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Yan Joe Lee

PHYS1560: Lasers and Holograph pre lab abstract

In an ideal laser, transitions of excited atoms will produce photons of a single
wavelength with perfect coherence. Due to different longitudinal modes in the laser
cavity and Doppler broadening, the laser light produced will have a band of
wavelengths resulting in a finite coherence length. We will measure the coherence
length and beat frequency of a HeNe laser. A photodetector and oscilloscope will be
used to observe beating. The FFT function of the oscilloscope will provide
information about the frequency difference between modes, which can be used to
estimate the lasers coherence length. Another way to measure coherence length is
by using a Michelson Interferometer. By analyzing the contrast of interference
fringes at varying path length differences between mirrors, the coherence length
can be determined. We will also explore the holography process by making several
holograms. Two temporally and spatially coherent light beams (object and
reference) from the HeNe laser will be used to acquire both the intensity and phase
of the reflected light from the object. The two beams will interfere at the
holographic film, producing interference patterns that will reconstruct the 3D image
of the object when illuminated by a laser beam identical to the reference beam.

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