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Peter: ______ _______

Diagnostic Evaluation



_____________ Marie's brother?

John: No, I'm ______________. She is my cousin.


Peter: How ______________ is she?


Answer the following questions with full answer in the line

1) Where are you from?

John: She's 11 years old.

Peter: _____________ you Mexican?

2) What is your adress? _____________________________________________
3) How many brothers or sisters do you have?

John: Yes, I _____________ And you?

Peter: No, _______________ not. Where ____________ you from?

4) What is your favourite hobby?

John: ________________ from Buenos Aires.

5) What is your nationality? _________________________________________.
6) What do you do in your free time?

Peter: OK, I have to ______________, nice to meet ________________?

John: nice to meet you, too!

7) What activities do you hate?

Peter: Bye!


Complete the dialogue in the line provided with the corresponding

Peter: Hi!
John: My name is John. What's your _______________________?
Peter: ________________________________.
John: How __________________ are you?
Peter: I'm 12 years _______________. Where do you ___________________?
John: I live in 3587 Russell Street in Melbourne.


Reading comprehension, answer the questions TRUE or FALSE

according to the test.

Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy in 1451.

While spending most of his early years at sea, Columbus
began to believe that he could find a shortcut to the
Indies by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean.
Unfortunately, the King of Portugal refused to finance
such a trip, and Columbus was forced to present his idea
to the King and Queen of Spain. In 1492, King Ferdinand
and Queen Isabella agreed to pay for his trip. They gave
him a crew and three ships, the Nia, Pinta and Santa
Maria. Columbus sailed aboard the Santa Maria.

he had found the shortcut to the Indies. Soon, however,

other explorers and nations understood the importance of
his discoveries. Columbus' discoveries set the stage for
the Age of Exploration, one of the most fascinating and
exciting times in world history.

The trip was long and hard. Many sailors grew restless
and wanted to turn around. After two months at sea, land
was finally sighted. The ships docked on the island of
Hispaniola. Columbus named the native people he saw
"Indians", because he believed he had found the shortcut
he was looking for. In actuality, Columbus found North
America, a brand new continent at that time. Columbus,
however, couldn't be convinced. He died with the belief

Circle the correct alternative:

1. Chistopher Colombus is Italian



2. The king and Queen of Portugal financed the trip



3. Colombus sailed aboard the NIA ship



4. Colombus named the native people as STRANGERS



5. He found North America.



6.Colombus believed that he has discovered a shortcup to the INDIES


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