Classics 2300 Lec 42

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Classics 2300

March 31, 2014

Hellenism and the Most Controversial Olympic Games
1. Germany and Olympic
2. Image of excavation
Dug up everything as quickly as possible
Function of early excavation techniques that weren't so precise, things might have gotten lost
3. German Philhellenism
Friedrich Nietzsche
He was a classisist by training
Nature of going back to ancient Greek ideals
His call was to become more Greek not just by ideas but how you look
A revival of Greek tradition of the body
4. Beginnings of Body Fascism
The sculptures in ancient Greek had impossible standards
Comparison to things that are not necessarily real
5. The Use and Abuse of Friedrich Nietzsche
Alfred Baumler
Responsible for major figures of Nazism
6. Nazi Party and Nietzsche
He's talking about the pursuit of ideals
Nietzsche was not anti-semitic
Nietzsche's sister married an antisemite and exploited Nietzsche's work for antisemitic
7. Berlin 1936
Spartakiad named after Spartacus
Soviet Union appropriated this for their communist society
8. Leni Riefenstahl's Olympia
Film was a source of controversy
She said it was for the sake of beauty and not to be for propaganda
Moving from architecture to sculpture
9. Marble into Flesh
Discobolus, a human being being able to capture the Greek ideal
Germany can represent the Greek ideal, beginning of fascism in German athletics
10. Olympic Torch Relay

11. International Olympic Committee: Olympic torch race

Berlin torches made by Krupp Corporation who also made German armour for war and artillery
12. The First Olympic Torch Relay
Ancient solutions still apply today to many present day problems
Could be in the case of democracy
Exposure of infants
Torch relay can expose many problems
13. Jesse Owens
Hitler only shook hands with German victors but with noone else
IOC told him to acknowledge all of them or none of them, decides to acknowledge none
His own country snubbed him, didn't even send him a telegram (Jesse Owens)

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