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20. Date: ____________

I. Objective:
Demonstrates ways of caring for persons affected by bronchitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia

Keeping oneself healthy

II. Subject Matter:

Ways of caring for persons with bronchitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia
A. Science Concept/Idea:
1. For persons with Bronchitis:
a. Consult doctor for suspected bronchitis.
b. Give patient steam inhalation and hot foot bath.
2. For persons with Tuberculosis:
a. Medical attention is necessary.
b. Patient is given antibiotics, vitamins, good diet.
3. For persons with Pneumonia:
a. Medical treatment is necessary.
b. Patient is given antibiotics, dextrose infection and artificial respiration.
B. Science Processes:
Observing, inferring and communicating
C. Materials:
Pictures showing proper ways of caring for persons affected by bronchitis, tuberculosis and
Science and Health 5 by Dr. Abrasia pp. 29-30
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
a. Review:
What are the proper ways to care of patients with asthma, common colds and influenza?
b. Checking of Assignment
c. Motivation:
Suppose a member of the family has tuberculosis, how will you care for him or her?
B. Presentation:
1. Show pictures showing proper care for patients with bronchitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia.
2. Divide the class into three numbers. Let each group get a picture.
3. Let the pupils prepare a dramatization - on how to care for person with
a. Bronchitis
b. Tuberculosis
c. Pneumonia
4. Group work to be followed by presenting their dramatization.

C. Concept Formation:
How do you care for the persons with bronchitis? Tuberculosis? Pneumonia?
D. Application:
If you are sick with tuberculosis how can you prevent spreading the germs to the other
member of the family?
IV. Evaluation:
Put a check on the proper ways of caring for persons with bronchitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia
and x for not.
_____ 1. Give the patient antibiotic, oxygen and enough water.
_____ 2. Let him eat plenty of meat.
_____ 3. Give the patient enough rest, good diet and fresh air.
_____ 4. Give the patient a hot foot bath.
_____ 5. Let the patient take plenty of fats, sweet, starch and fried foods.
V. Assignment:
1. On your way to and from school you pass by your neighbor's house with a patient who is sick of
bronchitis. What will you advice to the patient?
2. One of the members of your family was diagnosed to have tuberculosis. What will you do, so that
the other members of the family will not be infected?

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