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tt followed, and rourishes every + sustaining tife wer to grow our vart of our daly pport fe ta societies have slossomed or ts all natural Earth's climate, mankind 7096 yes between erat ssible for s.No. | Date | Title Teacher's Page No.| Sign / Romarks clas T Lt “ate — oe Bein), Aroobpwe keaverdeall Jon Sudtl, Fernass on Thane pout, beishe Nucligeth cbseg bbs <2 ronal sxpad | | Harwer| frst) Pojaalbas — _Salbila, Guat Oeiity = Mavi sal from Rarbleninnn 248 Md a wh bate ale bey din ccs ly Hon Kes = | baie ardegnph vats slabs rele | | + Suk Ube. / Pao Trey ld rok etew BTR T Fandhiia ger) oh (Ppl) 2 calli. Toon ak Cats, - Ties rtat ott « Hnjrndh > foot Banga EE nie Tt es oR) “Shaping Om AP 2afoa)Iz : ® Explain & aasdrate. the submonine voli ob the Aabic = AM antic oman, wore second bogeat ot2an is feclad Liticen the Amevicay mm tHe weak “and Ewransa 4 Mica to tis aete — AMandie Clean aa Rermah clea. te AW ergensa of | Pomesizes plikés bh tre ved due, bo bockynie mevemonk | bn Pada, i© tht tedkmic plake: mevermonk conbrueg , Aanhe own will be the largest coon ® Te world : Anti ocean alias, the various elif Packie tile — conbironbal cub, conn Lows , sema- ocean ‘cleops Crreanchss) andy Heer ine, mid -otaanic ridge. awl aor Peaking the frachocs L sca mowiks . Mid- Morbi. vidge- is he mel ypicel velit fade of Ablewtic Otzww | | Ponhrena half: The axtensien Of cembinenbal crt rmaagin into: fle. cean. havig a sh gentle gle of |" ard haviy'y shallow wittis Cergrel seag) is ealled — -ombrenkal sla f ated and width of contrenteal, ‘ ate Med by coastal ler. Whew there ore by meudain chara panel by Ure croak, tHe conbivtal shebbocs ver peanour aece Abvican. shelves Lordoritg AHen rownhary qo - Poot sholven (5b i's) hordes Brazilian bhghtendy On the” wostin cide of ArMankte crtapm. ys “the (eat tcl ob . em ot cht tmentca Da conbrental shlP is eee al pi. Dees dc. Konme. + a The corona cbelfwidens rvavle ror umole Pe otde ab Gabval terion ragiin, theeby gives se a rambo ot Slentr (Groat Atleg, Lessor ° Adil) ck mogile Seay (Gviha ae Golf of Morice) thes The shelf fecomay marrow haan Now York» Lelwideeg at Labrador varie gs blend, Gramlard re all bad ended gba Toverde seat, contented del x wide reo | Vrgenbing thee He GoM ity Antenctie'sholvey Ih the eaach «Mende L Aftan thelas ane vem rasingur , bet trams The vegiong - revih | oh Eoropeay reg ito, @ Bikth isha | bobride-ts. anc PGR: ie his septm Magick say one robs san Neriegum tex, abe Shelees one exhonaia’e S Mid -ceaanie “ridges ; a Mideathnbe ridga is ta my chan oF cronnfonne with g pevow- lng bate Them 7 Those ove permed duo be Pe Gahrwown AO ENee bebuner an ! \ me ANOrgemce. §§ Zora (. eonatyacbve. bewrdarey yy eva Swell, awd: eens 2 African We American plete boundaries . Ak! the nee ren bard antes on atther cide of The ridge 2 Ths, is Fesponal ble. Pr tye eapansion 0b Atlanbic ccagm- Girne love erbrvoul, seals orbs, Pe a Magi oF volzanse ‘) \slords In AMoaty Dag aA : ts 4 eee a ~~ mid-oteanic ridge eectaincly weshed jhe midile. of fla ecaan , from north No. sub) “The a ; Ne tenke af ha deo anny oub of he: hoerghe vg > an islands > ard one usualls voliante Sto He lene Fabled i Lassen leg fe Uke hie Fhe northern part fb Med Monti ridge as called, Dolphin vise. avd tb branch? mb We ville Tompson de ridges” [bo Creonland & Leckeed) and Telegraphic pisbenn Se te he seuth wf Creandand) , te La in The SAtenbic ocean 9 the ridge 15 called ty Cnblonger rise Th mages m fhe coat with the . ve lL den = ridge. The vig branches He : ted be T bablerger vise / : Tre a north, ~eastaly dwachen brunndy Po Afar omkt Me Walvis Fiathas —— i The mid ~tlenbo’e vidge. b., NoT~ condone. There OL Soma. Fradtang ( vidge . disorfinibeg) babwean te bing ebain [PF sro. Some oP tam eit ible fade ny agh Otearcgriphas Fail las avn | a ee | pi Kane Peach —> is’n | one | oP . Voma dnd OS co | Revance froukee, > of AF } I separa fle Ne de Menbre YF dg’ rm , j - @ &g Olean Lani ek : Ocenn boos ae fhe abyssal plane These! ara homp Som deepal ard. smoothak . part gh ocean ara axe “sw eatemena ‘ or fe wejor bas oy Mabie Se (* Fabrador besin 2s Prartn Vite Lewy 2° Spawith heen, aah ; ; | Gre Verde batin 5 outta, shear &-Argvle bessjn: Chey Affton. . Higher « b—» Higher vi > Tighe. + ge West nid: Rom easit. ! SAP STS both cook Sabo dept, a bowen, ridge “Trenches Co eoan doops)’ Me an fle clo post ‘points PAA Otcans The, J A ft fee Keeley 2, AF ede SN proses om Mie dep 2 lthauby clasp 2 Vena chery , Explain each mason. Reiger (Ar a\-Lnbinenbel CS 4 ‘Continental cba —s hos i i Formed 9 aval) Diag. =3 qeroral dig. of corbredtal cbf. * Extonk f, width. gf conbrontal Where jb °4 namowest 2 wl Whee. Fis the widest? mrengind, = 2 Variong ridges cubealz, Vamey , © lends Loolennn bos # . oe) | oy | ¥ + Crathiay 7 | | $i + Ocan cee pr Le | oo Oecan basa - 3 Cnss schon oe Steam 3 F Condon Cananal disarsinn te ke droun Ar dothorn reli of of aw Ocean + @ Hoge, yrcwarsahcy/ ‘ha pitowebiie Pail ure ae cwntnrhy rede url » ONE Ree sae heneh Atysah pln non ein a Witeata” . Poe | “Marginal sead / a 6b Wak = Obdubh > Lee Fast (live Sea, Sabin thre sexy Philigp mee Sea, Timor 12a, Towraniea san, Coral eA Gen M0 : A, @ \cardy—> tegerd no-of rob dete Doth. beled aves & Feotpre ian isy Japan . b Se ; — Mictenease, Manes oj 1 Belyreata = fried Barri rece 3 Qvacrohend Tweak coal of an ) > deepest french ~3 Marviany > Steepeat~ ~ = Te oe — Kermode c; oe Ss ~ id, Qaat— pacific “idgo , E pocific plan, CheMbnger hace, * te Fewsrdiz ihe. > North f Nth =n ke (Himacayas k NE- WuLe) | CUMAONY HIN ect , Kesh (r-w) Hime Daviilog & 1 Ararat hel, Estorn tHillsdiny . > =" : Cttavorch| Sikkim Direchor- NeW Ee : = se “f er SHE wih £ 7 NEB ee NN bo Ss ! kr | Rane, Transhirdagan we (Harari ey | “Cibadl ero [ Palka; Bum | Creat Heelan “Cie Wage Hil Pir Panjab (less CG | Menjou bills ‘lte) | shunliks Mize hills or Lacks hill - Passan Zojile Cat Hinde) Bara leche N athula a pl India Onihathy omer i Bani (ler borgl ) Shipki le Geait re |) Tela La Diphw “pas te] et Phoby la Ezaskay) Taetgla Nit bl ((Srbonadin-r) Band lad dipae frordaty la Uléda lh -) 5 Wire khed Peglar [Mates Perbst 2 F257) Kamel Nantedlori, | Kan choriurga Namie Barna, saramali (Won hil, Roce Masheyhram, Cachorbhun| Nandabel a barn « Bho mewnkain . koh: Rivers, Thelam , Chonal Rewi, Bene Silly | Tisha . Brahmapibe -» Kamens, Mampur — Laley = ol, Wl =)frads Yomung, Geshe eae, ~ Bow Meshre | Pago tLe rm 2 Spit . hag | Lohlal lle 2 Meapun, Laken <9 Nainital, | | Shuma, | Aqgn: Ghd deserts a eae Ce wt Bugisal -» siwnmor greed in bigho. Peachag + Vallog oF Posts thyde Tea ole tiog mado] Thammirs shits lege ts te ail cet jwsith “high ogniic caitort, or clahd burn calhvaticn Fawn, Api clhine - ] vow hang 9 Leite Pao tbe reialt | ips | pikaty 2 | - Leh tal (eke > Map, Laken = Navital Bhi / | { tl arb ad aplaters gpob Zrrodende:| Shumminy-rchiting | Thammiy tm igre Mchag- at, or alahd bun walhwtinl Appi ict ya | valy of mcs ste a fe “a cotort, é k us) Avole, plane OO" (all Tarde alinrssas » bi nea? tlle | Deodan. , Rodan) oy pire fe “hatin tech) tLe Jon rena deathuesy, 1 pave Bn ih DnB ry id Karem clopos ition . "ia lel ld tue r forstion - Labhs Ls bege ble dt “Mardes by Sean, Shih sate | galatnies bel be Fhe cent arround by on anil mounting Sak rheh | Pa ae ee . Mali bevineMracran aks “SA | | sot uncon daled deposit. Dal Ibe ar ba [Dlavamchle, | 6 pay {joelns Staclon gheter | Musowt, Shing, | Srinagar | Aleve, Kesonly Ararat cr, Votre Boy [ialla, Panikhk, Hels » Cho -0-Chorif |Landedowre , facson; | Siliguri Ips Bodn i et i i : Weipa » Wiad sy Aron Nase. ICefiors Biv as |e Re ee fe [ire Do 5 | Akee ten he se Cabal India ge : i a a Hramshama ble 7 Receecsesas © Sigtbene: af Yrrdayed , J: Physica livid, Sepeny bobo sukenfnst Fon te rd f Gribal Asie LCE Agra.” a Zee pial sigiicanee = Caeraphi bourdams (trot rales) dywida. (Wrdvo~ Carga ~Bealrepubes) 3 Codegial grdedtin. - - & Consiged bowrkin of Indiv avd. Frnuion pele — ba Woh sai fhapace Perm sine entire precswe & abeated by vibe. LU ry t Haley 4 Clndteal sy riblane + Whedy Wirdia fram od. wide trom (pe North. + Obshuals Swe wawoon Uy brings raidall fo ra’thaan ples S~ Chore Teeanbbrs id : ads 9 et Jeune odie @ Cmic Gracial diva Varioew pase —wore of inanig iain. into [nda . = Eongmic. siguibearce » mir ~> ssoblten (dn + bevowe) © “ 4 ttn te dee Che wh: bons) Petals — 3 tay puntebin” E & Sgotorn rimeloage 3 bamboo 3 Sh dy cpohractin « ae Soil Sdve to sedans awritd fern “ines by | Mey eT euriom . | Keabunix sbal, walks pt an Himachel\ 5 Shar ual. Merely Muroaoucia » Ohareimabels Paricals Bayles, Shige. Easton thinelges a] dltah late - \ 4 “tbs lend, Doss Caatorn Hinely op abort akg 5 : we > Stow lcpord , Dasben'he “ Him 5 Gorhob wt, Wally oF Ploweis [Nardi . teh “ Sieben > Dome = nguldes , vim ity: pete vd “1-3 es to» Sarg. ¢ riven % K sro ~glaainn 2 peerwial| vivey — Coat Whaen Nee [mpodeu. Wimaty Ne Shivsahbs i eral Formal af > Obsbuct- + Feabrea L bGEAsia . bia) ty) pbb WT Ug at Homo Grbol Avy [raporbageclogic by shysingraploe filer of Hin Himaayas —a qenenc back vourd| < Aqe'- 6Omavs gery, fA monn ban + Y, ie 1 omega of Indevdny & Laven in PLAC, and deapromne of "eth , aye Now , Unde SUBACRIAL Blcxrony — . tina onsise & sererel parallel 2 wags Tergeg: Ridge K valley, topqraphy alloys, Kashnir ally, asco Logie, balla» Bhogal “Chives i « Aastialla of ty Mada of buwdewl coylomeretgs §— 5% formed Ler tre vee 4 Prmeeges <9 gShingll Me yong thr Hela, Dube “ta cued Nivers SHI teebetally nelie yes tlaals, - Faghues ‘~ ape abRorwne y Pat sorts, anticlred crak Crprcrel voleg. panicle co: sabappotl oahu vidge dd) ormod.dve fo PN etl wdly Furlhey or eyesien , Uovadsl allel h tee sbile fe eodolyn, HE Strike vs ak ae ft chal lorethdarel valor. \ 2%) rie: : 4 Asal perprdials fo Po gmerch sre) ee The ondyng ebrabe» Thane ells est reves A die beige Be ds mounbina + Also known sap cross ¥ Nengthaok rredeonknons - « Gowate ef cl carte Gindermayic sedinerile rahe, ‘erked don ” ‘ar 2s {2 cen an ine rhe fre: peo stochre) Precsans ‘ Olas eres a on scoping Ne ait . “ h # Syrtoutiel dord\ Seunaahh Avat 2g '- Naxga Pacbat Im west Man d Namche ie ih cml | Name, Sore Jal eH hgh Dowit se. A ker mee \ Felonad. Preaowre— Ko + Overthuak: on Falbed | limbs, =D irteraa. foldag =3 binb brash —srapay , eee Dims Croc rr ' ~~ Lagi hind wey s bo Himachal GY Shiai a 1 - Mede of ok Laer ) ‘Tepegraphy . a : D Pahnady ad dowisl DvAR -> YooR % oxlegg * Svameh @ om. Bhukarny Rey “ Ave. to i levee, reodlanke: bo low vaindadh Ore. aivind J Rapes othiny urpalcey 7 boil re Mm rato Chidect vihats ontten!-’m be). Bedale Pevesseoy : + loc . Aluial ax be grainy . detsertell ipa: veil parties imbibed om glecial fw - HW *Shpmits eattion calbudionCoattrin) on Kasha halle ce | Swbne zone’ A Main doundeny Tush . gate! spor * Kesh, - “an cwatrad —Thrach — = Irae Ts an 9 Po swhue zone. : oma Ga “Trae. Hrelosas mas wae Bes Wish hed bw — |roliade Juv lich > re + het oe. ont, ‘Sheasses tb os} stably cll hy shia. scribed Map —s imprest om oe @ Seuneahtra = Kathiaun Pperinawk leated on te Arabian son coast of Cogent . Man distvick s paghet, Turegat, » Porbandar » Serres ay “Wared ~ cttor fa ~ Katty Dewkoy’ who ruled this Part omg - Langa evty —s bay ket | = Souvash ta dhe temcoett Premed by Tee ppl why veigvaked to Tamil Moda, cop: Madura: Kodogn, (Cer g) 2 HQ: 3 Medilert: BK WGhets Wall known for eee SL pevpor. 7 Lars vage : - Kodava ‘ «brava Warriors —s bahebigag with rethal ark. Tipa Salli was deb sever prc by Tose ees I pls bt. * Southow dishick of hie» Aratpur, Cudep pak, Oaittooy Mla » + One of fe mob bacluend regiong Mm Andhre ds). Bode bnd + located on the novth bank of Rvahmaputia rived Assay, ; = Books Pht anus Writes « s- Baksa, Chivar | Dhabvi_, HR Kokragher 3 len Miron gig ale. le is The, dahewy by India's nev tn cock. “An oucksromeraa Aidbic “Tags Verde, 6h chadek (o Kos hal, . be che A Set nr on 3 his wertbd ae La radian eo speaking 1agitn mn Kavrato ka.” va ane “Arse ‘= Dalehing Vanvece LUtap: dict of ee, a Konaugod of Kerala, Imp- city Vargalare . Brany langue vc Wax of Toby Ae Mek * Yalshosar, — folle dance. drag Vdiapy ON Sma “5 Famong . Vegetarian . -Le al "3 Fenbn == Wopical / QW were rain y be ranks iG (dors pe ee Heit Predeo h +» Western -P- Luvllcof fy dae to Gotan Rovthivn athili spabig dis of Bide Thlled phe: om oh Mazeflangen, Bhagshpn , Modlds ars * Banguri veil seb veg Litehy, wat chechwtt— : Riven 2 Maleranda, Garda, Kosi had oho - Gadurn Mahoranhfra * Semni-anid 2 cil i Nog pur. , Arraravath 4 Wordle _ formar hares Ronan + Sanchurion!~ Bor , tadba Vig, Treas ichnd - Pak—st prniigvenp of - Grad veoh Cabal) fond yer romre pedowrt Boot (abtbaducet” Champa “on 1 + Wea Fares » Hist Saco tage aly fie, Alea. Coal Champa “On The bork of Hse RIVER a tibabiny Eo Mabarad Mon Tantie in Andticgash. famnu be KOA silk. Vfom TREAR sllh yarn Kucabsbobra’ - F Kanne + Histoiad city of Kumuboldra wen of tiballactiy (% ft 4 a + Nean Theralwan in Hs} arache h1 Tat all & Penang “Lend shrapnel ke Maw Sue Locdet log the mythical saved rime SARASWATI, North Gch. hilly (Dime Hoses dha) alld Sues baat) wertscam, pook ath heals. - edly Bell & tans Lrete ” i + Goll :- HARLONG, My tuiow TATINGR birdy. ‘dhke § Te auld oh whale Si leben, abe te donkey & bawne Rivée. _ An “Islad of pea’ m te Herat . ak — Wi eft -corrider A oval ‘Look Weak baat ar 2 yiueN dicks = Days: Naga Palpur: athy & Chattisgarh. FET an & Cabarachay . fee an iT WBINTT ? Tass . ~ TAA in Prancchal Prodah, bards Vibet & Bhutan Hee a Limon Budhst Maneater, Fate hee. 5 Wars chosen 5 Tike MNS E Culng Cyd ht) cack of ober Bedesem. Zn_ Atom lower Saloni ek oft Arad - “APA-TM tiley =D-Pormeren|- abled paddy calle con + faecal tahos ‘ ~Shetisted 4, inclusion in Wes Adee Sikes oe Dihick ts Conbal Wehanaabra . 3 OTe bank of ances Bindusora vivar » Sedaver: vey; (stow; Bardsara /Menjerey Van, Sdaphors) “Peston bck baal. 5 foomey pact of Hydorghed eats - + Femde inladjide high ~ Khardegwions, tompl, Kainldoenong temple, oh. + Gaytral Male rach bas Riversi+ Marien p Teme, Rere apa ive nv heel "Zone Wo high prolalily of oudlquale 3 (9°39 Tre Irdlchyg'~ Lock y ginning oil mills | Drone print nagion - Diphn peso tnt aoe » Mountam pers at the tri) anthon hole 7 Cnad, Myanmar, . 3 Stra basically, Penpetend Koch Bihan + In West Bougal, at sooth of Bhutan. - Pivev ; Torsa k Gare ok Lud a, with Labeed LSeik valley, of tirscle/ bi » Rrare +- Paso; Cherchs (comes rey Cheek) Mire Marcie, ING * Soure@ + ~ Flows gh elle - wast 1 “Rwees = Soro [ee wensal », “Seine, _s math arc | dishi hating, » Bshery Patna: jdesifie) 5 gen fouwisen , Pilg a Ton wey ~Chewe dale | 7 Pilati, — lardfrme Dcrdban , woterhll, rapid « bangaatr + Core. + bam / Hep Tyre don qraviby | recon) 5 acres whid ser Weak hy dol Powers Peed cohol inviqakion, onicndh digcnest tes uy + Baglihe Sillahon prbleme — ntorclakt. ives woteichay” 3 Rov: Water : + Some. or Lalf anu, EP toarisn qrelogy syoulh skye . Flows $ . + Tormo Laké = Brubyh, Leal ely a Geategay dis ste) Bean ah, Soure ttl - Flaws Aishas - Fonne Touvisty 2 Henaohoak . of . + treads Sutleg * Source » Bheb sq wd qd Thebum _——~_ : + Sowre + Varig in Pir Paral y = Flows Prog Cri Wepen Se Wabr lake ah » Wask Hoag ve —Slabichan = bens Cole Trask | dshibaew, » Kishemgarga HEP Sa ce Aeoi chengest ibubeny of bed « 7 © Source Key loey CoP) by jorts of Chardra, & Bhoga Streeyns Fee Weak Ctowag IW Top Pak « cenest + ies + Baglihon dam conbovernny . Me Revi. , “Soures Rohtay pas in Lill, Villa of #P. shye. Hews Pestgh Chamba vaboy - Jomo Cherah at Sarai Sid in (Ho Pir Parjal £ Diente beh) Source: Row bard 1% Robbie paog - Flows Drrovgh Lalle valieg « - Forme gogco @ Kah h lang: m Dhaola diay rag. andi? vmeebs Sidley @ Hanke ( Povgal) Lutte : SEs '> Raleg ele» wasavar Cel) » Bhakre Nacal preject = ponses Mog Shp li pass d onkiia Parga plats, ee Aaaclowons hrdhowah' Soare. 1~Batea Ghaks @ Dance harciya range ln Kelabarel: (ones) . Border of Mahe Chalits L Ardlows. Hea -bitulne of Booker adstvich > oma uf fe greaned ndobs belies, elrdravati NL tiger reoenes -Chidakoot- follo © Tes delpm , Uths - “Peashthy no Woe ps ee Dave tebich fords - a “teagabiw t= bl Sienchy CMahoashia) to planets) -Gadisbioli dist- (‘Mabavahha) de Adilabead Ast (tirdhra) 40% of—Codowari's Plow. Wanabhe dese? Source \-Sethpura rane (2) Bobh in oP - -Lovgeat riven im Wathedse Ufo of “Ainwult “town Florida. of India Dts river suppor, — DRANAE plarhatiora Mwah ~ Upper. Wardbe Dorr —>narm Maghs (Manjira, “Soe: - Ralaghst rary, » Wi2am Sezcr cam ~sqiqaiic masoNe? dow. i - Singur beenvir _sprovides drinks cd ® Iagerball Sarda Sabai, = Soave :-Syencam this, © Chie Odisle Borden fw Chattisgarh Codisie: . alt? Ibo Lion a, KEURB RUER in Odicle. : Veen Kolb dim —aHEP A inigatin’. Silom river tian ~ Ales be brew. ao Mada bend awa . : ‘annals of). ~ Bam ‘- Mashlund & Ba bnobl. raservov thowerkorst ‘oe wer Cet coi ambled ry Weil lie GA="s «Mie junchyn oF Arla, atts, tole. Racerefirsargs - Spuvee! Aj ante tir sehbs) Tribntey of Wardle » Meander - eet wack by ravi gti: -lsapve paws —> wrigabes + Saga. > Wies . > each Basha Ashwan . caine Nts + Saga, Ageohya's Perence, — Cenanmury - pl yee + Witaow Dam (Bard ardaya arm) 3 irtig aC Decay im _rews aa This gk Pra ngnc’ —pdluked dechicks af Moharaahba dua te rampant trinity =) which ore? . » Thy one alog fe Washo Chk s waceo (EG | corel) ek recomrerdod q bht bah oh mints dL raddways. cabgog rduhig m pe cooukd fade sf Owe 2 dicheele “We alll se clssiftd wo A (Ledptally Senoitve. Aad: Oued bn Nip) On byan Na lak WP ybardiy, wee ned : vot eee wath chan N Thee ave wehteral parle Ne Tarai raion 5 “bebwaon Diva VYamun ti he uract and Rive, Bhograbi ot be at . India & ipa One Woorkde oh « rang -bowrdouy bivcliorsiby qmawabon 5 be pink, yrase, Pe. corridor aud te jtRy ergegeg Mm anh “ptachig - Dipl down (Ait fowtrsd Bem igh pa ihe om arab, de Toad in ® Kaki Arye IIL dict (audmern, fe. of Asam = Nerve -conbre ft skitsheod demand fy kedbi- Arlo « Lnemipin cw sbits Foal cee (anjam dagid oF oes) - Rene Coyptian valbwran hone. Lena DIVESCO | Poheman C: ~ Ore . Cabe «Navel Bowdi pun, We | + Biowen Ths wide Aba, oh minaks Cee 2. disbgle do “Une Pare) sg les shale) yf . Hepdiinig abn projack - - Gaddlask “sehubn Neyagharachany a ( ilade Fone) Nagaxaracgn — Sriseukre Chrd hoo) . Cocmerphdagia Leidwag =preck deolton Kare fempler. + Many ancient Ave gf Coveplordtakideay a Namdaphs Ctrurech,) « Liu bibeo - s » Wado —Mganrron bee don » Otten Wi pg ch kim, Tangs 2 Sogyhe . © Bivdo'- Arran. Feal cerns Moray (Pesan Meresa —screbe- Creda cabor, Manco rin. . Nevthem area ot pack 2 Savana 2 Lrrastyna. Ccevdi ves Southern omen — Grpedaads as fire: alluvdymn: + Gombe of Rheban & Terai.

oe chwata » redara! r@Sour C20 * + India's qaoqraphical postion: Ce qeasbab-te. ard gaoprlihes with th neighboms. “Le Indian Ocoan vim % an tAre f 7 Grmunicdiona a cbrdlia's unrgve geographical yesition ——an od or a oltsaol Drccues, The paninculea nate: of India providy a hese potionbioad for aemornic dvet - Oisena , elmpact of ow geographical bewdories on neighbowheod * The Himalayas lent nda a sub conbironkd chwather Dispel) «The Himalaxge provide an impermaabe ft in da no Cnmort + + Lmpertance of Himalayan auslogy ‘4b Dindbvomity . Origin » imenesme L implications of India’s border clispater iil Is gaints promironce Discuss “its Sgnih cance > mpporbunitien & threat ov India’ + Shaning of Pi ataoeetual 6 rooouyca le Frcl A Teo Discuss the invites sinha + Cauvon wale amend salted tastiw, wiles £ Af foul ‘in iimplorranta lion «|ndia's praaiclonay of 10R-ARC and the fibme possibilities Is nation unifadion of siven a geographical ( foaeaibi hy? le se, deans i bench - ~ Environ monfel, degradation in Horehanaa ard ite neces rrantfaobebie ra: » Doletical issuso invsed in Ste Geak , Staden, Tha i Naows wore is GTalgaths) , Kelchsthoenn 1 Kashepapss, rag Fi es 1 Tonk HEFs Hw (na LAS rarghbewe —> Ps Ov contr 7 orders Techy 5 Galion ferhres - caso relevance,’ Is Hove. any peod fe rene it 2 Eg a Jaa) oe | bales Phasegeala hudba nice | | Ta Pleod ~Phasiogaphic region —o Himalaya, Prminouiley atest, Coostad impli each Plain, islinds °° Deals oy ds) « Floods Goole ial. ongin 5 rahet popup - ebratmes clit rerhrc mae -l ‘ "Iria is a connby ot canity in diverathy “ Tustity dram a Aeoh hy é Cmatapronce. geographer 6 point of view. « & 0 > Effer| . # an poss a 4 « Plasd Theories of- dvigin of — bnolvan Csurnra ov sw) Tromacm | its + Disaale sight cance . Clima ube. Lgprand & epidermis.’ - India Impact of SW mentee on rdian 0. . . sub foa “Climbs: clasifiation of- Idea —a Koeppen Thoeubualha, Shame Trerohle 5 te sar * Gace king acts of Variability of raidall tm Inde , Comp loa vImpack of EL-WMone, 1. Mina » El tom Medaler endl Indian Oceon clipes cm the Idea cameo . Cl hago idle... Be Cie bis “Mee Be callow of | Disa, Rite of Indian moneoon in reg ioral disparitico op 45 polshcal iia wrthe af Indise meson rw pckes Mek NOUNS pda + Blebal wcannrs . fat Duda 1s gamble. of fa momeom . Type TROPICAL CycLOWeSs . ccampley claaadh echoat Political © acmome. slgri ean, of Passeo, clhty mp 3 7 + RETREATING MonsooN , ~ Hyrelai an‘ nor oviny. a phy sicel barrier 5 but aloo a climatic, culhwel & drainage — clivide - Discs > a al sits, tHypalage on fhe gjeo-ensit omen of ot al Ake , idewbhy ercamgleg > stivtly ger-omiren. Lividey of « Vegekabion Zeng in Hiiralancs & the. wildlife Heer te gl neo Letbab of cidegitel —comaemtahiom of De Horley Soi ob Sil Foes b_ draughts elo jel : FR ee ncginn edn «Dewan Ba cae” >, Conall impli exhong Le matheds of -conbel © Flowde ave. reba bub their caleabreplce ama aggrardtid by Discus, wort Utteallerd floode . fathvopegenicc achvitien « Aid, + Wdorch fy dveght prove, Fagiwo of bdia ——Tlerv ovigine * Constapmancen & rrethodo of ratigatibn, aslaplation if conte. . « Be Drought is nabwal , famira is wran—reda . Discuss. - Efforbs talon ky the Indian govk = i chenght conpd, and possible suggestions fo improve « Elood Flain Zoning LL ofher methods of floml combed. rem, ik « Disaater, mywi- in caaen of flod & dronghh . - India is @ counby A cavbvadichions . While. ora dai ch re cut fra From Peed ot, canobhen, agin te shtick by drenghl ol i Torley bie sare bree Dawe the recaon fr tas arol De Complee' by ousoeiceed wih ohtswk ngnt- m lrbq . al ids polihesl Soi aM Pea vrigin, dechibubon, cheneckerishin, 2eenennc stgnifiance ' [ a iF ationCu-S-2 ——— carpi * Rca. of Clinda mn fovmatind salle in Indo. Eb alo a 1b Soil grussin sagen, connan, afteds, Dwele of conyal - yuh, Asia. (cores art erases sania a ee Neural _vegebadoy te Now » Nahwral vogelabin of: Irdkia rcleds ity cimite. Disous » Loo = Nabural. vegelahien —secotegied, aibhipad & oitemanz Signrfane a + Thre facing rebel vegetation , | | » Gonaowalien Bhs Nh tl + Natural vaeefation bik corralehin vit wildlife . i - Typo of frok im Indio. Shar nikon » Kareweu _ Kan bead + Mo lesen doposth . + Shively. © Duna Terai ' Dooars » Prayags +B Ug yale Hill stabs py HPinelaaga, —s cishibubin accnomse.s vrpnibigs.. a + Perks — geographical basis of awhibubyon j Zhsvowie signiftana i ie , Periyar diversion echowe. . Pen i clidliva Gandhi cowl projed - Capel | it + Karns ~ Cudappah corel + | oy Seoronine Le Boag — Sublay lnk art » te ae Gawga~ kero; link carl - : ©. PMN A . Gona Achion ela. : = Non-cm . Brooke 1 monsoen « Cossil + Margo chowta . s fe Bleesimm shaver Jisaue s lgnefane . aria. signi fn ~ Nor Wastes . Weatorn dishubancco , . Burst of Ta monsoon. Role of onseing av Spreadis epidomnig . IE Himalayan © perinenlen vives — comparison , hoo Kalbarcaleh Drainege. - Srgnifeance. of gach riven * system . » Inter linkiy of rivers —potontial, prohlems, raborale. , + Drarage ~ pollorna & types wit cocamp ea « + CAD eb prajact- « Sranifience of catchment nena be commard anane . «De ltes b aahventy crocody le ne ceo . + Prejact dhophart _tgeg targul, se te - Nagel a prod ctl! s signPeance to Inolig . + Signifteance of India's Prenidencg at cap. bors Reoourer, . «Camber ol Mania. resources ——ty poo avigine dashibubins Zone cignifeane 2 -t) sls axploitabin of ponte veoowua a soura_of ott calli - PMN im Troktan Ocean. = Non-eoverdicnal energy is the bbc “A bdlin - . Poscil heals 8 disvibubo, Be Ae Qtenomic 1 apo vba nce. b India, suoterabl woes fue nuclear pewea a Paracoa bo Inde Ss orgy hiceganed oo cgeniueeet sn’ i cys uu eaten anne ob - Wrdia’s ruckan reivenok —resowrcas Ragi mal biversiteg Shh ~ rrensoom C linickeg « bemperabne (Pajachicn & ) Rainfall ( HeheaPion & ghee) oPrinual garge 7 temp (Delhi £ Chennai) Diawrel varge of temp. CTeisalrmn & Trivandrwr) + Rainfall serasn (Tana. Sabuet ontire Inlea ) Oct-Nov coastal THK Andhra, “Tyee vain (trelages —ysnnas late -s vain) Fachrs datermining the chimebe, oF Lol ) a - Milrdia —s temperate , culjtrepice| a slndia —» Wopicad 2) Himalaya es & preven enby of cold novthan tind climahe divide. obchuct pnenscon, baron rafal bo P| b crqeoang weber! Japs JF, ave tadhny-ssttayerk soa 2, DBs hwobey di gid fat, md, mewe-2on aig. baer in ea pian. Sf 4) Dichence From 5 ott. habs —y { tli ma es Shad nity 2 vty contivintol endows. cline a Altihde DMR B6SC/ bm 5 HM ehthms oly - Simla : 1 Reli gf -> cregmphic rainfall —> torduor hope of tirtsea ions id) tr Prlitne. Qevtidy Nhadse » Surface. ai¥ pranuna Jnirds poh 2) Yrper abmospherie (2}m)) drcletion & jebshredin basuotaty Taken, 3) Wastern dishwhances & ape cy dors. “ 4 winter vam om Mw-eprabicroag “AM bears stormy (Sactim=seeuls YO Ne TA 244s PARAM CAT tw 13 ides bagw hbo a “€ sahil As rthaoe R HYTHM. of SERSONS ‘) Gp wenmeR ce pson (now, Dee, Ten) Gen “IE ban saan § (Ns India? the Dwe i) Fige distance, yom sen 7 £09: Non nda (need is) Ans 7) Show fll in Nearly Hiveeyag. ? ii) HConbkal Asia fae) at a. High pressure an Wildig J Weak Ge sin ig S-ttoms) 2 P Conbrardal Pola) air ‘roo Ont. cos blows from C Asia come m zea wet tae G oe Nit In a also fr6 Che $0 be Fell om ox tis)’ D> 4 Se Geatdlang Klacid « Sihdia <> imoduahs effad ot saad ne dihnck eadambn save 2) a 7 e an iene ii) Ocr- Surloa prosswe, Zod : i SNilndia cdder then SIncliay So, w-lndia hoo HiGlt PRESsORE. : ; , 2) Her + S07 wirde bow trom Worth Inte Jo S-Lndial- i Tor poche RTE ee ok, sine Prose gradient is low - gsr oth “s ot ae intluonced otis boy treveraphy win ates CX “s Ll Aaah. og oh Cay PS) iL ij es 1 Regal Paw civailebn A jetgheana i Upver air civalah¥n my fom i awaken lela > Woot Shy Laat «ot “WESTERLY JRISREAMS are obshacted by Tibelan Ingold : Caerth of Hirabya) awk ave bifweated . The souttenn heanch of the joking —blawa south of thirbye, * fin te In Dg evant of Indie ig ee ae RCA’ oF « Beaneanes SERRE Promml) pict wast vy oben Tw goth of Hinkypo Western dishnbances Ra FRE e& Generally, there is 0 ratrfoll m call weather sasam bow DINE trade wurde move fon land b son and canny NO mois tue, “ony Coff shye wads) aye d ii) Anti cyclonie — circulodton on larol = lea possibility of raided Howden | dow & some vainfall due fo whdig P| i) Westar in Dishwbarceo 3 wreak femperks egeruy fo rd men veal an carried by Weabeily Tekh and! bes WINTER RAW t j Wels Indie, Heckel in 2 (wétode) 2) It help On supportne RABI crops. beige si crd bing, ANE causes snowball in thinelagas ‘shih helps 1 svete, How Perennial rivers: sath tao ett i marked by On increase in the Pravdiles “CGM feonp it) Ocr- Nov —5 trashy wpmoam brags remo ts Coasbel Thi, Proll. N by Thee Cx CLONES Cepriston tn Bay of Borgelt) Pressde. . teres 2) ter Weamer Se Ason Torn porahwee_ ‘ ott ~ 5 Sent news, Heil, Ti Stet of sx. Tomatsu he . + NelnAia <9 high, eee: wedee be conbronbalty fis 14 shaun bo ~ wae Ketreamg par oll ff Linda oy duet Lore ads matte J ere ral g Isontt ams (evel! b cook). : pert ad Dov NV be 2s'v- Fig a ITez: shit nor\iaeads- aro ne “ee Tall Weakerly jots hear withdrowe Pah i laden, + 1TCz. (Cou Prossune Leregh!) atiracts moishwe word fam south of capteabr . (nT =) rravifrd?Febpi oll}: ~The mT wirds are “dbplacedl eayrabovic Weacteriza’ which "dre detected — b cud ow Monseon wird daa bo Corlis forse Ctoweds RIGHT in the Nochenn Hand.) —s Leos wy “gma, in fle heat of TCS s These ane. dy A opprane ies eps bhe Patra: Della deplicd squabrid eoatarbes Degas suet ee - aoe « woh Q eayabwich casterlien po Parph Haase, Ut, enum Ban a: as => Doc steams ww Evening > bivy veopiba ke flomnt cok bears BL tag cangy. Eye tignl mwbe(id wide are altrodel friend he pesiphony oF CZ Chr Be cophot plu day k cts caivmeasy give vice be Leal chrme of gat into sihy ww civewlel jebsrea = Sak ike toe witharenwa From Indie « : “ Verney) sms atte st » Cootery jabsbeans Hew over ho Tropical _ayebnay © seal ae Costly Jobst * " cheovs trop = i ek oftabe ism (frogieel ayes ) from Boy fy Bengal nk Iedia and brits Yatebernts the tom be Nebel dusts SW mevaown « Qi Q sce a Sovm - “Opi wh) cterlieg’ due. be ) ZS These. © adely jebbe,, Fgh j Fro ov weal cok Sovm - West Monsoon ~ seune Ses eases 1) Onact- of monsoon 2) Rain heaving systema ) Beek Monsoon wirde poacher saa branch Bay of Break brards’ 4 4 Braak on monocen . « Oned of A rah bree ee Serinamaven Proinaly Prebaced —o lange. sale ba Wes. «OD 5, t e , Hlvortil bears” of lord bsea eredibol feos ¢ sll) summtr Sure esur@ T-Gnter > for pam hogh( IT22) Oder facbors sn _ monsoon @ Pajachon TITER. m Wiebe =) aiden of wasted, jetebvosm +e puthuPledig, . rm / ast of ashy jolthaam ova Banired': = pronsure dittoea blw Ttabiti (Fron Alyrase) Edavwii( Arche) LE) Nok soulken — asd Vabou. wrole of Tikelan platens Upper av civeam-pllan adel oven ray th Lesonta peo . Coviolis fore . » Latte hed Auckk vapor, Cotes of Hallg's Terral, cnc y) bow Resse dyvowgh B move Thea egdlonic Hssaonel, Lacon bre. 2) No ark -moncem credehion mm upp abmoiphre, eso bogh wt Mdnted , Los 5 not Mmducead by 3) bow prennee ast. m Apr Bi, ercob erly Tare. 4) Monaco nck wregiaphic alone 3 egdaanic , mnachoral Corgraphic 2 5) Terre, Ledbor 32 soem Bub beta hey £ onme 6) N2 considechn of Gralis fre . Daa henvie denen . 2 of Bagel ett Bees _» Bey + Tro vain beans ohne [jasan gm (wqhh VAs 5 Fie ge ast welt —svegepic 1) Osha yok + cordibine , 2) Posihun of cabot jashem ale GrAB Ran eoedh . Pastelh devbree Prom wat cca ( lovaard v (pe) d Nn prada) -2 4 a0 st om fre Log at Bogl, £ -wooh~ ) -. + Aepresssono (bropid eg dow) m Bay ot orga . ; 7 Partelh dedieo from sons ead Jo nyfwort - : Why TW gle te van from Swervronmcon 7 a) Spa Nv boost is parallel to bay £ forge, bvantlr . s) sel 2) ism te laud ode wh Arabion sq buon . red Choradboriclin of Morcom rantalh ) tae 1) Seasoreh > Ture bo Sop. / 2} Govenal y vali 2 windwend side of W Gleb 9 high ran leemend side. = lew vom 250em, So0-100 um, . .- Mamba — Pure Motyalwe — Raigalwe NE Shits 9 Moran Mrorepugs > dee bo Has Ghar» Sari billy, 3) Rafal de creaces wiDr disbance trom San bolle —al200m + Pabs “oom: Alldabel's 7am’, Del ki250em 4) Brake’ > Catnlor inborvaly wey fo lack of -dopreosine tact : Weeoadt 21 Pe woe blow povllah ty coast . s) If pours , nr rars =» spboh_sledt ovosiv» 16) 3g of bok vam & mobs. i | 1 2) Spakal veraton 3 Chun (taj asian) 22 um) Mayra (ioo0en, ¢) Balogh nest , ok 4) Early wihdenall : | tracer UY Cemonie Wa of hee 1) 60% of bedion etl doped on esti 773 af ths ave nem feo. 2) Cesagt Higen, all nagine ve phan emp t 9r% Rel Vvariabone test Zl daft. arpa ? “ =“ Re am 3 wheat ono | a) Spa hal Ltempw oh Vewiaabilddy —s Heode Cdnogh4s “t s) Soil croson ladles aletote «ail ( tee, Melon) . 6) Wast vn Asshucbance ( torn porde cgulen) + ral en). wadbon Yam 3) begivrak limbic variabinn —2 var iohy é frrod,, hover date, o Aare Dally, alka 80cm , m Bo ct coosk Drouglar Bone Aron Vg mn’ come)(* Deora Mananement? ( » cores 61S blithe 4 90 ddishics = ™ o + liq dvought prone vag ion of Conbal western R suathow te “Hts an Inbapcilad Avaq Dip - Pam om Ayvi- sed. i) jwdeermod ceronbi-fic ubllischion of ayi, Ivethek, Lk wat vescurita, rt "FJ Divorcibcahon of agri. b) Boshuchwirg ceopnna patterns 2 now egvonami<. pecbieo . ) RAD ty improve. agri: pro duchvidy in drylards ‘ d) Sciankihe Crop vobabon , with ompleoio on legunnreun PP a) Inpreved breads of colle. ) Healh, kvet urinary faclliig bh afte . ¢) Parhuve lod vol 5 prevent ver qrarils tell - fact yas 4) Dairy Avot 5 2) Con-ep dairy sede - \welar ~~) Mcrerinrigahien 5 dap b sprinter “pects ; b) wectarchad igri - <) undergrad —cavale {bred evel A) soil kmoishne eonsewetion (mats) 2) Rinwalix horveohis i)Te enbene Z stabilise te mesa of poly ap weaker ection a) bakers subsidy ) Loon boas watver <) Weather— Losed egri. rowenta °, al) msP te dryland cropa e) ovpt of subeidi ary oceupabors é) MeREGA, 929° Mon —Kacaoro. . a) Dad cllge. A tance hAL nduabia h) Attacks irduabial yeobrenit, by crishts foun trom Yerownbole sourkea, nTe veatort 2 cslog eal balance et von Pease Rewer (Pe), Te Soclar —Lypeo 1. Not 2 Non z@- Bar Sg. Gn 6+ Othe 7- Fores “hen * tar q. Lend Reuve (Ph), Tamas? leg ae ty, renova), dha « uw OOPS prazis « j Typeo ft lavol 08 . ) eg erp culbvedtion Resvreee. Land, —= an import FOP HL , -induotr x doron. eebrvlanm) lab» of Pr dusicn) in agri - a ; eters on) te j Ja india [voeds foaals ( oiodiyarsi veoi dene ( scbtlerrert) reereahion (earls) : pubke spaces (gomnuirity builds, reli gions pashres Caroms -) polibral ‘mobilisation » ce Lond & Agri In agri sect land «ln Agri, qpeolily a SoclAL vaive(( lard ownirg dove, worth, is the most jmnpotbeant PE un|ike otha sechoe { of bard Ox Produtviky (yiald /.) ) ard tard boo both SceNOMICAL (oer lardleao labewens ) 1. Net sown ayer (Ori la 2 Non agri. land oe. Cndabry p infias cettemerts) : ae =. Barron L woalglords (redairation NOT possible eg rvavilea- ragged. hilly eckivesl ). £+ Other flan’ comerdt fall fall for I-S vrs), 7 Breck land (cose: fed cw Foreoks' by vOwenwe dart ; antf. Grom ACTUAL —EDREST cover) gatitad by trvelthoo 3 ere forel ET 2. Increasig _prprletion Huge poprtahin depends on ogrie for 7 « Eng & count “ Ws er freak Neb —_ P. * A eo Pe rigit Dsimsot) Ga 202-8 \ _ ncranne in Macge / i) Non-agri- kerk uso —> dua to increaoty porulabn 2 sdilerent oe - doyeamub 5 mas ‘inde, mires , _ oak pling a9, WAL PND) PRA ens, i) Prost —> - Yigurove af foveata tron ackivihy , Ceo ion lows, * al, Ii May be, doa. to erate am ‘chooibad fered ' aaa, Ce wilhent Morea de acho fyaok eiver . : wk Car . core — Puc het : doperda %» vam pathnn Crag: soaraecltey coubrely t OF Dereow in wooge - Mes i) Met sown onsa asdiverion of-agn - lard , aop: & whan Frese, ese. con ¥ non-agri- ackvil'es. ; -@ lng no: of pel, abardows esi’ = Se slow profits in agri. Bab-oh - ii) Barron land _, increased presse “on lek 9 abbsatin of ol of Ihe avallabe marginal fardo f- agri, indwahs ~ Proce f wn) Pachran, RB overgacig 2. illegal entioodhwad> - — Nave | -Co- Common Paspeaty Resources ae es £)OO cadifivany . Oumad by a unit larger flan a hevothddl - f : the Gallooal Thre is ne rights af cunensbip , but coc fy. « Sver wmnmandy bes aways by ard alio © Some. Maatow ‘ Si ly 4 — tb Say Consorviry jt do Gambec nag t= guidn belua » pashna lands, parle, communth, forest Indomes’ . hes jovernok by Cura Sad, beo : greeter LIE provides Se ai fod) Featte > fick ee ® MeéPe (Miner Forest Pet)» he, ery ak be ber « Eniowess communiny brildlis c pel’ participaben. « Weeber seching (lordlers labore) x5 giv fem he. yigh bw access lard ard a semee of ewrewlyle. - Wma 5 an dif. spuvea of fhenoed. » Gravis gvearad fr livestock =3 a2p+ mn aey kik . 3b tte shoe y1 hintedard ea or => Inoian Ocean —Ceapolitiel 7 img be nce geoaterees) i ee Spabmens VFRUmLANG MOR ; tan op bea Indian Ocean —~ truly Inclia'» Ocean Fe he a wounhs, LIedca x ak fa baad of tre Iedion Crean conbilg loge amon of ite cz (re = Dissovery of el m te Go ~ Mest oe Tha trade. ratio (Gam Lice of Commutation), wap Tee camyirs DIL, poe Thowgh ths verte « Sevral choke point +m es Indian Ocean —d Horm, eo re Chive - vhordi. dab-ol - Marclaby nee oer SOR ne can Unbe“as & elf i of Pree. pomtr uss ts Newy Bow oe cro of an amegenay i - Prosona of Laksbedweop & Ardemam = sbalay ell, Prapovtan| pd — Naval bases, radon cteddiomc « Ei ° femora ae) WAL AND; PEA poet 2 hor ws, ea, ~ Co-op bm ltoral cladeg = BIMSTEC, sDR~ARC + gap. an caches of — chimed charge (sonlovel vise J, dis aste. nm if) bow, atti-pirauy “ Clasouesy uh ASEAN courbes Opendtion tin E wat he Gidboel Z : ‘Se ta —spopert-of Sena oalhwel aascts’ 2 Bedi & Sei Lae Arla , Chila's raval Supremacy ay Hinduisen sae ard 7 Sri Vijaya Empire's anpervak ie me forest | pdnasin Tse hacheg of cull bodlrtiom new belpa oy | gral co-op L urdosbowdte woth Adin Tiger 2eoromita “ polol wath cambodhon e Lake + Abe hi odelily + Presence. Pacsonce vf badicrn OQcoan = = S voted Soh beds | Fam Feyerk anvariora Dk pasted Noith Inde - i s Vasco de Came’ ona of hishory a LM: Pann len il Bak clovcalasin dis: impact dua bo its i Supromacy in brdian Ocoan . : Co-op = bdia sordeg Navy ts sane Maldives Tom A Comp , Tm arg. Ooodion Cokin «ONG A dederie | Indian Ocoan’ x ol pos... - A connedhy : bln Ne weak fe Cail, | Econ > ‘ I © Peatmce. of ou <= ompleynoat LX ccoumic ie b wl in hivkorlend - + Imported trade reideg —s Trade aparaion wit, ASLAN, world's DI ngeat vada bloc | orale nll oe la ba Ni » Placer. oposite — gold, bn dlbnan . ‘Avlabead pearl culbvabon -atidieorh - "Morin deposit = clemeon depeih qraml, mbble eed am con cTRUCTION = DUSTRY. ‘OFEshwe cil ule —s Marat High 5 KG baaie « Fishoiiay shh bageat fshoy ‘ nclaodey m fle wo ‘ “Tourism 5 Ardemn is, scuba diviry . “Salt Produchin i ob of world, populehin DLb ahye roonhiks = les sourca of FOL Bh broke co Sisapnic, Mouritine, gsi led 2 wold oil ship - Me of bulk cage tel 3 Lalelaa of soe bade. Fulogiel ‘sean Qulb-af Manna bbsphne raawe -srrante bivephet retene coral rede 3 labehdveep afrlly 2 rack » Ady, Lo" Ranforsskr ef Pe Ocean’ qh beda : tl Margrapsa, “apdnce fe mrbunedby of cyplowas & stot = Prime veoon fr SW omemegm = broken agri. u + Palle Bag vorly plate whee wergrocy soa -sagrace jaa “ecenisbe > as Pa Grblid— hay Cts Bey Hamat Sia . alo... | - Shas of Peowks ad Nebo of Diamond . » Kothefhean issue + beled Teds SL Prshermon prlom- : apps me ~ New Myra *S sonbrtean (ird»—B' ch ) Iran fak. mrevte. branding —dssprter Sr Cook ov omen fr #82) ra Highly wiltaicad sayin 2 OS precrce Dingo Caraay Us s® Heck Mm Qahvain . _ fnclabillty £ firdorentelism > Middle cant . lroban ocean fercks - Clymlbolog) eh 3 Mensooe pebbles JsTRY ‘ay Regma nein meee per pee sper russ rR ERSI C, oomognehism, sey Fld =a A region ih which a body is able b | Raper ion a fora — owiy de TH prune of athe, bedito. : i Megnebic Geld os fourd aun a mregrahy < body ow i i Origh of morale fel “veka bing curate ary ig conduc ho | / BL Ea hones like a ‘votbes cunnont canny ordur, TA twa core, of the Earth robilas ab a. diffewd rile wo remem ty Te sid ey buyers 5 together with@alests . A. mere “chon. tone? , gonorttis the Lurth's mignh'- : Thue, “Earth produto « wograbic fold, siwilon to , a fold gq troretcd by a DiPLe, Ma aNeT —~ a straight wogncs fh hen a noth pole A sou, pile — plud af te rots cite . The magnetic. fold charges cLopordig on fla. tm. Ab Vocadin an te eth. Te axis of py ile arprrozinatl, 1° from fle avctc of sniatihin Lam te. tb, Sey Pe mesrebe pelos ele NOT windde with he | Ceograpliceh — potas , ise 230 owas | N 1° aws of dupe > axis of rababe~ e': Fecha . Pegrabic dairabion > Aral behweom ‘remnebic arth & trae noth: . Joon alintion civ) Megrebe nebo: Aryl blithe herveadel plore J te directo, of earth's ‘megrotic fold - og =pmelada. (X bene, j robe 4s 4s aonf - Howe | Cora) is MA anensé of Rew. Vo leanie. ncteinial a FIELD oe The. - Sv, k oa Te + This wot vale w at a skaight laud af Dee hie ‘pole & 1 Oe. abs, wavth & diredion Intonily = Hovizental Dabensiy Verbal Moraihy | | S “ Sti i een eracbs Strorth OX Jang if te objet chen al Sfreeth 3 ait ta dja & far ame, Pay, s Se, lelh poles can be considered fy IR Ranks at The same point i of ne hoy Mograbre pola =3 poh al which fe ae het ce Mesrafic. eoyahw 2 pemts ob chsch re ap Compe. of melochin) Hf HH ‘(0 tS Awie (©;=0% * Dyremo” of fect £ cont ee Ee el veckiv . robe peak SSE AE abe ere sg «le A pro oe rokic ald, dg oonth a porravert smograk? us id » The outer crust beg Sema PERMANENT MAGNETISATION - «Howes , the cra of te oath Craved. oul, cored. sthid ren coro) Not por rrarently she PLEMAwenT maAanensATON ix Not peccibe ah very high emp. ay of Necre. . Pleasregitiom Lom fom prend . Ocean floor ts mode up of- BASALT . an ivn-rich, Volcanic rock, This Basar conkuiny © De. mrogiahie nettnid — maanenite. “When te methon. less Cyanalk) Hom De voleans cont ard deposits en tha sea How, it odspl De mag FIELD of Ne aeath ok thal. tna. +The meprebie bald f fhe casth clayey Hs ovtontalin NETIC. Ke hencez 96a) rom Asma fy tire, cua te ro qari -skby Hl) valve. and suitelay on Lol hk fe G26 Ayreme . » Sv, low thet wre ok: at come chhey Period deposits vo te Heer, lbw Aah mich Fra hind of SW. ‘Gs Called to, 0084 ogo J. og ; a. Ge - panied a a Coaall ) Sbdyirs fre eaneme of lava Hows y the lachoricaA Brahmayatic divechion & aarlh's yroge abe fold ix 1 pesuans Carviy < | } i usa a Mgndic clatech, : tht te Ho Dabscraplon and the arbbornate mogratic _orionbulan oth i ot otaan fHoor robe is an evidence of te ca an we Foor spreaolire trary avd plate penteey « ‘) Ten 2) Indy agi Proline Bunyeb + go f q oF Ggy silky A A) Th L can lishvicaA PReduWeg or ‘ordain . no S26 Orty ro) Evdubi on of Hirreloyan PUNE syxtom @ The Crank River theory - Magy thinelagan rivoo ( dndna Sofleg , best, Sibaneny, co Bahra) take. cudelon bono futons Te sorb suet, Ca ving chip « “gorgen eros he Hireleras This suggests ! td Bed” are aldo, Than te thirelasos ard ss Anece ven T- sn orda fy cccewit far this oldae” of” Shaler eve eve Sd wee omumed Thee wee 2_paboo reo m MI0CENE poricd. 1) Tearg pa Irons Ong rivet. fre Tiket ragiin - 2) Irae Beal Brahe #7 Sinolile ) rien cick dver Pa. entire Cogitralarel L cated Fo the orenk tron Aacam bo “9 Varsleyeo Panyeh ¢ Aveinrs wb Gulf of Sad. Tre vemvbkalle conbirewi by and the lauwhre ovigi oF Ghiwalila ard is Movil deposits Ovwishag of sarcle, silky doy, bruldio Le vorslomenale cupport fie Vieuport _ A) The Tiketan river uo dicruphed by _tHeAhuag.o, ghos!or Le corwroeey by A ( -bemk frbutavisn grab=tcho & prsh-biahrn 8g) The tree Shavmlth raven oe ended Indmo Le Carga weal. Liseck ad by PLELTICENE upheowoh of Uiereheypan » “bss, and fe Uplifhrad of potwne, platian (recut ewat) hth ached ag ha TER olin - 3) Cama K Brahrapsta ico separated — by Pe. pone ushMa Crevmreh foul) of MAEDA Gap dle Rejrabel Wak Mushelage pill dents MID -PLEtcIcEne , Ceeion dirs Affeult to atcogt wacichonce. of such oy »_ huge. pwn (\ndo = Brahms vives) 1m geet C phpiel. gine of garget be aly avn shows Fr diretan He 3) Evidena © of TpAM ‘sardabre i Whand i Vary digg te Pe soure of Inde-Brahina casts doubts aren! I Henn Ri okty he s b of Gwalik wn by Poy PiNAD Jb arn caphon ok Thelar rwer by beds d Grahirap Mabbiple- Be rive hreony re Peay + Eocene sea Telhge sea ) cutaded fron Cobh (ral), Pajasthin 7 Tamma £ Pang erly by Lanadew Lamadenen., & ral The weasbencg of such. Q WER sog 1S supported hy he. Hewat ig stelle tuts, rear Lenedowe- ot aE of ms alo éoinddag wide be Dravaly Vang tegen 5 “whch. ole aded an a 2 + Another conlln Hdge Som eatonded, pel (ly bs Weghelana — plation —, whicls Lihmapdhe earn, Bnd wal Sag es “ Hiimloges welt 5 Teblye say vag bbe of Wevrsrasnas s baene no <3 keane From Pecwoles (nd Avered| mtv these “Garona » Tose. Fes; azole sheamo chan dim lh L deposited » (val), abl. rhe by ps Pravchs «bb bp seven apeee raeatoHs fh Edahim oP penhanlor deat nfnirer| bh 4 a ') “Tarkan porisd. —a sub wegen. of waitorn Her k — of Penman 7 holow tw Soa. Creakad an any riety e 2) Uphaval of Hinclayag subsidence Ae qesucth FALTING => Navieda Tap” Falls 2) Shgit tlhe tf ponianlan sek Prem roith-wea fo sotbrect , Qasim oe Hwemearas A Tectonic thers Bonita, pli - Gotan P be Loom vale tolls blu hdmon & : . zo N relian ple, Od slit ail baie ra ap ee Ti eo .- sam aes ~ Conroe ho + convegena. —5 |rAron plik sub ducts , —2 Tethys Blan oS tdorably compreosed. =p ifilded « a fon i eka ele os infare — Caichoone * Teanse Uredayoo , ——ossog - » Shiwol! by Hhrvelogao Qreste Hirelegas =) subsiceaa_ ab fo sobrhit , Agoon. pl - Te Iedin plde eo become. choilived ce clue te * Hoes fe libel compansin «This ouitlal shojtomig bea boon i by dan Moor: sp tiedse ig tin etn pam * subduots ae a arama aR © MET Mam Pordony Tot ee “HE Bog ft fo Suywbnial “bord Cortech, win’; nie ei ba as) esa baa cout! * | os Pe ee — Jovy Trt Ratt Fauld © en te Jed 94t3 che alhvin Vemma, : “Norn allusiah phir formed by te fillig ap of a deep — dopransim — bo/w —Hhrokyay £ pani nailer plates, by 2 silt dapecition fom Hrrlegan riven. + Hoe thes aap alapressin sssa foes’ Ge frradeep Csynelrevivn) b BA te fies th ob 1) Wha, tha Trilan plo war ohn part of Himalougas Woh grovenlad From son lhuvende odnoncemurk by Ne book cry calle rocks or «4 SYNCLIN RLM Ca brge synclng wala ne if Srl cymclons Le anticlica +) meg Grmeh - Migs ts callad 2) A big vif t Vole orien > cgnchen Two parallel Ldts —S ona sowlh of -Spiwelahy Otte» Hrmchayen Cronbel Poult) cr ere tre wavs of pom mowlan pldaan - Cuticism '- 1) No fae fmral at nolfem penn plakeoins « 2) Sadr 9 bnge vtft valley NoT prshle Fadert & dutty ovate ardor’ ets Oe $5 ae oa mutch Aerob 3) Copink a)labom 5) eesitt gare waka Corton, INDUSTRY weigh whys gu ip bu a Sao! tle er ee meet ) Inka is a tropical country g hema ‘Tho. she. demanh, For eotton is fag sina. 7 is Tight Geomdotabh, for Ae hist humid _clamare- 2) Basallie proving. cablack svil (vague) —esuitela t» callyn ep rau_watereal. ) Ab Hardleoma Whadi enlte » a heditonel saagalwn == rn 4) Swedes moore, Cordhian aconshuutve work -» toda : Murnoai —» La chors 1. closia to the caton producing rogivna of Canyonct A. Mabarasltra 2 Muvmbar 5 franaal combe. —> copital availabe - 3° large tan —> cheap — abundant labewr « (rmtgratin Prom dra lanth Ve pork —> madn Bmporteh fom Lnglrd. 2. oe lie of Thread . Humid climes 3 Prevenks — beraa ee Cation fee idole) . é: facut W. [I B-s0qanited. edvv ( walle) | Paks - 3 ~edevonbrobised suka herdtoore) 1480S: d000-0) 125.4 5) cothyn rill in Mumbarky & Naoblor * 1Q0s —s Susedeoks ae high domend é, ‘rolgennt tuctile.. (947 + urkbon éafon qrouty artee(Srdh) goto to Paliston > recess ‘0% Other fachors | Cotn—s a pure’ row ddd —> nat weight losis i SP, raw maorich nt a rey Jecahin fachr, 1d Prosar tramh —oplacay he tebe odwahry rion merlot Kanpur slow capital availability Kodkaha pot acess T es hares 7 ae (vee fan Pgkona dam) Bijan, Agra. a ba) = Low labour ceil - Combalore, Tr saree (7) Nasprn —areonveas fo coalfolds (fr pres, | Mahavashivn ~ buy onck” = Mumbai s Ahmradebod , Neypin Solapur, 1 Ganga kolhepiny Wrdere, Ulam — Brwordy : TN + > largedt me of willy > produc (enn, nd fabric. a Gal ‘5 combabore , Medueiy, Tirerabvela Secon 7 Tanjarur / 3 + Cheat - Ardhra = Tulavgara region ~2 Weragh Hydlorabed , Gunde - 4 Abu ~ Karbala —snorliccastonn park > ubli, volley, Devergoe, Mysve, Bllve S- Hur . &- Pork Chelle, ; 7 - Yewael 1 Competition From Syntietic eth . Ge e: Gr 2+ Inadoqyate raw wedonal —>mee- Logg ~taple. roller ovary went a. Be Jo Paliskn, ober pautitin + Sty wa imp Long—shape stb « beh 3- Obso tea rei a) eee. ys Aol, 3 basic nee S207. of radsieny 1% Ym fen 25 yo AA | Chrodbonger eg Praguank labour hile ane: of ran doy lit=9 60 saga /f- 1s Shor 4b Indian labour bardbly 2m comparad. fe 30 | S-Le our ro ik = 4 labow productwite a ra Japon, GO mM VSA- AS Baie &- Largs no side ants > Sob side ants dosed. down . 2-Ove 1975 -Nalsorel Teale Gop. sob ap to bel eine che ude jae a+ Durty \ -Teshle Us bad, thew b>, BeTO¢S fbi = Be Ts tn tl) So trey < 2. Sirah power supply dlamand gee tack, oF the plete ueloe abl car(fbrig ne recy nyt) 4 Now Tiere he 24 imnpodndt taacble. dit in Ibe, afbor atm - 6-0 «tess» Firewall dk Vash) WE / 7 bale . rely on caper —wrioated vdutbig : + ¥ -Compa J jue ruse am pachests, Quang bers cee) * yb ty Bidaoh | 19g7~ Parhim os 07 -F fifa qontn ores ue EV’ wile ae- of jake alle shag os BORD comes . we larga ean oe joke rill -se09- alg mn eer , ‘ : Aalliate, Vikegewh + Tepadbtal , 0. . Cothage toe 1 Bude Bige, Has {Pedal « Ardinn a2 togesk gd 267» 4 Tein rel a pury Mae, B loi wn lang work s yrs dol, fw pored fo 3D wn jecunds / Ba x lone, Fautors Favowsy Gwe hadle m WS i w Wy Camga-Brabwopaka dina fave sill 2407 of ledin's ee qr vaw metoviel 2+ Coal fron Paniganj <3 Power fr mle 3+ Cheap waka Wanipert, by Heli Doves nebvork of rode Lvatbags - 4- Abunat wales availebla. yeirg, wa shia Larvceoers. S Huma dime -cordacve for spinning howaavig G+ Pork = impor of wrathvovg > cocpork of [oo Prdects, 7 Vowel porrtdeel washer —ndbaap , abardark laloour. [sftrends fon wee) We & > Capitahs an Gladin —acaypitl aver lable G- Bankig K inarwane fac Bey Loe jude nell Saw aayly sleak! y odvactae | PIA —Zrompulsory yw ealiguams 7 onwironrental cecoane aj begs. 1s Shorlage- of now milena , she gor ot jude Qreutee arean Wax fo Barylclach (e-tah) alter pavtdio, , Z-Du mal dana for joke groduck bee ome down . a: Dare wi a veld nat cater to tla dowarde chon expe it caterers Se they dortlerad wmany subshhees Jo pe & after Wil, he demand hag come dawn - 4 Non brndesn Wille in Blah» batter awalily Ccompokilia edge, Slept tat ot Ion jst pads 1 Ighrshigh we oa 6-DUd b obelde rraclareny « Flack of a. divcoiied a « & -Lasigilshion from s ens willy. 2 tomnbies look at for bindegradable altiirebves Kons be non bi vdggradalda— Hh gyrleke packers, ulidh wy Bed spud- in te doward fr je. + Cottage. trocbley sPethubi crovt (enboof ris) 2-Pathwive ghel(S%t) 3:Drevrmennn ci alpen) 4 Teba noel (dnl) 5 Erba ason) Etaiswam Sb ak ESN TRS Woellon toa le 4 lak of cone le oldeok teal. ivcbaohey te che. 4) Low 4 - So00 Bh ~~ B WL ppl baw of ua of wel - Due $ ‘ 1976 | woollen treabk mi\\ @ lLanpur - ; ces De bhahon fife bys - Speci lasscak pd (Faryad) =) SO of treba’ wollen, and, auage | Beton Dhariwah Ediare) Puvitsen, Ielavat . sociied (01s se puller caps. gem, nal AO, sels) ~The y) Wool ton Vesa Viiave nag lohy “€ Reuss 3 ') One met 2) HEP fram Bhabra Nawal dam — ( Power). | ieee a | > Oras | 2 longest -producn —>Vahoraahiva : é . Say et | ree ed Voc oh sth | 1) Pie —> ‘better quay svol, (rows malice) * swapied: Sem _ Aruahiolia , Haby Vie + : : e. + Gece U-p) 2 Kanpur ) Win pow Ccengols) , Vewravess - nadie wpe wollen eek fells <2 Ureap, tho var lalest ty. Objective cc a be Mirzspn, Aare Kear (6) 5 Tawon, Bibares (Rajatan| “ Prorib an (argo 2 Vi SvitNrages Ckoshmir) 2 Pampa Heng ars} Pt Wallejahpat (7%) Elana (Acting, 2A i 4 : | “, Nagas | Exeoet > bo us 7 Russia, Ves Ans, Groce | Ta egies ev Melenthutan blakar - Z2- st Arehlengn ai ( leds, 3) Poor apalihy row mvboiel 5 — low pro duuchviby of }eban sheep ~ wah of : pred bk an Avg - sheap ) * 3-tan sheaf gi dds O'R keg/ annum 2 om Akg Oy an ie ° de valde, ‘x! 2) lock ot rete 3 India 4 bepied coun ee he Samm rter x golh camo wit tn noth —sSeasaral SSE dead So, Indian valent Prairhy scaaorel, catagh prdnclen Cw be mrad dormant fore fy Peapelts eo ragged o bveloyee 2Uwrdoos TE TEE TT ET © ee, ma Povey) rd / 1d From i CPariebl: valhrdling gy lak modern agubprent * 4) bow ope af woslion qoute ~3.nofs_shrih -vaotatbnl hot math proof ror Pak -colannad ® Die F dull talooa a cap indheby aren Drege of sept 0 sedan ornare SEZ, + Specially aormrhed geographeal zmror Which fircton under relen ard ragulebore bffoerds fom Tose urdin With Bfler unih Dae tonriy oper - The umk in SEZ howe to ka nab fovai gn Couchange cannons. Peas. cane madifick vouin & tre (Bepert Pranties Zrea). SEZ Ade wae Passads eo 2008 Seite | combo uth tn SL + Draabeall, simplibd procadwea’s Xe rah frorem & doling + Sig Window devane . = Income tax cemiecainnn cxoymphon for Is py. + Excermphin from Casha nly soley tad, corde Any + Eaoy Lard septs * ~ Proyi vad = dese a ie aan tahoe abe la aoidin ab + Vaand itabolaby— ogee tl pment tabi Ie Prommtos daports . 2-Emplayment generabon P lovol prope . 3: Atal, FO1- ea ldagttd felipe on dele Negohves of sf 2 }) Tax cocompbore ant mastovme. of pridlga fF SR =) (2+ SEDs = rely emonk of somieg (17) mdeobey 2 a_rram: indeahy —anvk much eomplyront gener, Zola oumpisiten fr 62x Pred displwmert ot eel i oe agri leds last wyplt “ef low al = cote Tglrds ob prospemby amid can Fe tins agro. disporily, ST SE2: Paco “big tas. ror han smaller eve. i for Sez parpoce somatir@ wack trams wn tires of pen dinar eral oa Ipmunah me SEZ) pote hago = fey ‘nde Bs § 2.007 - 260M vocmmnde hora Peele air we. )Aven of fen ea (Naive, Fall, it = ame Labboeh _ theduri, Yar, Vania}, Arvotmc ding wy Inca te! ine) Ailabebad , Goya, Tivwpa i “Ls Beaks = Tubon (Mamba) , Mar wa (Cena) y Fonyeearmans, Howlin (Kerala) » 24 id, a hisbrial > BeA fort, Tay tabah, Irom pllen , Sere menhit wee Ajanta coves, Howe wobal y Krgyuabs, Sound. — Madea tourism ab sagen ceil, good haspiteliy& | ae red Fo¥ey 2 he ah ceagpistbon > e do te vid eos , 2, m cath nde , nat A id, Ja , Sao resid, fagwoby, Sevnibin. Surrogacy Naw 4 es f tT Adware foursen makaysling - raf, moankam trek, Toni ialedNe, poragiidang y shes, 2 Himelag ae® 2797 L Ces- tourism —d Senchiana, nesuwes , rabiorel pan ky, own aneag fo guslags ashy , seenic haan! 2 appreciation of om ratual baile — fond Faure 4 caraenahion wo~ [- tourism P Cv re Been tows et ceramaahon of red rscouie, “stohichy fla pe - ab tomists aciorditgly « advanced techweloys r eek blake an prihire. orcas (Himloge) -Conlaminaten af- ulin souren —reffeok ve baal ppt . swohide denaly —saiv pollute ~sal fedks Pload Pure, + deants: forsah — for campsites - btely <3 hebilet deatrachmn. + compfras , covkiy log frowsrd x manmade freat fro. stranish alirupbre De normal life of will aniralh bibele- = increcsed towrisls 2 dibele of dangn of conbouhee ffchiva Anse - Hamer solaris asa thedk f human dent wows) —__turssclaneh abronwcal aduly ep hotel n Walled o> aedplibo « crabsipable 2emonic dup. af bral pel. Pre-requisites : + Propor covoannatiin educabyn bk downs br. + Shick ardor cenant af aemironnentel rovers - Ne -platic eres . = Arabysis Te Sconyny capaci) «fF pe sibo_ aval «Shick nome gurearey ably m Mer crey | "> Sac fe SANS SGI EA I A NTS NS alleen “hw tawim dincty ™ bind? Be | D batty h atak fign doin tren sh, | ES am ors 2 + Oper | (where, Fanta havis Ger populchion catiracks _£ evord™ inks wes 008 Siete) | Ircha's HT fouristanrues rere. 46, lebhs « b 2) Iraswrgency ia key tout anoag —s Koahmar, nab -2ost | Par edltse. on eanth Porradise weaplored. 7 3) lesley te boheme bi fourism dupt £ environs cowonabir , 4gi> Ubbeabbasd Leeds , tourism, in cove ances of PRN Neowey _ <) back of -fraied Panne, [frost piten wily good Breelisls banckeg, j Aetordegen_ s) sro a of Te ple of vwik ) + Soll, } Lack 5, | F big, vgariad claude tn oponhrs - 2 Suit ! 6) lack of ac@ar Crvede ) fe many proraat spel 2+ Raat gy lack of ugt - of bes ‘ded! secre (ob aie) mh be +! Kabsi lag est cpl on nea a | g)lack ot Sbedive monlahiy ond capt - Sf dav cps» We foue sei 1 an enotmeas patina fv tonaismn , beet They lone wt been whic eeu Gap 7 Hh Fi i Gow yul j . Coit mltrabives ' ‘ » : sulle | : le 1 Bligh creat (CoyarSre pe eae dats Towrinm Ont, Goel ~ Cyt cule sheng (orig 1) Poor Market cigh. cvashmea (Spin ee’) / he tt no aha renal ahh O-s+ of Pouvaty nord aloes sree 46 blhy. India's annual. pro duchon. + 100 twillim \itveo a 4 alue. @%- of te wth - east eaardet “fo Ba }P00 cr Cae f oak vy theak combined J Poveda aap mgd Dairy Jeers | + Amu. -troraton Flood, Whibo Powlidim, Or Veghone Kenian + «1v00@ (Naboral Dairy DUE -Boaud) = brabas covoumplin + lacge! 1007 oF preducho wv rly ao hgid mile Lelich knasd Hoc of Co Ps a) Ay 1 + Sorell imorgire, Uarghiccs —2 om ommmnity pasha gumrcs 2 Cot of cle i cuned bg fowmoy haviy (ees tan | 2: Suihabe ® —somi-cond p drylands ( Dvdopordost of naidelh) 2+ Residual crops (straw) can be given 00 ddl . bom +t Subsistence consumphn for family “ ) toe std mn rental Is - We howe | beon whhscot 1 walhaa badhhted portof Indom dich Conger Reqrolay, Panjab, 7 High fh cla. "Wore. a! Ipiveyid for a teat qheshragsts: Cienels Hine ne Tyee, reo. Coot quldy cording ~afhak Ar goles gra Gand Grainmphion 7 ie ) ; Organic rene ~ Lanilahoe af ndeats as ivi wll Yoon the ? At cable's arg: annual yield -2f0r%q mlb || (2? a j 1) Poor _preduchihy ao (inal oh as an lg (a 5 | Z a vs 5 WW, 000 kg fanrnm = Gre t poor te Voniehy NZ —s Soe kg/ annum ite t err navitlnpidiony Tad! gf ccna of ermcbrees Conly 07 of btw ov, orassbr Lindh snccna Yt Nedoreh cabal bool draeckce Progranwe- 2 5. Wemen ‘temales can look aftr Ne cobtla My) 6. Imporbank sours, of probin supplomait Sv vegehovicn Act one. VVaishvon ~ Sain = Argersemy belt. f C ne) 2) Desbie of pookwe \ardy (dia be 207 of weorld'« calle, bak dua» advil? achwibies 3) Posy health A vetatinny semring able F provonive healihiane only 7- of pasbwe lands ) ¢ TTL TAT NY BE EATS EE sonata, Mes ak firnadh dasenode heaamrregic cep TGreO + a) be ot aad dag formas Corts dow yran ceaurpabion dey is omy 2 suppomenking occupa } , . So, back of cob heieat orb atladrm> _ Gans S) lack of mille shore L prervabon eilibieg (abs) “4 Wha 6) ably fh erad- Phghosoribry vorng, (In Lachevisbogal . me combo righ FoF ontuak) of nTD for oepocs do vg LEU. ey divachvey : ‘ TT; iredevisad olehas : © Procassig i Sorinlegs Steal rrachive « # - uate Altered air for procaaditg - | due bh D 4or- Unorgarised sock —srnicdlonar 3 unfair prids , | 2s Othe ¢ : impure ilk (ne, puritiahos) Coat tan tralian Lack of Aversifachon hy abe ad fon Cuter 2 Gages iat ig mihpud” | / Molet for India's dang a cabeanat, Arab = 1abo I 20d Lem, ragpivamont— da & Corournplion 126 e5/dou fpr 26009/d¢ — 280 anyday ems Malle —> racanks 3 Qlciurn = builds bores “yibasia BD -pmb, aio wohl » Protein as illo muader “Pokwdium —siraiabaina BP. “ Vilain, @2-& Clade reba - Vit- BE > anzymey ~ Vide RIL > Mahwation ot boc cable- i eco fe C og dda xget, prodman so BOP of wer enhaite @® capaho. © Guon ~ digho, beaty 2 4 Cumann Crop ~siatrngen txts “Aenea ) . thins wmi-arid_anan - 8 ail ) vagekHla cop: we > Wha sudden imowns in cemrard ) sariohagal © 1 Ga sade gua gion Co galechorrennen) Us 4eu. vad mn Shae qo axhachon s a0 x fachmirg Haid - . US: hola gao axtathon —ohiyh demand for guar gum . - Demand fom 0S: likely he reduta om te rok tow gens, chef disuney of rem chin synbelic fuchorey Llvidy ‘ —o Other usor + in phere irdwokty , to male cosmebia © crcawe - bat, it steelers paper « 0 9Og 2 tk shee Paper made ? Lit poliseo £ ado olodstasdie fb te-craam , pool, : bread , Samang, + huge potonbal m hdia a) hdca bog shale qa0 erfrauh wm KB bash, Comb ay bath, Ganeory Lewin, Abssam-Adtlom boar; Damden basin 9 gum gun am ato-friordly wnobhad of dak CPon Global wou Lahighes femporbee unpedictalale prec piledtion , ha {con thevel moras + g Gal puns! +Rsug C2, el ~aeray sifber be borahuiol ov haunkh to crope- gio «Shay on eect of chine choye on agfi- > helps Te propatly ankeipaa k ApneT Facubbble fanwnig ty rmeutiniaa opt. parsdudtion. + Burdon, of chal: charge will fal. cbsproportorstel, gn_paev conmarbn Ahlan des, fk ladle Shaman + Lehre bythe 2007 repr > ledia vill bo ‘Da biggect laser dha * clined drags 5 it vill toe So of G9? ca by chinele dace - ‘Emmissiong from ogy - ‘wattand vie calluahon fret brea. = ont eller Turirents Like cons, we pee awe fle on (Oy - : Deb cake bon bung, of bigmem = a, (Chugrazig) sonverdival tilke (ploughs, = No, Ferbb oo. woe + Maat produchtn (cote taed = GHAS Foe bveakek) «feel f wn \ = CO, Freeal fal wee (fr dos b > clrngock cn yield . o7 447. PAC ase im tmp 2 7 OME Gta wgidld of 1 by Oo 44 Pats. by g-a0 % Gren qram by 13-307" Syp bean by 1-367 + Cmts hare can shorten be rabi sason E dawrene 41d « ~ High tome. we adveviay af feds GRAIN écona nnn |. sae AROMA in bawmebi. > Mile yicld in nda» seadiateg by 12m bonnea dle. PS destvess an livestock abe bo hyper temp Dee. gudily comme yioll 2 adyerady fadad » + Lowe valve Impact : - High “Cw ‘wi ata Lampact « Qh ben » Clin + Lake 4 lmpach -0e MF oe oun ae et SERRE EU TS a ‘ope. «itl « FE them (Oy. ( J (mpad om amelly - + High C0, —samylace conkerl of gran Pmerzaade - sega ewaldh 3 . Sie, Icvemit | o. lower Won sy eancy prof, micronulvieds « Lower ruhiniore} <3 poor populabrro wha ara nila. bo componaale- Impect- on. soil agin a arg hych olegiod ce ae pantall Galt vdiool Gal onsbal Sei, TEN! reecagy 7 arround” wf ‘hw! available cy nitvabiy mersatea Soy Iaglur coil Fechlity | ieapock on _peoks disosoe tempat tm Fichemig © Clancte dang aah tacks wade, tempocbve. 2 rudvionk (asele 4 net entail Fact . C header at vice) mneneang om tomp- q Lowey | pet uit harbiv epee, Pate bs rar a Chenocu-on 860 BFRE CT. gek he-sawa amt of protem ON Ecnerege m ) value of ove by cabs more Td or by takaty spelt we. decals eck C Eicheme vals spoil crosim —stop svi vilals ar —slewer fork ene Mae of WN fovbilizerc os lean wast lesa BR Sia. + Clinate~ chonge = bighes temp. bi hay = cordutwe tr Furgah diverse cmmoroasad pot-Lyetoaltad - lower dry snanon witin rele. affecks aby, pradachay, cudgel de viaki lay of fxh- ~ dake, Fieve mast at fedrod - bocey day Stanom 2 epradic felole NH How « | 1 chek nt (Beahmepalea gepedid b deine by ee Io “ay mn bedoren 20'/- nore audlic “> ob facts traafea Og Oatm, 307 rere dhe. te Gl c— Corbis BH te Cabonie acid) sexseadrahvon(ait oi Fro abnopoiee) Quai “dns 8 “agi BO He fhe fom grpot 2000 yes - Malticy alley oF gles aos afk bls ine pz an pronvel pNow areny from Hrrewyas «Gao mrof sea loa 82 aga whe pe crs. tdhay, 3 C gvbaa bondi vo rere. eis cd ef food crogt I, 4 hed ens calls adpoue ipa ch: ow oo fs cb «Sax lon cisa + bal ans ore + Drghk > Paral spelt —s> anbllaens’ * 7 {Vigralin 23 chamche Inks sen at Ay sence lard Antes Mikgehion & Acapsbon chabert 0% aie a a law wee & chore fer pleone alan onitsiva of NY 2 es bike Gov nw) ales NO, reloawe « ed bectively Scqpatg ~C7 the sil - Diverse rope —sviske cpverdng aps he weak dro Babine. ofa pecker op: 2) Agu tovesbay —uatiakion of Nees Jegellon wit oops + frovenits soil onsion. - tohroa gil orbhty. «Pohang rn wala . = treca provides dhol te crepe 0m moreaoed Temp ~ 3) Piwesié iy “Ives hoody -osagporonb ey inane. omg roe -Pain abide 4) Dearne droit ~regishonk L salve, seaatont orop yanchig + 5) Take betes advantage ot chy rai Seoeon}- ty, flodd Poe Oy Coe . ols Populabrw mothtam FArovre Vicansa’ wok 2000 use 7 ws deg: andl (rt NS tL do b adler op Fann oabruvhe tin a flasd pros, i PS ATARI SRT BR aE Tt j= Abian capa (Loin den) LeAeraw dlaplo ( Claphee). | 4 “ ih oe PR tocecan pprx i ~ —s hd, of LE on a a Biogeography —> chedy of disbilodin oF Ute forma , P pest, || ~ ard fe sopscre (canses) of cade dishibatwn . iB iepe , A. dohtaion Pimathnn, e- In teehigh allies ™ hopin s ‘plas eve rorrrall sabi tid bompeste zarag . — Hoole. | + Fostpol Cavaval wilds) obishibidim “mn cone of relay vilich one { sapenatid by chlo waktr are similos = (cine Dey wea one a pot of Be onbguion lardumasy, wilh mo bannin te provid dispenoal,) — Dawin . Que rap bal 5b, Congraphical . Lchrrs thy an imp: re in taxmome dnision . Poprlrhvw thet ane sopariled by goograplrtad bavivenn (Soa, riven y mountain) turd te vege from Tein Spedeor due ty d edaplabina Lnuhsbrne te a parhrulr anvirorirant— 7Dlach of crase-braelag oven hurdvade of yrs. Lia Prevrvaches pf biegesgraphy |. Dispersal bjogeo. raphy —s speciation ocauns oy animals Spraad ot Pam a pomb £ ovigh, cassie _sy0-tdishhy a barren, Tht they urmld nit gradaly rerthoes. ak a | ! OU wor ll eatags sited) L to ae (Pelyrhn wall atk~ thea. off Lim De orlgnel arp: 2 Varian. bivgeeguaghy-» Ar spaciag That is prasont evan @ wide ama gk Figmabed Cviariolsd) on bento, — | doreleps a0 ecuumad thregh fhe procs of conbreitil doit Vieeniance process undenbiog he cishvbudiora) clvowity » uth de. dspoualst node —oprrdhirg man Pexe of Lawee reank (oy species) rd howe rd a be tne to spread. beyond parbiiden xagion. by mopply fhe dishibabim of a bocq Chon ibechon of bingeogvaphie ‘ , imgeegva phic Ave ior (tales or lagdone) 1, aalalehig te dupa of cmibity (She otek) i ds geographic. Aap ory + Tac ehany be itll Cuero taxa chrad bfw anon Lk? - Qrnv- of tax endomic bo ua | abn - b ano of freq artomic fo ran 2 alone « + Large fhe vob biiak 7 Me more simibr ane te aitse s Mair gore pot combos y SE-Asig ahndia,Moleyat j|robnoa 1 5 hee sugartare,s pyafaay ily, — CHEKEN JH Am Aaa Caea hs habbo, AG 3) Asa > Atha, Japan 4) Ades 2 thle, Pow re re ,Sganare i > potato , prety Las gu ives pry 3) Crete. 2 Meoutio oye pa Water Toohey 6) Etbicpia ie ‘edt: a cbfey barns 7 RAMA SF wns Trolayy > grape, ole, Pedoge sh Genes Tr Physical, 2 Ore 3d P 4). s) | Soin @ de sad Po be Soil 3 fre. dainkanedad motiial four on fe part's sanlete, : de tp watleriy of fl ernst be Superts veotetion . vapaphic AEBiON « Soil prohle > yell ta varie horizontal layera at stil, tet cour af afl yorbiel boighh » ara called spil HoRizons - aod) , Theft yan ¢' e Sb bie yer. | A vertiol schon tag all fle Soi] Hovrzome forme soll PROFLE. the“ bowe nel, Sell profile ae Pe meg al 4 = OBI B | (ste . t) 3 © Pe) regolth Leogerass > Procasscs Whe m Lrrakrrn ft seb. sol otigh lhe sa « Sod fe Ee dav vatkiviels ; Soil Ireganic—> Sip Aly fos ake :. bajad avid cotaten a came deal 2 ibe spony mon e. Heder (sei| moishue) arecenaaiy by support Wife. G23 —s abmosbhonic st bs De pores oF of Pe soils Sagpors —reopirabion 5 Lionnany for Aacorn goty NO. 7 Gaato reloaoed’ daa bo "ake leh ‘prowsses ro egret en alem ChOUEHY GENES OF SOIL 5 Pro conten myobwed (pedegoni protscen ) GOAT AS Sosa J Trarslocabyn ~ lent 2) Ellaviahon 3) Mirah» 4) Gethedion : i * teak movonest, im dowurand stim doe D&binsscdton(albadisebyn | 7) OraAr chases oy eduan. hawiebon = rrtrerghicabon Ure gases a} : 2) Prdaokis aition C Cholanabion y qunlg |) =) Deshler, / Jaherisahin TER ST TT | Salricdion/| ) Allalisation i Organic. dengeo Condon, ray - Preoas . Laachirg Phamid cveng Downed monet of raleml— (choy , basso, or organic shdf solution av collotdake-fovmn : y artizulen horizon is dapnvad of r E Uanation ion an zon oak qreiv downwooh ay ebluviakon; Itbaviabion Pegpiect eee je formed due fo | aceumiehion/dayocivin of Kraticcal Kom | lourssrohed. frm upp Uluviated horizorg . Galafwtion | by anditeras | 5 aldium expreds Proce zreatn Pe male bop oe, Podzo Licabion/ heluviadron Desi lication / latericakion Transprabn Dabsuption — |- Temporory. cacacn af veda heatrire guapratin. Eth ttedd-iwvigitid cans with poor dyainage 25! -Purgah het-wdt brpial & equchorial. imag tug ter 10 haimaa om sav fae, Z Grands aenboncad Closes fredtim gram weap a lit of G. urdeground sabhs are bringht be Ne swrlaee —> humifiedbion 2 mili mainly on fe gunfire sce GrAsteeato henna 24 sol sn 7 who te soi}. Cool ,humid clipety £| rem Lalmminiue Comporndy on 2énd,ly bach. ach os chuble de more mobi es : a F So, Thay Oe i 5 Bede Ivana tw HE! ron A emelnvichh © Fe, AlZ Cea :-tamiFerrna Foret cantorng wy Si Homem B =) Ibamicted with Fe,A) Oy Hanna logon) > acks ay ‘chalatits agent ro bums sno hala hig gent = Silia is are mvble | . Sey Hon2m AD conlairo ble oe sly terme Bxpituiaad with i> ptosis daw te pow baum | = Hprian Ae mh Al ovtda ary, | oil a bealrock profi & i physi ‘Snecma eens ch nna dete tis De process | Prowse Grolitina rayd - oe en Oe =e Se = ji of relawal — Glegng . . | wale, lagged f deadas absert dre 7s grad shh in “tl Aworobe ordiberg Sab sabwuln . Hi «hem 7 mat fe <> blue compound, | ¢ ke 5 daprivad of sles, Mo sefind, sere dig GLEY > Lbish- greg host @ | : , We te educhim of Fe Pfoowasl dee to | * Praline Kom | albaviated hovizers. | tum ae i : ne : | SOIL PROFILE 0205 fram, —_—_—____ is a lot of G. brent b fe | ecbon rica mph human volonaey| od) Wom | ee” rary st. sed at Fe, ALY ty $i < with Fe) Oodle | Jatis govt ' gol profe gene | “A verbal seckion & soil fen te grourd. surface b te Bea | bealvoces Consishy of variew soil horizono- Abe = aye “Soil Ayaan —s fh well defined _hevzodbel bayer ilo tre soil profil 5 parallel + te growd “sunfae, and bewitp dist ul with G4 a awinily | OA hovizen Wa mov M 14 oY ah} i arierdy) i eaalteakivrr (oferisobon, oof doy , i : i : iu | eau) (Be Ohta og Hot, uct —s dey daathithon ve Faat onde im A? High exapmatin —s calafahon amore @ AAD fl he 2] CAA wok — y pedod mova Sim AY. Fah. ¥ soll fomahon | ECLORPT or 2. Wa Ly ra Clornato Org ao Tire him | Clint ol pghny bal wea) | — th tee oad wat Ky | Ig Physik ucallous nites | © eer Lo wolf sganie nels lef win) |, te ann ‘deo : | HAAS wdtodaogty a meducheon sey ng Lim ° Evarobarapirahoy >> ppt. = capileny adin —o.calcrfigchon (Pedecals) | Pet - SCxapohanoptrahon louse => pedaebtan (Ballin) oe come: vantahor aeapuntimkurbactin —puaabeny of: rer veel abet raabell > sdntin chon -2 weabenrs of ‘poent reek” ; | -— Plauks —sleal- Utter —> hurmes ane Chelands , } i (-—» rouks ealhenre scverease—slaadhi fl os) i Bivhe |= Celbce a loys lane fe diy dagosi Polls gent —spodeckiakin Prem Beg carey Kenn sie Miroloes Cabos fg, bacterra) 5 Break deurm hari sah ; rhizobiun ~sfixeg Ny pr | ae \ ~2 buvrowiy irae —stodoxty, ah —s6vohun al whe, mais L—» Rorfuornmy 5 ma De gotly i Chaye Ne pha sied Laberraal propebiss of | soil by Reedig It dom ‘he agen ssh SRE ETL TTT YS TTT TTT TE TCT RE BTS POO Re "Shop slope wah svilo od sina 7501) cannst lodge itself + Alot surfaw on wil top + rratortal ~ carers, t “ » Ptek Suva 0 vedlgy —arratoviah- peat - = Hillslope ik —s boblex dyad | * Velky soil —s poorly Anand « Topography —5 Mmroiihve eopae. % | hi : Climede Lp ee Pah rock a» aot | 2 ee Teams > Stabe Leftctore —s Conese fear, well deed + “Lies she —yfre teshwe 2 Poorly dame tel, ae : ety fina wv kien (Ime-rah aol) & | noh~eh nguny rock —2podooltak ios. -3 pay | Agiealh | STi. saps heh, ves . Ae Poviing veel: Ceanstahre)} sls bre br sol frmader, | , ae Jmperviows roc, ( easalt} 3 lorgar fine fr coil forwcbou, | a b i sv Meee 7 | = p7ej och emp | dpale lag _h 7 Commeh projec Cz : | Ee), - | _. a: meadiammeas 1 aS WAC FUERTE EE EE PE SOHEPOPOT EEA E, AX report by INccA @ | Clrdian Nebuorl. ov Chimeke Chomge Asseaenent) oe telfs | | bry well ded | orly drat | aha) | eee frwdon, | coil torwcbou, i I li ne seaman renin BF ek od merase. in maifell. — Howener , beyord in moraoce. fn Zeer Lehmann repel > 5+) .A.00 less hoy 2040, dee. b elite chong Axe os 4 renee! 1 Himalayan Ragin 2°W Chad : en “B+ Ragion 4 Cocotal begivn > 4 sechys : Agri 2: Freaks (hebuel, gut if a-thaman Healfh Water , Climate cHorge. oro —2 1) Eactreme.- pracipitabion evonks «°° 2) Tomperatire. antnamen QVewviab ilihy monaeon saint, 4) Shom inbonsihy ao” a _lovel_vise -2inarelatroy, on coo’ €) Increee om C8 ALD Report A sachoral & naziond aralysis hy bacad om M's 3 Messin. 2) Model =) Monit. » Agia i217 fF Ge. + Ditaglt aod» Oy chong hat cartremen hash -vioney co, fesitnaon dlleica) hraayy pel. events => rogakvaly dmpad- gr - produchon & : fenren! “Lwelthecd.. “(PEC reget) sto ts 407. lost a crop “Production by 2100,% Iba diate gltbel voowieg ropita bonhial Elec of C0, CO, odo fo x bench of g-i64 am aield im whadkhrXe., 15% in Soyabean - q Coe phasy el e Field lacs claw fo vise. in temp 7s dikely $a be ofteek- by temp- of 2°C o Te giold less Canml be componadd gwen lo, ule leg f . As ™ —L million bide, ’ oF puainlal «—. tngh temp: -chtgha dishosa ™ 15 -6 07: les \ i Conght —— Rounfad, 3p) bess \ Verse Coconu ——__. wok: teach’ 3 BY. trerouma Aagriee | Lt ot ten PES) | shes 4 -S7- te agri. Gop. | wi od curity, Welhood scab af millang of fihoinen. | - Tropical fa sto ee Sl actincton M pinwe bh bagher Vb bday Higher tomp. —» Ox transport fo becuw Wille inal al choye th bmg of pe pis ends Aqri- Incrone om temp. face gued vat, prabry aka Srvbbor sire. Corgis A 7 cowie m life span Chess in fh chock dug to climale choye ‘ Jharge im dlishibubivral Lewrdomy — | 2)lbarg. in depth of cesta i 3) Prsaalgiad class. . Vajw fishes: Oil sade Le Iedian rele DEL AAe 4) Bem apy of nerve Ssh cath a beds ne EIST os Yy rs from shiresag 1% Co, oy) gil tended ‘i \ @ fso, law ( 4 a Uh ale a) w eee CHRD Dares eae erE Beemer recreate ret homncterernenreenterennmbene-nnees O}) sardne /- “Lows avaliilhy oF Bde, —aedualy hal’ broh sual. dshibetion i- S! W: Coast (ioleben tous) - FEC K PE Now, ik chishibubon hao caterded funer harth Jao Ni ard als fo te eat coast: sures However» catch frum tabbar ook too WOT dacrcseed, ncbicabieg Heep £4 781 DN NOT OlsTAIRUTIOW SHES. {rian Hi | « Dish} Luhonel ontevoien towards movil, (cirnt bn bb oil sardie) ! | * Hee danconded daapor in the recent qs. Soy it ms A fast easily caught by sur faa. sod deft gil lnela os avtisarel Fichewess Ho availebly ouky at doap weliic 12 hang. Congh ani by bolle trand witg oF lage. rrechumead bowls - Codresey ob Fooks crrall fisherman). Apgriedhre om not weep Ass am 5 lugeof dale of WE. oF, populebin dveelhy cleperdert on ao fe er Whast- 5 @ —2apy, — Polato -s ts. Msrze 3 —40 7. Hoe te gt? Jhrigdion 2) Remake Aariz ih Virralagem 29g Ro en Agri. Pend haba Capen. - Lose of perwanends pachues Le gruslode equal) - TEL -edebycd in Fook produchion Ircreaoe vor ale oh tele #93 Bejnsa valley ; - Shoo of — frik copa (apple has corn down. . ” casa, 4 in | tamp. —s hp - edeiod ctallig temp clebges hlutton > radaal Te ih, Nabural osysbome L bacdiwrerds Nechur al, biares as Pon desk do alpra meadows, ropitel rainforuds fo temporikc pirdwesta rmargrovey to coral. reek, wrarcsh lard b bigll-alhipule baheons - Increasing 0, lovely 2 wal favew C-3 plank oven C-4- qe ni “iy QB py. + Increnei ng tomp: —owordd Foran Cet plats. Sendoval vise > subinergoia- of hears ve) Li simureand _saliriby —auill Gren selt-bbatt reste ‘Inwood sneha faphata l ig lane a Will & brag) te specius Hirolee darth. deli "ih bn Reve fe eilsdy.m Svance BA serge! in bemy ANS rn bemp-—abbachiny of corals . we 1 Bre ost vik move fronds igh ade f bbe. + Loe wirchey, Spa 3 rome watu fost fe « Care to dalargcd cual of man ison ~ arly floweuy/ Pruihiy of vabve | veo ~aRbndadrdrn 6pp- *Lestewe in ivrple peoaation, wil eavaaniey abies - Domraica < Spora-fiwmire bul oa oe) Ww Ghat furl nek Primary Prachi) % tao. by Ke20y: Coast Shndedoans (anesto Nahmal bevaga ale) —> sige ak on 8 Ytidel mergrove frost Sea wid nes N-E-reon Age heeled, Araracel —vbirdweohy bash iss bi chal Chime . Pa mee g tawny 2 Si - lho O + A nan Heabh, a CA egrecaag: vit Prsigten> rare speda bo sahiaty , 4 go Yee t lib. a dws SpP- pon hy BAG thee Mey were hitloh cesed die-k " Diwect impact —a Haat stroke - ~ lrolir ab ™m it di heal i k Via Wohi ‘ . combo neti Cdne fy Oovcared Floods) > Windowsaot transmicsion for vache - barre Aisoxcax wil) fempenitas « anand vechr! ios gtitben GE bleetad = be “Are Lordthing | igh tonyer_ High o, © reinkall, Hope be. dural veal cals locas. » Lower nubifis val coll (oni kom 2 am) ty Pn plant. vrabualiben in harman + Mortei hy due fb Arownirs & wales bone disexoral typed Cherlve, dignhace Dore de. b Gooas? Chote charg bobs ay os Inc Fil nan sd ferrala. arp “svaokor * Pareit (mat) comply ite hele om ses Reale inasqtity (och inate incuation) - Meco oe all-Haded sce, life ela kdl of parcaite | M meade body will doped on chireke carctiton Whe. teens rambll 7 Pract, hamidiby wi velrefy lee 3 Pevivax wil bale ss dogs fe SORDGE RY, Ab 286 os Pe rea will ole onl Page RY Priginss - 22S lew tump. (‘@: “tepiel Asean, like tralgeia wlll oproad » Increaach torp- > nale_of- dy SP bd ve om nr i ng havacbon accalistig owihy on dw sty 56 byRgs raductisn of avmamRo RAK CYCLE err romuen camer meena ne: = Raduchon 1m Awahin of “SFOR O4OW yy , ; pains in pitboh j My ot pramonvaach ~ Redachon 1a lusabon eo Con OTROPHC Se, feta O Pe oped tndin swirl amen dsiOr + ivnpa dh Health impact 1m Horelayon tas Firat Ghee fr ~ Hover td dog eae = nee Punpese m all coum \ srowe mw mabidiy deh | cactrama A - i = Increase mm ws Irerenca in Incidomce. ef — relanigs dee bo | { - Gat hoy ond 4A0°c 5 ruby of rnreguule J “rexadc- | i f i Tee Open up of Paromisston yarsinissiom Wihdiow (0) niglanebdrder wb laser Finch Pods, sles fava obfeck, od y large Jardehides ~ ang Seapity. vendo? Health innpad! in W Chobe . Incranee in —» of Foc coah crops a Tadiction 3 ih emplogirantt | I temp Whe cob feoy Fox 4 om halt i ative. ii om | C ibe. wi col | { Move vam 2 , | i niov thorn. oe _ Plooding > morbidly Jostdlay. Health impadr m cool core. | + Se lovel vise —s foread a varhe dh nhs vd th ii su -—s offeds protein lake cane a salen Peel Lae her ee health cxpen ot food souwihs + Eictreore. pil: eveille —vsvil_grosim 4, bye nenadognont e on Slopes te ee ~ vay haltrere- . Inerge Ivriga be ) Decl» | 2) Inc s)& 4) S« Grow 2 Tn probe | My nora ~ | clang. be Ps Ingler met dome at ralonrty- enon. Watkoy | % werd © Inia 3 (be of qloloal’ population, — bud Faremidates «| 2 only 47 of tbl walt swocwee . hbank he | Met bron ed te m al corm Total praipltel — > t00 oe bin / yearn whi diy dueh bub uneven Pr spaw hte Cione- he Tava “se) a afin, Onvepun i 2 dae be _ Wighn heeds Annued pet - — et | Ramo From upper ~. Sop th fod i Vidarien Loundvies Sa ‘ Tae flow m 5 e684 / | WV ee ; Cakrnetad raat _, 1/23 poe 6a soba). mplog mont f water Ly 423 Cgrenrd) tom healt Totah O£manp Inigahon Ss adam : “= 6S¢ Lath, >=s) OD renhe 42. relia, in ghctoa im lpia peennid Flow in ~ rrorlern tn, / 2) Invansad drnght — dlecrenss jn roof RAINY Dave. protein Probe 9) Eacheme pple evenky * moaned Hoody. Inalt hewd. of 4 Setlire Patrusion Lan cote & rlond ca pos fos cchai fadlh aie be % Corel te saa lowed vee) (ca Kfo. covpedboma, (le) fous fhe zene of : q Yourd wale ~ Geovwowarer | nee " (ee 1 Dyremic gered seed cannvall) fl | The proaint- clovelepmront poli forbi da 1 eb aden | remanent of Sth nesme to prorent Gyrur « Cargetir gladin , Mi len _ ade of ln am ALGACLEDRE A fom of aquaudbve , invelvig De forming sf algan. | 2 Mainly ICRDAL Le lo» Serwendy) oe oddvctad ~ | | wu | ertscon” & “omdaay erns sero bg | im ee Velea. connor produit. | | t aq Chlorlls, Spirulina for halt dood , protelne Produ bifely (bebo bin binds bio) y oe aoid pollution bens J < teiieliifealas Cascade Rar bale) Mapes wae abfwatibn of algoa In Somege woidatnn por. “Algae an be growin om oyaay alors rie Ogrindbee. i not possible. —%> » calk- web: pord of deserts, MM seWegeo © wvesbnlanle, in rere ni, c= Thao, Fk Thy bad walked, b onbat” Brod crisis due fe shrink lard, posouter -HETSCGIR) > con eal tip 10 crtcdrabon humabiy of wiczalyee fem atic: mobi. (Phobrbivvache sa chsed copped that provider a controlled —ensronmarh malblao high produdteity of ij i qbuin , Pirdonk bets Lenn Ir ’ . P| oe OWA, salle “el ots tod io park. wih 1arcdicleg 9h ry vl Fachos omy Jose Eh ep lbvabon (NGrodeit of supe © Ant of will “ee ae Oana of ral G Sdryhwe of reek fomity eal. | oe palin sane yorablion ), ded ~ * . Tyco i wig high | 1-Graap-aslou, ged: gulls de ¢ doc cong aac of val or | Soil flow(saltflction) or pudflau ! ~soil is -sabuohd with watix Alacomes a sooporsion hblowes { = bog-br se (im - a shone, biciaaa) «Ary ae dete Flee rp dee Roe sees P| q I, batt) Marpin 3. Slump —sutth beckweds veteion [Te dahon ord. } sp BP Shde gutted pdm ake pS salt woke RES : i ovibat” SEU free LIN ardor groan . ag allen | athad ee hdl roa), ve ve oedion & a cra ET 1 ilar, many dane “wibby nr Ceogaphioll ee Le eal ne eS) ih Pi aca 2 vibtahow dacs aden vipvideg a ludbvite of wen mate raunhe. of ee wud seton “well incisor - equity a sedwage — - ovate we permanant - Artes 5 a pereans lager oft Sn (SR) veck oie gourd. faubrs 5 ddtiots wal fle OChmat ansd, anova. ewapreton Tid one panrof Loads pacts onesie f° ‘Sepoge IIhy of Fachveabipte— Doar & pak sgariliy, f Fecha QO Bob mores 5 wed bbls oy = See ls, romeo omar” le 2 apy a Cimpe ning, owl of Tiypeo of groardoaaln pies so f wer" os bow a] Done wi ai sank. (ai wudly or pore ° able ech ee Oa ee | ties ) Altemate pew nabs ios | | “th seaey Fart 5 < cae t renke - | nwo > vi ova Hur tasso Pore Patan wall “> ‘erie een ae peretele Achaia Lucorshrd) Deaite lov Ares “s) faba] pn wibds o8te AE WoT nile tr ltchon eigthong dhe fe bigh, mrad. ° shel | iter WN YY be eo) mya | PERVOW, | I retvelly fowl of | 7 loworg Kibvelley of Pa saith Sede. | Stam Oe war e yl o we} ? andi [besion By Taropeitahor i + Lradual, dug a tee by shonthate ix we aaatin foes, Latter afer ceil or aly “ae Galati SHEE oy, we Ehewied waters [> Fete (Fos, sale) dacom ore (tothe os wim | | i | | , as ugoniobiodect | Phu del On t Pages fee, soe a, t | por ack Mechel |. emkowlt f | cae Pepa te hls hy cet Bebe il ina wat sditlay tn creviiay of sumo h | ue b iwi wy feo, ~Y¢ ‘fork ¢ gfe neneg daepin 8 vein ; shop praracay fone rok 24% alny Fradnen-feltos, wed | biokip E " Ce - Primdy Qdamrowig — oD. mivrobey =2 Ghorrial secrofion ' fe 6 radinly + Na, M ) Addl s) Mbig = Raw Impact on pact gosh ole ~ E501 breakdown of * eral, 3 piel Oo" -pHT ibe apa phones 2) Acid ov aad mtg subcantcs - Ctr acrronbale abkelicg) Sovie soit [ Anavine wwe Sue) Scar hoi Sodio Pore wae) > 15 < + phi es - seorlaing Garborcty & bia bovatia.. - Lletneal. Conducavity Zadim : + Have a dark cclour aay, thay ane cabled block jocke sill. Pr anid K sous avid gg ex-insdula ab high be DP Dtexie te plats (jm “hi) CoS, 2H,0 Soluce Clam sats . &- “dean elon Coin salle tow edit «02 grom bls 4) Crops teeroble he high £5? Say-¥ig, dheinche = Since Te WS pommecdiliy of codic soils Belk Pets = Ae Rrenvid Sloprabion 0 walin nodwcan bo ptt rds rolease © Co’ rn (ads & Thana roduio, FSP. ws : 3) ol godths> ‘sina. te ne ee fore ee ine mat Ghiy ve webla Ml fy ) i i dnd. ‘i t hid i BNE Y } Aa tow aw 1) Le 2s s) Dac 4) tt =) Ape packs 1) oh 2) Ina 3) Hk a) Fad vest Fi . 1 Silo - hy rohit» the boken lawn & frm som Sinprimedtle *etia} bing ava ee) y ujuat of ites > twee .« . ) 21 Reelden of ccletbea, badean ( Phasphlcclonn,mycorrns) 5) Growing reap tle Encaly pho hybid , sodidty of eahcarlye. sole L goto deopy (+ Facihbate: thice, Oger hele Fedhmene dan be sed to ple seoddngs) . * &) A bed brides. rotned for shrae of ram vida, 2) Deeg plowdniy Limeassror of- soil. rermmeenaests meme Reso sous How ove they formed > D leaching of bacey Calg, Noe) in high rail 2eey. 2) sil Grmbion From » aut die porord rock (quite Sadho | ogame sw ba Onvia “Cine Dey oF eae (oe oe 4) High -yieldig empy (chior bode diveds le Go, K tae neaulls MeNtaaed oudit) S)Apphiebor of nibrgen Fadkaeng ” pac 1) Behrens, of merely like G hig. 2) Increase ia hxc Demat, Hike. AL, Mu: 3) High ea. rangesble addity a nok ineny 4g) Faction of SP'(phssphens) shy slat (ay ot oie cme) Olanbs by Adve CAD PA a) Drage mare sanraesmamatnes Prosopis jiftore , Arcacin imbba The deop rot ‘didi bypasses, he . | | | | | | | Eeshnoidin Go Cahuin 15 a hom train edi woth es prising B robdively undichnbed wahiial araao TArded. a0 (- Towrid achvihes wat NOT DEBACLE fhe aiasyiten « 2 Tourids wmal saagoc tre ivbinote vale. of nitah reson 3 Tourion reveme — pana conibak, fla_seionb he, Callch Leonsonahioal bevels ob lock Ades Lonmwiiey Adasen : 1) Savirenmendal Hicedly b sabia 2)otber omplayirost to louk ppl: setlechve mod of Joint Voveod ryt? >. st (ag;~ involvement” of cribale ™ Raul tbl iv wisn ) =3ne Prarhiry| nov tovedk free gre A 207, 4) Shonag of -padikind, Lnedadhe of hls vicki, rose. ~~ Chrbel. guide) 5) Promshey a senae of “concomah, ‘heal nity fo vata socom Obrreney owists « 6) Blonde o reged for laud calbwe Le batite babieay tm cali obey 7) Promst en secydleg Leones ahbctomuy - : @- Pavan bi Lala dibale Alize fowisve wool bv prac hardivdes - . Davambi < Va tion, tee hows 6) Wyared 2 bps of 2 6) yen fou impact and small sala atbowahwe 4 hatdand commncial | & asthee doriles wed 24 4 lard commonciel, um. e sat fe tral ome, % redicrdls ) catige oaths. rctlace Aagrdoeiheg OO ag mania} » Land we involvirp _treva combed wiih. arable Cres m ke same wma of lan - Hors a cuhireble Tard noe. systm> Hes suttad Sy anid hsernpani PO ioe oF Indica (607: of hctas cline lardo ere any i. Environmental =eSul Fostlty Improverrevh~ + inCrasse Ne sil ovganic poollaa, Prog the, addipion stnhences radvionk eydley hr tre sil a + decrearen soil Dosir , rumelt & laachars of rubs, = tmproveg Te ricro climaly. by lowarig be sil temp) naduciy Dragerdin L masdorane of cal moithie., Incvercea ‘the Lovafiicl mivrobey —a provatlan bid. Rashes. 2 > Bivciversity. - tide. prassure. on feveste by fod, dmb. + Prevideg — beltox _ Onvi- Wrdihows (onproer ricrodave) > reduicey emnissim. Grom sequeahation Cat a0 “ainle by phahayrtecs!, a hain ate Cadrophs) + sadcon deperdonteg mm choatoal nS. Tn ereeced gdh per urine All Yyron employrert + + Irewvrance against crop File. i + Herbeh madi ure Lrem trea 3S gin Vea (Abaca, Abd) + Bivdi oad —s bese an ‘eflanol ooh ty calubin Prt Consave, Ls Tabwhe Cw + Palin of = Fuck wood > decd conbidabon = Pyolube conveurn —achortoal , oil, geo ~ Metane) — —sdasbachve dyskillehm of-eroal. Ethane) > Formedahor of feats conbewnny, lag Conky AE (ug: tah, poss po) 4) REBT OTA CAT NS ET shi ia een geet ‘8 ~ ruxbition seowuly a aproved, eal Cob vey) ep am btn Pan slap cupo- + iinproved Lawn: were > aedy Imprver- puwral Wty shred A gpk egrofredtry dasign shold fulfil Te filliwy Osho — ') Imp —Produchity Cyl /tedee) 2) Susana qrodudidy m sthogpert year . 3 Prach cally appk cable wiley Lion Godin 4) ChviPonmonal bess, Tuten, Anda catidan, Caalyghe glen, Comin ayiabifole, Maifean Sve, * Arcddyathle india, Tawavinden tive, “Prosopit paliflog | oa. ] aha 9 geolgial en raid 2? m Jak. 3)alcl A colonel . | | Co athe pogent 1) 82 Manag 2) Aithad Sep Ht 3) fb pr eel, Che Veode vail) (achiral, 4) Dbbrah siete) Weir. oresiton , tak DT — sil remsved, 3 poduchihyy) si) dy rasorved ; y cae Gdeai teat tab cof) ™ sal ur he. 3) Depositim of ward on ati Faldo Forme oF nbs anton (‘hyo erat) I-Splsh 2. Shel 3-Bll 4 Gully S* Rave Cali paD Le achve 2 oaerd -— passive =) ho expanses Vagerahion Ty sla git stabili \V-daped aan Fm i 22m) fed a)iadane vested Drs sll aS and 2am) D fama > ck) Haiy 4) Cellar Gully places = i) nab —davibed by a Ahanee dad tt fe bead 2) exekapesthos enevaged . S)igetohon plested on the ; OL (ffy) ODS -O'Smm “ C008 (casi) > 8 inpacl of wed srpeter —_—__ ss 1) Lass of produchve. bop soil - 5 2) hese oF medenical. shbilhy of pat : 3) Sprasd diseano Canay jaramissin of pollegg) 4) ie duct chscuray vision ahavigdhn accidints « sp : prllabion SE alc disesoes DB treattend ich Wd erosion loc eo CZ, ky cL) g, | neh SSP vide. toghe = 4h4 ey o! reteset pene een hE TP RE DP = ry Provoahd F sme dnl c At ¢ Adin of organic molten, . ae are | 2. Menimam —fillage 9. Sadan (impreren bolls aggregation) B+ Summer tillage —aFeprovea ‘sell poreo & permatilty wel obMrabon - 4- Maldhay = sell meidhe actockion L poenbin of erin . O Strobl @ Oud fail Dram &) Veshel @Ohbbe + O Mechonical i ram © Baan lish @ Burda . QTd rides Loren: Irwornd ain high ranfalt DS -O-Simm G Bench Perracrs rubword slopyy smn low ven 3 Cre Grbon burdy Jevallod 3 madwedg var @ dhe. ama. O Cady pluckes Brora ®D Contour Bam ee « @ Ship coapprg > Napier qraas, (rm, pamplen | 3 reves Olanbss aw topes cope, t dichoe @ Multiple. croppie > Arrofrehn, 2 Balgerone 4h “ile ob foatglbin esol tonsomahon | ) Cay pein: dub net of randegprats sf owe | >) Rooks > aagrgalabebind te sll apres cheat anosions | 5) ns a teh ane aeons vdliaks | 4) Lavan -elaat [ithe —aorgana c malin b colsinpines sal shadins S) Storms obimek ran off wider —raduay yelacify . 6) promi sl micrAheg imprvven cil shushve L bollegich fader . 7) pois auton opty af dep dagh 2) vegdhebon prvovidaa beds —s scenhancsst at shun elarko é harness eh fraation . | i | Pronaan, 2422» Chiao i) Be mele Hany. ii oe -MaMeces = adios, Magrahion, Cbooio» Coumpehbion Parchion Slelineber : : ia ab in | = Auber, Allugente . Es : . i 4 eo « Primony < secardowg . fi | shade: 1 Pre-Chimanspost cbimast sciom of ak tal | i vagvantre. dnctorg, Creat fre» landols de, \ 982 -Stabilisabon of sah, tal - | “ | wed Wh. f ald adebilidy. j Sige ship» x da Willy (es-s0—") 2) Ove spo we Aoltolr s9p- $): wid protechon Land Hans parpose 4] " engle. tree. offel > » ey aah be glk pyrarnieal shepo_ J Balls, home oval preily Br Geld. 7 Ib can be powed al 45°) yen at righ area 4o prewnt- werd away. Noh feat When 14 wou rach oo agian > Bgechye: -Raviret - ; . “a Dpreeuiclt gn eat 2)Gmineael Gok 9 Mir frac Vie vorsity 5 vis, fre gbaabons NFP) Ise se ae yw aband fn line comm: ely, 2) Prbadvd feb 3) vill. tal ata besa" © chedks sill evpson 7 montane 28 OM) promis of a rere RE PEALE TTI SSS TTS I a a TE MT r- arylog we fosah- by. becthn; * Ab ae A Awe < Ate si (A 4 EAR some ek i] — Notmdl & , 148s ~ Bcilagied babwoe vcuabmnce of all whe frre. 1 Arftel. consorwehon oy sathrel sabe Melle Veg of tok es feat 5 bilo BP Gd We frak . Gocral fodbey » foam Bloxheg, &abfosdebon 1 Comores EEreskcbor , _ ela Linakvbion of ool sage. = Prenton of diverain oft fret bode fw ran forty = Shafiee calbvehon descent - Gonmauety mele, conserration pasewe~ Pasom Fat, paledel foroot ¥ lord sarin i bb, dD Size of economy (am) 3 | Deopaibn Lamang (92%) 3) Pressure on agri. (58% ppl depard on agri ) 4 HD tafe qmig. povul ? Popalahon Chang lard var, Lark we cobegorian tate zob2rds Kava, woe CobmO TIS 1) Frracts (not the aul, Aoreat coven, bat fed ne as chatel by verewe. Yesorda oe ri lard wae . Y Ne magbeweal ses 3) Barren fnastlods (ravines, desurts) on ays cama eb nd, callabion a) Ain under permnort gecbro & granny lat Cra . 1 Sd, Area under” ni sellerenne ee. cmpeah grows Lr Corchorde , Farm Fovecrg) Privatly cu 6) Colbvate wottalond = foley fe mee regs Den 6 yr, bacon be veclamed 2) Cored fallow (blac igs) . CH is a culled prachie. fo raion ay ey. ssl fabliy) 2) Fallow other “tan corrert: Lllew 4h ay. Ci-s ars.) 9) Wet som so yelil cadybod cee wah ) "os ee ia ° = Lond vee henge Tr beds wits Larned wae. charge palletes Chomp) gr lame vag, D Increaoe. 2082s |g) Non agri land we ($7. 29:/) irahoky urbarisation » inal (4 y) Foreats Ces 237) 23) increase in Aemancaltd on, raher tran forest cover (ach covers2) */. av, i) consawertion of hrs (0. sanchuiw -raewig) ey. e) Garret fallow (47974) 3 jana depend robe Hi) eroppre “ye i) Docking ms Sy. nashlane » calhaade: saxshlendy. a deere to wa. . 7 Soy Ardluo: ) sMenent, me, i XL Not SPUR anon d. : > Aversion for -raal aohnte-(ren-cgrs. bird 4% ©) Paha ” : = > fe divewion for agri, illgak encreachnest. f Why rs land ompavtants Be egy? a ) land 16 be mosh ‘inp ED agri. o 5 Really of land. Ox Prduchiy Oi) Raw: oh crag 4 land =sodal sti 5 oe seamhy Ay ved-t. + socal capitel ea -howune - i ies Ct fe exporce Of 2874 Pasha dusted ) i kgelel pull > 3 plahon ee pe ditility wah - 3 mbbk ostany + “ ee a : provedt Sea ier aoe? en (salt waka sites” ‘na A preci ark dont pale teh " te our @, — Presowe. ror, A imreirlon provinwy ° un Word “ et é eT -aindig rembe He wdinaln Gone Worldwide -> Grow " - 7 : 2 reurdinin ‘ abchadibn bo TMPLED 1m wie ya: Mab - Why * Prob t) Ind 2) Fu 3) Py. au 3) In -s) Me @ Se 2s DO Pre — Ginbrian Crystellse prove “9 poor Qa Pra-Cambiran Sedimentove —? poor (9 > Grrducre Sedarenteuy 2 YIch @ = Deccan bap csteaalt > [ji mited (D = Canszon Sedmenlng ~> Sordshre —y rich, © > Comer fod fh ls Lt —rreh O > Gaga Brahrepaha allustel provme > richaake > Hrrlagan ~s Spies -s but poor. » Pevito. Atos oft Indra, (Cawe?) Araww fer Shey TIN, Kavala. Greis¢ TN, Havretoles Arde Rairded Green Mahavad, ha, me Baoalt Western, Caugchic. plans Marin @lenrctals nec Riyal, Tori | ropa Sale of te Apart ales =) 1-250, 000 peninted =. Lo syase by <6WE, 1800, cuihal Wal Gmintssn mre GIS, Ray (togher avachor raph nds stabebul andy cis tes) 7, ‘donkly caaithy weds; table (ese 2) EF heckve. mgt + of Verrisee aguifery co World Banke 5 ranecral date. Convers; wv) 5 “Why ths . Prob lore 1) Irdiscrinince aachochion asesp:hbonells on Paral, Hang ang 2D) Flurride aS RE™ Ise Ba ge Pre 3) Arana eee, WR C gap. m slallow aya) Uranium x Pujeh a) Irn Assam Ovissn =) Mera, 3 Bang am Arde Loge 9 Sale > Rattan C312) : Dsab- noltr PHD om, 9 amgbit, ot i) ya [ Fre fs ran WES aa! i ams mamas Guar “pBagaswe. ube wall we ye iWigahve . 2) Urevsig [fos hye (rrwe oe of wale, ) eg! -dishvashes i 3) Convo, juylo sme redo of agatvo ete a) 4) leathay: of agri- pollatads abo opafon « 8) Bari of irdeohial Gtaesk into ground (e5:-Tirupr daery hey) i 6) Defoventachon —> leas purolation of wax. fi 2) Pollution of surfaia wal : ° 8) Air pallution mam = pal eaahe pada sda. dow > zop nhs oqpadfos f 4) bnproper solid waster cbuposel &, Slash LE Wat erchod ‘ roawagret e ‘ -Ralagarn Sede, Naredessen ms) 2 . 2 whi geben. approady: Terwn Masel 2+ Community parhoagaln. Nery Mem 2a frdhra > ) Fon Byhde nhtaegt o," Pars Sansod ahaa, Po soll Be Ais cxchg, {ral banal) : hs will abs dilade cnaminity 94 greedualix + 4 Fao, vakigabion prbyect L141 Hogembl tw). is. Pricis of way 2 Mahe grobials a refined unswvee? oT Dn FdlMood, ‘ * . Bm A Flood camed by heavy OY eettcsene Ya a chert Poriod of time , oes Tan 6 hows . rapid ftoodns oh eomor pli low ty is arena 2 : 2 ) Severe. thurdors ov bwwicare ov hoped cycle 2) collapse of atinal ive i ie woe a) ralbpse of damp a ya MeL A) fer srmye of coll - 5) Unudbunnk- dgiy leh, ) fb) bow bregaphy, Bloat phos Exmorgeit (deposition devarhe_) alla woe dared Weld | arargork wide onberbe df (58s) wae abe heabows sve! jh Se : Diamerd herkaw Haldia, Ranaduip, lami, Kardlay Mazagany, S°T Vi2eg, Arnrey Tabi i Mavragav, Maryalore, loch: N in rpaddle , brvoden Pra ‘ Sielise | Me Lown Broad, Dan WH coaak” Wo dalla frrrabon Cshurt pall vlan sedi) « legoora ( Panrar ca, Layall eabwaniey « Massna. delta | Kutch , Kethiawar, Konkan, Northen Cireang Larormedel, Qoan , Malay Namada, Tapti Maharadi, Aodayari, Hidhie, Maven Indian dewrt- (Toe an) (nana) | a To Ne wthwet of Avavalis Cian) : CL ow rainfolh (41s) ; high, tanps subcidonta. > Ayrdaty > yoollolin audi vagh ereprabor «No vagebshve cover 5 Thavey sobs (de ya, Viejris Babul, Acacia » Bem _ | PM Park of puvranly plain ; | ~ Pridihy = arosin 3 nclamorgocis -» wonkle Ls said (Iver) 5 barban , lodi Preteen davniratan 5 + DdfAactin 20000 > gMemeats dooorbhalh rr , sardohorims avd clare, edad dung sit) mle ere vido. tion domainchea >) | shift (50h) . i upbol | | i ~ nip, Wbamray a i) Bh gct book F dopa of Shine: Coats. | 2) Tord 2. fren sadiments 2 a” + Weds Iuelun + Ephemeral riven —shané me Salk lke 2 Gambler Gs) + Ployes (Huvial LardFom) pees welt fron Par bales ' daeart(orewerd, Povtrlew) bayatae >* Caegostl PonClabo} 3 : Bistoey + one pavk oF Deccan plan - “Wackenn park submeyed Reh Bs, tik Meareole ga wood fossil pak >Aabal; rrarme deposits Brahmaan . —ew Nwvthemn plain, ais focorse,— Geclegy Caveynetind opresinn set he we of stg of C7 now thd 'v al thiraleqan joe SZ by allavia depois of pan vives Golan ! oe. Legesthin vain twpdene 2.000, depth aan vows a ~ “(n) + heawy depacils bs (aloes, pabbley) of vivew wre. degre ~ So ry offen b disappaan urdon Too pabbly . “SD, Ti twbe v © eopen Chanel lowe BSu gene ai Obie widlefe ae i Mow, abl, Ddbne ) 3) Allan pag >8an olf) Hredas (nou!) ~ Mabire. che. > deposition —> said a ee 7 oubew Koss bh Ae ee SOS Liat deal)” erik Ad Se Brahnapatra, Larva a] della 6 Surdadoanr + Ide barge, Wakordwide > Dalla ridge (Peto wi) 7 : i je, SER Grey «Hg, onsity, wf gopulehon > doe. te fertile gol sais Whe po + Eva orat Mon dios by + Turncy : fe se ‘ane 1: Dew 2: Bus 3-To 4° Sab S- Salini €: Salina he Sal iit a ot Salt budgst- ic + Mairkeranee Lerageldtin of og conabt sabinty vel. bead spor | take (movsa\ gst Be, owkys (devas } Sho «Sabb cana tILS C3- CAD by eakt fon year) + Preahnete, tux seduwcs salt conc . + Advacin (horizontal winds «aie ? iiSyiey cell Bon ed, Man's salt axtrackton. a - Shella secreted by organncms | > Marne organisms tovaunoais alo, lhe polyps -lobstus Lor shell Pormehow F "Evaporation increcces cone of calf. 4° Precipitation cbilutes salt howe. (farie Has) = Precipitahon - evaporation 3 yy an “Movi divinal praneport ™ eee im Powe Bi Wig by cum, fom dish sean. * Salt eaprleiom dunviry ice Sovmedion. *Tumover tire Chm raged. fr + Sdi oh DP sat ‘ony say Strebing of lo) waldy Dr an owan 40 weag) Frrpurtonee of soll eget I Demaity of waty 2: Buoyany > Moatablecas —s. sea _hantsrta a 3-To suctein prrshne living ovine am arigehor f fele Salih > chageo te specific baat _, of fark “heat Capac of vin affegs ed 5 Salty > dy a hem comets > Alc emt Eel) & Salinthy af lods te Freozing poid of-wiler 5 ie sd amali im in puleg. gets Aledo 8 hock busgal> biel bred of aoffeds ° anciooe if i i 1s Exeapronk, get Formed die + submogena. of mito Monk of patea Bay of Boreel « 2 «Ae devotes of — 4o0- 1500m S: Corbinara amcart Re ey fiw paca a The) ebaty Bho Ql Mga Ae Hhgheok gach. > Arion > 2400 5+ Pek moan imgorart coblhnet” onan scour of mack of re periinaahn, Wa + 6A widen divide. blew task Floniy Qwest Howia marlon: * 7 Rolcbreky Brograyhic rim fam Sov: rrracon 3 mad Dade fae veto rebwek betlge. te glade -oV ship valley P02 9-709 evalonfala byl take esol Ranided roluct rrowtars owned due. to diftPrenkal eres, meatong ke dapositin of apncied ards 1g: ~ Nollmet,, Nehardreyt Average clafn of 0m. bisordoania» brian by Bie rine Whe Mabared) , Cadawiors . Kvidhrs « Hi ged peck —yMebordhegat! 2/60 fiet rach nandell —as0,n0 rive, “e onbiely Lally mx be esund agin of Prakim sam bramdh « Paral bv Bag of Berge bri , Soy nd toin» 4 Raz bride mts be nolan oy porabitts Derry land g « Objed seed eae ee | Psp AN Co mmuitky 22ame- Loranishon a) | | = labo. by by 2002 Arend. 4 wea(\idlfe Pstection Ad). oll ke | Oi Foast mgnity (pestle. porkipation) - +H Moajhle Approach 4 by falas arte cavumb fa paede of he pel, ‘ "Proce by erdinad anivale in ha conilon’ Lemme of rebel ary | in won. Salton. Patron : i | ia | iva (le | Consemichin sean | i “ | - Dr arena cumed by De chee got: ody acont ha rabid pe or a wildlife San theang an be doce a Croewahor ota | sagt SISDO ON. «He ads like a babter zone odside he Nabirnd pak off Scadver, 350, mn river, + 852 — Thies ppooys Morute (Tisavehvels) malrbia’s fect oracruahor reste | an ithabee by sillge fo omene. te birdo- ‘Sawei bandh Breck roan’ besmbelgath Sancbveng 9 Pol Dab? aft ty act wan declared a naemad'r Neagna in be baad sea branch Corsnvusity eee F Boreal browly ~The chk aut- can notify any Commuraby land, A privet land eo a ornmunndy Tear. fs he maton ‘ . sls i ! " Objechve Fs wonmnrainn of willl, co wolle ao renprovig fhe | Denn + ry, it Srco-tmenic. condibvrs of Local mb - “Me land vce palttn haze is ollowed Ona an Own iS nobhel 20 tommy reoue - - Senco : SLE Mocaniam — & nvinathic custard surlote windy with a epead of maton ANG kak, Pan th lw presence, systr 1s callod. ‘Spin Cone“ wor tle North dian Qvean. » A teopican Crane iso rolabive chee los praanre Syston pe dpi hon ‘te anc], prewue <= falle by Sb hPa Prom Tha suo wrowraingh ra aren Sohal whch “veadvo a4. binds _(Gabmsh). Speed of- wed ( knds) Sy shun Presume dal beronce, (hte 297 Low Preowune 1 Depression Coders... Sugercy dove Himacwar — Pranest Gite, : Shimla. INDIAN GEOG Suma * Surar capita of Gribith India . + Polate Reazard; Inalt. “Svergroan valley ?. v Highest plo ground! % the world + Shima peporanew C108) 2 At the tre of formeion oft Maslin leseue its baders ivnnd- to the summer capitol Shona fo T rowack 4 separate commarel alecborate, for Malina Brom the | brbsh. Me ome granted by Miw-Mocisy Reronms (1404) . “Shien Covrssnnc (i> India Candi &2uthagr Al Balo TS parce tracky | sigralles He ord of Irdo-Pab. won (ary) ~ Kyevane Valle Dwomeh which Chora Fle. Pee analy 6 Ramone oust deshrokin Dittenmcimun 5 —a © Budd hich Weobodlory - + Doli Lama Lomo mm exik , ~ World's highest crichee qr Maa > reck alk palactin Lecumplen (ore ib avy hen) feso odtre > Covces thyroid probleme. Kasay Maka vaccine production. ' | | t bore Kak — Spimca | ! { i tf teitege rahlwway Coy bain) Other harifee rails tn India > | Pavjealois 2. Milgivis - Trdia's hight pollag booth 3° 1 (Chanel > Subs 5 Boas Choi originds fm YP - Reseevoies . til a sepelicg uator ty lwbira Cardhi Groh. Bovind Sogar Subleg Naptta Shake vi 5 proposed Hee, tr be the largest in (dia Cabra Gutta) Georteamar Evens y 3 Puga vabley 5 Mamkenenv -» Ca hot spr) j Economic. Aromnec |. Tourism | 2- Agri + Mob possible pmoyghout the. qe Only sh Samer (crow wells). 4 . Apple: Cin Souths Himachal, 2 by berraced Porm). , i Socian, ‘ Hep —» leat urbanized sleky gf India Cote to billy tenram ). 3 = i «Mb Passey fam HP b thks Bara, Lap bebe, 5 ba sladakh > cold desert of Inohia. Moun bain pardon | MounTRIN Ranaes Chom W to s) Rivers > Xawsinwh Fim) SRiwAGAR (on +Summer capi Capitel ~> Stiragor, Puycica_ i. Stinger silk G+ Pashmine shoml call ren ints leh |. | svn ied de « Satfion > fu CSB! Guin) from ee eles 7. Karewa —, Kargil to Srirgar > Zaji, Shiphile , Neale Supports pa > Dal lake _, jeter . boda bh . Zaslar 6 ae Fas Vira: Greater Himaloyas Di Parja ten Capital hosser Paral as Ohl Dhar rs di CShiwalils ‘ ig High’ Pail w Ide ako (elle) Godwin Awstin » . Higlosk Pe + Part ot y on kerakoram vag + Buddhish ,, Mon lath passe, Evan — Pir Pagal > Bargeh poses Srinagar to Tami ae) Conna de plains” to meundein ‘ ety Coniiay pin ibe: —horohnirare > erauny ia arn Rivers Khrgags (hing of Inde) Indmo J felon Cherah batken | Dal lake Cori Nagar) ‘ Wuler lake 4 Glecters | : q ‘orl s far. re i Veta a tt aan Gre in THK. 4 - Becheg 2° Bispar 2:Biah + Balboa & Siachan 4 _Shinacar (sx Thelum vivey boy 4 ‘Summer capilal of hk. + €Srinegar silk? ts Grog. ; Pashini 1 - Pashmina shoul —ofiom shm ff Pash rire gut (recontey - heir goat was cbrod..:)\ a. Sotfion > Liem the Fower' buds gives foirresa to chan. a Cis! guss5) . { : Knrewa > forte silt Aeposited by Thelarn . Stperls ped ellen, - Dal la ke —>fimong for “Shilhone’ Hovsegoar- Leu Capital of ledath ) + Mighh Airport : Highask tolorcope “ » Park of Prioft silk route. - = Buddhist Woretiiag - Povrmene “Ark 370 — ThE ssep rank ~Brimnan, ~> Qtlder “Grasshl) “neeg? > groaslard (6. “lreeg _, Grae) 1 | Sh? la cx (Wasnt | Segre Ans Fok » Aikit 1 Bietim sre Vain ws Vishnu Tomb > cavern Channel) on chaneh lank bovet(Limeatore. to pographe Ararat 3 Sha tompl, Al Y0h03 enw log | Prarie ree In-sITY Conseg Dachigam Punch ~» deer | Homic High abithele —v snow layed» abn ite Chee!) ' 4s erate Bargul Sallis: Ali” Neston! par ms | Govwserivery kesh valley (isobted om wanbod) » Taina — ark high * Z-Morh Ari tunrek <3 leh to Siege | Send) Cteegh Mergil, Sorarreg) flail balk by | 820 (Bordn Rock, Dio anisahi on) which TR provide. “all-weatin , vonnd te -year envactaity to Lah, be 8 chten disoneded om wintey, {| | 1 Savon TUNNEL 3 Srirgar te Gammn Clones tanned mn va i “Ark 379 a Sql chdmm + TAK a eee The ad Miahe: Gadhia * si pvr A spkl aay Wy dap dH. roy oF fal oe Haogh rth asbsvayea { fuath 1) jhe vw i Jae AAT vt ater: wafeecal } @ again) [| =F Farmival chovage Cam b be hug lt atross Nantes vive . -Kh os a pod of Sarden Sanevar project or a (7k cones 6 Vik eal bom Neveinm cam de be al dighds of kh Le Rago Oe | RL Rese any) “< i . iia + i “Part oF Larsc— Lane Link corel prejact, eos red 4g UND - = fap | Fem Bari, wel, iil de Filer vl Unep AisynoveT | Be couben —viverg (Gedo Mattar, Frankie, Pee ae Naeeusr Sell Bey Hos Dalby = i “Dama ccius Cheb) “ane | = wet Yeatg rom Diels & Fol, vey HTD KO. E ~ Those Gomes tre fa SG ka saceaged Wollay of oT - *eroemsin ) _ Polovarann, eR ed Ht | pees = Dilsulh ij A oh camel. form fs dows to hithe Meinl fe Be Wei gation rede vf coe Arolbiv, | -ALpotadhal, jasua ths ArdivehsT eleygare ~> Couto | Tabbed Pea “A nea, ahs, Lock ~cuim —conbre! Shubce cut hema of— Wide Tae ; -o Pach ¢ [TE rds pe nelowse of Than in, wel, Crm Wl bho, b Barly Aunty ban Ravan. 4 ED te wad aie y sh Cm Thom 8 a weak F me bral | ars of coltat Why Indaba Com rn) a I) Phaledi Bri annsds = Bou | Hatted BlE an den | th abe ne gree ot | = Frid cbiete [Lut dese.) _anagorches > ppt: — Rameal 1D ot Plo mm bebe 5 - th The + Wrvedeen — elarste

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