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Marys Primary School Mission Statement

We the governors and staff of St. Marys Primary School believe the
school to be a vital part of the parish. We are firmly committed to:

The aims of Catholic Education

Providing the best possible education for

All our children.

Developing positive pastoral care systems in our school.

Establishing close links with the home, the parish and the wider

St. Marys Primary School seeks to establish an educative community, centred

on Christ so that his values and gospel message are at the centre of the whole
life of our school.


St. Marys Primary School believes that assessment is essential in the

development of the whole child. We aim to use assessment to develop
childrens knowledge, understanding and skills base, enabling them to
participate fully and confidently in all areas of the Northern Ireland
St. Marys Primary School aims to use assessment to:

assess the effectiveness of teaching and learning

improve the content and delivery of the revised curriculum
ensure agreed policies are implemented
celebrate and share good practice
identify areas for development /improvement at individual, class
key stage and whole school levels
6. Plan for and identify areas where relevant support and development
through INSET will raise staff confidence and expertise
7. Provide information on school development and improvement to
a. Inspectorate
b. Governors
c. Parents
d. Pupils
8. Provide evidence to inform school development plans
9. Provide baselines for teaching
10. Help identify learning needs, strengths and weaknesses
11. Ensure continuity across the curriculum and classes enabling
teachers to build upon previous work and progress
12. Give children and parents feedback information on pupil
achievement and progress
13. Ensure that formal and informal assessment is used as part of
normal teaching
14. Influence teaching and learning strategies

Key Principles of Assessment

To provide effective support in the classroom assessment should:

Be integral to the process of planning, teaching and learning

Take account of previous levels of pupil performance
Indicate learning successes and identify weaknesses
Focus on learning processes as well as learning outcomes
Be based on clear and concise criteria
Be objective and consistent

Key Purposes of Assessment

Information derived from assessment should be:
So that positive achievements may be recognised and appropriate steps planned

So that the strengths and weaknesses of pupils may be identified and
appropriate action taken

So that the overall achievements of pupils may be recorded in a systematic way
and at a particular time e.g. reporting to parents, End of Key Stage

So that the information gained about pupil achievements may be used by schools
to make curriculum planning and resource decisions

Assessment in St.Marys Primary School

In St. Marys Primary School assessment is crucial for assessing the quality and
effectiveness of teaching and learning, the curriculum, school policies and staff
expertise. We use a variety of assessment procedures which include:
Assessment of Planning:
In St. Marys Primary School we have created a positive school culture and
ethos built on collaboration, joint partnership and collegiality. Every member of
staff works as part of a team which involves cooperation, participation,
consultation and sharing of ideas, expertise and resources.
Classroom Observation:
Raising standards and improving quality of teaching and learning is the primary
focus for our school. As high standards will only be achieved when there is
effective teaching it is essential that staff development is placed at the centre
of school improvement. The Principal has ensured that structures are in place
to review and develop every member of staff. Staff appraisals in the form of
classroom observations are integral part of assessment, monitoring and
evaluation in our school. We actively engage in PRSD and the setting of whole
school objectives.
Pupils in St. Marys Primary School undertake standardised and in class tests
throughout the year. These results will be placed on the Assessment Manager
System and will be used to set targets. Pupils from primary four to seven will
undergo InCas testing in October, NFER PIE and PIM in May.
Portfolios of work:
Pupils in primary four and primary seven will produce portfolios of work which
will be forwarded to CCEA. Results will be analysed against results from similar
schools across Northern Ireland.
Target Setting:
Individual, group, class and Key Stage targets will be set according to
assessment outcomes and reviewed throughout and at the end of the year.

Continuous Monitoring of Pupil Progress:

Each teacher has a folder for each pupil in their class in which they keep a
record of and samples of pupils work. This is passed on to each subsequent
teacher. Continuous monitoring is based on existing good practice. From
assessment material gathered over a period of time, teachers will be able to
determine the progress made by each pupil in relation to each attainment
target. It also supports the summative aspect of assessment since it provides
information which can be used at particular times for example at the end of Key
Stage Two are given their records of Achievement to take with them to their
next school. These are handed over at a special ceremony in school where
parents are invited to attend.

We are in the very early stages of moderation. We are continuing to develop
moderated planning in Literacy and Play.
During 2012/13 we completed internal standardised in literacy to level writing
samples from Primary four and seven. We opted to voluntarily provide samples
for external moderation and attended training in relation to how this was
carried out.
We hope to continue with this format of internal standardisation with the
expectation of adding sample across primary three and six in order to allow us
to plan and target set for raising achievement.
During 2013/14 we will be carrying out moderation of maths samples for end of
Key Stage. A portfolio for selected children will be shared with staff and
moderation and levelling carried out.
St. Marys Primary School recognises that our parents are equal partners in the
education process and as such we ensure that the information on assessment is
always shared with them and with the children.













Portfolios of

P4 and




Purpose of Test

screening to
inform planning
And SEN support
Screening to
inform planning
Computer based
Screening in
Reading, Spelling,
Mental Maths,
and developed
ability. Also
assess pupil
attitude to school
Level children as
they reach the
end of Key stage
1 and Key Stage 2
To Northern
Curriculum levels
To provide a
comparative score
to assess pupils
achievements in
English and Maths


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