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A gatheringfor peacb

THE baby strappedin the
stroller must. havc won-
dered why the balloons
were in the sky over
Cabravale Park around
2.30pm last Saturday.
Did the baby also won-
der why - morc than 5(X)
people, including politi-
ciansandlocal communitY
crouDs- some of whom
iord T-shirts with the
message "Strength in
diversity" - had gathered
for p peace rally in the
wakc of the murderof MP'
John Newman?
Perhaps noL
But evcryone who was
oldcr than the baby kncw
why they were there that
sunny aftemoon- to seek
r'1i,, ,,t
peace,harmony and secu- MOREthan 500 peoplegatheredin CabravalePark to pay tribule lo murdEredMP John Newmqq;i
rity for Clbramatta resi- which Councillor Lalich Ngo pleadedfor unity "in Janice Cibsio and Carl by one band.'anda':i6lat
dents. was standing had a back- this time of crisis". Scullyurgedthe comrnu-
Fairfield City Mayor, drop which read'CARES'r "We are determined to nity to be unitedto solve singer,i - - --i
Councillor Nick Lalich (Cabramatta all races overcome the difficulties the community's pfoL
ih;;;d". ,,i,
larinchedthe rally. embracessolidarity). ' facing us to build a better, lems. Presidentof the',Viit-
"We've been copping a 'in
It was from here the brighter and strongercom- .. Bdnners proclaimed namesecommunity'
lot flak over the last couple crowd heard messagesof munity in Cabramatta. "The Vietnamese in Cab- Australia, Cuong,,Vo,
"Every peace but also calls for More than ever we should ramatta stronglyopposeall remindedthe crowil' of
of w@ks," he said.
time there's a stabbing or solidarity and defiance, put our efforts iogether. forms of violence",and JohnNewman's deathand
somebodygetsbashed,it's given the "backlash" and Pleasejoin with me, hold "Bigotry shamesus all". said Mr Newmanis
"Asian bashing" in somc handstogetheras a sign of But therewasa feelingof murderers must, .,
front page news for a !e
week." recent media reports. unity." hope in songslike John stronglypunished by,Aus-
The small stage on Fai$eld Cr Phuong Other politicians like Lennon'sImagine,played tralianlaw. ; {:
' 'j'l

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