summation points multipliers - divisors = switches - different kinds of graphical objects Branch objects: + signals lines Inside a frame diagram only the following elements are allowed: Node objects: - slots = different kinds of graphical objects Branch objects: ~ signals lines “These objects can be selected from the Drawing Tool Box. The toolbox also has buttons for pure graphical add-on objects (ines, polygons, rectangles, texts, etc.) as shown in the figure 23.19. Fig. 23.19: Block/frame diagram objects 23-18 D DIQSILENT PomerFoctory Models for Stablity Anais Note When creating a frame or a back definition, PowerFactory recog- nlzes the type of definition, when you place the first slot or block. Because a composite frame diagram may only contain slots and signal tines, creating a slot vil disable all other nade objects in the drawing toolbox. If you place a block (| slot} will become inactive, so you can't mix up slot and block elements Jn one diagram, 23.6.1 Adding a Block Reference Drawing the block objects and connecting them with signals is done in very much the same way as in the single line graphics. A block reference is first displayed as an empty square which has to be edited in order to assign a (low level) block diagram to it. Because of lack of information about the number of inputs and outputs of the new block reference before a (lower level) block definition is assigned to it, it wll not be possible to connect signals to the empty block. It is therefore recommended to first draw all block references and to assign block definitions to them. Then the blocks references show all available Input and output signal connections. A block reference is edited by right-clicking it and selecting Eai¢ from the context menu, or simply by double-clicking on it. The dialogue as displayed in the figure 23.20 will pop up. eee een eae Keone a Seance. JE Type 2 Ly |+ | Ubray\ModeinosLiP1 Tie : Limiting Paremeter: UppetLinaion Lovet Limitation Fig. 23.20; Edit dialogue of the block reference Use the Select button (see the cursor in the figure 23.20) to select a madel definition. Predefined standard block diagrams for your usage are located in the folder DataBase| Ubrary\ Models. DIgSILENT AawerFactory Models for Stabibty Analysts 23.6.2 Adding Calculation Blocks Summation Point “*! Every dot can be used as an input to the summation point. The sign of signals at summa- tion points can be changed by editing the summation point object. The “edit” dialogue will OP up, where any connected input connection can be inverted. Mind that not all dots have to be used and only one dot can be defined as an output. = Multiplier © Every gray dot of this block can be used as input or output of the multiplier. An output of three input signals will thus be out=(in_O*in_1*in_2). Mind that not all dots have to be used and only one dot can be defined as an output. Divisor Every grey dot of this block can be used as input or output for the divisor. The first input will be the numerator and thus be divided by the second (and if existing the third) input. The order of the signals will be clockwise beginning on the left. An output of three input signals will then be out=(in_0/in_1/in_2). Mind that not all dots have to be used and only ‘one dot can be defined as an output. Switch “Two input signals can be applied to this block, which will be connected to the output ac- cording to the position of the switch. Additionally a control signal has to be connected to the top, which will define the operation of the switch. If the control signal is zero or neg- ative, the switch will stay in the displayed state, whereas a positive signal will cause the switch to change to the upper signal and the other way round. In the edit dialogue the zero position of the switch may be altered. 23.6.3 Connecting Signals After drawing and defining the block references or slots, or other node elements, they can be connected with signal lines. After selecting the =>: button from the graphical toolbox, a signal line is drawn by first clicking on a ‘from’ node (output of a block/slot), optionally clicking on the drawing surface to make a non-straight connection, and finally clicking on a 'to' node (input to a block/slot), ‘The input and output terminals of common blocks and other node elements are depicted with colored dots (see the figure 23.21). 23-20 D DIQSWLENT FomerFoctory dels for Stablty Analysis, xe. Obes on Fig. 23.21; Block signal connections Green: Input Red: Output Blue: Min, Limitation Pink: Max, Limitation Gray: Every Signal can be connected The signals lines can also be edited in the corresponding dialogue, which gives the pos- sibility to change the name of the signal. Multi-Signal Connections Signals normally connect a single output parameter with a single input parameter, Espe- dally in the case of three phase signals, such as is often the case of voltage or current signals, multi-signal connections may be used. Arrnulti signal Is defined by writing two or more signal names together, separated by semi- colons, e.g "LA;I_B)I_C". In figures 23.22 and 23.23, the multi signal output and input of two block definitions are shawn, Both blocks will show a single input or output connec tion point. They can be connected to each other by a single signal line, as Is shown in the figure 23.24. ee Vatiables >: Output Signals 2 Sigel Fig. 23.22: Output definition of block 1 Marth $$$ $$ —————— Ouputsignite Ten we | irpurSionels - (Labo Fig. 23.23: Input definition of block 2 Fig. 23.24: Multi signal connection Note The number of variables and their order in the output signal must 23-21 DIQSILENT AowerFoctary Modes for Sabitty Analyes equal the number of signals in the input slgnal. Block Diagram Input and Output Definitions “The composite block diagram normally has Input, output and limiting signals of its own. Input signal points are defined by starting a new signal line on the left, top or bottom side of the frame enclosing block diagram. This will create a new input signal for the composite block definition. New output signals are defined by ending a signal line by clicking on the right side of the enclosing rectangle frame. Signals, which are thus connected to the rectangular frame, have the following meaning: connected to the left side: Input connected to the right side: Output connected to the bottom side: Minimum Limitation connected to the top side: Maximum Limitation Note The names of the input and output signals must equal the names of the input and output signals defined in the slot/block, you intend fo assign the definition. 23.6.4 Resize If a marked symbol has small black squares at its corners, it can be resized by left clicking ‘one of the squares, as can be seen in figure 23.25. The cursor will change to a double diagonal arrow and moving it (while holding down the left mouse button) resizes the ob- ject. Release the mouse when the new size Is correct, Fig. 23.25; Resizing an object Its also possible to pull the object(s) to a new size by clicking at one side of the marking box. The marked object(s) will only resize in one direction in that case. This is not possible for all objects. Some objects may only be resized with a fixed X/Y- ratio, some other ob- jects cannot be resized at all. 23.6.5 Additional Equations After the internal structure of the block diagram has been defined graphically, the block diagram itself can be edited, This can be done without having to close the graphical rep- 23-22 DIQSILENT PovrerRectony Models for Stablity Anzlyss SUOSRENT Powerfectoy es far Sta ity Analy resentation of the block diagram, By left or double-clicking the enclosing rectangular frame, the block diagram edit dialogue will pop up. This dialogue will show all input, out- ut and internal signals as have been defined graphically. On the second page of the dialogue, which can be accessed by pressing the -P| button, information and equations for the initialisation of the block can/has to be entered. Also the name and the unit of the parameters to be defined in the common model can be spec- fied (see also chapter 24 (User Defined (DSL) Models). Additional DSL equations can be defined at the second page of the block diagram edit dialogue. DIGSILENT PowerFactary Hodels for Stbity Analy, 23-24 DIgSILENT PowerFoctary ‘User Defined (OSt) Models Chapter 24 User Defined (DSL) Models ‘System modeling for stability analysis purposes Is one of the most critical issues in the field of power system analysis. Depending on the implemented model accuracy, large sig naa! validity, available system parameters and applied faults or tests, nearly any result could be produced and arguments could be found for their justification, Asimple example may illustrate this fact. In a 10 GW power system the expected steady- state frequency deviation when losing a fully Icaded 2000 MW unit depends highly on the frequency dependency K_f of loads. Assuming a total system droop of 7% and K_f to be 0, the steady-state frequency deviation will be 700 mHz approximately, Now, with a more realistic coefficient of K_f = 5 %/Hz, the steady-state frequency devi- ation Is expected to be 596 mHz only, On the other hand, the frequency dependency might be slightly higher or lower, but the nonlinear characteristics of hydro turbine effl- ciencies and steam valve nonlinearities could be more relevant at a certain unit loading point. Consequently, as tong as only one or two different loading scenarios are consid- ered, average values with reasonable simple models may give acceptable results by tun- ing only some key parameters like the frequency dependency of loads or droop settings. ‘Thus system model structures and parameter settings are to be best evaluated against the following main criteria: System size Big systems and small system have different "key parameters". Referring to the above example, for a smaller power system the frequency dependency of loads ts not relevant at all, whilst in big systems like UCTE or UPS/IPS, frequency dependency may cover the spinning reserve requirements totally, Unit size Steady-state and transient behavior of big units are more decisive for the overall system response than smaller ones which might practically not affect the total system. System structure Independent of system and unit size, the system structure may be more relevant than any other factor This can easily be demonstrated when weak systems with a longitudinal geographical extension or appropriate substructures are analyzed. System fault Most relevant to system modeling considerations are the applied faults and related problems which are to be analyzed. The analysis of system damping and PSS tuning will not necessarily require the boiler dynamics to be considered. On the other side, load shedding optimization and frequency restoration would not give appropriate results if mid and long-term characteristics of relevant system elements are neglected. 24-4 DIGSILENT AowerFoctory ‘User Defined (OSL) Madals ‘Study purpose In general, for systems which are in a planning stage, typical models and parameters could be applied as long as there is no specific additional information available, However, a more and detailed representation Is necessary for system extensions, where a detailed model representation should form part of the performance specification, Special attention has to be paid to the analysis of operational problems and the operation optimization. For these cases, a detailed modeling of the relevant components is indispensable, As soon as a detailed analysis and representation of system models is required, the im- mediately arising questions are: = How can the structures and parameters of the model be determined? * Are IEEE models and additional manufacturers block diagrams adequate and accurate? * How could the available information be used within the power system analysis software? “The approach which is presented here and successfully applied in various projects can be called the "Advanced System Modeling Approach (ASMA). Typical applications are the analysis of controller problems and relevant malfunctions, especially under disturbance conditions optimization of control parameter settings modeling of unconventional system structures and control concepts often found in industrial systems study applications for the design and specification phase of components and systems (e.g. power system stabilizer, generator and HVDC controllers), For the ASMA approach, the following steps are of crucial importance: Setup of system models Based on the fundamental equations of engineering and physics, the basic algebraic and differential equations are to be set up within the required degree of accuracy. In addition, all parameters like time constants and gains which could be also derived from these basics, are likewise to be calcutated. Performance of system tasts In order to define all other parameters and especially nonlinear characteristics, system performance tests are the best method, In the majority of cases, frequency response tests will not permit the determination of any nonlinear structure and its parameters. Special test procedures, which do not interfere with normal operation, have to be applied to focus on the steady-state characteristics, gains and time constants. These measurements are preferably executed with a highly accurate digital transient performance measurement system, System Identification Nontinear, multi-input and multi-output system identification techniques are applied for system tdentification procedures, Typically, the mismatch between measured and identified curves should be smaller than 2%, 24-2 DIGSILENT PomerFocioy User Defined (054) Models Comparison of measurements and simulations Besides the analysis of subsystems and components, overall system performance is to be compared with the theoretical model for all relevant operating modes, Of course, very strict application of the ASMA approach is not necessary for modeling re- lays and the less complex or digital control functions, as these are clearly defined by their appropriate general and acceptance test documentation. But independently of the ana- lyzed system, where the system representation cannot be matched to a classical IEEE or any other standard model, there is a substantial need for an easy to use and flexible meth- od for the realization of individual models. 24.1 Modeling and Simulation Tools As already Indicated, the most critical and decisive factor for reliable simulation results is the accuracy and completeness of system model representation for identification and sim- ulation purposes. Methods for solving this task range from the classical and traditional way of using software which allows interfacing of user-defined models at the FORTRAN/ Clevel - typically via connection lists - to the block-oriented approach which is based on the provision of predefined low level block macros being connected at the case definition level. In addition, most modern commercially available general purpose simulation tools may be Used for flexible and specific system representation. Unfortunately, this approach does not cover adequately the special electrical system load-flow characteristics, In order to provide a very flexible modeling and simulation tool, which forms part of a stability program, a control system based simulation language was developed. The fol- lowing main features of the DIgSILENT Simulation Language (DSL) have been to be relevant: The simulation tool falls into the category of a Continuous System Simulation Languages (CSSL) DSL Includes a complete mathematical description of (time-) continuous linear and nonlinear systems. ‘The simulation too! is based upon common control and logic diagrams leading to a non-procedural language as te sequence of elements could be chosen arbitrarily. In other words, a DSL model can be converted into a graphical representation, Provision of a flexible definition of macros, which could be: algebraic equations, basic control elements like PID, PTn or even complete physical subsystems like valve groups or excitation systems. Provision of various intrinsic functions like; "select", "lim", "limits", "lapprox", "pledrop" in order to provide a complete control of models, Provision of various formal procedures for error detection and testing purposes like: algebraic loop detection, reporting of unused and undefined variables and missing initial conditions. 24.2 DSL Implementation: an Introduction ‘The "DIgSILENT Simulation Language" is used to define new dynamic controllers which 24-3 DIGSLENT Rowertectory ‘User DeFined (OSL) Models recelve input signals from the simulated power system and which react by changing some other signals. DSL itself can be looked upon as an add-on to the transient analysis functionality of PowerFactory. During the simulation, the mode! equations of the DSL models are com- bined with those describing the dynamic behavior of the power system components. ‘These equations are then evaluated together, leading to an integrated transient simula- tion of the combination of the power system and its controllers. ‘The DSL main interfacing functions are: Signal input and output channels: ‘Any variable defined within the kernel (currently more than 2500) and ina DSL model, can be accessed in a read-anc-write mode. Main and sub-address features are implemented allowing the access of any signal existing in the system or to build up complex structures like hardware-based modules taking equipment "rack" and “function card” structures into account. D Events: Conditions evaluated by DSL models may cause events to be sent to ‘ the program kere! where they will be scheduled within the event queue. Output and Monitoring: Conditions may trigger user-defined messages to be displayed In the output window. sev ses roprem internal signalsand parameters element arable tere a signals, pron. 3000 FAULT (preston, command) edelined dinate Output signals; tokages,curents, OUTPUT eaprescion, command inpedanees, premeere, wen meas games} ottondng DSLomtelie D terol sls vet N summiainesrin |" oupat sip ene caiptprocesing ro ‘touatis generation ie sn | a 7 «tation oe ecu se Hoe, audeyien sibmtios | Odetsonds Toh atin ||] | | | Fig. 24.1: Structure of the PowerFactary DSL system ‘The structure of a DSL model is best explained by example, The used example is that of a prime mover unit model of a simple hydro turbine. This DSL model has been defined graphically, and contains one embedded DSL macro. That embedded macro models a sin- 24-4 DIQSILENT PovnerFactony User Defined (OSL) Mode's gle integrator and is defined by programming it. ‘This is the basic method for designing new DSI. models: 1 Aset of basic DSL models is created. These models implement simple, ‘primitive’ controllers like a 'first order time lag’ or a 'PID' controller. PowerFactory program shipped with a large number of these primitive controller models. New primitives are created by programming their differential equations and signal settings, using the DSL language. 2 The more complex controlier is created graphically by drawing its block diagram. Such a block diagram normally uses references to other DSL models which are thus combined into a more complex controller. Controller references may be used to include DSL primitive models into the complex model, but may also refer to other graphically defined complex models. Highly complex controllers may thus be designed in a hierarchical way, by designing sub-models and sub-sub-models, where the DSL primitives form the lowest level. In section 24.3, these procedures are described In detail. Fig. 24.2: Diagram of a simple model of a hydro turbine In the figure 24.2, the model definition that was used to define the hydro turbine model is depicted. The resulting DSL code, as shown in the output window when a "graphics rebuild" is performed is: 1. model Pe = ‘pmu_hydro! (At,C;x2;Ti;) pt_x = 'T.BikDes! (x0;x2)T4;) Px oyres Po = pt_x-is ‘The line numbers have been added for convenience. The corresponding block definition shows: Ousput Signate Input Signals State Variables Parameter Internal Variables : ‘The example describes a simple hydro turbine model with the input signals A_tand C and the output signal P_t. Pe at, ¢ xh Th 24-5 DIGSILENY Powerfvctory User Defned (DSt) Modes ve — i it sTi Graphical representation of a DSL model of an integrator Fig. 24 In the figure 24.3, the graphical representation of the embedded primitive DSL model is depicted. This primitive model is included in the hydro turbine (in line 2 of the hydro’s, definition). The DSL primitive implements a single integrator and is programmed by: so model y = 2" (cox; 77) try = ‘3 ‘Limits (Ti) = (0,) ime(xi) = y inc{xe) = 0 xl. = xe/Ti yen mm Line 1 is generated by pushing the Equations button in the block diagram dialogue. Lines AL. 2..7 were entered manually. The block definition dialogue was used to set Output Signals =: ¥ Input Signals 2 xe State Variables =: x1 Parameter 2h Internal Variables 24.2.1 Parts of a DSL Model Both example DSL models show the two basic parts of any DSL model, primitive or com- plex: 1 The interface definitions 2. The DSL model description Interface description “The interface defines the model name, names of input and output signals, model param- eters and state variables. These are shown in the output window in the model heading. Example (tine 1 from the hydro turbine model): 2. model Pt = ‘pmu_hydro'(At,C;x1;TA;) “The block diagram dialogue further allows for the definition of limiting parameters and input signals, and the classification of the model asa linear mode! and/or as a DSL macro. Model description “The model description describes the DSL model, based on the signals defined in the in- terface. The DSL. description includes * Parameter descriptions: name and unit. DD + Allowed parameter ranges Initial conditions and functions which are used to calculate initial values. 24-6 DIgSILENT PowerFortory User Defined (OSL) Models * The algebraic relations which define the controller. Example (the integrator): » [Ti] = 's' » limite (Ti) = (0,) the unit of Ti is seconds Ti > 0 initially xley initially xe=0 equation 1: deleaxi / deltat = xe/Ti equation 2: yexL 2 3 a 5. 6 7 24.2.2 Advanced Features ‘The numerical integration of DSL models, interrupt scheduling and input-output signal processing is handled automatically by the program kernel. In addition, if the output of a DSL model Is an electric current being added! to the appropriate tatal bus current - which is the case if a load or generator model is created - all Jacobean elements necessary for the iterative simulation procedure will be calculated automatically, Another useful feature of the DSL is the implemented algorithm for numerical setup of the system matrix for elgenvalue calculation purposes. Consequently, any model implement- ed at the DSL level will automatically be taken into consideration when calculating the sys~ tem eigenvalues or when applying the modal network reduction approach (MRT). Of course, any signal limiting functions will be disabled automatically for this calculation pro- cedure, In addition, inputs and outputs of model parameters, its organization via windows menus etc, is also derived automatically from the DSL model. 24.3 Defining DSL Models A new DSL model is created either by entering the DSL code In the equation part of a "Block Definition" (BIkDef) object, or by creating a new Graphical Block Diagram (see also section 24.3.1 on how to create a new block definition). Both methods will result in @ Block Definition Object which holds the definition of the DSL model. ‘The block definition objects thus serve two purposes in the process of constructing a DSL model: + They hold the definitions and parts of a graphically constructed composite block definition, and the diagram graphic which was used to define the model. * They provide the surrounding in which a new "DSL primitive" or ‘primitive block definition’ can be defined, 24.3.1 Composite Block Definitions To create a new composite block definition + use the main menu entry Aile—> Newor Strg-N and then select the option Block/ Frame Diagram from the "New" command dialogue (ComNew). * use the “5 icon “Insert new Graphic" on the toolbar of an opened graphic, and select ‘the option Block/Frame Diagram. 24-7 DIQSHLENT RowerFoctony User Defined (OSL) Models To access the dialogue of the block definition (BIKDef), double-click on the frame box surrounding the diagram. Complex Block Definition objects may be compared with the "Grid Folders" in the Power~ Factory database tree. They are defined by graphically defining a controller block dia~ gram of which they will store the graphical information and all logic parts. These parts include signals, small standard components (adders, multipliers, etc.) or DSL primitives. Although a complex Block Definition object is created graphically, it allows for additional DSL equations to define those aspects of the controller that would be difficult to enter in a graphical way. ‘The graphical environment in which a complex Block Diagram is constructed, is not treat- ed here. Please refer to chapter 8 (The Graphic Windows) for more information. 24.3.2 Primitive Block Definitions ‘To create a primitive DSL block definition right-click a or inside a (library) folder in the active project in the data manager and selecting New... -> Block/Frame - Diagram from the context menu. suet use the "New Object” : 2 icon in the database manager and selecting Block Definition (BikDef). double-click an new/empty block reference In an open block diagram and then use the |] button to select a block definition. Then use the [| Icon to create a new block definition inside the local library. DSL primitives are the building blocks from which the more complex controller diagrams are composed. A DSL primitive, for example, might implement a Low Pass filter, which may then be used to graphically construct more complex controllers which include such a filter Unlike transformers or other power system components, which may be looked upon as ‘power system primitives’, a DSL primitive is only referred to by a complex block diagram and may thus be used in more than one complex DSL model at the same time, 24.3.3 Block Definition Dialogue When creating a primitive DSL model or by double-clicking on the frame of a composite block definition, a dialogue will appear, where input and output variables, parameters, state variables and limiting signals can be defined. Furthermore additional equations, ini- tial conditions of variables as well as names and units of parameters can be Inserted, the figure 24.4 shows an example dialogue of a PI controller including limiting parameters and a ‘switch’ signal: 24-8 DIQSHLENT Aonerroctony User Defines (DSL) Hodels Nene FOC Tate “PP Carler wth nt et, nde Caution: Chania lvl ef ateady used mada requos adept Level [Level Lovel2= iniMunction preciein tine 7 Automatic Chan fra Conon + Clatttcalion: F Lineai FF Mace Ma Uo intation | iting Paci, Check ine. Lower Linton | enti Pasar” Lining input Signal Intomal Veriates "= fitaritin ~ TT 7 Fig. 24.4: Dialogue of the block definition + The name and title will appear in the library folder, where the model is stored. + The /eve/ of the model representation is only important when using or changing old models, For new created models "Level 3" should be used a/ways. For macros this option does not have any impact, because the level of the highest block is important, Le. the controller definition. + "Automatic Calculation of Initial Conditions": PowerFactory can calculate the initial conditions automatically. However if there is no sequence found (because of e.9. dead lock situations) there will be an error message. + "Classification": Linear This option will only effect the graphical representation of the block in the diagram. If this option is enabled, the block will be represented as a linear block, otherwise as a not-linear block with two lines. Macro This option is used to Identify the block definition as a macro inside the library. O Matlab Enabling the ‘Matlab’ tag will show am input dialogue, where a Matlab (#.m) file can be defined with which the block definition can 24-9 DIGSILENT PowerAactory User Defined (DSL) Models communicate during a simulation. For more information about the Matlab interface see 28.1. A-constant /Mmiting parameters may be defined, which are defined in the dialogue of the Common Model, as well as limiting signals, which are similar to input signals. ‘The difference is the graphical representation in the block diagram. Input and output signals have to be defined for the internal use inside the block definition, The number and their name will then appear in the graphical diagram when the block's used. ‘State variables are needed when not only linear but also differential equations are used. Then for every first-order derivative one state variable has to be specified. + The parameterswill appear in the dialogue of the common model and can then be specified. The parameter defined in here the block definition will automatically be inserted in the block reference, The names of the parameters can be different in the block reference and in the block definition. Only the order has to be identical, Internal variables are only used inside the block definition but can not be set from outside. ‘There are several buttons on the right side of the dialague: Contents This button will display the (possible) contents of the block definition. This can be the graphically inserted objects, further block references or the packed macros. Additionally this may be e.g. internally defined events, Equations The "Equations" button will print the DSL equations to the output: window, independently if they are defined graphically or on the “Additional Equations" page, as well as variable definitions. Macro Equat. This button prints the DSL equations of the current block definition including the equations in the used macros to the output window. Check "Check" will verify the model equations and output error messages, if fault have occurred. Otherwise the following message will occur: DIgST/info - Check *\FestUser ,IntUser\Windparks .IntPrj\Library \Block Definitions\DFIG\Voltage Control .BlkDef'; DiIgSI/info - Block is ok. Check Inc. ‘The initial conditions of the block definition will be printed and checked. Pack Pack will copy all used DSL models (macros) of a composite model definition to the folder "Used Macros" inside the block definition. In this way there will be now references to other projects or libraries outside the model.Beware: Any further changes in the macro library has no influence, the macros are copied and no longer linked to the library. So if there Is an error in a certain macro it has to be fixed separately In each packed block. Pack-> Macro This command will reduce the whole model including DSL blocks and additional equations and macros into one DSL model containing only equations. All graphical information will be lost, This command Is irreversible. Encrypt ‘The "Encrypt" button Is available when Pack-> Macro Is activated before, This command encrypts all equations inside the model, so the equations can not be seen or outputted anymore. In this way a model 24-10 OD DIQSILENT RomerFoctry User Defined (OSL) Modes containing sensitive or restricted device equations can be delivered without showing the Internal equations. This command is irreversible and a decrypt function is not available. By dicking on the ~P-J button the second page of the dialogue can be accessed. Here the (addltional) equations of the DSL model can be defined, Also further information e.g. the initial conditions of state variables and the name and unit of parameters can be specified, the figure 24.5 shows the additional equations of the DSL model of the PI controller. a : eH fax = select (sv, id_ext lax) iin = select (sv,—id_ext, Min) Ep. = select(Ti0,Kp/Tieys 0) f|yo = Lin(kpayittinstateds, {iin, iMax), iin, Max) Fig. 24.5: Dialogue of the block definition - Page 2 ‘The next section will show the handling and usage of the DSL language In detail. 24.4 The DIgSILENT Simulation Language (DSL) ‘The DSL language is used to program models for the electrical controllers and other com- ponents used in electrical power systems. As for any cther simulation or programming language, a special syntax is provided for the model formulation. 24.4.1 Terms and Abbreviations The following terms and abbreviations are used to describe the DSL. syntax: expr arithmetic expression, not to be terminated with a '' - arithmetic operators: +, -, *, ~ constants: all numbers are treated as real numbers + standard functions: sin(x), cos(x), tan), asin(x), acos(x), atan(x), sinh(x), cosh(x), tanh(x), exp(x), In(x), log(x) (basis 10), sqrt(x) (square root), sqr(x) (power of 2), pow(x,y), abs(x), min(x,y), max(xy), modulo(x,y), trunc(x), frac(x), round(x), ceil(@9, floor(x). ‘These standard functions are described in detait in the last chapter. ~ Parenthesis: (arithmetic expression) All trigonometric functions are based on radians (RAD). Example: A = wed A5¢TL/ein(3.14+y) boolexpr —_logical expression, not to be terminated with a 'j = Logical relations: <, >, <> (inequality), >=, = Unary operators: .not. ~ Binary operators: .and. .or. .nand, .nor. .eor. 24-4 DIgSILENT Aowertectony User Defined (DSL) Models - Parentheses: {logical expression} Example: A = {xl>0.and..not.x2 <= 0.7).or.T1<0.0 string anything within *..! (single quotation marks). Example: A = 'this isa string’ 24.4.2 General DSL Syntax Line length: The maximal line length is 80 characters. Longer lines have to be broken by using the '& sign in the first column, A'8 sign at the first column joins the row and the preceding row. Example: y Aapprox(e, 1.574, 7.367. 2-488) 22, 479, 5.457, 18.578 6.763, 15.54, 8.453, 12.589, 9,569, 6.476) Line breaking cannot be used within names or strings. Case sensitivity All keywords, names, functions, variables, models, macros, etc, are case sensitive. Blanks All blanks are removed when the DSL code Is processed. Exception: blanks in strings are kept. Comments The’! sign causes the remaining line to be Interpreted as a comment. Comments are removed when the DSL code is processed, Example: 1 comments may staxt at the beginning of a Line xa, = aolect(ates0, | conments may be used in broken Lines & (a-sqr (x2) /sar (at) )/Tw, 0) 24.4.3 DSL Variables ADSL model may use 5 types of variables: ‘Output signals | Output signal variables are available as input signals to more complex st DSL models. Input signals Input variables may origin from other DSL models or from a power system elements. In the latter case, currents and voltages, as well as any other signal avallable in the analyzed power system, become available to the DSL model. State variables ‘State verlables are time dependent signals generated and used within the DSL model itself. Parameters Parameters are 'read only’ numbers which are set to alter the behavior of the DSL model. D ‘ eR DIQSILENT Fowerfactony User Defined (DSL) Models Internal variables Internal variables are defined and used in the DSL model to ease the construction of a DSL. set of equations, The follwing rules may be helpful when interpreting warning and error messages: « Astate variable may not be at the same time an output variable; if required, the use of an assignment like y=x1 is recommended. * All parameters are real numbers. * Aspecial parameter ‘array_iil' (with up to 4 digits i), with 2*iiji elements is provided to define characteristics (see procedure “lapprox"). * Only the derivatives of state variables can be assigned an expression. 24.4.4 DSL Structure DSL models are built up of three parts: + The interface part, which states the model name, title, classification and variable set. This part is set in first page of the block diagram edit dialogue. For detailed information, please see section 24.3.3. * Definition code, + Equation code. ‘The definition and equation code form the actual controller network definition and are treated in the next chapters. 24.4.5 Definition Code A Definition codein the equation part of a DSL model is used to define parameter prop- erties and initial conditions, Unit and Parameter Description vardef(varnm) = unitstring;namestring Unit and name for variable varnm. examples: vardef (Toa) = '2';'Pick up time for rentart! 1 defines unit and nane vardef (Ton) = ;'Pick up tine for restart’ 1 only definea name vardef (Ton) = 's!; | only defines unit [varnm] = unitstring Unit for variable varnm, maximal 10 characters width. Remark: a macro call causes error messages, if the units of the substituted variables do not match the defined units. Example: [Ton] = 's' | defines unit: 24-13 DIGSILENT Aonentactory User Defined (OSL) Modes Valid Value Ranges limits(varnm) = [/( minimum value, maximum value 1/) Defines the valid interval for variable varnm. Violations of the interval Timits during simulation will be reported: Limits (yt)=(,2) is equivalent to output(yts1, ‘Maximum exceeded: ytaytel') ‘The ‘(' and ")' braces exclude the minimum or maximum value. The 'T* and '} braces include them from the interval. Limite (x)=(min,) 1 min 0.5): yl = .notz is interpreted and equal to yi = (z=<0.5) ‘There Is no warning against mixing logical and non-discrete variables in expressions. Consequently the following code will cause no message: depending on y, z will take the value x1 + 4.0 or just x1 : 24-17 DIgSILENT AonerFactony User Defined (DSL) Models y+ snot. x1s2 wor. aces z= 4.08y +d The assignment of a value to a variable is taking place in an order which recognizes the connections between these variables. In the case of the following example, the second line will be evaluated first, then line 1: 1. as bes 2. b= xt Blom. = Algebraic loops are not supported. In the following example, an error message will be displayed: a= bes beatae If there is no assignment to a variable varnm, varnm will keep its initial value. The right side expression may not contain derivatives, Derivatives may only appear on the left side of the equation sign. The first example is correct, the second is false. xi. = asin(a) { Correct as cin(el,) 1 Not accepted 24.4.9 DSL Macros ‘ADSL macro is a predefined DSL model, complex or primitive, which is primary meant to be included in higher level DSL models. ‘The block diagram edit dialogue offers a ‘Macro’ classification option which can be set to mark the model as a macro. ‘ADSL macro is included in a higher level DSL model elther by creating a block reference in the block diagram graphics or by explicit Inclusion in a DSL. equation. Syntax: varnmt, varnm2y.. = macroname (5412p. 5 SA)52ye0 } PLP2yee 7 [ylyee) Assigns the output signals of the DSL macro macronameto the variables varnm4, varnm2, ... Assigns the input signals of DSL macro to the variables 11, 12,... The macro uses the state variables s1, s2,... the parameters pi, p2,... and the internal variables il, 12, Example: P1,P2 = '\Wser\I.B1kDef! (i1,42;s1,52;T1,T2) ‘This example assigns to Pi and P2 the output of DSL model | User] L.5/KDer, Macro calls are not supported within expressions, even if they only have one output vari- able Correct example: y= mymacro(xt, ol, pl, 41) ¢ Incorrect example: y= 3 # my macro(xl, sl, pl, i1) + € should be replaced by: yl = my_macro(x2, si, pl, 42) yeseyea DSL Internal Macro Handling A preparser substitutes each macro call with the equation code of the macro, The vari- ables of the macro DSL model are then replaced by the variables used In the macro call. 24-18 D Ty SL D DIgSILENT PomerRoctay User Defined (OSL) Models The local variable names of macros thus disappear after the prepare process. DSL Models In general, there are two basic types of DSL. models possible: 1 Models of electrical devices like generators, loads or HVDC systems. These models are characterized by their principal output signal "complex device current", which is injected to the electrical grid at a certain busbar. However, in addition to the electrical device currents, there may be any other variable defined as an output signal. A summary of the available variables can be seen in the corresponding Technical References of the element. 2 Models with output signals which are not directiy injected to the electrical network (general devices). Among these types of models are prime mover units, voltage controllers, relays, calculation procedures, etc. 24.4.10 Events and Messages ‘The DSL language provides procedures to generate an interrupt event or to send a mes- sage to the output window: + The procedure fault(boolexpr, event_string) generates an event and is evaluated at the beginning of each time step » The procedure output(boolexpr, message_string) outputs a message and is evaluated at the end of each time step. ‘The "fault" and "output" procedures are evaluated at each time step during the simulation of a model. The first time that boolexpr is found to be true, the string will be processed and a message is send to the output window or an event Is added to the PowerFactory event queue, The "fault" or "output" procedures will be disabled thereafter, to prevent an avalanche of messages or events, until the DSL model will be reset again, Both procedures are explained in detall in the following paragraphs. output(boolexpr, message_string) ‘The message_string may contain variables and the special function num(boolexpr} or num(expr): variable names which appear directly after an ‘=" sign will be substituted by their actual values; the following line may generata the message: maximum exceeded: yt=1.2 > ymax: ‘output (yymax, ‘maximum exceeded: yteyt > ymax=ymax*) the num(expr) or num(boolexpr) will be substituted with the calculated value of the expression, .g.: valuesnum(asb) may produce value-3.5000 fault(boolexpr, event_string) Each DSL model has the capability to add events to the event list. A DSL model of a dis- tance relay, for Instance, can open the power switch of a line by adding the correct switch event, ‘Adding an event’ is done by executing an existing event object in the PowerFac- 24-19 DIgSTLENT RomorRctoy User Defined (DSL) Models tory database. Consequently, all events that may be used by the DSL model have to be created together with the DSL model, They must all be stored inside the common model (ElmDs!), These "DSL events? will thus form an integrated part of the DSL model. ‘The event_stringin the fault expression must refer to the name of one of these events, At evaluation, the evant will be thrown onto the event stack if boolexpr is true, As soon as the simulation reaches the event, it will execute it. Consequently, a delayed event may be thrawn by the DSL model by setting the execution time ahead of the current time. “The parameters of the event can be modified in the fault string by assigning a new value. ‘The mechanism is the same as described above in the output procedure, Example: Fault (ue2.1, ‘name-MyowitehEventi dtine+0.35") If the varlable u exceeds 1.1 the event named 'MySwitchEventt' will be thrown onto the event stack and its variabie atime (relative event time) will be set to 15 millseconds. The event will thus be delayed for that amount of time, which, in this case, mimics the time © needed to open a switch. Which switch will open is defined in the event object. 'MySwitchEvent', Note ‘The events are accessed or created by opening the edit dialogue of the common model (double-click on the DSL model 3 in the Data Manager), and then pressing the button Events. You get now @ list of already defined events inside this model, The events are not added to the global event list of the project un- Jess the event is ‘activated" by the DSL model. 244.11 Example of a Complete DSL Model Thermal Double Reheat Turbine with Steam Storage Controller Model: model pt ptm = ~ tpma_t? (at, sgn, cosn,ngnum/x1,#2,%3,244 Tap, Tp, Tp,alfip, Taps) 4) {T1] = 'st . limits(T1) = [0,) Limito(alépp) =" [0,2] vardet (elfhp) = ; "High pressure turbine ratio'; Limits (alf2p) = (0,2-alfhp) vardef (alflp) = ;tLow pressure turbine ratiot; vardet (tepi) = '9';"Bodler capacity time conotant'; Limits (rep) = (0,) -varded (Thp) = tee High pressure turbine time constant'; vardes (rp) = "3"; "First xeheater time constant; vardef(rlp) = 's';'Second reheater time constant’; Ane (x2) = y/K Sne(xe) = ¥/K ine(xa) » 2.0 ine(at) = pt QD ine(steamElowo) © pt inc(ylp) = pe 24-20 DIQSILENT PowerFoctory User Defined (DSL) Models x1. & select (T2150, (xe-x1) /71,0) ¥ Krselect (Ti20,x1,xe) | if Tie0 => yexe steamflow = attxa O wer (eteantiono ~ steantiow) /tepi 1 potter yap PT1(steanflow;x1;Tap) | high pressure part yip = Pii(yhp;x2;Tip) ! medium pressure part yip = PIL(y3p/x3)Tlp) 1 low precoure part pe = yhptalfhp + yiptalflp+ yip*(1.0-alghp-alfip) pty = pt*sgu+cosn*ngnum 1 only for output purposes ‘The used macro 'PT1' is defined as: model y = 'PPL! (xe;x2/X,T2)) x1, = select (7120, (xe-x1)/TL,0} Y= Ktselect(7L>0,x1,xe) | if TleO a> yexe Anc(xt) = y/X inc(xe) = ¥/K (ri) = ta! limits(T2) = [0,) 24-21 DIQSILENT Ponerfectary User Defined (OSL) Models 24-22 ‘Ty DigSHLENT PomerFoctory ‘Moga Analysts Eigenvalue Calculation Chapter 25 Modal Analysis/ Eigenvalue Calculation ‘The modat analysis calculates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a dynamic multi-ma- chine system including all controllers and power plant models, This calculation can be per- formed not only at the beginning of a transient simulation but also at every time step when the simulation is stopped. ‘The eigenvalue analysis allows for the computation of modal sensitivities with respect to generator or power plant controllers, reactive compensation or any other equipment. The calculation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors Is the most powerful tool for oscillatory stability studies, For its application itis highly recommended to first compute the ‘bare natural’ system oscillation modes. These are the oscillation modes of the system without taking any controller or power plant model into consideration, i.e. with constant turbine power, constant excitation voltage etc. Starting from these ‘bare natural’ modes the ef- fects of controllers (structure, gain, time constants etc.) and other additional models can be calculated as the second step, 25.1 Theory of Modal Analysis After the initial conditions have been calculated successfully, which means that all time- derivatives of the state variables should be zero, or the simulation has been stopped at a point in time, the modal analysis calculates the complete system A-matrix by means of numerical, iterative algorithms, The representation of the electradynamic network model Js equivalent to the representation used for the balanced RMS simulation, except for the general load model, for which the frequency dependencies are neglected, ‘The computation time for the models analysis is approximately proportional to the num- ber of state space variables to the power of three. A multi-generator system exhibits oscillatory stability, f all conjugate complex eigenval- ues, making up the rotor oscillations have negative real parts. This means they wil le In the left complex half-plane. The individual generator oscillations will then be stable. Assuming that one of the conjugate complex pair of eigenvalues Is given by: A, = 9;2)0; then the oscillatory mode will be stable, if the real part of the eigenvalue is negative 9,<0 ‘The period and damping of this mode are given by DIGSILENT Ponerfoctory ue Catelatfon Job. nes} YT) Wats where Ay and Ane are amplitudes of two consecutive swing maxima or minima respec- tively. “The oscillatory pertods of local generator oscillations are typically in the range of 0.5 to 5 tz. Higher frequency of the natural oscillations, ie. those which are normally not regu- lated out, are often damped to a greater extent than slower oscillations. The oscillatory period of the oscillations of areas (inter-area oscillations) is normally a factor of 5 to 20 mes greater than that of the local generator oscillations, “The absolute contribution of an individual generator to the oscillation mode which has been excited as a result of a disturbance can be calculated by: D w= Sete" M a(t) generator speed vector hi 7th eigenvalue Ith right elgenvector 6 magnitude of excitation of the I'th mode of the system (at t=0) (depending on the disturbance) n number of conjugate complex elgenvalues (i.e. number of generators - 1) In the following c fs set to the unit vector, i.e. ¢ = [1, zy 1], which corresponds to a the- retical disturbance which would equally excite all generators with all natural resonance frequencies simultaneously. The elements of the elgenvectors © then represents the mode shape of the eigenvaluei md and shows the relative activity of a state variable, when a particular mode is excited, They . show e.g. the speed amplitudes of the generators when an eigenfrequency is excited, whereby those generators with opposite signs in & oscillate in opposite phase. The right eigenvectors © can thus be termed the "observability vectors", The left eigen- vectors 'Y; measures the activity of a state variable x In the i-th mode, thus the left eigen- vectors can be termed the “relative contribution vectors”, Normalization is performed by assigning the generator with the greatest amplitude con- tribution the relative contribution factor 1 or -1 respectively. For a n-machine power system, n-1 generator oscillation modes will exist and n-1 conju- gate complex pairs of eigenvalues 2; will be found. The mechanical speed « of the n gen- erators will then be described by: 1D 1 DIgSILENT Ponerractagy Moda! Analysi/Figenvalue Calculation 1 ou 91 ar 9). |b] settee. S22) «Ms te) -|4n2} ot 14] ban San ‘The problem of using the right or left eigenvectors for analyzing the participation of a gen- erator in a particular mode | is the dependency on the scales and units of the vector ele- ments. Hence the eigenvectors @ and ‘}, are combined to a matrix P of participation factor by: hi Fi = |P2i Yn Sui’ Fin ‘The elements of the matrix py ate called the participation factors. They give a good Indi- cation of the general system dynamic oscillation pattern. They may be used easily to de- termine the location of eventually needed stabilizing devices in order to influence the system damping efficiently. Furthermore the participation factor is normalized so that the ‘sum for any mode is equal to 1. ‘The participation factors can be calculated not only for the generator speed variables, but for all variables listed in Table 25.1. Name Unit Description sispeed Pu. ‘Speed siphi rad Rotor-angle sipsie pau. Excitation-Flux sipsiD pau Flux in Dewinding sipsix pau. Flux in xwinding sipsiQ. pau. Flux in Q-winding Table 25.1; Variables accessible for eigenvalue calculation 25.2 Performing an Eigenvalue Analysis ‘Amodal analysis can be started when a balanced steady-state condition is reached in a dynamic calculation, Normally, such a state is reached by a balanced load-flow calcula- tion, followed by a calculation of initial conditions. However, it is also possible to perform 25-3 DIgSILENT Powerfoctory Modal Analste/ETaenvatue Caovlation a balanced RMS simulation and start a modal analys's after the end of a simulation or after stopping the simulation. Note The madal analysis can be executed at any point of time ina tran- sient simulation. Nevertheless always keep in mind that the results: of the modal analysis are valid on the basis, that the system is In 2 quasi steady-state operation point, Furthermore the calculated oscillation modes are only valid for “small” perturbations of the system. if large transient disturbances are applied to the network, the ascillation frequency and damping may change from the results of the elgenvalue analysis. When a load-fiew is calculated, the icon to open the modal analysis dialogu comes active, Using the Settings button (in the “Basic Options" page), the oj calculating the initial conditions used by the modal analysis can be specified. On the “Advanced Options" page, the state variable and the result file for the Eigenvalue analysis can be defined. The default state variable Is the speed signal of the generators. The default result file is Eigenvalue (s:speed) and is stored inside the active study case, ‘The relative participation factors can be calculated not only for the generator speed vari- ables, but there is also the possibility to select from the variables as shown In table 25.1, The figure 25.1 shows the command dialogue of the modal analysis with the variable s:speed selected as the state variable, ions for Cee ae ea ae CART eee ee cance Basic Options: Advanced Opie Ht fp Seecin of Sets Viable | ‘Bias Vaile Fess . Elnfies* igenvabes le peed) Fig. 25.17” “Command dialogue of the madal analysis 25-4 NL DIGSILENT RowerFactory Modal Analysis/Eigenvalue Cteulation ‘When executing the command by pressing Execute, the initial conditions of all elements is calculated first, Then the modal analysis Constructs a system matrix from the load-flow and the dynamic data, The eigenvalues and eigenvectors are calculated directly from that matrix. Since eigenvalue calculations require linearized models, PowerFactory automat- Ically performs the linearization of all relevant system elements, The following information is printed to the output window, when the eigenvalues are cal- culated: DIgSI/info (t=-100:000 ms) - Initial conditions calculated. DIgSi/info (ts-100:000 ms) - Starting Modal Analysis. Please wait... DIgST/ingo (ts-090:000 ms) - Modal Analysis ready 1 25.3 Visualization of Modal Analysis Results 25.3.1 Output Window ‘The results of the modal analysis can be outputted in various ways: + The system eigenvalues and eigenvectors only * The relative generator participation factors * Detailed information about the eigenvalues and the relative generator participation factors ‘The results are printed to the output window with the ComSh output command by acti- vating the "Output Calculation Analysis"-icon “3, After a modal analyses has been éxe- cuted, the ComSh shows the active option Zigenvaluesin the LoadFlow/Simulation report selection. Selecting Eigenvalues will then enable the selection Output of Eigenvalues, as shown in the figure 25.2, Either the eigenvalues may be reported, or the participation factors, When the option Eigenvalues|s selected all calculated eigenvalues of the system are printed in a report style into the output window. The figure 25.3 shows the results of a small example power system. DISSHLENT Rowerfectony Modal Anayss/Elgenvaive Celevtaton ‘Gutput of Results = Thees-Cycles Fault Mag-h-Stat\Outyit.Comsh Eee Selection Bole Eigenvatuls) Fier Fig, 25.2: Output of eigenvalues with participation factors selected Fig. 25.3: Output of system eigenvalues Selecting the option Participations, either detailed or not, will further enable the selection of the state variables and the certain eigenvalues as can be seen in the figure 25.2. For the user convenience, there is also the possibility to define a filter for the eigenvalues (system modes). The filter for eigenvalues is used to show only the participation factors of specific system modes, if Select Eigenvalue(s)'s set to Filtered. Otherwise the selected ‘specific eigenvalue will be used and the filter will be ignored. ‘The system modes and participating generators can be filtered by using the following op- tions: 25-6 DIGSWLENT Aoverfoctory Modal Anaysis/ Eigenvalue Caleueton Maximal Damping The damping of the system mode will be below the defined value in [1/s]. Maximal Period System modes oscillating below the defined periodic time in [s] will be shown. Min, Participation Only generators with a participation factors above the specified limit will by outputted. ‘The results of the participation factors of the generators in the small example power sys tem are shown in the figure 25.4. Tote one me sae aa zeg Soo tae vans yatta @ gq & ¥ E EEE. GEE. FEE. Ezz, 2 g 7 q sas? worg enrg cewek o Fig. 25.4: Output of participation factors 25.3.2 Modal Analysis Plots The Eigenvalue Plot (Viseigen) The Eigenvalue Plot displays the calculated eigenvalues in a two axis coordinate system. For the vertical axis, itis possible to select among the Imaginary part, the period or the frequency of the eigenvalue. The horizontal axis shows the real part. An Eigenvalue Plot is generated by clicking on the Et icon from the 'Select Plot Type! button of the toolbar menu (see figure 25.5). After cliking on the icon, the edit dialogue of the Viseigen object pops up; there the user can set the figure appearance and the displayed values on the vertical axis. Figure 25.6 shows an example of an Eigenvalue Plot displaying the imaginary part of the calculated eigenvalues. Fig. 25.5: Selection of the modal analysis plot 25-7 DUGSILENT PomerFactory Modal AnalysifEigenvalue Calton Double-clicking on any of the displayed eigenvalues, pops-up the informative dialogue of figure 25.7. There the oscillation parameters and the coordinates in complex and polar representation are given. DIGSILEN cys retmrnny.aicaraasnaltainarin” CEampata wig Comme [aqeeare Fig. 25.6: The Eigenvalue plot Le eeu Name Mode 00007 a [eerereees fee eS) A Innaginary pact 2011498 Angle 95.18699 dea. —— 4 Oscloion Paranetr anal [rom cats omy atl [Freeney 920099915 aio 1.768982 Fig. 25.7: IntEigen dialogue The Mode Bar Plot (VisModbar) Displays the participation factors of the system generators (according to the state variable selected in the modal analysis command, figure 25.1) in a selected mode by means of a bar diagram. A new Mode Bar Plot is created by clicking on the li icon from the ‘Select Plot Type! button (figure 25.5). After the icon has been dlicked, the VisModbar dialogue pops up, there the bar diagram 25-8 DIgSILENT PonerFoctory Modal Analsis/Eigenvatue Cakcuaton options and the displayed mode can be set. Participant generators can be filtered accord- ing to the magnitude of the participation factor; also the bar diagram can be restringed toa selacted group of generators, Figure 25.8 shows the Mode Bar Plot for the 20th mode of the small power system used for the example of figures 25.3 and 25.4. VU Fig. 25.8: The Mode Bar plot ‘The magnitude and the phase of any participation factor can be visualized by double click- Ing on a bar. This action opens the so called IntBigstate dialogue from figure 25.9. Brae rn Cy WY O Fig. 25.9: Eigenvalue state dialogue 25-9 DIgSILENT owerRoctor? Modal anaisl/Elgenvalue Calavaton Mode Phasor Plot (VisModephasor) “The Mode Phasor Plot displays the participation factors of the system generators (accord- ing to the state variable selected in the modal analysis command, figure 25.1) In a select- ed mode by means of a phasor diagram, A new Mode Phasor Plot is created by clicking ‘on the Ee icon from the ‘Select Plot Type’ button (figure 25.5). Like in the Mode Bar Plots, the participant generators can be filtered according to the tmagnitude of the participation factor and the diagram can be restringed to a selected group of generators. Figure 25.10 shows the Mode Phasor Plot for the same mode from figure 25.8. Double clicking on'a participation factor phasor will display its IntEigstate dialogue as in figure 25.9. EERIE penne lo Teeba yam ‘ote Paver Peo ara IgSILEN Fauiosarbos 7. daccoestonst eai-bas ine G2: Map Sit VetageCorvoler | Aver Bede Fig, 25.10: The Mode Phasor plot 25.3.3 Data Browser “The calculation results of the modal analysis can be displayed in a data browser by clicking cn the if icon (toolbar menu). The ComModres dialogue from figure 25.11 pops up. “There the result file containing the defined output varlables (see 25.2) and the values to display (eigenvalue or mode data) are selected. Pressing the Execute button in the ComMadres dialogue, opens a data browser con- taining the calculation results as in figure 25.12. 25-10 DIGSILENT Powertactory Modat Anabss/Eigenvalue Calculation Perey en enn [ieteciesitvesen F Shown Rests © Dela. 8 O | Shown Vues © Eigerwahios © States © Displaying modal analysis results in a data browser (ComModres dialogue) a Soda Fig. 25.12: Modal analysis results in a data browser 25-11 DIQSILENT Powertoctory 25-12 Modat Araisl/Benvalue Calaatlon DIGSILENT AowerFactory ode Perameter entation Chapter 26 Model Parameter Identification ‘The process of parameter estimation for power system elements for which certain surements have been made Is performed with the "Parameter Estimation” function using the icon ‘The Comident command object is a high performance non-linear optimization tool, which Is capable of a multi parameter identification for one or more models, given a set of measured input and output signals. This identification is principally performed in the following way: * A" Measurement File" object (ElmFile) is created which maps the raw measured data ‘onto one or more "measurement signals". These signals may contain measured excitation and response signals. ‘The measurement signals are used as inputs by the models of the power system elements for which one or more parameters have to be identified, or they may be used to control voltage or current sources. ‘The output signals of the power system elements are fed into a comparator, just as the corresponding measured signals, The comparator is thus given the measured response on the excitation and the simulated response of the element models. ‘The comparator calculates an objective function, which Is the weighted sum of the differences between the measured and the simulated response, raised to a whole power (by default to the power of 2). The Comident command will collect all objective functions from all comparator objects in the currently active study case and will minimize the resulting overall objective function. To do this, the Comldent command is given the list of parameters which are to be identified. The objective functions are minimized by altering these parameters, This whole process is visualized in the figure 26.1. 26-1 DIQSILENT AowerFactory Model Parameter Tdentieation fei) b elmbs! | Time Window | ny > ElmFile Measurement x. | File 1 Xun etmcompare! Comparator | (Xr Xee) ElmFite Measurement File 2 Comident Optimizer Fig, 26.1: The identification Principle Of course, this figure 26.1 only visualizes the principle of the identification. To connect measurement files, power system models and comparator objects to each other, a com- posite frame is used. This, and all other details of the PowerFactory identification func- tions, is described in the following sections. 26.1 Target Functions and Composite Frames ‘The parameter identification process Is performed by minimizing objective functions, ‘These objective functions are calculated by ElmCompare objects from the difference be- tween measured responses and calculated responses of one or more power system éle- ments, To define an objective function, the measured excitation signals must be connected to the component models or to voltage or current sources, and the measured and calculated re- sponse signals must be connected to the compare object. All this is done graphically by drawing a Composite Frame, using a block definition (BIkDef) with stots. A simple example of an identification block diagram, for the objective function for a volt- age controller, is visible in the figure 26.2. 26-2 O DIgSILENT PonerRectony Model Parameter Identication intmeas Mesauemest Fe comparison Elle Elmcompare 7) oot inion {ry etme Fig. 26.2: Simple identification block diagram ‘The block diagram uses slots which reserve space for the measurement files, the compar- ator and the element models, 26.1.1 The Measurement File Slot ‘The measurement file object (ElmFile) has the following signals available: * Number of Input Signals: 0 © Number of Output Signals: 20 ‘© Input Signals Names: - © Output Signals Names: “yd,..,.y10" ‘The measurement file slot in the example of the figure 26.2 has the following settings: * Class Name Filter: “ElmFile” © Output Signals: “yt,y2” ‘The fact that the signal is named "output" signals in the case of the measurement file does not implicate that the parameter identification only regards measured response sig- nals ("measured outputs") from power system elements. It only means that the measured excitation signals will be mapped onto ElmFile signals. The ElmFile will reproduce the measured excitation and response signals during the identification pracess. 26.1.2 Power System Element Slot Power system element slots are used in the Identification block diagram in the same way as they are used to define composite models, As in the case of a composite model diagram, the element slots may use any of the avail- able parameters of the power system element model as input or output. The in- and out put signals are defined by stating the exact variable name (see also chapter 24.3.1 (Composite Block Definitions). In the case of the example in the figure 26.2, the "Vcoi" slot has the following parameters set * Class Name Filter: “ElmVco*"” «Output Signals: “werrs” * Input Signals: "s”” DIGSILENT PomerFoctoey Model Parameter Identication 26.1.3 Comparison Slot “The comparison object EtmCompare has the following properties: Number of Input Signals: 27 + Number of Output Signals: 2 + Measure Response Signal Names: “indmea,..,int0mea” «Simulated Response Signal Names: "Inisi,.,inL0sim"” + Weighting Factor: qzpf * Output Signals Names: ‘The calculated value of the objective function will be multiplied by the weighting factor before itis put out. The weighting factor may be used, for instance, to connect a time- window to the comparison object which forces the objective function to zero for those moments in time which are not to be used in the identification process. In the case of the example in the figure 26.2, the Comparison slot has the following pa- rameters set: * Class Name Filter: “ElmCompare” * Input Signals: “intmeas,intsim” 26.2 Creating The Composite Identification Modet ‘The identification block diagram only defines a generalized ‘workbench’ that is needed for the identification process. Its function is similar to that of the "Composite Frame" object. “There is also the need to create a composite model, based on the block diagram, to iden- tify particular parameters of particular objects. Suppose having a voltage controller model of which one wants to identify the parameters 4a" and t2, Measurements of the behavior of the physical appliance are available as mea- sured voltage-curves on the input and output of the controller during a disturbance. Assuming the example identification block diagram of the figure 26.2, a composite model (ElmComp) has to be created in the active grid folder. Note __ If the identification process only addresses secondary povier Sys tem element, which are not directly connected to busbars, the ‘identification process does not require a power system grid. However, all calculation functions like load-flow or ENT simulation require a calculation target in the form of an activated grid of sys- tem stage folder. Therefore, a grid folder with at least one ‘DUM- MY’ busbar has to be created when secondary element models are to be identified. ‘The composite model must be set to use the identification block. It will then show the slots that have been defined in that block. In the current example, the composite model dialogue will look like the figure 26.3. 26-4 ¢ C DIgSILENT PowerRactony Model Parameter Idenifcation Eee Basic Data | Deserition | te tuhlmtand ame Beqpogi riba eal Frame =f} i, ray rangle sniaien Frame Tame Sevice Elm Statdniief | Compare Signals [Measuemert Fie [Veo EEX! i SiatUpcate | _Slep Response Tea: The example composite identification model Fig. 26. In this figure, the three slots have been assigned already, Visible is that the comparison object "Compare Signals” Is selected, as well as a measurement file and the voltage con- troller of which to find the best possible values for ka and ta, 26.2.1 The Comparison Object ‘The comparison object calculates the objective function from the connected measured and simulated responses. It allows for the use of weighting factors and for other powers to raise to, The example in figure 26.4 shows the default settings. 26-5 DIGSILENT PomerFoctony Compare Signals-- Ti Oat of Service Power Factor [z ‘Weighting Factos foreach Absohie Err Weighing Factors Fig. 26.4: The comparison object dialogue Model Parameter Tentifeation Se cua Lcd ead In this figure, the 10 difference signals are listed, with their weighting factor. By default, these are one, but they may be edited freely. The power factor equals 2 by default but may be set to any other positive whole number from 2 to 10. ‘The objective function calculated by the comparison object equals a Dd le4,-s)- i=l where * M, is the measured response (i.e. "Inimea'’) wiP +S; the simulated response + w,; is the weighting factor (ie, for the difference signal nr.1) + pis the power .*intsim") 26.3 Performing a Parameter Identification “The identification process is executed by the Comident command, This command can be opened by the 26-6 icon on the main menu. This Icon can be found on the "Stability" toolbar which is be accessed by selecting the icon ‘. ‘The Comident dialogue is depicted in the figure 26.5. Hodet Parameter identification Conposie Model. 0 es | ‘ Pos ad PPE Led Flow Seting + | — ut MagStt\Load Flow Cesculaton otf nil Condition’ » Stat\Calelli of Intl Cnions ws Sinton lee Fou MapSti\Run Sin Load Flow dentiicaion 7 Dynamic Idenicetion Fig. 26.5: The ComIdent dialogue This dialogue shows references to the following objects: Composite Model ‘This reference is normally not needed. When left open, the identification process will automatically gather all composite identification models and will minimize all objective functions. When the composite model reference is set, then the identification will only minimize that model's objective function. Load-Flow Settings This reference Is automatically set to the load-flow command that will be used during the identification process, Initial Conditions This reference is automatically set to the initial conditions command that will be used during the identification process, Simulation This reference is automatically set to the simulation command that will be used during the identification process, ‘The Identification process allows for the use ‘of load-flow calculations and/or dynamic sirm- ulations. ‘The "Load-Flow" and "Simulation" pages shows the variables that are to be identified, in case of a load-flow or a dynamic identification. See for example the figure 26.6. 26-7 DIQSILENT Powerfcton” ode Parameter entation eee ied ct Basic Options, Load Flow | Simiaion | E fee erty the fling Parameters: : Hal Efment — [Parameter [ode > Fig. 26.6: Setting identification parameters In this example, two parameters of the voltage controller element “vco IEEEX1" from the Composite Identification Model are listed. The identification process will alter these pa- rameters in order to minimize the objective functions. ‘The "Mode" field in the parameter list determines the parameter constraints: 0 means not to change the parameter, but to leave it at its initial conditions, This option may be used to temporarily exclude some parameters from the identification process. mean to optimize the parameter without restrictions 2+ means to optimize the parameter, given the constraint that the parameter value must always be greater than zero. Although the object for which the parameters are optimized in this example is the same object as is used in the Composite Identification Model, it is allowed to enter any other parameter from any other element, as long as that element belongs to the active study case. Such may be used to optimize secondary appliance, where only the behavior of the primary appliance has been measured, 26.4 Identifying Primary Appliances ‘Aprimary appliance, such as a general load, an asynchronous machine or a static var sys tem, do not have an input signal like a voltage controller or any other secondary appli- ance, It would therefore not be possible to connect a measured signal directly to a load model in order to simulate its response. “To Identify a primary element model, a small grid model is used to which one or more controllable voltage sources may be connected. These voltage sources will translate the measured voltage signals from the measurement file into a normal busbar voltage which will be used in the load-flow or simulation calculations. The response of the primary ele- ment models connected to that busbar may then be compared to a measured response. ‘An example of this method is shown In the following figures. 26-8 QO DIgSILENT FonerRectony Model Parameter Identfcation Mess, ee Fig, 26.7: Identification diagram with primary element In the figure 26.7, a simple Identification Block Diagram is shown In which the measure- ment file is no longer connected to the element slot, but to the voltage source slot. The voltage at the busbar at which the voltage source will be connected will thus be forced to the measured values during the identification process. Fig. 26.8: Primary element and voltage source In the figure 26.8, a very simple grid is shown to which the load which ts to be identified anda voltage source element are connected. As with the normal identification process, a Common Identification Model has to be created which uses the Identification Diagram with Primary Element as shown in figure 26.7, In the Comident command dialogue, the unknown parameters of the load may then be listed. Its of course possible to mix the Identification of both primary and secondary power sys- tem elements at the same time. 26-9 DIQSILENT PowerFactory 26-10 ‘Mode Parameter Identification Volume VI Tools Utilities & Interfaces DIgSILENT PowerFactory Version 13.2 oO O DIgSTLENT PonerFoctony essatzation of Resuts in PowerFactory Chapter 27 Visualization of Results i PowerFactory ‘This chapter presents the tools and options included in PowerFactory to view the results of the preformed calculations. Key concepts in this topic are Virtual Instruments (Vis), Re- sults Objects and Variable Sets. 27.1 Virtual Instruments Avirtual instrument is basically a tool for displaying calculated results, The most common use of a VI Is to look at the results of a time-domain simulation like an EMT or RMS sim- ulation, by defining one or mere plotted curves showing the variables changing with time. But there are various applications of the virtual instruments, for example to graphically display voltage profiles, FFT plots or the results of a harmonic analysis. This could be in the form of a bar graph, a plotted curves, single displayed variables, tables of values, etc, To visualize results from a calculation, two different parts are important: The Virtual Instrument Panel ‘The Panel is basically a page in the active graphics board, where different plots or graphs are stored and displayed. Also the basic information about the included virtual instruments is stored here, ‘The Virtual Instruments The virtual instruments are shown on the VI panel. They display the results of one ‘or more variables or parameters in various ways. Every VI on a panel can be set up individually to the need of the variable(s) which is to be displayed. So all signals, parameters, variables or other magnitudes can be chosen to show in a vir- tual instrument. These are normally floating point numbers, but there is also the possibil- ity to show discrete variables as well as binary numbers, like e.g. a binary variable, a “out of service" flag or the switching operation of a circult-breaker, ‘To show these magnitudes there are various designs of virtual instruments available. ‘These can be divided into several groups, which are described in the sections of this chap- ter: Plots are the ‘basic’ diagrams to show all sorts of time-domain variables or magnitucles depending on other variables. The plots can be used in the following ways: ‘+ Subplot (VisPlot) ‘+ Subplot with two y-axis (VisPlot2) * XY plot (Visxyplot) + FFT plots (VisFFt) DIQSILENT Ponerfoctoy ‘Visualization of Results fn PowerFactry Bar Diagrams: are similar to the plots. The results are then not shown as a line, but as single bars for every data point. Vector Diagrams easily show different variables - like voltage, current or power - in a vector diagram using polar or cartesian coordinates. Meter Panels can display variables or parameters using different panels like: digital display horizontal scale of a meter vertical scale of a meter measurement VI interactive button/switch Curve Inputs are used to conveniently convert graphical information (graphs or curves) into a set of data by scanning and sampling the data points, Bitmaps can be inserted as a remark or to provide further Information, Additionally to these options there are further types of diagrams for a specific usage are eg. the time-overcurrent plot or the time distance diagram used for protection studies. “These plots are not described in this chapter but directly in the part of the manual dealing with the individual calculation method, “The usage of the plots and the avallable tools like labels, constants, etc. for the virtual instruments can be used in either one of the diagrams described above or below. In the following list these virtual instruments are described shortly: Vis for Protection Studies Time-Overcurrent Plot When studying overcurrent relays their characteristic is often displayed depending on the magnitude of the current and the specified tripping time, Here also the characteristic curves of power system elements which are to be protected can be inserted into the diagram.See also 15.6. R-X Plot This plot is used specially for showing the characteristics of distance relays. The tripping characteristic of one or more relays can be viswalized in a R-X diagram. Aso the impedance of adjacent elements can be shown graphically inside the diagram.See also 15.8. Time-Distance Diagram For studying the selectivity of distance protection the time-distance protection is, often used. So PowerFactory provides a convenient method to automatically show all stance relays in a specified protection path in one specified diagram. See also 15.7. 27-2 DIQSILENY Rowertctory isuaization of Results n PowerFactory Feeder Definitions Voltage Profile shows voltage profile of a complete subsystem belonging to a defined feeder in the power system depending on the distance ar the nade number. See also 11.4. Schematic Path With this plot a meshed or a radial network can easily be shown in a brief schematic way without result boxes but with optical Information like colors for overloading, etc. Harmonics Waveform Plot Using this plot a waveform is generated from the magnitude and the phase angle of the harmonic frequencies. With this diagram a variable like the voltage or current, which is defined in a harmonic source e.g. a power electronic device or a load, can easily be shown as a time dependent variable. So the real shape of the voltage can be seen and analysed.A more detailed description see 27.1.6 (The Waveform Plot), Modal Analysis Eigenvalue Plot ‘The Eigenvalue Plot (Viseigen) displays the eigenvalues calculated In the modal analysis (Chapter 25). Double-clicking any of the displayed eigenvalues, pops-up an Informative dialogue, where the oscillation parameters and the coordinates in complex and polar representation are given. For a full description of the eigenvalue plot Is see 25.3.2 (Modal Analysis Plots). Mode Bar Plot “The Mode Bar Plot (VisModbar) displays the participation factors of the system generators in a selected mode, Full description of the Mode bar Plot is given in 25.3.2 (Modal Analysis Plots). Mode Phasor Plot ‘The Mode Phasor Plot (VisMedephasor) displays the same information of the Mode Bar Plot but in a phasor diagram. For further information see 25.3.2 (Modal Analysis Plots). 27.1.1 Virtual Instrument Panels Virtual instruments are created and edited on a Virtual Instruments Panel (SetViPage) which is one of the possible types of pages on a Graphics Board. Other page types are single line graphics and block diagram or frame graphics. Anew virtual instrument panel can be created by = selecting the Fife—> New option on the main menu and subsequently selecting a irtual Instrument Page" in the ComNew, This will create a new page in the “Graphics Board" of the currently active study case. 27-3 DIGSILENT Aomerfoctony Visualization of Rests in PowerFactory «selecting the "Insert New Graphic icon \2 on the graphics board's toolbar and selecting "Virtual Instrument Panel". This will also create a new VI panel in the current graphics board. Al virtual instrument panels are stored in graphics boards. A graphic board holds default settings for plots and other diagrams. The [Ef icon is clicked or the Evi Actua/ Virtual Jnstrument Panefoption is selected from the context sensitive menu to edit the dialogue. Note ifa.a new virtual Instrument panel Is created, white there Is no Graphics Board opened already, a new Graphics Board in wll be added to the current study case. The dialogue is build of several pages. These are xAis holds the default x-Axis for plots without local axis stored in pages without local axis. ‘Advanced holds the advanced settings like the arrangements of the plots or thelr specific style. Results stores a reference to the default results object used by the plots. Once a VI panel has been created, the "Append new VI(s)" Icon (..) can be clicked or the option Create Vi—>... from the context menu of the SetVipage can be selected to add new virtual instruments to the VI panel. Virtual instrument panels usually set the size and position of new virtual instruments like plots automatically. But it is possible to turn on user defined moving and resizing of the plots, In this modes the plots can be moved or resized by the user, Also the and & icons are used to tile the Virtual Instruments horizontal or to arrange the Vis automati- cally. A ViPage uses a predefined style which set line-styles, line-width, fonts and other graph- ical settings. Own styles can be created and selected. A different style can be selected on each VI panel of a Graphics Boards, ‘These different options are described in the following sections. Editing the Virtual Instrument Panel dialogue ‘There are several ways to access the graphics board dialogue from PowerFactory + When the panel is empty one can access the dialogue by simply double-clicking the empty VI panel or an empty area on the panel. * Right-click the background of the VI panel besides the shawn plots and choose Edt actual Virtual Instrument Pane!from the context menu. * The simplest way to edit the dialogue is to click the & icon. The icon is clicked or the "Edit Actual Virtual Instrument Panel" option is selected from the context sensitive menu to edit the dialogue, The dialogue Is split into three dif- ferent pages named: 27-4 DIgSILRNT PowerFactoy Visualization of Results n PowerFactory * xAxis holds the settings for x-Axis of plats and Waveform Plots, » Advanced holds graphical settings like Style and Background. * Results contains the reference to the default results object for plots. Automatic Scale Buttons The buttons “+ or 4! are clicked to scale the x-axis respectively the y-axis of all plots ~ on the virtual Instrument panel automatically. Plots on other panels in the same graphics board are unchanged if their axes are tocal. ‘The buttons are inactive, if there are no plots shown atall or if the x or y axes can not be scaled automatically. That applies e.g. for bar-diagrams showing the distortion after 2 harmonics load-flow calculation, where the x-axis is given by the harmonic frequencies. Diferent types of plots, ike the subplot and the waveform plot, can be scaled simulta- neous! With the button "Zoom X-Axis* + a certain range of the x-axis or of several x-axes can be zoomed easily. Click on the icon to activate the function, then click on a plot, hold the right mouse button and ‘drag’ the mouse to the right or to the left to mark the desired range on the x-axis. If the mouse button Is released, PowerFactory will then show the marked x ranged zoomed. Automatic Arrangement of VIs Virtual instrument panels usually set the size and position of new virtual instruments like plots automatically. Then the VIs can not be resized or moved. So the position of these Vis is set automatically and their size remains unchanged. ‘There are two different modes for automatically arranging the Vis, The user can choose to arrange the VIs using either * "Arrange Subplots on Top of Each Other" with the icon ‘#4 or * "Arrange Subplots automatically" with the Icon ‘The modes can easily be changed by pressing the one or the other button. In addition the position of Vis can easily be exchanged. Thereto mark the VI by clicking it. Then ‘drag’ the VI onto another plot. Thus the position of the Vis will be exchanged. Note This option of exchanging the plots by dragging Is only possible, when one of the arrangement buttons are active. If you deactivate both buttons by unselecting them in the toolbar, the plots can free- ly be moved by dragging them on the panel. See also "Moving and Resizing". Another way to rearrange the VIs is to open the dialogue of the VI panel by pressing the Zl icon and then use the Arrangementoptions on the "Advanced" page. Here the option User definedcan be activated. So the VIs will no longer be arranged automatically but can be resized and moved inside the panel. So the user is free to arrange the VIs ‘ad li- 27-5 DIgSILENT PowerFactony “Vigualizaifon of Results In PowerFactory bitum'. This mode is also activated by disabling the selected icon or Hie Moving and Resizing Moving and resizing of VIs In the standard virtual instrument panels is turned off, Both can be activated by deactivating the ‘auto-arrangement’ modes by disabling then current- ly active icon 4 or BN also the option User definedcan be activated on the "Advanced" page of the "edit" dialogue of the VI panel, A VLis clicked to mark it. The VI is ‘dragged! inside the panel by clicking itwith the mouse button pressed, Then the VI can be move across the panel. The mouse Is released to set the new position. A VI is clicked on the border to resize it. A VI is clicked on the border to resize it. Note Please note that some Vis can not be resized at all because their size Is set automatically. This applies e.g. for the bitmap VI with the option “Adapt Size of VI to Size of Bitmap” enabled. Page Format ‘The page format is modified using the -2=" in the toolbar of the graphics board. VI panels use the page format set in the graphics board, In addition a local page format can be cre- ated for each VI panel. The option "Create local Page Format" is selected in the context sensitive menu to create a local page format, The Vi panel now uses a local page format independent of the page format set in the graphics board. "Set default Page Format' is selected in the context sensitive menu to reset the local page format. The VI panel now uses the default format of the graphics board again. Editing Variables of Plots “The icon | Is clicked to open the “Edit Plots on Page" dialogue for defining curves of several plots. If the variables of only one subplot are to be changed, it is suggested to edit the dialogue of the plot itself by double-clicking it. This procedure is more convenient, This dialogue gives a very good overview over the diagrams on the VI panel and the vari- ables, axis and curve styles, The figure 27.1 shows an example of the dialogue, 27-6 DIQSILENT Powertactory Visualization of Recut In PowerFactary Ei DefaultReeut Fi for Page Auta fer SUP) a Gorting “| wih Sue Forni, Fea] Eleicent | Vaiable | » [Calor | Unese | tinowiain]| Ver... Ener Vite i [SubpievDiagiannResuis {Fa Conal [eth z ror€\Resats [PO Conol [eP 2] 3 SibpiolDiagrmn (Rests | TaWTi — lrwubashvn 2] __ a Subelot /Oion: a 4 |e] Seopto(2yDiapat [Sid |meurcbust Fig. 27.1: Editing all plots on the page Each line of the table named Curvesdefinesa variable shown on the panel. The variables definition applies to the plot shown in the first column, When the dialogue is opened the plots are sorted from left to right and from top to bottom and are numbered accordingly. All data and settings of each variable is displayed in the table, and the columns are used exactly like the columns in the table of a plot. To move a variable from one plot to another, simply change the Plot Mr of the variable to move. In this table not only subplots (VisPlot) are shown but also plots with two y-axis (VisPlot2) can be modified, Here additionally in the column ythe y-axis can be defined ‘to which the variable is related, In the figure 27.1 this can be seen in the to last rows of the table. Here both variables are shown in one plot number 4 with two different axis. If the number in this row is grey, only one y-axis is available in this plot. Like in most tables new rows can be add. Default File for Pageis a reference to the results element of the virtual instrument panel. The Filter... button opens the filter dialogue, The selected filter will be applied to all plots on the current virtual instrument panel. Default File for Pageis a reference to the default results element of the virtual instrument panel. This is exactly the same setting like the one displayed on the Results page of the dialogue box of the virtual instrument panel. Title Block All virtual instrument panels in a Graphics Board show the same title by default. The only difference of the title blocks on the VI-Panels are the panel name and the page number which are unique for each panel. To create a local titie for a VI-Panel simply right-click on the title and select Create /oca/ Title from the context sensitive menu. ma Like in the single line graphics the “icon in the toolbar is clicked to show or hide the title block. The title can ba defined or changed by double-clicking on them or use the icon to modify the title text. For details about the settings of the title object refer to section 8.3.6. m-7 DIGSILENT AowerFactory ‘Visvataaton of Results In PowesFactory Results ‘Some Vis like the most frequently used class "subplot" show curves stored in one ore. More result objects (ElmRes). The curves are selected in a table where the result ele- ment, the element and a variable have to be selected. The result column of VIs needs not to be set for most calculations. The VI Itself will look for the results element to display automatically. The default results element is either: a 1 Resultsreference on page Results of the VI Panel accessed by pressing the | icon. 2 If 1. is empty the Results reference on the Results page of the Graphics Board will be used by pressing the ‘©! icon. 3 If both (1. and 2,) are not empty, the results element used for the last calculation will be applied, If there is no calculation the appropriate results element in the study case will be used (if any). Background ‘The default background of virtual instrument panels is empty. The background settings for the panel can be found in the frame Backgroundon the "Advanced" page of the virtual instrument panel dialogue, ‘The Filename defines the background file, which can be either a Windows Metafile (#.wmf), a Bitmap (*.bmp) or a AutoCad DXF file, If the selected file does not exist, or IF the filename is not set the background remains empty. Vis can be transparent or opaque. Graphics are transparentmust be activated to make all graphics transparent. If an opaque graphic fills the complete panel area the background will be invisible. The Context Sensitive Menu The options in the context sensitive menu of the VI panel may vary depending on the cur- sor and the settings of the panel. The options are listed below: Edit Actual Virtual Instrument Panelopens the virtual instrument panel dialogue. Create local Page Format creates a page format for the current panel. * Paste Textinserts text from the from the clipboard into the panel. AVI can be selected from the list shown in the Create VI->... option to create a new Vion the panel. Style-> Select Styleis clicked to select a style for the panel. * Style-> Create new Style is selected to create a new style for the panel. Style—> Edit Style of clicked Elements selected to modify the style of the selected element only. Select Allis selected to mark all VIs. + Export Results... exports the shown result into e.g. the output window, a ASCII file, a Comtrade file or the clipboard, 27-8 DIQSILENT Power Fctony Visualization of Resuts in PowerFactory Creating Virtual Instruments New Vis can easily be created with the "Append New VI(s)" icon “®.. A smalt dialogue will pop up, where the class of VE can be selected from the available Ogjectand the num- ber of VIs to be added to the current VI panel. Another way to create Vis is to select the option Create VI->... from the context menu of the SetVipage. Then a class of virtual instrument can be selected to be added to the current VI panel. The Default Styles Each virtual instrument panel uses a style where line-widths, fonts, brushes and other graphical settings are defined, There are six predefined styles available in DIgSILENT PowerFactory, which are: * Default - Standard English Text and Symbols * Gr Default - Greek Symbols + Tr Default - Turkish Symbols * Paper * Gr Paper © Tr Paper The "Default” styles uses smaller line-widths and smaller fonts than the "Paper" styles. It was designed to get nice printouts, The paper style was designed for reports and papers where mete-files are included in text-programs, In addition to the layout the styles hold predefined Vis. “There are several ways to select a predefined or user-defined style for the current virtual instrument panel. The easiest way to change the style is using the toolbar. * The list-box in the toolbar is clicked and an available style is selected. * Astyle is selected from the Style-> Select Style—>... in the context sensitive menu of the VI panel, * Astyle is selected in the //-Styfe list-box on the "Advanced" page of the SetVipage dialogue. ‘The user-defined styles are described in detail in section 27.1.10 later in this chapter. 27.1.2 Plots Plots are the most used diagrams to show all sorts of parameters, states, signals or vari- ables depending on the time or on another variable. To shaw these time-domain variables or to visualize a magnitude depending on other variables, there are the following plots available: + SubPlot (VisPlot) + SubPlot (2y) with two y-axes (VisPlot2) + XY plot (VisXyplot) + FFT plots (VisFft) 27-9 DIGSHLENT PomerFoctory Visuiaation of Results In Power Factory The Subplot ‘SubPlots are the ‘basic' diagrams and are typically used to display one or more plotted curves from the results of a EMT or RMS simulation. But also bar diagrams used e.g, to visualize the results of a harmonics calculation are a special type of SubPlots. ‘Anew subplot Is created on the current VI panel by pressing the " icon and selecting a Subplot (VisPlot) from the pull down list. More than one subplot may be created at once by setting the umber of Vi(s). The new empty subplots appear with standard set- tings, as is shown in the figure 27.2, aves tee Faeroe ee toon Fig. 27.2: Creating a new SubPlot (VisPlot) To edit the subplot either * right-click it, and select the £a/toption from the context sensitive menu * double-click it. Editing Subplots ‘The edit dialogue of a subplot, as shown in the figure 27.3 has pages for the y-axisand x-axis of the individual subplot as well as an additional Advanced page for auxiliary set- tings. The y-axis page is normally used to set the curves in the subplot, while the x-axis normally, and by default, shows time, 27-10 DIgSWLENT PonerRectory isuaization of Results in PowerFactory Eee eee A [ta | enc lI Beare Enel Fig. 27.3: The SubPlot edit dialogue ‘The subplot edit dialogue has the following features: Scale The y-axis may be defined for more than one subplot at the same time, of, and by default, may be defined as a "local Axis" format, When the option Use /acal Axisis disabled, a reference to the used ‘global’ axis type is shown and can be edited by pressing the al O Automatic —_The coloy, line style, and line width of all new curves In the subplot will be set automatically when the corresponding option is enabled. The Set now button will apply automatic line formats all existing curves again. Shown Results This is a reference to the currently active result file (ElmRes). This object will be used, if no result file is specified In the Curves definition table. Curves ‘The definition table for the curves Is used to specify the result file (optional), object and parameter for each of the curves as well as their representation. ‘These available options are described in more detail below. OC Setting the x-axis “The x-axes often have to be synchronized for all subplots or for all subplots on one VI 1 DIgSILENT PonerFoctony Visuafaton of Resuts In PowerFactry panel, for instance to show the same time-scale in all plots. In order to synchronize the x¢axes without losing the freedom to manually set each subplot, a hierarchy of x-axes is used in the Graphics Board: : * The Graphics Board contains the basic x-axis definition. This definition is used by default by each new subplot, + AVI panel, however, may define a local x-axis definition, which will then be the default for each new subplot created on that panel. = The subplot thus uses the Graphics Board or the panel SetViPage definition by default, but may also use a local x-axis definition. eee Note Ifyou change the settings of the x-axis, which uses the definition stored in the graphics board, all x-axis are changed using the same definition In the whole project. These are also affected, if the x-axis is automatically scaled or zoomed. “The following list describes how to edit the definition of the different x-axes: For editing the graphics board definition, select the option Graphics Board and go to the x-4xis page of the edit dialogue of the plot, Using the button 2 the dialogue for changing the x-axis definition for the complete graphics board can be accessed. i Another way is to click the | icon for the graphics board dialogue and then go to the x-Axis page. Similar to the graphics board definition, the x-axis definition of the VI panel is Changed by selecting the option Page. This will open the dialogue of the of the VI panel (SetVipage). Another way Is to go to the pane! dialogue by clicking the & icon or selecting Et actual Virtual Instrument Panel from the context menu and then go to the x-Axis page. ‘The local x-axis definition is simply accessed by selecting the option Lecat Then the options for specifying the x-axis is shown in this dialogue. ‘The options available for the x-axis are similar to the one for the y-axis. They are de- scribed in the following section. The only difference is In selecting the variable of the axis, For the x-axis there is a list to choose the x-Axis Variable shown in the figure 27.4. The Defauitvalue is depending on the type of simulation and the result object created during the previous simulation. Then for time-domain simulations different representations of the time scale are available, For the FFT plot e.g. the x-axis can be scale using the fre- quency respectively the harmonic order. 27-12 O XD Oo 4 C ) DIgSILENT PonerFactony “Visualization of Resut in PowerFactory BasioDala «AN | Advariced | Axis: T chat cis Vaisble 7 Use tatined Defatt Time (ull. © Tine ns) © Tine Tine iin) © Tove P © Fregueney 2} © Hams Od 1 Fig. 27.4: The variable list available for the x-Axis ‘The option User defined enables the user to choose any variable for the x-axis, which is selected to be stored in the result object. As shown in the figure 27.4 an element and a Variable can be selected for the x-axis, In this way a x-y plot can be created. There is also an own plot type for a more convenient way to create x-y plot: the VisXyplot Is described in more detail in section . Setting the Y-Axis ‘The y-axes are normally not synchronized like the x-axis, because they all show different parameter values and thus need parameter-specific settings. By default, the Graphics Board's default plot type is used, but more plot types may be created and used, i.e, plot types for voltages, power, factors, slip factors, etc. By using the same plot type, different plots can be compared more easily, without the risk of mis-interpreting a difference in curve amplitude. Although the x- and y-scale definitions thus use somewhat other synchronizing schemes, the way a particular axis is set is quite similar, Both the y-axis and the x-axis page in the subplot edit dialogue have the option to Use /acal Axisor simply Local, If this option Is disabled, a reference is shown which points to the used axis definition as described in the last section, ‘* If the option is enabled, the axis is defined locally and the edit dialogue changes in order to do so, See the figure 27.4. 27-23 DIGSILENT PomerFectony Mtauatzation of Resuts n PowerFactocy The local definitions of an axis has three parts: + the axis limits (minimum and maximum) «the kind of axis (linear, logarithmic) «the auto scale options * the settings to adapt the scale to a setpoint. “The axis limits can be given manually, or can be auto scaled by pressing the Scale button, With this button the limits are defined automatically from the curve shape once. ‘The options to Auto Scalethe plot are Off ‘Turns any auto scaling function off and will display the results in the range between the given limits. On This option will automatically scale the plot at the end of a simulation, Online This option will automatically scale the plot during the simulation, ‘The x-axis additionally features a Chartoption. If ticked a range and a start value can be set. This will set the x-axis to the specified range. During the simulation only a x-range, set In the options, is shown and will ‘wander along with the calculation time, “The Adapt Scalesettings are used to force a tick mark on the axis at a particular value. This is the OfServalue. Other tick marks will be drawn at ‘nice’ distances from this offset, ‘The default value for both x- and y-axis is an active adapt scale with Triggerequal to zero. So the main ticks of the axes start at zero. To see the deviations from the offset, the Show Deviations from Offset option will draw a second axis on the right, which has its zero baseline at the offset value. The Show De- viations from Offset option is available for the y-axis only. ‘An example of two subplots is given in the figure 27.5 where a voltage sag is shown with both an instantaneous and a RMS value curve. The top curve has the Adapt option dis- abled, and both axes autoscaled. roe oom named [ | some co oii rem i ste AAT | { 200 at gat ee a0 an soe RAAARAA AA aon (A tae “00 0.100" 0.2000 ‘02000 ce anenitien — own Fig. 27.5: Two subplots with different axis definitions ‘The bottom subplot has a smaller x-axis, to show only the interesting part, and has the 27-14 CQ DigSULENT PowerFactory Visualzation of Resuits In PowerFactory Adapt option set on both axes. ‘The y-axis has its offset set to the nominal voltage level (11kV) and also shows the devi- ations from that level in the right vertical axis. From this deviation, it is directly clear that the RMS voltage initially drops more than 5kV. The x-axis has its offset set to the event time, which in this case is 100ms when a short-circuit was simulated. From the x-axis, it is now directly clear that this short-circuit was cleared after 200ms, at t=300ms. Specifying Curves for Plots ‘The curves in a subplot must be taken from a result object (ElmRes), which is created by a power system calculation function like the RMS or EMT simulation. How to create such a result object is explained in 27.2, ‘The selection of the variables to be plotted in the current plot is done in the y-axispage of the edit dialogue. This is easily accessed by double-clicking the background of the plot. ‘The dialogue is shown in the figure 27.6 and the figure 27,7 in detail. Cuvee OEE . Fai fie] Element Vat. Eee a sia “(x learenifora [esspeed Fig, 27.6: Defining a new curve Each line in the shown matrix has the definition of a curve. * The first column states the result object from which the data to plot the curve will be read. If it is empty, the standard result file will be used defined in the reference ‘Shown Resuitsin the same dialogue. The second column states the power system element (here: the generator "Gid"), which is selected from the available elements in the result object. The third column states the actual variable for the curve ("xspeed"), selected from the variables in the result object, belonging to the selected element. The next columns specify the style of the individual curve. ‘With the last two columns the user can norm the values of the variable to a nominal value given. Anew result object, element or parameter is selected by double-clicking the field or by right-clicking it and selecting Select Element/Type or Editfrom the context sensitive menu. A list of possible result objects resp, elements or parameters will pop up from which anew entry can be selected. The color, line style and line width settings are edited in the same way: double-clicking or right-clicking and selecting Ecit: New curve definition lines can be created by right-clicking on the column number (on the W158 DISSILENT PonerFsctoy Visuatvaton of Results In PowerFactry far left) (see cursor arrow in the figure 27.6) and selecting Jnsert Rows or Append (n) Rows, Marked curve definitions can similarly be deleted from the list by selecting Delete Rows. OD Note If you want (o see changes between to consecutive simulations, ‘you can ran the first simulation. These results will be stored inside the resutt object Results.ElmRes, which can be found in the ac- tive study case, Copy this object, paste it and rename it to e.g. "old Results". Then you can add the same variable to a plot twice and select the "old Results" result object for one of them (as shown in the figure 27.6). This will show the old and the new results in one plot. If more than ore curve is to be specified for the same result file and element, this may be done in one action by selecting more than one variable from the variable list. This will automatically create new entries In the curve definition table for all additionally selected OX variables. The entered Result File and Element are copied automatically. This very conve- nient procedure is shown in the figure 27.7 and the figure 27.8. ; Shoom Resuts | Curves ia ent Fie infiae. Fig. 27.7; Defining subplots with minimum effort, step 1 SShoin Felts” "S| Raut Anadis fRus)\Asults ‘ouves: Beak Fie] Elman] Vaistie “Gx Enea. Fecdnater Purp m2 [Feedwater Pump 1_|mPbust (33 [Feecwater Pump t_locul:buet |i inv Fig. 27.8: Defining subplots with minimum effort, step 2 Similarly several elements can be selected. Then PowerFactory will automatically insert a the according number of rows. The variables are then set automatically to the one select- ed in the first row. 27-16 Q DIQSWLENT Porerfoctory Visualization of Resutsn PonerFactory The Subplot with two Y-Axes. A plot with two y-axes can be seen in the figure 27.9. To create this plot the “®.’ icon has to be pressed and a Subplot (2y) (VisPIot2) to be selected from the pull down list, This will add a subplot with two y-axes to the current VI panel. ‘The second axis can then be defined and curves for this axis can be specified similar to the ‘basic! subplot VisPlot. In the edit dialogue of this plot, as shown in the figure 27.9, there will now appear a page for yi-Axisand for y2-Axis. Siero vitae, 2A | As | Advanced | | Nome Use second y Asis -Scale-— Use local sis Fig. 27.9: The definition of the second y-axis ‘On the page for the second y-axis, this additional axis can be deactivated by unticking the option Use second yAxis. The X-Y Plot A further type of plot is the x-y plot. This plot will show one variable depending on a sec- ond variable in one diagram. The two variables can be completely independent from each other and do not have to belong to one element, To create a xy plot press the © icon and then select a X-Y Plot (VisXYPlot) from the pull down list. This will add a new x-a plot to the current VI panel. ‘The figure 27.10 shows the edit dialogue of the plot. DIGSILENT AowerFnctony isultzation of Results n PowerFactory Cie ae Youn [sear] Teese este 4] Thaw ‘Vacate |e oe | (aoaaaT = Serco —— | Sewowettin ss | Fig, 27.10: Defining variables for a X-Y plot On the variablespage the variables for the x- and y-axis are specified. Both variables have to be stored in one result file of a simulation. To select variables of two different elements the option Show x-Element in Tablehas to be activated. The options and the tools for the curves are similar to the ones described in section (The Subplot). On the second page Scalesof the dialogue the scales of the two axis can be set automat- ically or global definitions can be used for them. “The plot is drawn for a certain time range. On page Time Rangethis range can be set to the whole simulation time. Another way is to select only a specified range to show these results. The FFT Plot ‘The FFT plot (VisFft) is similar to the normal subplot (VisPlot) from the handling point of view. This plot will not show variables depending on the simulations me but on the frequency. A time range of signal can be selected and then be transformed from the time domain into the frequency domain using the Fast-Fourier Transformation (FFT). This then will shown the harmonic contents of this signal depending on the nominal frequency of the system. ie Like other plots it can be created by using the "Append VI(s)" Icon '®°. An much easier way Is to click on a plotted curve and then selecting Create FFT Plotfram the context sen- sitive menu. Then the mouse pointer can be ‘dragged’ from the selected point on the curve to the left or right. When holding the mouse stil, a quick-help box shows the range, beginning and end of the curve to be transformed. By clicking the diagram again, a range for the FFT is set and the FFT Is calculated and shown in a newly created plot, When entering the "edit" dialogue by double-clicking the plot, the x- and y-axis can be defined on the different pages similar to the VisPlot. Additional options are: 7-8 DIgSWLENT fonerFactony Visuaization of Resuts in PowerFactory Calculate This additional option on the page y-Axis modifies the fast-fourier transformation and the time range of the signal the FFT is applied to, The button Synchronize will synchronize the time range with the given frequencyFurthermore the different parts of the variable and the number of samples for the FFT can be selected. Unit The unit of the x-axis can be set to Frequency or Harmonic Order For the Harmonic Orderthe nominal frequency can be set different to the network frequency. Display On the Advanced page the display of the FFT results can be toggled between the Spectral Lineand a solid Curve 27.1.3 The Vector Diagram Using a vector diagram complex values such as voltages, currents and apparent power can be visualized as vectors in one or more diagrams. A complex variable can be defined and then shown in two different representations: * Polar coordinates, i.e, magnitude and phase of the current * Cartesian coordinates, i.e. active-and reactive power ‘There are predefined vector diagrams for calculation results. The predefined vector dia- grams can easily be created using the context menu of a branch: * right-click a branch in the single line graphic or in the data manager. * select the option Show-> Vector Diagram->... from the menu * select one of the predefined variable, i.e. Voltage/Currents “The example the figure 27.11 shows the voltage and current on one terminal of a line, 27-19 DIGSHLENT Powertactory eealization of Rests n PowerFactory 5.00. 4.04 0a0% #876.22° -4b0"-3'00-2'00-1.b07 |“" 3.60 4.0 5.00 0.380 We 40.40" -3.00 1 Terminal 9.1090 artic Current ink 0.1000 KWrTick Vottage in KV Vector diagram of voltage and current on a line —SSSSSSsFsFSeseFFeee Note A vector dagram can only be shown when branch elements like Ines, load, transformers, etc. are selected. Then the vectors of the voltage, current or power across the elements or at the nodes con- nected to the elements are shown In diagrams. The vector can be shown after a load-flow calculation or before and after 2 transient RMS simulation. Another way of creating a vector diagram VecVis to the current VI panel is - equal to adding a subplot - by pressing the ®: icon and selecting a Vector Diagram (VecVis) from the pull down list. In the eaitdialogue the variables can then be shown as described in section (The Subplot). ‘The objects and variables of the vector diagram can be changed manually by editing the dialogue, which is opened by double-clicking the vectar diagram. The more convenient method Is to right-click the diagram and selecting * Default Vectors ->... to select a predefined vector from the list. «= Label of Vectors changes the label of the displayed elements shown in the diagram. Jump to Element to select one of the elements that is connected to the currently displayed element, Set Origin set the origin of the diagram to the position selected with a mouse-click. Center Origin set the origin of the diagram in the middle of the plot. 27-20 QO DIGSILENT Peonerhactary Misualzation of Rests in PowerFactory The X And Y Axes In most plots, the x and y scale are given by the minimum and maximum value of each scale, A vector diagram can't be defined using minimum and maximum for each scale be- cause the x- and the y-ratio must be equal. The ratio for each unit is therefore set as the parameter units per axis tick. In addition the location of the origin can be defined, Tf all shown variables have the same unit, the axis are Jabelled with values and unit. If there is more than one unit, the labels show ticks. A legend showing the ratio of the units is add at the right bottom of the plot. The balloon help of the scale labels always the ab- solute values for each unit. Editing the Unit/Tick To modify the scale of an axis the table Sca/esin the editdialogue can be chenged. The column "Unit" shows the unit, the column "Scale" shows the ratio in unit per tick, A higher ratio then shortens the vector, If the "Auto Scale" option in the dialogue is turned on, the scales are adapted whenever ‘a new calculation is ready, Turn off "Auto Scale” to keep the scale limits, Setting the Origin re origin position of the vecter plot can be changed either graphically or with the dia- logue: * Right-click the vector plot and select Set Origin. This will move the origin to the right- clicked position. + Modify the "x-Min." and "y-Min." values in the plot dialogue to the starting value of the x-and y scale, Changing Coordinates ‘The plot displays the vectors in cartesian or in polar representation. The grid of a polar plot is shown as circles and can be altered as described In section (The Subplot). The representation setting is also used for the mouse position display in the status bar ‘The option Po/ar'n the context menu toggles between representation in polar and carte- sian coordinates. On the Advanced page in the editdialogue this representation can also ba changed. Label of Vectors In the edit dialogue as well as from the context menu of the plot the label of the vector can be displayed in the different coordinate representation, so the real and imaginary val- ue or the magnitude and phase angle can be shown. Changing the Object ‘There are two different ways to change the objects for which the vector plot is made by: * Right-clicking one of the vector plots and select Jump 7a. This shows a list of all connected elements from which one can be selected. Here the side of a branch +21 DIGSILENT Aowerfactory Visualization of Results In PowerFoctory element is automatically checked. The Jump 7o option is not available if there is more than one element shown in the same plot or if there are no calculation results available. + The "Element" column in the variables table in the plot dialogue, as depicted in the figure 27.12, is double-clicked to select a new object. nen pone ae Tens Elegant] Var atin] Vaca [Cole [Unetde [Uneaith | Derer Pr bart repnebusl ———|— a2 |e [shat _[nilibust insist (13 |———|— 2, Fig. 27.12: Variable list of a vector diagram Changing the Variables There are two different ways to change the displayed variables: * Right-click the vector plot and select the Defsult Variables option. This will show a list of predefined variables, This option is not available if there is more than one element shown in the same plot or if there are no calculation results available, * The "Var. x-Axis" column in the variables table in the plot dialogue, as depicted in the figure 27.12 is double-clicked to select a new variable from a list. The variables shown in the list are either the magnitude or the real-part of the vector. The angle or the imaginary part are set automatically. The selection list is empty when no calculation result are available. 27.1.4 The Voltage Profile Plot This plot VisPath shows the voltage profile of a radial network based on the load-flow results. Ibis directly connected to a defined feeder in the network, so it can only be cre- ated for the part of the system a feeder is assigned to. “The voltage profile plot needs a successful load-flow calculation, It can not be created if there is no load-ftow calculated. The most easy way of creating a voltage path plot is to define such a plot in the single line graphic. ‘To create a voltage profile: ‘* First a feeder for the radial network has to be define, for which a voltage profile is to be created, by right-clicking on a switch and then select Define-> Feeder... A New feeder object Is created. Abranch of an already defined feeder is right-clicked, The context sensitive menu will show the option Show-> Voltage Profile. PowerFactory wil then create a new object VisPath showing the voltage profile for the defined feeder, In the ‘calculation relevant objects’ or in the data manager select the feeder object which is just created or which Is to be shown the voltage profile of. Right-click on it and select Show-> Voltage Profile from the context sensitive menu. Note The option Show-> Voltage Profile is only available when a load- 27-22

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