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. { Vsolon — Places having enol pransuna » | “Witch Gar mess) moras rom Haw Meese or ty Loar. “ essure, : ; | “Wd ose perperidar 4 tars, (‘cannot tha o> | ‘ | ~ Cycle otha aichtlaie RW 'hmaphoe Why? Coidles fre cefloc vires Bright - oe) Powue, gradant ack m the oposite. dimcbion ater The ee a ee ee | memes Gln ark tes ell leh He LL tr pronetecaiae . Diecrow «| This rotitin of 16 CHLONE es CAN = Cyclone th He Wk | Tolstremwes (oes WRIES soy Miose antnosoicerc 0€ Gc@steane iy, When the prassina quod ant % opal to Te corddls fra, ba airwass smo pauillel 4 te. tents, allng ba same lBhihde in the voter abncgrloa, oseween | SY Cooma prasioe’ Ts war dtcwnend cubon ve Bok riliinad fom Topan Now York 7 Her wisn Momic bombing | 80g. ld. voaws in Wepolhi during vibe, cha. bo jelous 2 Higher the Lempicka, lowe to prasiune twtaleg, Why eyeloes.s form duocy woes 2 Bila formad. due. to Lowe Rassine bast Bde uly cay wit, Code), | te “alt forget] ben a higher fomp ten lod © Si ail * deggh «cooled slower than” laveh » "Thi high tame Pea conte a Siroma toe Remy ht suledoce, al Ke sda foe asm cee bs ai? pees We chlo ‘cubsidon ce men ras | nob a (eit cay ~ Eye bdo. cyclo to fas tight a oY a fonkd Cbeck, portion of the cla bacon voy thaw Rameace | <3 Te aye f the dora (contre. fottion) produc very litte rainfall. Ne bade. dow ne a r IS 6" Gebers Aut bo pratnce of inl lamch the We. side. Cog :- Wat tel fre) tat dunn Soran Etavin( Aiea) cue 4 ral fi _ Frienay Hem source or Crete Laterk — heat oF pvipeabions povide the. onary a it junc rokdar at tre sepa gesibtone WE fade crirda tol push Te eyclna.ite Bag of Bengal thaws Ye cash? ait bat, He high pressuc m land Ge & Caled \ jar) Pred are, ruidence fe te Fly Leyva. Pagho, WE dade brn the qeore te emit - Once. ba. aycone paths te wat, ib * lesan the Sewee eres ( ihot hast f paqertion) 0 ‘Hoe. & 0 mothe ma ard He ings roll only by 'B Frombal portion, sinco. te ~ brexha down offers cilbits Lah Saabs aon Ha anbre pin Pseitbnger Wong be aw, we. can aejeiendr akon bos hag Bea nues noes abe ee i Dae : Trooical ey domes se cinnad hy! Cydlorey Trade.» winds Tamgoile cgcloiy> “5 Grind by 45760" Waolobis , 9 h trpial woos, only EAST coast ee vainbll Why? ot Ti eens are iPad hy Teaoe Wits Shay TEESE onl br leat ant Crewne Prone Aeens i - Ray of SS Nageeahven Baki Why Chennai is Wit ~ bythe Fast eyclae,? “ Chonraio is the most whanized — oraa on the atk soak - So, + haw highest damp. (de te adh pogerac sucieg) ard hence has mg (2 * on cast cons Swy Yea feck cyclne Haake Choma! Ast orsea [190% foo) Orstig kon Me aadk coat «Rc HD NOT vaulhy offeded — by cyclone. ke-camm. NE Wrodes rochey Price, — mre Ham’ lowe (nbelncig, lara) g@ hott ac im 0%, bw te Three cycloves bod clready —brvght rand mach cf the -eaaf- const (Chenres) Mirra, Borel, Mpirhom) ~ & hance. mest Fhe posh com tao cml D homer. hag h pressune Sey tle eydorag , arable te “reach, tree es ekg begitry Prt brisca fc jb regressed, i gavel MA energy Ce. -b vapewisttan) fd high spend. ard ib produced pevastmmmia — FLoovs IN. ORIESA Tropical qdons 3 heary & conbwsre raibll wht 23 doy, utth a sigh com ly fr 2-3 Wie du fev. | Fomvnew oF crciones Ave. to Corialles © prensa gedant| aredtledbeie oa fas’ - Gowca. of e | Cenvce. F anor latent hat & avapochion) of Crecone’ due ft Tpoole winds’ | Move m ener Low obmosphevic pastne I ancy mn tem SEM = Gate 3 Golo cress | Rohn of agar. : os agp ce val | : ea” Temperate Cycrowes — Climb gical » FRONT: => Gmoyence. of ancy Sib-polin Ly bayat, evo te tun FRONTS 1 | Sub poly FRONT => conveyonce. & wines F different reline [old toon cnililin A | tit vestenics ] | “Some poids of convergence howe. g — higher | rprabnes grat. (/bigh APL bhw temp f wom & oA wed) thar hoe “spaces on fle tang subcpate bhi. WARM AIR MASS = techie ieee i, @ abo te lad . Cor Aiea Mass Dib is dose to lard (dua te hoawien weight ) Worm airimy hay oe gee chro + ‘Tha . th spp pat worm urd Frcco fiction of ahnciphen- lak the Lower part haem not anes: fiction. oe, the lem pat edness sbrylll, fart, Than Ate. dam appr part : ploie WAR AIR MASS BU Eig, . iter firedion of wm. Garkte- advanies Fork slope lower pa (a mal ED waen FeOWT (Codvame. of warm wid) Coxn wine, > pritty che be te gqromd- & te axeponincsn no abmesphotc — Prichin «Os, -bvth. upp Q ler eats advance. simmal raowirey Oem ce pene wind Wovm wih, being gente, only challhy pli visas The cin rms av th avonern- ‘cenit produces only slight rainfell, without rm ds Shaders Acne boll wd Clk wn , being steep» rapiley romp Oo Oris ag aduancane Sev Prodce hares rainGall , with Heavy TURevLewce & THUMDERFALL . Every tre Temecepre ~ Crrone has beth, Wren & Gad “Wines. £0, PEL cgeloe kaw bath Nigh — A hag rain Levan ata 9 fell re Ns annem fe fangs eyes - Whore el a amps opcint 5 it preducy Fompot. hip avd oy. alb —> middle. chk. > bypred Cab Laight): ribs. -2 rainfall Clods 2 comi-cdid , ® Chel axe bargdy i» He abmasphoe by cuir mossacs. Whan tho. clon iE pews doun a rain > the fre frisky becomes foe heavy y Clodlanilag Tebone a Wied ec Irberae. ra ing air apa Mt Fe aes 5 bo cts ge te lett hold. the. * oud elle & , bat (stra (osniaacy cong) 7 [ov swntssl ) Irbanac. hartiy 5 iulby homely, come dische. st lhe De dplats fall 22 ‘ea dee idk > Jailchon - Torn Ans —> 0 cycheana thd originals im land Glows avon Land, (Tas, Dba ra» Wobomean, Kn Nbc) | 5 ee - hn winte & night” ‘ora ae vous solider, reduces ‘he. hihas, F temevloa and thabaploe, teh ozone difhues ino, tropeplow - “Thin conven wikhin + vox. Cduning aslitry) , hyo a parkerlan fst, Hamil Ss |__ahsolate- Polabive — Heumielly awe 75-7 ol Imidty imply Theatr rans hele 75h wal vapa can Sle tm 257% re canlic vap Pibs did baud ty wieght F runt yapour Vola oF ss vane for the ana ante tin vapan or conbractah sxtonded. air, | Shrcicfre _huniel ty wight ¢ vile, saga / wight of air. = high piasmioe y suarowdil acl ra see Avra Cone Wau pranpent (I ( = Plea whee tHe airmass SUBS 10S bk Cask coast — brpical cycloree + 2. Lnpwod sidaa of nombana m oregraphic rool. B+ Sub-bopieal rmgione recotang vat fom Yaybogdne. =p wlato doch» varthom. dose cots ot mon on audi te vhs teaby O) cbrepopama , — -bormpercitan mores Ie kin i ve EQuADR BS 6S [ibm derma mong es we mae. up the. bopesphow. : + Thicheess of epeeploe m. poe= 8 bm. Tomp: of tropopause at~pole =-i0°C + 6c xe) =-S8e Wickes of brpesphoa m soya = 2 kin Temp ft tropopause = "40°C #° (-8'cx ) =<0 + (108 268°C s- Temp of cauate is bus tack at ptteg ) mm TRoOPmUe. The thin troposphere in peep ix he main venwon cay vem. bobs oa tonal in che poten Lec The CFCs reach ta elvatrsphae mn the pos Se ns _ J sale AEOMORFHDLOG y Chal lands Movement oF "Q zalre with rocked sbras + le isl is to an aredog agak” ~ Te rocks Belones A by te cue. pull erosion open Abrasion ® 24% drag strain Pluciry ~reering te crack dq ae + Glacin Ne Dipedog abo. Vedi Desbribubion re very powork Qrosior-ogeyite , gi Glacial oan haw oched the. Gash ales of “WE CSapaiornds Osborn) , Grad Bear ty Wonmpes — Carade) arch cower lales tn Finbrd: ~ U-shaped ve | Fhacier comarts — Vehapeah. valleys O-shaped valleys for thin. smosth Hows Chi (‘oom chai, "Woe beer)” As Ye. qheier glides Cun like rivers re hich, Flow ) he ban frre Ph) - th oped cirque Seow Ae “ elt Ske Famed all onewed. the. _ Crqyan ane wourkin . The. gaps blu chropas=3 Arad Pyramidal pay ov Hows. - ® genitals 7 de. wah - onaxks vaatks called Cranes ofl anowd ot pats © ee, Pyeampac Venus - Bara sehrandl Ab the had £ te ghein, tha uhare tt lerwey the Shouftsld 5 0 clocp Vernal CRAGK OPENS YP called «Bees ccurunn - “Theie: ane: mayor obshdey. bo Cimboos > wy denyorad. ed thir Honing eciflballegs Aa aig YA ty Waban summer: Frozen vi % form a Hang ng ta statell > Unies geve A high peal stranded by snow Baldy, look Wika gad _'st-#np. aie Anca pel ik tear ge dunalpe ot Lyeosion Bac al fe ee holtfB. Roche ee hea’ ee Zr, tet eS Seratchah rock ponbidlas igen lls (moe-ninesd> Sit eae wall, The rechs Lcoctimets Whon gli comad by iE ana dipocited Thea dapecttionk fetliny $F gbiabtile ai. ridgelile-— gud collah — Merevrag? Terminal moresney » (arch win Lateral moins Bi wae opus) wa Medical moremes 3 b/w two ° Bruyn (ma —2 simian > (arosion| TerRA sgyerted spam shape. ~> boslvek of sats HEE — MZ Nele 2 oer Qlocio—fviel pacts lactm howe. rrabled set fee cola om A ane la bbb, ely, fre £s 7 . Eshie ine ridge Lf cpa Gn bid on Boho at qramd mor afrat. foals ow \ ubranahss Water (tram mtn Glas) wwosh Fa farm owt mica & deposits b> Bem a phos ovtwastt * osed ight potter bho Las (6 a eh vie Pichon # a5 my ew of Cooma: (os 9 “aol ab) B ws Leneouttin of dame (8 Sheba ein” oP cries) —2 Town planieg C9 chdyrs elope plies Jp ee) 5 Gabe Transport (shucb. f geilbrectes,)’ => : Prod chs de raed ie. Manag nile honda { Poi ches SD —> Wars (eh ‘oF Pvduns f ttl) ; / So brine deph Powing gion F mirwale Caples cont be peut eo sed Pediat grb > Eadtapae tive “aboebyy Se hoy desl Ly vee we Atowele” fraraprt. mania - DisAsTe WANT x Meck til for aartharalee ‘ngiil- > Proitling danpile tminity & eat | al - wthod £ Fel supply dicbibdion & pet by prog. supply low - a tealllnwck fe ree red ar208 all Ne tad Bulg tha Beth (Smoot wy A ibe alma. bation tha imemey shot wove sda vadatin and oi B radish see oy td tertich bak babs _tatic_ bot ba vertoh hot itt | Operutin, mechshioms rely _mechehis Seattorns, diffu, Avect radiation. abcorphin, chad, rélecin , ebscrpbion by earth, abscptios Ty abretpheo Hoesesanbed. “Temashrl, veradation » anmpored ion conve ction , turbulence Ybrizonbel Fat 2 Tropical Ganpcle tecevas move rselediin on he sub-polen & pola- Tis it bannen im haak is vedictvibuted bey ASh5 nr mag ark ida The, inde vast bate 4 Pee Owe cakithey portend heat | | bidgel” = Sahn) * heabes hice bork ry ue mate eile ruoie. cbc) ray. be @ absor pion. Sramieicn Nee. ‘fier - i Hoe 5 rw dees pots, the curplin —Irssatin a the opie PE vasa tn creased. fomperstae ard deficit incdabimn act ploy will cortnuondy — clocrans the tompordtane.. TL will read in comple ite covered pen” Hroghowt the year hotter ‘clara in tiprs threghot- Tha _——tomp—E ' ~The verbical had bidget oft tat cssorcbil for keoptg Ha. oval ing’ Femptre: of the aath ~ conshant it te did nt exist, Ha inomirg do. radiation wlll cordinta fo hal yp thee sco ark auth vill become —pregrasaely. wannon, melrg unt Sor te survival any organitm. AIL He Wins ga nisin owe tin cuntval to The ak budyat> balance ad cuusn for ange in, Season. “The hovizonlel —rodeshribukion of hank ie a. of Hn mats camseg for change. Seanad . Thane wok be ND unde a herzontl ast - budgeh— ded not gaist Rising , cubsrdig , convergence. divoyence. of air rasa IS albabuled to Natoe's —rediclibution — mechanism’ (it tarda to apie He be cpuilibricm , Thar wma maven oh air rasa pani eabally alog the lend is ensonbtel the main SSE Gt reiinfall §— in sevoral ag iene f tre. world - . = Ocaan cannons movemais is dua t heal bidet . Te’ ocean camnasihs move From wont. anon fo edd anony fo maintain eyilibrion F preswna - UV vys may eis De garth HF flow woe 70 preiieg hank bee —radbanioon : Hest budgets is the rain Cans Ly air pres icing, crdonaition ard cloud — formahin. UF is de cine of aie. Bat, thes dolce: balance of the anth is dishorbed by -anthropelaginl achviliag such as gyean hou amicsion Cobidh—cammeE= orm 5 OF dalcbin and, cefaashetion IF this hanmbl is nek amosted. at be aarlizak , it will reoulhe ik detiudlin poLaR HIGH suB PAR Low soe reoment an EQUATORIAL LOW > -sSNAS'S, + Dolla - —pungiable. - a, , - EEE f Wrists air ross hour Prtedura— : Ris air ans —aerdoras 2 oud. forwohion = Dorse cloud , Wigh temp, hemy rainkll . ats Disease the basis fr origin E presse walle of the. aol. : oiball, avelyse Ha ciel dacio F pressure halle mr He world - cial ewalude the impack- of pressurn lollr of- # STRBLE ~SKisip sulcidigg oy ray (HIGH 9m sus) UNGTABLE. pricing air mass (won “> Discwsm the origin oft ply ands /abrenphon stration rein Ploility wink, > Ted ais stl’: Pressure The weight fa cetumn of axtmosphnic alt por anit ane, TT Cli kane) Pease leh HE the. preter otmosphoric pressuna. is wan homo wor a pete tin ib is calbd, a premue bolb. = techs’ hasta bell Q Factors for prassust bolts’ po? Cons ew Sorel dante feats vi biel iy VE calles ae passa. guiing hots att Ad's © Fchiom a rant ? nn Gofal [nk ting rays Cnt fe —3 inclontion & and lst) Font) Si oe lady * Oran o- Pressure Ps <5 Brplin Uo fereuk Wachansm —> 40% 5 In, tha re chen eae albibating sn abo.) frame bale), Deceriftin & pema belb -3107- THeemaL Ten ne Dynamic Non-robebs “Cb Trenre) Tho, ha stmple pression bel which wept l howe heen, crak by towne al farks ale foe been — made gb mora — sep hichieatal ty Oe. cede bfrnes causad by reltim aah. Tha varied —prassuna’ eller hove, regular varios p evatanyintnda > origin & signaBennte of pleribny winds ~ Same a Prestine Ach ~ ” + Morden mora’ ghont Ha qrowd (uel winds and He Levees adity an ‘themy : Ceoriollec, pasa gad, bw) i . 3 Upper abmos. — civeulitinn - + Emohecise moe om upper abnos Conbabagel led. 5 ris eulecidenca.s = Impack f pressure , bolt sey Aart Impock Lear Ouaghin Sen v eallinas ws Gibially avelye the distil of pressive ook ee © 7 presnung. bobh® * = Danas by sudiidonce, rie 8 wardli- + Only cayuahwal pressine Lele conkigurs « Sent Ay _vaesanon— Tr the sama. humisphore » chow. ts huge diPhoamca sy presse de bh Locam - Hen senent Vor irnoy Giton of pressing BEE ued homagphow Sit. » same, / Cansei Vane SEEN Swverne Peessone BAUS _ Sammon soktie2- ca northward chaft oF prasine belt wivehor gelebite > sarthwond ih 8 we ye 1038 Aesernex wins Global, beriziskols meverandd “of a rab iv lege sia» ero, > peperdiener to tgobar- from ant sont. il wrod od towogr® divogen Organ Disbahihin oy nmap le Origin of Welonhia Origin o£ Lastoliie Sigh mee “Fred wind —arottfell cecrzeun om watchanst to veel? « wostarn Sided Trepicl escilr. + Nowigertfen «Wid mopnod si Ocoan cova. « Ldakifing Gime of Rereavert poral winds » vals com pe paled- A tee ~ Clee & => Moosphoric — cuealdoni,- Fh ord ary & uprer abospoa uly hls eames & over OF reseNeTEM. Pagthong hich Lull cithin ov soled ay Lig fan otter condensation Forma of precipitation = ik pop halons Skat 2) Orisa Type of precipiteion \- ¥ Conactonl —pacipilahen 2) Drogtaphe sade 3) Fort ppt ; Gonachnl pt Cobeachatis) Yl igh ssh replere 2) high — Ionic by 3) Mernoon rail 4) Aesoctabise. wih sosaon linraas jsut 5) shor dation rainfa, bb heangldirne + 2) henay aboence_ Ururdabrn: a) high’ come wimans clnd Orarrphic Brora freon 9 mala 2 adicbbially a rdnsitn Cod) » 1) rrcaay with incraang bagt_» Pot cevarniy dha a codan—haighh 2) Cumulors lend im virduord sida, rimbvo wo stabs clk m —beward sie - y 3) Moo vain i andor sida ? lass evr vain Gl in laenan cotards 5 onde qe) Nob ascociahech wath Aoosan . ___® Tempore aydonay arreebiy of av reat & cron sd . Lt Ss trepicd,orebty pb ft oy mun oF sere phy prein. Fork —>maakivg the of scmear lee lt webs Disbabckirn ~ _Diseiockon Dictribction Diwrne, fPrnual, Fem ~ al clorale rajeni* Though the work on an avg — Vecelvan samme Annwol he il Sampngne roll nde veatil eat) Ce Glens aD La es sto Enuakor > erly bronng vain Horn isphore. —=_ Veanatrercir—hemisploial nbth te Thong ogre vain homiisphons 2 SAME, TE shows region variance. , Sabepolen 2 oe vain Trepteal wy lea ram im nievthn lon eb, Neth aa be Wb In to aanun region 4 _nerthom hamis phew 6) recieves mac rainfall. than the S'haniophve becanse Ye 176 [Wher rome Cowergon tore) is ™ WN homis poe Br mare be a yr tn the mid Labitade, the vainlalh in Nehomi, lease, ton thea = Semi hecmmaee bil Is compencited by ugha cup —besopi-pton rainfall im Mheen’c « sd, m bath encaphoe, ral ceowacs fom aaystor bo pales Both the hamesphows yeerd. abvoot The same aug: anrash rainfall’ - ~ ~ Zoreh —_—_— ‘ 1) Zone of high yainGll = cayabwial ona _ / Cwedhenism\” 2) Zoe £m edocia ravfoll = we font 3) zone of no vaifall 2 topivak eas” Arabic _ Spabiel eas dee ee Ss |. oritish | Ser Lekietin” | oko. Przeapltibions distrib on BS draw orl chagpared board & organ bath ompore Lespatle wih Ut, Zz 60m 3 Write oo m note JaboPmr— YY spatial < Abn day > dew chrablad a tewbynod — Fa -resin & thy rainfall dislyihte goss bord rm hands —Diseuss - . Te rainfall, Variag to x great ackant- eds from one. region anothor , depedny on. ite Ubihde —» spatial hk temporal — clicbyibudbios :- Eyelid reg im! High esa, de gh hamity ‘cama daly haowy rainfall — toroughoit the. yr. Ae Ire to wa sunlight & high rairall, thee is hraawey ones. vege. with high béey Sop, He ate mney. hana reat . Te dome Crag rakes eovelypront af rhia difalt easy rainfall locchos tre_aril; So, nv agtiodliie. pec be Labatt “gill Bee ml hare b doped aly ory hang C gang «Ty om my wrdodeuclepad — ibey ana m this Yagrms Heh proulence of eptdamec disease tacluces — bayerily* ThA bdibde cecl- Weld cbabin bat—ay re ol cong (He vale So «only dg. ach wd © nw or [He rairball. — Makag ‘vegelatror imeosille Only atop plorks fel ave. mostly owed mateg fom flaca & place Por wattn L ford, In wolf oasis No porrrart cose of prema . The ragged conditione bad cherries Cralords, (Save, eg ) yan — qrawtands 3 only seaman tart Sone. tree, — due bo vey We reindall Pana’ matty Supovt — grasa - Wiblile canchate of the world . AL cok familizn willife inbabiebtn ahaa barren cottlerment Atfeull - dare ad ta bine * 2 A Utada Aes nn been ot waits raion 4 9 lan elaion | Bhezand 2 show bitter inrds in Grade . (ean Conse loin AA (Prarkred,, Dacha, Wa cal, polar grow brnry . . srow 2: Chincok Se Bock rins cnt mn the Pokey, Once. chinook subsides” . ee jrevomay abd fe rolls De snaw Coro ashi), Wan Cord elbtn Black voll. 2m Ye Ged pleime FW Arig wa pet : 4 Sank Anna os dig wom worl 5 Pare U5 S Papa gaya 3 Manion, 6 Borda ~3 Argenbina Ly dng poss tnd? 7 Berg (mawnta'n cord) ae g Havrtten Cdockor) 3 Garr bigpen AN) wird Fm dart 2 Bon, diy. hdblin.. eyo Ihe padncag thee igh amily Hlese snail “siets barging alice fo Pow pal So, th is elle doda- 1 is A Civotico =) fram Saban Maly we Peele up moithac From radiarrezan sea & Jnaggs bleed ral Ania antl oo aay ange anne wel sandy duak HH counisg Foor Share. to: Foeb = Ales Gurany Ne chink’ . Buran from Sibewa VBood be [2 Kava — barren U 2 3- Loo => dual — irda Weleded obstructs cight 5 blocks navigation. lacks oncomiy sunlight, reducon temperslisi _ slg divs, bh sand selly sscthen doom vedas, suger yield Fngercone ... Us: Norwestote =): Boreal regis? =» Mos Zerlnds Sauer, 5 Brick belle, 9 Am Gobo Ausbolia. 16+ Suto, basta ane prusticig Mistral =) seme cal. wre alg Rhine. Phone rivers ~ hoal wos “andy on Sacra! TOKE hank of Uhm pam 2) Ali bue def fowned* Eine sgpciig “of pach lecak wd’ tap —of-—Adsbribstion Load wirds = open onded ia Mecherism 2507 Siqnbicanee baad asi, y we drown a it7- ihe rows SigniBernea local. wires . Fo) econsrne. Signif comer» e Ballot lean Cesare ) S&S HE you stand uth your back ty the word; theo in perth —hamasphow 5 Coe © bigh pressure Fo Eight & ee” presse to wom eft: Cots omer athcled vie: Chapt bu) cattn B eycoo, ) Farreld's tue Caivedkion af tortalln fove).- I cna, chard with yor. back f te worl, 4m jodharn fonigion, the wed is ddlached bb yor viet awh im Sexttan fem es lecked de you (tl Tabsbeam FETS TREANG 7 Navtow, meardaiiy 5 suit —Howigs” Captor abnagoic goachophic wind —ahich icky — the. ovlvo qe. Fatal heehee - Calancer conbritrgd & eau greet) + foptiny 1) Narrow, west t saab s : Trereanda km iegth -f20 bo why nate 3) Wary & mearcerieg path: Gj) Sesseral choy owe vlosty fat om vue J ak is) Ongrde m phegeg oh A Ses ae hen onde, 40 28. tomren “only LPO» j)cicampoen arene “a £ jobstoam: Cinder “Cyl yyatrer, = Stageo ae an ten i), i Bam wae Roshy . Graves "= roasine, grdianb erthesedhe Avcdie.ce _, by anak mach —Hectio™ a eae a a Get Bemad wan the ayale: a . J , | Types feos [Poly front 2 «Pol night 3-Subbepial waitily 4: Troptal catty 5) Leak os => gr’ Freamen . ; we Wider vandll THEE sels Be “3A waves om Nile Cog daslracctue) Sin summer, idee J 2 os of Hrmelaga . Since it (ames tha Nerdh 7 Cae, & We coni, Boy SMI monaco fucken by fll pae Vacuum. (- sal af silty job dome ir22 mnorh hha), > Tempore ycloran, Gi ashram ave highly liked» Gas — horizontal comnence, & horicnbel divergence Vann Fccone. sgn, sr ™M the upper dryasthore - forms, © CLINE > Atbeds the movemest of avreplanee oni, > Taupe pollatints Thrwurled- — the aenld a Bette eS (aishividas palate ~ fran rbhided one ® ak regime fo Be owt. A mere. ndosterding Fe Ba yebrenn wi vow — longs in sartacn wucathon phenornera- » aa jebbean oy bee Fon boots shone Whang hn gmoney) dakwbaxe scdaboms Nit da atten “ nhc ynel = peli snelall inte oh nsw ty gercnioh “e008, Ai Meas Lange. bey creme thich foe nfm tamporatin — L, humai'y hovizenblly - Area of cenin air esse Bren & oun of air mas. Cole £ Tropic ) . (oe ait) Grbioe foreign. Fh po De Radencive & bomegennons enth's Seren No eniegner BETIS Antigone me gael s- Shabh admephint andiime Oe : A Eitto only land or only watz - No mindane Plank. Awl» Claccifrestion of Air vress Jorwel on Origin __ [eke Baws cuanto neat wl ret CP 2 conbiodal, Pol mP > maritine: eT a conbinertat Tropical mT 3 vraritine. “Froph * Contrmbh Marthe “Rempel (bnsecl on plree. over which it move » Thenmcltege Wm - ne fin mas cw os , Cb . (higher emp: tn ‘a haa) (lover bem ‘bn safe) . Macanical Stable CoN Came ble. (4) oe . v @no visi air . . a et at wh iy vraag: Initially, when a ald, (k) av rash moles ore A wanin Mien Behe ant the surface mE st feen de vie t. Sey He is babe Ge). One, irroven owth a var surface for ema Aishmce, i is hendad np & rise S Cea): | Ws Vises the eign & chan iLvcatin of aims [awk he open oy FT Go sh | > Defn i- Origin wndition Gr eign 2 ClassiBalien Geographic» bums ky we ot Treae Ay rarec , madera Sign ance, / gets ote sine FG a ee —Stenmemce on An Mas ot Reimiy — he waben £0 ragion- + Sabilty Costly F cirman Hays a mje hon rab, +A pammod subitdewe E cin cs dao fen oe eet oe Smee Y unsineis Recions oF Te weRL), Norwnel lapse rate <3 Hecreme hemp: wails (NLR) incraaing altibe °C fkm vies | — = 68°C [1000 m =0-65°C-/\00 m 5 pe ral. wt sane abot Mialedic — No hack tanshan ouside. the systin* artical air press is adiabatic = A does nb Handle. Iaike 4e Wa sipnendagg somp. & eunlos 2 According wiv meso by Caparo, er cobadbn, uithad elon bo el surat? Dry oolulebi Tate wy decreoaa of tempore wilte ‘“ incrensing Lb of an air may nth teraanig alte - pre (LOE [hn Sent : J- , / Pour WAR He ‘this no vise In oirrrets Htethis. S pAR > NER dn, carl Oni) bs /'m) pak PAR) obslitl, WAR PALE | stele Endothomic =y absorbs heab~ oy 2g '- evaporation: - Greothanmic 5 valaawe of bowk- _ag'- Crdensaton At Ay temp. of alr ress = bomp 7 sure. he rismg ft qiv ras: Buc, ab tic poinks cy De. Wey air mass, leaner sere n Ha Fon eae & homce 7 ctemtke conten be Hse, trogy volo Ta ORE cep ae bet ras 5 bh allie , after ite shade coding of & ded. wnt (mE Ai tale) We Aocehtieke , ese his release. f& anogy comseg mstabi hity NERA WAR ane varying phonemona. DAR is conshary ab all places Selon. Som & San lige ig blacked Ay earth Lao eg The membight-(uhich & atl sankgie aPected by wrwm) ig blocked by enth?> The exth —con 02 arly OnE side f He mam 5 becouse. of almook similinans & capal relabion & revddion of the ‘at « pias, mem? FUL wim) why 1% sen wile sally 2 an Be ak vs. ute gueh (sane ont) @ “Ly DAR — DNR DARPNLR Cabnithly) amp (Ye) 3 - DAR vs. WER graph (evsmaue) DAR CNR 4 => DAR” SMR. a? alld 2 DAR ee we 1 ~ Gorse) 8 eae ey “reme/%) > Stable? Addit 0 R > NLe Air ass ig Bld Han surtrdy air a a cankin Might 2 Lay f clascand Cou Hh 6 hota) > AGsoLuTe STRELITY = Wak > NLR oenat Cope neato gw. fav tho. vertical. motion f ain is shopped < Insta dileby _ NCR 7OAR Air may is ata high temp Han Te ‘ cwrrowdiy ain» baomas lighta and. ascends virco NLR DNAR WER excopbionlly igh: Uorar byers of abmosphoe become axcepliovally old & dinam don urdelyiy dyer OAL pper dinse “upper layers. descend, 2 a te arlene arma autos “TRADES, Conditroral Pashtibh DAR FANLR > WAR pdz-Skm apsTree SRR RAR b> +S km <9 STABLE WLR DWAR — sme Crceone '- BS Curdven of Lowy, pransune _ surrowrdled by clesed iso bana having —increanenl ig preosune. outward, and vobodes "in aubiclochayise” in’ nerthonn. hamisybars an clockwise ix Sathorn emis phe: Tropic ‘ Gil Tm whi Tempoate —cgcoras u ERONT— Frontal m rekane « commer: of calling ir ran a fron 3A sloping boundary hyo. optosiky air retas wl its orand a cbeaclricia (temps hamid, dai) Fre i _ “a Songin & craton o£ rom Lents YU eeormion ecyaulahron is resk. fnounbe for Peantopenwsi sO Deformation —cireulabion ow Te. Breteedie Sinhiaag bat Cold rtm Fonte segh banp , high eleve bey > warm, light a aw bast V3 SAently sloping “Bardel sueee (1400) ad bok : 2 ae ow lou Het to vl bay entrar > Sheep: fenke) surlece (Vs0)!- edonse —heney ram — with: Hourdorchprn - Oedicled fit When a cold frrb overlykes warm frnkdy warm ok is dt complalily dicphad frotyn the. growrd. suite. did «LU frmd Crib cain > Short wares > Fromboppnssia = Fronts, ~_Coralebioma or frorbgersin + 3 convergnie of aly mass . ws high temp. difbenince blu cnvecging a” ress s alana Slates wo tog bles oats elie Ke sttome << 45" Feawt sihorb _neoy @ front aodohr- Fron bngorasis >debn- Aarons civ} > diag . condition Br bron craption - Tym fr TSP” Ss ccchdedl *. Mae frontel cones of a wold SigniBane —s tom porits gebres - Meier fenfel ameg 5” , suhag cadleles Tempocle. egone 1-3 Ze DAS bw OO . Tropical cyclone 10° & 28° 2- Orig =3 Fronlal in native] —Thamal ih ovtayin CAE hast of (anh Grea). ‘ Law ~daprasion m seas > B- Shapers variable. (depend, * mM circular ih shape, on chen: oP ay we sat comme Sy oe at cas he) os corer 4 Tee Sde- 1505'So00 kin | Size: IS0-300bm Lang. size. Salk siren 6% 400 Siva pad: Lpouketeo kinph Speck" Emph (doa fo: lage size) * Cave te EE cize,) hone ( dahl [nade tet) Tivo -yprdwarnGuld) ofa ma] OMY tye of air mate scald air. Swen air, Condition fr origin af opal eyelrw ee 1) Geo Temp: of %, ) P ocoans > 27C. pes scilaler, 2). High value of Grint is: freee (" pS): 3) Contnung supply of funweTuRe , circa Te srenay fp movant — ig provided by Laren Hear 0 Aarcentony . 4), Thee igheddy be, enbicyclome “creakhim ah x aryl of 4000 m to tebe Gn dw Zo & — broprcah —eetonan Shuctexe J+ Gerke, long oak rain, nim Coonm Frets) ob 2+ WARM SECTR She ram high tome Be Cove frovt Bhanwy nse raid aumule rimby col a ue seme rw van nod dite 1- Cortinua, Shih of wind Avection oe) "Tap 33 s-W & w5wwvs Nowe Trepiet a “she bs prosune. Frontoh . ‘ eno. tHewg’ rim Eye i ho: vain :- Front| wall co oe, rey AR Eye No ran, claen. Shy. back nall 9 Ertrune, honey ram = pe cme te aches the law -- Constant cstrd. dracton- ( loath attedled'— : Weak coal of cochnonk Corder tha rnblene. of wesTERL © Didyibubier. Dra a world rep tempor & Oath on land or wate, whan. a tock s formal - Season etree souas (sine ides nib Tlapnd. ox dif had, conan ied ‘ Varina pan st bid. WVinbag warm wlanirn bug: Freanoney bt ectiomence Neegeeeegeceat Law anes Damage. cauiash * Nok mak damage. * Rising a ay meas + Oblique Csbatns) * Deas net nood anicg omic. condition daw dy itl Sp ares) fat aout f the otvot Cede. uid) Khoury the. 4ishdrubion of bepical. egcoves originde, rly ‘wake . He is a dopracatin Wh SAW ack sath t i pon pacessans) Only SEE Gabon oan is warma tan tnt) & : Onley — eerie lewd, ©, Condy | Aye ares) Very Frexpeant bo any) cyelovas clzche TW Sha siph-oaby Hoary damage. Cae high. velocity © high tr of eccmuie)> po “Vorbeal Pssociabid with a orbityilnic cordon (subsite om the 26) Klobal Climabe chang co) Urban has icland» => concrel, —jurgley Preone of high tango. man urban ey Gmpacd ty the swrovndliy rural —aneag - => Ronda. (buck is) - Ho ad—as bck iro Geo 3 wh iN eal - ve re dk mate Tee decree a a athaee I “ew romney Guta teimsctine. pm, aderadh ade by fC ivan fa enka White Sem he lin — L526" large emis af CO, hy vehicles Lfeboviag More 22 Serecnhoue go- Mon trapphy of-< sunlight. High bemp {RC report = Woh 19°C jhereasa Sarna — Paced be IBY = Rbyuzer rardall exter a bers ade the twcneanng fem gol. me rove alr mass vises wd These. urge Hear itlnde gt HeAviek railed compared & lhe regime on Pe Sane. laird» Moramer , the eptoh eplow che ‘tase fu bask sled fst wad ~ pessna)) TSS Med will nm me sedeey Cae “hein d burbulon ces 3 Cannols r ~ ie to Fealy chu obshacivg glans ~ ba ee aely od of the. chy the pelt aya ttn tha. lly val / be any dic b> Hj apr Fron densely —popaletdl sEbtemanty mora il: Wan - naage ly Wilt Schacbuligg of invigilion «sok mga to mak hl ke? 3 Wid, cpeak & diveckon 3 Urban planning > drainage (average rainfall, onalby af rainy paveslahion soil). > Gihadion of bulldogs nt of ein dived any > Sctllepesh 3 mowbnirens lrdacage { monrbsinbrulley breeze) 4° Nomigehion . Ship invement (tink stivedion) | a> Flyhk® ban. (Bedidon Ree wack somq) — 9 (jhe? % = Silllite bund» aT marines in cbabosphon ( ml “packs (Clog of onda elon, abl ote ra) s Lay edo 7 Mlb, iinehen Flachiate with aang (sarnesless mild) - Shop milk (cagsds on vette). i + Diseason affeding cattle - Health mgt 2 Oceumence & — iseag © ehinponds om clits. Cede salle jpohist, 5 wearing Reals ge Administering of OV- Cn winter ) > Spread diseases can be combed by a rod understanding pind bathe Galore 2 Lym case Patrdorne daca (B) Bower praduckivr a Solan “power = anil LE inedebion, —duolin, vovection of cunlighE, ermal G diwral range. aiid pores 2 robe Le crati of vind y sins rte Pech Ss Repilems Fong me saa nA goss te sttins Gras yd indo. Hionnes emer mnenonk Jc fora Soh: movement {ndiaatca onl tnd? Brick dusty Dome eb TTT dee mere Makh box induabeg + ol high hunae midetion voyh.J2° = Film saw Hitt Tn sitin cah igs, bate Iofetioe & ecmema coat dr deS Mare ls re) Drought 9 cr! mewn ohe ¥ fr sabe Gucceas h llare — of rrenacan s are; Commodity budarg.— tnton Bebe otf Cultion of ppl. as En + Fok habile. a + Press sanin (eatin yates» Lab Geran). } : jeollan > Tyee. bse ( ieee Pal 3 Perot at? D + Babin cceunronce (homak Lak; sor fob) Tourism iain + Tine of visit fg touniele spot + Chine. (wrt thanact a tedbernsrean cles 1s Tyee FE drase te ba wom udile vistley oq towick spb. Reference websites: —eaan AXA reper A rope by GoD asl 4 vegiore SUNFECE Bred perk on chinibic deeper) rrined Bo . 1 dang methat er . “an evils | [amborieg Fishing ' orchards, |PemA | Rr dy vireged | agrenthine | sori “ wedi Shitting Norradism — | hast caltra Him, —— : SAL Dnt Hantig b gators ° Coo bte en on cocoa.) Elephant, monkey Sout ‘ 5 tirts), Hast stale P Malariay abel Son wher i sally. Why ? : Rivers amy aguel aman sodium calcium. So, vb doen rok ude sally. Buk, on rocking Ds she soan, thar She seq organic a the, lle sens cmon a lotr of aléun fe shall Grabeucti mn «Tis leawea only Sodium mh Ta $02, malay te sally. . Sen wale ecko Lteczca gg He sata «Fh bua mn he seq” en under fein cardihioy.” a Gann ) AV eek me mi worm AP 8 ( eghler) =) Proven | inerenry foenes a a a2") . J bw be pao ee das. te candrifagl Force me igh ta, (So bs rman cans a Pe teen athactn du fs nth; a mene sin = 3 amity Plow tide : wh) . Cig eet sce " fill meen SEM = Fill mom SSM. Same. tre; abe cry -_ SEM D> lung eclinar ani J came.’ lias) Some ane Sst (mM : Tm fight iy 4 feign OME. @ Solar zclipes som eg Sane.’ Wire Ypuwsarnes oe | cuyle rog,blietad S b ASR ol Co taeda ome 2 ra Ltlaale) Large oczane roles Clochwice in noth hemisghee avdhiclckeusse rm Chemis phwa~ cs a Ae mass Geammll mite, bling op voles cptihelaise a Wehomisphee — & dechwrse om Shame Ton wacs 3 a cugleaer land Cro moisbve) ne rain 7 honey damoge -9 WaseR srs Ee with otean Corrado oy wats, shande like a piller am mrd-vcean . Behronahy ~> fe caplre ean lal, Aromomite, 3 cpoed of uot Brrematn > pretarna » Thermometey = J Percuny Con hol condition is altho (gol ion as CM pole. arery Fgh sale, ooone YE te HLL Hecney 9 sgreqson scale, 5 asi. hag ho ® Work out li 2 Csi ~ 20,9! , ” muanw x puttin G-S. (19-15 ys) Gueam Camere mnie. —Contntceans mE + Dabs confoeres 20V0 fact Cells ely bly pobver| om a chage = Lys pl oem me oft aie Fe qt of grenboue goo amistan Cro gree ty gtr eral) WE wacd by 9 orwbry Lrahich com be odd be aller ambtey Ae Cowon (rere "ack fads (Mee So) dhe be otmonic rece ‘vegh baton Co Had ee egaamat on 2" commie pir, foc bye wed - tong rei by SC by 2109 faler Dan oie beg F DL br. wleeh= Kap Bn! «cass seston ) a yyitatS 1. Vegetation. Ze fom perating. 2+Sesoml dat { wall & lab bide, Sti hde Vagoletion ee agetlci big (ah mua greenish Cepek. ran forest) Fiecctterm —> adum-sizeh asf Grid at~ temp fork). Miendtorn 2 very srrell leat ( British, lmaranttan , Sete Xerophy Ps —> ho loaf ; modified (dare) Seals 5h Hekkistobow —esneie- conned (rn 2 Choma seaiBatn heed an Fumids woiel eal A) AS rinfall “Thol te yr wed uid, me winters parephic temp clays SUC - f. 3} FES Sw i- arid Ledueie's “rgoreinn ctl wet oben . water 4 yossbonel Cyne THREEATE . wo mem) iia | MES waren . pomes tro mild bili 5 ange tome Gye ware) ck ctor (ps wo wmirobhum sco Fret ona 5° FC Ho 196. ‘ agi pebatene a [ELS cele toler chink —> permarank” srowe caver summorkiss, f Bek send dibibbon fll. Ps idk “Paci Pa or mm —amenazen {shel ty sono wo ms wider ‘oR 5 summer roivtel’ oe ep Oh 5 em 7, 5 ll St —aminimun fog’ sg shathak asec prcalng €PL , Labi budarel _vaviafion Bde toa How wooact br mouth £5 k Chet) ong temp >I8°C (ter thik} ko Geld) og bop zee [ae Ulta). Albibude. Ss He highland. lost (high alte) wth sx. Syn bls ‘ bid xa AA omnes massa op esting DESCRIPTION J tne = 2-S4-0m, Pog Hee F ofdeck moth >i8'C . C Hues RorcaL) Eve month «precipitatim > € cm hore dey aor BERET mets < Gem ah vir % i Ln deuck marty <2 1OBLs * wink dog pate drt many Ms fi fle well - serge, eat” pe pT PL) sehen 707 0 oe OH, axaperadion Dppt Re (err ia bo whan m medts7 79 rain BL2T > 707. w mv nao monty steppes clmelc (sara) oy dasa eli Con h savannaly R Temp qressbeed. (stepra) h Hot dosod~ K | ath das Besev phen: + ¥ Ag tome Bick ccdast monty BC, bat Dake. “Summer. ppt > |o x Winker pit. winter ppt > By cunror ppb. whim abe bth extheria awe not Aid J rn» dig seas ea —lledh machin Ses mtert-morthe AO. | tno nhs Wormek menth > 22°C, ot leat & mata >10C moth > 22°C) 2b bt 4 mothe Dic [& 2memte Sloe P jae ge I (o] = | tg Hon Falla 248 fy. boon Empat > 10E w som a» £). A | Ag temps of allan Sprint < -E- Avg: temp > wortesk imentn 1c) Tv Tanda “Fos dame Ee wonmait moth 0" TENT. F (Feesk)_ pg: temps af vanmuck month L0%'. = Prln 1 Gp 5 Peenmid re w igh olbbade CHgbed 2 sane wos) Marits of Kecprey's i) = Quantifoe Oh valine namical vals of damp: pit + waod ty dalnaatc bowrdanien 0 LEE clint comalition He beaght oat the importer of aMlectne ppte(amt- of ppt available ty plas 4 te: ppt aiopctin) . > He veergrisel the anuricti=n Hos vegeation Aypasleclinie may His cchema ce simple, qorralized Ceska . Carers _ “2 indie significance to mtan valas of temp Lost, ~raghcted othe, adn slemants (py. mbansth,amownt of ebdiess, poof tag digs, cuenl Hemp cogs Wind x3 ignored the — aude. fachrene’ clawle- > did NOT incde fra cherackeristicn of av wossey. > 42s. of albhibdts & Jomuer alae’ st dibhalk te wamovie . 2 Resouption ; a b [5] Ay inp age AN mon’ pel Shen Wy. Bg ° swimmer 4. Rash elamate TOA rin samen R LETHE Me mal, TO/vam carey a sheppen —chnate= dover clone Savamah Copal qasd ) Sepees Chomp: grand) HOT desext . clk dase Aig temp: sb omamask £10°C 5 ig ten blah > 3h summer rain => (0 wiki ruin inher rain > 3K Same rain j re cin IE vetttn of faabee 2 exbisiad Lb Warm 2 22%C 5 Ab bok gall monty P10. denis mac 220°C 5 Ak task a oll mete >t e 1-3 mothe 210" Ings ein IBC 5 Ag > 3" Ak lect are cAla month << -ag'e Srow-cretred-— Wanmast-month < 10°C _ Tanda Sook (ae waniesk 5 oe Tee ‘ gD Fat (wait Tee): — Oceanocenrey sabe, Major relia fotiag fo oceans Moor a fics cen 2 Trenches > Gregory > Gayets Se mesit- —s Raat. Fah + Paspat —yoints n ocanne ~ Oey poll the onst. domegons “Fil 5 ual ram Veda Yay 2 rh «Fa Ree xan abut im Hla woe Coomungant 20.) (chirped ore ) Camagen « Porgndicala be crack nein ames pe combined sdf, oe " Dsion by row om agate, Sornoske ~ kcolotel , elevate, ml (> 100m) with chop pak Scatwcsb Og A = with «fle (nated dnp pack) pb , trd fe Atlantic Ridge ahora prin = DOLPHIN SE, * a Ssouthoin prin

origin |~ Se Re vt Cm lation Aerepy * wa Andysis F conktartal shelf gy hoe merase Aaeanartihy slendy 5 i . oe idols SARE” Cnesy, Cpe ode, ator Prrecion y Soom $i Mente A abo ava lath athe ox A TH ce condo shah. fi —3 Trenches » . Wot bch trenches , dacowe no Cnvergenca. - Orly ome. cred hI Puerbo Rico Theat ae NA Hnbie ridge a High beigld-ab video a S AHenbic ridge — ~Avg: haght of ihe. I bene Tor M-Atborhe eBih exest “godle sope Crean Hom > rapediy of, wate ramen Nasouncacs, Crdaubandons ts biedotnuily, Mepe vi owe © Bohog grow Veg ore _ lupin Oceans “Iderda _ (W be S) Socobra = => Yorn a dw sen mis wd’ - ee exsint es Diego ear’ ee “ ably Or user, eld lsikOS mc dn be se Lana. Medapocet ean) Sk Pan, trata ghd * Stele Manricbos Eduard »£ Aria . Usadly, No brew ocaan > UE. © [nda ovann —> France « ig Secotra ~Chegos nde Chogs ridge. 3 (whiin alebiabe )- Saych alles nde - Chagos ~ Se Pal ridge. Ninery east RIDAE > wikovation é Hameeges rte Trach > tee rh (Vwdonesin) Toner Sees lot Macs oe ai fy Sook 2 Golf pasts Sala +b sAhia® hele width Morena, « an fen, tay # feral 3 laboatd sk o Lonely ten LEaih branch (orwh onl} fez Consergertt ws No sea wrk AIIPS - @ ms aval rach > Ardaman Li Wiccen «3 lnleadacee ws “ shores rads meal’ = Ns Frachina. ee ‘ a w So, mre islerda Je ext coast - «No clastfiahe. of NW L-S- Indtam Ocean 7 be coun tiehndiin mean lapdlocked - Orly -cnaidsy Ghédin ocman, Cid 4 hE, in any & Hel) row graph (Indien octen ) 5 fuga aed 2 bamien LAL See ask: pol re, so hkian foe Ae rt) argh sex camemed do Pace L AMertic 1k a edd dmin By ot Borgal 4efntbian som Diswe, Leos. J: Oman baw 2+ Arabian hes 2-Semali boo a Menribing basin S+ Mesarona bain 6: Agulhre fatal haan. & Ses tems rs gel phones Mathasin th a (1706) walthin > Bibish ecomict ‘Porvrsnen” B98. Te pov of the eonh te proce soln i fe bs thn peven of * He prnttn grat. @ > world populition grovires mr DGeamdvc. progression (oF ith mebic proprassion/ we) Avithrdlic pegnnolne Food Production gravity > @-2 bey 2d yr, population doubles . HL, 7S, Reasons for pepaltien groutth > Wojid Pousain 0 ‘) Sexuol passion . Pally cabs an Yo sachin ba popsletinn « Passsion oe sox —ramly marry mare reproduchiva porivel v rrve cildion ¥ ayde. . Praileble srbsislence —> Fadl Oral seb agile ay etl a oer poeatits foci ba ne me) re. chil en rami yor ooo substhng Gy Whe wa. mo Wor aptly prevnie. deck, “Poe will shot tp opese~- the postbver deds Provenbve. hecley 5 mol radbrainct, @ <> Ne aay ED rmanndage 5 sonud wrlhag al ro Positive — checks seh Lumina, comeablin er cacuces ot vid Fred crisis was, rime Grbicim _ 1) Wo vision exbaub- conbracapbve messunes bey technological —advancemost-. 2) Religion m pate —y Ring 4 onthe. he coat nb edwoite: contraception 3) bay That tho poplitin’ dalle nn 25 yrs ts arbitra. A) Sexisl dea Dusne br Sex ie a bidlgick phonoremn, vibwrcas diosire. fr chien social —fhencmeren He. faila be chichrpuith there over 3 s) This tary i NOT universally — applicable 5 canbe aptlic x Arabia, thre raligion domvaty) _ 6) He condo mot envisage ‘Ba. Coan ‘intelledial , [oR GE” pment 6 ocds & Arun) \ ori edn “Mave made a tcboviesl “wer robe of ees EL production, (hibrial. dilacion Le Hanlrg Ugathorns —o Sociglish soetthy 2 No put propeaty Peimrbie commer 2+ Sctted wpollinnw tard clearare., domastistid cnirols Fick privede propinty . Reocwees were Nigh ; So, every boda hed access to rescues & prncks —_ propa - B~ Iwovstmiacisep —2 AME 3 Lanka Gpibel —scheprencelip NN inte ws > Labew. Hits mulbiglicd — the mum resource. (‘nerened “thin lard -» capileh & enbreprennes ceils) Hate wots smlbidiel © The poromneas > Labour - > population, . Mora chilhen coo only Uwe Ranrarae - Mere population more: Gabon. oleae cages en labsun—furtier ORE role vigde- Aves, reduced ‘hain poplin ws be dillane as to prevent —puLTIbIY sf hain” rearunicn « HAVE NOTs onjeged tk Lime» ho eee reannees fe cmc. on, -dwity ime B50 men pein - HAVE, —slaited aaoitng 2 agg PEAY sn Thay ‘ealebliched inclibidioms to protect . Tem From the Have - WoT. Lithorde, pilta, bake; Henge f pepulitin spat wits rao of produ den Huntress gables Shove 4 comey thar childnon on their bucky so, ne Latha — ctyldron- unbil the first MLL eon te wal Se aubrabic coool. LESS typulitin Z - Sebi caved sell hone 5 ro read 4 oy Chiron. Chl Cag Ha pegrancus Décor e asl MRE pepuldion, yp Moreover orttlad howto increased fra ceed 2 ese” sh oeldede oie dren, froluabvidksed > — Gapilalibe BUSY money Bein resowas Me ES ny pepulabiin gtendh , thus _Sevoon . i Change tre capitalist — sectél” to a communist Sockaby ae WiXsaad: polation . HAVE * NOTs wil{ howe ronewnces —P ‘rrannge han Ciera, prdfont WoT to chalet” — resource => LESS papuldhin gant he> | Gikicisin ) © Wage? an csmmic plenontnon, pak einayaphi y Phonamenon (0 Poesia [i boda, — thowyh pepulion i TOY g omer oe inoenity ply pes 2) Diobibation oF rzewnece ell’ ill sively fled the abiltky tp organian WBGA PROTECTS . 3) diskibation oF pacoarcs will lo a clivindnbive to ppl ocho wrk bond Levent — “sae __Bin mare - 2 Aomach ig ro mid ridge; S imeb. d approadhery os ta ich ocean( +l 1b lard, ridge). Avecad os ff. pas of Taser, nora + Convergene seme—aso no contorted Blo ng az den fee - Tren ches > Gaohonals, elfen bench ~ Continental shes Alea » Rel Sle rs es cA lee Sf “benches —> Kuril, bench, Japan trench | Mariana tench Mindeno trech eigen . pal ee CSE Though, conarasnie, place , Wo ‘the lal anes and the watnlanaly , caitinendal shelf vs prasenh = so inane, My aS Chane Se, Toran & gn f, Obbeh» Ge eats Kubo) + Deopest part of We dean, + Island =a Philippines, a part of Indarasi,, sire SE Actan arts bfashoms—> ‘Sapam enh, chilyphwes, For'l, “alheln - combi, Sow Pacifie Contains a bet of islenoly > rade ot coral refs wach sen amis» gape Conacly cod nef) LETTS settcch Island 3 Micorarin, Polyncaia, Melanin fide, 2 lon Venere (Hf w2be) Trench» Tong 'S'3 Kermadac trench as choopast enth a) Corel ved 5 Grant Bovrier Raf mang indl eos 2 Tasmenin sua Term a 2 coral cag, Tamer See CE Pacifee ene. ; Cask Pocihe ridge {/p| bakes ee) 7 Ridge SE Reifc Daten , . Lolos ridge. Le coast) ann Forondee, ridge Gling Oe Coot en antionn He “Less oft jelandgs Fatt 3 bnle de, Ys conserpne_[ tentoksan 9 Ate) Cbilean ic No Centinawbed chf ire Anko el = psp Tun Perrandez > Pombrosle, Yeh s- “Tiuach =) Reese Chile Peyuiian branch 3 longook trench in the world . WME > benget ccean m the. wld, > Mosk Vorinky bho Aff: gab of Same Seay, —s Arson ce" of clean ~cuk- ridgeg “A > Mosk ne. of tslenels we Worth of band fanbase wah, en dee rot 8 Weds deopaat & layest ten hea salts tthe 7 i, Sabin f wale [temas atl ab 235 7 vs dogs 54) - L Salniby > Ant = of cased all” (nm ) lie of wd - we fee Nari [en hie y © Norma salinity of ocean 25° salmihy Brack wile J Salmity < 24-7 7, > 2472 oceanlsaboe) woke FEschyde > Plas receiving Pe some amt- of rainfall cBoohale 5 placey havig Ot care calmly soll (halide) Salk rok only Ma, bake alae Cly My Sale addition sik vomerals Cuexis oft/er. Addition by» ee > yeas | a Hare cmcimphin, Cool echivh) > Dead marina. organism & Rover . hen - > Reverse osmosis <3 Digte & 2oe plkhms cruunahin > Se breeze cannias HH sakb - “> Pecalabon of alt ty wales tle C Sedition) aol ccuion Ants ic bios e Fram lard. caved pga gt weet Oe Soh Cag tear) —aMerdand t ranopit (olt cmich by oar Ponlelion 3 vorHedl movornend Sacpoye —> horiembl. woremende Signih Ge @ Bont cain (* Sear) + ime. manire. or ganisma + daoganig Cae fo cath} —aftaahis achip rasigaden. bem oat + ee sabily fhe sp-hest eapauy of wel: x evernvahan appr « O ae “tality cam trunk ;. abn shaerte ph oFuinti ple ia nef Kectors affecking aan me = Hed 58 (15%. Jolew salah, ~>dea fo Danube, Dreicter, Dreiper oe feck ales regdolgialion mga. L *) Tempe. + rapodion § SEE staat, do. 42 ¢ Merico (371.):dne to Calf Shear 3) Ocean Chore oy Ae a Ree hgh ality corait S/o, cuore Noe salad cone: = Now Ati Bz nih cama os WW Bathe Cay F3) 4) Word OF te 20" oy ww dyade worls Hew From, asst te waaf- te more calinity on Tha weston pal of ocom, (to The eat +129 boty oy erakin oan 9, Biss Pa content} Calera C5471 30" te 6 Westibien x ost te Sy et wi ate pe baa Coa sh fetech) indian s) mid Abhi ridge =} provorky mixing oft vale on be sido of the ocean. Buk mid- Attentc Rrdge- Teo sanemal hele, troragh which miihy ts prssible thrsugh seeping , Sal Peta J Noll > 77hL 2 Mg = Way 2°MgSy Darn G GSH > 2REy- SkG0, Pa sy- 6 Calg sg Gepy 7g Bi, meee - at 4 nee ce? net bed Hovieen fa. : vortical end al Bed Zonal, acti bution ape 9 law ealinthy (om spite of Ligh tompestas) ee High raindall slifluc, of Fever wali, fram — Amazon, Govgo, Gangs, — Brahrapib |, Iraumdey 4 ie Hiatesr Saeiniry er enbidene of air ve (jobspls ttm) High madlation 4 dra 49 clean shy 5 Inercnee evant, Not much addition of Srasbwaler ky Sabrpolon Low SALINITY Pee Low tome + High vaimball Ceycloric ) 5 : by, WeepPanube,, Rhine. ~ ralgln Frm Pople 2 S01 ewnant Povoe © + Lowwat salinthy, : aes sralbirg oO Alhernate freezing LES acl tha sal - «Lange flac “SP “Path iaton daa te well wf-g lieu + Closely spaced jobaline high lady gin bb charge sahinity | SALINITY DusaBU TOW 1 occas | ay a)vnn Mbox Ic MRIzonTAL > Yunahoke adeadtzhas vn ” Pel, cea Labhee--sovenehin ig) Wame/uld onan ee cceon | ers oa sedate O° fo 30% Loe thm aatorn magn 2A rin Sle) ’ alll of, Mata (367. Salmity — inereanee Feweandy ‘side. of pecan "3 (since tde unde coo Din. te from sa bo aoe dee ah 2m > Warbilie, (> aD » - Can cel) Salinity reeeses tend, gictiin sale, £ ocean > North Sea y Bath Conaf~ his. -) deol AE oye elel aa!) MO GAME Dae aft Bek Tals ase DA big Wop 7s forma mm Control Aftawk re cee, dua te ouiedee gual formation (robabiin. of comp centenfe —> Slinity high iq Garikean = more 9 va hgh exapetoe “LAN DLHED SEAS wo Medihyperen Coon) sh cer Feeble > Mouth of Amacom 142 FD INAE South Arerican Gasl Prod of ca yt Bd You salintty : Goll Of Bhamn 257 : “> Isvhaling nm S-Amertcan cout rawr tmch Afyica du te the beck of cogent in Mica « tod ely we Pyord 40°, the Te ragulan hertenvlal isthelinan, duet Tha absence of — Javah - — The ‘ oe woah We ongh i, ceils (itd 09 Ore. oping ialow-wmiscing 0 yates « Salmity dnide = A varkeal, isvbalme < due be "ne Shek of a mids dpe + daiide. High zalniby in Samir rae gr due ty Tard Ieched "pe on mate wt dnl) Ray of Bengal whey (307.-) uv dine of Conger , Deby “ ive ete + Loop fimation <5 S: Indian ocommn (rea At. cmak “os renee 1 Maliterranaan san 219 ee exchange f water selintky bbs inbad con Bocaan . v 5%, comparatioaly ese salmity- ed perth need weit 20], Ase ct uke as heat lake ts, brad be t 22 Bf. tale > salty scche higheol salty sn tre re salinlly hae NE rapa tou sat ee v trfinx of Oarabe (Frackwatin) a ee te da u to satesty (om ‘nee abd cl Golan more salinity Chon tox latibaas dee. to higher npn) Verbicd — chchibibion f cabal tosh Dus to ifE. om tad oe renchtn oo aon PO Hraby dag, oe Surhace_ palocln?y 200 ; not rch farehabioy of -sanlight Jed? on A Y : Sabi [) cn pobr regione» the surha is kas saliva ug [9 da dagleisin 2 BEA ok expla Seon He Gila cob, Morn cokm daglhs Salt crbed- meranner. ¢ E F . ism _ Cotbed algae te sally dichloro He wold 2), Discaay how salt bushe- sruinlainad » He ocean rol) “ramp elon does nar toons ‘ally f fie cam! Wetth ed. be this dobrment: aspen We ts sedlucntins the task “of satiny (em) ' if, ism Gitiodly anelysa . salmity cis. - hard locked S cxlity gh —Mid-owanie ridges a9 calmly divide 5 Loop (owen cure) > wid Men ce 2 verteak deck Do Not go deep jo. Pe wniong Fes * temp: abe dees nc merase ale) In cae of 4 shefewenk type qyuas- fect aaa tre steloronk = ceappert ov negats sell cumeal on sec iach P continent ~ HL oe samy dint fom ogi ihe tor Walon alk rahi trem wack + and on kiting fhe cones sal zuk, moveg mn Tra oppus Eanatorial — cunasat on hithng emttheds gpk m Ne &S- lense. aloes, Flicks effecting et0an carnal coe ee Oe eee Oceanic. fackna > Ronsity , temporaria ,cd\ini®: Hage alonitt “hes tency sn ae es ser oe — nly aT Sot ebeated cet low tome senkeclt hae ons. ‘page colony bow lint: Ov ow), aa Yr) Inagh a \ <— es tin sale™4) om v J Dtretieler dy Medtecer (40%, Hhgh rofl Low raantul, twat, el “ha, incuenas High es ee ————_—_—_ higher wate aol vip Comat Low ovperation 2 Oyeshie| gh sn | Rio Tan «lade J ahah ep anes Facks véepouible br ocoan ouverte * Oceanic factors Temp - Salinity Basi Mmospheric — Retudim feles Gadel cothg- fachors ator ak Govidby fre. Rainfall teenth —eonk: cc hore ® Cavonk- —s her a dehntle diction L gre, velriiiba, Sbeam > Spaced ic menensed “mare than a cummed) OVIFL > Doan nat Lave ddnihe direction » dickhead by wand. Seed Stem > Guviank— deft Mackie tof cold bwanm , curred 25 lage avi - of phyboplnltn Lrowlnttm auriltle > Bod mulital for fiche —» Pishny ndehey Cod current 4 fed vribtiial available. fe, Warm cunnert —5 rat srmyh fod for Kel, welmentntl rion foc EL Wine & Lattin Qscllion | EL tine Meek edn some. exhuordinoy ge) te Hamholdt copa (a cot curnet) tha. Rewian Coast is replaced by EL Nino (onan cunnont), + This vedicas tha. cvailabe “Bod tr fish 3 Prrrimres fides on Romvin coaak die wilted fe Shuang bird dependent on Arichovm fis dies 5 Guane SE ha dtiprmcvrstl » Lx bilizone production daceanza —s ccomamy sud firs + The EL Mino lwonm curient]'s fleck 1s amma Hyogo the orld hy the, Westwind deft . This is called — southon oscillation . = EL tio hes a clobnondal nought ef fe ch’ jn bod (en-moaon Sr rat) fy Pood m Chana Impack £ oto — cunnene J. Fishing qraurd 3 mackey pt of visrm Bel dee e USA Grode = Gran, Bank, v Mabie oF Calf chaam Qlabtader coment, Tapan eamuches pb of Kuno. Siwe Gage, Smo, 2 Clircbic a lhordiora: wim cumenk > brige more vinkll f bre cont, - MAtbdtic dif fecpi Brin Warman ‘than other carat separ sain Libthde (Gnade) . Mabel weve 1 oe eo laa “domo hades be Ruseian port” Swe Murmansk om the Arce. cua ea free throughouke Ha yor . 8+ Nong atten sDiechrn fr conn omnond- fuel Phere, , walang —— + Meaty - pt of wards lk” covert rad g@ ° f evel, gy eimwns et warm & cold yh SEB ee egrim aure mee, MESA, coll giv Soh scHHlax ab tre helm 2 ot Lemaaon Cowes) . ri, fom n bal . aahrs FP" oni doblbatin. onthe then fish mrovomardy » Dosen Hfication cod cumeit 5 subsidence. of advmas ano nbulln All descihi am bathed “old cna | Mlacame Salle Lv inebson casi Fey, FarsPrapy ano della fondtin ney atin. deposited cith is comoied fe meen clk is caved ay ye Hed-_bi = weak sind » cctllbem “agen cunts Pallakisa greedy Oil spits man ocean are cared — Praha fe world Sea__Wwead Ghink toonekin, (loop) all daok exce- m Pha cot —> Seq -weeds [sayarm) quer wll 83 Spayonse S28 Coral red, > Ford on te eavtern coast of the contrast. = Cork rads read wanm tem portire sso warm canrest rir * Erongg aredwtion = Qln-cowonhiwl, —roviuclble — tar anargy fore olation of turbine by Damn canny - _ OTEL -r0uan Thar Exergy Grmerrinr) El Mo 1 Ipc on mmagorn + “Gunes — coral, bloeching « Mallwe tery 1 + Poverty boing araberol ‘nowokabiey 2rSolution —> provntive. & posite check 3+ Economically cron Degy ae Form im approach . Grito ed). S + tedicated pepalatine Fao 62 Fachns br peplation grout 4) Oeste for we 2) Aen of siesta 7+ Ported of doublons 25 ys 3° Popalabion bade to power by: q: Wider applica biliby te + Supereted — Gapibaliom rede &- 7 Sim bvitiag ox theory Pooky Lmisey agifts of capital ism solbinsy olictyibution of racemes « (chong. rate production) - Politely cbeivan Toorg ~ beseech becrverti Caters) . + By-produck of his ceommntc & prlitiak ther. = Facbis of-popletin. grant + Nead te preduce surple labour - + Period * doublons varyng with veri “sociahicn Cdepord. on occupy pion), Poorby — lands? populstitn qrowth » enubiomt only bb coder chime of seihy . Sapperth commnanisnn, = Faia fos Cae eG, Fe rh Ot ma at) 2 failed e avicoye < tach. dust econtracoptia methods > Fld b fake (ray tori yt om ool tates bee mob ddl va dae bere | } | | Jamograg hic ranaition Thompson & Notaston - Late “> caepardis * baw station dvansibion Lew fork Ity - L oceuns ws mnortglity« fom high fork 2 high rrorka lly me sbi ee ant wit - liah dak Agreian High station) <3 High aati 4 a 2 Early wxpardins 2 High t s 4 Ineroraca + Cro by ad dad) a high em UW 8 lhe expardig J } iuomeacas GE Cesky deed eS He 2 Lew statioay = Low Lew sur gro = othratec odes: sare great . Whon a county or a ram devolves frm ak agrarian Society fo aH induobrialised mobin seciehy., 4 Particular. dvecknor of — clomographic sty eT Pre nmedsin - pre tdas- Sno tech ianewa on «Agrarian. society «fis radavertany rabameste wack - lteaatahl producti, as fe pempeclanttl: J [eag period oF brouk-Fead Lenomedism will pot proventive. checks on pp. giowth » da & apidomics » oat = High death rate 7 bange Sirmily considered an Ic Ee aan Wins w Introduction of medical frcilities . » Inobustria lisarbion tien aweiabien (fom fesdel’ do dem organised, orm of got.) «Daath rote reduced dwaalically edn Ge Nabe second shee slew daclne m bith whe, ‘theop declna tm cant le « Ne legen, tage Rls soe oot ? tage a Walrdoresia, H+ Bay IE + antropremrenc hap » |usarion, — gnoda consumption «more. comt- on conoume gooe + Birth vate reduced. +B asad wmrares oF Nae Gm, booth, conbracapbves * i= ly She a + Highly Spactaliaed, socidly « 2 doyard —deivan = Boom borbiany sector, © path rate & doth rate mal each oer - _Popalebion will become. ababiliced - » Proundonee of toch: Ierewr= how 7 Lebo specializabe« + Consameise says Angle Prion et > Population is a self adjusting phenomenot, % be society gradually — matings « > Ecanemic Bsocial dupt and class mobility is a a BIMARD Bihon, M-P:, tab. Significance. . = A proper curdetlerding & anelysis of He hye. of population growth of a parkicwlan region will pr dactding, on the type oh liege wn Trae rogin — fr tas Be a ragion tw shee T,wis daub & whole ued felled coke te high mevbly “AE - fr amin % shell ib will Je cibelle tb spmaad —alacaion “pels Cbseeapbin= Merits @ Aad be walls hui - Ae population 2 Best theors = Fiapported by stebichion (birt ete Read rate Figs, Giticism: Wack Asia Ceonamie dete Sokrnd bet ou be population growth. — Rekigion practor nat consi dana. . China ~> hea jumped ‘he Shye ma shot tne by anbeeratic Le seppresste. macsurey 5 Ore Chil pling + Be An imporbavt fachor 3 Migretion — is not tneladed - + France, Garmans > gore beyord stage IWC w ; Mm damographi. + Wheb afber slege DD ht edd te a fe + Fmce 7) oe hl an agrarion conbmy bate petsbbin growth hae shbilied So, ager of pope does mt entirely depend on the, yee ff occupation - USA. 3 ben Mm the EO skye - oy alk Stagey not applicable tr he sutra g lhe . “+ Stauenal diphs & chipe onag be dtc bbc by A sudden oun ova — rabinh cclanay « Though, tris They is widely aptlichy _ + Moinhy bsscl on ompiical chowelina of asin the tual. Does not tale ako aces the seclorecmimic — fachws of eait ~ 1431 obssifcohion (al frmalee te bem. an °F derece in nde) —s Ha accopbad vagehation oa a bovis, bate nd ditecdly. 3 He took tomprabne oo x robe, bat nok als: robws. 2 inbyedced, * > Pracipiteti sc ee the i oul, actin efliciny 5 Art oF PP for tee grat F vagehbion- parece Heamyh Sher sah ‘ L : acd san Hemp Frame HEM 3 Terwil, et eaancy > canichin git off. nex (Me) To calculate thee, he used Heomidehy —Povinee and, Thermal ficiency, “ala (TE) - r/e ee = TebL rein oP Flak vaprstabern' 4) er ere Ble methyl 1st) | we Gal) = wl) pop vane (mats) (1 wee) « gs temp. in Penta, Conta) tack oy We PAPE ican, bo ola HemsniTy Province s + Humidity provrecs(3 5) Pad Fe Vg a) A ut Trepicad ratrboaat l2gt 8 hamid Sab-rropical 64-127 C—esenti hamid Tropical guoaslend 32-63 D—Psemi mand steppe 16-3) E -2arid. Desert vygchetion <1 Thermal prvnes (6 on Me Coden) , ba Cassifiad — Hormel, ee. pe ad) (432) /g EC ammthly temp (hberhal) a Fours ASS € 7 Gayret) = = TH cmertthd) A tpl ltgtec ing Cogs BL Mesathermal 64-127 C!S Micrdbarmel, 32-43 pis Taga 16-3) )s Tundra ots Fm fies an Gensou dicribudm oF reine (44 edegores ) rs rolnfall in all seam S33 summa Ary ws winter — dey 7 da dy in alk suse Combining —bamidly Hormel, provinesn © season deals of rainbll , ba made Tho checihubinn Veorohially 2 bit erly 32 are pacha app. + ‘lenge: bd read. for cale. PYRE OTE. + Very diff. te wemorice, clu, te a lb of symbols His chisthatin reade a (ot £ calelaba G Skilled pecsene ~ barge no. of — climete type. Failed fo give velehn deb of tompL pat: with umd etaan Cunrent '_ ote — lea. wee Herp °C cokssif din ( mm Gms) 7) Mibeduced - 2 more. variables dys bs dew § tml SF i) teal Me soba ti (ver) (e. ‘uta Fl) Soil moistwa — indlese (abby A sol 4 van was) ray V6 (w+ /i) © = monte, Lamenthly temp ©) b> smeanek (E +) fig Garcompexr fy of i wo tens ile sob Tm = (iw s- ~boo)Per —amenthle Sa mothy wat surplus D> monly water deficet Wr hamid Lethon orm Morshee bloat Homidiy proven ia. Thorn, pounce / 2100 Per bead Magettarmn ze ié Hamid Messthenm 6-20 Moick- sallumid Micratheym 33-0 ry cubhuonid Tundra -67 & (-34) . Sami arid frost -too eg) Prd ~ Sencorh verictin of” Effeclne mahi Seasonal L Pari d:., dare adeby mom i . [rom mas am 4, Cay SS. dasson p Sateen | S-2sammer deficit Cornel) s -swirkey’ surfs (normal) Wo winter dabiat-( normal) wos summer curplan (novel, | Sa Stummar dafierkGaade) Sa3 sett surplus Caburdast J \ waswinker debicthCacmte) wi, reir surplus Cabundet) a irdew 50 prick ol ; An bce i) Aidt irda 5m ik cin we ng = Ar ba doy civics amide ndeg = Aroma weet sha Povwk tm 0) Tran Fhaionsy we + PET express mn com 5 Gitil —appenisal of Thorethuaite — Gov’) ~2 Comparative ornadysic of Thamtvalte's 1034 1948 clasibatin . —Kespeal’s faa pve appliaiihy thn Taronhunite ' > Fr Aimatz change , read te Xqrept f Got, bank ONFee rip Y — Setenca aacy - wobaita Koeppen. Thornthwaite , + Directly considered V9 Only eouidned on a V24- aa x beste. indlnectly 5 Aaorgh, avaprHansyvation, oo Abs- vabiay oF emg: Values sub- to give covtaln © Leveibal- shee indices, bios are. cand for chaste, = Revoporation nd oh cine :) Geagorabin cradled « rrager ibe ~ + No montion of Transpiration 3 indaded transpiration. im 1% has = Alobally & gow Gn bo wad only ob iE ES ml) mach fl int + Sal waightage bo Ne wedisn of altihde. & allihde & lathe . Lebyhde rrilvally binky la, Tacladed - . Climebic eres pefadly No celnetdanca eaccapt coincide with vay. zomas N-Prrerica- + Golo as ve of 2 tinay wore climate exes. eos: + Simpler de (aos no: of Formalae . Complicated formbe Computation Ledade cdlaction Gedy» « dBeche ranfalt Hooveh < tleed Bie a dacs vehwe, rode. Be somiank oid. a imilenttiva be date ened — spindly D formulae. 2 Both — recegrisod the rele. ff vegelction 3. Ramla Le temp. cre ot fas» eh aan ae Boh ward ayunitaee volase for dabraakon of Comparison of 1431 Gage Thondatte Sim batting. , * Death raoryiod ‘akan | only a adadtr agoreel anoporction “ag ae reer 3) eh lagi bumadiy © thermal provinass _ 3 dh dtd NoT tale. we icant” cantata fell Seam as] comple gp huh » Difference. 193) . rages [ Voriabla !- H/€,17e pet, be oO ee eons Sei = Gan be vaed hy cgi: scxentids te innigetion schadulong Ae S humidity ,& trowel procs & bamdity, © therrek- Provincas. Moet 5) Orly ae semi hamid, More ) Semi hamid =l sty 6) tals tedrn & taiga Prcladed No mention of taiga. tile wold. 7) Gisdewd rly Willen. Cons dead “bre ots Cihesk agora of Tronbansite's | indlive ct —_vegabation Lo Pheaive vail Pragh Flee ws LL moditah m 1449 Thrrgh PET, Gal mais. Ween, Ons Jo indie the Shad & vey we) frond Pgh The, L— wed ralier of tomp-Lrninalh tm cortam frmales-, LL for dosgifetion . Fisk te intro caocaple euch ow Thm oh nib fF casNow debater on thee Hee of Thanthunttn, canporng 6 advan, 010 Koapper's — shorbramirgs 3 Comporebive aralycis of Hoomin's & Treas s aim sinilnitig GAPE. lke the pe» Te bble . elaborate ey epaining aha” ae Poamal, Kamidiky — Provinar, - Thora Efiy wopat FF cell vaection « «hve Formals. for “THE, le, veT, be & wakes’ “oe he dak ra Pan range of Thaaa, Deen 6 Core the. cl aptickilty J + Caplan ws Kospton sere applic ta. rode ~ ‘3s fue i cag abt Keawnn &Threvtroatle lea “Pr “allay of elimdc zenen oth wags ME Gasy dass - Vee of abs values rake oven ar commons OceAwoarariy > oD Low ff Seay, Te on We nid Taba fe pas « UNCLOS IN Convanhion on bow Df Sean. IS@A > [wll Sax Bad Bathory « contest chiens: momen xaié-> High dima sams erritorid| castes hase tne a> Ceonstort) > 2a ae ee Hovizawtol cbisbance.—s manaanach in Mecca lea (nit mils otghm) Verbal Aisenea > maasueal in Lape (1 batons ft.) agit 00D pari, MPSS > expedition Rane ee counbigs tone Gran sacs pl > ceidin ower ger €£2 Bream enter policy —» axpettin i arate oon ternitor il witlena ray rious Blue watn a oa ci Me ao! fon jpediehns > Teil oto coche seu _Metioal enstihdin applies. Also called Spargivol son? oe ‘yanive bolt?” O-l2 um fem hase Ine No othn — exmnbty can onber the -beriteial sactin fa combty watDodt ihe permicsi- amon HIGH sel PASSAGE + Howeutn , tare is ren in “bribe valine’ por accessibility free. tote. G tansit - « Couth nalin hoa conniere eoveiaury oar te hertrid walee. > Configure ene Fuh a p's prslibom tam fe 24 nm fom base line «Concerned, nation bea rights of caster dicties , I * Bud, shebag ic) bane 5 immigration sanity (rire pollstin) regulating im ha ttoed & conrncoous 2906S» and i alco hay the right > PMH comeaerad partie for trbingerork those regulations » ws Sem Lodhsive Fconemic Zoran (coz), 224 mm fe 200 nm from BASE Link . va em ced oq ove = Concorrad a abit, fas, jaxdusiva right over uiivanss exphiblion y conservehon Sgn. of yrinaal eset of SBbaw: Anposifice—oman floor Corust) mara. wok enone» waTee dhaRine DeGanicme withn tis 02 (mn, 1104). ren soa Ieivcionst ss SRE iy he 62 uke Fevrthol Sa EF in of ofmer <1 airy cables y nanigshor of shies, Plang oF ameps Dispates in maritime 2 due to overlap of maitre. bewbries Co elec lcd aaa » Kil islands > Rucsia i Sapan Panne, itso Sptly” te (adh Clie ca)r Chien Tans Pils oe Vielen, Indonen} 2 Sdn -sbablabaun + Fidemen. dnb! + Falkland is > Argentina t Buliow + Diseyays (Sabah i3:) —> Chom & Tapan - Dia far lardelachad coinbrieg st, “the coaelal —coundrias rear, lndlockesl courhign te ava ermmed to change. lew anc fin tor Ham { Sethendircet) + Nowodiys, landlocked coudying aa alae damandong Pr alvilling rights hm "eaaamas s Mitt High Sow » Dispute ovr law governing high eae Ball sale Sores wie alin Bt ten se Sorcha, conlnleel, dle of coll pation etal fr beyond thén C02, Se, they exa—dowardig ISBA Be right —ovey ——These~ rn 7,04 we Russia's convent slot exterdlng in tha A Cherian park of Arctic ccamn - > Malaysia's contented chelf cotardng arto S-Chim San. owe. Pelton ‘ ———oil grille eA Tain tevethoil lin» s prada to tra. oa, mint | sens, ile, resent, for te cat of cleaving his 2 Pans Poly REL Micke 3” monks mann dpouth an clades Gord deposits). NDIA ts By lesecplaing pmev (ore Tale tha form of whey do atbin wight : flog Teguees EE halen Dew Deport ies ts A Bie 7 cis Ht ana found on be Thin: bla Bt aps dep pene lyst: caan — Floor. Se me SN weg Maney bent @ velanic raphien oe cs 25 nom BBE ale athe epee ravel& & Z fawig sean ml dat pS ET alee dais Sibley md Blun md, Green much, rey mud, son af land om, Peleg ie dupes ts, 25 conic fon ape: an De Prareped , Globigerim , “cliatn sttivlavian, real hag, feo hie mach, iron sulphide 357 Glos Gran mead > potassium lake , glctztes ab anbenters B70, Bed mud 3 Sem cccide. 22% (al0, M00 > fre than - MCE so) es Caleorengh— Orqente rn one ia organic Ts Palegie depos = eke wee) Calesrens ovze —> ealejure 1 P terpod G lebigerina « “Pkeropod = mainly Atlante y aD + Farmed of tnotluses , + Mollinse 3 wftbediad _, chablad animale . b , fies, ibe fa fan fin ha Tt wah shen They die, they chepesit Pe ia 200 joc Logs thon aa md AMenbe NEES ai « Pacibe, nteditherraraan , lnobam ocan Arever (na G lobi garing Ankh ~ s ~Shelle of foraminifora . Formed. of germ =040 alibi goma, f + found om abundance tn cll cco: « 20004000 favthon. silie CilFeen, rediolart an so on - oosity Govinda houdye aimee Redivlartan—. womly Paulie . “Pomad by sbella F redidane Lfiram nites tn ay sit rt “More siher 3s sah G8 ¢ + Lime conlrak decease wth moraasing dapth. 2000-5000 Athomy, + Pacific ecaan —Diabers 5 mat Lats ———— Microscopie plants . hg « hy i ewy fom + Phytoplenttng = food Sr ih a og ah HA 5 + Occur panty in high Labihdey : 1 ty Poeife, juntn Bee yh Boeke Inorganic materiale: 9 olor ite, iron , Mn0,, barite, anmphae Site Seaanly £050 1G ovighn Reb CLAYS ghudagt m all, ocaama « Seb Pernante ivilieds af ainntim:, Drn std. ~> tediowive matiide 5 gn N be 4 Sim fMabe > Cabely lyse dishibaon of rcoam depos foal, Horzadal a . (i= eb) «(in verte czan lee) Ocean _Resoogees : Tle plac Linrlia: hod fois al > Fisheries. Porenal (deep sa) — O athe ol fly > Minerale soe araqeah, see me ly ale Mas din est ries fi is “spina live —> Medicine fe nen n> ube sopaldon( in se tis dsttel ty bens) > Peankd >from oysters Jom spect: 7 prelve me 32 phyy = Ovary fishity (we Hep 203f se «Door sax fubolst ih anon) ae vray ee pe mle en pond do overtibes bun = EU ho recon Label te watt allved, agp . w antl: Guna] fir gagerctin oP sen - rowdy late bradigy, as Ocann reennce Xs the best raat to Tawra. Bisons toolset & Fishing . erhiity mag ln, te the cplaion de ron ectinchion ‘of conan cpacieg of High. Tart is taling monme + proved fishing, exp dandy ek ecdng satan, Scbilin of Eh ray book ty a comple Pradedoen x HMA can Pe Mining With only minimum exploration’ of oto corhe, ve we uname of tha gyanhy of beth abinhic Lbiok ——vasonncay avatttb, in ocom Her Kithnd: Hor proper bnavrledge, buon exploitation on aaars inay lead orton of while, resomann cule te tan if Nay ave praactt —in mv uetting Moning uaastey stray rch the delrearte §— graaytharad, biveee Whelrg ei Trowg yaw legs Fave. Jeay talon prevent wWhelg, is vary AifBeall to conbare Sane 2aploittion Towa, wholes © benvad, AIL allewad Ge scberbiGede cuctanch ponpraa. Mey Vor bite Ha Tape egphit tee provisions for . Marvcaltare Inboduchi, 2 rane oP vans typey of ond fiheg — mry atluonselye fed He -claltovte exosyetim fee soe. thera, they tile te hovel Hacly th henzeally & veri wd te a “Whe weatictmacle. a G bewvdaces Dezanran ding Qi cca Oto pruesl vik bueve!) Dewan wel (dundestin! Pep se chin a iwlroducad purist actvity. Ay oases Introduce 4 hows —bebre human this — hobky ey ardifeal jnberfermca, ~“ to the. cheap 50, orgoriions Ten £ 1" ppee.68° = Gonserving wenite Decoskh onrsyplans > Ocomn waking 2» tha lst y, fe lanan- Ding ] rasmrce, oo atte cca corners, + sit ct Li ee. owested population cme’ by 3 find resomee aie = Gea Ot) Cibeta,) Cas Conk Ohastn Pt shakin a of AYR a fo of hail fal) =D, Cer-explatletion fai fal) of oil lett of Bivdaacity — = atthpngenic ¢ a yan, doasian 338 jdatiged | aa Yea avait. 5 © Fane Wasp waciees oa dua. to sea ~ © ei vie nj grinc! m ocean, Frr-furyoy 3 aptin of asl ba gael pli ; Sp Moeaingraiwn > » Deepen diving, Teuvisn nl, feekior of Hodes 5 samuctir Frm 98 Pgh detlog ls, wibrclky > wireless olecbicths ado prose binge, dishribdto coli & deshiadin (ese0+ 2 enSiemy O Conk sy Can hee oe fo Tens Grecthe _ Africa s- Advis ome river —» fragheaky Fable: ? erally —> Velde -> High Velo Mowbria, 9 Beg 3 Draborakes , wactherg’ Re Limpopo > Mesambigna” A, Zombe buss (O Okawavga Cuvomps ~9 brat zinlrd sioanp 9% Tha david ete) Sivampe wana scan,” jn consts est \ \, Mak gadihgaks Salb fon > hyh empration at al into aha, amhazi river —p Viehria Lally wv Kajiba lake [preci dam. Cobora Bassa dim, Bleck moira > Madleanba nck Madinga mounknire wt: Kili mamprs - Tak eal Gr rican nite — Kew eat Ay 44 valley Alboit- Turan Tara m Afrien Great bale rainy Wiger river — trbeboy Boras > Dig in Gulf of Goran. Tos Plabann 3M garia ouch ox in Artlay mowntama =3 NeW ABri cn v Hight ph =) Mb» Toubkal - Lows om Merion Pr lluhion ws Shinto L Gulim —smest amp. emverkin on péllabirn 4 v ships I eallad “Int Convention fr favinhon of Pollution by Shep, 7G Fe tars convention wea amondah. g, -ie cabled erator (72/78) » vhrlan Worcherk shipgry Ack , tase aig ded + the Intl —Conantion for Prevention af pollution of Scab by 611/954) + mARPOL 73/70 den Sha mask imp + tntl meme onviron fonvartion Ve concerra wlth gravendion of prlladion dy oil, balk cha mica 5 olergerors garde sonnge , qarkye, atm: callaicn shay \ Ind S | Pojastlon Madhya Pradash Maharashtra Ardhre Prodash pilgrtreges ‘= Land of Gods —» Obl Lond (Tea paneee Oed!s cum courdry 2 Kerala v aM beatin of Jowiseh Taal Incredibh. Ielig 5 Auf bos Bla Tiotic oF Gey = 8 statin. v Exjarat, mr Closest capil te Teepe F Conn Ranch — Bhopal Gardhi Nace | Arza (, States sharigg bewrdagy with only Vethey Uidian chs 3 Chin (we) & Malalaga (Asan) Stake uth he longest coastline Guy arab The. coun —utth which Iron sheen Max -bardary ash - “Shatea with he inte bran (ri ae v ‘ MP, Gathsgnk Shidhand . bay She vihich. hora, rox. noo peundary with other stity v UP (8 si) Small chats - Goa : A Sirallate poplin —» i) im Baw Voargeck chat > Trakhond 2 ? Check) Jansdiction of Lakchaduesp —s Cochin high ew on “ Ardaman Aitieshen a Caled hig cont? ® Torrie oF Ids woity dict. baib ubteh, donk shane. bomdagy ith each flog Pondlichawy } Ponds’, Maho, Yoram, barat ka ~ Chichin rock of Iida > Giligiri conidor Csiltin = We Flash Lorde) Coal — ~ trae) t hugh 5 Gachery ol leet kerr) ‘4 ‘an Kozhikode ellen netsnilage athals Kovalam only she cahak~ Vem baredan labs, > heen E rnabalam (Gchi); Alapprenn —sVorkee of dhe Katee Letra = low Uhr yon soa bel) aay. eld Kamara bom + a Phricsux > cultural capital of torwle- Palaglad 2 TN bordss, Vegobetier Wywa p 2 Meutenons regi dw hr Les junction ef Kerale , Korbobake, TU Kasaragod, Hannan orhig ade <3 lataritc sil (uch iron) vu , Bilao CO) (Me Segment oy lage > / <=} Tour's m CF olbgam Allaprecha, Eralularn/- Kachi (cErnakalem ~2 vi 420A) —osrnllt Nt of India Trivardrwin 2 capital, ch Howls - v . vase (Vikram — Sarabht Smee Grbie) ,Tiinba oynibrrl Troclat lawnck shabion fr Kallen, Keralin —s monacite- cake (iheriun ee) Coir indithig > cocnits ay firm battoyam ty Tremben Konak, 3 ore cide. White 5 me cide Lewland,* heoiry ram => walex laying See pa. sdilemod reanly 0 highland - om Lyse high emuetion olnaity. cunts aren rbher plonbefion « ~ P tin pad ted cannes mS > fF spices = PPP» ardamom L | JooKe( — spice market Cstices Bond of Indic ) Cardamom bill _ — > TvRIism. a Reb medel fr halt —syshom . > Driversal — POS- > Highet literacy vile. —> highet 401 — Pighaet — sex ‘ration (more fan [000 fovalee per wok) He Meberdiel cociely (‘mite tone i) —2 Lineassatlemoit Glory the emda») Lath

Gul syndoome. (almost all fmiin ail hove. poumy in Gulf nudes aap. Malabar a) > Malabar “> Malina. (Mop Malone) 5 Bemdifil, bowen Caner im vi llaza) we Ayervedic rice Cathe thal purse Vaidya doe) thigh wwempbynent - > Highest cmcamplion if alee - a ekeolagch onaxs Periyar, vasowe, Aramlai, Wyre, . Wem banodh . > Dance Kadhabali, Mohinigartar « = Mastial ad: > Kalai. 3 SWe Menscon a enact Ibion matlond (ine. Perc v keuls . + Hany rab sTropical fresls >. Religion > Major by Hida [ot of Muslane Christions Macks 3 Nekerale (Malabar) Ohvishan —s Saath of — Glicdk , Tous 5 Madan chee Paghade pk. = Araimnudi (on Arsoralat WG hae) vu Con feng TY borden) ~ Palaghet peas 5 wide. ap in, Whats SNe meyer We many srrdk non, = Kenda bor x adibien of trloomte anal a eurenons anisbenc, of — Hiardun, Muslna & Chrickiane Rinne Passion AbL Copale krishna > dicechw, fillr-rva ke Lfetine Achiovewad- amord . M-N Nambe Myee 4 leads -s7gin. Frastval = Oram oy mails the vist of myltial bay 7 Mins) Loom the Sedan” Peooklfam’ : Korot, has produced sovoral top nokh buresnerats ~ Kishng Menon -atirst foots cceratns SHY Sanka Menon 2a oral Seeuni ty Adinorr ceocubhian , | ek badge Peessune e6cr Anos Pverkoad bugil 1 -Pe-Mme pos 1 tmarolabrg-snly 2 phorum bd 3: bg mi, 3 Oe fogs SBfue i py s-oFe. Presi. lt "3-3 cals Rl Boe, pl, 4: Signtennce «4 Nell siehion . 5 Temper econ) sash “7 cently mean Significance, haga. Som : Avvnees Sabi bit tyelonsy 1 NLR MAR WAR, 1 wero, wa Libs a onan br 2 tap emp gla nae 5 Gorditin fr Frags 5 Mae ge blag as 6 RE in border che Hv wo, 1] im roa rag 2) B wind 3. chag ewe egtion t cans: temp: ke pgt - Se 1o-Re ary Tek Wood snd dewde mt Gly Beene ortho fr) Slt ane 3) la eye 3) bent wedy ‘Mignfone — 005196 fey sea, Cloribe xs Drrnbialb e west r Hes w18 (rtw)™ Te eg we a were 10 (hs) Lets crs” & asf g Oce anocenotty Tides b wanes Tides Wowes | ~ 1 Verkial movemodt of Hovizodal mevensat of © bow Unites” fen wie 2 Dea fo geri bation. pablo daa Fichin b/s wird AF sin dinoom Lenk Usurbe of unite . % Tides ano perisdic Wawes one WON per iedie + a nde ets o cum with Very royrenk: Eaageton ye gburl - Te Dau Bretton, inlraton atm nth & wom Sr2vay 7 When sun, cot & moon ong om the sama line (wor recascoily in the same aryl) . (oem gene) cM Tidé)=s Seaine TOk : “4 AM on the WONG cen! )SOS'S ps ye QuroeavuRe pos mon A. cunQ mam are at righ enlace Meme TIDE (Low Tide): Ss Wave 1) Crreddey — +) Translators 4 3) Bren le > plage, spill, cage - >) i S| Tides a commen is mo Wentes cceun (it © 6 Tide a weak crostorel pve 1s a throng oir : ageb - peak dune to. the Posfian 7 Tide a high poberbie, before for poner g Tide Sale camed 5 3 2 cbncine tovettr.deca nab clue 42 Coast Coveih . obtdbede. the wanes His vie vena, - Significance of tidy wa + Usobl on ravigation (eg’- Kelbats port, Shug pt), + Inbusion of tusk mts lad at the. tre of Fide rasulls in” calintion of qrounduate. de sunhee wit ard alos conse — damage. 40 Ivalihowd & poparticn . -Aligh 14 cffeds the Lorain of dollar Boy cf Fandg highest Hem Be worl: Lea (north of New York). Seuthamplemn —3 4 Hda pu -doy . Cue coaske| Chandon) v y cog wiaually, 2 tidy (dong + “Trelol,_theovia 1) Progress wame thory >) Eaniltinn voye thony J Seba wom there Cad, Bah SA Conds rohe te tela bored dae dgcsthon & acc. of chelobarg of Lira, seoraking orgahy'sine led. crak pdyps : Cottnany shld’ bist 328° te 25% Nethdey , Symbidic elaboohip You coral pAyped oo Xn, “corals Rec ag highly sensthe Reigntiant ecasy sting v i th called ‘Ra forest "of Scanrs, ec : © Conk raafe prctida. «habia cveme ei £ orgerisne. Cabot 1p 9p0e2 < paca reside. m opel rack), aGrdition for grewh f coral plygs 1) Crrale are verg temp. sireidve » Naak! mas temp. of zie tagieal conn). 1 Wis is thy, orale aaa. Foard only in te cashinn adYe Grast Barrier Beat fre) 5 2. Weaken sida of Conbrasts —aeperioncen AA cunnovt , so temp 18 Noy less: n 2) Goals tive only sn, SHALLOW w pees ( 280 -a00ft) Bee, sunk tA % import Ge the grat 3) Clan sedimont free wali & rey. tr ite ra 16 sedmorls ane. thowy then Tha sedanonl “may -spleg’ he- norow maith ard came th death 1 - to Ths tty desea dae vik cow Boy mt pecawwe - ran-eft from lanl i brings seclarenta - 4) Prachwala, 6m Rjrion to corals This ts alae why cvale ap wer grow alors cuit since rivers my bm techuntc to 29. . Bice fraohwat 06s WoT bring food fe eared grote share 1 cistonbraity oF cera af plow wove rors yon fig sea . We ering wala @ olor mines J Salmiby of 27 bt 807%,, 1s idoak. Become high salme unter corbrire bw GQ, which fhe. covala read tr hte grep 6) Cxctensve subrrarma —plabbvmg on. raged Tha corals use these: plies as a bea be grav The corals, thence. act an bavrions te shes atovry the. — coash . In Sydnoy, Brishane orks, ships. can ONLY ovibe. ihe: coack—ct place vhowt™ te rive, Yom the ga es A ee a Shanimunnee oo Gee = OF aS hed SLANE NEE OP 1) Sha hamana from “Faremas © saapnaay haritares 2) slot, moro ten rll OTe Ee a hroobversiy S) ete ogthan wih pode ety pola lay adfef Wewer), 4) Hla A most somite aasystin, san tater of the health of te ocay rae fl nb np rab Sin eel Ce coal wt Seaword slope is step. Q laraduard slope ts gente. 2 Barrier veof’ . Parallel te cook bergest racks , bigheot h widedt . + broken at rey placa 2 tt riorm arcs . voukl due to Dowhewd qronkls dea H aeward = cebowrt grat due t 4 by women, spel of fod by 3° Ab. < a Bring of ramow corals of huskelee shape Cromad — with palm trea. . ~ > Fang drand an is. L Pormedion of able & 1) Sebsidince tory aa Demir ago of evdahon- Horw corals’ which oan only grew Pathallw sutioy cod go te grectes tapthy? Damme Le Pnging raf grams upward bo gk Fred, Fomanies 2. After thet The lard san ohhich vores grew supe aaD flag wal Ph gidn opt, ® - beoe of techie movrnaif > calwmse. pt fan 3 ps the eure Te cowl grow purr vigewnaly For Fook ah be get thom ant of doap vas. 4+ The growth i wore vigorew enum, fom Te cout. refs . 5s. The subsidence of “br is arly grednal . * Gcdmonlalion long coma preer came from grorig vane De eam. Wow’ a geen 8 Poel pdforma woven NOT howe oth has forms barrior Exrclonces a sinner I 1. ARE of elite. ales ont of coal red velba re trae is Suacipence. 2 Setimentanow in Tre lagen is congorotke by grads. subsidana. of -land- Tis petarante & bgam rticile combiner ~snbsidente . Se Ne ably we found m uplithed bese Cobos’ Cri” onthe ns eer Yates die) 4) Thickness of coral raif! Jnerdadis downward , Tras shows fra theses.” cnrala. at dak depth were formod voy early, — ushon they wera alally, mm shollre wells C bebve. cubs dence) « 5) Staop shpa of 18+ bowing abelle incli cake subsidence, srco. sheep 6 slope & found only m upper pat of as Cribeteny — - IF faging hemin & city ime taben he Sequenbiol hopes of cveluhon, how clo all thom tree ore. at — tha. cama live in the sama is.? + If subsidnce wo te phonomanm, all cal rede must hoe -onbcided — frilly hy pew GStardcdill, + Marrs = = Lefather of medow Ucasmepiagy, ~ Non-subsidince L tard . Land ce Sond shill staan Perms F caval > 140 F-(s0 taht _ @S 1. Tie depth is attamd ei ter by marra dlogosition 2s onee “the pormiccible clopth is obbeinel , tho coral formed lagers ora Berek ream avait (bln cond Linde, ) became of dissdlubion of deal cory. 9 * Criticim 1+ Mo explnadin Gr ohdl formdion, | 2+ A lmik of 20 fathoms’ for cappeitin. & erosion tan ST” ke accophed B+ Brosin & deposition, CANNOT ocean at fe Same pha of ecean. 40 Crake wore fond aten below 26 thom , Stand is chetbioneny, The lagem world bene. bean everiivally filed with sadamonty &. Dead corale DP NDT dissdlve . They ales form Plegic deopesits - —- 7 “Rlacral contral thery > Davy Daly wag convinced the all coral rack wore demed — durty—-« Plaisoene le Age. Shad of feidheone ~deg) 33 fallen gletinhon —> sax trek do reared Le tomy: of meine oa to Daw tame vt decreased + Cheez tt) yy se cone dad - ( tit Cd eidecone . . . Delain con leid increased & tomp-alie raed . (dae to jets ts “shallow deg of latfns | high tamp> V corals ctudad — grovirg . F sniform doptn mes + hageena awe famed — dua to uniform lenertng of Ser beef duvirs, — Pleistreem — lee Aye- oaks [2 Sen led deren Blan evilad «Conde Benes 2. Seq levsh morensed Corals cbatid growing vpuond . 2 Narrow gataly pltbrn > frryig “ahs e~ Wa pet hrm 2 Abed Berton raf s+ Medel wove eroded te > Abd Corley Srhersm eS J+ Corals ova formed oven beyond 28-3 falthoma Wat accaphed theory “abe trary Supporbed by ©Davis’ Thay f 4 aayephie qe Why coral ally ore. Fawr only om ere side Pie? Even alo fhe same cout oma cide may hove. sabroged — pore then the other eid» Se Ovev-cweo ‘Coal vat.” as ida. ab cork rack > Cordi' tiny > Disbribadion a Chges of coe red [yes 9 fring, bao, all) > Why coral reef q cignthant- contin 2 > Hae crch om be praowed 2 Cordtlirs br cored re rindion wothn coral reek = Eabrete and codfin the enfical seplrtin subshanhiste Ub with tre enistng dite PP covalon > Signfiemee precd b Presowe » Darwin thers = ods este . Ca nest of fe outer Calf of Manrer, Coral beans sor-af cone im Mlk chart In bam dadhiyad\ - Thre Bo symbic ic palechtonal'p Yuw Cork pagps & Xanitrlleg - _BBleechiry —s Whthoniry of coral ved’s = it lend A tha deck af Zee Kaisthallen (a eohowning sont) sg out menses JM -podhry 2) tue maroe sont 9 WM eh “subs tra orale todin gets bro re Ge fo eanl Beading’ SS aS anid tes) 1 EL Now, ef rrisd by wed und drift, bleedey corals he wor lt ol tay eee ae bee te Filly olonisen Spann ® wie E emight te con delay tem deat. 2° be corkain diseased 7 backet winyaave sth ok pie el 2. Anthropogenic actiities ‘ent eh be 4) Dampry edjsaclwewosbio 2 bade ys Trenamesol T Galladion f coals 5 y) Br Drmache: * cowege, P10" eutl meee CJolebal elomebic cherge - Cbveonhowe decks increase sl overalh — temp. ee tomp a dasth of corals & rere po me talc Ccorn ® Pankow 50 ncrdifa oan he Whore dla: “qaraFPiA conbm tel. mmeroaney it Tamil Node @® Capital! Chonrai Chanrsoo raikanur - 1639.3 Medras = Francis Pag fore ot. Genye = Aaconbly - eretarrat - radi fame intesral Coach factory CIC) > Perambun CLR —s Aoboyer . oT (oft Mor (Maiod Inch Dean Tech) * Nation) Biadwvarcity Astor ty, Tourist — placey Shwe bnplas Pande Pardee Pathos —Wahabalipinan Marra Beach 2" longeot beach (13 dm ) feck CM of Medraa Province ~» Omardhinn . Teclemailha Neocwan tela aghi-Hd ota - Aitacl, by “Bindon’ a Loman Crier. 1467 3 non-Grpress rule Com k) Anti-tinds attach ony Medorn Theta, 2 Salows> Cardenas) Self -reapect movemonh Madial capaho Ind WOT Beshming « Comonroee —» Manchester of Louth bda, y + black Am soil. sant epee L diésel orgie. 3 Mavala Kacthclyan - » Salon Ali Inst «of Onnathed “irk man ob. India? <9 Father of ernlthegy. ty Ink a + Cormbabra —preceives rafal done OME L SN ronson ) Clie. KangedLmess) bat. owrall rarbill 5 sificlenke » « Sigarcare. breeds reseanuly vl, uU Flower of sigatare, sare + Combatre Lo fcknour are ‘the tue plats whee Luyarcoma foweurg is very active. , « Ciravani water a second tachiecl water De toorld. v fk nile - © ory 3 Kandha bydal olochie praect logek HEP In WN Indian Photeilm inl =3 Onby . 5 Pashue Inst. & Caen B Vaccine production wap> for Rabies. Madura 8) 5 Gilad of ES Sangam pericd 3 Panora vae- > Tasmoe city : of TN. 9 On the banks of Vataal River. a Temple city of TVD fama ‘ Mesrababi temple. + Tamiva baran rive —s peronntal viver: + Lord Shiva QO 3 if + Paalagarn belted heel vail of TN, Lsfoxrorp? ¢ + Paalegam bolts OTe > Tum cite. + Cosgraphical — Indicate <3 Nealon. +f Meancholas tight? <3 blac k “incident of 1" sew EMMY Touch pte Pook elly ; Salle cthy. *SPIC. Coetern HO for he Genndran Projed « + Henry wal. planks —Kerdrscllem Hlom Poser Prgeitrs VOC = wadeehs Monit = Vaanjindhen > First to bl), a dat (res ishrats (llc) =D Lord Has on brs - + barge wirdfomy i. India 2 ranch 1 Repelown wna’ ; Yampa tuners Cenp'- Nagercoil) ; i ollavivns - Grane of Ng Ba eatin ite ‘) + Sartji Sarasumbi — Mabel Dhrarg 3 ona of The bie most significant Iibrarieg mm [ndig. Pe otha & Matted Leh hb- = Pabna , Elecgraphic watches > Vera, dancing AM - « Pollarai Dam 5 Kavibale Chazhen + sSarkji rulers x patron ised Bhoostrabyam rie + Rock temple. . + kooweri rive, 5 Sri Rargam 2 Sri Pargaral assy Femele v higheak epura of TV, + Vollidein 5 Laver maleg dichthacbeny «(Coren Tivachi 3 contre. part oft TN, Solan @- + Sbeal nduwdry (ttt fom Soap) + A> Aluminiion . Ses (mettin hyde & Provnd “Paject) © 13 Marys (Holben” + Tapa = «Salam a once the Haske Chox ~ofhie) capitoh of ™: + Long sorleu 5 levewell lenge noe of AS patel, + Fomile feticide - Norealhed, + Fag city eP . Hows “Twel - Teak rusk - Ered, Tarmenie meat + EVR Perigour Bane na bresghee ree rat iespherz raseme in Ina. Alf of Ram + Eshumran . © Pamban bridge > Panarhuanam « Adam's bridge. ~2 Pam Aethas J Ls lineheee dopesitt Sativa Semudram Pract. ty Thole Maman . Donane estat, —3 SHenest fesfial’ of TN, “Theda “byilus = Mle Lgpelyandey « (cince thoy loli hy be Bachiga tribes - descardats fF Paardoras ) Dance a Bhect Neckipan, . (Sees dra Pal Srna Fle doncas Waiters Crnndkib yeti whe) gan T brishranuafy (sod) Tg ke “Aeeepie foam! vl (8 tegen 9 T Sarl 6 Anda Pradesh Telargans (ort) Aiden EE pageesone Cont) | cabal Arb « Tingabh a cree of sells tert ihaot Herel - tot’ Vonleattiahwars . a Kaalehaathi < fathill of Taped: GE of Tinea: 2 Lado: = Pulick lhe —s Legoon Ce v Srihani ole is Satish Bhowan Space Gude 2 yockat- (aun obirg: ation Nellore vice culkWatign . Org ee 3 cathe broad.” Garbo scibly 2 tared chilly (purgent ratave.. Roirnurday —aTebncia caller Ls Tobacer: rascench ttt Vig awode = loabaol gn ‘Kighre wer KAlom lake a ratlaval” => bird sanchiang. Machilignran (Maslip a ran) 23 Ack British chy . J mm Glndia. Linpordont port for Dakeh, British . Kabinade —ainp- port chudy Qritish rade . Wishekepehan [20g “Sky baiblig Ordon Shipbuilding Wd) = Port TTSPAT Nigam L,=3 Viaag iven Osted — plant Gira bisheol ce) , Sarearlam —>hazalthe [miving malig = fovea onag Wanita: Alianc} not undor got cond . kermaumonm 5 Be Spore ven production ewel power plant ~ Roma cey are cid OG. va separabed by Prats Sages bake. Wo dora bad Secardorabad, —* separa a aeats Twin cities of Sath dba, | Heo af South Coral Ralunys « TORISAT +s wth Crop Rescanch Int of Semi-Miel Trapics, + DNA Frgor printing. + Touran raring codes -» ) Modis «Sarde Velleldbhss del JP training academy ~Ramost film cily. ~ MSA FV 5 Coumm of — Hydowboad « NALSA v HAL Hex wade, Pocky. preg + Char Miran + Librar: SA aes brary LAS Carl et + Bolbimds Lot, IT. coaching a 3 * Fatrone fv Hydisabads Dhan Bivigans « “Poloseb, Froded Iy Mraam ul Lest Wizim-s Osman Ali KhantteRogalar moverant \g lanbig reticence : : ylooldl brrght onl Lrdsan stim tay Poke Albom od Opin by Oerraria Uiwalhy Hydoabad — pradominan ly a Maslan onan. Waenneni, 2 ime vallacy clakin @ infamow for farmer. suicide. . Hyderabad & Wonargal ay Tehangare region - Mah ba rasp > Waxalite Hepa > binge aed aft Ahr Puttapar ty 4 gas Baka. Kadena —> Slime (ering sy) Chitbe 3 Nel Gee fy Abwrs vheic shdy Ci seo\ Paubtor =3 A P~ TW border 3 Plate: of pavis 5 sonoyé aL) — / “ens 226), Thermmarapall “2 Uraniteyn " GQ. eg Ra mesic: Yapparare Nizam Godavari 2 Uabahin Coese! (Carga of Ha Lat). —— Graney of Sadth Inia’ - Por ; Cried. digs ad Gratin & q ranite. Uda egatien sol v Good fr fobace & arowdnt eulbvadion Conyb-B Ard bre), Coached, Ardhra > allaviel oy . Arding P sPiey Fred Geryra pickle > imede of ards TRIBE = Clonch, tile 3 Lm fy * bambods? Se w world ae os Shin temple. Chiggeale nanwss 1 tra ) + Na onl park « Finoy adi <2 Adlira Pott sviRomal w» dia Scand fasts) for a sepaite wee ANDHRA s On linguistic na hung shi be (dares beat a Veneniay > gare finch shape fo oun Neo PLAS dai i “MQ Renga ~9 1424 SAM trdia Kisan Sabha Moment. (tb ts thy, Ardln's aot tei called IMG Ranga Agyi ani NT Roms Rae 3 Ache shoes CM. BY Besizenir in Yorned move - Onnce —> kuchipud, Fagin, dap Ardhrea y iF yo i VA fie BE. i “aetl_ta vi MS -Swamincen —» Ayri « scianhis ] duns E Sabrarmariam a Pati wives Gy) Coase Srmvinsan "fue Sih, Co Raven Arig. ‘4 . Kalan 2 edwation min. chawPey sIiihtated serecnd Inh Dred pe a B Karwan ~ Gorkal > Bangalore. - = Be-cnum © (borders Mahacashtra). ; [ives reese session 9 Preaidest Cordhig j Ieation Trdabog ¢ M4 2 Poabli C ring Nog ompie) Pang hranclynatng Mining Chi i Fradung « SEM ove mining Tameburel, BANAL ORR * Siren valley oth ¥ ncn dlecheane ch. “Heb of Indian iT mike “"Bargabnad* Da word fy, nets * Cool | clarity eat, eat St) | oy of Ina * Well plennad eid, es, Mocal Halls tio Seon vel VM" gree, autonomy by nits. bil adel eth suee Me “3 hele poly att AT Bene. PS ms thal Coat meee TEE trhe bel toce Ghote leh A Tame tacks candal Electonics Ltd + wikis iy, (Electronic Voting Machines) + PARKS 3 Kapton park 7 ksh - 3 Wide ready ep hina v ¥2tonk - BEL ae 7 Bs ~ mice (Wacken ford PAB RS) 5s 2d mck fy come oe Bhopal Margalore > pore Tula people * Ral! balk Uds pi —sbrichna temple» Shravar, Bela Cdl —» Comibzshwared temple. Teg fll 3 highest hast wats ll mln s | i gi Lik te Shomubi_ rer - ANDEL) Nanowar park 5 Bk. ndtioh par) = cry / Boonoghth Ranganthatte (bi Lorian, India's Wael, chip building you. 4 aeettionmst cook of farndabos- Operation © Sea bird”. M ysoee. = Wee -ottatinl Gy becdrtiin — Conntscron « + Svdblud 4 6.05 Myene Sardd Soup + Forme fr Incerae. shick- = Mysore, Palaco 4 Windawvan gardens * Fame vive > Kavos 3 frishne Raa Sagan chain Leen said) originds m™ Medhibers 9 Coeg Just w of Badvavali am a Vishurnny Ga ee hee bd Eder t Tesi bree abe Meera. [i bosk arnt eo wld 3 Kale ged riven Chen ae gb Ntoskew eg. Irom ove —2 Kedramukh , Shimoga « Bolten 2 Cranspertedl Heh phalrete Mucgloe jl) | Bedvowats iron & steel plank > India's 2° iron shel pat | CPS Tale DTamahade) 5 = Margarang + Ragaum Babe Baden Hill, . Cheb © hecin fe | hichnnaglun Sf “tatty | reloads MP come rene. Farrelela 5 Wala adn -/Phel B ty Gat slg sate. of handy Mardlie dag rhe whe “Katri” tds ts Speed be IN. Gon fi Grape a hdio's jo oly Meukall . Coy Georg ~s 001 an have gt i Hod liane « ‘Keerdyla. tourism Sone Going 3 meng word! Spl trem bain —s°Gases a 2 Vij harager, Enero . : Cs temple. B “ 4 See. stad Inbethe sil > Cope Regi, Coffee » Onion Foren hibvion Sore Chana Cubs’ ry Trinity oe Gy Tet, Haas ts Muck mw Bageabee » Meryaloes Choorais Signfi coma af ghcions 7) >I leaching J sell, ano -supoork te urgchation & 22+ Oubwouh plrina ~sboulda cys allasiuns met ceri one eq Priest BSH SAP 2 bole & i . fra a detest of ON ca + * Hagdaele gg vlogs —> Hy desltic cory eg Saad a Eskew —eecank Rgraud. fr conishructar 6 + Snow-evey / a 5 ot Hg Cabling by glecions > no dural smbtiing, Gilead tminas & Deabagz big wah Galen 9 Avcancha csdeshde dba he Jo pmeyack oh-an end, - 4) Presowk bey to te poole , I bd th tre temy of Unifornita anion a The same Prycial — preoues and laws tab opal: | today, “crerated tloingtouk? the gedegic tam» aBheyh 1 | ; ; : 2 nob Mecaatary with the. came. istonalby as nou!” Sequential charges of lardfonna ane due ere Sta i ck verbyeal ingen Ba ‘the. eager, emeve thes verticl regularities to form plan.” whe | ith forms. tae ongtel Ae, by 7) Davis & i) Pane — Orn } Aim : Days tharg: rid fy proms a dart 4F 2 aystinai het a 1 descrighim ond gaichic —_chssficdtion oF Landtovns > Whaszas Perch braght oat a nophalrgied aways lendborns Basic of to thany ~ — Davie behoved tat omsion docrwased tha. qradeest te slepee by a prec called Dow nwasiita . Te summut of—ite ponte ne aredad gradually Powranshig oT Ruck -belioved thelr Il shpos were wade of’ said lipo segments and. they undowenb parallel, reheat by BACKWAS TING. The ral of rebyeabe som poeta. tothe grakiok of the slope. « In Bacluwas hing Fadors ab fedting londbym- ob aires cht Levent Soh a bie of ache fey fe ry Slchu” Sie and. pe moe, ho. tgnered We other. hon fackre and gar boo ts bine bine. Aapondlort: imoolel . we Ponck —plaaded For a tire ~indopondent model. He shrted theh —“Landform tas a rele of the. rake ard. phase of dagradabion card vate ‘are plac. of LsPtmaicke _ Bdiok thay ‘ Acsordirg b» Davis, ermcion flowed upliftment: ard resabbol in a seapential dag radobion — ft lardfovin. ix aa hypottelil —crustally Tebable landiness. Sky in me 5 wherever, thee is uplifh, thee will be evasion and they will Le. simultaneous Moreover, thee are no [> areas with indetnihe — emachal stabiliby . Srole qele of emi Pench reall tet both crncion (spl Pond ane. | simubtarans Ik dfn only in | took inte accounde ‘ one a ee " bat, ape nal his uncopt of canby . ot cenktn usta hesesi | . Ph gl in Si a mo "y Rac Upliftmarde — resin LK palgey cic ladles Pats bins of tHe viow the upland was a siddn & rapid proccss ard. eration Hue is no erosion. Corns pliant. Back | tachmic ebading haw. chen tel mplittmanh is an excodlirgly slow procs. ‘view on uplttbmeade was mive- legical , A uphttmonk? “iay fet slow, tho pl tt, Uren accolorated egnd)ion Caden Enanivo) 2 Se dered abi. cribideed ae” “Bee fm petlhey ol eteond og cla. of | | Phen aes = She tina) > : AC inital abs. roel 2 Beswhal Yrs summit ene > LC ssvalley cumve % Davis checified ris cycle mo + hye. — rep | Prepartory sage This is a chye of suddon Qvapid uplirbnentr. No aeeron catcke - So, beth te absdide” relic anf velabive —ralze” incraason | Youn SAGE! Due. te the sheep slp, binbic energy UL hanspartig oy act Bde . aw streamt crea igh od tence valtteal amcion & profil anaing valley deopevirg. So, rolabve relich” —jrorcanes + Since Hoe wml plat he, on ea a Maree SmAGe ' ‘i The reduction in qratianb” — reduces varie Cerllay dprng) ed siding the aummils . “Thensdeeir ap a docnes xim, abs- vel) eros 0 cama horizontl Cobo riltive Yo ake wrk. a chroams is VOY “high - Troe. is almost ne valley daopening ub -thow ts horienfal. ereeion causing grosion of summits - Co, the abc K rebel we dereated — nd brah to gronad ith nile e callak moranwocye! stawling. LL Spon at ae” * Se Porsem@-— | Tints insoles Thee is ono Preparactoxy shee. WAxING (Acceveente) aa re oF * VET 2 The vile of uplifted is Ini Bally slowe hiten visey rapidly. cae the vale of wpldlt ie fan grea thon. recip abs. voliglk tnorensens Vorbical eresion is Amrinanke thom evasion of lame. ctummib « <, Ha redet che increases ? rer, Vuteoem Dever, wrciion oF Summit, Retz oF wohft we bil Wighes ton. velit incroaroa Ye emction of ctu b valley “Phase © + Upliftmoc shops completly deriasey ue. $0 summit — grpcion. Due be caval eles verted —omsin & commit cxoaton , roadie reli 2 Consol * Waning DB evevorme nr oa sThoe 1 ho plilmant. The rate F valley ecpening vedees . “The cummmit aresien dominetag- Bo, bal, absslie and cablive veel dooce « ad _ apper bees vassal ona EME? cops wht ard called wash «sleeo{ ldo) ~ © Davis They in Biglash’ and ob vey Iucid andl oaprasave . He can be Applad be alt lardfons- We fag argedel vento \ “nae, level’, quent, Schone’ and “poh ak Follows Hattan's — eydieal theasy phe Rabine, He hos been, widely accopkel and adopted Ararugh Te time —dapondonk Li shatic cqden are, avladuad + : Ponce removed Ye bre, copending ar cnrente a chucks and ik helped. te crask, comcept Frejuunaléd — ov polycyclic landform. Bak fic obser Fonginege ard calighghh “the jeomohi. fede sully Fried stopsqraphion nde seaml oyele f& srocion Stcond wydle & gresion occurs when toe is 4 Ferswraphic diterdante dua te sore charger the 1) Glectabion oe Aaglacration : or decrees mse Loyel uphFtmet ot landieas ND liydateyical Cage « Seo Thee lishobances increase. The. period of- hy rajuvenedion (Arent olde, lard frm comertid fo yooWa chye). Those ane i , the cycle oF nnosion a © Called Pelyeyilic ag thew i more than ore of 2recion - Some of te polycyclic or rajuverdtel — (ordering ares: ) talleg m valley epgraphy Wher Hee iz a sudden decrense in sea level er imonane. 7 Sead af ctream 5 i camden Pay tho He owicking wide, shalbur valley The row 2 deep valley de comdame a pth of berraces bee thy indicty the ond of Ba lh valley, eankiy wide valley , fore | std soa Wiel “e)Ufbed. pselain ab allem od ddl hold ces Lonel, ha Now see love! be rer bel Wha see’ lou decemess a row dally "is formeh ak a “loner aight» accordance alte He sea lol. Ac the gaisking poroghin i ab q shighon “oval Aras this nsuly Formed — plan, looks uplifted 3) neice proandeny » Streains come doum . shesp slepaa csith high velocity. Dae do thie high _bivebic_onorre» mak of the uzight of tla shem ix concerbuled BN the _dlannd, latter (middle) vertic -ervding te vecks & producing tncised marindon . —smoandsy of The ob tnased im the vel 4) Paired orraceys- Terraces oe valle, an valley bn bi on ig ald coc mlbiple so orl ach tel is dened bs ea Ferra, aie present? * od the Soame wlovabion 5 7 “they avo. pairad terraces. “Tey acca arene oft dew in sea lovel. Parallelism of ferraras donate that they “belong to the same _povied ' Whan tHe smoeth Lang ituirral profile of rv viver is duzhvhed by techmic or hy droleg ical hoiyes, 4 Meconbiuhly em te pei called. Reick Pensr te formed. new exrve. |! lh curve —<——— nick porn ys Exglan the cenpentiel dupt- af londbme asiocstil with worl arcas Lanlfrns in coastal arone ava. formed by He action ok — waves» The aching of town are i) Conasion = avorion ef cheep rocky lift by wowed ot i) Abbie :- parkiclas comiad by He omen collide with osch athe and axe geond bfrer patbicto, ii) ydvaulie atkins atin ray ond, nbs cacle. of che, avd — euler they core uk, Ube comprased. iv asglaliy * busing He roche iv) Gorvewr Amon Dissolves Glo. m limuchoa beaches Landfama f insion (oly elsif) ( hos so) Youbh. stage CUitGY- & Waveut terraces Steep rch life cand te bam adisiniry tre sens mal The tomas by thelr canbe canon a oo actin rode the dis and Ha chifle recede rally ix wan cede gltny, The ord wail Spd yw Hes 2 al ee salt pbb: — "Gio Risto) / le ah Both. , eroded . Woe & ie the cracks im tle rocks, Hough Leg te s called, qlupe- By Iydrwulic acon, HE raolk in Be “Wrakentg foveks Lik beaks down Fumry a deop clef calleh _GEOS- z Go cathe | clout & shops, Uydrabic action L corrasin may produce dasp elle space in ttle tolled caves. Too caves jin. teaethe 4a £ ov. Sorohm te gether Pv i \ : tee ony Sometimes ondey ‘ove vpstavding portion IS (ofL-uneredad . hig vs shack. When the slack is _submeged » t-te called 4 shim aS Pro \ 5o Gaok - fx vel ple. edn rst onbompiy Rays, gulf Smrabinee ¢ dae difbaedel eatin, te Some part of metnland & prbidad arte the sex as heedled . Wed orks rch a meson «THis wld te eld bay TE se longs and gu oF ibe small. NN sea a 2s cule Ow) ——= Bary (tow) p> headland! * 3 mann & terdome db dopo Seity sand hors, tombole 4 cond banion’ ’ Wave bréhers due. be? Their churmidy _aghir deposit aad ard shingles (eebblaa) on He enetd sea. “These shirgln — comnedtig” Ye land with the ea ome Clad Se 3 0te cupped towards the coast This is Seve Bar fie card lor Ie t And > Lan eine SAND BAeUeR. the clled —poMeoLa. we lardnessas ihe is Atti by waves cbpesit Dro carl om Te coat These. Porm sandy beachay. fF Pebbles arg Aepesibed jt+ sis -cadbid @ shingle hexh. Maire _dasey Tha ss, A . . sad depecttad J aie by obfohme. bolt and accu niakited te conling ae sand dures alos a Meta Stage}: Deposition L.2r0efon become camel. Ta. cond fos od tem blbew ah distiged ~The coast plein OLA stage: : Ths ts a Hesrebreal or hy pot hehicch hye, hye dotan' + ocean lua to sither. oh ameyenca € Sy Karst edbams Honk london o00” wie up of leat Colette) rods rite wih BE maple In such ‘orena,, tha. solvent and. precipitation achion surface ad growd uta ane high: Dishribation Korst landforms ove Foard in NW Meg slaving ( boa debrck) , Kenbac he tK USA, Yacabin peninsula in Mexico, sont of Grad \ichoria lysed th frvetrole ard Ponnines i Biban « Pe mast vole at be rick oval iwitll - Thay shoe’ Le pau ately du ntste shod Je pomeall + They achould lo Disord? ran, Te such OB arth ord poly of yaad 3 avalble fy sdhonle wide AM be. ath. The He mt be IN area and dopth and musk bowe. Blots Or Arathiiea “Ler wetin leyrakon & achion « haredforms in Maret iim te enmem n Mansh region ts i) Frasier — Landforms « Leni . Lappies ove inrggulatties om te oe Saclue — de ty differential cebnb action oF walk elven Sink hd - Srrall, Fanvel shaped Toles formed albiall, ob the tp A the. limestes cunkee « Boreath tha. surfne . the sink hdloa widen ad form large wallow hole. Dodiney - Delmas core cal apse “shady (ile gpa sees ) —Uraden Cink, Vell) Wales aro Sink valle. svoallyr holey combine Hh delines be Porm wvathes Whon altemating _lameztoner avd hand racks ate fwd, — maton groin de discelien The [yaaa bye Ieavity tok vocka inbadt The tad Ph SP bahcon, let rs alld come IF both ae opm, it~ s called 4 -bannol- Landforma of deposition, To a Harging ici Vike lima. tapering ord oe calls clalacites . | When a limete peck poh it i alld ctakemite Stalgnite and ctlectde for by frm calate pill (Conrecks Pon blu Fue Lh f Segnificonee. lo absene a Nok Luauviast veh, dee her} nly sherr grad puta. adyainge oe Trin soil - fe rh ayows Sy chomp reardy Eo pra Hised « S rec, with upward, byea)- avallab: hy cry @ Natl 0 House. hone A to The work limestone hed, clad iS Po mnorl fond — jn_vetne of limotore ree hes => Discas tle owlibion & charactoiisher of Zleciah —lawdfovma t- A orge moss of mavity ice is called a qlecer. va ice is nok m ited an avoding agente . The repls § bevldve calor uit Ho ja cama fio types of — arding achion - Preval. Bo glacier Leaman te role at the Fradhie droge cil gulls offs with, > Individual Slochs , resulting in a ragged _terain ea ae ccna diana and nodes og it raven Heap vasullng -m tha smosthorig —Ersioral bedfnne Cirque ;- irre hidarn, | When a glcin shrbe Haury from the head valley, iF plucha ste” Sliop baclenunll of the Foal ally ark og HE Plows donabeamn 5 by the actin, of abrasion, i reden avd dacpona The. bur onde of fhe. alloy producitg. a DEPRES, Tis teaub im oo tease ate gm cami Frvoqaphy called crave AE fe bese , wrog fom a > de calls Crmen)y Aral | - When a mountalr is surrounded by duo oF mote cirquan, ——biferadged vide tc fash baleen, these “Cirquay called ARETE = pyromtdal park ( hom) crane. SS - eran. Pramdal perl (Inrn) When ae or more eryiay curtend veutin, tha genk looks shop © pyramidal. clled tony. Ib the pak chs olf te jay crqwas ike an ielawd, ib is & NOM Boxgecbnure Ac the glacier leaves Ha hasdvalley haa» it producaa a crach, Called Berquscirevny which te~expased—-ihen there malls HES a narrow, deep In Summary Ha bibbony glen being smo walt. Te valley over which leur glktou ran y saomy the 1 Paraing vices celled kad of yids per Bede meintin The ughill is smooth be gettle choo fe The deve, whi, EO gasta. WH of falle dem, “Vir packs the becl-walh of the nace predusing 4 Waged L steep: dounslpe - Shel Chir cue, Somehins’ dua. bo corkgusiray hand rodbe on Pary fin Some 6 tetwease uth. me We prekucen ag pan doprestim - Tus a ules Aled watt wit i calle paovncchor wy peberinordoy (a bey, mtilacial laseesa Pca ft The pobre is sheep hie leeward. sla iB gpa —Devesinenm Laworo enc. Move aan ace ral End Ht sa edeh by gbcow by aration and mnbbad in ‘hem ad (eal marines The wmiha on alll filed « tHe aly F te. ghdu The latsal dow ghee goin. Messen Maeame 2 Whew by the cewhe part +@ voles ave moved gla cin and. ar. called rnedian moraineg. Taamirel (ord) morn When te. cen reach doumitean, the moraivas one — deposited ake tra end in gngut- aE ee oo os peo vet moreng Dl tn ob) Drumln is a a alee Falex-in wheel bouldow or clay dopacibedn such awa, te it bow dh ups L gone denslpe HE locke Vike an tmyid — gpeoiy [is placed Atagmally be’ frm Backer or ban? teprqraph, Eshon eh Eelew are loos, happen ‘ridges af storey and qraud —chopecitead by He ghets whe it walls Reeder Eskew one the best ple fy lay weeds on him + Base shaas ame uand covsbackon purposes / Otdwwawh plams In summer. glacin waltz > Tha chasm caries the fra doposi and dapesits Wi ns a lewfadimobas pli called — pucdwanl” plan - Won dhe One urdudediong ~ thas Plow woher meg get shored —s Leia Laves. Axio _Laworoeme of fedid Ad, daestic Londra are mostly the Bleck of wir Ward ereday in 3 vue + aipay al by ) Desi! =» Tl may ng. ed Frm a parbiulen place Fovraitxg ov depress ion - ‘Tis ts called deion uae 2) Awa ae ‘cond parbcls cavsiad Neo wird may “pelle with a nck and avede it~ | sand - blasbing =) Arreino Arternon > Te said he ofhes dobvis when caouid ly vd ed callie ithe each other Gare grand bo he putida Erecioral lardforma ) Muchroom. or podskal rola} - This ts Beaune f dilfoentiolebcecion of wd the canbe portion a fe rock rs areded - greatly Thee roche with slender i Slawonla — ane called — Muctincom Recis - ! 2) Zougew | Alternatieg hereoital: coils of soft rk and | howd) rocks ave plecod..crd abo —the other. Insel | cate, He coll mda coe waded ‘inove then the bent rocks | , In Yardorgs °, set lated vortcal strips fond awd sel recks cre Luan adjnconk to ore anathon ott veek fod orn ¥ Fy shad veoke 4) Mescs f Rub - BA tebe fh » high | vith, a tabl-[ike top with on te bop we called MESA when, : oF @ lege arog and a BUTTE sohen fb ie ofa crrallen nen. ber eat (howe = os . tA) f “nsebhogs _ wa \ sheoo- ae slapes~- folded _illthe mile formch m the Al where ot guage pce alld Matha - They fae s . si Paws rock ne hushabr. Donan isellx Deblebinn Mtns pases'- se | | Macy the dogcbond nfo» cle ane dunes ws )) Barca . He is Greuonk-shaped serd—dure Primal wit te BB) ehh eS howe divectin of wind « ° Ths is because of valebrely — bad matsitl on dre cov of tte dane, and He wih phe eaprallyy — formigg Te whys sf ARC? wed, Yi; hen, N Roretbola @ “h parabolic chaped — sand dave bet cuit | wind >) Sent SUF is parable Aura wut m sity ong, \ {~ ora. when = ogling ~ i Der logitdowl dudes ara those in which sand on bte word deen is carried away seed ons eilhan side Dees orm bog _ hennew | recky —comidons with sand om eithr side Thee are fumed if, Ahean, of seals so. These. exe the suaiilen taken tor gation de lasts agie Silke rede (Chara, rn wat Aig) —— a Te cay dag of verbo [Yanawerse duwnon zw Te aad. — are amarged perpendicular th the dechion of gid In These phe, Here lage availabilty of x lies loess ; The fhe sand particles farmak by ATTRITION ane coriad pt oey ploy by Be vid and apasitsd ao fine. sand - This is called Loess. oa: Gg ot Eten: Chea Le ict (Uue be vaby sph’) 1) Peles ws eked molen epost tind Pootphin >) Bey ade Lar Ahem Afra, Cresk sandy dt, Sone Go (Anois)

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