4-17 Terrorism

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World Studies Hybrid 4/17

Terrorism: Al-Gamaa al-Islamiyya

History and reason for formation: They are dedicated to overthrow the
Egyptian government and replace it with an Islamic state. It is large but
loosely organized and has been active since the late 1970s in Egypt.
Recognized as a terrorist group by US, Canada, Russia, UK, and Europe.
-founding members: University students
-current leadership:
*Sheikh Omar Abd al-Rahman: spiritual leader, imprisoned in U.S. for a
connection with the 1993 World Trade Center bombing
*Ayman al-Ziawahiri: convicted in Egypt for being connected with Sadat's
*Rifai Taha Musa: signed Bin Ladens Feb 1998 fatwa (demanded attacks on
US citizens)
*Usama Rushdi: media official; publishes the group's publication "AlMurabitoun. He issued a statement to suspend attacks on foreign terrorists
in late 1997 after government started releasing names of members
-membership numbers: 150,000- 200,000

Overview of ideology what they want to accomplish and why they

engage in terrorist activities to reach their goals: Militant Sunni
Islamist. They want to establish Islamic rule in Egypt by force. They target
any secular establishment that they believe to be heretical, including secular
Arab governments. Also tourists, foreigners, intellectuals, and prominent
writers have been known to have been targeted. In 2003 the imprisoned
leadership of the group renounced bloodshed, and the group has been
allowed to resume semi-legal peaceful activities.
- Typical profile of a member: Sunni Muslim, unemployed out of college

Tactics & support:

-What attacks they are known to be responsible for:
*1981 assassination of Anwar Sadat, president of Egypt
*Assassination of Farag Fodd (Egyptian intellectual/human rights activist)
*Attempted assassination of Hosni Mubarek in 1995 (Egyptian President)
*1995 Rujeka car bombing attack at a police station
*Europa hotel shooting, Cairo: killed 18 Greek tourists mistaken for Jews
*Luxor massacre (58 tourists, 4 Egyptians killed)
*Shooting tourist trains and cruise ships in the early 1990s resulted in cruise
ships to cease sailing between Cairo and Luxor
-Capabilities: training camps on Afghan-Pakistani border enable members
by giving them violent skills
-Funding sources: Members

-Supporters: Al-Jihad al-Islami. Egypt believes they also receive support

from Iran and Bin Laden
Score (1-5): 2
-Since 1998 they have remained nonviolent, but still have many members,
and things can change quickly. They have a violent past and many
connections, and to remain funded they may need to side with another
terrorist group. Many of their leaders have been associated with other highprofile terrorist leaders, and many of their members resent the non-violent
policy. I wouldnt put this group on an especially high profile, but I most
certainly would not forget about them and the potential danger they may

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