2012 Core Competency Standards

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PROFESSIONAL REGULATION COMMISSION Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing In collaboration with the COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION Technical Committee on Nursing Education Present the 2012 NATIONAL NURSING CORE COMPETENCY STANDARDS Annex “A” Prepared for the Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing by the Task Force on Nursing Core Competency Revisiting Project June 2012 INTRODUCTION Heightened by the escalating complexity of globalization, dynamics of information technology, demographic changes, health care reforms and increasing demands for quality nursing care from consumers, expectations for contemporary nursing practice competencies emerged. Thus, in 2005, as an output of a key project, Board of Nursing Resolution no. 112 Series Of 2005, adopted and promulgated the Core Competency Standards of Nursing Practice in the Philippines. As mandated, the Board of Nursing ensured,through a monitoring and evaluation scheme, that the core competency standards are implemented and utilized effectively in nursing education , in the development of test questions for the Nurse Licensure Examination (NLE),and in nursing service as a basis for orientation, training and performance appraisal ‘Through the years of implementation, global and local developments in health and likewise, professional nursing developments prompted. the Board of Nursing to conduct a” revisiting ” of the Core Competency Standards of Nursing Practice in the Philippines. In 2009, the Board of Nursing created the Task force on Nursing Core Competencies Revisiting Project in collaboration with the Commission on Higher Education Technical Committee on Nursing Education with the primary goal of determining the relevance of the current nursing core competencies to expected roles of the nurse and to its current and future work setting, The process of revisiting the nursing core competencies included work setting scenario analysis, benchmarking owith nursing core competencies of other countries, validation studies of roles and responsibilities, integrative review of outputs from validation strategies, presentations of validation analysis, and core competency consensual validation. Public hearing on the revised and modified core competency standards of nursing practice in the Philippines was conducted in January, 2012 in the cities of Manila, Davao, Cebu and Baguio. Integrating all the comments, suggestions and recommendations for the improvement of the revised and modified core competency standards ,the last phase of the refinement of the core competency standards was done in May 2012, LEGAL BASES Article IIL, section 9 (c) of Republic Act No. 9173 or the Philippine Nursing Act of 2002, states that the Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing is empowered to “monitor and enforce quality standards of nursing practice in the Philippines and exercise the powers necessary to ensure the maintenance of efficient, ethical and technical, moral and professional standards in the practice of nursing taking into account the health needs of the nation.” It is , therefore, incumbent upon the Board of nursing to take the lead in the improvement and effective implementation of the core competency standards of nursing practice in the Philippines to ensure safe and quality nursing care , and maintain integrity of the nursing profession. REVISITING THE CORE COMPETENCY STANDARDS OF NURSING PRACTICE IN THE PHILIPPINES ‘The process of revisiting the core competency standards involved ten (10) key phases, These are: Phase I - Work setting scenario analysis Phase II - Validation studies of roles and responsibilities/ Benchmarking Phase IlI- Integrative review of outputs from the validation strategies. Phase IV- Core competency Consensual Validation Phase V - Conduct of Public hearing Phase VI ~ Promulgation of the Revised and Modified Core Competency Standards Phase VII- Printing of the Revised and Modified core competency Standards Phase VIII- Training in the implementation of the revised core competency standards Phase IX- Implementation of the revised core competency standards Phase X - Evaluation of the effectiveness of the revised core competency standards. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE 2012 NATIONAL NURSING CORE COMPETENCY STANDARDS: (2012 NNCCS) The 2012 National Nursing Core Competency Standards (2012 NNCCS) will serve as a guide for the development of the following: + Basic Nursing Education Program in the Philippines through the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), © Competency-based Test Framework as the basis for the development of course syllabi and test questions for “entry level” nursing practice in the Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination. * Standards of Professional Nursing Practice in various settings in the Philippines + National Career progression Program (NCPP) for nursing practice in the Philippines. + Any or related evaluation tools in various practice settings in the Philippines 2012. NATIONAL NURSING CORE COMPETENCY STANDARDS (2012 NNCCS) LBEGINNING NURSE'S ROLE ON CLIENT CARE, Responsibility 1: Practices in accordance with legal principles and the code of ethics in making personal and professional judgment. Responsibility 2: Utilizes the nursing process in the interdisciplinary care of clients that empowers the clients and promotes safe quality Responsibility 3: Maintains complete and up to date recording and reporting, system. Responsibility 4: Establishes collaborative relationship with colleagues and other members of the team to enhance nursing and other health care services. Responsibility 5: Promotes professional and personal growth and development. II. BEGINNING NURSE’S ROLE ON MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP Responsibility 1 : Demonstrates management and leadership skills to provide safe and quality care. Responsibility 2: Demonstrates accountability for safe nursing practice. Responsibility 3: Demonstrates management and leadership skills to deliver health programs and_ services effectively to specific client groups in the community setting Responsibility 4: Manages a community / village based health facility /component of a health program or a nursing service. Responsibility 5: Demonstrates ability to lead and supervise nursing support staff. Responsibility 6: Utilizes appropriate mechanisms for networking, linkage building and referrals. II BEGINNING NURSE'S ROLE ON RESEARCH Responsibility 1: Engages in nursing or health related research with or under the supervision of an experienced researcher. Responsibility 2: Evaluates research study/report utilizing guidelines in the conduct of a written research critique. Responsibility 3: Applies the research process in improving client care in partnership with a quality improvement /quality assurance/ nursing audit team. Nurses’ Role on ¢| lent: Cary inning et" qesponsiblities y competences formance Indcatod, Care of Individuals, Families, Population Groups, and Communitiesin varied settings CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK 2012 NATIONAL NURSING CORE COMPETENCY STANDARDS (2012 NNCCS) womueay Due vogeIogeI00 « wousro.duy fen © uejeaunog © "BRIS yoddns Taw pue waKp ety Wee IHESY ‘24 yim dussouyed uy axe jo uswuosnue ays e aunsue 0] suoIoe pu saI63}eN yn0 SaUleD "y “senBeayco pue suayed woy ynduy uoReULOgLL Juauino Bussn eoqoeud u esue ety sanss: sse,ppe/sweygord Gunjos wy BuryuA feoqb SazINN “E ‘1e3 0 uewuoHAUe aes e einsua 0} Buyew Uo'SIep U goNDe:d paseg-yomuze, | og 0} yonauey Cuzwein ue apraxto, pou nfeoun® ae. 10 oxo EN & ALA) ¢ ue ven) Seogodty 0 ares, esond waa ase SRS vasa Busna egeaununien p42 pis ot i sodousd wou au pn Buruco ereosoy_« | ys pve awn mop 0 sa1a4 2c 9 uo sfpaMoeY MUA O ANE. EIESA SHOU | ese nase 8 Buel a saeUO NE TIFTSISNOGSSE 051387 S¥O.YOIONI SOND 4ons138009. HOUVSSSY YIHONVASAY NO 310¥ S.4SUNN ONINNIDSS a PERFORMANCE INDICATORS KEY AREAS OF | RESPONSIBILITY ‘COMPETENCY arch study conducted in 1$ and summary of findings. and wit very litle emotional laden statements Improvement 713.2 Conducts an oral and or poster Presentation jon audience, time allotment, venue and clarity and impact ofthe oral research ent, allowing fora question-and- | Aayqsvodse e6 ypqsuodses eeou-oou ome ue uoqevoqei09, voyeounuog amoqo, stem yareasa1 Busanu u sojdound anya Youn saynuen| pajoqaid ove siefans vewny jo sWBu ey MOY Seq10590 7 ‘soqveyoow Byjum jo spiepues 0 swoju00 yoda) Kpms areasas p seuceds | Lo \Yveasar ain jo saseyd ye u sourepiné ue sejdiouud eonpa ‘soweynou fiuqun o spuepues oj eouaroype 10} podaxfpms yueesel etn SezAeuy “YZ @BpeANOU Jo Kp0q BuNsNa pue SBUpUY Au) WIN WHISSUON ae SUOREPLOMIUODSY "> ‘SuOYeM ABMS ay Lan ajeudaidde axe suogeandw) poe aUL -ponseweyfenideouco ‘ay pue sesayodky 10 suojsenb yoszasas a4 Jo Swe) peyeidqU are synsal wevoduy) 7 “uoneyaudiju 24 jo yoddns upasoyo ae seouspig | sg seyoods ons 0 svoneyan Swepsoo syns ag uy Wo}ssuED a suoqepuauoes pus Suopen ‘onerous oy sousness £2 eng yowssnseau jo fypres pu Age jo eovapN peveyo yd seve ep SoyDedS“L ‘sojgeuenyaneosas fa an Buseo Us yoeoidée ayssod seq a4 st anpo2oig ‘sequen Aon ay Aojenbapeamseau 9e0)s)Jausu 2 SSUWLEIAg "9 ‘Omen \neesa Koya Sug u yoeaidde S09 os unpeco.d ungZe,OD BP ota HSAs S sesoyidht 0 suogsonb ‘sue}aaud eases aa passavppe vu uonzeyp eu a sapno.dusep ieee: 4 SayedS"y sesoujdhy ‘ons jp ‘sangzlgo ‘esodind oveases 4 Wyn pox st Wowawe KOS a NOY SOUS, pms 04} seq pe wonoayp euoge SapON IMEI JO Maya! OL MOY =H) °Z vonnee Buoyeido on yin WISI pUE RAD ANE HoMaWeY AMY ideovOD aN SUE “L soseipodhy pue ‘svojsandyswiyqoid ‘esodind yoreasoy ‘4 a poy Aero ue aunpe00id ‘ssheve etep pue‘uBisap yoseesa: “aamyesay pea! jo nara Atewuns 2 uomauey erydeouo> aj s=zAuy 22 ‘sesaupodiy au) 869 neg y ‘sjsayjod{y 20 uogsanb youeasau ‘asodind jo ywowaleys 20160, pue asioucd ‘seaj9 °¢ sod) uopsanb upueasar puejpou emHeo009) ponaweyfeqs=.I04 ay UBEAKEN JED 2 suogeMuN pueegoos sj pue wo}andyaveosos eo uojeayIUER E00 | yonauey ams woy pjeau96 svoysodoxd fue sdysvones pu sy2u02 “esodindysveasel ou pana ‘yea pue Keep ov sasaxgodhy 10) pus sonooleo‘svogsonbysuaygud yore9sey 2) aiuy 9 soyads yareesas 04g y SeuNeIEG 12 ‘XIMIBISNOSSE JO SYSUY ADL ‘SYOLVOION! SONYIHO4Id ONAL3dNOD I ‘COMPETENCY 31, Participates as a member of PERFORMANCE INDICATORS KEY AREAS OF |_ RESPONSIBILITY | nity and affect large numberof patients, igh risk problems, and aspects of care alyzing data. ation of appropriate data collection and analysis = Legal responsibilty © Quality Improvement. 3.42, Conducts colection and ‘analysis of data with the team members based on the agreed pan. 25 Histogram 3. Evaluates with te team, the identified variations that requires investigation. “3.3. mplements wih the eam the developed action pian for the identified vance to improve the system or process. 1. Seleets an appropriate model that would be appropriate to change and improve the system or process (9, the lan-Do-Check-Act cycle (POCA). 4, Chocks the effects ofthe change by collecting data and information ullzng appropriate methods and teas. 5, Implements change inthe system or provass based onthe resus of the plot study. ~ COMPETENCY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS KEY AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY Quality Improvement (075/280/2012ABR [CMA ~ COMPETENCY BEGINNING NURSE'S ROLE ON CLIENT CARE ] DDICATORS 1, Adhere fo ehico egal ‘considerations when providing sale, qualty and professional rursing care. 4. Species the eco | st 35 for providing safe, qualty and professional nursing cae, 2. Makes 712, Apples ethical reasoning and decision making process to 7 Executes the ethical reasoning process used in arriving at decisions fo address situations of ethical distress ‘and moral lemma, 2, Decides on cases based on ethical reasoning 7 Abulates Gari the scope and standards of nursing prac. 2 Shows evidence of legal require ie of nursing, (Le. cuent professional icense) 3. Actsin accordance withthe tems of contract ment and other ules and regdatons. where one belongs. nding of heath care rights jesintervetions to protect cients rights guided by the "Patients Bl of Rights and ‘COMPETENCY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS KEY AREAS RESPONSIBILITY 1 Shares pertinent infomation about onese as nuse-parner. aicipaton throughout the working the sks ofthe cient to participate in developing speciying the jomalc nursing assessment oF Glens with & "© Collaboration and Teamwork + Record Management * Management of resources and | environment “genesy pu suiaaaNd ‘spasu ijeay au ssauppe 0 UB aN HM svonuanvoju Avenb pue ayes suewau yz ‘fueyp spaau s;ualp se 2payrouy 20 yrs 'wouBpnl suo 0 Gupioase are> Jo ued SeyOHN TZ ‘100 ued 2 Budojanap u wea} ave \yeoy|euO}ssajod-O} OY PU WeKD a LAI SeILONE|OD ‘jo01 pue spowaw ‘sijeopuyeUEwo Burjoads Les uoNeryene Ue UaID a4 WN SAO|eAED "S saBaENS|SuORUONON ‘jeudonide Buuueld u uogedomed Aueyquayo szusrew 0 5100) pue SpoUeW S957 'y Sso}uainyop/sde6 frei pue suo dwod/sweiga jo Loguanaud ‘esuodse1 Seujom "vonowod e940} samunyoddo Bucueyue sebajens/suonuoruej sjeudosdde siojag '¢ “sopusteduco s uaqp Buzunew a1 Jo sawooqno payed pue sanfoalgo ‘sjeo6 sayoeds 7 “swayqoidJo suopuoo jo su & Buowe SeNHOUd Ss soqoud uo peseq sonssypue swstanid ‘speou svoglpuno (eet ai sseuppe 9} 2120 0 ved © ayo ov Uy SBIEMUOS EZ wouvomnue aE HORNS Lepchesetsy Peyquep swoyord Bupietos yoyo ain yum aovaunauoa s00$¢ | 40 coueane ot 0} (ABH) suose=s pyowsbeuey « ‘woygod Gusinusisoube Eusinusaes 7 | —Gusywepl pessesppe oqo swo}918 taygor jo aovetsa a 20} suoses 1 sjuoypUED ai YIM PEDO Soe ay SoM} |_SuOUHUOD/EMIES SMa seyDedS SZ 9 ‘oneugeua! WoWoBELEW exeesipjueROT yonueay vonuaraid aseesp‘sseujenjuoqowoid jeoy WweuerasSuyeBuey9 1) seqUNpOd o, ue vores0"2i0) * | sioweqsojpue sacuaryon ‘sd (KB yedo\afsd EgOsKydowed 82) suoneye 3 0; s08e=) uogeaunuuog + yo saines pus wuayayepryubeu aun wg Bualyoeds fa pasayed eep Loy SeoUER sMeIQ ‘wOneONPS MIERH = pavayre6 cep syoxchalu) ‘pasoyes eiep sezsayuls y7Z Aeesvodsoy “Saya RDU pe sunOBKe Bush SBipU (e657 + | yvees01 0 scjeapur yyeaujeoUND ‘sprepUeSSUOU YM Sowa BuLioas ‘Swipe ep sareGLOD *¢ Aypsvodsox ‘329990014 0 'Sauaty Bune ‘swapeS BUALAEN OHO WE IM EP SIFY Z riow-oou3 » | oP a9 fiero 9S + | yo thy Aa yonowey waussesse sjeudostte Gusn Kofee9 Jo uonpuG® fa ep Wewsse85@ SAID | pose ep sexkeuy ¢2Z ‘COMPETENCY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS KEY AREAS OF 24.2 Provides appropriate evdence- based nursing care usi ‘accordance with nursing standards which include prom« restore health, promote reabiltaton, and provide palation and vistors perform infection contol measures accordingly. evr er tte cement sot bo to th ‘COMPETENCY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS | aaa. jon and administration of medication. medica 2 variety of sting based on standards. pharmacologic and Pharmacologic measures. tools and techniques based on literature review, consultation COMPETENCY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS “Provides approp pregnancy and of ‘of women during the petpartal phases of | « KEY AREAS OF COMPETENCY 7.10.7 Enhance fami competence on maintenance among its members. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1. Develops the competence oft 24102 Implements school and work seting. 2 Perfoms counteparting KEY AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY 7 COMPETENCY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ] KEY AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY 4-10, plement interventions guided by 7 Species the bases for choice of nlvenions carried aut win existing policies and procedures, of jablereportabe diseases based on protocol 11 Specifies the characterises ofeach | 2. Selects appropriate heath education zation planing model ose * Safe Quality Care ‘COMPETENCY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS KEY AREAS OF 75.2, izes Feath education Assesses the needs ofthe target population. results of cient’ leaming experiences using the evaluation parameters identified inthe heath ‘COMPETENCY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS RESPONSIBILITY 7 Ersies completeness, egy See || accessibility and secunty of informatc ‘Conforms to documentation standards. ng of records and cher wornaion, —_— Releases records and information based on protocol an principle of confident. 3. Implements system of informatics to Demonstrates competence inthe use of informatics. 9 = Revord Management. [© Communication suppot the delivery of heath care LUsiizes appropiate, upto date, and system of informatio. ‘COMPETENCY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS KEY AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY ins good interpersonal relationship intr-agenoy and interagency. = Record the role ofthe other members ofthe heath team. Management ;onladvocate ofthe client during decision making by the inter-professional team. ‘© Communication ‘+ Collaboration jets prior to decision making ts the views of clentslfamiies and /or care providers. ‘PERFORMANCE INDICATORS approaches to enhiancelsupport the capabily ofthe client to participate in decision KEY AREAS OF support and improve ones Ta compete 6 rgllted nse. 7 ientifies learing needsTssues based on curent and pojecteduture practice requisites. nt and projected a basis of alearing plan. | + Communication policies and access to sences. 6 Interprets datato show the urgency of 7. Analyze the sources of political power and social nfuence within systems, 8. Utes conflict resolution strategies to addres resistance 10 ‘54 Models professional behavior. rs, actions and in relating wih clients, colleagues, and Revised by CMA ogy16/2012 nu

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