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History Unit Plan

Curriculum Links:

The impact of changing technology on peoples lives (at home and in the ways they worked, travelled,
communicated, and played in the past) (ACHHK046)

Chronology, terms and concepts

Distinguish between the past, present and future (ACHHS048)
Historical questions and research
Pose questions about the past using sources provided (ACHHS049)
Analysis and use of sources
Explore a range of sources about the past (ACHHS050)
Identify and compare features of objects from the past and present (ACHHS051)
Explanation and communication

Use a range of communication forms (oral, graphic, written, role play) and digital technologies (ACHHS054)

In this unit, students will investigate how technology has changed the ways they learnt and lived. They will
investigate new aspects of changing technology from the QM loans box and create a power point of a piece of
changing technology that has influenced their learning and living which will be uploaded to the class website and
presented to the class.

Week 2
Lesson 1

Introduce technology video -

Discuss technology in the classroom
Read old school book
Introduce QM loans box
In circle pass around and go through products discuss what students think they are, what they are,
what was their function.
Students to write what the oddest thing was, how it has changed and draw a picture of it

Week 3
Lesson 2 Go through QM loans and discuss how things have changed
Have students in pairs select one aspect of the QM loans box to do a presentation on at the end of the lesson.
Students will study the products purpose then, its purpose now, how it has changed physically and how much
easier it has made our live out of 10

Lesson 3 Students will create a timeline for a variety of past devices and investigate their similarities and
Week 4
Lesson 4 Students will match up old pictures through time and draw the piece of technology that has replaced
it. A picture will be displayed on the interactive whiteboard and students will guess what it is.

Lesson 5 - Present next assessment and criteria sheet. Students will make a poster of a future piece of technology
they have created based on one of the four devices already displayed and develop a poster ad for it for
assessment. Students will spend this lesson developing their technology to use effective elements that past
devices have with future elements to improve it. Students must note the elements they chose to keep and why
along with additions. Students will try and sell their product to the class in the next lesson.

Week 5
Lesson 6 Students will continue working on their assessment piece.
Week 6
Lesson 7 Students will finish their posters and present their poster to the class.

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