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Autor Carles Broto Editor Arian Mostaedi & Josep M® Minguet Director Editorial ‘Arian Mostaedi Asesor Edvard Broto, Doctor Arquitecto Equipo Editorial Coordinadora Editorial: Julie Romeo, Architect Coordinadora: Cristina Soler Fotografias ‘JeonMarie Monthiers, Dominique Henrie! (10-19), Tita Lumio (20-25), Rauno Tskelin / Pekka Helin (26°31) oor Rodriguez (32:39, Sinichi Salou / Shuichi Kobar (40.47), Robert Reck / Barbi Benton / Bart Prince (48-53) Alon Weintraub (54-59), Eric Sierins (60-69), Nacésa & Partners (7078), Mitsuo Matsuoka (80-89), u's Fer (90-101), Doniel Mayer {102-111}, Bebnisch & Partner, Christian Kandzia (112-121), Reiner Blonck (1 Pino Musi {130-135}, Marco D’Anna (136-141), Jordi Bernad6 / Eduard Bru (142-151), Daniel Colosoyec 161), Per line 162-173}, Akeson Lindman / Goran Westman SK Arkitekter (172-181), Yvonne Gouthier / Fe Cruz {162-193}, Elie Movyal (194205), Lourdes legorreta (206-221), Andrea Martradonna and Ceson Susie (222.231), “Courtesy of Michoel Graves Architect” / Morek Bula (232239) © Copyright: Carles Brote i Comerma ‘Ausios Mare 20, 42 (08010 BARCELONA, Tek: 34 93 301 2199 Fax: 34.93 302 67 97 Teds los idiomas (excepto espaol © Copyright Insivio Monsa de Ediciones Groving, 43 (08930 Son Adtié de Besés, BARCELONA Tel: 34.93 381 00.50 Fox: 3493 381 00.93 Moma espael ISBN; 84.9642651.0 ISBN obra completo: 8496426537 Fotomecénica: BCN Folomecdnica Impreso por LGFOSA. Pope! C.Burgo R400 CHORUS BEILLO 2/e do 150 ors. Fnevadernado por Teenbinder st prohibide la reproduccin ttl o parcial de ste Hix, sv recoplacibn en un sistema informatico, su fontmsior er cxccewe forma o medida, ya ss electronica, macanica, por folacopia, regis © bien por ottos madios, sin el previ ems » Bo to de los Htuores del Copyright No port of this publication moy be reproduced, stored inretrieval system or tronamitad in ony form or mes mechanical, photocopying, recerding ot otherwise, withou the prior writen permission of the owner of he Comwghe Each period in history inscribes in architecture, in its ‘own particular way, the nature of the relations between public and private life. These relations are ‘also expressed with great diversity according to the geography. Today, the collective utopias of the urbanism of the modern movement have beon abandoned, leaving towers and apartment blocks os the blackest symbols of intensive development. And though there is 0 renewed interest in the city through the rehabilitation of historic town centres, the detached single-family house is still the most powerful emblem of society's ideal and of the hope for « happy life. The Kraan Lang house, located in a traditional rune zone of Switzerland that was destroyed by the speculation of the sixties, is an ‘abrupt but significant illustration of this phenome- rnon, though its fragile and ephemeral appearance is in contradiction with the ultimate dream of the house: being inhabited by the traces of time and memory. For an architect, constructing the architectural framework of private space is a very peculiar pro- ‘gramme, an experience related fo the labyrinths of Psychology. How are the respective identities of the client and the architect combined? Is the dwelling the reflection of the soul of its inhabitants? Or, as Vicente Verdi states, is it "by parts a choice and a penitence. An exercise of power ond servitude. A face ‘ond a mask"@ What is important in 0 house: its ‘appearance, inhabiting it? The subject is so rich and complex, so vast that we have decided to approach it in two volumes. This first volume deals more with the compositive logic, the construction and the ut forgetting the interior spaces. The second volume focuses on exploring the intimacy of the place of daily life: its organisation and the interior design. Here we present many different points of view on the ‘elation to the environment. The wet and windy cli- mate of Norway serves as a pretext for recovering, in the singular style of the house in Bryne, the nostal- gia of the nest, the protective maternal shell. Some architects seek fusion, on identification with the landscape, os in the Baido house in Portugal. Others prefer to oppose themselves forcefully to the exter- nal world, either in order to put nature in order, os in the Daro house in Switzerland, or to mitigate the disorder of other men, as in the concrete shell of the Coda época histivica escrbe on i Secs manera, el cardcier de las relaccones me fo pation i privado. Estas relociones se exprescm tomes om aoa tos my diversos, sogin lo goog ac: Hoy ae alex ies puss de la superacién de los uaopis colette nismo del movimento modems —donde tone y Sioa quedan como los simboles mas negroe de te mantic ida y @ pesar de la recyperacién cet inten x toc dod 0 través de las rehabitoccres de foe comes Sea ‘cos; la casa unitomio: orskxdo sque send of embieme Inés poderoso del idea! social y de la expense a ams vida feliz. la cosa Koon lang, ubicods mc mice zona rw de Suiza, desna2odo por ef mention am los aos sesenia, consiivye unc istaciSe Gms, ge significative, de este fendmeno, @ pesor de comacce por su aspecto hégil y efimex fa casa: estar poblada con memoria Paro un arquitecto, constuir el marco oxputectinic a ‘espacio privado 2s un progame muy peculicr, wc expe Tiencia relacionada con los labecintos de ie pecoke {3Cémo se combinan las identdades respects it cle fe y el arquitecio? 4 Es la vivienda el refleio del aime de sus habitanies? 2O bien como sefcl <... partes iguales una eleccién y unc penitence: efercicio de poder y de servidumbre. Un cost y umes mse cara? Qué es lo importante de unc caso: gs apctien cia®, ghabitalo? El toma es tan rico y comple ee aslo, que hemos optado por abordario en cos walime nes. Este primero troka més la logica compen: cca fruccién y fa relacién con el entono de kes eciiciom. obdar los espacios interiores; mientras eb sagumcie ‘cancentta en explora la inimidad del lugar af sai cotidiana: su organizacién y el dsefo intencr Se encuentran aqui numeresos puntos de ws spec = Ja telacién con el entomo. El clima himedo y semen dim ‘Notuega sirve de pretexio para recuperar, en ie Seca singular de la cosa on Bryne, la nostalgic del mks. concha motema protector. Algunos |a fusién, Ja idenificacién con el poisoje cox0 Baido en Portugal. Ottos prefieren con fuerza ol mundo exterior, bien x60 pom pone a cxden en fa notwalez0, como en lo caso Dono Siam © pata acallar el desorden de ottos hombxes, ome ar = caparazin de hormigée de la casa oi, en Kick coro lee, en Tokio, lan silonciosa, tan sumamente sre tante del entomo, es una verdadero mesitom a Iwai house in Kyoto. The Lee house in Tokyo, so silent, so extremely ignorant of the environment, is true metophor of blindness. On the other hand, the ‘Gradow Residence and the Hight Residence seem to lation and the insecurity of our society, but gives a universal image of tranquillity and peace. The osten- tatious American works exude joy, freedom, opu- lence. An endless number of special effects reveal their character os unique pieces, made to measure fora particular cent impossible to review the different postures on the integration of the work into the landscape that ‘are expressed on these pages, but itis clear that the environmental costs cannot be ignored today. The calculation of the orientation and the maximum use of sunlight is a recurring theme in the book. In some schemes o concern for ecology introduces innova- tions in the construction, as in the Charlotte house. Innovating does not mean erasing or forgetting the past: the Charlotte house reminds us of the solution that Loos, facing « comparable situation, experi- ‘enced in the Steiner house in the Vienna of 1913. History and respect for heritage, as in the Calatayud house, which is a built around a 10th-century defer- ‘ence tower as if it were its case, are important pro- tagonists of some designs. The classicism of the Warehouse and the Villazzi, the inspiration of the vernacular in the Valle Bravo and Akle houses in ‘Mexico or the Nystrém house in Finland — just to cite some of them ~ cohabit with Rationalist projects and works in the tradition of the Modern Movement. La Maison de Bourgmestre (Belgium) and lo Maison Defoureault (Morocco), perfectly integrated into their respective geographical and cultural contexts, express, beyond their architectural idiom, the inten- tion of their designers: to contribute to a huge envi- ronmental, social and economic project based on the revaluing of the craftsmanship and specificity of the building traditions of a region or country. The attempt to make this publication an open work with @ great wealth of opinion, and to reflect the complexity of contemporary reality with its multiplic- ity of offen contradictory experiences, was what stim- ulated our enthusiasm most. cequera. AI contrario, Gradow Residence y He dence parecen una metélora de la exhibiccsn. & prayer 1p japonés opto por el igor, la discrecicn formal. Rati el cislamiento y la insequridad en nuestro sociedad. sexs cexhala, por olfa porte, una imagen universal de sores y de paz. las llomativas realizaciones omernconss == ran lo alegtia, la libertad, la opulencia. Un sinkin de ate fos especiales acusa su carécler de piezo Seas, zados @ medida para un destinatario porcucr Es imposible pasar revista de as diversas postu se expresan en estas paginas en materia de iiearacn polsoje, pero hay que destacar que fos castes coma les, hoy en dia, no se pueden ignoror. 6 ide ee orientacién y el aprovechamiento ménimc ke a= sae ‘es ulema recurrente en el libro; en alunos pmo Se voluntad ecolégica intoduce innovociones 2 t= =m truccién, como en la casa Charlote. innowcr ne sires borrar u ohidarse del le misma cass Chee nos recverda la solvcién que Loos, enkientodo 2 ene sta cién comparable, exporimenié en la caso Steiner. en Viena de 1913. la historia, el respeto por el pamimenes como en la casa Calatayud, que se desplega check de una torre de delensa del siglo X. como si ese ae ete che, son protagonistas importantes en muchas pepe El clasicismo de la Warehouse y de la Vilaza K> isc racién de la orquitechra tradicional: mexicana == lex casas Valle Bravo y Alle, fnlandesa en la Nysicim. gar cilor algunas, cohabitan con proyectos racionstss, com cobras en la radicién del movimiento: modemo Perleclomente infegrados en sus respectivas conto geogrticos y culurales, la Maison du Bourgmest= Bae gical y la Maison Defourcault (Maruecos) diburon. =a all de su lenguoje arquitectonico, Io intencion ce aa ‘autores: contibuir a un vasto proyecto ambyental, sac y econdmico basado en la revalorizacién del savosiore y de la especificidad de las trodiciones constuctivas Se ‘una regién 0 de un pais. Hacer de esta publicaciéa una obra abiens y de gam riqueza de opinién, y acercamnos « la complejdod ce k= realidad contemporéneo, con su mutplcidad de ern riencias, a veces incluso conradictoras, es lo que mis ha dspertodo nuesto entusiasmo Jolie Romec Lucien Dominique The design of this single-family house dwelling in Nancy responds to a basic factor: the adaptation of the building to the physical characteristics ofthe site, ‘and therefore to the landscape. Located in a resi- dential district, the plot has a steep slope of almost four metres that ensures privacy, and a trapezoidal shape. It is set between two streets, Rue de la Cate and Rue Marquette. The solution adopted was that of conceiving two volumes whose orientation was dictated by the situ- ation of the streets: a body aligned with Rue Mar- ‘quette in the direction south east to north west and © body aligned with Rue de la Céte with a north- south orientation. The project is defined by the inter- section of these two volumes and the solution of their facades. The first is 0 porallelepiped that houses the entrance, which is on the south-east facade, giving access to the house by means of a service staircase. A white steel gate protects the Property and gives access to the underground garage. The second is a cubic volume that has greater physical and visual relation to the exterior. The south east facade giving onto the street characterised by its hermetic appearance, featuring narrow glazed horizontal strip. However, the focades defined by the intersection between the two volumes have a more open design, which is suited to their relation to the more open spaces. This volu- metric arrangement serves to ensure privacy and to establish @ close relation between the interior pro- gramme and the swimming pool and garden fat ties. The south facade is protected by a brise-soleil in white steel and natural wood. The interior programme is distributed between two floors according to the oblique encounter between the two volumes. Rather than creating residual spaces, this perfectly structures the internal communications ‘ond makes full use of the natural light and views. Maison a Nancy (Nancy, Frawe) 1995 El proyecto de esta viviendo unitamiior en Nancy concibe « part de un factor bésico: ka aco edilicio a los caracteristicas fsicas del emplazamient= por tanto, al paisoje, Sitvado en un barrio residencsol solar se caracleriza por presentor unc importante ge diente de casi cuatro metros y una forma topmost! encastada enire dos calles, la Rue de lo Cie y i Rae ‘Marquette. Ademés, el terreno axeguo « pekocidod {a Selucién adaptada ha sido lo de concebir dos wall smenes cuya ovientacién viene dictada por io smacite ae dichs coles: un cuerpo hacia la Rue Moxquete en diac cién sudestencideste, y ofo alineado con ‘Céte orientado de norte a sur. lo intersec dos volimenes y su resolucién de fachoa definen el proyecto. El primero es un parcielepipedo que clberga lo entrada, cuyo acceso so realize por la foche da sudesie, a través de una escalera de servicio. Ue portén en acero blanco protege el acceso y permite entode ol garoje sublertaneo. El segundo cébico que ppresenia una mayor relacién fisica y veal con el exterior. la fochada sudeste, abocado hacia la colle, se come teriza por su aspecto hermético, en el que se destoce wer estrecho franja horizontal acristalada. Sin embargo, fos calzodos definidos pot la interseccisn ene los dos vole ‘menes'presentan un diseiio mds abierlo, odecuado @ a relacién ente el programa interior y las insialociones de piscina y jardin. En lo fachada sur destaca, odemss dlsposicién de un brisesolel protector, reolizodo == ‘acero blanco y madera natural. El programa doméstico se distribuye en dos planias en funcién del encuentto oblievo entte ambos volimenss que, lejos de crear espacios residuales, esmuctso © ‘perleccién fas comunicaciones internas y permite un ape vechamiento maximo de ka luz natwal y los vistas o ine wall that surrounds the properts, id structural detail of the wall, win: sereen om the south facade. e piedra que circunda la propiedad, proteccion y detalle estructural de la proteccidin solar de la fachada sur Villa Mira (Kauniainen, Finland) 199 Villa Saga (Island Ersholmen, Finland) 199 These two houses by the Finnish studio Helin & Siitonen share two fundomental premises: the adap- tation of the building to the site, and an articulation of their volumes which focilitates the visual encom- passing of the landscape and, above all, the north- cern light. In this way a unique interaction is achieved between space and variations in the light with the Passing of the hours and the seasons. A glance at the plans of Villa Mira shows these compositional parameters; the various volumes which make up the buildi determining axis -the s habitually subordinate status for one of paramount importance. This affects both the exterior and the interior image; the three main bodies are articulat- ed with oblique junctures allow full advantage to be taken of the outdoor views by means of windows ‘and roof-lights providing ample light in the interior. As a result, none of the internal rooms follows a square or rectangular format, the predominant plan being trapezoidal. The volumetric complexity of Villa Saga is not os ‘great as in the project described obove, as the house hinges round two main axes corresponding to two paths, one leading down to a small cove on the island of Ersholmen, where the house is located, the other providing access to the independent body housing the sauna. In this villa special attention has been paid to the relationship between the building ‘ond its environment by means of the former's external features: steps, railings, controsting wall materials (wood, glass ond natural light), terraces and bol- conies, though which the house adapts fo the uneven ground, Estas dos viviendes del estudio fonen comparten dos prer tacién del edificio af terreno y una ar imenes que fovorezca la coplacié sobre todo, de la luz del norte. Con una singular inieraccién entre el espax nes luminicas, tanto en el transcurso del dio ss ake oy SS . oe tlhe i he TN i Nl | A doh Alvaro Casa Figueiredo (Valbom-Gondomar, Portugal) 1994 Figueiredo House, in Valbom-Gondomar, is an excellent example of Alvaro Siza's mastery in com- posing volumes and geometries of great simplicity. The architect's skill lies in the way that he fits them together, creating new forms and physical relations that enhance the quality of the interior spaces and the development of the visual perspectives of the exterior. This dwelling is located on a small level plot on cone side of the volley where the river Douro crosses the plain on arriving at the city of Oporto. It is rranged on two levels in a symmetric composition based on the intersection of two simple figures: 0 rectangle where the greater part of the layout is developed, and on octagon which establishes a bosic structural difference between the two storeys. The ground floor is ordered by the axis of the cor- ridor, around which various rooms are distributed. Here, the upper level octagon can only be discerned by the support columns. The building extends in the form of © ship's prow, opened to the landscape through ample windows. The octagon plays a dominant role on the upper level. The bedrooms gravitate toward it and the vol- umetric imbalance that if creates between the levels cllowed for a terrace facing the gentle landscape of the valley. ‘The difference in volumes is also reflected in the facades in the complimentary contrast between the curvature on the lower level ond the more severe geometry of the upper level. Nevertheless, the uni- form white and the modulation of openings unifies the building. Finolly, a porch extends from the body ‘of the annex to the entrance of the house. 32 lo casa Figuereido, en ValborGondomar, consiityye nm magnifico ejemplo de la maestria de Alvaro Siza en la composicion de volimenes y geomettias de gran simp cidad, La habilidad del orquitecto portugues reside en el modo de marearles, creando nuevas formas y relaciones fisieas que favorecen tanto la calidad de los espacios interiores como el oprovechamiento de las perspectivas visuoles dal exterior. Esto vivienda se sitia en un pequefio terreno plano, ‘emplazado en uno de los mérgenes dei valle por donde el fo Duero cruza el alplano al Hagar a fa civded de pot. El programa se estuctura en dos planias, en una ‘composicion siméitica basada en la interseccién de dos figuras simples: el rectingulo, en el que se desarralla lo mayor parte del programa doméstico, y el octigono. Sin ‘embargo, este tihmo establece una diferencia bésica enw fos dos niveles de viviendo, En la planta inferior, ordenada por el efe del conedor entero al cval se disnibuyen las distintas dependencias, ol octégono sdlo se adivina esiuctyralmente, gracias 0 las columnas de soporte: el ediicio se prolonga en una especie de pioo de barco, abjerta hacia @! poisoje mediante sugesivos ventanales. En el nivel superior, el octégono ejerce un papel dom: rnante. En tomo al mismo gravitan los clstntos dormitorios ubicades en esta planta. Ademds, al desfase volumitico enite fs dos niveles permite la creacién de una pequefia ferraza enfentade ol suave poisaje del valle Esta diferenciacién de volimenes también se reflja en la composicién de los alzados, con suaves requiebios, y el conirasie entre fa curvatura del nivel inferior y la geo metia més severa del superior. Sin embargo, el croma- tismo blanco y la modulacién de aberturas unifica el con- junto. Finalmente, una marquesina se extiende desde las ccuerpes do los anexos a alo entrada de lo casa. The central motif ofthe relation betwe- 2 en building and site resides in the plas- tie way in which the building evokes the [prow of a ship being steered toward the River Douro from the la El tema central de la rebacidn ficio y ef lugar reside en la plistica de la constn roa = o i a C1 Cy | | oo, Rob Shuichi Sasaki-Tei (Tsul In the design of this project, Sasaki House, it was ‘essential to strike the right note with the large car park for the Kurihara Auditorium, located alongside the western edge of the site, and to create a dialogue between 2 volume yet to be built and the bamboo grove which grows on the southern side, where the ‘ascending slope of the site finishes. On the one hand, the large car park would lend a certain monumental quality to its surroundings, but on the other, it was likely to bring with it a number of disadvantages: it would channel the strong wind that blows from Kurikoma Peak and leave the house exposed to the strong summer sun. Furthermore, it would open the hou- se up to the public gaze when concerts are held at the Auditorium. An extended volume was therefore plared on a north-south axis alongside the car park. ‘This cuts off the strong wind, noise and the public eye ‘and enables the creation of a calm, private space: the living room. The western facade of the house is defined by two layers of skin; the inner one, designed in accordance with the function the space demands of it, is stag- gered to avoid glare from the setting sun, whereas ‘the outer one, built in rustproof metal mesh, is more uniform and prevents leaves and snow transported by the wind from forming drifts, as well as blocking the view from the car park. The southern edge of the plot is delimited by a grove of tall bamboo which provides a pleasant view but has the negative affect of blocking the light in the ‘winter, when the sun is lower in the sky. To combat this, a horizontal opening was created at the top of the buil- ing. For its solidity, concrete was chosen as the building material for the ground floor, to communi ‘cate the image of continuity with the ground. This contrasts with the volume of the first floor, which incorporates two diagonal cuts and is buit in a lighter material, wood, to express the relationship with the bamboo and its whimsical, fan-like growth pattern, late, Japan) 1995 Para disefiar este proyecto, la casa Sasaki, era muy importante e! tratamiento del gran aparcamiento de! Kurihara Auditorium, situado junto al lado oeste de! terreno, y mantener un didlogo entre un futuro volumen y el bosque de bambi, que crece al lado sur donde ter ‘mina la pendiente ascendente del terreno. Por un lado, este gran aparcamiento dejaré ala obra una maravillosa vista y una cierta monumentalidad del edifcio con el entorno. Pero, por otto lado, implica algunos inconve- nientes; conduce el fuerte viento que proviene de la ‘montafia Kurikoma y deja paso al fuerte sol del verano. Ademés, permite la intrusién de los ojos del publico ‘cuando hay concierto en el auditorium. Asi pues, se uubicé un volumen expandido de sur a norte justo al lado del eparcamiento: corta el fuerte viento, los ruidos y las miradas ajenas y provoca la creacién de un espa- Gio intimo y tranquilo: la sala de estar. La fachada oeste est definida por dos capas de piel: la interios, disefiada segin la funcién que pide el espa- Swimming 5- Dressing room, swimming pool toilet 6+ Kitehen | * Bedroom 1 X= Bedroom 2 9- Bedroom 3 Main bedroom Toilet. dressing room Uuility room| 1 Maids re 14 Access courtyard Planta Baja 1 3 4 a 6 0 alin Comedor “Tecraza Piscina Ve sco. Cocina Devmitorio 1 Dormitorio 2 rio, Piscina, Dorinitorio 3 ormitori principal seo. vestuatio Lavaer aba 214 He SERRE Bune Beateees HHIB HEE Casa Akle terraza jacuzzi \\ The plat has a very steep slope that give spectacu: Maurice & Enrico situated neor Milan in one of the first garden cities of the early twentieth cen- tury. Due to the area's designation as a protected ‘area, an analysis of the site wos undertaken before the planning of the design. Rather thon imitating the preexisting architectural elements of this gor- den city, Cerasi chose to reinterpret them, elabo- rating on a language that respects the character of this historic area, The house's main body had to be adapted to the structure of a residence built in the fifties. This arfic- ulation is seen in both the facades and the various levels. Unification of volumes and treatment of fin- ishes between the new and old structures was not ‘attempted. Light grey cement and marble powder plaster ore set against cement plaster in yellow ‘quartz paint, the smooth surface of the former con- trasting with the horizontal grooves of the latter. Built in three years, the house has six levels and o surface area of more than 400 sqm. The conserva- tion of the corridor and wooden stairway in the cen- tre of the house prevented the creation of an interi- ‘or perspective from the street fo the garden and necessitated a more traditional interior distribution throughout the house. Access is gained through an entrance courtyard, just below street level and cov- ered by a pergola, The lime trees along the street tastefully accentuate the elegant ond monumental neoclassical facade. The formal result has recourse to the languages of the classical past with references to Hellenic archi- tecture, and recalls masters like Palladio or Schinkel, nnulifying the original rigour imposed by the founda- tion laid in the fifties. Casa Villazzi (Milanino, Italy) 1994 1a Cosa Villozzi esté situada en una de las primeras civ dades;ardin de principios de siglo cerca de Milén. Para responder @ fa exigente normativa de proteccién de ka 2000, Maurice Cerasi procedié o un andlisis del entorn, [pero no quiso hacer una ransposicién literal de los ele Imentos aiquitecténicos de la ciudodiardin, sino reinter ;ptotar lo existente: elaborar un lenguaje que respeta el cardcter de este barrio histérico. El cuerpo principal de lo casa tenia que adaplarse a una fesidencio preexisienie de los afios cincuenta, Esta

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