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Subject: Mathematics
Lesson: Mean, Median, and Mode

Grade: 6/7
Time: 55 minutes

Date: February 11, 2015

Statistics and Probability (Data Analysis): Collect, display, and analyze data to
solve problems
Grade 6:
S&P.1 Select, justify, and use appropriate methods of collecting data, including:
o Questionnaires
o Experiments
o Databases
o Electronic media
Grade 7:
S&P.1 Demonstrate an understanding of central tendency and range by:
o Determining the measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode, and

Instructional Objectives:

Students will calculate the mean, median, and mode for a set of data
Students will analyze the data we collect from the class survey
Students will graph data results

SmartBoard Powerpoint on Statistics
Math duotangs
Pencils, calculators, rulers

Lesson Procedure:
Introduction: (5 minutes)

Allow students time to settle and sharpen pencils; get their math duotangs handed out
Review yesterdays content by asking what statistics are and what is good or bad
about them
Ask them how to calculate range as a way of connecting to todays lesson

Development: (45 minutes)

o Introduce mean, median, and mode! Show Mode Toads video to explain the
o Begin with mean and explain the process (add up your numbers and then
divide your total by the number of values in the list)
o Do several examples together as a class
o Move on to median (the middle number). Explain the process for identifying
the median and what to do when there are two numbers in the middle
o Do several examples together as a class (showing both one number in the
middle and two numbers)
o Move on to mode. Discuss the steps involved in identifying the mode (circle
all numbers that exist more than once in the list)
There can be more than one mode or no mode at all!
o Do the mode examples together as a class
o Show them the rhyming poem Hey Diddle Diddle, The Medians The
Middle as a memory trick
o Instruct students on their tasks for the remainder of class:
Go to survey questions on Google Forms and answer them be sure to
click submit (show them the process)
Begin working through the mean/median/mode in their booklet
o Choose one student who is working hard to pick the Tagxedo shape
Conclusion: (5 minutes)
Just before the end of class, ask students to indicate with a 1, 2, or 3 how comfortable
they are with our measures of central tendency (by holding up their fingers)
Inform them that tomorrow we will be analyzing our survey results
Have students put their booklets on the front counter, stack their chairs, and line up at
the door

Observation of student responses on Google Form to survey question task
Observation of student progress on mean/median/mode worksheets in their booklet
(which will eventually be assessed summatively)

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