Science and Health V: 17. Date

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17. Date: ____________

I. Objective:
Practices good health habits to keep the respiratory system healthy

Care of one's health Cleanliness and sanitation

II. Subject Matter:

Good health habits to keep the respiratory system healthy
A. Science Concept/Idea:
Good health habits to keep the respiratory system healthy.
B. Science Processes:
Observing, Inferring and comparing
C. Materials:
Charts/pictures of clean surroundings, checklists
Into the Future: Science and Health 5 Teacher's Module in Science and Health 5
Science and Health 5 by Jessie A. Villegas, BEC 6
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
a. Review
1. What are the symptoms of a person with asthma?
2. Why do traffic aides wear masks?
b. Checking of Assignment
c. Motivation:
What do you do when you are in a dusty area?
Why do you cover your mouth when you sneeze?
B. Presentation:
Show pictures/charts of congested areas and dirty surroundings and another chart with clean
surroundings and checklist.
Do activity 8 P. 39 (Science and Health V by Jessie A. Villegas).
C. Concept Formation:
1. Why are the good health habits to keep the respiratory system healthy?
IV. Evaluation:
Put a check() if the statement is good practice and (x) for the bad practice before each
_____ 1. Clean your nose regularly.
_____ 2. Eat junk foods everyday.
_____ 3. Open the windows to allow fresh air in.
_____ 4. Wear mask in busy streets.

_____ 5. Consult your doctor regularly.

V. Assignment:
What are the proper ways in taking care of the respiratory system?

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