Week 4 Response

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Nesta: Alive in the

Week 4 Response
Emily Caughey

Michael Fullan and Katelyn Donnelly wrote Alive
in the Swamp: Assessing Digital Innovations in
Education (2013) to address how the education
system can be improved. There is currently a
declining trend of enthusiasm in school during
students K-12 educational experience. Fullan and
Donnelly suggest three factors that must come
together to break this trend, which include
technology, pedagogy and change knowledge. It
is suggested that these three concepts are
brought together in order to combine how
we learn, while ensuring engagement and
making change easier.

In the article, there are four criteria that are
outlined by Fullan and Donnelly that must be
met by new learning systems in regards to
technology in schools. They include:
1. Irresistibly engaging for students and
2. Elegantly easy to adapt and use
3. Ubiquitous access to technology 24/7
4. Steeped in real life problem solving

The failure of technology in the education
system is addressed through the statement that
technology is placed above teaching and
excitement above evidence. A possible strategy
to reverse this situation is rooted in the current
policies and strategies. They must
1. Conceptualize and operationalize the new
2.Assess the quality and usability of specific
digital innovations
3. Promote systemness

As a result of the changes directed towards
improving learning outcomes, Fullan and
Donnelly created an innovations index.

It is apparent throughout the article that the
education system must shift their technological
investments from an acquisition, to an engaging
tool within the classroom. Fullan and Donnelly
(2013) state that schools must be aware about
the relationship between technology and active
pedagogy, and how this integration can be
enhanced through change knowledge that
focuses on whole system reform. (p. 11)

What is one part of the paper that

every classroom teacher should
know when integrating technology
into the curriculum?
Fullan and Donnelly (2013) introduced New Pedagogy, which is
essentially a learning partnership between and among students
and active teachers as change agents, and students in charge of
their own learning under the guidance of teachers (11). Technology
should be viewed as an engaging tool for learners. It is vital that
this new pedagogy is used as a foundation for teachers before
utilizing technology in their class. It allows for effective strategizing
which will ultimately lead to less distractions in the classroom, and
a more rewarding learning experience for teachers and students.
As well, this will impact the whole system reform, specifically in
regards to the idea of simplexity, which refers to a small number
of key factors that must be embedded in a large group of people.
Once there is a clear understanding of the general roles of teacher
and students, technology can be effectively integrated into the
curriculum to enhance students knowledge and skills.

How technology will be

used in my classroom:
Technology will be integrated into everyday learning
through innovative and engaging strategies to enhance
enthusiasm and allow students to successfully develop
their digital literacy.

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