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Assignment/Activity Title Critical Thinking Essay

Year Freshman
Skill Research
Media and Communications

Portfolio Category

For my critical thinking essay I wrote about the issue of capital punishment, and
about how it shouldnt be legal in the United States. For the essay, I researched
about the reasons and causes as to why it was voted constitutional by the Supreme
Court, and reviewed how the arguments made in support of it werent backed by
evidence. It was argued that the death penalty decreases crime rates, but upon
reviewing evidence and statistics taken since the death penalty was reinstalled,
crime rates have almost quadrupled, disproving the crime deterrence theory.
I am strongly against the death penalty, and in my opinion there are better and
more appropriate punishment for people who break the law. Since writing the essay,
and during as well, Ive thought about what ways could be successful in removing
the death penalty from legislature. Since the media is such a massive stronghold in
contemporary society, I think that a way to get a campaign started towards doing
this would be to bring information online. Information can be spread faster and with
such a broad spectrum, those who agree would pass on the message to discover
more citizens who believe in the cause. This essay opened my eyes to how
colossally powerful the media can be. Sharing an idea with one person can create a
new wave of people ascertaining what youve decided to spread.

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