SAP Optimizing SQL Statements

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11 Optimizing SQL Statements During application programming, SQL statements are often written ‘without sufficient regard to their subsequent performance. Expensive (long-running) SQL statements slow performance during production operation, They result in slow response times for individual programs and place excessive loads on the database server. Frequently, you will find that 50% of the database load can be traced to a few individual SQL statements. This chapter does not begin with the design of database applications; rather, it describes how you can identify, analyze, and opti- mize expensive SQL statements in a production system. In other words, What can be done ifa problem has already occurred? ‘As the database and the number of users grow, so do the number of requests to the database and the search effort required for each database request. This is why expensive or inefficient SQL statements constitute ‘one of the most significant causes of performance problems in large installations. The more a system grows, the more important it becomes, to optimize SQL statements. This chapter starts with a detailed instruction to analyze SQL statements that refer to the introductory sections in Chapter 2 on SQL statistics (Sec- tion 2.3.2, Identifying and Analyzing Expensive SQl. Statements) and in Chapter 4 on the SQL trace (Section 4,3.2, Evaluating an SQL Trace). You can optimize the runtime using database indexes if the selection conditions for the database access are designed in such a way that only a small quantity of data is returned to the application program. Ta understand the mode of action of indexes and be able to evaluate their significance for performance, you require a brief theoretical introduc: tion to tables, indexes, and the database optimizer. This is followed by ‘a section that describes the practical administration of indexes and table statistics that are required for the database optimizer to decide on the appropriate index. The section on database indexes concludes with a description of the rules for good index design. 479 48 | optimizing Sat statements [+] Ifa large quantity of data is transferred from the database to the appli- Cation server, you cau only achieve an optimization by rewriting the program or changing the users’ approach to work. The third section of this chapter deals with these measures; this section is primarily aimed at ABAP developers. You'll fist get an overview of the five golden rules of SQL programming, which are followed by examples, for instance, of data base views, the FOR ALL ENTRIES clause, and the design of input screens to avoid performance problems. Business warehouse applications are a special case, which frequently eval- uate thousands to millions of data records, The next chapter describes the optimization options for these applications. ‘When Should You Read this Chapter? You should read this chapter if you have identified expensive SQL. state: ments in your SAP system and want to analyze and optimize them. You can read the first and second sections of this chapter without previous knowledge of ABAP programming, whereas the third section. assumes a basic familiarity. This chapter is not an introduction to developing SQL applications. For this, refer to ABAP textbooks, SQL. textbooks, or SAP Online Help. 414 Identifying and Analyzing Expensive SQL Statements ‘The following sections describe how to identify and analyze expensive SQL statements. ‘ata Preliminary Analysis The preliminary step in identifying and analyzing expensive SQL. state- ‘ments fs to identify SQL statements for which optimization would be genuinely worthwhile, The preliminary analysis prevents you from wast- ing time with SQL statement optimizations that cannot produce more than trivial gains in performance. 480 Identifying and Analyzing Expensive SQL Statements For the preliminary analysis, there are two main techniques: an SQL trace or the SQL statistics. An SQL. trace is useful if the program containing the expensive SQL statement has already been identified, for exam- ple, through the workload monitor, work process overview, or users’ observations. You don't require any information to analyze the SQL statistics. Using the SQL statistics enables you to order statements according to the system-wide load they are generating. For both analysis techniques, the sections that follow describe individual analysis steps. The flowchart in Figure 11.1 shows techniques for identifying expensive SQL statements that are worth optimizing. The following shapes are used. in the diagram: > A round-cornered rectangle indicates where a specific SAP perfor- ‘mance monitor is started. » Acdiamond shape indicates a decision point. » ‘The parallelogram indicates the point at which you have successfully identified expensive SQL statements that are worth optimizing. 7 Table, Report, Transaction, User oy Table, {ot Satement “Table, ‘SQL Statement Figure 114 Techniques for Identifying Expensive SQL Statements =~ SQL Statements na ” Optimizing SOL Statements st of identical Prel inary Analysis Using the SQL Trace Create an SQL. trace using Transaction ST0S as described in Chapter 4. Display the SQL trace results in one user session by selecting List Trace. ‘The Basic SQL. Trace List screen appears. Call Transaction STO5 in another user session and display the compressed surnmary of the results, as fol- lows: Goro * Sumanany * Comprrss. If you sort the data in the compressed summary according to elapsed database time, you can find the tables that were accessed for the longest times. Use these tables in the Basic SOL Trace List screen to look up the corresponding SQL statements. You should consider only these state- ments for further analysis, Ina third user session, get a list of all identical accesses from the Basic SQL. Trace List screen by selecting Goto + IDENTICAL seLECTS. Compare these identical selects with the trace and the compressed summary. By totaling these durations, you can estimate roughly how much database time could be saved by avoiding multiple database accesses. Unless your savings in database time is sufficiently large, there is no need to perform optimization, Asa result of this preliminary analysis, you will have made a list of any statements you want to optimize. Preliminary Analysis Using the SQL Statistics ‘Monttor the SQL statistics from the main screen in the database perfor- mance monitor (Transaction STO4) by selecting the Detail Analysis menu. Look under the heading Resource Consumption By. Then (for Oracle), select SQL Request; for Informix, select SQL Statement, In the dialog box that appears, select Enter. The screen Database Performance: Shared SQL appears. For an explanation of the screen, see Chapter 2. Expensive SQL. statements are characterized by a large number of logical or physi- cal database accesses. To create a prioritized list of statements in which the top-listed statements are potentially worth optimizing, sort the SQL. statistics according to logical accesses (indicated, for example, by but fer gets), physical accesses (shown as disk reads), or runtime of the SQL statements. Identitying and Analyzing Expensive SOL Statements | 11.4 Further Prelit lary Analysis Regardless of whether you begin your analysis from an SQL trace or the SQL statistics, before you proceed to a detailed analysis, perform the fol lowing checks: > Create several SQL traces for different times and computers to verify the database times noted in the initial SQL trace. Determine whether there Is a network problem or a temporary database overload, > If the expensive SQL statement is accessing a buffered table, use the critetia presented in Chapter 9, SAP Bulfering, to determine whether table buffering should be deactivated, that is, whether the respective buffer is too small or contains tables that should not be buffered because they are too large or too frequently changed. > Check whether there are any applicable SAP Notes in the SAP Service Marketplace by using combinations of search terms, such as perfor mance and the name of the respective table. waz Detailed Analysis After listing the SQL statements that are worth optimizing, perform a detailed analysis to decide on the optimization strategy. Optimization can take one of two forms: optimizing the ABAP program code related to an SQL statement or optimizing the database, for example, by ereat- ing indexes. SQL. statements that attempt to operate on a great number of data records in the database can only be optimized by making changes to the ABAP programming. The left-hand part of Figure 11.2 shows the activities of a statement that requires this kind of optimization. The stacked, horizon: tal black bars depict data. Look at the amount of data records depicted both in the database process and in the application server; this shows that the statement has transferred a lot of data to the application server. Therefore, a large number of data blocks (the pale rectangles containing the data bars) were read from the database buffer or the hard drive. For a statement like this, the statement's developer should check whether the program actually needs all of this data or whether a significant amount of the data is unnecessary. The amount of data that constitutes a significant amount varies. For a dialog transaction with an expected response time 483 Whether to optimize the code for the index High transfer toad I 18 | optimizing Sat statements High read load of around one second, 500 records transferred by an SQL statement is a significant number. For a reporting transaction, 10,000 records would normally be considered a significant number. For programs running background jobs (for example, in the SAP application module CO), the ‘number of records that constitutes a significant number may be consid- erably larger. ABAP Program ABAP Program DB Interface DB Interface DB Buffer Eewess EES reel ; ret | Figure 12 Expensive SOL Statements (Left: The Statement Tiesto Transfer Too ‘Much Data. Right: The Statement Unnecessaily Reads Too Many Data Blacks.) In contrast, an expensive SQL statement of the type requiring database optimization Is shown in the righthand part of Figure 11.2. Although the SQL statement transferred only a few data records (represented by the horizontal black bars) to the application server, the sclection criteria has forced the database process to read many data blocks (the pale rect- angles, some of which contain the data bars), Many of these data blocks do not contain any sought-after data; therefore, the search strategy is clearly inefficient. To simplify the search and optimize runtime, it may be helpful to create a new secondary index — or a suitable index may already exist, but is not being used. 484 \dentiying and Analyzing Expensive SOL Statements [44 In this chapter, we'll analyze the two types of expensive SQL state- ments. A third type of expensive SQL statement is those with aggregate func- tions (Count, Sum, Max. Min, Ava), Which can be found in BW applications, for example. Here as well, alarge number of data records is read on the database and a small number is transferred. They are therefore similar to expensive SQL statements of type II; however, the background is dif- ferent. For statements that are identified as expensive SQL statements of type Il, a large number of data records is read on the database due to an inefficient search strategy: for SQL. statements with aggregate functions, many data records are read to form aggregates. This type of evaluation is discussed in the next chapter. Detailed Analysis Using an SQL Trace For each line in the results of an SQL trace (Transaction STS), looking at the corresponding database times enables you to determine whether you can optimize a statement by using database techniques such as creating new indexes. Divide the figure in the Duration column by the entry in the Rec (records) column. Ifthe result is an average response time of less than 5,000 microseconds for each record, this can be considered optimal. Each FETCH should requite less than about 100,000 microseconds. Ifthe average response time is optimal, but the runtime for the SQL statement is stil high due to the large volume of data being transferred, only the ABAP program itself can be optimized. For an expensive SQL statement in which a FETCH requires more than 250,000 microseconds but that targets only a few records, a new index may improve the runtime. To do this, from the Basie SQL. Trace List sereen, select ABAP Display to go to the ABAP code of the traced transaction and continue your analy- sis, as follows. Detailed Analysis Using the SQL Statistics The evaluation of the optimization potential due to data of the SQL stat tics depends on the statistics that the database or the database interface provides for this database system. Many database systems indicate the average response time for a statement, and you can calculate the average 485 18. | optniaing SQL statements Determining programs number of records read per statement (see Section 2.3.2, Identifying and Analyzing Expensive SQL Statements), You can anticipate a threshold value of 2 ms per record as a criterion for good performance. Statements that fall below this threshold value cannot be optimized using database means; here you can only check whether you can reduce the number of calls by changing the application coding, For statements whose average execution times clearly exceed this value, you can check whether you can improve performance with database means, for instance, indexing. Another criterion for evaluating an SQL statement's optimization poten- tial is the number of logical read accesses for each execution (indicated as Gets/Execution for Oracle) and the number of logical read accesses for each transferred record (indicated as Bufgets/Records for Oracle; see Appendix B, which includes information on the different databases). However, statements that read an average of less than 10 blocks or pages for each execution and appear at the top of the sorted SQL statistics list due to high execution frequency cannot be optimized by using database techniques such as new indexes, Instead, consider improving the ABAP program code or using the program in a different way to reduce the execution frequency. Good examples of SQL statements that can be optimized by database techniques (for example, creating or modifying new indexes) include SQL statements that require many logical read accesses to transfer a few records. These are SQL statements for which the SQL statistics shows a value of 10 or higher for Bufgets/Records. For SQL statements that need a change to the ABAP code, identify the various programs that use the SQL statement and improve the coding in each program. You can go directly from the SQL. statistics to ABAP cod: Ing (ABAP Coding button). Further Detailed Analysis, After determining whether the SQL statement can be optimized via a new index or changes to the program code, you will need more detailed information about the relevant ABAP program. The following informa- tion is required for optimizing the SQL. statements: 486 Optimizing SOL Statements Through Secondary Indexes | 44.2 > The purpose of the program » The tables that are involved and their contents, for example, transac- tion data, master data, or customizing data, and the size of the tables and whether the current size matches the size originally expected for the table > The users of the program and the developer responsible for a cus- tomer-developed program After getting this information, you can begin tuning the SQL. statement as described in the following sections. 112 Optimizing SQL Statements Through Secondary Indexes ‘To optimize SQL statements using database techniques (such as creating new indexes), you must have a basic understanding of how data is orga- nized in a relational database. ny Database Organization Fundamentals The fundamentals of relational database organization can be explained via a simple analogy based on a database table: the Yellow Pages tele- phone book. When you look up businesses in a Yellow Pages telephone book, you [ex] probably never consider reading the entire telephone book from cover to cover. You more likely open the book somewhere in the middle and zero in on the required business by searching back and forth a few times, using the fact that the names are sorted alphabetically. Ifa relational database, however, tried reading the same kind of Yellow Pages data in a database table, it would find that the data is generally not sorted; instead, it is stored in a type of linked list. New data is added (unsorted) to the end of the table or entered in empty spaces (where records were deleted from the table). This unsoried, telephone book version of a database table is laid out in Table 11.1 487 ” Optimizing SQL Statements Exceptions are the datahase systems SAP MaxDB and Microsoft SQL Server, which store tables in a sorted manner. Appendix B deals with their specific characteristics. Business 3 Sores oa 5 2 54 Video Video ston. Common- (617) 555-5252 rentals Depot wealth Ave, 23 Florist Boston Boston Oxford (617) 555-1212 Blossoms Street 24 Video Beacon Boston Cambridge (617) 555-3232 rentals Hill Street Video Table-n4 Example of an Unsorted Database Table ‘One way for the database to deal with an unsorted table is by using a time-consuming sequential read — record by record, To save the data- base from having to perform a sequential read for every SQL statement query, each database table has a corresponding primary index. In this example, the primary index might be a list that is sorted alphabetically by business type and name and includes the location of each entry in the telephone book (see Table 11.2). I Florist Boston Blossoms 46 1 23 Video rentals Beacon Hill Video 46 1 24 Video rentals Video Depot 15 2 54 Table #12 Primary Index Corresponding to the Sample Table 488 ‘Optimizing SQL Statements Through Secondary Indexes | 11.2 Because this list is sorted, you (or the database) do not need to read the entire list sequentially. Instead, you can expedite your search by first searching this index for the business type and name, for example, video rentals and Video Depot, and then using the corresponding page, column, and position to locate the entry in the Yellow Pages telephone book (or corresponding database table). In a database, the position data consists of the file number, block number, position in the block, and so on, This type of data about the position in a database is called the row 1D. The Business Type and Business Name columns in the phone book correspond to the primary index fields. A primary index is always unique; that is, for each combination of index fields, there is only one table entry. If our telephone book example was an actual database index, there could be no two businesses with the same name. In reality, this might not be true; a phone book might, for example, list wwo separate outlets for a florist in the same area and with the same name. In our example, the primary index helps you only if you already know the type and name of the business you are looking for. However, if you only have a telephone number and want to look up the business that corresponds to it, the primary index is not useful, because it does not contain the field Telephone No. You would have to read the entire tele- phone book, entry by entry. To simplify this kind of search query, you can define a secondary index that contains the field Telephone No. and the corresponding row IDs or the primary key. Similarly, to look up all of the businesses on a street in a particular city, you can create a sorted secondary index with the City and Street fields, and the corresponding row IDs or the primary key. Unlike the primary index, secondary indexes are as a rule not unique; that is, there can be multiple similar entries in the secondary index. For example, “Boston, Cambridge Street” will occur several times in the index if there are several businesses on that street. The secondary index based on telephone numbers, however, would be unique, because telephone numbers are unique. Execution Plan Ifyou are looking up all video rental stores in Boston, the corresponding SQL statement would be as follows: 489 Search mechanisms Secondary indexes Optimizer and ‘execution plan 49 | optimizing sx statements [+] Index unique sean SELECT * FROM telephone book WHERE business rentals’ AND city = “Boston” pe ~ ‘Video In this case, the database has three possible search strategies: 1. Search the entire table. 2. Use the primary index for the search. 3. Use a secondary index based on the field City. The decision as to which strategy to use is made by the database opti- mizer program, which considers each access path and formulates an execution plan for the SQL statement. The optimizer is a part of the data- base program. To create the execution plan, the optimizer parses the SQL statement. To look at the execution plan (also called the explain plan) in the SAP system, use one of the following: SQL trace (Transaction $TOS), the database process monitor (accessed from the Detail Analysis menu of Transaction $104), or the Explain function in the SQL statistics (also accessed from the Detail Analysis menu of Transaction ST04), The examples presented here are limited to SQL statements that access a table and do not require joins between multiple tables. In addition, the examples are presented using Oracle access types, which include index unique scan, index range scan, and full table scan. Appendix B explains corresponding access types for other database systems. ‘An index unique scan is performed when the SQL statement’s here clause specifies all primary index fields through an EQUALS condition. For example: SELECT * FROM telephone book WHER: “Video rentals’ AND bustness name = business type = “Beacon Hill Video" ‘The database responds to an index unique scan by locating a maximum of one record — hence the name unique. The execution plan is as follows TABLE ACCESS BY RONID telephone book INDEX UNIQUE SCAN telephone book_0 The database begins by reading the row in the execution plan that is indented farthest to the right — here, INDEX UNIQUE SCAN tele phone book 0. This row indicates that the search will use the primary index telephone beck _0. After finding an appropriate entry in the 490 ‘Optimizing SQL Statements Through Secondary Indexes | 11.2 primary index, the database then uses the row ID indicated in the pri- ‘mary index to access the table telephone book. The index unique scan is the most efficient type of table access it reads the fewest data blocks in the database. For the following SQL statement, a full table sean is performed if there is no index based on street names: SELECT * FROM telephone book MNERE street = ‘Cambridge Street" In this case, the execution plan contains the row TABLE ACCESS FULL telephone. The full table scan is a very expensive search strategy for tables greater than IMB and causes a high database load. ‘An index range scan is performed if there is an index for the search, Dut the results are not unique; that is, multiple rows of the index satisty the search criteria. An index range scan using the primary index is per formed when the Where clause does not specify all of the fields of the primary index, For example: SELECT * FROM telephone book WMERE business type= “Florist This SQL. statement automatically results in a search using the primary index. Because the snore clause specifies not a single record but an area of the primary index, the table area for business type Florist is read record by record. Therefore, this search strategy is called an index range scan. The results of the search are not unique, and zero to records may be found. An index range scan is also performed via a secondary index that is not unique, even ifall of the fields in the secondary index are specified. Such a search would result from the following SQL state ment, which mentions both index fields of the secondary index: SELECT * FRON tele “Cambridge Street” fone book WHERE city = ‘Boston’ AND street= The execution plan is as follows: TABLE ACCESS BY RONID telephone book INDEX RANGE SCAN telephone book__8 The database first accesses the secondary index telephone book 8. Using the records found in the index, the database then directly accesses each relevant record in the table. 41 Full table sean Index range scan 44 | optimising SOL Stitrents fo] i+] Without more information, iti difficult wo determine whether an index range scan is effective. The following SQL statement also requires an index range scan: SELECT * FRO telephone book WHERE Nare LIKE 8%" This access is very expensive, because only the first byte of data in the Index key field Is used for the search. Consider the following SQL statement (Listing 11.1): SOL Statement SELECT * FROM mara NHERE mandt = :A0 AND bismt = :Al Execution plan TABLE ACCESS BY ROWID mara INDEX RANGE SCAN mara__o Listing 111 Index Range Scan The primary index MARA__0 contains the MANDT and MATNR fields Becatise MATNR is not mentioned in the Where clause, MANDT is the only field available to help the database limit its search in the index. MANDT is the field for the client. If there is only one production cl- cent in this particular SAP system, the here clause with MaNDT = :A0 will cause the entire table to be searched. In this case, a full table scan would be more effective than an index search; a full table scan reads only the whole table, but an index search reads both the index and the table. You can therefore determine which of the strategies is mare cost- effective only if you have additional information, such as selectivity (see the following discussion on optimization). in this example, you need to know that there is only one client in the SAP system. (For more on this example, see the end of the next section.) Methodology for Database Optimization Exactly how an optimizer program functions is a well-guarded secret among database manufacturers. However, broadly speaking, there are two types of optimizers: rule-based optimizers (RBOs) and cost-based opti- mizers (CBOs) All database systems use based optimizer, in conjunction with an SAP system use a cost: 42 ‘Optimizing SQL Statements Through Secondary indexes | 11.2 ‘An RBO bases its execution plan for a given SQL statement on the Where clause and the available indexes. The most important criteria in the where clause are the fields specified with an EQUALS condition and that appear in an index, as follow: SELECT * FROM telephone book MHERE business type= ‘Pizzeria’ AND business name = ‘Blue Hi11 House of Pizza” AND city = Roxbury” In this example, the optimizer decides on the primary index rather than the secondary index, because two primary index fields are specified (business type and business name), whereas only one secondary index field is specified (city). One limit to index use is that a field can be used for an index search only if all of the fields to the left of that ficld in the index are also specified in the where clause with an equals condition. Consider two sample SQL statements: SELECT * FRON telephone book WHERE business type like “PS* AND business nane = “Blue Hi1 of Pizze" and SELECT * FROM telephone book MHERE business none = ‘Blue HiT of Pizza For either of these statements, the condition business name = “Blue HIN] House of P1zza" Is of no use to an index search. For the first exam. ple, all business types beginning with Pin the index will be read. For the second example, all entries in the index are read, because the business type field is missing from the where clause. Whereas an index search is therefore greatly influenced by the position of a field in the index (in relation to the lefimost field), the order in which fields are mentioned in the Where clause is random, To create the execution plan for an SQL statement, the CBO considers the same criteria as described for the RBO, plus the following criteria: » Table size For small tables, the CBO avoids indexes in favor of a more efficient, fulktable scan. Large tables are more likely to be accessed through the index. 493 Rule-based ‘optimizer (RO) Cost-based ‘optimizer (CBO) ” Optimizing SQL Statements > Selectivity of the index fields ‘The selectivity of a given index field is the average size of the portion ofa table that is tead when an SQL statement searches for a particular, distinct value in that ficld. For example, if there are 200 business types and 10,000 actual businesses listed in the telephone book, then the selectivity of the field Business Type is 10,000 divided by 200, whict is 50 (or 295 of 10,000). The larger the number of distinct val- uues in a field, the higher the selectivity and the more likely the ‘optimizer will use the index based on that field. Tests with various database systems have shown that an index is used only if the CBO estimates that, on average, less than 5 to 10% of the entire table has to be read. Otherwise, the optimizer will decide on the full-table sean, ‘Therefore, the number of different values per field should be consid erably high > Physical storage “The optimizer considers how many index data blocks or pages must be read physically on the hard drive. The more physical memory there 1s that needs to be read, the less likely itis that an index is used. The amount of physical memory that needs to be read may be increased by database fragmentation (that is, a low fill level in the individual index blocks). » Distribution of field values ‘Most database systems also consider the distribution of field values within a table column, that is, whether each distinct value is repre- sented in an equivalent number of data records or if some values dominate, The optimizer’s decision is based on the evaluation of data statistics, such as with a histogram or spot checks to determine the distribution of values across a column. » Spot checks at time of execution Some database systems (for example, MaxDB and SQL Servet) decide which access strategy is used at the time of execution, not during parsing. During parsing, the values satisfying the here clause are stil unknown to the database. At the time of execution, however, an 494 Optimizing SOL Statements Through Secondary Indexes | 41.2 uneven distribution of values in a particular field can be taken into account by a spot check. To determine the number of distinct values per field in a database table, use the following SQL statement: SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT ) FROM Database field If this field Is empty, the entry applies to all database types. Ifa value 1s entered in this field, it applies only to a specified database type. > Usage Type field ‘The O entry means the statistics are only used by the optimizer; the A entry indicates that extended statistics are supposed to be calculated for the application monitor, which can be very time-consuming. » Active column ‘The default setting is A; that i, the table is supposed to be analyzed if the check run revealed that new statistics are necessary. U means the statistics are always updated, that is, independent of the check, which prolongs the runtime of the statistics run. The analysis excludes tables with the entries N (no statistics are created, existing ones are deleted) OF R (statistics are generated temporarily for the application monitor and then deleted). » ToDo column In this column, the control table DBSTATC sets an X if statistics for a given table are to be generated when the generation program runs next, 501 m2 " Optimizing SOL Statements fe] » Method field This field is only relevant for the Oracle database system. It describes the statistics creation method. For the database administration of Oracle databases, you can also use the SAPOBA utility or the S&CONNECT program as of SAP Basis Version 6.10. For each run of the statistics generation program, you can monitor the logs created: 1. To monitor these logs after a run of the statistics generation program saP0BA for an Oracle database, select TOOLS * CCMS + DB ADMINISTRA: TION + DBA Logs. 2. Then select DB Optimizer. The resulting screen might show, for example, the following informa- tion: Beginning of Action End of Action Fet Object RC 24,04,1998 17:10:12 24.04.1998 17:35:01 opt PSAPZ 0000 24.04.1998 17:36:30 24,04,1998 18:26:25 aly DBSTATCO G00 In the first row, the value opt in the column Fct indicates that a requirement analysis was performed, The value 954° in the coluran, (object indicates that the requirement analysis was performed for all, tables in the database, Compare the beginning and ending times in the first row, and you can see that the requirement analysis took 25 minutes In the second row, the value aly in the column Fct indicates that a table analysis run was performed. The value o8STA7C0 In the column dject indicates that the table analysis was performed for all relevant tables. (These are all tables listed in the control table DBSTATC — usu- ally only a small percentage of the total database tables.) Comparing the beginning and ending times in the second row, you can see that the table analysis took almost an hour. The operations in bath rows ended successfully, as indicated by the value 0009 in the column &. SAP tools for generating table access statistics are specifically adapted to the requirements of the SAP system. Certain tables are excluded from the creation of statistics, because generating statistics for those tables would be superfluous or would reduce performance. Ensure that the table 502 Optimizing SOL Statements Through Secondary Indexes access statistics are generated only by the generation program released specifically for SAP. When an SAP system is used in conjunction with Oracle databases, no statistics are created for pooled and clustered tables, such as the update tables VBMOD, VBHDR, and VBDATA. For these tables, the Active field in Transaction DB21 displays the entry k, Therefore, you must make sure to generate the table access statistics only using SAP tools. For further information, refer to the SAP database administration online Help. ‘To check whether statistics were generated for a particular table, you can use Transaction DB20. This transaction indicates whether the statistics are current, that is, the deviation between the number of entries in the database and the last check, and when the last update run took place. The system also displays the settings for the table from table DBSTATC. With this function you can re-create statistics. Whenever you create new tables or indexes, you should then use Trans action DB20 to update the statistics manually, so that the optimizer has a sound evaluation basis for calculating the executing plans. In the DBA Cockpit, you can find enhanced, database-specific informa tion for some database systems. Examples include the following: > For Oracle, in the Space area: * TABLE COLUMNS » For Microsoft SQL Server, in the Space area: When optimizing customer-developed SQL statements, try to avoid creating secondary indexes on SAP transaction data tables. As a rule, transaction data tables grow linearly over time and cause a corresponding growth in the size of related secondary indexes. Therefore, searching via a secondary index will eventually result in an SQL statement that runs increasingly slowly. Therefore, SAP uses special search techniques for transaction data, such as match code tables and SAP business index tables (or example, the delivery due index). > If the SQL statement originates from a customer-developed program, rather than create a new index, you may be able to do one of the fol lowing: » Rewrite the ABAP program in such a way that an available index can be used. » Adapt an available index in such a way that it can be used. > Never create a secondary index on SAP Basis tables without an explicit recommendation from SAP, Examples of these tables include NAST and tables beginning with D010, D020, and DD. Rules for Creating Secondary Indexes ‘The following basic rules govern secondary index design. For primary indexes, in addition to these rules, there are other considerations related to the principles of table construction: » An index is useful only if each corresponding SQL statement selects just a small part of a table. If the SQL statement that searches accord ing to a particular index field causes more than $ to 10% of the entire index to be read, the cost-based optimizer will not consider the index usefial and will choose the full table scan as the most-effective access method. (The value of 5% should only be considered as an estimate value.) Examples of selective fields include document numbers, material numbers, and customer numbers. Examples of nonselective fields include SAP client IDs, company codes or plant [Ds, and account sta tus. 506 Optimizing SOL Statements Through Secondary Indexes | 11.2 » Asarule, an index should contain no more than four fields. Too many fields in the index will lead to the following effects > Change operations to tables take longer, because the index must be changed accordingly. > More storage space is used in the database, The large volume of data in the index reduces the chance that the optimizer will regard using the index as economical » The parsing time for an SQL statement increases significantly, espe- cially If the statement accesses multiple tables with numerous indexes, and the tables must be linked with a join operation. » To speed up accesses through an index based on several fields, the most selective fields should be positioned farthest toward the left in the index. » To support the optimizer in choosing an index, i is sometimes neces- sary to use nonselective fields in the index in a way that contradicts rules 1 to 3, Examples of such fields typically include the fields for cli ent ID (Mandt field) and company code (Bukrs field). » Avoid creating nondisjunct indexes, that is, two or more indexes with generally the same fields. » Despite the fact that the ABAP Dictionary defines a maximum of 16 indexes for each table, as a rule, you should not create more than 5 indexes. One exception is for a table that is used mainly for reading, such as a table containing master data, Having too many indexes causes problems similar to those resulting from an index with too many fields. There is also an increased risk that the optimizer will choose the wrang index. Keep in mind that every rule has exceptions. Sometimes you can find the optimal index combination only by trial and error. Generally, experimenting with indexes is considered safe, as long as you keep the following points in mind: » Never change indexes for tables larger than 10MB during company business hours. Creating or changing an index can take from several minutes to several hours and blocks the entire table. This can cause serious performance problems during production operation. 507 Rule 2: Include only a few fields Inthe index Rule 3: Position selective fields to the left in an index Rule 4: Exceptions to Rules 1,2, and 3 Rule 5: Indexes should be disjunct Rule 6: Create only a few indexes per table (+1 ” Optimizing SOL Statements > After creating or changing an index, always check whether the opti- mizer program uses this index in the manner intended. Ensure that the new index does not result in poor choices for other SQL state ments (discussed later on). Optimizing SQL Statements (Where Clause) Before creating a new index, you should carefully check whether it would be possible to rewrite the SQL statement so that an available index can be efficiently used. The following example will demonstrate this point. Example: Missing Unselective Field in the Where Clause While analyzing expensive SQL. statements in client-specific code, you notice the following statement: SELECT * FROM bkpf WHERE mandt = :AD BND belnr = :A1 ‘Table BKPF contains FI invoice headers and thus can be quite large. The Belnr field is the invoice number. Therefore, access appears to be very selective, Detailed analysis reveals that there Is just one (primary) index with the Mandt (client), Bukrs (booking account), and Belnr (document number) fields. Because the Bukrs field is not in the SQL statement, the database cannot use all the fields that follow in the index for the search. In our example, the highly selective Belnr field cannot be used for the index search, and the entire table must be searched sequentially. ‘These programming errors occur frequently when the unselective field (the booking account in this case) in a system is not used (because there is only one booking account in the client system). The remedy is simple: ‘An Equal or In condition can be added to the unselective field of the Where clause. The efficient SQL statement would be: SELECT * FROM Dkof WHERE mandt = :AD AND bukrs = :A1 AND belnr = :A2 Alternatively, when the booking account is not known to the program at the time of execution, but the developer is sure that only a certain number of booking accounts exist in the system, then the statement would be: SELECT * FROM bkpf WHERE mandt = :AD AND belnr = :A2 AND bukes IN GAS, :AM, 2A5. -..) 508 (Optimizing SOL Statements Through Secondary Indexes | 11.2, ‘The sequence of AN0-linked partial clauses within the Where clause does not matter. The programming example wits Index-Support can be found in Transaction $E30 under Tips and Tricks Example: Missing Client in the Where Clause A similar situation leads to performance problems when you add CLIENT ‘SPECIFIED to the ABAP SQL statement and forget to specify the client in the Where clause, Most SAP indexes begin with the client; therefore, for this SQL statement, the client field is not available for an efficient index search Although these may appear to be trivial errors, they are unfortunately frequent in client-specific code, Table 11.4 lists the most important SAP tables in which this problem can occur. When you're choosing the selec- tive fields, you must also give the unselective fields in every case. SAP Table Teper reece Peres Suny Benen) BKPF (document BUKRS (booking BELNR headers) account) (document number) Fl BSEG (document _BUKRS (booking BELNR headers, part of account) (document the cluster table number) RFBLG) Comprehensive NAST (message KAPPL ‘OBIKY (object status) (application key) number) win LTAW/LTAP_ Lcnum TANUM (transfer order (warehouse transfer order headersand number) number) items) oN -MAKT (material- SPRAS MAKTC description) anguage key) (material description in capital letters) Table +44. Examples of Tables with Leading Unselective Fields in the Primary Index 509 14 | optinixing Sat statements Example: Alternative Access Occasionally, you can optimize an unselective access for which there Is no index by first taking data from a different table. With the dummy data, you then use an index search to efficiently search for the data you want. Consider the following SQL statement: SELECT * FROM vbak WHERE mendt = :A0 AND kunnr = :A1 ‘This SQL statement from a client-specific program selects sales documen- tation (table VBAK) for a particular client (Kunnr field). Because there {is no suitable index in the standard program version, this statement requires the entire VBAK table (perhaps many gigabytes in size) to be read sequentially. This access is not efficient. You can solve this problem by creating a suitable secondary index (along with the disadvantages already discussed), although a developer with some understanding of the SD data model would find a different way. Instead of directly reading from table VBAK, table VAKPA would first be accessed. The optimal access would be: SELECT * FROM vakpa WHERE mandt = :AI AND kunde = :A2, and then SELECT * FROM vbak WHERE mandt ~ :A1 AND ybeln ~ vakpa-vbeln In this access sequence, table VAKPA (partner role sales orders) would be accessed first. Because there is an index with the Mandt and KUNDE fields, and the Kunnr field is selective, this access is efficient. (Over time, iffa large number of orders accumulates for a client, access will begin to take longer. Table VAKPA contains the Vbeln field (sales order number), which can be used to efficiently access table VBAK via the primary index You can optimize access by replacing one inefficient access with two efficient ones, although you have to know the data model for the appli- cation to be able to do this. SAP Notes 185530, 187906, and 191492 catalog the most frequent client code performance errors in the SAP ERP logistics modules. These examples show that it is possible to considerably improve the performance of the relevant SQL statement without creating a new sec- ondary index. This kind of optimization is preferable. Every new index requires space in the database; increases the time required for backup, 510 ‘Optimizing SQL Statements Through Secondary Indexes recovery, and other maintenance tasks; and affects performance when ‘you're updating. What To Do if the Optimizer Ignores the Index If you find that the cost-based optimizer program refuses to particular secondary index in its execution plan, even though this index ‘would simplify data access, the most likely reason is that the table access statisties are missing or not up-to-date. Check the analysis strategy and determine why the table has not yet been analyzed. (See SAP Online Help on database administration.) You can use Transaction DB20 to man- ually create up-to-date statistics, and then check whether the optimizer then makes the correct decision. In rare cases it is necessary to include hints in the database interface or the database optimizer so that the correct access path can be found. Let's take a look at an example. ‘The ZVBAK sample table is supposed to include a ZVBAK-STATUS sta- tus field. In this example, assume that the table has 1 million entries, of which 100 have the status O for open, and 999,900 entries have the status C for closed. An index is created via the STATUS field, and the sta- tistics is newly created. Now it is specified that the optimizer doesn’t use the index via the status for executing the following SQL statement: SELECT * FRON 2vbak WHERE status = The general problem with this application is that the STATUS field is filled asymmetrically and the database must recognize this. Because if ‘you select with STATUS = 0, the database should take the index via the STATUS because the index is selective in this case; but if you select with the limitation STATUS = C, the index is not supposed to be used because it would lead to a record-by-record read of 999,900 records of the ZVBAK table, which, as you learned earlier in this chapter, has a lower performance than a full table scan. To make this distinetion, first, ‘you must ensure that the database recognizes the asymmetrical distri- bution of the STATUS field and doesn’t just determine that the STATUS field has two different entries. For this purpose, you must create statistics with histograms that take into account the distribution of entries. For Oracle databases you must explicitly specify which statistics are created; si Hints fe] na " Optimizing SQL Statements [ other database systems consider this automatically. Second, you must explicitly inform the database about the type of limitation to the STA- ‘TUS field, Usually, the database interface converts literals and constants in SQL statements into variables so that the following SQL statement is sent to the database: SELECT * FROM zvbak WHERE status = :A0 The reason for this substitution is that the database optimizer can reuse an access path that has already been calculated and doesn’t need to deter- mine a new access path for every statement. Im this example, this substitution has a negative impact. The database optimizer cannot decide from the variabilized statement whether the selection is made based on the selective value O or the nonselective value C and will presumably decide against the index on the STATUS field. In this case it is possible to give the database interface a hint to transfer constants and literals not as variables, but as concrete values. The hint is BSUBSTITUTE LITERALSE, Using the aSUBSTITUTE VALUES hint also ensutes that ABAP variables are transferred to the database not as vati- ables but as concrete values. In general, hints in Open SQL start with the #_HINTS keyword at the end of an SQL statement. This is followed by the database type and the hint text. In Native SQL, you must take into account the syntax of the corre- sponding database. For example, for an Oracle database you can use the statement SELECT /*+ FULL Vikp */ * FROM 11kp MHERE to force a full table scan, Hints often turn out to be “time bombs,” because after an SAP or data- base upgrade (or even after a database patch) hints become superfluous and result in accesses with low performance. Therefore, you must ana- lyze and test all hints after an upgrade. In the standard SAP system, hints are used only in exceptional cases. 52 ‘Optimizing SOL Statements Through Secondary Indexes ‘The appendix provides a list of notes on database hints for the various database systems. Other reasons why the optimizer cannot find the appropriate index and solutions can be the following » Ifthe where clause is too complex and the optimizer cannot interpret it correctly, you may have to consider changing the programming. Examples are provided in the next section, > Sometimes deleting the table access statistics, or even appropriately modifying the statistics, will cause the optimizer to use a particular index. (Therefore, the generation program released specifically for B/3 chooses not to generate statistics for some tables, so ensure that ‘you create table access statistics with the tools provided by SAP) > Ineeither of these cases, the solution requires extensive knowledge of SQL optimization. If the problem originates from the standard R/3 software, consult SAP or your database partner. Monitoring Indexes in the SQL Statistics Before and after creating or changing an index, monitor the effect of the index on the SQL statistics. To monitor the SQL statistics in R/3, from the main screen in the database performance monitor (Transaction 704), select the Detail Analysis menu, and under the header Resource Consumption By: 1. For ORACLE, select SQL Request. In the dialog box that appears, change the default selection values to zero and click OK. 2. Choose Select Table, Specify the table you want to create or change the index for, and select Enter. The resulting screen displays the SQL statements that correspond to this table. 3, Save this screen, along with the execution plan for all SQL statements, ina file, 4. Two days after creating or changing the index, repeat steps 1 10 3, and compare the results with those obtained earlier to ensure that no 58 na ” Optimizing SQL Statements SQL statement has had a loss in performance due to poor optimizer decisions. In particular, compare the number of logical or physical accesses per execution (these are indicated, for example, in the Reads/ Execution column), and check the execution plans to ensure that the new index is used only where appropriate [4] | T check the index design using the SQL statistics in a developmenvitest system, ensure that the business data in the system is representative, because the data determines the table sizes and field selectivity consid- ered by the cost based optimizer. Before testing, update the table access statisties so they reflect the current data 113 Optimizing SQL Statements in the ABAP Program Database indexes can be used to optimize a program only ifthe selection criteria for the database access are chosen so that just a small amount of data is returned to the ABAP program. If this is not the case, then the program can only be optimized by rewriting itor by changing the user's work habits 1134 Rules for Efficient SQL Programming This section explains the five basic rules for efficient SQL programming. Itdoes not replace an ABAP tuning manual and is limited to a few impor- tant cases. [4] | Related programming techniques are explained with examples at the end of this section and in the following sections. For a quick guide to efficient SQL programming, go to the ABAP Runtime Analysis (Transaction SE30) and select Tips and Tricks: Syste * Urinities * ABAP RUNTIME ANALYSIS * Tes AND TRICKS. The new screen lets you display numerous examples of good and bad programming. ou. Opting SQL Statements inthe ABAP Program | 183 Rule 4 SQL statements must have a Where clause that transfers only a minimal amount of data from the database to the application server, or vice versa This is especially important for SQL. statements that affect tables larger than 1MB. For all programs that transfer data to or from the database: > If the program contains CHECK statements for table fields in SELECT - ENOSELECT loops, then replace the c#ECK statement with a suitable Where clause. > SQL. statements without Wnere clauses must not access tables that are constantly growing, for example, transaction data tables such as BSEG, MKPF, and VBAK. If you find these SQL. statements, rewrite the pro: gram, > Avoid identical accesses, that is, the same data being read repeatedly. To identify SQL statements that cause identical accesses, trace the pro- gram with an SQL trace (Transaction STO5), view the results, and select Goro + IDENTICAL SELECTS. Note the identical selects and return, to the trace results screen to see how much time these selects required. This tells you how much time you would save if the identical selects could be avoided. You can find an example of this situation in the next section. Rule 2 To ensure that the volume of transferred data is as small as possible, examine your programs as follows: > SQL statements with the clause SELECT * transfer all of the columns of a table. If all of this data is not really needed, you may be able to convert the SELECT * clause to a SELECT list (SELECT ) or use a projection view. » There is both an economical and an expensive way of calculating sums, maximums, or mean values in relation to an individual table column: First, you can perform these calculations on the database using the SQL aggregate functions (SUM, "4X, AVG, etc.) and then transfer only the results, which is a small data volume. Second, you can initially 515 ‘Transfer few records Keop the volume of transferred data small 44 | optimising SQL Statements Use aray select instead of, single select transfer all of the data in the column from the database into the ABAP program and perform the calculations on the application server. This transfers a lot more data than the first method and creates more data- base load, > A where clause that searches for a single record often looks as fol- lows: CLEAR found SELECT * FROM dbtable WHERE fielal = x1 Found ~ °X". EXIT. ENOSELECT, ‘The disadvantage of this code is that it triggers a FETCH on the data- thase. For example, after 100 records are read into the input/output buffer of the work processes, the ABAP program reads the first record in the buffer, and loop processing is interrupted. Therefore, 99 records were transferred needlessly. The following code is more efficient: CLEAR found. SELECT * FROM dbteble UP TO 1 ROWS KHERE ftelat = xi. ENDSELECT IF sy-subre = 0. found = °K". ENDIF. This code informs the database that only one record should be returned, Rule 3 The number of fetches must remain small. Using array select instead of single select creates fewer, more lengthy database accesses instead of many short accesses. Many short accesses cause more adminisira- tive overhead and network traffic than fewer, more lengthy database accesses. Therefore, avoid the following types of code Loop AT stab, SELECT FROM dotable WHERE fieldl ~ itad-fieldl Gfurther processing? ENDLOOP. and: SELECT * FROM obtablel WHERE field] ~ x1 SELECT * FRON dbteble2 WHERE fiele2 = abtablel-fiel 516 ‘Optimizing SOL Statements in the ABAP Program | 11.3 further processing> ENDSELECT. ENOSELECT Both examples make many short accesses that read only a few records. You can group many short accesses to make a few longer accesses by using either the For ALL ENTRIES clause or a database view. Both options will be described in the example in the following section. Rule 4 The here clauses must be simple; otherwise, the optimizer may decide on the wrong index or not use an index at all. A uhere clause is simple if it specifies each field of the index using Avo and an equals condition. Virtually all optimizers have problems when confronted with a large number of 0k conditions. Therefore, you should use the disjunct normal form (ONF) whenever possible, as deseried in the following example on avoiding ok clauses. Instead of the following code: SELECT * FROM sflioht WHERE (carrig = "LH or carrid = “UA‘) AND (connid = “0012" OR connid = “0013") tis better to use: SELECT * FROM SLIGHT WHERE ( CARRID ~ LH" AND CONNID ~ °0012") (OR ¢ CARRIO = “LH’ AND CONNED = *0013") (OR ( CARRIO ~ "UH" AND CONNIO ~ *o012") (OR (CARRIO = “UK’ AND CONNED = *0013") The other way of avoiding problems with 08 clauses is to divide complex SQL statements into simple ones, and store the selected data in an inter- nal table, To divide complex SQL statements, use the FOR ALL ENTRIES. dlause (see More About FOR ALL ENTRIES Clauses, below). Sometimes you can use an IN instead of an 08. For example, instead of Fela ~ x1 AND (fie1d2 = yl OR Field = 2 OR Field2 = y3), use Field = sl end Field2 {N (yl, y2, 19). Try to avoid using NOT conditions in the \here clause. These cannot be processed through an index. You can often 57 Keep the Where clauses simple led 14 | Optimizing sat statements ‘Avoid unnecessary database load fe] replace a NOT condition by a positive 1N ot of, which can be processed using an index. Rule 5 Some operations, such as sorting tables, can be performed by the data- base instance and the SAP instance. In general, you should try to transfer any tasks that create system load to the application servers, which can be configured with more SAP instances if the system load increases. The capacity of the database instance cannot be increased as easily. The fol- lowing measures help avoid database load: > SAP buffering is the most efficient tool for reducing load on the data- base instance caused by accesses to database data. You should buffer tables on application servers as much as possible to avoid database accesses (see Chapter 9, SAP Buffering) » If a program requires sorted data, either the database or the SAP instance must sort the data. The database should perform the sort only if the same index can be used for sorting as for satisfying the Where clause, because this type of sort is inexpensive. Consider the table with the fields , , , and . The key fields are , , and , and these comprise the primary index . To sort the data by the database, you can use the following state- ment SELECT * FROM INTO TABLE ‘tab WHERE = x1 and = x2 ORDER BY CFieldl> <#ield2> Here, @ database sort is appropriate, because the primary index ‘TABLE_0 can be used both to satisfy the there clause and to sort the data. A sort by the fields and cannot be per formed using the primary index TABLE_0, because the OR0tR_9Y clause does not contain the first primary index field. Therefore, to reduce database load, this sort should be not be performed by the database, but by the ABAP program. You can use ABAP statements such as: SELECT * FROM <@btable> INTO ftab 58 Cptinizing SOL Staterentsin the ABAP Progam | 1.3 WHERE ~ Kl and ~ x2. SORT Itab BY . Similar Gorting) considerations apply when you use the GROUP. 8Y clause or aggregate functions. If the database instance performs a Gaoue sY, this increases the consumption of database instance resources. However, this must be weighed against the gain in perfor- mance due to the fact that the 680UP 8Y calculation transfers fewer results to the application server. (For more information on aggregate functions, see Rule 2 earlier in this section.) 313.2 Example of Optim Program ing an SQL Statement in an ABAP This section uses an example to demonstrate each step in optimizing an SQL statement. Pre lary Analysis In this example, a customer-developed ABAP program is having petfor- [ex] mance problems. As an initial attempt to remedy this, run an SQL trace (Transaction $T05) on a second run of the program when the database buffer has been loaded. The results of the trace show the information in Listing 11.2 Duration Object Oper —-Rec_—«-RC_ Statement 1,692 HSEG PREPARE 0 SELECT WHERE MANDT .. 182 WSEG OPEN o 26,502 MSEG FETCH 32 0 326 KPF PREPARE 0 SELECT WHERE MANDT .. 60 NKPF OPEN 0 12,540 MKPF FETCH ©1403 59 NKPF REOPEN 0 SELECT WHERE MANDT . 2.208 MKPF FETCH «11403 60 NKPF REOPEN 0 SELECT WHERE MANOT 2,238 MKPF FETCH © «11403 61 NKPF REOPEN 0 SELECT WHERE MANDT 2,340 MKPF FETCH ©=1(1403 (32 more indiv. FETCHES) 43,790 MSEG FETCH 32 0 61 NKPF REOPEN 0 SELECT WHERE MaNOT . 519 " Optimining SQL Statements 2.306 MKPF FETCH «11403 60 NKPF REOPEN 0 SELECT WHERE MANDT 2,455 MKPF FETCH = 11403 Listing #12. ample of an SOL Trace ‘The trace begins with a FETC operation on table MSEG, which reads 32 records, as indicated by the 32 in the Sec column. Next, 32 sepa rate FLTCH operations are performed on table MKPF, each returning one record, as indicated by the 1 in the column Rec column. This process is repeated with another *F1C¥ operation that reads 32 records from table [MEG and 32 more single-record FCTCV/ operations on table MKPE, and so on until all records are found. Now view the compressed summary. To do this from the SOIL trace results sereen, select GoTo + SUMMARY * COMPRESS, Table 11.5 lists the results, Tcode/ | Table To Gea ieee SE38 Se38 Total MKPE SEL 319,040 MSEG SEL 1 12 197.638 383 516,678 100.0 Table m5 Compressed Summary of an SQL Trace ‘The compressed summary shows that almost two-thirds (61.7%) of the database time is used for the individual F€TCH operations on table MKPR, and more than one-third (38.3%) is used for the FETCH operations on table MSEG. Detailed Analysi In the detailed analysis step prior to tuning, you find the tables, fields, and processes that are important for tuning the SQL. statements you iden tified in the preliminary analysis. To increase the performance of specific SQL statements, you can either improve the performance of the database instance or reduce the volume of data transferred from the database 10 520 Optinizng SOL Statements nthe ABAP Program | 113 the application server. In Table 11.5, the SQL trace results show that the response times per record are approximately 3,000 microseconds for accesses to table MKPF and approximately 1,800 microseconds for accesses to table MSEG. Because these response times are good, you can conclude that database performance is also good. The only remaining ‘way to increase the performance of SQL. statements in the ABAP program. is to reduce the amount of data transferred. View the identical selects: From the SQL trace (Transaction STOS) results screen, select Goro * IDENTICAL SELECTS. In our example, the resulting list shows 72 identical SQL statements on table MKPF. This is around 60% of the total of 112 accesses to table MKPF, as indicated in the compressed summary. Therefore, eliminating the Identical accesses would result in about 60% fewer accesses and correspondingly less access time. To access the code from the SQL trace results screen, position the cursor on the appropriate program in the Object column and click ABAP Dis play. In this example, accessing the code reveals that the following ABAP statements caused the database accesses analyzed in the SQL trace: SELECT * FROM mseg INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF Imatdocs WHERE matnr LIKE s_matnr SELECT * FRON mkpf WHERE mbInr ~ imatdocs-nbInr AND mjahr = imatdocs-njahr, imatdocs-budat ~ mkpf-budat APPEND imataoes. ENOSELECT. ENDSELECT. Listing 113 Program Context for SOL Trace You now need to know from which tables the data is being selected. This is indicated in ABAP Dictionary Maintenance (Transaction SE11). In this example, the two affected tables, MKPF and MSEG, store materials docu- ments for goods issue and receipt. MKPF contains the document heads for the materials documents, and MSEG contains the line items. The program reads the specific materials documents from the database and transfers them to the internal table IMATDOCS. The materials are listed in the internal table S_MATNR. Table fields that you need to know in this example are: 521 ‘Accessing the code Table information " Optimizing SOL Statements Nested SELECT loop » Table MKPF: » MANDT: Client (primary key) » MBLNR: Number of the material document (primary key) » NUAHR: Material document year (primary key) BUDAT: Posting date in the document » Table MSEG » MANDT: Client (primary key) MBLNR: Number of the material document (primary key) MJAHR: Material document year (primary key) ZEILE: Position in the material document (primary key) MATNR: Material number WERKS: Plant This program excerpt selects the materials documents corresponding to the materials in the internal table S_MATNR and transfers the document- related fields MANDT, MBLNR, MIAHR, ZEILE, MATNR, WERKS, and BUDAT to the ABAP program. In the SQL statement, S_MATNR limits the data volume transferred to the ABAP program from table MSEG. Because the MATNR field is in table MSEG, data selection begins in table MSEG rather than in MKPE, For each of the records selected in MSEG, the data for the field BUDAT is read from table MKPF and transferred to internal table IMATDOCS. The program in this example resolves these tasks with a nested SELECT loop. As you will see in the excerpt, the external loop executes a FETCH operation that returns 32 records. Then each record is processed indi vidually in the ABAP program, and a relevant record from table MKPF is requested 32 times. The program resumes the external loop, collecting another 32 records from the database, and then returns to the internal loop, and so on until all requested documents are processed. When you have identified the SQL statements that must be optimized (in the preliminary analysis), and the related tables, fields, and pro- cesses (in the detailed analysis), you can start to tune these statements, as follows. 522 Optimzing SOL Statements in the ABAP Program [443 Tuning the SQL Code ‘Comparing the excerpted programming with the rules for efficient SQL programming reveals three areas where these rules contradict the cur- rent example: » Contradiction to rule 1 Contradiction Identical information is read multiple times from the database. tories » Contradiction to rule 2 SELECT * statements are used, which read all of the columns in the table, These statements are, however, few in number. » Contradiction to rule 3 Instead of a small number of F£TCH operations that read many records from table MKPF, the program uses many FETCH operations that read only one record. This creates an unnecessary administrative burden in terms of REOPEN operations and network traffic. ‘The following subsections provide two tuning solutions for this example of poor data accesses. Solution 1 Identical database accesses occur because of the nested SQL statements. Identical SQL In the example, the first SQL statement accesses table MSEG to obtain the _ statements following data: MANDT=100, MBLNR=00005001, and MJAHR=1998, and the ZEILE field specifies the 10 rows from 0000 to 0010. The second ‘SQL statement searches table MKPF based on the keys MANDT=100, ‘MBLNR=00005001, and MJAHR=1998 and reads identical heading data 10 times. Using nested SQL statements always poses the risk of identical accesses, because the program does not recognize which data has already been read. To avoid identical accesses, read all of the data from table ‘MSEG, and then read the heading data from table MKPF only once, as indicated in the rewritten version of the program in Listing 11.4. ‘To reduce the amount of data transferred for each table record, convert SELECT* cause the SELECT * clause to a SELECT list To convert the numerous single record accesses to table MKPF into larger Bundling Fetch FETCH operations, you can use the FOR ALL ENTRIES clause operations ‘The optimized program now looks as follows: 523 41 | optimizing sat statements ELECT mblnr mjahr zeile matnr werks FROM neg INTO TABLE imatdocs WHERE matnr LIKE s_matar f sy-subre = 0. SORT inatdocs BY mblnr mjahr imatdocs_helpi{] = imetdocs(] DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM imatdocs_help1 COMPARING bine mjabr. SELECT nbInr mjahr budat FRON kot INTO TABLE imatdocs_neip2 FOR ALL ENTRIES IN imatdocs_nelpL WHERE mblar ~ imatdocs_ne!pl-mbInr ANO mjahe = imatdoes_helpl -mjahr SORT imatdocs_help2 BY mbInr mjahr LOOP AT Imatdocs READ TABLE fmatdocs_help2 WITH KEY mbine = imat docs-nbInr mjahr = imatdocs-mjanr BINARY SEARCH. jmatdocs-budat ~ inatdocs_help2-budat: MODIFY imatdoes ENDLOOP.. ENDIF. Listing 4 Optimized ABAP Code Here ate some comments on the optimized program: 41. The required data is read from table MSEG. The SELECT * clause has been replaced with a SELECT list, and the SELECT... ENDSELECT con- struction has been replaced with a SELECT ... INTO TABLE 2. The statement IF sy-subre = 0 checks whether records have been read from the database. In the following steps, the internal table IMATDOCS_HELP1 is filled. To avoid double accesses to table MKPE, table IMATDOCS is sorted by the command SORT inetdocs, and the duplicate entries in MBLNR and MARR are deleted by the command DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES. Finally, the data that was read from table MSEG and stored in table IMATDOCS and the data that was read from MKPF and stored in the table IMATDOCS_HELP2 are com- bined and transferred to the ABAP program. To optimize the search in internal table IMATDOCS_HELP2, itis important to sort the table and include a 81NARY SEARCH in the READ TABLE statement. 524 Optimizing SCL Statements in the ABAP Program | 41.3 ‘fier performing these changes, repeat the SQL trace to verify an improve- ‘ment in performance. Now the SQL trace results look as follows. Duration Object Oper Ree RC 1.417 WSEG PREPARE 0 65 NSEG OPEN 0 57,628 WSEG = FETCH = 112 1403 6,871 WKPF PREPARE 6 693 MKPF OPEN 6 177,983 HKPF FETCH 40 1403 Listing 115 SOL Trace of Optimized Code Observe the following access improvements over the previous version of the program: > Using a SELECT list to access table MSEG now allows all 112 records to be transferred in a single F1CH operation. Using SELECT + enabled only 32 records per €1¢# operation. The time for MSEG access is reduced ftom 197,638 microseconds to 7,628 microseconds. » By avoiding identical accesses to table MKPF, and using the SELECT list and the FOR ALL ENTRIES clauses, you have reduced MKPF access from 319,040 microseconds to 177,983 microseconds. The database access time is reduced by half, More About FOR ALL ENTRIES Clauses The FOR AL. ENTRIES clause is used t0 convert many short SQL statements into a few longer SQL statements, especially for (00P .... £0,009? con. structions or (as in the previous example) for nested SELECT loops When you use the FOR ALL ENIRIES clause, the database interface creates, for example, a there clause that translates the entries of the internal Griver table (in this example, [MATDOCS_HELP1) into separate con- ditions, which are then combined with each other through a disjunct normal Of. In this example, the database interface creates the following SQL statement: SeLec *MBLUR™ , “NJAHR™ . “BUDAT™ FROM 525, 4 | optinzing SOL Statements Avoid empty driver tables ogee” WHERE (CTMANDT™ = :A0 AND “HBLNR” = :AL AND “MJAHR™ = :A2 ) OR ( “MANDI = :A3 AND “HBLNR™ = :A4 AND “HUANR™ = 345 ) OR ( *MANDT" = :A6 AND “HGLNR™ = 287 AND “IKJAHR” = AB ) , the SAP work process takes the smaller of the follow: ing numbers: the number of entries in the internal driver table (here, IMATDOCS_HELP1) and the SAP profile parameter rsd/nex_b)ocking_ factor. Ifthe number of entries in the internal driver table is larger than rsdb/ax_bTocking_factor, the work process executes several similar SQL statements on the database to limit the length of the Where clause. ‘The SAP work process joins the partial results, excluding duplications. ‘The execution plan for the above statement is as follows: Execution Plan SELECT STATENENT CONCATENATION TABLE ACCESS 8 INDEX INDEX UNIQUE SCAN TABLE ACCESS 8Y INDEX INDEX UNIQUE SCAN ROWID ¥KPF MKPr__o RONID ¥KPF NKPF_ MSEG-MBLNR = MKPF-MBLNR » MSEG-MJAHR = MKPF-MJAHR » View fields: > MSEG-MANDT » MSEG-MBLNR > MSEG-MJAHR > MSEG-ZEILE » MSEG-WERKS > MKPF-BUDAT > MSEG-MATNR 57 No duplicate centres G1 44 |_optiixing SOL statements G] The database optimizer decides To create a database view, use ABAP Dictionary Maintenance (Transac- tion SE11), ‘With this view, the ABAP program can be formulated as follows: SELECT mbinn mjahr zeile maton werks budat FROM 2mseg_mknF INTO TABLE imatdocs WHERE matnr LIKE s_matnr, ‘The SQL trace then displays the following information: Duration Object Oper Rec Rt 1,176 Z.NSEG_MKP REOPEN 0 49,707 Z_NSEG_MKP FETCH 12 1403 Compare this with the optimized version in solution 1. The database time has again been reduced by hal. ‘The execution plan is as follows: Execution Plan SELECT STATENENT NESTED L0OP TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID SEG INDEX RANGE SCAM MSEG~H TABLE ACCESS BY TNOEX ROWID MKPF INDEX UNTOUE SCAN MKPF~0 Listing 128 Execution Plan with Database View ‘Checking for identical accesses and joining data in the ABAP program is no longer necessary. When you compare the two solutions — the first with the FOR ALL ENTRIES clause and the second with the database view — a clear argument favors converting nested SELECT loops into database views. However, using a database view means that, in addition to selecting the right indexes, the database optimizer must make correct choices on the following issues: » The sequence of accessing the tables In our example, the optimizer should decide to first read table MSEG. and then table MKPF, > The type of table join The optimizer should decide on a nested loop join to join the data from 528 Optimising SOL Statements inthe ABAP Program | 143 both tables. The available join methods vary according to the data- base system (see the manufacturer's documentation). You should monitor the performance associated with using a view. Dur- ing the corresponding join operation, partial sort operations occur on the database, during which performance problems may occur. If the data- base has problems choosing the appropriate execution plan for the SQL. statement that accesses the view, it may be wiser to explicitly program the table-accessing sequence and joining of the ABAP program data. 13.3. Presetting Field Values in Report Transactions Often when display transactions are called, a screen appears with up to 10 or more selection fields. By entering appropriate selection criteria, the user can limit the number of hits. If precise, focused selection criteria can be specified, then the database can more quickly find the information by using an index. Ifno criteria whatsoever is entered, a full table scan may be performed on the corresponding database table. ‘This means that poor user habits create performance problems, which Countermeasures can be prevented in the following ways: » End-user education ‘You can broadcast user messages to educate users about unproductive selections and their consequences (that is, How do I make the right selection?). Selection screens should be filled with criteria that are as specific as possible. If at all possible, a value should always be entered Into the first field (document number, requirement tracking number, material number, etc.) along with other entries (purchasing group, purchasing organization, plant, etc.). When the user is selecting from supplier orders, the supplier should be specified, as well as a time interval for the order date that is as short as possible. Users should be made aware that a selection result containing several hundred entries is not optimal. » Changing field attributes on selection screens For example, you can change field attributes and designate certain very selective fields as required fields. Although this restrictive method effectively limits selection possibilities, it must be adjusted to the spe- cial requirements of the users. Also, default values for fields can be 529 ” (Optimizing SOL statements fed Defining required fields prespecified. The user can then overwrite any necessary default entries (for example, if the user is filling in for a coworker who is on sick leave), ‘To change field attributes and specify user default values, you must make changes to the ABAP code for all previously listed transactions. For example, if you call Transaction MES7 to select purchase requis tons, a window with more than 20 input ficlds is displayed. If no other values are entered into fields in this window, a full table scan of table EBAN (purchase requisitions) will be performed. A discussion with the users responsible for the transaction and business process would prob- ably result in the following types of suggestions for improvement: > Users could be required to enter a purchasing group (required field). > Users are usually only interested in orders with the status N (not closed). Ifthe processing status N is given in addition to other selec- tion criteria, like a date range, then the statement is more efficient, because far fewer records will be read. Unfortunately, uscrs often for- {get to enter the N. Organizational methods cannot be expected to control this problem, because some 2,000 users execute the transac- tion. Instead, a simple solution would be to preset this field with the default value N. » To further limit selections, the date range should be as narrow as pos- sible; that is, the default date should be the curtent calendar date. ‘The following section describes the method for implementing these improvements. First, determine the report name and the name of the field that will be made a required field: 4, To call the transaction for optimization (in our example, Transaction ‘ME57), from the SAP initial screen, select SrstEm + Status. 2. In the Report field, you will find the associated report (R968200). 3, Leave the Status window (click Continue). 4. Using the cursor, select the field to be made a required field — in this example, Purchasing Group. Then, press (FZ), which brings up contextsensitive Help for the Purchasing Group fied. 530 Optimizing SOL Statements inthe ABAP Progam | 443 5, Click Technical Info and, under Field name, find EKGRP, the name of the field to be changed. Next, determine the place to change in the report code to make this a required field. The field definition is either in the report or in a logical database. To find out whether the field definition is in the report itself: 1, Exit the context-sensitive Help and Transaction MES7, and call the ABAP editor (Transaction SE38) 2.1n the Program field, enter the report name (R¥068200) and select Source Cone + DisPLay. 3, Select Search (glasses icon). 4, In the Search field of the new dialog box, enter the name of the field (EKGRP). In the Search Range section, select the Global in Program field. 5. If the search finds the field, then you have found where the coding must be modified. If the field is not found, then search in the logical database to which this report is associated: 1, Call the ABAP editor (Transaction SE38). 2.In the Program field, enter the report name (84068200) and select ATTRIBUTES * DISPLAY. 3. In the Logical Database field, you will find the report associated with this logical database (for example, BAM). 4, Double-click the database name (BAM) to open a window with the definition of the logical database. 5, Use the arrow keys to go to the Logical Databases: Editor Display Pro- gram DBSEL screen; is the name of the logical database This screen contains the definition of the EKGRP field. After you have identified where to change the code, make EKGRP a required field by adding the ABAP keyword 08L16ATORY to the corre- sponding line, To do this, change the line ba_ekgrp FOR eban-ekgrp NEMORY ID ekg to ba_ekarp FOR eban-ckorp MEMORY 19 eka OBLIGATORY. The next time you 531 Determining codes Changes ” Optimizing SQL Statements Presetting default values Transaction variants call Transaction MES7, the Purchasing Group field will be a required field, and a question mark will appear on the screen. This field will also be required in all reports that use the same logical database. You can find the effected programs using the where-used list Our second improvement involved entering default values in fields. To do this, first find the place in the code where the field is defined, as previ- ously described. For example, find the definition of Processing Status (in our example, in Include F4068CS1 of the report 87068200). Then change the line s_statu FOR eban-statu to s_statu FOR eban-stetu DEFAULT "1" The next time you call Transaction MES7, the field Processing Status will already contain the value N. You can set the default value for the date the same way. Other possible definition variations (besides DEFAULT and O8LTGATORY) can include: > no-o1spLay The selection does not appear on the screen but can be preset with default values, > NO-EXTENS TON The selection allows only one input line; that is, you cannot access the ‘Multiple Selection screen, because its bution does not appear on the selection screen. > No INTERVALS ‘The SELECT option appears without an Until field on the selection screen, The button for selecting the Multiple Selection screen appears immediately after the From field. This produces a simplified selection screen, which is especially helpful for a SELECT option in which no interval is normally used. For further information, sce the context- sensitive Help (FZ) for the st 1c1-0PT10NS ABAP statement. ‘Asan alternative to modifying the coding, you can assign a default vari- ant to a transaction. To do this, you must assign a system variant to the report (RH068209 in this example): 1. Call the ABAP editor (Transaction SE38). 2. In the Program field, enter the report name (841056200) and select Vari- ant, Display. 532 Optimizing SL Statoments in the ABAP Program 3. In the Variants field, enter the name “CUS&DEFAULT" and select Create. 4, You can now create a variant, preset default values, hide fields, and configure other specifications. For additional help in creating vari ants, please refer to Chapter 11 in the book Discover ABAP by Karl Heinz Kiihnhauser (2nd edition, SAP PRESS, 2008). The variant created must be a system variant, which means it must begin. with CUS®. To create a system variant, you need a correction order and a modification key from the SAP Service Marketplace. You must ensure that the system variant created is automatically used at the transaction start: 1. Call the ABAP Repository Browser (Iransaction SEU) and select Omer Ossects + Eprr, which will take you to the Other Development Objects screen, 2, Select Transaction, enter Transaction MES7, and select Display. 3. Select ISPLAY * CHANGE. 4, In the Start with Variant field, enter the name of the newly defined system variant (CUS&DEFAULT). Save the change; entering the sys- tem variant is considered a modification. Now, when you start Transaction MES7, the fields will reflect your changes. The user interface will have been modified to look like this: > Purchasing Group is now a required field (as a result of the ABAP code modification). > The default value N has been set for the Processing Status field, so it is no longer available for entries (as a result of system variant cus- tomization), > ‘The Delivery Date field is automatically preset to the current calendar date and to a date far in the future. In addition to the default variant, you can also create other variants, such as those with different preset processing status indications. You can view these variants by selecting Goto * VARIANTS + Ger. You may want 533 [ex] 13 ” Optimizing SQL Statements Incorrect buffer settings fl] to authorize some users to create new variants and restrict other users to using only those variants already created 114 Expensive SQL Statements Due to Incorrect Buffer Settings and Administration Tools Expensive SQL statements may also be due to incorrect settings for SAP buffering, such as a too-small butter or buffering for tables that should not be butered because they are too large or too often changed. Exam- ine the tables accessed by the expensive SQL statements in the SQL statistics monitor (Transaction STO4) or SQL. trace (Transaction STO5). If the tables accessed are the kinds of tables in Table 11.6, an incorrect buffer setting may be indicated, SQL statements that access these tables do not originate directly from an ABAP program; they are triggered on behalf of an ABAP program by SAP Basis to obtain background informa- tion, for example, load ABAP programs, ABAP Dictionary objects, or buffered tables. pes Pera Table definitions (TTAB) DDNTT Field definitions (FTAB) DONTE Program (PXA) Doro" Screen Do20* ‘Table buffer ATAB, KAPOL Table 1.6 SAP Buffers and Related SAP Basis Tables The following SQL statement is an example from SAP Basis that reads table DO10S to load an ABAP program into the program buffer: sevect "BLOCKLE™ , “BLOCK™ FROM “polos” WHERE “PROG” = :AD AND “R3STATET = :AL AND “RIMODE" = 2A2 AND RBVERSION” = 2A3 AND “BLOCKNR™ = 1 534 Expensive SQL Statements Due to Incorroct Buffer Sottings and Administration Tools | 11.4. The SQL statistics monitor (Transaction STO4) may indicate expensive _ OB administrations SQL statements (with many buffer gets) that do originate not from an teels SAP application transaction, but from database monitoring programs such as the analysis program R50R4TD8, the auxiliary program S8P08A (for example, with the SA?08A options -next, -check, and -analyze), and non-SAP database monitoring tools. To avoid disrupting produc- tion operation, you should run these programs only during times of low workload. For example, the default setting for running 50841 D8 causes it to run at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. as part of the background job SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFORMANCE. You can identify SQL statements that are used for monitoring the data- base by table names such as DBA_SEGMENTS, DBA_INDEXES, and USER_INDEXES (for Oracle), or SYSTABLES and SYSFRAGMENTS (for Informix). To find out if an SQL statement belongs to the SAP system or to one of these database administration and monitoring tools, check whether the corresponding table exists in the ABAP Dictionary (Transac tion SE11). If the table is not listed, the SQL statement is from a database administration and monitoring tool. The following is an example of an SQUL statement that the SAP adminis [ex] tration and monitoring tool saP0s% for Oracle executes: SELECT OWNER, SEGNENT_NANE SEGMENT_TYPE ,NEXT_EXTENT/ :b1 , PCT_INCREASE FROM SYS. 084_SEGMENTS WHERE TABLESPACE_NAME=:b2 ANDCSEGNENT_TYPE~" TABLE" (OR SEGNENT_TYPE-" INDEX” OR SEGHENT_TVPE-"CLUSTER” ) AND NEXT_EXTENT/ :b1*DECODE(PCT_INCREASE,0,:04, ((POMERC+PCT_INCREASE/100, :b4)-1}/(PCT_INCREASE/100)))>:b6 If administration programs like this cause expensive statements in a pro: duction system (as indicated in the SQL statistics monitor, Transaction STO4) and are executed during times of high workload, they should be run infrequently. 535 n ‘Optimizing SQL Statements 15 Summary The options available for optimizing execution performance for SQL. statements include creating or changing indexes, creating table access statistics, and optimizing ABAP code. Figure 11.3 shows a procedure roadmap covering these optimization techniques. In addition, it can be helpful to investigate connections between expen- sive SQL statements and their use in associated programs, For example, users should: > Limit the kinds of selection data they enter in SAP screens so that few records must be read. > Use match codes when searching for business data, > Use SAP information systems (for example, EIS, VIS, LIS, etc.) or SAP NetWeaver BW instead of writing one-off programs to obtain ad hoc reports, © _ ered Arayss ofan Expensive SOL Statement (QD Ae many Rows Tasferted From the Database Per Statement? Restikt Data Stecton User Traning, Opting the ABAP Coding, etc) Create the Erection Plan using EXPLAIN, @®D sanApproprieteIndoxin Use? BE spec status Tung Methods GB Theron Appropriate nex tha Not Used by the Optic: Progra? De the Table sits Outdated? BS Update abe statisti (PD 1s the where Clause Too Complex? change te Where Chuse. (@D Ave there Missing Indexes in the Database? ‘GRE create missing index in the database. ‘cana New Index be Crested that Fits the Where Cause? 8 create New index Figure n1g_ Procedure Roadmap for Optimizing Expensive SQL Statements 536

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