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Term Paper


Names 1

Chapter 1

Guys nag siling si sir na pgusto lang ta a format. Meaning nd gd man sya strikto. Te
feeling ko, kung sundun tgd man ang thesis paper na format, ok lang na kng daw nd ta pag
sundon ang iya gd na format.

Vote buying in the Philippines has become a way of life. Almost all election(?)
candidates are practicing it, even the Sanggunian Kabataan candidates. (And thank God they
are gone.) Failure to do vote buying leads to a high probability of lose, depression and suicide.
Evidently, vote buying was known as immoral during its early years. But as time
passes by, we get too involved into the practice that we just see it as part of our culture.
Does the immorality or wrongness of an act fade as it becomes a common practice? Is
vote buying an absolute immoral? The researchers will tackle those question.
Statement of the Problem
The study seeks to determine whether if vote buying is an absolute immoral act.
(By absolute immoral, the researchers mean that an act is against the laws of nature.
Say for example calling a black a "nigger." If one does it in the Philippines, the black Filipino
won't get affected the way a black American would. The indecency of the word "nigger" was
only formed by their society and other practices. Therefore, "nigger-calling" is not an absolute
*Again, sir said that "pagusto lang ta sa format" So the parenthesized paragraph is just


Objectives of the Study

This study will answer the following questions:
1. Why do we do vote buying?
2. What will happen if we don't do vote buying?
3. Guys kamo lang fill up sang iban. Kay amo ni pinaka importante. Diri ni ma reflect
mga proceeding chapters. Kabalo ko kabalo nkmo na; gin pa laba ko lang type ko hahahah
Scopes and Limitation
This study will only limit to the Philippine Government. Palabaa lang ahhaha

Significance of the Study

This study is significant to the following sectors:
1. Voters - They will have an awareness of the nature of vote buying and know how it
affects the nation.
2. Potential Revolutionists and Reformists - Whatever the result of this study, people with
a strong drive to fix the country may apply this in their revolutionary and reforming
3. Future Ombudsmen and Chief Justice - If the study will show that vote buying is
indeed immoral, the Supreme Court has to be strict on......
Daw na budlayan ko sang significance of the study hahahah

Definition of Terms
1. Constitutional
2. Unconstitutional
3. Moral
4. Immoral

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