Um Livreto Infantil Sobre A Fé - A Little Children's Book About Faith

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Faith is believing

Ter f crer

Faith is hoping

Ter f ter esperana

Faith is trusting

Ter f confiar

Faith refuses to
call anything
A f se nega a
chamar seja o que
for de impossvel

Faith refuses to quit or to

be defeated

A f se nega a desistir ou ser


Faith refuses to allow its joy

and peace to be stolen by
circumstances or difficulties

A f no permite que sua

alegria e paz sejam roubadas
pelas circunstncias ou

Photo credits:
Page 1 photozi via
Page 2 Kristian Thgersen via Flickr
Page 3 Victor via Flickr
Page 4 via flickr
Page 5 Clappstar via Flickr
Page 6 photozi via
Page 7 lighthack via Flickr
Page 8 Skistar via Flickr

Quotes courtesy of Activated magazine,

used by permission.

Free, multilingual stories for children

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