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Bachelor of Education

Course Code: EPC 4403

Course Name: Teaching Practice 4a
Course Teacher: Colleen Menichini

Peer Observation Report

(For Aaesha Al Shemaili Grade 8)

Students Name: Hamda Hasan

ID: H00095945
Class: AE7

Bachelor of Education

Peer observation as a form of professional development that improves
teaching practices. So, I observed Aaesha Alshemaili twice to see her
strengths, focus lesson and suggestions of her teaching, and she taught
grade 8.

Strengths of Teaching: Lesson 1

Aaesha told students the objectives of the lesson to let them know what
they are going to do in the classroom. She used outside activities which is
one of her PDP to let learners do reader theater and each of students
had a dialog about weathers and acted it. In addition, let students
discussion in a group what have understood from the dialog, and scaffold
them. Reading involves students to listen to a text read fluently by
another which help them to develop their reading and speaking (Young &
Rasinski, 2009). She used a clear instruction of activities, and used an
excellent language and explained for other students how they will
evaluate the readers as oral speaking. Furthermore, she let them write
sentences by using the new vocabulary on the sheet, and used different
Moreover, her time management was effective and the lesson was paced

Strengths of Teaching: Lesson 2

Aaesha used PPT, Video, students book, and formative assessments. She
counted down to stop students talking before she starts a lesson. I
focused on her PDP which were formatives assessments and avoiding her
vocabulary mistakes on PPT. I noticed there are no vocabulary mistakes
on her PPT, and gave clear instructions of each activity. She scaffold
students and monitored them during doing the assessment and activities
were in a group, and individual work. Aeasha re-teach the lesson for the
students while she assessed their comprehension of lesson which some of
them had mistaken in the first two questions on assessment such as they
used a vocabulary and put it as sentences in a wrong way. Reteach the

Bachelor of Education

lesson is leading to improve student performance and develop their

learning (Nobori, 2011). Furthermore, she asked students questions how
they will put the word as a sentence and asked them if it is correct or
not. Last thing, she used students book and did for them listening
exercises A & B. She used teacher guides to read for the students twice,
and all of the students were listening to a teacher, and her voice was

Foci/Focus of lesson: Lesson 1

Aaesha was focusing on her lesson were letting students use lesson
vocabulary more often during the class, implementing teacher rules
(speaking in English), let students act and read theater in their way, and
let students working together without arguing. She achieved her focusing
on a lesson which remind students to speak in English, and students
understood most of unit vocabulary and grammar, and students were
acting well during reading the theater. However, I noticed last group
were arguing while working together in group, and spoke in Arabic, but
Aaesha was used a good strategy (eye contact) which she looked at them
that sent a message to the learners to not arguing and work together.
Eye contact back to the attention of language teacher which let students
understand to pay attention to her (Ledbury, White, & Darn, n.d.).

Foci/Focus of lesson: Lesson 2

Aaesha was focusing as the same focus personal of her lesson, but she
added group points if all students are speaking in English. Furthermore,
her objectives of the lesson were to let students understand most of
lesson vocabulary, to describe a picture and write it in a sentence,
recognize and discuss the main features in the video. In addition, to let
student brainstorm their prior knowledge and connecting it with new
information. She achieved her focus of lesson were a good work, which let
all of the students to speak English and let them work together without
arguing. This is because the points were motivating students to follow
teacher instruction and let them to learn as Burner point it out (Hannum,
Suggestions: Lesson 1

Bachelor of Education

I suggested Aaesha to give students evaluate sheet for the students to

evaluate readers theater instead of oral speaking. This is because help
students to know how to evaluate the readers by using a checklist.
Furthermore, I suggested her to let students write the sentences on the
board and let them read it as a whole class. The reason for that, let
students share their sentences and check their mistakes in grammar.
However, she had a spelling mistake on PPT, so make sure there are no
mistakes on writing and focus on checking one thing at a time for spelling
(Spelling Mistakes, n.d.).

Suggestions: Lesson 2
I suggested Aaesha to let students in a group to write 5 sentences
connect it to the vocabulary instead of one sentence because there were
6 students in each group, grade 8 can do much more writing.

Final Comments:
Aaesha had a good professional development in her teaching which had a
good strategies that applied in her both lessons, and improved her
personal focus areas dramatically. She is an amazing teacher to be.

Bachelor of Education

Appendix 1

Bachelor of Education

(This link has Aaeshas lesson plan)

Bachelor of Education

Appendix 2

Bachelor of Education

(This link has Aaeshas lesson plan)

Bachelor of Education


Hannum, W. (2005). Learning Theory Fundamentals: Motivation. Retrieved

Ledbury, R., White, L., & Darn, S. (n.d.). The Importance of Eye Contact in
the Classroom. Retrieved from
Nobori, M. (2011). 5 Strategies to Ensure Student Learning. Retrieved
Spelling Mistakes. (n.d.). Spelling Mistakes and How to avoid them. Retrieved from
Young, C., & Rasinski, T. (2009). Implementing Readers Theatre as an
Approach to Classroom Fluency Instruction. Retrieved from

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