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"BST BS*2573 PART#) 83 MM DL2HLE OOONS1 Sm iS BS 2573: Part 1: 1983 e J © British s n. No pi of this pub! photocopied | oF otherwise reproduced without the prior parmission in writing of BSI British Standard ® Rules for the design of cranes Part 1. Specification for classification, stress calculations and design criteria for structures Réyles dy convyption des yrues Partie 1. Classification, calculs des contraintes et critéres de conception des structures — Spécifications Regeln fir den Kranbau Teil 1. Kranbauten; Einteilung, Spannungsberechnungen und Konstruktionsmerkmale —— British Standards Institution —— = opment by the Pris ptendands Tibor ‘ue Way 23 09:59:55 2008 “BSI BS*2573 PART*L 83 MM Lb24665 OUONTI2 T a BS 2573 : Part 1: 1983 e Contents Page Page Foreword 2 6, Effective lengths of er CCommtees response Back eover uniform sts a7 D. Base formula for calculation of C, 50 Specification F Reign checks for sffened compréctionflanget 61 Section one. General F. Fatigue strength @ 14 Scope 3 1.2. Definitions and applications of terms 3 a 1. Chess of utilization 4 Seotion two, Cltifistion of the erana aro whole 21 State of lading 6 21 General 4 3. Group classification of the crane as « whole 5 2 ches ot uitzaton 44 Impact and duty factors according to erane 23 State of loading and nominal load spectrum ‘Aype and application ‘ aia 45. Inservice design wind pressures 8 Determination of group eleclioaton of the 8. Wind foree on suspended one oo a aensge es nea aston ea 7 . Out-of-service design wind pressures 8 8. Forco cosficients Cy 10 a - 0 Shiolding factors 10 s nee Nene cee 10, Basic stresses in structural members. 4 @ 1 Loxton combinations to be eonied 11: Var of Roberson constant for svus of In design ° various sections 16 8.2 Loads duo to cllmeti conditions and natural 12, Volues of Fc for stels to BS 4960 6 phenomena 9 13, Value of ks 18 18. Values of Ks 19 Section four. Selection of stat, inimum thickness 18. Values ofA and to be used in alu and workina stress velues of Gin newions por square milimetre 20 4.1 Selection of steel 1316, Basic stress Pus for different values of 4.2 Minimum thicknoss of plates and sections 3 critical swoss a 43 Working stresses 13 17, Basic average shear stress Pau in stiffened webs of steel to BS 4360 23 Soction five, Strests in structural components 18. Basie strasees in wale 20 8.1 Individual members, rolled sections, hallow 18, Basic stresses in rivets asa porcontage of Yaga 30 icici are arate wae pa tea eae 20, Effective lengths of parts in compression 31 vettieaton relative to tho Vel stress 14 21. Ettective longun with no fateral bracing 2 5.2 Lattice girders end trusses: verification relative 22. Maximum width of plates in compression 38 25.23, Projection of unstffened compression flange 5.3 Secondary stresses 2 plates ie 24, Permissible tensile and compresive fatigue ‘Scotion six, Basie stresses in oumections oe eames ‘constructional detail in stools of grades 43, 50 @ ar Weis 2 and 65 0 85 4360 38 16.2 Basic streses for bolts, suds and rivets 292», Ovemead traveling industial type cranes (ore) 4 Saran, Proportions of emuctural oewponents, 26. Overhead traveling steslworks erance 4a eb FFonera 27. Transporters 48 7.4 Effective lengths of parts in compression 3128, High pedestal or portel ib cranes and derrick 7.2 Widths ofolates 2 raves 49 713 Web plates and ve stifeners 8329, Tower eranes 45 20. Freight container erenes 8 Section eight. Fluctuating loads: pe 31. Dimensional requirements for stifeners 5 fatigue stresses 32. Value of factor K 2 8:1 Detail doion 3633. Plate srngth in newtone per ecuaremilimen 8.2 Number of sess cytes 35 assP to 8.3 Loads and steses to be considered 36%, Pat strenth in newtons per square milimet 04 Metinas dea ° 855 Permisible fatigue stres 35.3. Column strength in newtons per square ‘8.6 Classes of constructional details 36 mnillimetre: & = 1.0 5a 8.7 Connections: riveted or bolted 3798. Column strength in newtons per square 8.8 Connection: loedcarrying fillet welds 37 tnllimere: «= 2.0 89 37, Cohimn strengti in nowtons per square @ boven miles 3 © fA. Tyler stetons 4%. Colinn stg in newtons pra a 2: The af also hgh se sant han ea ae tq %. ote rah actor @ — _ opm by the fritsh standards Tntiution ‘ue Way 2310-0025 2008 BST BS%2573 BS 2573: Part 1: 1983, Fguros Page 1, Skew load coefficients u 2. Conversion chart for wind speed and pressure 11 3. ‘eorodynamio clondarnese section 2 ity ratio and spacing ratio thickness of fillet welds 30 4 Effective th 8, Effective throat thickness ot deep-penetration filet wolds 30 4. Effaotive length with lateral brecina 3 7. Typleal class E wold detalls 2 8, Typloal class F weld details a2 8, Typlunl class F and lass G weld details as 10. Typical class G weld details 43 11. General ease for dotermining effective length of jib 48 12, Special caso where fixed pulleys for derrcking and holst rope stn in ane vertical line 48 18, Special oate whore fixed pulleys for derrcking and holst ropes ate vertially above jb pivot 40 point rod under the it jul» Commnittec. It supersedes BS 2573 : Part 1: 1977 wien is withdrawn, ‘The fourth rovision of this standard has beun prepared hhaving due regard for the work of ISO/TG 96, Cranes, lifting appliances and related equipment, in preparing the Internationel standard ISO 4301 covering erana clessifiea tion, The classification requiroments have boon revised to align with the requirements of the international standard, ‘This naw edition of BS 2573 : Part 1 lso aligns the method of classification with that of BS 2673 : Part 2 which covers permissible atroezoe in rane mochanlare and in wich account had already been taken of the 10 4301 require- ments, Gopynatt by the Pris Sends Tsrtuvon ‘ue Way 2310-0024 2008 PART) 63 MM Db246b9 OO0v913 | al Page 14, Cantilever erane jib with holst rope parallel 10 ib exis 48 16. Cantilever eraneilb with hoist rope not paralle! 40 jib axis 48 10, Ratio of effective longth/actual length for cantilever era ibs 40 17. Box girder compression flange: typleal ‘construction e 18. Types of stiffener ws 10, Factor C! for tees to BS 4: Part 1 a 3. Variation of etrostee in a etifened compression penel 4 21, Plate strength curves for simple method a 22. Column strength curves for simple method 05 23. Classification of plate element for detsiled method c 24, Plate strength curves for detailed method 65 28. Factor K; for detailed mathod 7 26, Column strength ourves for dotaled method 6B ‘An approach to classification based on ISO work is ‘considered to provide eoope for pracite definition of the purchaser's requirements on the one hand and for rational design and economic production on the other, The change in the method of classification wilt not lead to any substantial change In the dosign of cranes although it has entailed elterations to related clausas of the standard, notably those dealing with duty and impact fectors and fatigue. Because the classification of a crane Is datermined by the numbor of holeting oyolee and the state of loading, as defined by the load spectrum fector, comparizone with ‘the four former classes in BS 2573 : Part 1 : 1977 can be adil made. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confor immunity from loge obligations. _— oo BSI BS#2573 PART#1 83 BS 2573 : Part 1: 1983 —————$—$—_—_—$$——— British Standard Rules for the design of cranes Part 1, Specification for classification, stress calculations and design criteria for structures —————<—$$ Section one, General 1.1 Scope ‘This Part of BS 2573 specitios the bass for computing stredtes in crane structures and the way in which permissible strestes in crane structures shall be determined in order to secure economy in dcign and reliability in operation. For this purpose it spcitis a classification system that ‘enables the purchaser and the manufacturer to match a particular erane tothe raqured duty and utilization, NOTE. The ties ofthe pubiatos refered ton this standard ere ‘aed onthe Inside bak cover, 1.2. Definitions and applications of terms 4.2.1. Definitions. For the purposes of this British Standord the following definitions apply. dead lanl, All the loads of constant magnitude and position that act permanently on the structure or member. liv loads. Any loed except wind load that gives rise ‘to variation of stress in a member. Such variation may be due toany change of position or magnitude of an oxtornally Copmatic by The British standards insitation ‘ue Way 2310-0024 2008 applied load or to.the movement ofthe crane structure itsit Inarta forces. The forees produced by change of velocity wind load, The forces produced by the velocity of tha wind, which is assumed to act horizontally, 1.2.2 Applisations of terms, For the purposes of this British Standard the following tems apply as stated, basio stresses, Tho stresses os set out in 6.1, 5.2 and section six permissible working stress. The stress numerically ‘qual to the basie stress multiplied by the relevant duty factor and the factor corresponding to the load combina- tions as specified in 3.1. Permissible working erases are specified in 43.2. permissible fatigue stresses, Strostes as set out in seotion eight. service conditions. The erane Is deemed to bo under carvioo conditions when itis operating without loed ur with «load up to the maximum safe working load BSI BS#2573 BS 2673 : Part 1; 1983 Section two. Classification of the crane as a whole 2.1 General To provide e rational and uniform basa for ortaln aepeote of the design of the erene structure, a group classification, ‘or the orane as a whole in the range of Al to AB (see table 3) and based on the requirements of 2.2 to 24 shal be established, NOTE 1. The graup satiation of the erana a whole prvi 9 framework of reference betwen purohacer and manafecturer FoF contractual end technce purposts by meen of whieh crane may be rntehad nh aman for owiehe requlra, Ile arabes 3 ‘igue analy ofthe deg tobe sel onthe speci Ife ad onaltons of sie se ection olght). ‘Granes shal be clasified into groupe asoording to: (a) ass of utilization: 9s determined from the required ‘number of operating eyeles for the rane. in accordance with 2.2, (b) state of loading: as determined from the conditions ‘of loading to whieh the crane will bo subjected, in accordance with 2.3. NOTE 2.1 recommneded tha ha group els ath th Clas of utieaton ond state of Toang trom which tis derived) are Slearly an permenently marksd on te rane. 2.2 Class of utilization 2.2.1 General. Tho oss of utilization of the crane shall be {determined from Its assumed total number ofall operating ‘eycles curing ite Intended life. For the purpose of classifica tion, an operating cycle shall be considered to commence hon @ load is picked up and end at the moment when the crane Is roedy to pick up the next load, crane sea with ating aetachment, te wt 2.2.2 Determining the class of utilization hore sufi information i ava 121 uf yperetng cycles shall be calculated froma Knowledge ofthe dts wie the erane wl be expected 10 perform, 0.9. for acraneperforming part of a continuous, repetitive process the number can readily be dorived from ‘the number of operating cycles per hour and the total ‘number of working hours during the intended life, ‘The clas of utilization of the crane shall then be selected from table 1 according to the tabulated number of operating cyeles that is nearest to, but not loss than, the number calculated by the procedure outlined in the previous paragraph Where insufficient information Is avalable for taleulating the total number of operating cycles, as may be the cate when the erane is used fore variety of duties, a sultable value, estimated on the bass of experience, thal be sed. Whore thera ie clffculty in atigning a fuitable valua, tho next highest figure in table 1 shall be taken, Typical values or ranges of the class of utilization normally etoclated with partioular types of crane and crane applications are givan in appandiy 2.3 State of loading and nominal load spectrum factor 23.1 General. Th state of loading of the erane and the corresponding nominal load apoctrum factor shall characterize the extent to which the crane lifts the sximum permitted load for the configuration, or smaller opm by The Prion Standards rato ‘ue Way 2310-0024 2008 PART*] 83 MM 24665 OOO4S25 5 mm Table 1. Class of utilization NOTE, The number of eyeles usec in sctng the cas of Utzstion ia figure utd ony for elasfcation purposs and as 8 tesign parameter Ie does aot kp «guaranteed fe Remarks Infrequent use us 1.25 x 108 ua 25 x10" | Fatty trequent use us 5 xo? | Frequent use us 1 xt0% | Very frequent use u7 2 x10 we 4 «tot | Continuous or nar continuous uso ug ret than loads. They depend both on the magnitudes of the Iftad loads ralative to the maximum permitted foad, anc on the number of eveles in which each is liftd rolative to the total, umber of eyes. ‘Asvassmant of the stats of loading shall be bssed on the same cycles as are used in 2.2 Lo deternine the class of Utilization, Also, the weight ofthe lifted load shall Include the weight of any lifting attachment such as bucket, arab, ‘magnet or lifting bear whether pormenently fitted or detachable, and the weights of athor suspended components ttich a the bottom bloek, haok and of the holst rapa that ar lifted together with the load. The maximum permitted {oad is thus the specified safe working load plus the weights ff any sich lifted components or attachments that are riot included in the speified safe working lord. NOTE. Tyoicl values ornate ofthe tte of loading normally _seosltad with parla types of erae and crane sppeaton fen in append A 2.3.2 Determining the load apootrum footor Where details are available of the magnitudes of the toads and the number of times each will be lifted during tho Intended life ofthe crane, the load spectrum factor, Ko’, shell be calculated as follow Let: Py = Ihe magnitudes ofthe Inaivigua ft toads characteristic of the duty ofthe crane (i9,Pi.Ps.Ps -.-Pali Prax * The maximum permitted load (see 2.3.1); y= The ostimated number of cycles whieh ocour at the Individual lod lovelP; (Lv. Cs, Ca, C3... Gp): G_= Th twual nate ofall he invicluel eyctes atall load levels: LOS, +0, HOH. +9) | CG Py "| delz (4) Thon: Kp BSI BS¥2573 Expanded, the above equation becomes: PARTS) 63 MM Ub24bb4 OOO4TLE BS 2573 : Part 1: 1983 and corresponding nominal load spectrum factor. Where le BN? G/B \? there is doubt in the selection of appropriate velies, wfe(Z).2(2). EEA Ge Pox)” Gt \ Pra of \* Su / Pa \> 2.4 Determination of group classification +(e Fee rite | of the crane ‘Th state of loading shall be selected from table 2 according ‘o the tabulated value of nominal load spectrum factor Kp, thats th nearest to, Out nor es than the calculated valle of K,’ Who dates of the numbers and waights of tho lite toads during te intanded feof the erane are not kknown, the descriptive definitions in table 2 shall be used ‘The group classification of tho crane shall be determined from table 3 using the class utilization and state of loading obtained In accordance wih 2.2 arid 2.3, No change in the group classification ofa erane, or in Its ‘combination of state af loading and oats of utilization within the same group classification shall be mado without reference to the manufacturer or having @ thorough design (w esa thy selection of an appropriate state of loading check varied wut Ly w eumpetent person. Table 2. State of loadi ‘State oftoading | Nominal ood | Dasrptvedafinition spectrum factor 1 Light 0s Cranes which hoist the safe working load vary raraly and, narmally, ight loads, 2 Moderate | 0.63, Cranes wich hoist the safe working load fairly frequently and, normally, moderate loads OsHeny — | 08 Cranes which hoist the safe working load frequently and, normelly, heavy loads Q4 Very hoavy | 1.0 Granes which are normally loaded close to safe working load, NOTE. The values ofthe nominal lod spectrum factor at defined in 180 4201 are equivalent to tho cube of those in table 2 above. ‘This liferenae from 180 4301 does not fet the sata of locding of the erane ore group casfcation but results in vlue that can be sopleg directly in te simola waatmen fr fatigue elon chen ia Table 3. Group clas jeation ot the crane as a whole Siow or ‘Wominal_| Glas of utwznion an maximum number af eperaiion oyle ofthe one foading foe spectrum [UF we vs va us [us [ur [ue [uo a sax1e [saxiot [rasxro' [25 xt0® [sxto® [a xio® | 2xro! | exro® | >axao 1 Light os at At aa aS aa fas [as [a7 [as Gamoderate [oss | ar a2 as M as [as [a7 [an [aw QsHew | os a2 a3 At a8 as [ar laa [as [ae (04 Very heavy | 1.0 a3 A aS a8 ar Jas jas [as | as opment by the Prien Senda Tutor ‘ue Wey 23 10.0025 2006 BS 2573 : Part 1: 1983, Section three, Loads and load combinations 3.1 Loads and load combinations to be considered in design 8.4.1 General. The structure as a whole and each part of it shall be designed to withstand tho load combinations given In 3.1.2 using the loads listed in 3. 3.1.2 Load combinations Grane in use without wing tls +h 84.2.2 Crane In uso vith Inservice wind Li tls th tVs 3A.23 Foiue cick lor oath member tn wah Muctuating streses occur Fach member in which fluctuating stresses octue shal be checked for fetigue in accordance with section, eight '9, Where the simple mathod givon in 8.4 is used the following loads shall be taken into account: bible tHe Where the mote detailed method of ealeulation Given in the note to 8.4 is used, the following loads shall be taken into account: Li ths +H Crane in out-of service condition Lit Ve Crane being erected or dismantled 5.1 During erection andlor csmantling operations Ley! Partially erected or dismantled erane subjected to outoFeerice wind Ley In caleutating the offoot of V, for the partially erected! dismantled structure, the support provided by temporary erection equipment such as guy ropes oF staging shall be taken into aecount. Whore such equipment not used the structure shall be considered as froe standing, Crane in collision with reiliont butfors tte A.B Lit of loade Ly Dead loads due to doad weight, Fg {ve lads, including the hank load Ls Live loads, including the hook losd multiplied by ‘the impact factor (soe 3.1.4), Ly Live loads, including the hook load multipliod by ‘the Impact factor and the nominal loed spectrum factor (see 9.1.4 and 2.3), Hy Tho combined offoct of the two most s horizontal loads (s9e 3.1.5). Ha Hy excluding the skew loads due to traveling, Vs Load due to the service wind seting horizontally in any diection where applicable, Spynat by the Prin stendands rstucon ‘ue Wey 23 10.0025 2006 “BST BS*2573 PART* 63 MM Dbe4GL4 OOOVSL? 7 ml "Load due to the maximum permissible wind speed {for the orection/dismantling operation as specified by the manufacturer. V;" shall not exceed Vj; Vz Load due to the out-of service wind acting Horizontally in any uirection white applicable, 5 Led due to collision with resiliont butfers (00 3.1.6) 3.1.4 Impact factor. The impact factor shall apply to the ‘motion of the hook load ina vertical direction and covert Inertia forces including shock, In calculating lve loads in ‘mombors of the structure, the hook load shal be multiplied by the impact factor, given in table 4(a) to 4(g), aporo- priste to the type of crane and its application, vw Table 4. Impact and duty factors according to ‘rane type and application ‘oh a loting rane, brown cones ana postal eranes for Dffahore ute, for example, al have spect! deipnrequbenens Strood th thei paula spinon which have to be akon intagecount when determining eppraprata pect and duty fc {6} Overhead traveling ncustrial type cranes (0.7.C) “ype andor aplcaton Impact | Duy titer | for Power stations, engine houses, et. 11 | 096 Light work shop duty (maintaanea, | i. | 1.0 rapales, assembly, ete) Light stores duty 14/10 Medium and heavy werehouse duty 13 [095 Mia ad avy workshop duty 19 | oss Goliath cranae for general hook servico | 13 | 0.05 Gollath cranes for container haning [1.3 | 0.95 Goliath and bridge | intermittent uty [1.4 | 0.90 eranes for grabbing wore coninuousaury [15 | 068 Shipvord anes 13 | 096 Lal eranes for foundry work 12 [0.90 Magnet ramos for steal stockyard | 14 | 080° ‘Magnet erenes for srapyard work 18 [ous Forging cranes 20° | 0.86 ‘This feetor may be modified whon an overload protetion devin i ited. Copynent by the Prien Sendands Tato ~ into consideration. The horizontal forces shall be obi Table 4 (continued) (b) Overiead travelling steehvorks crenes “BSI BS#2573 PARTXL 43 MM LL24LE9 OOO4TLE O BS 2573 : Part 1 : 1983, Toble 4 (concluded) (4) High pedestal or portal jb cranes and derrick cranes Type and/or appleation impact Duty ‘Type endfor application Tempact ] Duty tector feotor factor | tector Ladie cranes 12 (085 Medium duty in docks and elsewhere: handiing general carga and piecs goods 1.2 | 09s, Pig/sorap breaking cranes 15 085 Full-time container handling 14 | 080 Ingat strippers 12 08s Grabbing or intermittent 14 [os0 Soaking pit mould handling cranes | 1.5 0.85 magnet work continuous 18 [oss Vertical ingot chargers "See below | 0.85 Shipyard eranot 13 |o0s Furnace charging cranes 15 as Forging erance 2ot 0.85 () Towercranes 16 085 tion uw fetor Process cranes: off line 13 09 Normal duty: aeneral use on buildingsites [1.2 | 0.05 Heavy mill service 1 09 u a Medium duty: gonoral use at @ permanent Service and mointeranee eras | 1.2 vx _leeation, et. ia |e) Ly i taken a6 1.2 WY, +1, ) oF L6H, + 1.0, whichever the W, tothe lot in the tongs: 1, em nig of tha mat ant tog ‘Thi factor may be moditiod when an overload protection dove ie (8 Freight container crane {Type andlor opliation vpost | Busy Actor. | factor Hews Freight container mediunduy 13 | 096 ‘transporters (e) Transporters heavy duty 14 | 090 ‘Tipe endfor aplication Tract [oawy Goliath for container handling duty 13 [098 Power driven mobile eranos Medium duty: general use 13 Joss tg Heavy duty: intermittent grabbing ‘Type and/or apliation Impact | Duty and magnet work 14 oso Seton | foo Extra heavy duty: continuous grabbing Ganaral use 12° [0.96 and magnet work 15 | 0x6 3.1.5 Horizontal loads Inertia forces. Inertia forces shall be calculated havingregard to tho linear or angular accelerations produced! by the motion drive or brakes, Skew loads due to traveling. When two wheels (or {co bugles) roll along a all, we horizontal torees normal to ‘the rail and tending to skow the structure shall be taken id aa ‘ue Wey 23 10.0025 2006 Heevy duty: including intermittent grabbing and magnat work 13 |o90 *For mobile cranes and appliances wad or plant erection, iting hook leeds of 78 tonnes upto 100 tonnes, graad moot fects in ‘he rage 1.2 1.03 nay bw used vere spell eanaidsation ivan to the dity and tha host dive chractorstic, In this ase, for hook lsd above 100 tonnas an impect valve of 1.08 may be buy mnultipiying te vertical Yo8e exerted on each wheel (or bogie) by 2 coefficient 2 (see figure 1) thet depends upon, ‘the ratio of tho span to the wheel base, Buffer loads. No design condition is imposed for the crane structure in respect of collision with solid butters, Inveases where adoquate resilient butters are provided for ‘traverse or travel motions and these may come into use at some time in the duty of the crane, when the laa is frae to 7 “BSI BS¥2573 PARTHL 83 MMH Ub24bL9 OOO4T19 2 Ml BS 2573 : Part 1 : 1983, wing the buffer force shall be calculated on the assumption that collision kes place with the erane unloaded at 0.7 times tha rated speed and that the buffer system Is capable ‘of absorbing the energy within its designed stroke. Where ‘the load cannot swing, the buffer effect shall be calculated in the same manner but taking eccount ofthe value of the working load. Whore a aable automatic device for slowing down the motion is installed, the appropriate reduced speed shall be used In place ofthe rated speed, NOTE, Vinethorbutfar shouldbe provided in a parteuar sow i ‘uteide the oopeof tis standard and ieusully 2 mater for cee son Dotwnn theo tne manutetirer having regard 0 {he crane andthe fare ofthe control ane stety device rend. Wren buffers ae provided, Its recommended thet thelr avactysvuld Ue in aan ith te wows of el “Attntion sewn to tho uso of butfre with collapse npact factions for amerganey stopping of heavy machina where tha i fdheaion of tho nets. 3.1.7 Wind loads Wind action. It sall ba assumed thet the wind can blow horizontally from any direction ata constant velocity, and that there ls static reactlon wo the loadings i epee ‘0 a rane structure. 21.7.9 Wind procenra Tha dynamie wind pressure shall be ‘aloulated from q= 0.613 V,? where isthe dynamic pressure (in W/m?) Vs Is the design wind speed (in mvs) ‘A conversion chart covering V, in knots, mile/h and m/s, and q in bvft®, N/m? and Kgt/m? Is given in figure 2 Design wind conditions. Two design wind conditions shall be taken into account in calculating wind late on cranes a8 follows, {0} frsersice wind, This shall be the maximum wind, Inrospective of height, in which the rane is designed to ‘porate, The wind lozdings shall be eesumed to be applied In the least favourable direction in combination With the appropriatasaruie loa speitia In 3-4 ‘Un-servieo’ design wind pressures and corresponding speeds shall be in aecordance with table 6, Action of wind on suspended load. On all cranes, ‘the ection of the wind on the suspended load shall be ‘taken into account ‘Where aerane is designed to handle only loads of specitie shape and size the wind loading shall be ealculated for the appropriate dimensions end configuration. In other cases, the wind force on the suspended load shall be caleulated according to table 6. {b) Out-ofservice wind, This shall bo the maximum (storm) wind that a crane is designed to withstand when Jinan out-of-service condition. The pressure, varies with the height ofthe oran surrounding grain level For erangs that aro to be used in the UK, the minimum ‘out-of service wind pressures and corresponding velocities ‘to be used as a basis for design shall be those given in table 7, Where spe 1 necessary fore erene to withstand the outofservice wind, eg. when lowering the jib of a mobile crane, these shall be clearly stated by the manufacturer. ~~; Gpynent by the Prt Stendands rtuton ‘ue Wey 23 10.0025 2006 ‘The outoF service wind pressures on parts ofa crane ‘thet are between 20 m and 200 m above ground level Shall be calculated from the formula: hyo a= tsa (3) where ‘isthe wind pressure (in Nim?) ‘hi tho height (in m) above ground level, NOTE. Tho razlt of hi caleulstion may aso be used as en slternativa tothe igure: gen in table 7 fr pars of crore upto ‘dm abe around Ie Wind load caleulations. For most complete and port structures, and individual members used in crane Structures, the wind loge shall Be calouated trom: Feyagcy where F Is the wind load fin 7 Ive factor related tothe design application of the calulated wind 102d; for structural strenath calculations = 1.0: for anchoring end securing devices'y = 1.2; A ‘isthe effective frontal ares ofthe part under consideration, ie. the shadow area ofits slid parts projected onto a plane perpendicular to the wind tion (in); 4 isthe wind pressure corresponding to appropriate desian condition {in N/mm): Cris the force coetfcient in the direction of the wind, for the part under consideration. ‘The total wind load on the structure shall be taken as the sum of the loads on its component parts. In caleulating wind moment for oucotserviea conditions, sither: (2) thawing pressure a tho top thall bo taken at constant cover the entire height of the structure: {b] the structure shall be divided into the horizontal Zones of asumed constant pressure given in table 7 and ‘the appropriate value used for wach zone, 3.1.7 Individual members, single lettce frames, ete: force coefficients, Force coafficents for indivichal members, single lattice frames, mechinery house, crabs, et, shal be in accordance with table 8, NOTE. The value for Indhiual members vary secrdn the {erodynamislondress and the cane large box seins, {eth thn action rato. Abrodvnameslenderes end actin rato Sovetmea m tawes. Where a frame is mede up of flatsided and circular sections, cor of circular sections in both flow regimes (DV, <8 m?/s land DV, > 6 m*/s whore D isthe diameter of the section in metres) the appropriate force coefcients shall be epplicd 10 the corresponding froncal areas. Multiple members, multiole frames, ete: shielding ‘actors. Whore parallel frames o members are thatthe windward parts havea shielding effect on those bohind them, the wind load on the unshetered pers shall be calculated from the formula given in, ti A ws the araa in square metros ofthe windward frame or member plus the unsheltored pars of those behind i. The wind load fn sheltered parts shall be calculated from: Feo Aaa — Sop at ‘ue Way 2310 BSI BS#2573 whore “Te4C¢ a10 as defined In; Fy isthe wind load on the sheltered parts (in N); ‘Ag isthe araa of the sheltered parts under ‘consideration (in m?); ® Is he shielding factor given in table 9 according to the solidity ratio of the front frame and the spacing ratio. Thasa ratios sea defined in figure 3 Where there are @ numbor of identical frames or members spaced equidistantly behind each other such that each frame complotoy shields those behind it, the wind loads shall be calculated {in N) as follows. On the tet frame Fa = 1Aue On the 2nd frame Fa = YAgces ‘On thomth frame (whore n is between 3 and 8) (On tho 6th and subsequent frames ‘here there are up to 9 frames the total wind load Frou “VAG OG EP act GM] <9) shah et ta 8 Foya =| L=£)+ 0-194 Tn = vance Fo = vAacya* we whore F,.4, Gy are as datined in A is the area of one frame (in m*); * Iss defined above NOTE. For design pupote the value of tha term 6 is mum to tye tower it of 0.10. fis akan se 0.40 where numerically Prone. Lattice towers of squarecrosssseton. to calculating the “fae-on" wind loed on square towore, tho sold orea of ‘the windward face shall be multiplied by the following overall foreo coefficients: {or towers composed of flatsided sections 1.7yq{1 + 3) for towers composed of crcular sections whore DV, <6 m/s 12rait +6) Where DV, > 6 m*/s 11g {ne value ot shall be taken from table 9 fora ‘according tothe solidity ratio of the windward face. ‘Tho meximum wind loed on & aque toner, wih wats ‘when the wind blows onto comer, shal be taken as 1.2 times the feceon load, 3.2 Loads due to climatic conditions and natural phenomena For conditions of service outside the UK, loads due to wind, snow and temperature veriation shall be taken into account appropriate. [NOTE 1. Thesa should be the subject of sgreement between the NOTE 2. Attention i drawn tothe fst that the las or requce ‘ments ofa eountry may ragulte tho inclsion of serthauake force. ‘ich fore should bw dete cordance with Css requrenents and includ nthe lade 0 be conldered i dein, — he ish Standards nttation 025 2008 PARTS 63 MM LL24b69 OCOO4T20 9 BS 2673 : Part 1 : 1983 Table 5. Inservica design wind pressures Type of eane Asooxinate vcore sero tind se twin vs that are easily soured | 125/14 quinst wind ection, and are designed for operation in light winds onty (e.g ranes of low chassis helt with hn that ran he realy lowored tthe ground) (©) Altoonnel yyesuterame — [280 [20 installed in the open (@) Trangportertype unlosders [460 [a7 that have to continuo to worl in high wine Table 6. Wind force on suspended load SHI [Tvoe of cane |Wind Foren an simpenved oat From tb fy upto 4 }la) 125 to) 250 (o) 450 from 1 [ta) 126 por tonne of WL. 105 |b) 250 per tonne of SWL cc} | 480 por tonne of SWL from 6 f(a) for SWL <8 tonne : 125 per 1025 tonne of SWL or SWL> 8 tonne : ]a maximum of 1000 (6) a further 126 per tonne of SWL fe) a further 226 per tonne of SWL 2 and ta) a maximum of 1000 above. |(b) Ja maximum of 3760 sy a maximum of 6750 Table 7. Out-of service design wind pressures Holt above fourctaorace | Approximate round fvet sign wind | sauivtont out service presure | wind spose ™ Nie me Parts of crane up to 30) 1340 a7 Parts of crane between 30 and 60 | 1530 60 Parts of orano between 60 and 60 | 1670 82 BST BS*2573 PART*1 63 MM Lb24L69 OOO4T2) O BS 2673, art 1: 1983 Table 8. Force coefficients Cy e Tye8 Deseription “Aerodynamic slendernes /b oF /D* = [|e [2 [ao [oo Individual | Rolled sections, rectangular 13 [tas[te [res[t7 [18 mambers_ | hollow section, Mat plates {fabricated box sections with and D not greater than 0.5 m ‘Section ratio bis Fabricated box sections. |> 2 Wwitn 0 or a greater than | 1 55] 1.75 |1.95]2.1 |22 40 | 1.85 1.70]1180)1.9 o5m os fro faa [ra [rasa 026 |o8 foo joo |10 1.0 Cireulor sections Where DV, <6 t/e 0.75 |0.90|0.90| 095] 1.0 |1.1 Where DV, > 6 m/s 0,60 |0.66 |0.70] 0.70 | 0.75] 0.8 e Flat sided coctions 7 Single lattice | Gireular sections frames | where Dv,

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