Peer Candidate Pre-Interview Form: Name of The Interviewer: Alejandro Valenzuela Name of The Candidate: Natalia Gómez

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Peer Candidate

Pre-interview Form
You will complete this form with your candidates (classmates) information :
CV Resum and Cover Letter. Based on what you read here, you will prepare
or adapt a set of questions related to the position, or the characteristics of
this person.

Name of the Interviewer : Alejandro Valenzuela

Name of the Candidate: Natalia Gmez

1. Curriculum Vitae & Resum. Describe:

Does it have a summary of highlights? (Resum style?)

Hobbies or other activities:
Aspect to highlight:

2. Cover Letter
Characteristics s/he mentions:
Stengths and Weaknesses s/he mentions:
Is it an original letter?
Aspects to highlight:

3. Mock Interview
Listen to your voiceboard and provide feedback to your classmate on:
a) Oral skills in English: (how is your classmate expressing
herself/himself clear, fast, artculate)
b) Body language (what can be improved or what can be praised?)
c) Content and length of the answers (how would you assess the
content of the answers? Were you satisfied with these answers?)
4. Interview further possible questions
Write down further questions that you would ask to your candidate based
on what you have read in his/her application. CHECK AGAIN THE FILE

STANDARD QUESTIONS on SICUA to help you in this regard. Or other

sources on the web.

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