Resource Package Submission - Rod Miller

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Kidblog - Resource Package

Date: October 2013

By Rod Miller


Tool, Context, & Activity Ideas ...............................................................................................1
Tool & Policy Alignment(s) .....................................................................................................2
Permission Slip ........................................................................................................................4
Vermilion Forks Elementary School - SD#58 ........................................................................4
Elective Addition: Essentials for Instruction ........................................................................7

Tool, Context, & Activity Ideas

Tool Name: Kidblog
Tool URL:
Grade Level: 7
Class/Course/Subject: Socials/Ancient Civilizations Unit
Activity Idea 1: Pharaoh for a Day
After students have have completed their group work and discussion of the roles in Ancient
Egypt society, they will then select 3 people from the following list and blog as though they were
that person. They will describe a typical day for their chosen people, with Monday being the blog
of their 1st person, Wednesday the blog of their 2nd and Friday the blog of their 3rd person.
(Students without parental permission will do activities in Pages and hand in a paper copy)
Soldier of the Pharaoh
Stone mason working on the Great Pyramid
Activity Idea 2: Travel Agent
Upon completion of the Wonders of Ancient Egypt unit write a travel blog as though you were a
vacationer in ancient Egypt. Describe the sites and sounds you encounter as you visit:
: the Great Pyramids
: Valley of the Kings
: Lighthouse of Alexandria
: The Karnak Temple.
Describe what you see, hear and smell at the various sites.
Created for Vancouver Island University Faculty of Education Course: OLTD1
506 Fall 2013

Kidblog - Resource Package

Date: October 2013

By Rod Miller

Activity Idea 3: Food Critic

Complete the Everyday Life Unit, then review the section on food and assume the role of a food
critic in ancient Egypt. Your food blog will describe the fantastic feast at the Pharaoh's party. Be
sure to discuss and describe authentic foods that ancient Egyptians would have had at a
Pharaoh's feast. Remember to appeal to all the senses.

Tool & Policy Alignment(s)

SD43 - Coquitlam, BC and SD58 - Nicola-Similkameen, BC
Relevant Policy 1:
Administrative Procedure 140.1 - Digital Responsibility for Employees
Policy 1 URL:
Policy 1 Key Considerations: (What you will need to consider or address)
Review and understand the policy regarding teacher responsibilities, specifically the 14 points in
the the section: When using technology in relation to their role, employees are expected to

Relevant Policy 2:
PSS Guidelines for Internet Use
Policy 2 URL:
Policy 2 Key Considerations: (What you will need to consider or address)
- review the responsibilities in class
- after reviewing each section present real life situations and allow students to determine which
responsibility has been broken to verify understanding
Created for Vancouver Island University Faculty of Education Course: OLTD2
506 Fall 2013

Kidblog - Resource Package

Date: October 2013

By Rod Miller

- Also review the PLNet Acceptable use Standards and SD58 Network Access Expectations
- Review school district code of conduct
- Have students do the Are You Web Aware Checklist for kids aged 9-12 and the Building Your
Brand Checklist on the Media Smarts ([]=tip_sheet)
- Review Social Media Rules on Media Smart page and post these rules in the classroom. http://
- Send permission slip home with an invitation to parent meeting regarding Kidblog activity

Relevant Policy 3:
Guiding Our Practice
Policy 3 URL:
Policy 3 Key Considerations: (What you will need to consider or address)
- Review Teacher responsibilities
- review relevant resources provided paying particular attention to privacy and behavior sections
- review Media in British Columbia (BC Digital and Media Literacy Outcomes) http://

Created for Vancouver Island University Faculty of Education Course: OLTD3

506 Fall 2013

Kidblog - Resource Package

Date: October 2013

By Rod Miller

Permission Slip
Vermilion Forks Elementary School - SD#58
Parental Consent Form for Use of Kidblog
Contact : Mr. R.Miller Grade 7 Socials
Dear Parents,
This year the grade seven class will be using an Internet-based tool, called Kidblog, to create
and share our learning within our grade seven Socials class. These classes are based on the
every day life in ancient Egyptian civilization and the many contributions they made to science
and culture. The students will be using a blogging format to show their learning in unique ways
and communicate with their class mates. Students will be blogging in a closed environment.
What does that mean? It means that this tool does not require your child to create a personal
account or provide any personal information. The Kidblog account is created by the teacher who
has administrative control over all student blogs and student accounts. The students blogs are
private by default viewable only by classmates and the teacher. Students will only identify
themselves with their class nickname. Teachers will take all necessary precautions to ensure
the safe use of Kidblog, but due to the nature of the online environment, no online activity can
be considered 100% private or safe.
While this is a closed environment, students are responsible for keeping any passwords
associated with the site private and are to avoid posting personal information or personal
location that could be used to identify themselves or others. Students are responsible for all
content they post and any profanity or inappropriate use will not be tolerated. Failure to follow
these safety precautions and the Acceptable Internet Use policy will result in loss of privileges
and any breech of the closed environment will result in the immediate shut down of the site.
Created for Vancouver Island University Faculty of Education Course: OLTD4
506 Fall 2013

Kidblog - Resource Package

Date: October 2013

By Rod Miller

With Kidblog, teachers can monitor all activity within their classroom blogging community.
Kidblog allows students to exercise digital citizenship within a secure, private classroom
blogging space. Kidblog will enable students to explain and document their learning as well as
communicate their learning with others about the Ancient Egyptians in a blog format.
British Columbias Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) requires your
written consent before your child can use Internet based tools. You can learn more about FIPPA
at this web site: It is also
recommended that parents refer to the Parent Resources that can found at http:// and the Kidblog
Terms of Service and Kidblog Privacy Policies at http:// .
It is important to be aware that the Kidblog site is hosted outside of Canada. Because
information is stored outside the country, information in our class account may be subject to the
laws of foreign jurisdictions including the USA Patriot Act.
Withholding your consent will not affect your childs grade in any way and they will given an
alternate activity. This activity will mirror the Internet based activity, but will be completed in the
more traditional pen and paper method.
Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
To provide consent, please fill out the following:
I, ______________________________, parent or guardian of _______________________
agree to the use of Kidblog, which is hosted outside of Canada for the purposes of engaging in
the class activity described above. I am aware of and understand the identifiable privacy risks
as described above and will support the classroom teacher in minimizing the exposure of my
childs and other peoples personal information while my child is using the technology.
This consent is valid for the duration of the course (or end of the school year) unless revoked by
me in writing and delivered to the teacher.
Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________

Mr.R .Miller
Vermilion Forks School

(Adapted from J.Hengstler - A K-12 Primer for British Columbia Teachers Posting Students
Work Online and Kidblog -

Created for Vancouver Island University Faculty of Education Course: OLTD5

506 Fall 2013

Kidblog - Resource Package

Date: October 2013

By Rod Miller

Student Agreement for Internet Use - SD58 Nicola-Similkameen

By signing this consent form the student agrees to follow the set out guidelines for
Appropriate Internet Use for the school year _____2014/2015____.
In order to comply with the Appropriate Use policy for SD58, students will:
: report any access to material that is profane or obscene (pornography), that advocates illegal
acts, or that advocates violence or discrimination towards other people (hate literature). If you
access such information, immediately disclose the site to a supervising teacher or administrator.
: not attempt to gain access to user accounts other than your own
: not attempt to disrupt network performance, destroy data by spreading viruses or tamper with
any other computer functions
: not impersonate, pose as another person, or falsify your or others identity in any way
: not engage in any known illegal acts
: not post personal information about yourself or others including name, address, town, age
phone number, email address, profile name or passwords
: not agree to meet with anyone you meet on the internet
: report any messages that are inappropriate or make you feel uncomfortable to a teacher.
: not share pictures or videos of yourself or others without written consent from parent or
guardian of those involved
: not use obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, racist, threatening, disrespectful
: not engage in personal attacks including prejudicial discriminatory attacks
: be responsible for your account. Under no conditions should you give out your (user) name or
password to another person
Search and Seizure:
The district reserves the right monitor and review user files to ensure the user is complying with
the appropriate use policy
A parent has the right to view their child's files
I (print name) __________________________________ agree to these terms and conditions. I
understand that failure to do so will result in loss of internet privileges and/or other disciplinary
Student Signature _______________________________ Date ________________________
(Adapted from Princeton Secondary appropriate use form)

Created for Vancouver Island University Faculty of Education Course: OLTD6

506 Fall 2013

Kidblog - Resource Package

Date: October 2013

By Rod Miller

Elective Addition: Essentials for Instruction

Tool: - Kidblog
Grade Level: - 7
Class/Course/Subject: Socials - Ancient Civilizations
Key Assumptions:
: teacher understand why and how Kidblog will be used in the class.
: Kidblog will be a closed activity available only to class members
: teacher will create class blog site using Kidblog
: no student information will be used to create the blog site
: only students class nickname will be used to identify students to
class mates
: teacher can prevent blog from being posted by not approving
: students are unfamiliar with the etiquette around blogging
: Kidblog is compatible with IT infrastructure/ipads/laptops
: administration is aware and supportive of this activity
Prior to Use with Class:
: inform administration of activity, its educational value and obtain approval
: test Kidblog using iPad and laptop
: send newsletter home inviting parents to information evening
around Kidblog. At that meeting - do a projected walk through of Kidblog and how it works
- discuss the Social Studies, Technology and Language Arts learning outcomes that this
activity will meet
Created for Vancouver Island University Faculty of Education Course: OLTD7
506 Fall 2013

Kidblog - Resource Package

Date: October 2013

By Rod Miller

- review Kidblogs privacy policy

- review consent form
- review the alternate pen and paper activity and ensure parents that there is no penalty
for withholding consent
: set up a blog page within the class site for each student that has
returned a signed permission form.
: review the lessons on digital citizenship paying special attention to privacy
and safety
: as a class create a code of ethics so we can be responsible and respectful
bloggers, with consequences for misbehavior specific to our use of Kidblog
: teach proper blogging etiquette for both posting and responding
to a post
: post the information from parent at meeting and any questions and
answers from meeting on school web page for parents who could not attend

Use With Class:

: take students on a walk through of Kidblog site and how to post and reply
: show students that the teacher will approve each blog post before it can be
: develop an appropriate sample blog from activity one with entire class following
blogging etiquette and class code of ethics guidelines (these also apply to
students doing alternate activity)
: develop an appropriate sample response to the post (applies to alternate
activity) with class
: discuss the learning outcomes we hope to meet by completing the blogging
activities, post these in the classroom and remind students to keep these in
mind when composing their posts and responses.
Created for Vancouver Island University Faculty of Education Course: OLTD8
506 Fall 2013

Kidblog - Resource Package

Date: October 2013

By Rod Miller

: begin planned activities

Activity Idea 1: Pharaoh for a Day

Activity Idea 2: Travel Agent
Activity Idea 3: Food Critic
After Class Activities with Tool Complete:
: Teacher will delete the class blog site.
: There is the option of archiving a class, which "freezes" its content in time.
Students can no longer edit posts or leave comments, but the teacher will still
have full editing rights. If this option is selected to keep student work for
future e-portfolio work, then additional parental consent will be needed.


Hengstler, J. (2013). A K-12 Primer for British Columbia Teachers Posting Students Work
Kidblog Terms of Service. (2014, October 8). Terms of service. Retrieved from
Kidblog Privacy Policy. (2014, October 8). Privacy policy. Retrieved from
Princeton Secondary School (2014). Guidelines for internet use. Retrieved from
School District 43 (Langley). (2014) Administrative procedure 140.1 - digital responsibility for
employees. Retrieved from
%20Procedures/ Administrative%20Procedure%20140-1.pdf
School District 43 (Langley). (2014)Guiding our practice. Retrieved from

Created for Vancouver Island University Faculty of Education Course: OLTD9

506 Fall 2013

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