Classics Lec 40

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Classics 2300

March 24th, 2014

Lecture 40 The Olympic Revival
1. Greek War for Independence
Philhellenism - Love of Greece
Love of Greece (specifically Ancient Greece) by foreigners
2. Philhellenism
Isles of Greece
Invoking ancient Greek tradition for their practice of war
3. First Calls
Panagiotis Soustos
1833 poem Dialogue of the dead
Plato: After the Greek war of independence was successful but Greek is off to a rough start
Leonidas: States that you have won the war of independence, complimentary of war and
education + culture
Modern Greek calling for the revival of the ancient games to make Greece great again
1851 Panagiotis call for Olympics
Establishing sport as a way to establish fame and status in opposition to industry
Economic vs Symbolic interest
4. Zappas Olympics
1859 First official revival of Olympic games
Local Greek olympics
Idea of connecting with the past
1875 Limited Olympics to University students
Education was a big part at that time, limiting the game to students was limiting it to the
Promotion of amateurism
5. Olympic Inspiration in England
6. Olympic Revival and Internationalization
Brookes was first to suggest to host the first international Olympics in Athens
7. Pierre De Coubertin
Believed that sport builds character
organized sport can create moral and social strength
8. Coubertin and Olympic Revival
Idea for sport for it's own sake vs sport for entertainment and money
9. First Modern Olympics Held in Athens, Greece
1896, April 6th-April 12th

10. Continued
14 Countries competed
11. Athletics at the 1896 Olympics
12. Spyridon Louis Mental Training

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