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Constructing the Good Life


Construct to form by assembling or combining parts; build.

To create (an argument or a sentence, for example) by systematically
arranging ideas or terms
Mathematics to draw (a geometric figure) that meets specific
Something formed or constructed from parts
A concept, model, or schematic idea: a theoretical construct of the
A concrete image or idea

Architecture Constructs Culture

What Makes Architecture Architecture?
Who exactly is the Architect?
Lets say that architecture as a combination of design determinants:
Functional (need)
Technological (ability)
Cultural (symbolic need)
Artistic (style)
Sustainability (ethos)
Art is a creative statement about the human predicament
Art is a human endeavor

Art is always creative, creativity being the placing of things in a new

perspective, or the discovery of new meanings by rearranging known
relationships into new forms.
The beauty (or the aesthetics) of art comes through the shaping of its
A culture that mourns builds memorials
A culture that learns builds museums
A culture whose focus is profit builds this
A culture who cares gives back
Architect derives from the latin
architectus, itself derived from the Greek
Arkhitekton ( arkhi chief + tekton builder)
Individual role
Develop a consciousness of yourself and your environment (locally and
Discover your environment, multi sensual awareness, learn how to see
Remain curious, ask questions, seek answers
Get involved, become an agent of change, design things and support great
Live responsibly and think about the future
Collective role
Get out in your community (you are a member) and make changes, proceed
and be bold
Educate others about their environment
Respect diversity of ideas, cultural beliefs, and values
Re-value your environment, become stewards of the environment

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