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STEPHEN HINDLAUGH | MELITA JURKOVIC | BRANKICA BOSNJAK TERZIC EN NGLESKA MAUR priruénik ETRE) Zagreb, 2010. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION — TIPS FOR DOING EXAM TASKS. 6 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, * SOCIETY, FREE TIME AND © FUTURELIFEAND ART; HOME AND. HOLIDAYS 15 MYSTERIES 33 EL FRIENDSHIP 71 READING , 17 READING 35 READING 73 Task 1 17 Task 1 35 Task 1 73 Task 2 18 Task2 38 Task 2 74 Task 3 19 Task3 7 Task 3 75 Task 4 20 Task 4 38 Task 4 76 Task 5 21 Task5 39 pg. Task 5 7 Task 6 22 Task6- 40 Task 6 78 USE OF USE OF USE ENGLISH 23 ENGLISH 42 OF ENGLISH 80 Task 1 23° Task 1 42 Task 1 80 Task 2 24 Task 2 44 Task 2 80 Task 3 24 Task 44 Task 3 80 ‘Task 4 25 Task 4 45 Task 4 81 Task 5 26 Task5 45 Task 5 82 WRITING 27 WRITING 46 WRITING 83 SPEAKING 30 SPEAKING 49 SPEAKING 85. LISTENING 31 LISTENING 50 LISTENING 86 Task 1 31 Task1 50 Task 1 86 Task 2 32 Task2 51 Bg: Task2 87 Z Task 3 32 Task3 51 o: Task 3 88 TRANSCRIPTS 1¢ Task 4 32 Task 4 52 Task 4 89 ANSWER KEY 11 TIPS FOR DOING EXAM TASKS READING This book contains six kinds of reading task. 1. Matching messages with the main Idea Suggested procedure: « Read through the message and underline important words. Read the main ideas (A-F). When you think you have the right answer, read carefully. Is the information the same? It helps if you underfine important words. * Remember there is an extra choice that you do not need. Check that it doesn't fit. E.g. Unit 1, task 1, question 0 © Don't forget that new play's on tonight. ‘Text me if you're going to go. ‘The answer is. G Send me a message. ‘Send me a message means the same as Text me. = Check the other choices, but be careful because some of the answers will ook like they might be right, e.g. E Give mea call. F See you there. E is not right because i you call someone, you speak to them, if you text them or send them a message, you do not. F is not right because we do not know if the person will go or not. 2. Short texts with multiple cholce questions ‘Suggested procedure: Read through the short text. Don’t worry if you don't understand every word. Maybe it isn’t important. Read the question. TIPS FOR DOING EXAM TASKS = When you think you have the right answer, read carefully. Is the information the same? + Ithelps if you underline important words in both the text and question. 4. Unit 1, task 2, question 1 Hi Rob What do you fancy doing this evening? Jan says she wants to see a movie. I've checked and there's nothing on. We can. rent.a DVD and watch it at my place. If you ask me, that would be much better than going to a café, See you later Suzy What does Suzy want to do? Ago to the cinema B have a drink in a bar C stay at home The answer is C. Suzy wants to watch a DVD at her place, which means at her home. The text mentions the other choices, but they do not answer the question. E.g. Jan wants to see a movie (not Suzy), so it cannot be A. Suzy thinks watching a DVD is much better than going to a café (having a atink in a bar), so the answer cannot be B. 3. Using a short text to fl In a form Suggested procedure: * Read through the text to get a general idea of what it is about. * Don't worry if you don’t understand every word. = Read the first question, Underline the important words. = Read the text again to find the ideas that you have underlined. = When you find the part of the text that deals with the question, read carefully. \s the information the same? Underline the words that show the correct answer. ‘There will always be something that looks lke it might be the answer but is wrong. = The answers will always be in the same order as the questions. Eg. Unit 1, task 8, question 0 David Rossi My family are from the south of Italy. They emigrated in the 1980s to Scotland, which is.where they had me. 0. Place of birth: David's family had him in Soottand, which means his place of birth is Scotland. The answer is not Italy, because his family are from Italy, not him. 4, Missing sentence parts ‘Suggested procedure: = Read the instructions and title to find out what the text is about. If you know what it is about, it wil be easier to read. Read through the text. = Don’t worry if you don't understand every word, = Read carefully before and after each gap. ‘When you think you have the right sentence part, cheok it fits grammatically and that it makes sense, i.e. it's logical. * When you have finished, read through the whole answer to make sure it makes sense, i.e. itis logical. Check that the extra sentence part does not fit anywhere. E.g. Unit 1, task 4, question 0 Newtown Youth Club Are you feeling bored (0) __? tf so, come and join us at Newtown Youth Club. The answer is: G because you've got nothing to do this, summer G fits grammatically. For example, after the gap it says If so, which in this sentence means ifyou are feeling bored. In this kind of task, reference words will help you, €.g. he, it, this, she, etc. Linking words are also important, e.g. therefore, however, for example, etc. They help you see how different parts of a sentence are connected. in this example, the word because helps us to see how the two parts of the sentence are connected. Aso, this answer makes sense, because people fee! bored if they have nothing to do. If they are bored, they could join a youth club. At first, A also looks like it could be the answer: ‘A come and visit us and find out for yoursetf tits grammatically, but it does not make sense, i.e. find out what? it doesn't say. 5. Multiple matching texts Suggested procedure: * Read the instructions and title to find out what the text is about. If you know what it is about, it will be easier to read. Read through the text to get a general idea of what it is bout. Don't worry if you don’t understand every word. Read the first question. Underiine the important words. Read the text again to find the ideas that you have underlined. When you find the part of the text that deals with the question, read carefully. Is the information the same? Underline the words that show the correct answer, There will always be something that looks like it might be the answer but is wrong. E,g. Unit 1, task 6, question 1 4. Amir: “I really like true stories about things TIPS FOR DOING EXAM TASKS: READING This book contains six kinds of reading task. 1. Matching messages with the main Idea Suggested procedure: « Read through the message and underline important words. Read the main ideas (A-F). When you think you have the right answer, read carefully. Is the information the same? It helps if you underfine important words. * Remember there is an extra choice that you do not need. Check that it doesn't fit. E.g. Unit 1, task 1, question 0 © Don't forget that new play's on tonight. ‘Text me if you're going to go. ‘The answer is. G Send me a message. ‘Send me a message means the same as Text me. = Check the other choices, but be careful because some of the answers will ook like they might be right, e.g. E Give mea call. F See you there. E is not right because i you call someone, you speak to them, if you text them or send them a message, you do not. F is not right because we do not know if the person will go or not. 2. Short texts with multiple cholce questions ‘Suggested procedure: Read through the short text. Don’t worry if you don't understand every word. Maybe it isn’t important. Read the question. TIPS FOR DOING EXAM TASKS = When you think you have the right answer, read carefully. Is the information the same? + Ithelps if you underline important words in both the text and question. 4. Unit 1, task 2, question 1 Hi Rob What do you fancy doing this evening? Jan says she wants to see a movie. I've checked and there's nothing on. We can. rent.a DVD and watch it at my place. If you ask me, that would be much better than going to a café, See you later Suzy What does Suzy want to do? Ago to the cinema B have a drink in a bar C stay at home The answer is C. Suzy wants to watch a DVD at her place, which means at her home. The text mentions the other choices, but they do not answer the question. E.g. Jan wants to see a movie (not Suzy), so it cannot be A. Suzy thinks watching a DVD is much better than going to a café (having a atink in a bar), so the answer cannot be B. 3. Using a short text to fl In a form Suggested procedure: * Read through the text to get a general idea of what it is about. * Don't worry if you don’t understand every word. = Read the first question, Underline the important words. = Read the text again to find the ideas that you have underlined. = When you find the part of the text that deals with the question, read carefully. \s the information the same? Underline the words that show the correct answer. ‘There will always be something that looks lke it might be the answer but is wrong. = The answers will always be in the same order as the questions. Eg. Unit 1, task 8, question 0 David Rossi My family are from the south of Italy. They emigrated in the 1980s to Scotland, which is.where they had me. 0. Place of birth: David's family had him in Soottand, which means his place of birth is Scotland. The answer is not Italy, because his family are from Italy, not him. 4, Missing sentence parts ‘Suggested procedure: = Read the instructions and title to find out what the text is about. If you know what it is about, it wil be easier to read. Read through the text. = Don’t worry if you don't understand every word, = Read carefully before and after each gap. ‘When you think you have the right sentence part, cheok it fits grammatically and that it makes sense, i.e. it's logical. * When you have finished, read through the whole answer to make sure it makes sense, i.e. itis logical. Check that the extra sentence part does not fit anywhere. E.g. Unit 1, task 4, question 0 Newtown Youth Club Are you feeling bored (0) __? tf so, come and join us at Newtown Youth Club. The answer is: G because you've got nothing to do this, summer G fits grammatically. For example, after the gap it says If so, which in this sentence means ifyou are feeling bored. In this kind of task, reference words will help you, €.g. he, it, this, she, etc. Linking words are also important, e.g. therefore, however, for example, etc. They help you see how different parts of a sentence are connected. in this example, the word because helps us to see how the two parts of the sentence are connected. Aso, this answer makes sense, because people fee! bored if they have nothing to do. If they are bored, they could join a youth club. At first, A also looks like it could be the answer: ‘A come and visit us and find out for yoursetf tits grammatically, but it does not make sense, i.e. find out what? it doesn't say. 5. Multiple matching texts Suggested procedure: * Read the instructions and title to find out what the text is about. If you know what it is about, it will be easier to read. Read through the text to get a general idea of what it is bout. Don't worry if you don’t understand every word. Read the first question. Underiine the important words. Read the text again to find the ideas that you have underlined. When you find the part of the text that deals with the question, read carefully. Is the information the same? Underline the words that show the correct answer, There will always be something that looks like it might be the answer but is wrong. E,g. Unit 1, task 6, question 1 4. Amir: “I really like true stories about things TIPS FOR DOING EXAM TASKS: shat really happened. all that kind of stuf In other words, Amir kes true stories, but does not lke fiction, The answer is F. F THE JOYCE FILE ‘What would you do if you were accused of ‘crime that you didn’t commit? Based on teal avents, the “Joyce File” tells the story of Margaret Joyce. Margaret is arrested for terrorism, but fights to prove that she is innocent. Lm not into fiction and If the film is based on real events, it is a true story. E looks like it might be the answer, because it is about history, ie. true stories, but if we read carefully, we see it is a fictional description. Amir is not into fiction (he does not like it) so the answer can't be E. THE VOYAGE DOWN UNDER ‘What was it ike if you were sent to Australia as a prisoner in the nineteenth century? “The Voyage Down Under" is a briliant fictional descriotion of what it was like to be on a prison ship heading to the other side of the world. 6. Longer text with multiple choice questions Suggested procedure: + Read the instructions and title to find out what the text is about. If you know what it is about, it will be easier to read. «Read through the text to get a general idea about it, * Don't worry if you don’t understand every word. = Read the first question. Underline the important words. = Read the text again to find the ideas that you have underlined. = When you find the part of the text that deais with the question, read carefully. = Is the information the same? = Underline the words that show the correct answer. TIPS FOR DOING EXAM TASKS = Check the other choices are wrong. There will always be something that looks like it might be the answer but is wrong. E.g. Unit 1, task 6, question 1 THE COLLECTOR | first started collecting cards and stickers when | was about seven years old, Although both my Dad and Granddad collected cards as youngsters, it was the kid next door who_ first got me to start my very own collection. Before you knew it, everyone in my class was doing it. 1. The writer was encouraged to start collecting cards and stickers by his Afather. B grandfather. C neighbour, D school friends. The answer is G. The kid next door means neighbour, and got me to start my ... collection means encouraged to start. The information is the same. The writer mentions his father and grandfather (choices A and B). However, he says they collected cards when ‘they were youngsters (young). He doesn’t say they encouraged him to start his collection. He also mentions schoo! friends (choice D), but he only says that everybody started collecting stickers. He doesn't say they encouraged him. LISTENING ‘This book contains four kinds of listening task. 1. Short Recordings — Three-way Multiple Choice This task tests your general understanding. ‘Suggested procedure: © Before listening, read the questions to find ‘out about the situation and speakers. You will find it easier to follow the recording if you know what it is going to be about. * While you are listening, you will probably hear all the choices mentioned, but only cone will be the answer to the question. Is the information the same? * Don't worry if you don't get the answer the first time. You will hear the recording again. * Ifyou think you have got the answer the first time, use the second listening to check your answer. E.g. Unit 1, task 1, question 1 4 You hear two people discussing what to eat. What do they decide? Ato eat a burger B to eat Chinese C to eat pizza Tapescript 4 Male: “Shall we go out and get something to eat? How about a burger?” Female: “I'm a vegetarian, silly. Why not pizza?” Male: “Or Chinese, maybe?” Female: “It's rather expensive. | think we should stick to my idea.” Male: “OK.” The answer is ©. The girl suggests pizza and the boy says OK. The boy suggests a burger (choice A) or Chinese (choice B), but the girl refuses. She doesn't want a burger because she is @ vegetarian and Chinese is too expensive. 2. Matching This task tests your general understanding, You have to match speakers to topics/ opinions. ‘Suggested procedure: * Before listening, read the questions to find ‘out about the situation and speakers. ‘+ Underline key words in the questions. This will help you focus on what you're listening for. ‘© While you are listening, you will probably hear other choices mentioned, but only cone will answer each question. Is the information the same? Don’t worry if you don’t get the answer the first time, as you will hear the recording again. Ifyou think you have got the answer the first time, use the second listening to check your answer. E.g. Unit 1, task 2, question 1 Message 1 een A Bring some protection against the sun. Message 2... B Don't forget to write to me. C Give mea call when it Message 3... eheE: Messageaee D Remember to reserve a oom. Message 5... E Take something to pass the time. F Wait for us after school. Tapescript 1 Hi Jane. It's Steve. It's going to be a hot day so clon't forget to bring a hat and maybe also some cream, | can’t wait to see you. Bye. The answer is A because a hat and cream are protection against the sun. The speaker can't wait to see his friend, but just because he uses the word wait, answer is F. ‘This activity focuses on ‘Suggested procedure: it does not mean the Sentence completion listening for detail. * Before listening, read the questions to find out about the situation and speakers. + Read through the questions and predict ‘what kind of information might go in the gap. This will make it easier for you to follaw the recording. «Don't panic if you don't get all the answers: immediately. You will hear the recording again. Use the second liste’ answers. TIPS FOR ning to check your DOING EXAM TASKS Remember that you will hear the word/ number that you need to write. Js the information the same? Remember you will hear the answers in the same order as the questions. After the recording, check to see that you haven't made any careless mistakes, e.g. spelling mistakes; grammar slips (singular or plural?) Eg. Unit 1, task 3, question 1 Sea Life Tours Trips season: May to September number of trips per day. am Tapescript Sea Life Tours offers three boat excursions every day from May to September. These leave at nine, twelve and three o'clock. Each trip lasts approximately two hours, which means that the last trip is due to get back at about five. The answer is 8, because Sea Life Tours offers three boat excursions every day. Excursions means the same as trips and ‘every day means the same as per day. The numbers 9, 12, 2 and 5 are all mentioned but in connection with other things, e.g. the time. 4. Long Recording - Three-way Multiple Choice This task focuses on both listening for detail and general understanding. Suggested procedure: + Before listening, read the questions to find ut about the situation and speakers. You will ind it easier to follow the recording if you know what it is going to be about. ‘* Underline key words in the questions. This will help you focus on what you're listening for. ‘+ While you are listening, you will probably hear all the choices mentioned, ut only TIPS FOR DOING EXAM TASKS ‘one will be the answer to the question. Is the information the same? Don’t worry if you don't get the answer the first time. You will hear the recording again. + Ifyou think you have got the answer the first time, use the second listening to check your answer. E.g, Unit 1, task 4, question 1 4 “Around Town" is a magazine for A students B the unemployed C tourists Tapescript Lisa: Well, there are already quite a few similar magazines that tell people what's going on in town and where the best places to go are. For example, there are a couple that are aimed at tourists. But we wanted something specifically for people who are studying here, though, of course, we hoped it would be interesting to ‘everyone, including those who work or are unemployed. The answer is A because the magazine is specifically for people who are studying, i.e. students. Tourists (C) are mentioned, but in connection with another magazine. The speaker hopes the unemployed (B) will read the magazine, but she does not say it is ‘specifically for them. ENGLISH IN USE English-in-use questions test your knowiedge of grammar and vocabulary and the way that they are connected with each other. This book basically has five English-in-use tasks. 1. Gapped text ‘Suggested procedure: * Skim through the text. © Fill the gaps. «Remember that the missing words are likely to be grammatical words, e.g. prepositions, articles, auxiliary verbs, pronouns, etc. * Check things like spelling, agreement (singular or plural), tense (past or present), type of auxiliary verbs (be or have), etc. ‘* Make sure your answer fits what goes. before and after the gap. + Read through the completed text to make sure it makes sense. E,g. Unit 1, task 4, question 1 My name's Luka. What can I say 1 myself? | am 16 years old. ‘The answer is about, i.e. a preposition. 2. Modified gapped text A modified gapped text has a choice (usually three or four) for each gap. Suggested procedure: * Skim through the text. ‘* Sometimes it helps to think what about the answer could be before looking at the choices, i.e. is it predictable? * Fill the gaps, * Make sure the other choices don't fit. * Make sure your answer fits what goes before and after the gap. Read through the completed text to make sure it makes sense. E.g. Unit 1, task 1, question 1 Dear Ann, We (?) such along time. 1 a)didn'thear b) haven't hearct c)don'thear from each other for 3. Key word transformations Suggested procedure: * Make sure you use the key word in your answer, * Don't change the key word. * Do not use more words (or fewer) than it says in the instructions. * Check your spelling. * Make sure the second sentence is as similar in meaning as possible to the first. !s. the information the same? Ex. Unit 1, task 6, question 2 2. I would go, but he hasn't called me. IF ! would go ‘The answer must be a conditional sentence, The first part of the sentence has would in it, so the second part must be in the past (conditional type 2), The answer is ithe called me. 4, Word Formation Suggested procedure: © Decide what part of speech (verb, noun, etc.) is needed. Does it ft grammatically? * Check your speling, especially double letters. ‘© Check if the word should be negative. ‘© Check if the word should be plural. © Chesk if the word requires more than one change, «Read through the completed text to make sure it makes sense. Do the answers fit logically? E.g. Unit 1, task 3, question 8 8. appearance Her is stil a mystery. The answer is b) because the time is not finished. Therefore the answer must be present perfect. The answer is disappearance. \t fits grammatically (i's a noun) and it fits logically, ie. a disappearance can be a mystery. TIPS FOR DOING EXAM TASKS 1 5. Error Correction This is a text with an extra, unnecessary word in most of the lines. The focus of the task is ‘on grammar and the extra words are usually grammatical words, e.g. articles, auxiliary verbs, prepositions, pronouns, ete. fa line contains an extra word, you should write ‘the word in the space provided. If the line is correct, you should put a tick (¥) in the space provided. ‘Suggested procedure: Look at the title and read through the text to get an idea of what the text is about. * Read the text slowly and carefully, as the extra words are often small ones and easily missed. Read through the text sentence by sentence and not line by line in order to find the extra words. Sometimes, ifyou read a line on its own, it seems grammatical. itis only when you read the rest of the sentence that you see that there is an unnecessary word. ‘+ Remember the extra words will be grammatical words. + Remember that most of the lines contain extra words. * Do any lines that are immediately obvious first and then come back to the others later. ‘* Read the completed text to make sure it is logical. : E.g. Unit 3, task 4, questions 1 and 2 THE ART OF BEING A DJ 1 Many people wonder if being a Du is considered to be an art? 2 The survey shows that among many teenagers would agree that it is, ‘The first sentence is ok. The second sentence has an extra word. We do not need the word among. The sentence should be: The survey shows that many teenagers would agree that itis... TIPS FOR DOING EXAM TASKS: WRITING Witing tasks give you the opportunity to practise various types of writing. Most of the tasks you will be able to do during class (e.g. a postcard), but for some tasks you might be asked to do some preparation at home. ‘This book contains the following writing tasks: 1. Postcard Useful tips: © Include all the prompts from the instructions. * Use an informal style (everyday vocabulary, contractions, etc.) * Use short sentences. 2. E-mail Useful tips: * Include ail the prompts from the instructions. ‘Use an informal style (contractions, everyday vocabulary, phrasal verbs, etc.) ‘+ Use only commonly known abbreviations. 3. Leaflet Useful tips: * Choose an attractive title, * Be informative. Use bullet points, * Write something about each of the points in the instructions. + Use present tenses. | ® Make it visually attractive. 4. Description Useful tips: * Use paragraphs. © Use various kinds of adjectives to describe appearance. * Use a variety of personality adjectives. 5. Story Useful tips: Organise your story into paragraphs. + Use narrative tenses (Past Simple, Past Continuous and Past Perfect), Past Simple is used to describe an event in the past. It is also used to express actions which follow each other in a story. Past Continuous is used to describe an action that was in progress when an event happened. It is often used to set the scene for the story. Past Perfect is used to describe what happened before an event happened. 6. Student magazine article Useful tips: * Choose an attractive ttle. ‘* Organise your ideas into paragraphs (each change of topic requires a new paragraph). ‘* Use an informal style (contractions, everyday vocabulary, etc.) 7. Report Useful tips: ‘+ Divide your report into paragraphs (introduction, body, conclusion). * Use clear headings to help the reader follow your report easily. * Use a formal style. 8. Review Useful tips: ‘+ Read the instructions and include all the required information. ‘* Divide your review into paragraphs. ‘+ Use present tenses to summarise the plot of the story. 9. Informal letter Useful tips: * Read the instructions and include all the required information * Structure your letter (your address, date, greeting, introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion, ending, signature). * Use paragraphs (start a new paragraph when you change topic). * Use an informal style (everyday language, contractions, etc.) 10. Formal letter Useful tips: * Read the instructions and include all the required information. * Structure your letter (your address, date, recipient's name and address, greeting, introduction, body, conclusion, signature — also print your name.) ‘* Use paragraphs (each new topic requires a new paragraph). ‘* Use formal language (polite forms). ‘* Do not use short forms. SPEAKING Speaking activities give you the opportunity to practise your fluency and accuracy of lexical and grammatical structures. They also give you the chance to express your opinions, agreement or disagreement, and to react to other people's opinions or arguments, etc. ‘There are 5 types of speaking activity in this book. 1. Presentation Useful tips: ‘* Plan your presentation, but do not read it. ‘+ Make sure that your presentation has a proper structure (introduction, body, conclusion, ending). © Speak clearly and do not rush ~ be natural. «Use formal language. 2. Short talk Useful tips: * Plan your talk, but do not read it, Include all the important information. ‘* Present your points in a simple, clear and direct way. Use informal language. 3. Role play In arole play, you are supposed to talk with your partner about the given topic. Initiate the TIPS FOR DOING EXAM TASKS 13 conversation, ask questions, listen to your partner and respond to their views by agreeing or disagreeing and always give examples to ‘support your view. 4, Discussion Here are some suggestions on how to take part in a discussion: © Try to awoid ‘closed’ questions, and ask ‘open’ questions (e.g. why, how, etc.) because they stimulate discussion. * Ifyou have no opinion about the subject, think what other people might say about it and express it. Ifyou don’t know what to say about one thing on the list, try to compare it with another one on the list. Ifyou don't know the exact word for something, try to explain what you mean and give examples. ‘+ Listen carefully to your partner and try to respond:to what he/she has said. §. Class debate ‘Suggested procedure: ‘* Form three groups. The first two groups should prepare arguments for either accepting or rejecting the motion. Present your arguments and be ready to answer questions from the other group. TIPS FOR DOING EXAM TASKS The third group shoul fisten to both groups and decide whether to accept or reject the motion. They should provide arguments for their decision. Before making their decision, the third group can put questions to both groups. * Allow time for groups fo prepare their arguments. © The groups make their presentations. * Ask and answer questions. * Present the decision. 6. Interview ‘Suggested procedure: ‘* Plan your interview, but do not read the questions, * Try to avoid ‘closed’ questions, and ask ‘open’ questions because they stimulate conversation. + Listen carefully to your guest and try to respond to what he/she has said. Use formal language. 7. Describing a picture Suggested procedure: * Analyse the picture carefully, * Try to describe the picture in detail. + Use your imagination. Sen CER ETI EERE Ee TE ep cee ereaR FREE TIME AND HOLIDAYS READING Task 1 Below are 5 messages (1-5). What is the main idea of each message? Choose from the ideas A-F. There is one extra letter that you do not need. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Put your answers in the separate answer box. © Don't forget that new play's on tonight. Text me if you're going to go. 1 It’s the final today. Call round about three if you want to watch it. 2 I'm really looking forward to finally seeing them live. Ill meet you next to the stage. 3 It's Helen's eighteenth tomorrow. Remember to get some refreshments. 4 I've booked a table at that new French restaurant. Please be punctual! 5 You have to be twenty-one to get in. Take your passport or something. A. Arrive on time. B. Bring some ID. C. Buy something to eat. D. Come to my house. E. Give me a call. F. See you there, G. Send me a message. FREE TIME AND HOUDAYS 17 READING Task 2 Read the following e-mails and answer the questions by choosing A, B or C. 1 Hi Rob What do you fancy doing this evening? Jan says she wants to see a movie. I've checked and there's nothing on. We ‘can rent a DVD and watch it at my place. If you ask me, that would be much better than going to a café. See you later Suzy 2 Dear Ana I've found out about the Latin American Summer Dance School that you asked about. They have courses every month. Each one is twice a week and lasts four weeks. The one for July is full, as is the one before, so they're doing an extra one the following month. What do you think? Jo SHiKay . We're going rafting on Saturday. Would you like to come with us? Don't worry - all the equipment you need is provided! We're getting together at Dan's at midday. We'll be on the river for about one hour and should be back at half three. What do you think? Catch you later Sam 4 Dear Kay Alter all the problems, we're finally going on holiday tomorrow. Our flight doesn’t actually get in until the evening. | know it’s more expensive. However, the car's broken down and it takes absolutely ages by rail. | can't wait to get in the sea. | hope it’s not too cold! Love Mo 5S Hi Ruby We've just got back from our weekend break, London was great. Il tell you all about it when | see you. The cost of the accommodation was reasonable, although it was freezing. The meals in the hotel were also allright, which was a relief after all the stories | had heard. Stella 18 FREE TIME AND HOLIDAYS What does Suzy want to do? Ago to the cinema B have a drink in a bar © stay at home ‘Ana and Jo can go on a course in A August. B July. ¢ June. What time is everyone meeting? Aone o'clock B twelve o'clock C two thirty How is Mo getting to the coast? Aby car B by plane C by train ‘Stella is complaining about the A food she ate. B price she paid. ‘Groom she had. ¢ Pd Bo READING Task 3 Read the interview with David and then complete the form below with ‘one word from the text. An example (0) has been done for you. David Rossi My family are from the south of Italy. They emigrated in the 1980s to Scotland, which is where they had me. I started my present job about a year ago. After finishing college, | wanted to get a job as a teacher, but then I had the opportunity to work as a guide over the summer. I have been doing it ever since! Although | know italian and French fluently, | actually graduated in History. The job is quite well-paid. However, money is not the most important thing. I've always believed that you must find what you do interesting. And that's certainly the case for me. Nevertheless, | don't intend to stay in the profession forever. I'll probably take a break quite soon. One option would be travelling and the other is studying for a master’s degree. I'l almost certainly do this second one. As far as free time is concerned, because I'm outdoors a lot, | ike to spend it inside. I'm a big fan of cooking, and I'd rather be in the kitchen than reading a book or exercising. Place of birth: Scotland dob: University degree: Best thing about job: Probable future plans: Hobby: gaepse FREE TIME AND HOLIDAYS 19 READING Task 4 Read the information below about a summer youth club. Complete the sentences (16-20) with A-F. ‘An example (0) has been done for you. ‘There is an extra letter that you do not need, Put your answers in the separate answer box. Newtown Youth Club | | Are you feeling bored (0)_G ___? If so, come and join us at Newtown | Youth Club. We have loads of great activities for you to try, and the best thing is | {t}___. We've got all sorts of team sports from handball to five-a-side football. We're looking for players @ , but there are also plenty of places for complete beginners. But it's not just physical exercise that we can offer you. We also run practical activities ® . For instance, you could help build a tree-house in our carpentry lessons or (4)__. If you'd like to know more about what we've got on offer, (6)___. We're open every evening from six to nine-thirty. ‘A come and visit us and find out for yourself B. that are run by trained experts . that they won't cost you anything D. who have a bit of ability and experience E. whose knowledge will be of great help F. work with car engines in our workshop . because you've got nothing to do this summer ABC DEF @ x Bee Ey 20 FREE TIME AND HOLIDAYS READING Task 5 The people below all want to go to the cinema. Here are some films that are currently showing. Choose the best film for each person. For questions 1-5, choose the letter A-H. There are three extra letters that you do not need. Put your answers in the separate answer box. WHAT'S ON AT THE MOVIES [A RETURN TO LAKE MAJOR BTHE SIGN Two friends return to the place where thay grew up only to find that it has changed. People that they used to know no longer want to talk to them and |something strange is happening down at the lake ‘After several years asleep while travelling to a Neighbouring galaxy; the crew of a mission from earth wake up on a distant world, They have been ‘sent in response to a signal transmitted billions of |where they used to play as kids. kilometres. Their task is to found out who or what sent the [C THINGS HAPPEN DRUSH Danny's a twenty-five-year-old sci-fi fan whose }world is falling apart. He's just lost his job at the law firm where's he's worked since leaving college, and Now his gitfriend has left him for his best friend. [Surely things can't get any worse. Or can they? ‘A number of armed robberies have taken place ‘and the authorities seem powerless to do anything about them. But now Detective Jane Rush has. ‘been put on the job. Car chases and plenty of ‘explosions follow as she tries to solve the case. E THE VOYAGE DOWN UNDER: F THE JOYCE FILE What was it lke if you were sent to Australia as a prisoner in the nineteenth century? “The Voyage Down Under" is a brilliant fictional description of /what it was like to be on @ prison ship heading to {the other side of the world, G NOBODY TOLD ME ‘What would you do if you were accused of a crime that you didn’t commit? Based on real events, the “Joyce File” tells the story of Margaret Joyce. Margaret is arrested for terrorism, but fights to prove that she is innocent. Del's been single his entire adult fe, but all that changes when Kaz comes into his word, Will he be able to cope and share his fe after so long on his own? Find out in this warm look at how one person's life can change overnight. H SUNSHINE VALLEY Life in sunshine valley seems like paradise unti the diggers and trucks arrive to build a new interstate highway. However, the animais of the valley are determined to fight to save their homes, A wonderful animated film with a message for grown- ups too. 4. Amir: “I really like true stories about things that really happened. I'm not into fiction and all that kind of stuff." 2. Antonia: “Personally, I'd like to see an exciting thriller, but what we really need is something that our young kids can watch.” 3. Fraser: “Rather than something modern, I'd love to see ACB COD EF GH @ good historical drama. | realty ike the costumes they ate wear.” a 4. Morgan: “if you ask me, there's nothing better than aoe romance. Forget car crashes and gun battles. What you 3 need is something that touches the heart.” 5. Phil: “I'll watch anything apart from crime movies or sci- ‘i, What | really fancy, though, is an interesting mystery.” FREE TIME AND HOLIDAYS 21 READING Task 6 Read the text below and the questions that follow it. For each question (1-5), choose the best answer A-D. Put your answers in the separate answer box. THE COLLECTOR | first started collecting cards and stickers when | was about seven years old, Although both my Dad and Granddad collected cards as youngsters, it was the kid next door who first got me to start my very own collection. Before you knew it, everyone in my class was doing it. My first collection was a series of cards on fish in the rivers and lakes of Great Britain, After that, | collected one on famous explorers. They came in packs of tea and coffee. This might come as something of a surprise to people today, who are used to getting stickers from chewing gum, ice- cream or comfiakes. ‘When | was at secondary school, stickers replaced cards. I'll never forget the stickers for the 1978 football World Cup in Argentina. It was the best series | ever collected. | thought I'd never complete the album. Eventually, | had to ask the publishing company for the remaining stickers. | tried swapping with friends and buying as many packets as I could, but had no luck. Obviously, completing a series is extremely satisfying, and that’s stil true even after all this time. In addition, it's a very inexpensive hobby. However, more than anything else, | enjoy the endless variaty of collecting cards and stickers, Some people like the social aspect too. 1 The writer was encouraged to start collecting cards and stickers by his A father. B grandfather. © neighbour. D school friends. 2 The writer started collecting cards that came with A cereals. B drinks. C fish. D sweets. ° ‘What does the writer say about the final stickers for his 1978 collection? A He was able to buy them in a shop. B He didn't manage to find them anywhere, G He got them from the firm that made them. D He got them by exchanging stickers with friends, 22. FREE TIME AND HOLIDAYS. 4 What does the writer like most about his hobby? A Allthe different themes that there are. B He can meet a lot of interesting people. C It does not cost very much money. D The pleasure of completing a collection. What would the writer say about his hobby? A ‘I'm still very much in love with collecting,” B “It was great when | was a kid, but now {'m not sure.” G "My hobby is full of unexpected surprises. D “The collections are getting better all the time.” USE OF ENGLISH Task 1 1. Maria wrote an e-mail to a friend she hasn't seen in a long time. She wasn’t sure about some tenses so she left multiple choices. Can you help her? Dear Ann. We (1) from each other for such a long time. How (2) 2 How are your parents and younger sister? We (3) all fine. 1{4) track of time lately because | have so many things on my mind. As you (6) : am now in the 4” grace of vocational school. | (6) school in a couple of weeks and (7) ahairdresser. | (8) to open my new salon where | o my best to succeed in my new business. | have to admit that | am pretty nervous but excited. In my free time, | stil (10) tennis. | really love it. Every spare moment | have I go and play till| am exhausted. It really (11) any problems if | have them. After tennis, | usually go and have a drink with my friends. Last week, we (12)__ outside and instead of spending just an hour we (13) almost 3 hours! We (14) the time! We laughed, talked and | must admit that we also talked about boyiriends. They occupy most of our minds and time. I have really good friends. We spend most of our free time together. The day before yesterday we went toa concert. It (15)__ wonderfull We danced, (16) and hed the most wonderful time. What about you? How do you spend your free time? | hope we (17)__ each other very soon. Please write to me asap. Love Maria 1 a 1 a) didn't hear b) haven't heard: ©) don't hear 2 a)have you been? b) are you being? ) were you? 3 ajare b) are being ©) were 4 a)lose b) have lost ) am losing 5 a)knew b) know ) are knowing 6 a) finished b) will finish c) have finished 7 a)will become b) am becoming ©) became 8 a) can wait b) could wait ©) can't wait 9 a)willdo b) do ©) did 10 a) play b) played ¢) have been playing FREE TIME AND HOLIDAYS 23 ENGLISH IN USE 11 a) took away b) fas taken away 0) takes away 12 algo b) went ) have gone 13° a) were talking b) talk c) have been talking 14 a) don't notice b) didn’t notice c) haven't noticed 15 ais b) was c) has been 46 a)sing b) sang ) sung 17 ajsaw b) will see c) have seen Task 2 ‘Complete the sentences by putting the correct form of the word in brackets into each gap. 1. My__ (IMAGINE) runs wild when | read a good book, 2. These new (INVENT) are really something! Every day scientists invent something that makes our life easier. 3. Most people judge others according to their physical_____ (APPEAR). 4, In School, teachers always stress the (IMPORTANT) of reading. 5. My parents always have really big (EXPECT) of me. 6. The_____ (COMPETE) between the two teams was bitter. 7. His singingis__ (HOPE). No one can listen to him anymore. 8. |_______ (PERSON) prefer team sports to individual ones. 9. (FRIEND) made in high school last forever. 10. if you are looking for a job after finishing high school, you have to be able to write a job (APPLY). Task 3 Make the following adjectives/nouns negative by adding a prefix and use them in the sentences. e.g. happy — unhappy 7, honest is the act of deceiving or cheating. 2. sincere Sometimes it is very difficult to tell the difference between a sincere smile and an one. 24. FREE TIME AND HOLIDAYS: ENGLISH IN USE 3. patient Don't get ! You'll eventually find the way out. 4, believable | find it almost____ that teenagers don't hang out as we used to. 5. comfortable Even though | spent a fortune on this chair, it is rather 6. appropriate His manners are pretty 7. dependent My parents expect me to become financially___ by the age of 25, 8. appearance Her is stil a mystery. 9. possible Itis to find the answer to this question. 10. productive You willbe _____ if you continue to sleep all day long. Task 4 Fill in the text with the most appropriate word. My name's Luka. What can | say (1) myself? | am 16 years old. | am in (2) ae year (3) vocational school. | plan to be (4) ‘engineering technician. | thought that ‘school would be easy but it has turned (5) to be pretty hard. ! have to learn (6) the time. When | have school (7)___ the afternoon | have to wake (8) really early to catch (9) with everything we did the day (10) . After that, | have lunch and | go (11) school. | really don't have much time for my hobbies. | play tennis three times (12) week. | must admit that | am pretty good (13) it. (14) play on the computer because | don't (18) time. But (16) the weekend | spend an hour or 80 on it searching the web and talking to friends on some social page. FREE TIME AND HOUDAYS 25 ENGLISH IN USE Task 5 Compiete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the given word. You are allowed to use 3 to 5 words. 1. Do you and your mother look the same? UKE Do your mother? 2. | would go, but he hasn't called me. IF Iwould go 3. My sister and | don't like any sports. NOR Neither my sister any sports. 4, | haven't been to London for the last § years. WENT The last time that 5 years ago. 5, My grandparents are both the same age. AS My grandfather my grandmother. 26 FREE TIME AND HOLIDAYS: WRITING WRITING A POSTCARD This is a photo of the place where you are spending your summer holidays. It’s a breathtaking island with sandy beaches and pine trees. ‘When you were leaving home, you promised your friend you'd send hirvner a postcard. Write a postcard and answer the following questions: + When did you arrive? * What is your hotel like? + How do you usually spend your day? + Have you visited any interesting places? * When are you coming back home? \wtite the date (you | can leave it out) cr 3 July, 2010 write the name Deer or J and address of ite: Dear or Fi a | and the name of C Dear 1 the person you are writing to | the person you are | wtiting to arrived | finish with a t friendly phrase: | Best wishes | Regards ‘See you soon Love (to family or Write 50 to 60 words. CHECKLIST > check if the task is completed (you have to include all the prompts) > check if the layout is appropriate > use short sentences > use informal language (contractions, phrasal verbs, idioms, etc.) > re-read the postcard and check for mistakes (vocabulary, grammar, spelling, punctuation) > count the number of words FREE TIME AND HOUDAYS 27 WRITING WRITING AN INFORMAL LETTER You have recently joined a youth club which was opened near your home some weeks ago. You think it's a terrific place for teenagers. You'd like your friend Val to join you one afternoon. WALSHINGHAM YOUTH CLUB Write an informal letter to him/her and include the following information: * briefly describe the place + say something about the activities programme + suggest when and where you should meet and visit the place 28 FREE TIME AND HOLIDAYS: WRITING start with Dear ands So, [yourtiend’s firstname [~~ | Dear eae You know this club | [the text of your letter b= | finish with a fiendly | expression: | Take care | Allthe best [Bost wishes t | Love (to family or close | friends) r Take care, Bil PS ‘ign your name if you need to introduce { more information or | something you have forgotten you can write Have you heard about Bille? He is .... 22 Rose Street Bradford 15 April, 2009, u ( i | PS (post soriptum) Write about 80 words. ‘CHECKLIST > check if you have included all the required information ccheck if the layout is appropriate se informal language (contractions, idioms, etc.) re-read the letter and check for mistakes (vocabulary, grammar, spelling, punctuation) ccount the number of words > > > > FREE TIME AND HOUDAYS 29 SPEAKING DESCRIBING PICTURES Look at these two photos. They show different ways people can spend their free time. Compare and contrast the pictures. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these two activities? Which activity would you enjoy more? DESCRIBING PICTURES | Ian see... In the picture I can see .. On the left/right there is The picture shows... In the foregroundl/background ... At the top/bottom there are .. He/She seems/looks ... In the top right-hand comer there | I'm not sure what (that is ...; this personis YE | doing ...) | think/don’e think ... | ROLE PLAY Your friend has got some spare time and he/she would like to start a hobby. He/She asked you to recommend some activities. Before you make any recommendations, you'd like to ask him/her a few questions. Ask your friend: how much time he/she really has what his/her interests are (what things excite hinvher) if he/she prefers indoor or outdoor activities if he/she has any particular talents if he/she is wiling to invest some money in his/her hobby When you get the answers, try to give one or two suggestions to your friend. Justify your recommendations. 30 FREE TIME AND HOUDAYS LISTENING Task 1 You will hear people speaking in five different situations. Choose the best answer (A, B or C) for questions 1-5. You hear two people discussing what to eat. What do they decide? Ato eat a burger A B to eat Chinese Bo C to eat pizza ny You hear two peopfe taking about when to meet. What time will the boy come for the girl? Aight o'clock B half past eight Cniine o'clock oe You hear two people discussing how to contact each other. How will they gat in contact? A by e-mail A B by phone © by text message c - You hear two people discussing hobbies. Which hobby does the boy decide to do? A football we B swimming Be x C tennis :" o You hear two people discussing going on holiday. Where is the girl going? Atoa lake B to the mountains Cto the sea FREE TIME AND HOLIDAYS 31 LISTENING Task 2 You will hear 5 messages. What is the main idea of each message? Choose from the ideas A-F. There is one extra fetter that you do not need. " ABring some protection against the sun. | B Don't forget to write to me. | Message 1 | Message 2 C Give me a call when it finishes. | Message 3 D Remember to reserve a room. » Message 4 ‘A ieee E Take something to pass the time. | Mes: a F Wait for us after school. Task 3 You will hear a radio advert for a boat trip. Complete the notes below with one word or a number. You will hear the words or numbers that you need. Sea Life Tours "season: May to September discount of (8) for groups number of trips per day: (1) What to bring Wildlife some (4) clothes seq birds, seals and @ More info, tel: ©) Task 4 You will hear a radio programme about a new magazine. For questions 1-5, choose the best answer A-C. 1. “Around Town” is a magazine for 4 Lisa's favourite part of the Astudents ‘ programme is the ce B the unemployed Accinema guide tourists B restaurant guide 2 The magazine is published € sport guide oo ‘Adaily 5 You can buy a copy of the magazine B weekly A at bookshops a monthly Bat kiosks 3 The magazine costs Cin the street Anothing B one dollar C two dollars 32. FREE TIME AND HOLIDAYS: SClENGe. TECHNOLOGY, FUTURE LIFE AND ~ MYSTERIES READING Task 1 Below are 5 messages (1-5). What ‘s the main idea of each message? Choose from the ideas A-F. There is one extra letter that you do not need. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Put your answers in the separate answer box. Your battery is now empty. Please can you recharge it? G ‘Ask a crew member if you wish to use electronic equipment during the fight. Defend your PC from hackers and viruses. Download “Anti-Virus” now! Electronic devices may not be used until the plane has come to a standstil. ‘There is insufficient credit on your phone to make this call. Your computer may have been infected. Do you wish to remove this file now? neonaoe ‘A. Your message has not been sent for technical reasons. B. You do not have enough money to telephone anybody. . You can only use electronic equipment when the aircraft has stopped. D. You can delete a possible virus from your PC immediately. E. You can buy protection for your computer on-line. F. Do not use laptops or phones without first checking with staff while on board. G. There is not enough eneray for you to use this device. ‘SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, FUTURE LIFE AND MYSTERIES 35 READING Task 2 Read the following opinions about what the future will be like and answer the questions by choosing A, B or C. 1. Some people say that families will get smaller and that The writer thinks that families 5 having only one child or even none at all will be normal. In the future will be They say it's because people are getting married later. Aterger. Personally, | think things won't be any different from how ae they are now. One thing’s for sure. They won't be getting B smaller, bigger C the same size. 2 People will continue to go on holiday, but it won't be the What kind of holidays does the same. People will still go on holiday abroad, However, writer think will become they will want something different that's why think more Tre popular? and more people will go on holidays where they can : actualy do something, lke rafting. Holidays in space will le eae remain a dream. B foreign holidays ‘GC holidays in space 3 Ifyou ask me, people need human contact. That's why The writer thinks that traditional education will remain the most important way People will mainly learn to lear. Leaming on-line is great because you can study at home. It’s also fun, but people still need a teacher to a explain things and also a place to make real friends. B ina classroom. C via the internet. 4 Untortunately, food won't be getting any cheaper. | think The writer says that in the future that people will eat a lot more fruit and vegetables than they do now. They will do this because of the heath. For ‘food willbe cheaper. the same reason, people won't eat as many hamburgers, B people will eat less junk 3 pizzas and chips as they do now. food. } € there will be more vegetarians. 5 People in cities will stil find themselves under a lot of ‘What does the writer think will pressure because of work and so on. That will be the be the biggest problem in cities? hardest thing. However, I think a lot of people will leave a the cities, so they won't be so crowded. The air will also be cleaner because of new, strong laws. B stress © too many people 36 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, FUTURE LIFE AND MYSTERIES READING Task 3 Read the interview with Peter and then complete the form below with ‘one word from the text. An example (0) has been done for you. | Peter Davies — Crime Scene Investigator | | 1 was bom in a small town on the east coast of Canada in 1975. Two years later, in 1977, my parents moved to England. | went to schoo! in London, and it was here that | first became interested in science. | got good grades at school and went to university. At fist, | thought ! would do | Physics. However, there were no more places at the university | wanted to attend, 80 | did Chemistry, After graduating, | decided to do a master of science degree in Forensics. The university that | went to in Britain had a good course but I wanted to | travel. That's why | did it in America, Also, that course only lasted two years, while | the one in Britain was three. | After finishing my master’s degree, instead of working in a laboratory | got a job as a teacher at a college. After working there for three years, | got a job in the police department as a forensic scientist. I'm very happy with my work, but | would like to spend more time with my family. 1 have two daughters and hope to have an even bigger farnily. My parents had four sons. 0. Date of birth: qT 1. First degree subject: Country where master’s degree studied: Length of master’s degree course: years First job: Escape segeriet Number of children: ‘SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, FUTURE LIFE AND MYSTERIES 37 Preaonc Task 4 Read the article below about mobile phones and MPS players. Complete the sentences (1-5) with A-F. An example (0) has been done for you. There is an extra letter that you do not need. Put your answers in the separate answer box. Mobile Phone and MP3 Danger For many years, the government has been warning car drivers (0) Now, however, they have the opposite problem. They have started warning ae and people on foot (1)___. The reason for this is that police are reporting an increase in accidents (2)__. The problemis a serious one. It seems that ‘some people are getting lost in their own world (3) . There have been many serious incidents. Recently, a cyclist who was listening to his MP3 player 4 . Luckily, nobody was hurt in the accident. The government is thinking about passing a new law (6) . Itis clear that something needs to be done. A. as they walk down the road B. caused by people using mobile phones and MP3 players C. crashed into a tram in the state of Victoria D. in order to deal with the problem E. to watch out for road traffic F. while they were driving in their car G. to pay more attention to cyclists and people on foot ACB CC? DE F OG x ae © D4 .0 38 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, FUTURE LIFE AND MYSTERIES: READING Task 5 You are going to read an article in which people talk about how they use the internet. For questions 1-6, choose from the people A-F. Put your answers in the separate answer box. Which person says the internet . doesn't help them at all? . Is useful when studying? . tells them what's happening? . Is Important for their work? . offers them entertainment? . helps them keep in touch with friends? ONnRBNe | A Alison its difficult to imagine living without it. Tuse it a lot for project work and exams. Some of my mates say it's absolutely no help at all. | really don't understand what they're talking about. don't know what people used to do before, It's a great way of chatting with people you know. It allows you to find out ‘what they are doing. It's certainly more interesting than homework. Carl D Diana To be honest, [ never watch the news, so | use the net to find out what's going on in the world. In particular, | like to read the home, sport and entertainment news. You can get everything you want at the click of a mouse. Who needs the video store or DVD shop when you can get almost anything online? I must admit, I'd like a job connected with the internet. F Fiona Things are very different now. | use it all the time at my place of employment. | particularly use it for research. My boss expects everything to be perfect. | also use it to e-mail colleagues and clients. ‘Sometimes am worried that | might be addicted, | spend hours surfing but it's a waste of time really. | never find out what's happening and I'm not even sure that | enjoy it. SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, FUTURE LIFE AND MYSTERIES 39 READING Task 6 Read the text below and the questions that follow it. For each question (1- ), choose the best answer A-D. Put your answers in the separate answer box. THE SCIENCE TEACHER I had always loved science at school and | always did well in exams. In fact, | went on to study Physics at university. However, | never planned to become a teacher. To be honest, | got the job for financial reasons. | never ‘thought | would actually have such a brilliant career. {really like my job, although } would admit it's not the Kind of work for everybody. The pay is pretty good and every day is different so it's never boring. The main attraction, though, is the long holidays, so you can relax after a stressful term, | also get on quite well with the | other teachers. ‘Of course, it's not all perfect. Some kids aren't interested in science, so sometimes motivation can be a problem. This can occasionally lead to bad behaviour in class. | can deal with it though. The chief difficulty is all the marking and lesson preparation I do at home, although it's not too bad. I've been at my present school for ten years. I'm very happy here, so there's no reason for me to leave, My greatest ambition is to produce a coursebook for secondary schools, OF course, there are other possibilities too. Some friends say | should go to another school with better pay and conditions. Others say | should try and get promoted to head teacher. We'll see what the future holds. 1. The writer decided to become a science teacher because she Ahad a degree in Physics. B liked science a lot. C needed the money. D wanted a good degree. 2. What does the writer like most about her job? Aer colleagues B the money € the fact its relaxing D the vacations 3. What does the writer find hardest in her job? AHer pupils can sometimes behave badly. B She must do a fot of work outside school. The children are not very motivated. D The subject that she teaches can be boring. 40 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, FUTURE LIFE AND MYSTERIES READING 4. What does the writer want to do most in the future? A get a higher position B move to a different school © stay where she is now D write a science textbook 5. What would the writer most probably say about her job? A “I hope to keep working in science education.” B “I'm doing what I've always wanted to do.” C "| would recommend my job to absolutely everyone.” D “Sometimes I'tn not sure if! can deal with the stress." ‘SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, FUTURE LIFE AND MYSTERIES 41 USE OF ENGLISH Task 1 Choose the correct answer. My dear wife, The minute my spacecraft (1) the Earth 3 months ago, | (2) to miss you. | (3) like this all my life. The beauty of space (4) replace your beauty. Although my fellow astronauts (6) me constantly that } ©) start concentrating on my job, it (7) very difficult to do so. We (8)_____in space for exactly 3 months, 4 days and 23 hours. The days @ slowly up here. Every morning we (10) ‘the same things that we (11)____at home. As you know, there (12) five of us. The commander Mark, the pilot Allan, and two mission specialists Ben and John. Mark is like the head pilot, responsible for the safety of the vehicle and crew. Allan (13)__ Mark fly, navigate and land the spacecraft. Ben and John (14) in charge of co-ordinating the shuttle’s operations, planning our activities and managing the food, fuel and oxygen so that there is enough to last the entire journey. Yesterday morning, we (15)____ breakfast, when suddenly we (16) a noise. It (17) really a strange noise, not something you expect to hear in a space shuttle. You know that we (18) for any kind of situation, so we (19) ‘our instruction book and (20) to check everything out. It was all OK. Then there was a silence and the same sound again. We (21)______ terrified. What (22) it be? We started checking again, but then the sound (23) even louder, as if somebody (24) at the door. Suddenly we (25) ___it! Mark’s toothbrush was ‘fioating’ between two shelves, banging on one side and then the other. That was our mysterious noise! We were relieved! ‘Well, that's all for now. | have to go now, since my shift (26) in 5 minutes. \ can't wait to see you. A month and 16 days (27) ___ quickly. Lots of love Eugen 42 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, FUTURE LIFE AND MYSTERIES: PNPaaOD 10. 1. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. ane 18. 19. 20. 21. 24, 26. 27, ENGLISH IN USE = a) will eave . a) started s. a) didn't feel a) could 3. a) are telling a) should a) was . a) have been . a) pass a) were doing a) do a) are a) helped a) are a) have 8) were hearing a) has been a) are being prepared a) get a) start a) have been - a) can }. a) became ) knocked . a) see a) starts 8} pass b) leaves b) will start b) won't feel b) could have b) told b) may bjis b) are being b) were passing b) did b) have done b) were b) will help b) were b} were having b) hear b) was being by have been prepared b) got b) were starting 6) were being ) couldn’t b) become bb) was knocking b) have seen b) has started b) will pass ‘SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, FUTURE LIFE AND MYSTERIES 43 ©) left o)start ©) haven't fatt ) cannot ©) were telling ©) can ©) is being ) were ©) passed co) do ) have been doing ) have been ©) helps ) are being ©) are having ©) heard o) was ©) will be prepared ©) have got ©) started ©) were ©) could ©) have become ©) have been knocking c) saw ©) started ¢) is passing 2 ENGLISH IN USE : Task 2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the.given word. You are allowed to use 3 to 5 words. 4. | am not really interested in what people say about me. CONCERNED As far as , people can say whatever they like about me. 2. | don’t usually read a lot, but I really like books about robotics. EXCEPT Idon't usually readalot, = about robotics. 3. I don’t have a lot of free time, so | cannot learn how to play the guitar. COULD fthad more free time, |___to play the guitar. 4, The three Laws of Robotics got their name from their founder. NAMED The three Laws of Robotics their founder. 5, Robotics was used in automation a couple of decades ago. BEEN Robotics ___ autornation for more than two decades. Task 3 Fill in the text with the missing preposition. 4. | adore listening rap musio. 2. She agreed__help me_-_ my mathematics. 3. lam so afraid! Can you please stay __me. 4, Please, wait__me. 5. Iwill forward the mail my friend. 6. Our teacher explained the basics static electricity us. 7. 1am looking forward hearing you again! 8. All programs soon get date, and new programs appear. 9. Turning ___ your computer means starting to work with it. 10. Turning your computer means to stop working with it. 44 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, FUTURE LIFE AND MYSTERIES: ®. ENGLISH IN USE Task 4 Write the nouns for these verbs and use them in the sentences. 1 The force of (ATTRACT) is the opposite of the force of repulsion. 2 Antibodies represent our | _ (DEFEND) system and they fight against (INFECT). 3. Specialised driting (EQUIP) is used to drill into concrete. 4 This program offers - (PROTECT) from spam mails. 5 Please never ignore this (WARN) since it can save your life. 6 Scientists have to hand in annual (REPORT) covering all important changes in the research. 7 The (EMPLOY) rate has increased in the last decade. 8 In order to become an astronaut you have to be able to undergo thorough (PREPARE). 9 Ifyou are ambitious and hard working, you will definitely get (PROMOTE). Task 5 Fill in the text with the most appropriate word. How do astronauts live (1) space? Well, according (2) what astronauts have (3) ___ saying, living in space is not really (4) © all, in space people float. The gravitational force (7) should (8) working. Since this is really bad (9)__ their bodies, astronauts must exercise in space every day. All bodily fluids, including blood and water, move (10) _the upper body and head, Astronauts also need (11) stay clean. They have a special hygiene kit (12) they use (13) _ order to keep clean. They live in a really smal space (14) has to (15) kept clean. They have (16) throw (17)____ garbage, use a vacuum cleaner and so on. Living in space is very different (18) same as living (6) Earth. First not working the way it living on Earth, ‘SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, FUTURE LIFE AND MYSTERIES 45 WRITING WRITING A MAGAZINE ARTICLE ‘i= According to the dictionary, a gadget is a device having a unique purpose and function. Most people would find it extremely difficult to live without smart phones, camcorders, laptops, DVDs or television. Nobody wants to go back to the days when there was no television, no dishwashers and certainly No cet! phones. But have these modern gadgets changed our world and made it a better place or have they tumed us into slaves? The editor of your schoo! magazine has asked you to write an article about'young people and technology. He/She would like you to address the following issues: + Which three gadgets do most students find to be “cool”? + What are the good and the bad sides of the use of technology in students" daily lives? + How can technology change students’ lives in the future? ‘ouneed'o ie your” a i erin en tt tl eae (TITLE : j If you could choose, what would you ask your parents for your next birthday? | | arte in an interesting The three most popular 1000000000000 2% | | | way (address your readers — ask them a | direct question). ‘When you change ‘the topic, startanew 5” 2 | There are many good 1300000000000 "paragraph. | x00000000000000«. On the other hand, the bad | Sides 20000000000000000000000000000009000 Use an informal and lively # styl. : | ‘Technology will play an important x00 100000000 frish your encie with an = | In Conclusion, x202x0000009900000000 1X10000000K Interesting conclusion. | sepaonav00ce900KX0000000N, 48 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, FUTURE UFE AND MYSTERIES WRITING Write an article in about 100 words. CHECKUST > check if you have included al! the required information check if the layout is appropriate Use informal language (contractions, idioms, etc.) re-read the article and check for mistakes (vocabulary, ‘grammar, speling, punctuation) ccount the number of words vv v WRITING A FORMAL LETTER — A LETTER OF COMPLAINT This is the reason why you have taken every available job in the past couple of months. Berry iPOD CLASSIC - 150GB storage, 200 hours of video, 40,000 songs and You have finally saved enough money to buy this wonder of modem technology. A. week later — you are the most miserable person in the world. IT’S NOT WORKING! Write a letter of complaint to the manufacturer and include the follawing information: + state the reason(s) for writing the letter * give detalls of your complaint * express your disappointment with the product + state what you expect the manufacturer to do about the problem SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, FUTURE LIFE AND MYSTERIES 47 WRITING 22 Rose Street Brighton 3 April, 2010 {recipient's name and ]_ eddress {tho name and the | exdress of the person | you are writing to) Dear Sir or Madam or Dear + name Jam writing to tell you about 1000000000000000000000000 HOOOODIIHHHHKHIDOCOHAOOOIHAOOH XIII, When | came home, | found cut that 0000000000000 r OOOHIOOOKIHPOKIKIDHHHIOIAIOOI APOIO IH IINK, i XOOOIDODHHHHHIOOHIAAOOOOIHOIIHIOIHIIOHK | the bodyof the letter in paragraphs Lam very disappointed 19000000000000000000000000X, | 700000000000000000000000000000. | tt would be great if you could xeevees002000000000000 Write a letter in about 100 words. CHECKLIST ‘check if you have included ali the required information ‘check ifthe layout is appropriate use formal language (no contractions, use poitte forms) re-read the lator and check for mistakes (vocabulary, grammar, spelling, punctuation) > count the number of words. vyvy 48 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, FUTURE LIFE AND MYSTERIES SPEAKING ‘Your brother is celebrating his eighteenth birthday. You would like to buy him something special for his big day and here is the list of things you have in mind: > MPS > iPhone > camcorder You can't make up your mind, so you ask your best friend Simon to help you. Talk about each gadget and discuss its benefits and possible drawbacks. Finally, choose the one you consider to be the best gift for your brother. | Talking about pros | The main benefit of... is . Talking about cons i | On the other hand, ... One positive aspect of... iS... As for the disadvantages, ... is a good thing because .. is not a good idea because ... Giving opinions I believe /| don’t believe ... In my view / opinion, ... Personally, | believe ... agree with / | disagree with GIVING A SHORT TALK More and more of your classmates are using the Internet on a daily basis, They download information for their school projects, visit various web pages, join chat rooms, etc. Prepare a five-minute talk about the dangers of reckless surfing of the Internet. Address the following issues: > downloading copyright material > spyware programmes: Giving advice > chatting with people you do not know Make sure you... Be careful you don't... and give advice how to avoid these dangers. Nee Always... You should / shouldn't SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, FUTURE LIFE AND MYSTERIES 49 LISTENING Task 1 You will hear people speaking in five different situations. Choose the best answer (A, B or C) for questions 1-5. 1 You hear two people discussing a birthday present. What did the boy receive? Aalaptop Ba phone G an MP3 player nv You hear two people talking about climate change. How does the girl feel? A nothing in particular B positive C worried 3 You hear two people talking about a computer. What was the problem? Adirt Bavirus the battery a You hear two people talking about a comedy series. Did the boy see it on ADVD B the internet cw a You hear two people discussing world problems. What do they think will be the biggest problem? Aenergy B population food 50 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, FUTURE LIFE AND MYSTERIES LISTENING Task 2 You will hear 5 different people speaking about mobile phones. What is the main idea of each speaker? Choose from the ideas A-F. There is one extra letter that you do not need. Speaker 1 .. ‘A You can do so many useful things with them. a |__| B They are great if you have a serious problem. G People sometimes use them for the wrong reasons. Speaker 3... Dit can be annoying when people use them in public. Soe E In my opinion they are rather expensive. Speaker 5 .... Fam worried that using them might be unhealthy. Task 3 You will hear a radio programme about a summer science school. Complete the notes below with one word or a number. You will hear the words or numbers that you need. Summer Science School The school started: ___ (1) years ago. ‘An example activity this year is cutting opena___(2). The course lasts____———_(3) days. For more information, call: 4). The next session that you can do takes place in____(5). ‘SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, FUTURE LIFE AND MYSTERIES 51 LISTENING Task 4 You will hear a radio broadcast about a TV programme on monsters. For questions 1-5, choose the best answer A-C. 1 The programme before this one was about monsters Ain lakes. B in the sea. Conland. 2 What was special about the film of the monster in the sea near South America? Alt hadn't been shown before. B It was in colour. " C It was modern, € eo The St Augustine monster was. Aan octopus. B an unknown animal. t 1 1G Cawhale. © 4 What doesn’t the speaker like about the programme? Altt’s on too late. B it’s too long. C t's too scientific. 5 The programme wilt be shown again Aat the weekend, Re Bin the autumn. C next week. 52 _SOIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, FUTURE LIFE AND MYSTERIES: ARTS & ~ CULTURE READING Task 1 Below are 5 messages (1-5). What is the main idea of each message? Choose from the ideas A-F. There is one extra letter that you do not need. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Put your answers in the separate answer box. © We could go on a drama course. What do you think? G 1 It’s that play tonight. Could you reserve a couple of seats? 2 How about visiting the portrait gallery? It's fascinating. 3 Tickets can be bought on-line or at the theatre itself. 4 Can | borrow that work on painting and sculpture from you? 5 Do you fancy that literary evening? Authors will be reading their work. ‘A. How about listening to some poetry and novels? B. Do you think you could lend me that book on art? C. Let's go and have a look at some really good art together. D. Please can you get two tickets for the performance? E. That famous author will be signing copies of their book. F. There are only two ways that you can pay for seats. G. Why don’t we learn something about acting and the theatre? ARTS AND CULTURE READING Task 2 Read the following e-mails and answer the questions by choosing A, B or C. 1 Dear Tim Just a quick note to say that | bought that novel you were telling me about. | had a look on the internet, but it wasn’t available, In the end, I got a used copy in the charity shop where you bought that jacket. It cost two dollars less than in the bookstore, Atb Cheryl 2 Hi Diane I've just come back from a tour of Mexico. We saw the pyramids and other ancient ruins. It was absolutely fantastic. A week and a half was just right. I'm not sure that a week would be enough time and two weeks would probably be too mutch. I can’t wait to show you the photos. Brian SHiLisa | thought that we could go and see that new exhibition at the art gallery tomorrow. I'l meet you at ten. You can park behind the gallery. I'llsee you on the front steps and we can go inside together and see the exhibition. What do you think? Matt 4 Dear Dean I've got the tickets for the play. The cheapest ones were twenty euros, but | thought we wouldn’t be able to see anything. | got the ones for thirty instead. It should be finished by ten. My Dad said he will pick us up afterwards. Love Sarah 5 Hi Mark Are you going to see the philharmonic orchestra at the concert hall on Friday? | would go if there were any tickets left. I'm sure the radio will be fine. However, it would be much better if they showed it on TV. Don't you think so? Later Suzy 56 ARTS AND CULTURE * Where did Cheryl buy the book? Ain a bookshop. B in a second-hand shop over the internet How long did Brian spend in Mexico? Aseven days B ten days C fourteen days Where are Matt and Lisa meeting? A behind the gallery Bin front of the gallery ‘B. G inside the gallery Co How much did the theatre tickets cost? Aten euros B twenty euros C thirty euros How will Suzy listen to the concert? At the concert hall Bon the radio on the television READING Task 3 Read the article and then complete the form below with one word or number from the text. An example (0) has been done for you. | City Arts Centre | pm. | ff you want to join the arts centre, you can do so for only thirty euros annually. If The city arts centre was first proposed back in 2004, although work did not start until 2009. Amazingly, this impressive glass building was finished the same year. Originally planned for the sea front, it was eventually built by the lake. it can easily be reached by bus or car. ‘The centre is home to one of the country's best collections of modern paintings. | Those of you who are interested in classical art should go to the city art gallery. The | centre also regularly holds jazz concerts. Until two years ago, there were also rock | concerts here but these now take place at a new location in the centre of the city. | If you wish to see the art collection, the centre is open from nine a.m. to eight p.m. | Seven days a week. From June to August, however, the centre closes earlier at five | you're under eighteen, you only have to pay twenty. For more information, call Rob | | ‘Simon on 094356777 or visit our website at www.cityartscentre. sf SN built: . located near: type of art: type of music: summer hours: adult yearly membership price: nine to 2009 ARTS AND CULTURE 57 READING Task 4 Read the information below about a library. ‘Complete the sentences (1-5) with A-F. ‘An example (0) has been done for you. ‘There is an extra letter that you do not need. Put your answers in the separate answer box. Bridgetown Library Bridgetown library is in the town centre opposite the church. It is open every day, apart from Sunday, (0)___G__. The library has a very good collection of fiction, including novels in several foreign languages. It also has a large number of reference books 0) . However, you cannot take these away from the library. Members can also borrow DVDs and CDs and read newspapers and magazines. The library also has a large children’s section. Besides books, (2) . Blind users wil be pleased to know that there is a large collection of Braille and audio books too. However, (3) . It also offers several other services. We have ten computers ‘that have access to the internet. You may also print from the computers or photocopy documents, (4) ‘The library has social activities (5) . Younger members can come to the play group that is held every morning. | Membership costs only ten pounds per year. For more information on how to join, please visit our website. AA. like the weekly meeting of the reading group B, that you can look at such as dictionaries and atlases €. the library does not only hold books, magazines, toys and DVDs D. there are a number of toys that you can borrow . sagt ALB CED TE Roe E. which can be ordered from other libraries 6 S F. although you will have to pay extra for these services G. from eight in the morning until seven in the evening 58 ARTS AND CULTURE The people beiow all want to go to the theatre. Here are some plays that are currently showing, Choose the best play for each person. For questions 1-5, choose the letter A-H. There are three extra letters that you do not need. Put your answers in the separate answer box. WHAT'S ON AT THE THEATRE ‘A DIFFERENT VOICES B DON’T SIT DOWN Different Voices is a remarkable play by Janet Green. It tells the story of the hardship of en ordinary woman and her chiéren and how they try to achieve their goals. The ending in particular is something special, but its a bit depressing in places. ‘THE TONY LAKE STORY Ifyou want somathing light, you'll love Don’t Sit Down. Its a joke every minute. However, some of the humour is rather adult, so i's for those who are eighteen or over. Hurry up and reserve your ‘seat while tickets are stil available. D THE DIAMOND This is a must-see for all those who love the sounds of 1980s pop. It tells the story of the singer Tony Lake from his early beginnings in small clubs to his mysterious and tragic death. ‘The show includes nearly all his biggest hits, which you can also sing along ‘0. Fans of crime stories will love this play. As the title suggests. the story is about the strange disappearance of a jewel. A famous German investigator is called in to solve the case. The tension keeps on right until the end when the thief is discovered. RICHARD F THE CUPBOARD This is a new version of the world-famous historical classic. It tells the story of the life ‘and death of one of England's greatest kings. However, this performance has a differance. The ‘entire production is actually in French. There is discount for students. Enter the amazing world of Joey's cupboard. ‘On the outside, it looks like any other cupboard. Inside, however, there is a mysterious world of wizards, witches and strange creatures. Join Joey on his amazing adventures to another land. Ideal for kids. G THE SOUND OF SILENCE HIN THEIR OWN WORDS This naw work tells the true story of a poor indian ‘composer before the Second World War. When. he goss to Europe, he finds only difcuities. At first, people refuse to accept his music, Then one day everything changes for the better. ‘This unusual play is based on a famous 1850s murder trial. The play is special because it uses the actual words used in the original tral. To do this, the author used the court record. Great for students of law and nineteenth century history. 4. Barbara: “I’m interested in something serious. The only problern is that I'm studying at university so | don’t have much money.” 2. Chris: ‘I'm very keen on history. However, we've got eleven-year-old twins so we need something for them.” 3. Dana: “! love real-life stories, but nothing too sad. | much prefer plays with a positive ending.” 4. Freddy: “I’m not a real drama fan. I'm not so interested in the story. Give me a good musical any day.” 5. Gloria: “Comedies are ok, but in my opinion you can’t beat a good old-fashioned mystery.” ARTS AND CULTURE 59 READING Task 6 Read the text below and the questions that follow it. For each question (1-5), choose the best answer A-D. Write your answers in the separate answer box. | PAUL HALL — WRITER | started writing when | was studying literature at university. Some people start writing because they have a story to tell. For some, it is a way of eaming a living. Others | want to become famous. If you ask me, | \ belong to the first group. \ always thought it would be hard work to | be. writer, but I found that it actually came | Quite naturally. | had also read a lot about | novelists who had learnt a lot about writing | in order to be a novelist, My advice would be | to write about the things you know and the | things that have happened to you. It's not | necessary to be inventive. | However, writing a novel does riot | guarantee success. The most difficult step is getting someone to publish your work. 1. Why did Paul start writing? AHe felt he had something to say. B He had studied literature at university. C He needed to earn some money. D He wanted to become well-known. You can try writing directly to publishers, but it does not mean that anyone will actually read your work. The same is true for writing to authors whose work has already been \ | I \ Published. Although it will cost you money, | | would recommend employing an agent | to get you a publishing contract. You can always try entering writing competitions, but | the chances of winning are small. | It's important to have a good place for | writing. For example, you can’t really write | on the bus. You should also try to make sure. | there are no distractions, although personally | noise and phone calls don’t bother me. | However, | need at least three hours if I'm going to write anything. For me, finding those three hours is the biggest challenge of being a writer. Some people suggest having 20. O.>) 2. Why does Paul think is most important about writing? Abeing imaginative B studying how to write C using your experience D working hard 60 ARTS AND CULTURE 0.0 F READING 3. What does Paul think is the best way to get a book published? Aasking a writer whose work is published for advice B paying a professional to help you sending your work to a publishing firm D winning a writing competition 4, What does Paul think is the hardest thing about writing? Acconcentrating A B finding time B having a good place to write (ae D having a routine D 5. What's Paul’s main purpose in writing this articie? Ato explain his ideas about writing A B to advise people who wart to be writers B C to talk about his life as a writer c D to say what made him become a writer D ARTS AND CULTURE 61 USE OF ENGLISH Task 1 Choose the correct answer. Milions of people (1) (Vist) Madame Tussauds museum since it first Q (open) 200 years ago. It (3) (be) as popular then as it (4) be) now. There (6) __ (be) many reasons for its popularity, but the main one (6) (be) people's curiosity. Everybody (7) (want) to see how realistic the models are, Madame Tussaud (8) (learn) to model wax likenesses in 1770 in Paris. During the French Revolution, she (9) (have) to make the death masks of executed aristocrats. After she (10) (leave) her husband, she (11) (return) to Britain where she (12) (open) the museum. In those times, people (13) mouth. Her exhibitions (14) ther (19) n, many visitors (15) (know) about her mostly by word of (Give) an insight into all important events. Even (will) pay a fee in order (16) ™ost famous names of the day. Her models have always (17) were alive. The museum (18) (meet) the __ (look) as if they (keep) up with modern times, which —___"__ (mean) that her models (20) of the current year as well as from the past. (come) from all important fields 1. & 3. 4. 5. 6. t 8. 9. 10. 1. 12. 13. 14, 15, 16. if. 18. 19. 20. 62 a) visited a) was opening a) has been a) is being a) will be a) has been a) want a) has been learning a) was having a) was leaving a) was returning a) opened a) know a) give a) would a) to meet a) look a) keeps a) means a) are coming ARTS AND CULTURE b) are visiting b) has opened b) was b) was b) are b) was b) will want b) learnt b) had b) has left b) has returned b) was opening b) knew b) gave b) will b) met. b) looked b) kept b) meant b) come ©) have visited ©) opened ois ois ©) were ois ©) wants, ) has learned ©) have ©) lett ©) returned ©) open ) known ©) given ) would have ©) to have met ©) looking ©) will keep ©} is meaning ©) will come ENGLISH IN USE Task 2 Complete the sentences by putting the correct form of the word in brackets into each gap. 4. Last night's (PERFORM) was excellent. 2. He won the Oscar because he is such a good (PERFORM). 3. He (PERFORM) his violin concert every Saturday. 4, Her (ACT) was really superb in her last movie. 5. To (ACT) means to take a part in a flim or play. 6. Heis such anamazing__ (ACT). 7A (COMPOSE) is a person who writes music, 8. All of Chopin's known (COMPOSE) involved the piano. 9. An (ART) is a person who practises any of the fine arts. 10. My best friend comes from a very__{ART) family. Task 3 ‘Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using present simple passive or past simple passive. You are allowed to use 2 to 5 words. 1. Mark wrote an amazing book. He wrote it last year. Mark's amazing book__last year. 2. Guernica is one of Picasso's masterpieces. He painted it in 1937. Guernica, which in 1937, is one of Picasso's masterpieces. 3. | was telling him about my new book when he interrupted me. 1 while | was telling him about my new book. 4. She sells her sculptures on the street. She always sells them all. The sculptures that she sells on the street 5. Madame Tussauds is a famous museum. Thousands of people visited it last year. ‘The famous museum Madame Tussauds ___ by thousands of people last year. ARTS AND CULTURE 63 ENGLISH IN USE Task 4 Look carefully at each line. Some of the lines have an extra word and some are correct. talline is correct put a tick (v). Ifa line is incorrect write the extra word on the line. THE ART OF BEING A DJ 1 Many people wonder if being a Du is considered to be an art? 2. The survey shows that among many teenagers would agree that itis, 3 while other people think it is only just ‘playing’ loud and boring music. 4 Im order to be a good and well known Du, there are certain conditions 5 and criteria you have to full, First of all, is you have to develop your 6 personal techniques. Most of these techniques have to be part of your 7 personal personality and they are usually not suitable for a different 8 type of DJ. The other thing is you need is your own equipment. Before 9 you buy any of this, you have to make choose the one that is just 10. right really for you. There are many types and manufacturers out there, 11 but you have to really know what do you want before spending a fot 42. of money on something you need. However finaly, you have to know 13. there are’not many schools that can teach you how to be a good DJ. 14. Practising is all you need and having the ability to ‘hear’ what do 15. people want to listen to. And that's alll There is no right ar good 16 way to do it. Just to follow your instincts and you'll be just fine. Task 5 ‘Complete the sentences using relative pronouns (whose, where, who, which, whom). 4. The boy ‘was sleeping during the concert woke up at the end of it. 2, Stratford is the town Shakespeare was born. 3. The man, ______ house you bought, is planning to buy a new one this summer. 4, His father, is an engineer, visited the Technical Museum. 5. Mark and Filip are friends like action movies. 6. My friend, parents are from Britain, has become a ballet dancer. 7. Maria, | didn’t call yesterday, visited me today. 8. I cannot buy the tickets we reserved. 9. The theater we were going to is closed now. 40. The museum is the place all the people interested in art go. 64 ARTS AND CULTURE WRITING WRITING A BOOK REVIEW ‘You are known as a bookworm among your friends. Every month they look forward to your book review in the school magazine. Write a review of a book you think might be interesting to your friends. Always think about your readers - who you are writing to and what their interests are. Write the title. u [First paragraph» = ‘basic information about the book Mile, author and type of book) ‘Second paragraph > setting and characters (Whereis it set? Who are the main characters? | What happens inthe book?) Third paragraph > summary your opinion and recommendation (why you tke/don't ke it; give examples) Write a review in about 100 words. | THE DEVIL EXPERIMENT j ‘py Peter Johnson | Last month I read The Devil Experiment, a novel ... | The Devil Experiment is a science fiction and fantasy ... | Hiked Johnson's novel... i i i Use PRESENT SIMPLE to summarise the plot of the story. \wecentty read | The story is set | The main characters are ... | Ittells the story oF .. | | Read this book, You won't be | disappointed, ' 1 can recommend this book because ... > > > v CHECKLIST ‘check if you have included all the required information ‘check ifthe layout is appropriate re-fead the review and cheok for mistakes (vocabulary, grammar, speting, punctuation) count the number of words ARTS AND CULTURE WRITING WRITING A STORY Young Voices is a literary magazine for teenagers. They are launching a competition for the best short story written by a secondary school student. You have decided to enter the competition because the first prize is a visit to Chicago, USA, where next year’s World Literary Congress takes place. Write a story in about 100 words. Begin your story with: ' | suddenly woke up. | was on the train and there was a strange ... eso eeeeeenenennene ‘Choose an interesting” * . i TITLE te foryourstom. | eeccice | suddenly woke up. | was on the train and there First paragraph -» set (== 27 | wes the scene (who, where, ¢ | ‘when, what) 1 Divide your story into | : Paragraphs. } | After a few minutes, this strange man x | i Use time expressions te connect events, Uso a range of narrative : tenses (past simple, past, ‘continuous, etc.) | AS soon as the train stopped, | Use adjectives and { adverbs to make your story interesting. ! was so glad when | saw a police officer Give your story a clear + ‘ending. First, i 1 Next, .. ; After afew minutes, ... 1 | Then, .. | | kaso ea bes read the story and check for mistakes (vocabulary, Suddenly, grammar, spelling, punctuation) Finalty, > count the number of words 66 ARTS AND CULTURE a SPEAKING Your school has a special privilege. A Nobel Prize winner in literature is visiting your school. You are going to interview him/her. STUDENT A: Prepare a set of 10 to 12 questions. Ask questions about his/her: > family, childhood > education > literary career > future plans > favourite books / authors > suggestion(s) for young authors STUDENT B: > pretend you are a Nobel Prize winner > write down some notes predicting what your interviewer might ask you HOLDING A DEBATE According to a survey carried out in your school, 80% of the students read one out of the five books from the required reading fist. Students claim that the majority of the books on the fist are boring and incomprehensible. The students’ council proposes the following motion: STUDENTS SHOULD TAKE AN ACTIVE PART IN CREATING THE REQUIRED READING LIST. Hold a class debate. Group 1 - prepare the argument for accepting the proposal (be ready Form three groups: to answer any questions from groups 2 and 3) Group 2 - prepare the arguments for rejecting the proposal (be ready to answer any questions from groups 1 and 3) Group 3 ~ listen to the presentations of groups 1 and 2, prepare questions for the groups in case you have to clarify certain points, present your decision and give a justification Expressina opinions Giving examples Givingreasons —[ As! see it,... For example, .... »- BECAUSE ...... | | believe /1 don’t believe... For instance, ... The first reason ... | Next, ... In my opinion, ... | + inaddltion, .. Personally... Reacting to opposing views Summarising j | Also, I don't realy agree... In short, I Finally. see what you mean. But To sum up, .. | ARTS AND CULTURE 67 LISTENING Task 1 You will hear people speaking in five different situations. Choose the best answer (A, B or C) for questions 1-5. 1 You hear two friends discussing when to go somewhere. What day do they decide? ‘A Wednesday B Thursday G Friday 2 You hear two friends discussing a concert. What kind of music will be played? Ablues Bjazz Crock 3 You hear two friends discussing the price of a CD. How much did the boy pay? Aeleven dollars B twelve dollars € thirteen dollars 4 You hear two friends discussing where to go for a birthday. Where do they decide to go? Aaconcert Ban art gallery C the theatre 5 You hear two friends discussing music. Which instrument has the girl decided to play? Athe drums B the guitar C the piano 68 ARTS AND CULTURE LISTENING Task 2 You will hear different people speaking about shows they have seen. What is the main idea of each speaker? Choose from the ideas A-F. There is one extra letter that you do not need. Speaker 1 A tis difficult to understand. Speaker 2 B Itis extremely funny. C Itis too expensive. Speaker 3 ... Diitis very boring. oe. E Itis vary original Speaker 5 ... F It lasts too long. Task 3 You will hear a radio programme about an orchestra. Complete the notes below with one word or a number. You will hear the words or numbers that you need. National Youth Orchestra ; The orchestra currently has (1) people in it. | The orchestra's first concert was held in — (2). The orchestra meets during the (3). Youth orchestra members must be between 8 and__(4) years old. The orchestra is travelling to (5) this year. ARTS AND CULTURE 69 LISTENING Task 4 You will hear two people talking about things to do in a small town. For questions 1-5, choose the best answer A-C. What hobby does Tina still do? A dancing Bice-skating C singing 2 Where does Tina get her books from? A the bookshop B the intermet C the library Why can’t Tina join the drama group? ‘A She does not have enough time. B Sho does not like acting, © She does something else the same day. * What do Tina and George decide to visit? Aacastie Bachurch some gardens a Where do Tina and George decide to meet? Ain front of the train station B outside Susan’s home ‘C where Susan works 70 ARTS AND CULTURE SOCIETY, HOME AND _ FRIENDSHIP Task 1 Below are 5 messages (1-5). What is the main idea of each message? Choose from the ideas A-F. There is one extra letter that you do not need. Put your answers in the separate answer box. 1 Get some bread and fruit on your way home from school. 2 I'll get something while I'm out. There’s no need to make something for me. 3 !'m going to have dinner at Jim's. Please don't wait up for me. 4 |'m really sorry. | left all the dirty cups and plates on the table. 5 See you later. Remember you need to do the washing-up. A. | forgot to do the washing-up. B. | will be home late. €. Let's go shopping after school. D. Make sure you clean the dishes. E. Please can you go to the shop? F. Please don’t cook anything. a8. OR ea SOCIETY, HOME AND FRIENDSHIP 73 READING Task 2 Read the following e-mails and answer the questions by choosing A, B or G. 1 Dear Lucy How are you? Did you have a good time with your family in France? I've just got back from my granny’s. It was lovely there, I'm not staying here long. This aftemoon 2 Hi Nigel J'm really looking forward to going out together this evening. My Dad wanted me to be back by eleven, but I asked him to let me stay out unt! midnight. | suppose I'm lucky because John has to be home at ten. Later Paula SHiRita . Do you fancy going shopping tomorrow? | asked my Mum to increase my pocket money. | get ten pounds a week, So | asked her for fifteen. She said | could have an extra two pounds. I’m pretty happy about it. Drop me a line ‘Sharon 4 Hi Una ‘My Mum really shouted at me last night. | was talking on ‘my mobile and forgot to tidy my room, { had promised 10 do it. It's @ good job that | remembered to do my homework. Luckiy, she’s in a much better mood today. All the best Ta 5 Dear will | thought | would let you know that my sister has just had a baby girl, She went to hospital on Wednesday, but the baby did not arrive until the next day. They are both fine and should be out on Saturday. Kind regards Sophie 74 SOCIETY, HOME AND FRIENDSHIP Who has Matt visited? Ais aunt B his cousins C his grandmother When must Paula be at home? A 10 o'clock B 11 o'clock © 12 o'clock How much pocket money does Sharon get now? 10 pounds B 12 pounds © 15 pounds Why was Tina's mum angry with her? AShe didn't clean her bedroom. B She forgot her homework. © She was on the phone too long. When did Sophie's sister have a baby? A Tuesday B Thursday C Saturday READING Task 3 Read the article about May Stuart and then complete the form below with one word or a number from the text. An example (0) has been done for you. DYE ay Stuart, eighty-two, has just been awarded the ‘Pensioner of the Year’ title in a local newspaper competition for people aged over sixty-five. Despite her age, May keeps very active, She says her biggest joy is playing with her grandchildren, She currently has thirteen, but her ambition is to have fifteen. May says that it's important to keep using your mind when you get older. That's why she does a lot of puzzies in the magazines that she enjoys reading. She also keeps her body in good shape for her age: “I love jogging, but | miss tennis", she says. May travels regularly with friends and family: “We plan to go to Germany later in the year. However, | would love to visit my daughter in Australia.” May says that the key to a long and active life is enjoying the small things in life, “love a cup of tea, but in my opinion nothing's better than a lovely glass of red wine", she says with a smile. Besides family and friends, the most important thing in May's life is her eleven- year-old cat, Tiger. “At my age, a dog would not be such a good idea.” 0. Age: 82 1. Number of grandchildren: 2. Physical exercise: 3. Next holiday: 4, Favourite drink: 5. Pet: SOCIETY, HOME AND FRIENDSHIP 75 READING Task 4 Read the article below about chewing gum in Singapore. Complete the sentences (1-5) with A-F. ‘An example (0) has been done for you. There is an extra letter that you do not need. Put your answers in the separate answer box. |The country y where chewing gum | ‘against the law | Singapore decided to make chewing gum illegal in 1992. There were several reasons for the new law. In particular, many people left gum on the floor in public | areas, This cost a lot of money to clean (0) G . In addition, in 1987 i Singapore opened an underground railway system (1)_______. The country 1 was very proud of it, but it soon started having problems. Some people put gum | ‘on the train doors, (2) | The new law made i impossible to bring chewing gum into Singapore. However, | shop owners were allowed to sell any gum (3) . After that, it became completely illegal to buy gum. i | | i | i | Not all chewing gum is illegal in Singapore. For example, chewing gum (4) . However, doctors and dentists must keep a list of all users. | | Many people think that the decision of the Singapore government is very strange i | indeed, 6) and the underground trains are always on time. A. but everybody agrees that their streets are very clean B. so people would go abroad to buy it for personal use . that cost more than five bilion dollars to build D, that is used for medical or dental reasons is allowed E. that they already had in their stores “A BCD EF a F. which stopped them opening and closing properly G. and the cleaning equipment itself was often damaged O B® N 4 0 76 SOCIETY, HOME AND FRIENDSHIP READING Task 5 The people belaw (1-6) want to write to young people who have similar interests to them. Here are eight other young people (A-H) who would also like to write to someone. Choose the best on-line friend for each person. There are three extra letters that you do not need. Put your answers in the separate answer box. FIND AN ON-LINE FRIEND: |A Mark loves everything connected with the internet, He really enjoys being on-line so that he can read all about his favourite sports stars and the latest results. He's particularly keen on finding ‘cut what's happening in the world of basketball, B Nina spends most of her time studying for /school. When she isn't learning, she loves going out into the country, She especially likes playing with her dog and taking it for walks. She's very lucky because there are a lot of forests and hills, winere she lives. (C Oliver loves nature. Ho's against animals, especially whales and dolphins. He's also a vegetarian. Some people say that being a vegetarian is healthier. That does not interest Oliver. He doesn't eat meat because he thinks it's cruel to animals. D Patsy is interested in reading about other countries and cultures. She's never been abroad but hopes that she will have the opportunity one day in the future. She gets most of her information from articles on the internet ani i E Sam is learning to play the bass. He spends. most of his free time watching videos of his favourite groups on TV or on the intemet. He used to play a iot of sport, but unfortunately he has lost interest in it. F Roger loves novels. He enjoys learning about ‘how people think and why they do the things that they do. He occasionally listens to music, but does ‘ot think itis so good. He is a member of two different libraries. lot of her pocket money on clothes. She likes to follow the latest trends. She also reads celebrity magazines to find out what famous pop stars are [doing and wearing. G Tara is really keen on fashion. She spends a_—_H Vic wants to be a runner. He trains hard every day and makes sure that he eats the right kind ‘of food. That's why he does not eat fast food like hamburgers or hat dogs. Music and books are not his idea of fun. 4. Ant: “| like computer games and so on, but I'm a great reader. What I'd really like is an on-line friend | could discuss books with.” 2. Bernie: “The most important thing in my life is music. I want someone who | can talk to about all the latest sounds.” 3. Carrie: “I keep in good shape. | regularly visit the gym. 'm interested in communicating with people who are similar to me." 4. Darren: “I adore pets. In fact, I've got three. | would like to hear from people who have one too.” 5. Ellen: “I'm worried about the planet. I'm interested in peopie who want to save the earth just like Ido.” ABCDEF.GH On ono SOCIETY, HOME AND FRIENDSHIP 77 READING Task 6 Read the text below and the questions that follow it. For each question (1-5), choose the best answer A-D. MY BROTHER My first years were spent on the coast. My Dad was a sailor and he used to be away from home for long periods of time. it was just me and Mum at home. Because | was an only child, | used to get a [ot of attention. Mum took me to the park nearly every day. She also used to read to me a lot, which | liked, and best of all in summer we played by the sea. I absolutely loved the sand. Sometimes, | received a special treat like going to the zoo, Everything was great. But then, when | was six years old, everything changed. My brother was born and | stopped getting all the attention. | didn't feel jealous of him. My behaviour didn't change. For example, | know some children suddenly become aggressive or naughty. This didn’t happen to me. The real problem was that | didn’t know what was happening. | wasn't afraid. | just didn’t understand. When | was a teenager, I really hated my brother. He was always in my room. But that wasn't the problem. He used to take my things without asking. The worst thing was that he never gave them back. | wasn’t innocent, though. Sometimes | called him bad names and | even hit him a couple of times. | remember that Mum said | should be ashamed, but | think it was normal. Now that we've grown up, to my surprise, everything has changed. Looking back, six years was a big difference, but I'm glad my parents decided to have another child because we have so much in common now. We're both married with children and we both became engineers. We even laugh about the past. However, we don't see each other so much, because we live in different towns, but we try to keep in touch by phone or e-mail, | | | | |. What did the writer like best about her early childhood? A going to the beach B listening to stories seeing animals D visiting the park 2. How did the writer feel when her brother was born? Aangry B confused C jealous Dworried 78 SOCIETY, HOME AND FRIENDSHIP READING 3. What didn’t the writer like about her brother when she was a teenager? AHe fought with her. B He said bad things to her. C He stole from her. D He went into her room. 4, Why does the writer have a better relationship with her brother now? A They are both older now. B They don’t meet so often. C They have similar lives. D They speak to each other more. 5. Which of the following would the author say? “I'm ashamed about my behaviour when my brother was small”, B “I made sure that | had more than one child.” C “I sometimes wish that | was still an only child." D “ican smile about it now, but at the time it was hard.” ‘SOCIETY, HOME AND FRIENDSHIP 78 USE OF ENGLISH Task 1 Complete the sentences by putting the correct form of the word in brackets into each gap. In the last decade, there has been alot of (j)____ (VIOLENT) in some schools, ‘That is the reason why many schools have had to insure themselves with some Kind of 2) (SECURE). At the (3) (ENTER), we usually have to show some kind of (4) (IDENTITY). We also have to give an (5) (EXPLAIN) why we are in the school. (6) (PRACTICAL), everybody has to be identified in some way or other, The reason for this is not the (7)____ (EDUCATION) system, but people's (8) (BEHAVE). Task 2 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences 1. The Coliseum was made/built in 80 AD. 2. It coulld hold around 50,000 spectators/audience. 3. Itis believed/belief that people in those times used It for gladiatorial fights. 4, The world is full of exciting/excited places. 5. I was bored/boring during the iesson so | fell asleep. 6. My parents are interested/interesting in buying a new house. Task 3 Read the following sentences and fill the gaps with only one word in each gap. 1. Being a good friend is the __ important thing in the world. 2. He studies a lot so he always gets higher grades_me. 3. Iprefer___ rink nice, warm tea rather coffee. 4, People usually end their letters with ‘hope _ fear __ you soon.’ ©. Ever since | enrolled __high school, | don’t have time to spend my iriends. 6. We have tohand____ our English papers first thing tomorrow, 7. He never fulfils his promises so he usually lets people 8. If you don't know the meaning of new words you have to look them ina dictionary, 9. He didn't turn at the party yesterday because he was ill. 10. Never put for tomorrow what you can do today. 80 SOCIETY, HOME AND FRIENDSHIP ENGLISH IN USE Task 4 1 This time tomorrow ... a) | will be sleeping in my room. b) Lam going to sleep in my room. 2 If | stayed in with you ... a) | wouldn't know what to do. bb | won't know what to do. 3 tt Ilearn alot... a) | would become a good student. b) | will become a good student. 4 If |weren’t so stubborn ... a) | would still be her friend. '5) | will stil be her friend. 5 He's not confident. He doesn’t believe a) in him, b) in himself. 6 Unless he says he was wrong ... a) | will not talk to him anymore. b) | would not talk to him anymore. 7 Uhave lived in Zagreb ... a) in 10 years, b) for 10 years. 8 The film ... a) starts at 8 o'clock. b) is starting at 8 o'clock. 9 She will definitely come to the party ... a) if you invite her. b) if you wilt invite her. 10 Many decades ago people ... a) used to live in cottages. b) use to live in cottages. SOCIETY, HOME AND FRIENDSHIP 81 Task 5 Read the following sentences, find the mistakes and correct the same. Write the correction at the end of the line. 1. He behaves bad towards his friends. 2. His marks in school are really well, 3. Mark's family is better situated then Peter's. 4. If she wouldn't meet people, she won't make new friends. 5. i didn’t see some people when | went home yesterday. 6. Much flowers were planted in front of their new house. 7, can’t buy the tickets since | only have a few money. 8, Where you at the concert yesterday evening? 9. They were millions of visitors in Pisa, Italy. 10. | think that mathematics are the most difficult subject in school, 82 SOCIETY, HOME AND FRIENDSHIP ay WRITING WRITING A DESCRIPTION OF A PERSON Choose a family member you admire (or don't like). Describe their appearance, their personality and finally say why you admire (or don't like) them. Write a description and include the following points in the text: * person's name * appearance (age, physical description, profession) * personality © your opinion Write about 100 words. Describing appearance general appearance ~» attractive, plain, sporty, etc. height — tall, short, etc. build -» skinny, plump, etc. face/complexion — oval, delicate, pale, tanned, etc. hair — long/short, curly, straight, etc. Describing personality He/She seems to be ... He/She can be ... Hind hir/her ... Your opinion What I ike most about him/her is... For all these reasons, I really admire him/her... (CHECKLIST > > > > > v check if the task is completed (you have to include all the prompts) use paragraphs Use various kinds of adectives to desoribe appearance (general appearance, build and height, face and complexion, hai, etc) use personality adjectives (good / bad quaitos) re-read the desoription and check for mistakes (vocabulary, grammar, speling, punctuation) count the number of words ‘SOCIETY, HOME AND FRIENDSHIP 83. WRITING WRITING AN EMAIL You are going on a short business trip to New York tomorrow morning. Your boss told you that an hour ago and you'll barely have time to pack and almost no time to organise things at home. Write an email to your best friend and ask hinv/her to help you. Include the following information in your email: ‘+ apologise for this last-minute email ask him/her to feed the cat and water the flowers * say when you are returning thank him/her for his/her help lee: 1 acer mr | youwould ike to get a | Subject of your email e<~" | a j “your email massage SL. ike an informal letter or a personal note a ! (use informal expressions) Take care / Love / Best wishes, | | Write 60 to 70 words. = CHECKLIST > check ifthe task is completed (you have to include all the prompts) > check the layout is appropriate > uso an informal style (short sentences, contractions, otc) » re-read the email and check for mistakes (vocabulary, grammar, ‘spelling, punctuation) > count the number of words. 84 SOCIETY, HOME AND FRIENDSHIP SPEAKING Itis generally believed that parents have a great influence on their children. Boys are most influenced by their fathers and girls are most influenced by their mothers. What do you think? Discuss the statement, and decide whether you agree or disagree with it. Prepare some arguments to support your view. Discuss it with your partner and respond to any counter-arguments. ‘SHORT TALK ‘There is local nursing home near your home. Your grandmother has been there for some months. During your visits you have realised that they do not have enough employees who could spend some time with each and every resident. There is a constant need for volunteers. Prepare a five-minute talk on how your friends can work as volunteers at the nursing home. Include the following points: ‘the importance of personal contact to the elderly * various activities your friends could do * the sincere appreciation they will get for all their work | Today tm going to talk, about .. Firstly. | Secondly. | Finally, .. In my opinion / Personally, | believe . | So, to sum up, SOCIETY, HOME AND FRIENDSHIP 85 LISTENING Task 1 You will hear people speaking in five different situations, Choose the best answer (A, B or C) for questions 1-5. 1 You hear a mother and son talking. What do they decide to do for his birthday? Acat a pizza Bhave a party © see a match » You hear a father and daughter talking. At what time are they going to her grandparents’? 12:00 B 12:30 © 13:00 3 You hear a mother and son talking. What does she want him to do? Ago to bed eariier B finish his homework. € play his music quietly 4 You hear a mother and son talking. What is the boy doing after school? doing some sport B having a drink € playing an instrument 5 You hear a father and daughter talking, Why didn’t the girl do her homework? ‘A She couldn't remember what it was. B She found it too difficult. She was out with her friends. 86 SOCIETY, HOME AND FRIENDSHIP o wD. o> Oa >. * LISTENING Task 2 You will hear messages left by 5 different people. What is the main idea of each speaker? Choose from the ideas A-F. There is one extra letter that you do not need. Speaker 1 .. A Congratulations on your mark. Speaker 2 . B | apologise for my behaviour. ‘Clam unable to come. ‘Speaker 3 ... D Ihope that you get well soon, Speaker 4 ... E.'m glad you are fealing better. Speaker 5 F The meal has been cancalled. Task 3 You will hear a radio programme about a museum exhi Complete the notes below with one word or a number. You will hear the words or numbers that you need. ‘The History of the Family’ | The exhibition looks at the family from prehistory to the (a) period. The exhibition will last___(2) months. Opening hours are from ____(3) until six. Cost of tickets: 4). You can get tickets from the museum or___ (5). SOCIETY, HOME AND FRIENDSHIP 87 LUSTENING Task 4 You will hear part of a radio programme about helping old people. For questions 1-5, choose the best answer A-C. 1. Where did Paul get the idea for his community organisation? A from other countries A B from the internet B C from schools c 2 Besides doing jabs, what else does Paul's organisation do for old people? Agives them money B organises activities for them ‘B. € talks with them c 3 If you want to be a helper, the most important thing is A to be a good listener B to be a patient person G to have plenty of time : 4 According to Paul, what's the organisation's biggest difficulty? A Helpers need more training, A B People start but don’t continue. B © There is not enough money. Cc 5 According to Paul, what's the best thing about helping? A You learn alot about yourself. B You get useful practical experience. € You feel good about what you've done. 88 SOCIETY, HOME AND FRIENDSHIP SPORT AND FOOD Task 1 Below are 5 messages (1-5). What is the main idea of each message? Choose from the ideas A-F. There is one extra letter that you do not need. Put your answers in the separate answer box. 1 Do you fancy eating out tonight? If so, give me a ring. 2 |f you want to see the match hurry up. It is starting very soon. 3 It'd be good to have a meal now if we want to watch the fight later. 4 Iwas unable to watch the match after lunch today. Who won? 5 The game is off because of the weather. It will take place in two weeks’ time. A. Let me know if you want to come to my place for dinner. B. Phone me if you would like to go to a restaurant. . Please tell me the result of the game this afternoon. D. The game will begin in a few minutes. E. The match is going to be played at a later date, F. We should eat something before the boxing match. “RB CD EF OR OOO SPORT AND FOOD 91 READING Task 2 Read the following e-mails and answer the questions by choosing A, B or C. 1 HiDon It was a very hard match today. At half-time, we were losing two-one, but then we scored another goal. We kept attacking and we nearly got another one in the very last minute. Unfortunately, we missed. Never mind. See you later Colin 2 Dear Sharon 1 think it’s really important to keep in shape. Do you want to join me? | used to work out in a fitness club, but I found it boring. Some of my other friends want me to go Jogging in the park, but | would rather have a swim. Let me know what you think. Al 3 Hi Bob ‘My dad's overweight. The doctor has told him to lose Weight. A couple of weeks ago, he finally started. He's very unhappy about it. In fact, I'd be surprised if he stays on his diet another week. Poor dad. Later Jo 4 Dear Lea We had to write about our favourite sport at schoo! today. it was really difficult. | couldn't decide what to write about. /used to love ping pong. Now | like soccer, though not as much as running. So that's what | wrote about. Tim 5 HiCat | really fancy pizza tonight. | loved that Italian take-away restaurant round the comer. It was superb, but t's shut. ! guess we'll have to bake one ourselves. It’s much better than getting a frozen one from the supermarket, See you later Sai 92 SPORT AND FOOD Colin’s team Awon. B drew. C lost, How does Al want to keep fit? Aat the gym B in the park Cin the poo, How long has Jo's father been ona diet? ‘Aone week B two weeks C three weeks What sport does Tim like best? Aathletics B football € table tennis What kind of pizza will Cat and Sal have? A They will buy it froma shop. B They will make it at home. © They will get it from a pizzeria. READING Task 3 Read the article about Gordon MacDonald and then complete the form below with ‘one word or a number from the text. An example (0) has been done for you. 1 always wanted to be a professional rugby player. | went to my first game when | was four and appeared in my first match when | was eight. However, later on in my career | had a lot of bad luck and had to give up when I broke my leg. Before that | even broke my arm, which was terrible, I decided to become a policeman, which was something | did for a few years. My wife actually wanted me to become a teacher. During this time, | went on a course to become a referee. Although | referee in Scotland, | actually learnt how to become one in England. | started refereeing local games and soon afterwards | turned professional and progressed to the national league. The pay’s not bad. It's the travelling that's the problem if you ask me, People think that you have to be very strict when you're a referee. For example, they think that you have to show plenty of yellow and red cards to players. in my opinion, that's not so important. Being fair is the biggest thing. Rugby Referee | 0. Played first match at the age of 8 1. Stopped playing because of broken 2. Job before becoming a referee: 3. Trained to be a referee in 4, Hardest part of job: 5. Agood referee must be SPORT AND FOOD 83 READING Task 4 Read the article below about a football club. Complete the sentences (1-5) with A-F. ‘An example (0) has been done for you. There is an extra letter that you do not need. Put your answers in the separate answer box. The Lions Youth Football Club The Lions have several teams in the local boys’ and girls’ youth football leagues. There are three age groups: (0)__G__. The club was started by a local businessman fifteen years ago. Since then, they have had a lot of success. For example, (1) The club are always looking for new players. At the moment, they need new attackers and goalkeepers, If you are interested in joining, (2) Membership is absolutely free. Training is an important part of the club's activities. It takes place twice a week: (3) _____. Matches, on the other hand, are always on Saturdays. One week, the team are at home, (4)__. Players do not norrnally have to travel far and transport is always provided. Remember that (5) » 80 why not join the Lions Football Club? AA. although you do need to buy your own equipment B. last year the boys won the under-fifteen league championship C. on Monday and Wednesday evenings from seven to eight D. playing football is a great way to keep fit and make friends E. while the following week they play away F. you can find details on how to do so on the club's website G. the under-thirteens, the under-fifteens and the under-seventeens oO RO wea” 94 SPORT AND FooD READING Task 5 The people below (1-5) want to go out for a meal, Here are eight restaurants (A-H). Choose the best restaurant for each person. There are three extra letters that you do not need. Put your answers in the separate answer box. EAT OUT ATHE PALACE We offer a choice of dishes from South Asia. If you like spicy food, you must try our chicken. We also offer a wide range of vegetarian dishes. ‘We are the only place in town that is open after midnight. BSMITH’S Ifyou love seafood, we're the place to visit. We have fish and chips, salmon and many other dishes. We have a special kids’ menu too, We offer a discount for groups of eight or more. C THE ROYAL We have been offering top quality service for 20 years. Our menu and wine list are first-class. We might not be the cheapest, but we are without doubt the best. We are the ideal pace to take important business guests. DHARRY'S Harry's is the perfect place for a quick snaok. We make all Kinds of sandwiches: meat, salad and vegetarian. You can eat them here or we can take them to your business or home address. Our prices are reasonable as well. ETHE BORDER ‘The Border has the biggest burgers in town. We also offer a fantastic choice of spicy Mexican dishes. At the weekend, you can even hear a real Mexican band play live! FTHE HAPPY HOUSE ‘Are you fed up with meat and fish? Do you want a healthy change? If so, come to the Happy House. We serve a variety of vegetable dishes at prices you can atford. G THE GARDEN Enjoy the warm atmosphere at the Garden, Our menu includes food from all over the world. At the weekend, families of four or more pay half price! H THE LANTERN Do you want a quiet romantic meal with the love of your life? Do you want to escape loud music? We're the place for you. Enjoy our top quality European cuisine. 4. Hamed: “We have important visitors from Asia. We hope to sign a big deal with their company. It's very important to impress them.” 2. Suzy: “It's been difficult recently because of the financial crisis, but I really want to take my husband and kids out for a meal. Of course, price is important.” 3. Daniel: “i'm not sure really. I don’t fancy meat and | dislike vegetarian food. The price is not a problem for me.” 4, Eleanor: “I'm arriving really late. My train doesn’t arrive until ten-thirty at night. I'll be hungry and | fancy something international.” 5. Greta: “When | go out for dinner I'm not only interested in the food, | also want to have a good time. Music is always a good idea.” READING Task 6 Read the text below and the questions that follow it. For each question (1-5), choose the best answer A-D. MY LIFE AS A VEGETARIAN | was a vegetarian for fourteen years and | When I was a kid, | always enjoyed eating didn't have any problems. | lived in Britain meat, Nobody was a vagetarian in those and Italy and I never got bored of vegetarian days. Although it might seam strange, | don’t food. | have never changed my opinions think | even knew it existed, so | can’t say | either. However, when | went to live in disagreed with it. In those days, we didn't Eastern Europe it became harder. This was think about healthy food, because nearly everyone ate meat. In fact, became a vegetarian when | was a many people thought that vegetarianism teenager. I felt the way people treated cows, Would make you il In the end, it was easier pigs and so on was wrong. These days, to start eating meat. people say that too much meatis unhealthy, These days, | stil eat quite a lot of vegetarian } but that wasn't my reason. Neither was | food, though not all the time. I's not because | under pressure from friends. It was quite of the taste but because | like trying things difficult because | actually ked meat. It was from different countries. A lot of my friends | | easier for friends who didn’t ike the taste, _think that it's trendy. My husband also eats | | One of the good things, though, was that it more vegetarian food but that's because he | | was cheaper. is overweight. | 4. In paragraph 1, what does the writer say about vegetarianism? A She believed it was healthy. B She did not agree with it. © She knew nothing about it. D She thought that it was strange. 2. The writer gave up eating meat because ‘Aa lot of her friends were vegetarians. B she did not like eating meat. C she found it less expensive. D she was against cruelty to animals. 96 SPORT AND FOOD READING 3, Why did the writer stop being a vegetarian? ‘A She found it difficult to be a vegetarian where she iived. B She had different views when she was older. © She started to have problems with her heaith. 1D She thought it was boring eating vegetables all the time. 4, Why does the writer eat vegetarian food now? A She finds it tastier. B She loves different cultures. G She needs to lose weight. D She thinks it's back in fashion. 5. What would the author say about her life as a vegetarian? A “\liked eating meat but it was bad for my health.” B "I'm more retaxed now, but it was important when | was young.” “I'm sad that I gave up vegetarianism, but that's life.” D ‘I'm sorry | became a vegetarian. It was a bit silly.” 1 OF Oe oon > vou> SPORT AND FOOD 97 USE OF ENGLISH Task 1 Put 4; an, the or @, as appropriate. 1 a Janica Kostelié is__ world’s best skier. female Croatian team is preparing to attempt Everest from its southern side this spring. Croatia played against Czech Republic, Philippines, Netherlands and Slovenia. All sportsmen need to have confidence and ‘support. —— French fries and _ hamburgers do not contain all the important ingredients of __ organic food. —- Times newspaper reported on Blanka's most recent success. | would love to be _ football player. Itis my dream to become ___ referee. Sportsmen usually don't drink alcohol, Task 2 Choose the answer that fits the best. F 1 yoga once a week, a) play b) do o} go My brother tennis every morning before school. a) does b} trains ©) plays She only aerobics every now and then, since she has no time. a) trains b) does ©) goes A healthy diet involves appropriate amounts of all nutrients. a) consuming b) consumption ¢) consummation SPORT AND FOOD ENGLISH IN USE Task 3 Write one word in each space. Every morning | wake up (1) 7 o'clock. | (2) my exercises, have a healthy breakfast and leave (3) school, | usually go (4) school 6) bus, but sometimes my mum drives. | cannot drive since | (6)__ only 73. In 5 years’ (7) rll (@)___ 18 and then | will be able to drive. J am really (9) sport. | think that sport is really important in our lives. 1(70)__ regular exercises, eat healthy food and all in atl | think | am satisfied (11) ____ my life. Task 4 Read the text and choose the correct answer, I Jam really sorry | didn’t 1 to your mail yesterday but the | truth is | didn't have time. | | Since the 2 is perfect these days I've decided to give : myself a3 . Every morning | try to do something | 4__that makes me happy. ! enjoy my time especialy during | the weekend. In my spare time, | 5. all kinds of team sports. i | Please write to me soon. i Lots of love | Maria i 1 awrite b) reply ¢) answer 2 a) weather b) time ©) condition 8 a) free time b) vacation ©) break 4 a)interesting bj interested —_—_o) interestingly 5 a) play b) go do SPORT AND FOOD 99 ENGLISH IN USE Task 5 Read the text and choose the correct answer. | In the last decade, US researchers (1) He) eee ciet that (4) amount of meat. The changeover consisted of moderate exercise such from cardiac disease. They (3) alot of fruit, vegetables, grains and a small | a8 walking and meditation. After 2 months, they (5) j had (6) | Improvernents. The research (7) 40 men who ona strict ! i i i i i weight, blood pressure and experienced other health by Dr. Mark O'Brian. The” | doctor said: ‘Your health (8) /@ | 1 a)have tracked 2 a) suffers 3 ajare put 4 a) included 5 a)lose 6 a) lowered 7 a)leads 8 a) depended 9 abe 10 a) tosat 100 SPORT AND FOOD ») track b) suffered ) put b)is including b) lost b} lower b) was led b) depends b) will be by ate ‘on what you eat. So smart when you choose what (10) ©) will track ©) are suffering ) were put ©) includes ©) will lose ©) lowering o)led ©) will depend o)are o) eat iy | WRITING WRITING A LEAFLET Anew canteen was opened in your school a few months ago. Although many students rely on the school canteen for their snacks, you have noticed that many stucients avoid the new canteen because it provides only healthy foods ~ fruit, vegetables, cereals, etc. You have talked to the members of the Students’ Council and offered to prepare a leaflet which would attract more students to buy their snacks in the school canteen. Write the text for the leaflet and include the following points: © explain briefly what makes up a healthy diet ‘* point out the benefits of a healthy diet ‘* present briefly different healthy foods and drinks the school canteen offers '* point out the attractive prices and numerous discounts choose a good tile to attract students’ attention waite in short sentences ~~ Stay healthy, ’ good. se a variaty of adjectives (fruit fresh, juicy, sof, etc.) (vegetables > fresh, organic, home-grown, etc.) (Grinks + refreshing, truty, | soft, low-calorie, etc.) use bullet points bose Write a leaflet in about 80 words. (CHECKLIST > check if the task is completed (you have to include all the prompts) > check if the layout is appropriate > use bullet points > re-read the leaflet and check for mistakes (vocabulary, grammar, spelling, punctuation) > count the number of words SPORT AND FOOD 101 WRITING WRITING A REPORT Your PE teacher has asked you to write a report on the interests in sport among your school mates. You have carried out a brief survey and now you need to present the collected data in your report. Write a report and include the following information: ‘+ Are students interested in sports? ‘+ What are the most popular sports? Why? ‘* Which sports do your schoo! mates play? * Are there any differences between boys and girls? ‘ive a ttle to your report divide your report into. different sections r give each section its own Write a report in about 100 words. ‘CHECKLIST > check if you have included all the required information > check ifthe layout is appropriate > use formal language > re-read the report and check for mistakes (vocabulary, ‘grammar, speling, punctuation) > count the number of words 102 SPORT AND FOOD: SPEAKING MAKING A PRESENTATION ‘You are attending the International Youth Conterence on Education. ‘As a representative of the Republic of Croatia, you have been asked to give a short presentation of the most popular foods in your country. Prepare a short presentation on the most popullar foods in Croatia. MAKING A PRESENTATION | Start your presentation in a formal way or grab your audience's attention by starting with a question. | | organise your presentation - | introduce different points and describe | (explain) them briety. | Conclude the presentation | by briefly summarising what you have said. | Ask for comments or questions. | po sccnamaaaunatd oa turin Today | am going to talk about ... formal) In this presentation, | would like to tall you ... (formal) So, what can you tell me ... (informal) Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly. To start with, ... Next,... | And finaly, .. | In conclusion, | To sum up, .. | Do you have any questions / comments? ‘SPORT AND FOOD 103 * SPEAKING HOLDING A DEBATE Extreme sports are becoming more and more Popular among teenagers. There have been Teports of numerous serious injuries among teenagers doing these sports. The authorities have been considering whether to ban extreme sports. Hold a class debate. Form three groups: Group 1 - prepare arguments for banning extreme sports (be ready to answer any questions from groups 2 and 3) Group 2- prepare counter arguments (not to ban extreme sports) (be ready to enswer any questions from groups 1 and 3) Group 3 — listen to the presentations of groups 1 and 2, prepare questions for the groups in case you have to clarify certain points, present your decision based on the more convincing arguments Ordering arguments Exoressing opinion Giving examples Giving reasons | To start wit, For example, because. | Fitst, second, Third, ete. For instance, The first reason Next, ... j Inaddition, opposing vic ‘Summarising i Also, . 1 don't really agree. In shor, | Finally, .. 1 see what you mean. But... To sum up, | 4 i 104 SPORT AND FOOD LISTENING Task 1 You will hear people speaking in five different situations. Choose the best answer (A, B or C) for questions 1-5. You hear a mother and son talking. Where do they decide to buy food? Aat the market B ina local shop Cat a supermarket y You hear a boy and girl talking. How will the boy keep fit? A by going running B by playing football by visiting the gym 3 You hear a man and woman talking. How much money did the woman spend on shopping? A three euros B seven euros C ten euros s You hear a father and daughter talking. How will they go to the shops? Aby bus B by driving © by walking You hear a man and woman talking. What will the woman drink? Acoffee Btea Cwine SPORT AND FOOD 105 LISTENING Task 2 You will hear messages left by 5 different people. What is the main idea of each speaker? Choose from the ideas A-F. There is one extra letter that you do not need. A Don't eat the food. ' Speaker 1 lV opeeter 2 B Eat before you leave. i C Let's go out and eat. | Speaker 3 .. D Make something for us. Hopea Ker 4) E Please buy something. | Speaker 5... ee F Your meal is ready. i L | Task 3 You will hear a sports programme about a handball competition. Complete the notes below with one word or a number. You will hear the words or numbers that you need. Handball Competition | Final of the_______(1) handball championship. There willbe___(2) teams competing. The final match will be on (3). You can buy tickets for___(4) euros. You can get tickets from the (). 106 SPORT AND FOOD LISTENING Task 4 ‘You will hear part of a radio programme about a new cooking programme called “Survival Cooking.” For questions 1-5, choose the best answer A-C. Ida got the idea for the programme because of problems Aher children had. B her friends had. © she had. What does Ida say is the problem with ready-made meals? A Such food is expensive. B There is not much choice. C They are bad for your health. ° In this series, each programme will include a different Achef. B country. ‘C guest. 4 Where can you get the recipes if you miss a programme? A from a repeat Binabook C on the internet a How did Ida find making the programme? Adifficutt Bexciting C tiring ‘SPORT AND FOOD 107 LISTENING TAPESCRIPTS s, LISTENING TAPESCRIPTS Unit 1 Task 1 1 Male: “Shall we go out and get something to ‘eat? How about a burger?” Female; “I'm a vegetarian, silly. Why not pizza?” ‘Male: “Or Chinese, maybe?” Female: “I's rather expensive. | think we should stick to my idea.” ‘Male: “OK.” 2. Male: “What time shall | pick you up tonight?” Female: “How about eight-thirty2” Male: “Could we make it half an hour later. My training doesn't finish until eight and I'll need a shower.” Female: “Sure. No problem.” 3. Female: “Listen, I'lltext you to say when it starts.” Male: “My phone was stolen. Mail me instead.” Female: “I'l give you a call at home.” Male: “I don't know when I'l be in.” Female: “OK then.” 4 Male: “I really need a new hobby. I'm no good at football” Female: “Have you considered taking up swimming?” Male: * Mm. I'd never thought of that. 'l give it atry Female: ‘What about tennis?” Male: "The equipment and hiring the court cost alot” 5 Female: “I'm going on holiday on Saturday. | love the air up there. It's fantastic.” Male: “So you don't lke the sea.” Female: “I didn’t say that. I's just quieter where we're going. There's a fantastic view of the lake down in the valley.” ‘Male: “Lucky you!” Task 2 1. Hidane. it's Steve. It's going to be a hot day 80 don't forget to bring a hat and maybe also some cream, | can't wait to see you. Bye. 2 Hello Don. Jenny here. it's a long journey to the coast. If were you, | would bring something to 110 read or some music to listen to. By the way, it nice and sunny here. 3 Kath, i's Phil. Listen, We'll pick you up when ‘you finish your classes. Don't worry if we're a little late. rl send you an SMS when we leave. 4 Hi Baz. Just a quick reminder. Don't forget to book the hotel for the weekend, I'll phone you later. Bye for now. 5. Jean, Have a good trip. I'm really going to miss you, so please send me a card, | can’t wait until you get back. Task 3 ‘Sea Life Tours offers three boat excursions every day from May to September. These leave at nine, twelve and three o'clock. Each trip lasts ‘approximately two hours, which means that the last trip is due to get back at about five. (Our experienced crew will take you on a tour to ‘see the wonderful wildlife of our sea. You can see all kinds of seabirds, such as puffins. In addition, you are almost certain to see some of the many. dolphins that live in our waters, and also the seals. Unfortunately, whales have not been seen in the area for over twenty years. The trip costs thirty dollars for adults and fourteen dollars for children. However, groups of ten or more pay fifteen percent less. The price includes the cost of the guide and also refreshments. if you do go on a trip, make sure you bring ‘something warm to wear, as it can be cool and windy even in the middle of summer. Please do not wear shoes with high heels, They are very dangerous on a beat. For more information, visit our office on the sea front or phone 7701156. Alternatively, you can, always visit our webpage at www.sealifetours. Task 4 Presenter: And welcome to the Capital Show. Today we have Lisa Smith in the studio with us and she's going to talk to us about a new magazine called “Around Town". Lisa, welcome to the show. Tell us something about “Around Town". Lisa: Well, there are already quite a few similar magazines that tell people what's going on in town and where the best places to go are. For example, there are @ couple that are aimed at tourists. But we wanted something specifically for people who are studying here, though, ot LISTENING TAPESCRIPTS course, we hoped it would be interesting to ‘everyone, including those who work or are unemployed. Presenter: And how often does it come out? Lisa: Obviously, we can't have something every day, as that would be too expensive. For the moment, we're bringing it out once a month, though we hope to produce it every week by the end of the year. Presenter: And what about the price? Lisa: We had hoped to get enough advertising 80 that it could be free. Unfortunately, we haven't succeeded, so at the moment we are charging a dollar, which is pretty good when you ‘consider that other more general guides cost one dollar fifty or even two. Presenter: And what section would you recommend most? Lisa: My personal favourite is “Where to Eat Cheaply’, although the sport section is very good and the cinema guide is also excellant. Presenter: And where can we get hold of a copy? Lisa: At first, we'll be saling it outside to people walking by. If we become more successful, welll start looking at kiosks and maybe even bookshops. Unit 2 Task 1 1 F: “Hil What did you get for your birthday?” M: ‘Well, you know | wanted a new phone?" F: “Yeah. Did you get it?" M: “I got an MPS player instead. My old one was broken, I've been listening to music on my laptop.” 2 F: "Did you watch that TV programme about the climate?” "Yeah. What did you think?" “I can't say that | don't feel anything, but I'm not worried. | think well find a solution.” “Ihope you're right.” had to take my PC to the repair shop.” F: "What was wrong? Did you have a virus?” Ms: “In fact, it just needed cleaning because of the dust. At fist, | thought it needed a new battery.” F: "That was lucky,” 4 M: “Have you seen that new comedy series the newspapers have been writing about?” “That Australian one? It's not on TV here yet.” M: “I know. ! watched it on the net, You'll be able to get it on DVD soon.” F: “That's good to know.” 5M: “What do you think is going to be the main problem in the future?” F: “Some people say energy, but I believe itl be hunger.” M: "Yeah, especially because of the rising population.” F: “Exactly.” Task 2 1. I've got one and | use it a lot. But I've heard that using it too much might cause serious illnesses like cancer. | don't want to sound boring but | am a bit soared about that. 2 always have mine with me. However, | must say that | don't use all the features like the camera. | just think that i's very useful in case there's an emergency or something. 3. | really love their fexibilty. You can speak over them or write messages on them. Nowadays, you can even get on the internet. And people ‘can contact you whenever they need to. 4 | finally realised that my kids have to have them. 'm not worried about the possible effects on their health. To be honest, | care more about how much it costs me. 5. use mine a lot because it's not expensive. But Ihave to admit that | can't stand it when they g0 off in the cinema or people talk too loudly on them on the train, Task 3 Presenter: Welcome to another edition of "What's On?", the programme that tes you what's going on in the area. If you're aged between thirtoen and eighteen and looking for different ‘ways to spend your summer holidays, then ‘we've got just the thing for you. I'd lke to ‘weleome lan Scott to the prograrnme, an: Thank you. Presenter: lan. Tell us about the summer science ‘camp that you are running. lan: Well it all began ten years ago, or nine to be precise. We wanted to give kids an opportunity Ww ‘y. LISTENING » TAPESCRIPTS to do things with science that they might not do at school. Presenter: What. do you mean? tan: Well, a lot of science in some schools is Just facts and learning from books. We want to give kids the chanoe to do more practical things lke experiments. For example, in biology, kids will get the.chance to open up and examine a dead fish. Last year, it was a frog. Presenter: But who is in charge of the course? fan: Everything is done by volunteers. They're all teachers themselves or university students who are studying science. Presenter: How is it organised? an: Basicaly, we have a moming session for the younger kids, aged thirteen to fifteen, while in the afternoon i's the turn of the older kids, aged sixteen to eighteen. The sessions are divided into Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Each course lasts five days from Monday to Friday. Next year, we might run longer ones of ten days. Presenter: And how much does it cost? Jan: In fact, i's pe, thanks to the support of the local town council, Presenter: And what should you do if you want to book a place? lan: Just phone 78355069 Monday to Friday 9 to5. Presenter: Are there stil plenty of places available? lan; { must warn everyone that all the places for the July course have been taken, but there are stil quite a few for August. Task 4 Presenter: And with a review of this week's TV, here's Alex Fish, Alex: Hello everyone. For me, the highlight of the week's television was definitely the brilliant Channel 2 series “Monsters”. Following the previous week's fascinating investigation of mountain monsters, such as the yeti, this week's programme looked at creatures from the oceans. I'm afraid that fans of lake monsters will have to wait until later in the series to find out all about the Loch Ness monster. ‘The most interesting part of the programme was film of what looked like a giant sea creature off the coast of South America. This was the first time it ‘had ever been seen on television. It's a shame that 12 it wasn't in colour or more modern, but it was stil very exciting - and scary. The programme also looked at the famous St ‘Augustine Monster, which was found dead on the beach in the United States in 1896. At first, everybody thought it was a new species of sea animal. It is now known that it was part of the body of a whale. For @ long time, however, scientists thought that it was, in fact, @ giant octopus. Ihave to say that “Monsters” is @ high qq programme, Some critics say that itis too long, but | think an hour is just about right. It also has exactly the right balance between eye-witness accounts and scientific explanation. My only criticism is that i's not on early enough for the whole family to enjoy. ‘The good news, however, is that there will be a brand new series of “Monsters” after the summer. ‘And if you missed this week's programme, it's going to be repeated on Saturday. So don’t miss it! Unit 3 Task 1 1 M: Hi Alison. De you fancy going to that photographic exhibition on Wednesday? F: Sorry. I've got an exam. How about Thursday? M: Thursday? Actually, the following day would be far better. F: OK. Sounds great. What time shalt | pick you up then? 2 F:I've got tickets for the concert on Saturday. it's some group from France. Mz What do they play? You know | prefer rock. F: Apparently, it's some kind of blues, It should be better than that jazz concert we went to. M: OK. Why not? 3. M:Hi. I've just bought that classical music GD ‘you were telling me about. I's great. F: How much did it cost? Mine was twelve doliars, M: Well, the original price was thirteen dollars, ‘but L actually paid two less. F: Really? That's not bad. 4M: Where do you want to go for your birthday? F: What I really fancy is a good play. We went to LISTENING TAPESCRIPTS an art gallery last year. I don't really want to do the same thing. M: How about a concert? There are some good bands coming. F: I prefer my idea. M: OK. I've decided to take up a new instrument. M: | thought you were learning the piano? F: Yeah, | got bored, so I've begun playing my brother's guitar. My best friend plays drums. We're going to start a band. M: That's interesting, Task 2 1. It'was fascinating. It was very complex too. I've seen many performances, but I've never seen anything like that before. 2. Itwas completely unoriginal. | really thought that | was going to fall asteep half way through the show. 3. It was quite expensive, but it was definitely ‘worth it. | haven't laughed out loud so much for absolutely ages. 4. | thought | wouldn't understand it, but it was ok. However, | think we had to pay far too much for the seats. 5 I must admit that | actually quite enjoyed it. My only criticism is that | think it would be better if it ‘was an hour shorter, Task 3 Presenter: Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Culture Comer. My guest in the studio today is Marianne Fish, who is director of the National Youth Orchestra. Marianne, welcome to the show and please tell us something about the National Youth Orchestra. Marianne: Thank you. Well, the National Youth Orchestra, or NYO for short, consists of young, musicians from all over the country. At present, there are 140 members, although our usual number is 150. This means that we currently have 10 places that we need to fil, We hope to fil them as soon as possible. ‘The founder of the orchestra first got the idea for a national youth orchestra at the end of ‘the Second World War in 1945. However, the orchestra itself was actually established in 1949, which is also when it performed in public for the first time, So, as you can see, we've been going for a long time. We have three meetings a year. These meetings are held in the school holidays at Christmas, Easter and in the summer. The meetings consist of courses which last about ten days. These courses are taught by experts, ‘The goal of the orchestra is to provide the first stage for young musicians aged from eight to fifteen. Musicians aged sixteen and above can join the full adutt orchestra. Besides teaching, we also provide members with concert. experience. ‘The orchestra plays a number of concerts in this country. in addition, the NYO goes on a foreign tour once a year. Last year, the orchestra went to America. This year we're playing in Canada, while the next year we hope to go to Japan, Task 4 George: Hi Tinal How are you? Tina: Fine thanks. I'm slowly getting used to living in a smaller place after London, George: How are you finding it? I suppose you think that life here is pretty slow after living in the capital for so long. Tina: Not at all. There's plenty to do here. In London, I used to go dancing and skating, ‘and | also sang in a choir. Unfortunately, I've stopped doing the first two, but I've joined the local choir, which i'r pleased about. George: That’s great. But | bet you miss things like all those wonderful bookshops. Tina: | can’t say that | do. | generally buy what twant from websites these days. I's so convenient and they have practically everything However, | see there is a lbrary in the town. | haven't been, What's it ike? George: I's not bad. You should go. By the way, we have a drama group. It meets on ‘Wednesdays. Would you like to come along and seo what we do? Tina: | absolutely love everything connected with the theatre. Wednesdays you say? | have choir practice then. Pity. I's a shame it's not on some other day, because I've got plenty of time, George: Never mind. Maye we could do something together some other time. | could show you some of the sights of the town. We have beautiful botanical gardens and a lovely 113 LISTENING TAPESCRIPTS old church. Tina: Yes, I've seen them. George: And a fascinating old castle just outside ‘the town. ‘Tina: That sounds interesting. George: We could go this Friday. Let's say at four o'clock. | can pick you up at your office if you want, » There's no parkirg place. Outside the railway station would be better. George: Are you sure? | can pick you up outside ‘your fat if you want to go home first and get changed. Tina: No. it's ok. See you on Friday at four then! Th Unit 4 Task 1 1. F: Where do you want to go for your birthday, love? Do you want to go to a pizzeria like last year? . M: You promised I could go to the soccer game with my fiends. F: Wouldn't you rather have a party at home? Well, | suppose a promise is a promise. anks Mum. |: Don't forgat we're going to your grandparents’. Lunch is at one, so we need to be out of the house half an hour before. F: So what time do | need to be back? M: Wall, you need to get ready. So, let's say midday. F: OK. See you then. 3 F: Tom! Turn that CD player down! Honestly, | don’t know how you can concentrate on your homework. M: I've neary finished. F: And don't lia in bed in the morning, You need to get up early. know, | know. 4M; /'ll be late for dinner tonight, Mum. Don't worry I'm not going to the café. F: Don't forget you've got guitar practice tonight. M: That was yesterday. Tonight, the team's gct practice for the match at the weekend. F: OK. I'l put your dinner in the oven. 14 5 M: Why didn't you do your homework? | suppose you were out with your mates. F: OK, | was with Liz but | didn't forget. It was ‘so hard I just couldn't do it, M: Why didn't you say? F: Look, I'l do it tomorrow morning. Task 2 1 Hi Ben. | just wanted to say that I'm tenibly sony for what | did at the pizzeria last night. | hope everything's OK now. 2 Ken here. I'm so sorry to hear that you're not feeling one hundred percent. | wish you a quick recovery. Give me a ring. ‘3. Hi Barbara. Kristina here. I'm very sorry, but | won't be able to make it to dinner tonight. | have to stay at home, 4 Don. i's Fiona. I'm really sorry | didn't answer when you phoned. We were having dinner. I heard you passed with a hundred percent. That's amazing! 5 Sam here. I'm very sony but dinner is off tonight. 've got a problem and have to go out. Why dor't you come next week? Bye. Task 3 ‘And now for ‘What's On’, our regular look at what's happening in the city, Now that i's holiday time, you are probably wondering what to do with the kids this weekend. Well you are looking for something different to do with them, why not go to the city museum and see the briliant new exhibition “The History of the Family"? This fascinating exhibition lets us see how the idea of ‘the family has changed over time, from prehistory tomodem times. For example, you can see what the family was lke in Ancient Rome and in the Middle Ages. There is even a model of what the house of a normal family in Ancient Pome looked like. The exhibition is here for two months only. The museum wanted to have it for three months, but it is very popular. Unfortunately, it is going to another city in August, So make sure thet you come and see it while you can. And don't forget to bring the kids. I'm sure they will love it. The exhibition will be open every day, apart from ‘Sundays, for ten hours, from eight to six o'clock. ‘That means that you have plenty of time to see everything. You can even get something to eat and LISTENING TAPESCRIPTS drink in the museum café. Tickets for the exhibition can be booked in ‘advance. Usually, they cost two pounds, but for this exhibition they are absolutely free. However, there is only a limited amount each day, so make sure you reserve your tickets. You can do this in, person at the museum or online, Unfortunately, we can't accept telephone reservations. Task 4 Presenter: Welcome to another edition of ‘Help in the Community’. Tonight our guest is Paul Street and he’s going to be taking to us about his organisation ‘Help the Old’. Hello Paul, Guest: Hello. Presenter: So, tell us how it all started. Guest: Well 'd heard about projects which involved young people helping the old, but ! never really thought about it much until I went abroad and saw some of the programmes there. After that, I read a bit more on-fine and then decided to start the organisation. Presenter: So what do you do exactly? Guest: Well, obviously we help people who are Unable to do things for themselves. But we also visit people who live alone and give them some company. Living on your own can be very lonely. Unfortunately, we can't give financial help. However, we hope to start groups for old people who live alone so that they can come together and socialise once a week. But I'm not sure if we'll be able to do that. People often ask about what kind of person we're looking for. Our helpers are all very different, but they do have a few things in ‘common, Obviously its no good if you're an impatient person. But | think that, above all, you have to be good at just letting people talk to you. Also, there's no point offering to help if you're very busy. It not fair. As far as problems are concerned, we have ‘one or two. 1 guess the main one is that a lot of people want to help, but they soon realise that it's not what they want to do. As a result, many helpers stop not long after beginning. People should really think about f they have what it takes before they decide to otfor help. We do provide basic training, so everyone has some support. We're a charity so we rely on the public for money, but to be honest, we do quite well Presenter: What would you say to people who are interested in helping? Guest: If you can help, then obviously you fee! personal satisfaction. | think you can also get skills that will help you later on in lfe when you have to deal with people and dificult situations, ‘The greatest benef, though, is that you can find out what kind of person you really are. Unit 5 Task 1 1 F: We need to get the ingredients for lunch. Let's go together to the local store. M: What about the market? It's much nicer there and cheaper too. F: It’s closed today and the hypermarket is too ta. M: In thet case, what else can we do? 2 M: My doctor told me to keep fit. thought ‘about jogging, soccer or aerobics. F: Interesting. So what have you decided? Ms: [think that I'l do the first one. It's much easier it you ask me. Ifyou say so. 3. F: I've just been to the market and bought ‘some fruit. M: Do you have any change from the ten euros that I gave you? : Just three, I'm afraid, M: Everything's so expensive these days. 4 M: Right, We need to go to the shops, but the car has broken down. Let's go on foot then. It's not so far. \M: It’s certainly healthier than public transport. F: Just let me get my jacket. 5 M: What would you like to drink? A glass of wine maybe? We have red or white, F: I'm driving. Do you have tea? | fancy a cappuccino, but I'l be awake all night. M& Indian or frit? F: Whatever is easiest. Task 2 1 Hiday. I've got to go out, so I've put your dinner in the oven. You just need to warm it up alittle bit. 115 LISTENING TAPESCRIPTS 2 Hello Donna. I had to go to work early this moming because my boss is il, Don't. go to ‘school without a proper breakfast. 8. Gavin. Don't eat the chicken that’s in the fridge. Its probably rotten and will make you sick. Throw it in the bin. 4 Hi Jude. 'm going to be late. Sorry I haven't ‘cooked anything. Gan you do something for us? There's plenty of stuff in the cupboard, 5. Hello John. | didn't have time to make enything to eat. Can you get something from the store and I'l prepare something when | get in? Task 3 ‘And welcome to Sports Report, Well fist of al, Jet's turn to handball. This weekend sees the final of the national handball championship. Remerriber that the winners go into next year’s European championship, so it's going to be a very important weekend for all the teams involved. This year, we have four teams playing each other, This is a different format from last year when there were only two teams in the final stage. The teams ‘wil play in two semi-finals and the winners will piay in the final. The final will be played on Sunday. The first semi-final takes place on Fridey evening and the second one on Saturday afternoon. The final begins at two o'clock, but everybody should arrive abit earlier. ‘The venue, as you know, will be the City Stacium. There are sill some tickets left, which is a bit of a surprise. The best tickets, which cost 20 euros, have sold out, but there are stil 2 few that you can get for ten. But hurry up, because there aren't so many ieft. For more information, go on the internet and look at the competition website, Tickets can be bought at the stadium itsetf. Task 4 Presenter: Hello everyone and welcome to The Guide, the show that tells you what's on TV this week. Today, we have ida North in the studio. Ida will be talking about her new show “Survival Cooking”. Welcome to the show, Ida. Ida: Thank you, Daniel, Presenter: So, tell us about your show. Where did the idea come from? Ida: Wel, I remember when | was young. My 116 mum and grandmother taught me how to cook. When I left home, it wasn't a problem for me. Unfortunately, | didn't do the sare thing for my kids, so they had difficulties when they went to college in another town. On the other hand, my friends’ kids knew how to cook and were ok. Presenter: Why is this so important? They can always go and buy something, da: That’s true. However, although you can buy ready-made dishes, they are not exactly cheap. ‘There is @ good choice, but | think the cost is the problem, Basically, | just wanted to show people how easy it is to cook some simple dishes. We are not aiming to make chefs, but just to inform people. Each week, the same cook will make a dish, and a guest (there will be a new one each time) will be invited to try it. This series, we will be focusing on meals from this country If there is another serias, we will look at cooking in different countries. Presenter: What about people who miss a programme? Ida: Well, we did think about showing the programme the next day, but the TV company weren't keen on the idea. As a result, we decided to publish all the recipes together after the series. Presenter: Why not on the website? Ida: We thought people would prefer an object, that they could keep, Presenter: And what was it ike to make such a programme? Ida: At first, | was very excited, but in the end | was absolutely exhausted because it involved a lot of hard work, ANSWER KEY is ANSWER KEY Reading Task1 1D2F3C4A5B Task 2 1C2A3B4B5C Task 3 1 guide 2 History 3 interesting 4 studying 5 cooking Task 4 1C2D3B4F5A Task 5 1F2HSE4G5A Task 6 1C2B3C4A5A Use of English Task 1 1b2a3a4b5b6b7a8e 9a10aticizb13a14b 18b 16b17b Task 2 1 imagination 2 inventions 3 appearance 4 importance 5 expectations 6 competition 7 hopeless 8 personally 9 friendships 10 application Task 3. 1 dishonest 2 insincere 3 impatient 4 unbelievable 5 uncomfortable 6 inappropriate 7 independent 8 disappearance ‘9 impossible 10 unproductive Task 4 1 about 2 the 3 ol/at 4 an out 6 all 7 in 8 up 9 up 10 before 11 to 12.2 13 at 14 rarely/ seldom/never 15 have 16 at/on Task 5 1 you look like 2iif she called me Sor | like 4 | went to London was Sis the same age as/is as old as 118 Listening Task 1 102C3A4B5B Task 2 1A2ESF4D5B Task 3 13 (three) 2 dolphins 3 15 (fifteen) 4 warm 5 7701156 Task 4 1A2C3B4B5C Reading Task 1 1F2E3C4B5D Task 2 1C2A3B485B Task 3 1 Chemistry 2 America 3 two/2 4 teacher 5 two/2 Task 4 1E2B3A4C5D Task 5 1F2A3C4E5D6B Task 6 1C2D3B4D5A Use of English Task 1 1e2a3c4cS5a6a7b8a GalWetlai2a1sc14a 15b 16¢17.¢ 18b19b20¢ 21022¢c 23a24b25c 26a ab Task 2 11am concemed 2 except for books 311 could learn how 4 are/were named after 5 has been used in Task 3 1 to 2 to; with 3 with 4 for 5 to 6 of; to7 to; from 8 out; of 9on 10 off Task 4 1 attraction 2 defense/defence, infection(s) 3 equipment 4 protection 5 warning 6 reports 7 (unjemployment 8 preparation(s) 9 promotion Task 1 in 2 to 8 been 4 the 5 on 6 of 7's, 8 be 9 tor 10 to 11 to 12 whichvthat 13 in 14 which/ that 15 be 16 to 17 away 18 from/to Listening Task 1 1C2B3A4B5C Task 2 1F2B3A4E5D Task 3 1 nine/9 2 fish 3 five/5 478355069 5 August Task 4 1C2A3C4A5A UNIT 3 Reading Task 1 1D2C3F4B5A Task 2 1B2B3B4C5B Task 3 1 lake 2 modern 3 jazz 4 6/five 5 30/thirty Task 4 1B2D3C4F5A Task 5 1E2F3G4C5D Task 6 1A2C3B4B5B Use of English Task 1 1¢203b4c5b6c7c8b Qb10C 110 12a13b 14b 16a 16a 17b18a19a20b ANSWER KEY Task 2 1 performance 2 performer 8 performs/performed 4 acting 5 act 6 actor 7 composer 8 compositions 9 artist 10 artistic Task 3 1 was written last 2 was painted 3 was interrupted 4 are always sold 5 was visited Task 4 1 ¥ 2.among 3 only 4 75 is 6 ¥ 7 personal 8 is 9 make 10 really 11 do 12 However 13 v 14 do 15 ¥16 to Task 5 1 who 2 where 3 whose 4 who 6 who 6 whose 7 whom/who 8 which 9 which 10 where Listening Task 1 1C2A3A4C5B Task 2 1E2D3B4C5F Task 3 1140 2 19493 holidays: 4 16fifteen 5 Canada Task 4 1C2B3C04A5A UNIT 4 Reading Task1 1E2FSB4A5D Task 2 1020384A5B Task 3 1 19/thirteen 2 jogging 3 Germany 4 wine 5 cat Task 4 1C2F3E4D5A Task 5 1F2E3H4B5C Task 6 1A2B3C04C5D Use of English Task 1 1 violence 2 security 3 entrance 4 identification 5 explanation 6 Practically 7 education/educationat 8 behaviour/behavior Task 2 1 built 2 spectators 3 believed 4 exciting 5 bored 6 interested Task 3 1 most 2 than 3 to; than 4 to; from 5 invat; with 6 in 7 down 8 up 9 up 10 off Task 4 1a2a3b4a5bGa7bea 9a10a Task 5 1 bad — badly 2 well - good 8 then than 4 wouldn't ~ doesn't 5 some ~ any 6 much -many 7 few - little 8 where - were 9 They - There 10 are—is Listening Task 1 1C2B3C4A5B Task 2 1B2D3C4A5F Task 3 1 modem 2 2/two 8 B/eight 4 free 5 online (on-line) Task 4 1A2C3A4B5A Reading Task 1 1B2D3F4C5E Task 2 1B2C3B4A5B Task3 1 leg 2 policeman 3 England 4 traveling/traveling 5 fair Task 4 1B2F3C4E5D Task 5 1C2G3B4A5E Task 6 1C2D3A4B5B Use of English Task1 1 the 200 3, the, the, the, @ 49,0 52,2, 6 the 7a 8a 90 Task 2 1b203b 4a Task 3 1 at 2 do for 4to 5 by6 am 7 time 8 be 9 into 10 do 11 with Task 4 ‘1b 2a 3c 4a Sa Task 5 1a 2c 8c 4a 5 b 6b 7b 8b 9a 108 Listening Task 1 1B2A3B4C5B Task 2 1F2B3A4D5E Task 3 4 national 2 4/four 8 Sunday 4.10/ten 5 stadium Task 4 1AZA38C4B5C 19

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