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Grade 10/American Lit

Final Crucible/Cat Collage and Presentation
As we finish reading Arthur Millers The Crucible next week, I want you to
create a collage that connects themes, characters, symbols, text, and ideas
from The Crucible, and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. You will be asked to write a
one-page explanation of your collage and to present your collage to the
class. You will be graded on your verbal and written explanation of the
images you have included in the collage.
UPDATED DUE DATE: Due Friday 3/13. Presentations in class.
Collage must be at least 8.5x12 inches (regular printer paper
ok). No blank space is allowed. If you want to make a larger
collage, see Ms. MacGregor.
Focus on one or two characters from The Crucible and one or
two characters from Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Include images of
these characters, or images of how you imagine these
characters to be. Dont rely on the movie representations
Include images of relevant symbols from each text that
contribute to your understanding.
Include within the collage at least six buzz words (themes or
motifs) that you think function in the two plays. You should
write sentences using these buzz words in your one-page
written explanation.
Include within the collage one question that you still have after
finishing the book. This can be specific or broad.
Use one Vocabulary 1 word (list on EdLine) in your written
Written explanation must be typed and single-spaced.
Written explanation must include at least one quotation from
The Crucible, and must reference specific details from Cat on a
Hot Tin Roof (if you went on the field trip).
Oral presentation must be at least four minutes long. This will
be timed. It is highly recommended that you practice the
presentation before Friday. Be prepared to answer questions
from your classmates.

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