T1 Educational Technology Final 090112

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This topic discusses the concept of technology, the concept of teaching, the concept of
educational technology, the role of learning theory, identify instructional technology
domain and explain the function of the domain. Also discussed are the principles, the
role and importance of educational technology in teaching and learning.
By implementing learning activities in this topic, teacher will be able to:
i. Explain the concept of educational technology
ii. Explain educational technology domain
iii. Explain the principles of educational technology
iv. Describe the role and importance of educational technology in teaching and learning

1.1 Concepts of Educational Technology
1.2 Domain-Domain Instructional Technology
1.3 Principles of Educational Technology
1.4 Role and Importance of Educational Technology in Teaching and Learning
1.1 Concepts of Educational Technology
What do you understand by the term technology?
What is educational technology?
What is the importance of educational technology in teaching and



How is technology used for learning?

The word technology comes from the Greek word, "techne" meaning skill in using
knowledge systematically until achieving the usual practice of performing a task.
Technology is not simply a tool and machine. It encompasses process and ideas.
Strength lies primarily in the technology and ideas, and the success in achieving a
purpose or objective lies in the tool. Based on the original meaning of the Greek word, it
is only appropriate if Galbraith (1967) defines technology as:
...the systematic application of scientific knowledge and other
organized knowledge to practical tasks.
Instructional technology is a systematic way to develop, implement and evaluate the
whole process of teaching and learning in terms of specific objectives based on
research, education and human communication and use of human resources and nonhuman to produce more effective teaching.
The term technology is often associated with the tools of modern technology, especially
electronic devices such as televisions, video cassette recorders, laser disc game, game
disc, cassette tape recorders, LCD projectors and other visual projectors. Sometimes
technology means the development and modernization of an organization thriving and
developing because of the use of technological tools.
Technology is not simply a tool and machine. It encompasses the process and ideas. Its
strength lies mainly on the processes and ideas, while the success in achieving a
purpose or objective lies in the tool. This means that, in the planning of the lesson, preplanning involving the use of the same idea in the form of theories, approaches, method
and so forth is the most important process. Tool is a "catalyst" to achieve success.
There is another interpretation of the technology by Evans and Nation (2000) who reject
the concept of a technological tool. It is said as follows:
Technology is not a tool it is an art or science of how to use a tool for
a purpose.



Evans dan Nation (2000)

Technology is how we use the tool to meet a need. Use is not seen solely in terms of
science, but also art. So, if a chalkboard or whiteboard in the classroom obsolete
apparently beautified and used to raise the understanding of learning, then that
technology. But if the board is idle and never find a way to optimize utilization, and dwelt
as obsolete tool.
Educational Technology is defined as the study and ethical practice
of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using,
and managing, appropriate technological processes and resources
(AECT, 2004).
Educational technology is very broad in education to the extent that the concept of
educational technology encompasses an educational organization itself. The concept
and meaning can be discussed from various angles.

1.2 Educational Technology domain

What is the domain of educational technology?
What is the role of instructional technology domain?
What is the relationship between instructional technology domains?
This topic will discuss the two domains of instructional technology, that is Instructional
Technology Domain 1977 and 1994.
1.2.1 Instructional Technology domain 1977
Based on the definition of instructional technology issued by the AECT (Association for
Educational Communication and Technology (1977):



Instructional technology is a complex and integrated process involving people,

procedures, ideas, devices and organization for analyzing problems and designing,
evaluating and managing the solution to the problems in situations where the learning
process is focused and controlled.
Instructional technology domain is divided into three functions, namely:

teaching management functions;


development function of teaching, and


function of learning resources.

Each domain has their role, moving in a systematic and integrated approach towards
their students, as the target group that will receive the result of the entire process takes
place. From this context, the effect is to make a positive impact that students do better in
their studies.
Technology domain is initiated by development functions of teaching, followed by
function of learning resources. Teaching management function acts as the primary
management of both these functions. Teaching Development Function

The function of this domain is to analyse learning and design problems, implement and
evaluate solutions to these problems. It involves a process that consists of several
The first stage is conceptualising theoretical model for solving the problems. Thus, the
research is conducted to obtain scientific information on students, teaching and learning,
learning resources and so on. Here the theories and models are developed and tested.
Having identified a suitable theoretical model, the next task is to design lessons in line
with the theory. Strictly speaking, the theory is now changed into a specification that will
be the basis for instructional construction of teaching. It begins with an analysis of the
students, writing objectives, selecting instructional strategies, selecting teaching media



and also determine the specifications of the media.

From this specification, we implement media publications, written scripts, graphics, and
images. In addition, computer-based teaching program and handling tools were also
included. In the area of reproduction or publication, all kinds of teaching media can be
produced as long as there is specificity. Media that have been produced cannot continue
to be used. It should be evaluated first in order to really give the desired effect.
The most emphasised aspect of this evaluation is its ability to meet the requirements of
objectives. In addition, an assessment of the technical quality is also performed. After
evaluation, recommendation will be presented to determine whether or not it is accepted,
rejected or accepted with correction.
Once confirmed its effectiveness, then the media is ready for use. At the application
level, the students are assisted to select learning resources (media teaching part
thereof) in accordance with their learning and help them use the selected source.
Students' progress is monitored during their learning activities.
To ensure that learning resources are always available, logistics and space for collection
must be provided. This is where the learning resources are cataloged, maintained and
distributed. Finally, to ensure the development of educational technology can be
followed, the dissemination of information on instructional technology collected and
disseminated. This is done through the provision of advisory services, training and
reporting. Function of Learning Resources

In instructional technology, solutions to these problems fall into function of learning
resources. This problem consists of

message, manpower, materials, equipment,

techniques and places or situations (settings). Each of these component can be used
separately or together to facilitate the teaching and learning process. At the application
level and logistics, learning resources are selected, used and disseminated. Therefore,



this domain is the result of processes that occur in the domain of educational
development or function.
Learning resource is anything that store and transmits information to students. One of
them is message. Message contains information received by the students. For example,
lesson, instruction, and others.
Humans are receivers, sender or disseminator of messages. Humans in the school
context are teachers, students, principals and parents. Materials also store messages
that will be transmitted in the form of notes, books, tapes, videos, learning modules (as
module) and compact discs. Messages are transmitted through equipments such as
projectors, audio recorders, video disc players and so on. Technique is about how
materials, equipments and people used to send information such as discussions,
excursion, electronic mail and other.
Finally, place or situation is the overall environment in which the message is transmitted
such as classrooms, resource rooms, science laboratories and others. Relation to the
learning resources, it should be noted that not all specifically designed for learning.
However, it still can be used as a learning resource, such as TV advertising, consumer
catalogs, the story of a movie or TV, museums, zoos, internet and more. In this case, the
resources available are as important as the resources produced. Therefore, students
and teachers need to know how to use these resources. Functions of Teaching Management
The main function of management is to supervise and control the development of
learning resources so as instructional technology can function effectively. Its functions
include managing the organization and employees. The focus of the organization was to
administer project management by identifying organizational needs, determine goals and
objectives. Next, in the question of expense management, purchasing and related
matters and also the administrative procedures relationship purposes within and outside
the organization.



Personnel management is responsible in issues related to the recruitment, supervision

and evaluation of employees. The main purpose of personnel management is to create a
good relationship as well as to improve communication between employees.
Based on the above explanation, cannot be denied that instructional technology is
integrated in any human endeavour, procedures and ideas to achieve a specific
objective. In order to solve problems, all functions have to move in a systematic and
integrated manner.
1.2.2 Educational Technology Domain 1994
Based on the definition of instructional technology issued by the AECT (Association for
Educational Communication and Technology (1994), domain of educational technology
in 1994 was a continuation of the domain in 1977. There are five domains in instructional
technology now compared three previously. But that does not mean that there were
many differences between the domains because domain development domain, usage
domain and evaluation domain of are already included in the teaching expansion
functions. Each domain has its own theory and practice, and it can function
independently or interact with other domains. This interaction was not necessarily in a
linear form.
Interpretation of instructional technology issued by AECT in 1994: states that
instructional technology is the theory and practice of designing, developing, using,
managing and evaluating the processes and resources for learning. (AECT 1994)
Clearly, the definition states that the theory and practice form the basis of any actions
taken. Logically, a person involved with a job should have the knowledge that can
support their practices.
Theory means concepts, constructs, principles and proposals that contribute to the body
of knowledge. While, Practice means the application of knowledge to solve problems.
For example, some theories say the intent and motive for learning is closely related to
the quality of learning.



The five domains within the definition of instructional technology covers the theory and
practice of design, development, utilization, management and evaluation of processes
and resources for learning:

Design domain


Development domain


Use domain


Management domain


Evaluation domain

Diagram 1.1: Educational Technology Domain 1994 Design domain

Design is the process to determine the instructional system components, characteristics

and needs for learning. This domain covers four main areas:
i. Instructional systems design
ii. Message design
iii. Instructional strategies
iv. Pupil characteristics
Instructional system design is an organized or systematic procedures for analyzing,



designing, building, implementing and evaluating instructional materials, an educational

unit, a course or a curriculum that would help or improve the students learning, and
teachers teaching.
The second area involves the design of message planning to determine the manner and
media format the most effective in delivering messages to the students.
The third area is instructional strategy involving the process of selecting and organizing
learning activities in lesson units, content, learning domains, methods and media best
suited to reinforce the learning process.
The last area in the domain of design is analysis of pupil characteristics such as
determining the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that affect the learning process. Development domain
The second domain in the instructional technology is the development or construction.
This domain involves the process of translating the design specifications. Instructional
materials consist of printed materials, audio-visual materials, computer-based materials
and multimedia materials. Use domain
The third domain in the instructional technology is the use. Use is the act of using
methods and instructional models, materials and media tools and environment to
enhance the learning process. Management domain
The fourth domain is management This domain involves control of the instructional
technology through planning, organization, coordination and supervision of the resource
center or technology education to enable organized and effective.teaching and learning. Evaluation domain



Evaluation is the process to determine the suitability and effectiveness of teaching and
learning or educational programs such as student achievement assessment, evaluation
of the use of media, evaluation of the design and construction of teaching material and
evaluation of programs or educational media project.
There are four categories of evaluation. Those are the problem analysis, evaluation
criteria, formative assessment and summative assessment.
Instructional technology is a complex process in analyzing education needs through
systematic, scientific and rational mean. For simplicity purpose, the term instructional
technology is used synonymous with educational technology.
1.3 Principles of Educational Technology
Ministry of Education have drawn out a guideline on the principles of educational
technology in teaching and learning process (Ministry of Education, 2012). The
principles are:
The use of technology in teaching and learning is only a supporting material for teachers
to teach and not a substitute for teaching. The using of educational technology is to help
teachers teach and help students learn a subject content more effectively. It is used for
teaching and learning and not for entertainment or to show the ability of teachers to use
technology, also not to waste time while waiting for the learning of pupils over.
Educational resources selected based on their appropriateness in terms of topics and
learning objectives, student background, class size and physical condition of the
Educational resources should be used to achieve the objectives and the development of
teaching and learning, either for
i. introduction of the topic,
ii. educational development which includes explanation of concept, or




iii. closing or conclusion

iv. assessment on the understanding of the topic.
Educational resources are used according to the appropriate time to optimize the
teaching and learning
The use of educational resources must be planned in three stages, namely:

Before use - planning time and manner relate to the topic being taught


During use - planning reviews and emphasising the important aspects that will
accelerate the process of learning


After use - planning further activities / enrichment and reinforcement

1.4 Role and Importance of Educational Technology in Teaching and Learning

What is the role of educational technology in teaching and learning?
How does the impact of educational technology in teaching and learning
Technology education is a media application, system, and technical approach towards
teaching and learning environment. One of the main role and approaches of educational
technology are to promote positive learning environment, changes in the decisionmaking level, changes in the system or changes in the approach to teaching and
changes in learning experience.
1.4.1 Changes in Decision Making Level
Accordingly, Malaysia school syllabus or curriculum are established by the Ministry of
Education. The syllabus has been drafted based on student skill levels in different age
groups. During the planning of this syllabus or curriculum, this curriculum planners will
collaborate with instructional designers to determine the use of educational technology in
the school curriculum.




In the past, the use of media is planned during the implementation of curriculum. As a
result, numerous problems have arisen, such as lack of teacher preparation in teaching
and learning and difficulty in obtaining appropriate media materials to help teachers
implement teaching and learning. The presence of educational technology somehow has
contributed changes in the habits implemented in the past. Now the education system is
more efficient and capable of producing effective learning to pupils in a shorter time.
For example, in the implementation of PPSMI Teaching and Learning of Science and
Mathematics in English, the curriculum has been outlined and media sources produced
in tandem. This can help teachers in choosing media sources that suits to be used in the
classroom. Apart from saving teachers time, it also makes learning more effective and
With the advent of technology education, the implementation of the teaching curriculum
is set to become more effective, convenient, state of the art and provide a positive
impact on pupils' learning.
1.4.2 Changing the System or Teaching Approaches
Apart from changing the decision-making level, educational technology also serves to
change the system or approach. Educational technology reform could affect the system
or the process of teaching and learning approach. Educational technology can also
change the system or the conventional approach, receive distance learning system,
open class system or independent school system.
For example, the products of educational technology is now able to produce a more
systematic and organized system that can benefit teachers and students and facilitate
teaching and learning. Creation of software to provide teachers timetable (System
Windjaws), and most recently teaching system based on the 'IES' (Interaction Education
System) ease the implementation of teaching and learning. In IES teachers use
computer software during the implementation of the teaching and the students respond
using the 'remote control' to provide feedback. Through this system, teachers can track
faster learning outcomes of teaching at all times. Teachers are also able to identify the
level of understanding of individual pupils more easily.




Educational Technology has also changed system of teaching, for example distance
learning that uses information technology as a mediator of knowledge. The study and
creation of cutting-edge technology of intellectual scholars have made possible changes
to the system diversity and a more productive approach to create a generation of
scholars who are more eminent.
1.4.3 Changing the Learning Experience
Use of educational technology can also change the learning experience. Learning
experience is very important to make effective learning, and can change student
behavior. Thus, the learning experience is an important aspect in the implementation of
the curriculum.
For the success of the curriculum, careful planning and rigorous shall be arranged so
that it can help students get the learning experience based on the objective set by the
teacher based on the curriculum that was enacted. Plans such as the use of appropriate
media either using computer applications, simulations, demonstrations or any other
materials to help students understand the learning should be determined so that the
critical and creative thinking can be generated in the classroom so that pupils are able to
apply the learning in their daily lives.
Technology has also changed the education system with various methods of teaching
and learning techniques such as learning in groups or alone, with human resources
(teachers) and non-technological (computer software), cooperative learning and actively
engage students and encourage students to think more critically and creatively. These
changes are important to provide a meaningful learning experience to the students to
master a lesson.
1.4.4 Promoting a Positive Learning Environment
Use of effective technology in teaching can stimulate positive learning environment
(effectively) and attract students. Use the latest technology such as the use of laptops,
slide to boost student attention optimally if carried out systematically. There are a variety




of learning approaches that can be implemented in the classroom using educational

technology in order to generate an effective learning environment. Among the
approaches that can be practiced to promote a positive learning environment are
cooperative, collaborative learning, team approach and an individual approach.
1.4.5 Promoting Cooperative Approach
Cooperative approach is involves students working together and be responsible for each
member of the group. In this approach, all members must work together in groups to
solve a given problem. In this approach the teacher is responsible for ensuring that each
student in the group work together well. Social skills are critical among members of the
group to help the group achieve its objectives and maintain positive relationships. In
implementing this approach the teacher must motivate the students by giving recognition
and appreciation for a given task accomplish.
For example, in science, teachers give assignments to students to find any information
related to the Solar System. Pupils are given time to collect information in the library and
computer labs. The findings are presented in class using media applications produced
by pupils. These activities can produce students who have high self-confidence, ICT
literate and able to communicate effectively.
1.4.6 Promoting Collaborative Approach
Collaborative learning requires the involvement of all team members. It requires
challenging ideas, support and improve an idea to consensus group. In this approach,
students will gather ideas or data, share experiences, discuss among themselves, and
solve problems together. In this approach, each team member are committed to perform
a given task and ready to help each other to improve their academic performance.
For example, in the teaching and learning of science, the teacher asked students to find
a solution to a problem such as factors affecting corrosion. Pupils are asked to evaluate
the factors affecting corrosion and perform an experiment to support their opinions.
Here, teachers can encourage students to use a variety of resources to assist their
teaching media, such as movies slide show, the observation and the acquisition of




information from internet. Besides encouraging students to communicate, teachers can

also give emphasis on the use of educational technology such as searching for material
on the internet.






Why technology is needed in education today?

In this topic we have discussed the concept of technology, the concept of teaching, the
concept of educational technology, the role of learning theory, instructional technology
domain, identify and explain the function of the domain. Also discussed are the
principles, the role and importance of educational technology in teaching and learning.

AECT . Association for Educational Communications and Technology (1977). The
definition of educational technology. Washington DC: AECT.
AECT, Association for Educational Communication and Technology (1994). The
definition of educational technology. Washington: AECT.
AECT, Association for Educational Communication and Technology (2004). Definition
and Terminology Committee document MM4.0. The meanings of educational
technology. Washington DC: AECT.
Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (2012). Akses pada November 12, 2012 daripada
Evans T. & Nation D. (Eds) (2000), Changing university teaching: Reflections on creating
educational technologies. London: Kogan Page.




Galbraith, J.K. (1967). The new industrial state. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Hedges, William D. Hopkins, L. Thomas. The encyclopedia of education. Vol. 4. New
York, NY: Crowell-Collier Educational Corporation, 1971.
Yusup Hashim. (1998). Teknologi pengajaran. Shah Alam: Siri Pendidikan Fajar Bakti.


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