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2006 1, Sulphurand oxygen are inthe same groupof. 4. Which two of the following statements about i the periodietable Because 4 covalent compounds ate true? ont pi -thex.can.serict withreach other: the atomic numberof sulphur is 16° = Theyeraneinbr solids: ‘They usually have low melting and and the relative atomic mass of oxy- boilingpoints. . genil6 TIL. They are usually ingoluble in water. (C} _- they have the same number ofelec- IV. They contain only ions. trons in their outer shell (D) they ean form covalent compounds (A) Tend ut (8) TandIV (C) Wandin tem2 refersto the following diagram which ) HandIV represents the structure of atom X. 5. | Whichofthe following statementsillustrates osmosis? (A) Pollendustinrandommotionin water (B) Movement of perfume molecules through theairinaroom (C) _ Movementofwatermoleculesacross cellophane membrane into a coricentrated glucosesolution @) Movement of food colouring molecules in a dilute aqueous 2. Ifatom X formsanion, the charge onthe ion solution wouldMOST likely be @ > 6. Radioactive isotopes ere NOT normally used ® inthe cs @y 3 (A) __ determination ofthe age of fossils (B) treatment of cancer (C) © treatment of influenza , 3. Which of the following oxides does NOT re- (©) powering of certain types of act with acids to form only a salt and water? submarines (A) PbO ®) cao 7. PO,*isthe formula for the phosphate anion. © © zn0 ‘Whats the formula of calcium phosphate? © Mno;. * (Calcium is element number 20.) 7 (A) Ca(Po,, @®) Ca(Po), © Capo, : - @) capo), : - GOON TO THE NEXTPAGE, From which ofthe following ean asolid be ‘obtained by the process of sedimentation? (EE Ge * (8) Emulsions (©) - Foams (D) Suspensions In the reaction between zine and dilute sul- phuric acid (A) weteris formed @)__aninsolublesaitis formed (C) _neutralisationcecurs (D) _oxidationandreduction occur Which of the following elements exhibits allotrophy? (A) © Carbon (8) Uranium (©) Butane @) Silicon Which ofthe followingmay bedefinedasthat quantity ofa substance which contains 6.02 10® particlesofthat substance? (A) Atom (8) Mole © Formula (@) — Molecule The values of x and y respectively in the equation xKOH+3Br,—> yKBr+KBr0,+3H,0 are. (A) x=Siy=6 (8). x=6:y=5 © @) 14, 15. 16. How many covalent bonds are there in'a nitrogen molecule?- . m4 8) 3 © 2 © 1 A separating funnel can be used to separate amixture of (A) waterand sodium chloride (B) . Waterandethanol (©) waterand kerosene (D) kerosene and solid sodium chloride A substance X, with aboiling pointof 58°C, ismiscible with another liquid Y, ofboiling point 94°C. A mixture of these two liquids can REST be separated into its components by (A) fractionaldistillation (B) _simpledistillation (©) useofaseparating funnel @) sublimation Which ofthe following gasesiscomposedof moleculescontaining two atoms each? (A) Hydrogenchloride (B)_. Carbondioxide (© Ammenia (@) + Methane 1. 18. 19. 20. [tem £7 refersto the following information, compe enti hydrwehlorigacid givesoffagréen gaswhich bieachesmoistred litmus paper. ‘The gas given offis (A) hydrogen sulphide @)_ © chlorine (©) sulphurdioxide (@). nitrogen dioxide Tn which of the following substances will electrolysis NOT occur when an electrical current is passed through it? (A) Sodium hydroxide solution (B) Molten sodium chloride (C)_ Solid sodium chloride () Dilute sulphuric acid ‘Sulphuric acid isa stronger acid than ethanoie acid (acetic acid) i6n aqueous solution because sulphuric acid (A) _ isobtainable in high concentrations (8) ionises to a greater extent than ethanoie acid (©) ismore corrosive than ethanoic acid @) — causes sugar to char whereas ethanoic acid does not arium is below calcium in Group Il ofthe ++ iodictable. When these metals react with Water, the main differences in observation ‘would be the rate of reaction and (A) solubility ofprodict ®) | ypeofgasevolved (©). * reaction with littnuis nemo snc ©)" number of products formed sat a1. il oRRehtatea 22. 23, In which formula does: hydrogen have a negative oxidation number? Item 22 refersto the following diagram. Bulb. Switch re LE [fas ‘The bulb will lightthe MOST brightly when X. s @ @®) © oO asugersotution distilledwater aqueousethanoicacid dilutesulphuricacid ‘Two solutions are mixed in order to demon- strate endothermic change, Wi of the following techniques will be MOST appro- priate? “a (B) © @) Taking mass readings ‘Taking temperature readings Carefully observing colour changes Monitoring the pH of he solutions GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 24, 25, 26, 27. ‘Thereaction occurring atthe cathode diiring * “orale eesteolyfis oSeopper sulphataising inert o~gkeet givemby theequation. (A) Ca Cur+ 20 B) Cu +20 Cu (© ° 2b +2e 5H, @) 401 4e + 2H,0+0, FENe and 23 No are isotopes because they (A) react vigorously with water (B) have the same relative atomic mass (CQ) havethe same number of protons @) —conductelectricity When solid lead nitrate is heated, itdecom- poses giving off nitrogen (1V) oxide and oxygen. The balanced equation for this reactionis (A) 2Pe@NO,),@) > 2PbO(s)+ 4NO,(g) + O,(@) ®B) — PRINO,)(s) + PLO) + NOYe) *O,@) (©). PoNO.) (5) -> PROS + 2NOYe) +O(g) ©) 2PO(NO,),(s) > PLO(s) +2NOYe) + 0,(e) Which ofthe following halogens is. liquid at oom temperature? (a) Bromine 8) ‘Chlorine (©) Purine ©) Iodine 29. 30, “Pesipestedto ly @) Asolution hasapH of |. Thissolution would (AY. react with zine metal to bt hydrogen ®) react with zine metal to produce a solutionof p10 neutralise solution of pH Teact with hydrochloric acid tox/ produce a salt and water © @) “Tonic bond formation’ is BEST describedas theresultofthe (A) sharing of electrons between the atomsofametalandnon-metal to achievestability (8) donation ofelectrons from ametalto anon-metalto achieve stability (©). donation of electrons from’a non- metal toametaltoachieve stability attraction between the positively charged ions ofametal andapool ofelectrons @) Jtem 30 refers to the following graph which shows the changes in temperature with time, fora substance heated until no farther physi- cal changes take place. Temperature Tw m 1 Time During which sections of the graph is the substance changing its state? (A) - Tand It 8)" Land itt (¢) Trendy WandIv. Gao Ta THe weve naan 31... When heat js given off to the surroundings ‘vee iting AGhetaralreNtion,ishecaisé band Anexcess ofmagnesium powder isadded to + ReMBK gue sprit apd reason ) allowedio coptnueundIndmarehyaioxey - SvOlies. Which ofthe following graphs BEST Tepresents the complete reaction?” (A) releasesenergyas wellas bondmaking (8) requifeslesseriergy thanisreleased when new bonds are formed Volume (©) requires more energy than that of released when new bonds are hydrogen formed “ (@) ~ isanendothermic process whereas bondmakingis an exothermicone @) Time Volume of hydrogen ‘Time Volume . of hydrogen, Time . “© Volume of hydrogen @) Time GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE Liem BBrefers to 1 mole of EACH of the 3}. followingacids. | I HSO, ; I. CH,COOH mW. (COOH), IV. HNO, ‘Which two of the above acids require more than one mole of NaQH(aq) for complete neutralization? (A) Landi ; (B) Land ' (© Mand ©) MandIv 28. Items -A5 refer to the following types of substances, Each may be used more than once, once or not at all to answer the items below. (A) Salt (pe) Base | © Alkali @) Acid Which of the above substances Bh isthe oxide ofametal? 35. supplies the only positive ions in aqueoussclutions? Sb- In which of the following processes is frac- tional distillation NOTused? (A) _ Refiningofcrudepetroleum 34. +(B) Separation of methanol from a methanol-water mixture 90: (©) Conversion of alkanes into unsatu- ratedcompounds D) _Separationofliquid airinto nitrogen ‘andoxygen 01212010 2005, Which two of the following are true about electrons, protons and neutrons in an atom? 1 Protonsandneutronsarefoundin the nucleus. Tl Blectrons can be found anywhere outside thenucleus. TI —_Thenumberofprotonsalwaysequals, the number ofneutrons. IV. _ Thenumberofprotonsalwaysequals the number ofelectrons. (A) Lando (8) LandIV © Mandir @) Mandiv Which ofthe followingisNOT.a mixture? (A) Steel @®) Brass © Solder (©) Mercury Items 34 49refer tothe following gets into which elements may be placed. (A) Group Lelements ®B) — Group2elements (©) Thehalogens () — Thetransition elements Select the set of elements which BEST fits the following descriptions. Each setmay be used more than once, once or not at all to answer the items below. Which setofelements has molecules whichcontain two atoms? has atoms with 2 electrons in their outer shells? GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE R. ae ra) - Which of the following factors would NOT be expected to determine whether a particu- lar eation would be discharged during elec- trolysis? (A) The position of the cation in the electrochemical series (B) The concentration of the cation in solution (C)__ Theinertness of theelectrode (D) —Thetemperature of the solution Which ofthe followingreactionsinvolve oxi- dationand reduction? 1. Mg(s)+2H"(aq)>Mg™(aq)+H,@) IL. Mg(s) + 4H + 2NO, (aq) > Mg?*(aq) + 2NO,(e) + 21,0 Ml. —_Ba**(aq) + SOF" (aq) > BaSO,(s) IV. Zn(@)+Cu*(aq)—>Zn*(aq) +Cu(s) (A) Mand Ifonly (®) 01, 1MandIV only (C) 1 MandIV only (0) L.HlandIVonly Crystals of sodium chloride are BEST re- ferred to as (A) molecularcrystals, (B) _macromolecularcrystals (©) metalliccrystals @) — ioniccrystals 012120102005 Study the following thermochemical equa- tion. B kJ-mol“ X+Y=Z,AH= ‘Which of the following wayscan be used to compute the velue-B kJ? L._ TheenergyofZminus the energy of XandY I The -energy-of X.and Y minus the. energy ofZ i ‘The sum of the energies of X, Y and Zz (&) only @) Tand [only (© Wonly ©} Wand iffonly FeCl, and FeCl, are two chlorides of iron. Which ofthe followingstatements aboutthese two chlorides of iron are true? I. _Theoxidationstateofironis different inthetwochlorides. I _Thepercentageofiiron by massinthe twochloridesisdifferent. ‘The colours of the aqueous soliations of the two chlorides are different. IV. The aqueous solutions of the two — chlorides donot conductelectric- ity. 8 (A) Tandtonly (B) WandIVonly :C) ° I,MandIionly ©) 1 MMandIVonly Sulphuricacid formsthesodiumnsaltsNaHSO, and Na,SO,. Its basicity is therefore w @ © @) BORe GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 50. q Barium (Ba) isanelementin Group Hof the periodic table. It reacts with cold water to givehydrogenand another substance of for- ‘mula (a) BaO * ®) Bao © BaOH ©) BxoR, Items48 -44 refer to the following chemi- cals. (A) Zinccarbonate ®) — Magnesiummetal (©) Bariumchtoride (D) —Phenolphthalein In answering items 4B - 44 a particular choice from the above may be made more than once, once or not atall. Which of the chemicals above can be used in an acid-base titration to show thatthe reaction has been completed? inaqueoussolution, produces a white precipi- tate onreaction with sulphuric acid? Itemf0 referstothe table below which gives themeltingand boilingpointsofthechlorides offourelements. mp.of, bp. of Element | chloride/K | _chloride/K T I 2100 | 43 0 248 348 m |} 973 1693, Iv. 193 333 ‘Which of theseelements would MOST likely formachloride thatisionicin nature? (A) Tonly (B) . Tonly (C) Monly (D) only 01212010/F 2005 oi. 5B Items) _S2-eferto the following terms. (A) Isomers (B) Polymers (©) Allozopes ©) Isotopes Matcheachof the following descriptions with oneofthe terms above. Fach option may be used more than once, once or not tall. Solid formsofgivenelement which differin physical properties ‘Compounds having the same molecular for- ‘mula butdifferentstructural formulae Which ofthe followirigelements reacts most vigorously with H*(aq) ionsto give hydrogen gas? (A) Zine (B) Lead © tren ©) Copper Potassium isaretal. Fromthisinformation ONLY itmay be deduced that potassium (A) issoft ®) _isveryreactive (C) hasaiowmeltingpoint (D) _ isagoodconductorofelectricity GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 10. Items $5 and $6 refer to the following. 58, Whichiofthe following processes givesa dit eanation. % signe fivent gaseous. ore g) 1 3H(@)=2NH (e), AHA Sd nok " (a) “Photosynthesis i plants’ f (8) Respiration in animals {S5. Theroleofthe catalyst inthisreaction isto (©). Oxidation of carton monoxide (D) Heating calcium carbonate (A) increase the yield of ammonia inthe mixture B) —_lowerthe energy level ofthe reac- 59. Aluminium isobtained industrially by tants (©) increase the rate of production of (A) reducing its oxide in the blast fumace ammonia (B) _usingmagnesium to displace it from (D) decrease the amount of heat iost aqueous solution (C) theelectrolysisofmolten eryolite (D)_ theelectrolysisof molten alumina 56. ThenotationAH=~92kJmol~'meansthat (A) 92ksofenergy are requited forthe 9, Both glass and ceramics contain the non= reaction to proceed metal (B) 92 ky ofenergy are released during the reaction (A) phosphorus (©) 92kJofenergy are required to break (B) nitrogen the bonds in N, and H, (C) silicon {D) 92 kJ of energy are required to form ©) sulphur the bonds in NH, 57. Which of the following substances may be responsible for acid rain? (A) Dustpatticies (B) Radioactive fallout (©) Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide (2) Sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide * IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 17120102006

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