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Good leaders help people work together for a common goal. Good leaders
have the character (moral strength, self-discipline, fortitude) to inspire others
to accomplish important goals. James L. Fisher has said, “The main
characteristics of effective leadership are intelligence, integrity or loyalty,
mystique [charisma], humor, discipline, courage, self-sufficiency and
confidence.” Think of a leader you know or know about. The leader could
be a coach, a principal, a teacher, an elected school or community official or
a religious leader. How does that person display the characteristics of a
good leader? Think of specific examples and instances.

Write about the topic: A Good Leader

Do one of the following:

 Write about someone you know who displays the traits of a good leader.
Give specific details and/or examples.
 Persuade your readers that someone you know or know about is a good
leader or could be a good leader.
 Write about a time when you displayed the traits of a good leader.


1. Do I have a clear central idea that connects to the topic?

2. Do I stay focused on my central idea?
3. Do I support my central idea with important and relevant
4. Do I need to take out details/examples that DO NOT support my central
5. Is my writing organized and complete, with a clear beginning, middle,
and end?
Do I use a variety of interesting words, phrases, and/or sentences

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