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Lab sheet for Computational Fluid Dynamics

College of Engineering Pune
Lab # 1: Finite Difference solutions

Class: M-Tech (Thermal)



Diffusion Equation
Consider the problem of transient flow between infinite parallel plates. Recall that the governing equation for the
unknown u(y, t) in this case is given by

1 dp

y ,
where we used

1 dp

s being a constant.
The boundary conditions of the problem are u(0, t) = 0 and u(h, t) = U, while the initial condition is u(y, 0) = 0.
Additionally, the following data has been incorporated in the codes: = 0.000217 m2/s, = 800 kg/m3, U = 40
m/s, h = 4 cm.
1. Develop the code using FTCS (Explicit) scheme for tmax=3 s to compute the velocity within the domain
for (i) dp/dx = 0, (ii) dp/dx = 20000 N/m2/m, and (iii) dp/dx = -30000 N/m2/m. Select the option of
computing the time step using the stability criterion. (Refer the code: Lab1_1_1D Unsteady
Diffusion_FTCS Solver.sci)
2. Develop the code using BTCS (Implicit) scheme for tmax=3 s to compute the velocity within the domain
a. t = 0.01 s, dp/dx = 0,
b. t = 0.01 s, dp/dx = 20000 N/m2/m,
c. t = 0.002 s, dp/dx = 20000 N/m2/m.
Obtain the plots for the velocity variation and paste these plots in the appropriate boxes given in the answer
sheets given below. (Refer the code: Lab1_2_1D Unsteady Diffusion_Implicit Solver.sci). Write down the
discussions in the space provided.

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Fig. 1.1: Numerically calculated velocity profiles using fully explicit scheme for (a) dp/dx = 0, (b) dp/dx
= 20000 and (c) dp/dx = -30000 N/m2/m
Discuss Fig. 1.1

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Fig. 1.2: Numerically calculated velocity profiles using fully implicit scheme for
(a) t = 0.01 s, dp/dx = 0, (b) t = 0.01 s, dp/dx = 20000 N/m2/m, (c) t = 0.002 s, dp/dx = 20000

Discuss Fig. 1.2 here, limited inside this text box only

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Lab sheet for Computational Fluid Dynamics

College of Engineering Pune
Lab # 2: Finite Difference solutions

Class: M-Tech (Thermal)



Laplace Equation
Consider the problem of steady-state conduction in a rectangular domain. Recall that the governing equation for
the unknown T(x, y) in this case is given by

2T 2T

x 2 y 2
The boundary conditions of the problem are T (0, y) = 0, T (a, y) = 0, T(x, 0) = 0 and T(x, b) = T1. Use the
following data: a = 1, b= 3, T1 = 50, x-grid points = 20, y-grid points = 50. Develop the code using FDM to
obtain the temperature distribution.

Obtain the plot for temperature distribution (temperature contour plots) for this case. (Refer the code Lab1_3_

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Fig. 2.1: Temperature contours: Numerical solution

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