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Impact of Proposition of Politics

on organization justice

The impact of the politicalproposition plays a dynamic role in the development and construction of the
individuals career in the organization. The word organization justice is normally used to reduce and
overcome the intra group conflict between employees associated with organization commitment and job
satisfaction. The attitude and behavior of the employees are classified into three main kinds of organization
justice. They are distributive, interactional and procedural justices. Organizational justice and
proposition of politics is an important technique which rides to the victory and success of the
organizations. The role of the proposition of the politics to some extent reduced the conflicts between the
employees which are working in the same organization. The type of research study is correlated to check
the proposition of politicsof peopleon the organization justice. This research study also examined the
relationship between the organization politics and perceived the performance of the employees in the
Politic Propositions, organization justice, employee performance, outcome and organization

Literature Review
The role of Organization justice is dynamic in training, coaching and career development of
employees attitude, creative ideas, specialty, informative information policy and procedure
according to the nature of task to achieve the main purpose of the organization. The
organization justice in an organization serves the employees to work for them longtime, give
creative ideas and use the knowledge for the betterment of the organization; in return
organization promotes their employees and creates strongand long-term relationship with the
organization. Productive employees work hard in the organization to achieve the organizations
goals and objectives (Carroll, 2005).
Preposition 1: POP has positively associated with the politics impact on the justice of
Preposition 2: POP has positively associated with the politics impact on the justice of
interaction of organization
There are different kinds of company or organizations working simultaneously in Pakistan.
They are profitable organization such as securities companies, insurance companies or other
profitable businesses, non-profitable are such as NGO, Banks and many other. The roles of the
employee play a significant to achieve the organization goals. (Spector & Cohen, 2001).
Modern internet websites have largely focused on the rules and policies of the organizations
and firms. The organization faces many problems such as the availability of less resource,
conflicts between the employees and the top executive management arisen due to different
recommendation on the important decisions(Ferris & Fandt, 2004) of the organization, the
presence of the heterogeneous group that is people belonging from the variable tasks and
culture, and lastly the existences of the intra and extra organizations domain. These all aspects
lead to the political attitude and behavior of the employees which is no considered as a good
characteristic of the organization as the environment of the organization gets disturb and the

productivity level is badly affected. These are also chances of arisen of number of conflicts in the
achievement of the organizations goals and objectives (Cropanzano, Howes, & Grandey, 2007).
It is analyzed that in recent years many research studies have being conducted to deeply study
the political behavior of the employees and its impact on the organization. It is observed that
since many years, political behavior is increased in the organization due to the fact of increase
competition between the employees and many research studies suggest it is due to the low job

The research study stated thata more rigorous set of theories and modern

methodological tools have yielded a better understanding of organizational politics, and

impressive advancements have been made in a field that once was theoretically intriguing but
empirically vague (Eisenhardt & Bourgeois, 2008).

PoliticalProposition of Organization (POP)

The political proposition of the organization is based on the fact of modern life worksites.
Organization makes different strategies to reduce intra group conflict between the employees
which mainly arises when most of the critical decisions are made on need basis (Cropanzano,
Howes, & Grandey, 2007). This behavior of politics represents the hidden dynamics of the
employees as well as the organization; most of the activities are under covered. In past years, a
lot of attention was paid and interest is developed on political behavior, both directly impact the
actual and perceptual activities and functions of the company (Eisenhardt & Bourgeois, 2008).
The researcher developed many modern theories and latest methodologies tools and techniques
for the better understanding of the perception of organization politics, and recommended
impressive advancements for the betterment and favor of the organization.Perceptual
approaches are used for both the politics of the employees and performance of the organization.
The organizational proposition and politics are considered as a behavior of strategically
designed to maximize the self-interests of the staff and individuals, behavior that overcome the
conflicts in between the collective organizational objective and goal (Ferris & Fandt, 2004). The
performance of the organization is analyzed and examined with the assets or resource of the

The main focus of this research study is on the proposition of the politics that are evaluated on
the performance of the employees, attitude, behavior, decision power, and work stress.
Organizational politics and performance follows a handful of studies that used the cognitiveperceptual approach and their colleagues (Tyler & Blader , 2003). However, we proposed an
extension of the theory in this arena by pointing to the potential cross-sectorial implications of
organizational politics and job performance. Most of the research studies about the
organizational politics have been conducted in the private sector, telecom sector and many other
system of the organization.
The performance of the organization is directly dependent on performance and focus of
employees. In this study, we have not mainlyfocus on the performance measures, which mainly
includes economic or financial indicators, whereas, we have observed the impact of the
employees behavior especially attitude and their political aspects on the performance of the firm
as well as the productivity level (Ferris & Fandt, 2004). The main aspect includeswork attitudes,
work stress and burnout, turnover intentions, negligent behavior, and self-reported
Distributive justice is used for the equal distribution of incentives and compensations in this
study. Many researchers think that distributive justice is divided in to four types (Murphy,
Patrick E, 2008). One is fairness or equality, second is power and authority, third is need and
requirement,and forth is the responsibility. The role of the procedural justice is the important
section in the organization justice, which directly deals with the propositions of the fair pay of
the employees according to their work task. (Tyler & Blader , 2003). Interactional justice is part
of the organizational justice, interaction justice consist of two types such as interpersonal justice
and information justice.
Organizational commitment, job satisfaction and job outcome are the wide areas in which the
employee of the organization working on the sociological domain.The performances of the
employee are based on the model of the organization justice which are directly related with the
organization commitment and satisfaction of the job. On the other hand, theemployee

commitment in an organization is known as the foundation of success in the todays business

competitive market (Heffner & Rentsch, 2001).

The proposition of politics in organization justice plays a significant role to some extent in the
career development of the employees. It all depends upon the circumstances about the
organization delegated them power, authority for Politian to control the employees through
different techniques and tools. But on the other hand, the role of the organization justice is very
important. If the justice is in the organization, then the working and performance of the
employees are much betters rather the disjustice of people working in the organization. In today
business world, the organization main focus is on the justice to provide equal benefits, rewards,
incentive and many other special allowances to employees. The justice of the organization
directly impacts on the performance of the employees and motivation as well. The role of the
proposition of the politics has positive as well as negative impact to develop the proposition of
the employees. In Pakistani organizations, when the government is changed the political
environment directly influences the employees in many ways. Many daily wagers contract is
changed from company direct contract or permanent contract. It has a positive impact on the
employees motivation level and productivity level is increased and their main aim is to achieve
the organization goals from which they are hired in the organization. The model of the
organization justice is divided into three classes such as distributive justice, procedural justice
and interactional justice.
The impact of the proposition of politics on organizational justice also influences the
performance of employees working in the same organization. If the pays, bonuses, special
allowances, rewards, compensation and the benefits are provided to the employees, it
progresses the performance of the employees.Distributive justice is considered as the
distribution of equal salaries to the employees with justice. Salaries of employee should be set
according to the work task of the employee. Little proof, sign and evidences are available from
developing countries like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh to bargain such connection of
knowing companys rights, policy and procedure about the organization commitment, job
satisfaction and outcomes to reduce the intra group conflict between employees.

Employees motivation and achievement plays dynamic role for the development of the
employees in the organization.If the employees of the organization are motivated than their
performance and outcome, organization commitment, job satisfaction and the level of
productivity is high which are directed toward the organization outcome.
It is a fact that nowadays the behavior of the employees have changed. They only work for their
own interest and benefits due to many reasons such asthe job securityis very low in the
marketand high rate of unemployment in the local and international market. Organization
commitment is anextensive idea and knowledge between the organization and sociological area.
Organization commitment andemployee commitment plays a significant role in the
development career of the employees in the organization. The behavior and attitude of the
employees is dependent upon the outcome of the employee and the position of the organization
in the market. Organizational commitment focuses on the organization behavior, organization
environment and structure of the organization.

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Cropanzano, R., Howes, J., & Grandey, A. (2007). The relationship of organizational politics and
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Eisenhardt, K., & Bourgeois, L. (2008). Politics of strategic decision making in high velocity
environments toward a midrange theory. Academy of Management Journal vol 31, 73770.
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Constituencies Approach Journal of Vocational Behavior, 59, 471 490.
Murphy, Patrick E. (2008). Distributive Justice: Pressing Questions, Emerging Directions, and the
Promise of Rawlsian Analysis. Journal of Macromarketing; Mar2008, Vol. 28 Issue 1, 511.
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