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Subject: Science
Grade: 7/8
Lesson: Grudgeball (Heat & Temperature Review)

Date: February 17, 2015

Time: 8:48 9:26 AM (38 mins)

C-1 I can illustrate and explain how human needs have led to technologies for
obtaining and controlling thermal energy and to increased use of energy resources.
C-2 I can describe the nature of thermal energy and its effects on different forms of
matter, using informal observations, experimental evidence and models.
C-3 I can apply an understanding of heat and temperature in interpreting natural
phenomena and technological devices
C-4 I can analyze issues related to the selection and use of thermal technologies, and
explain decisions in terms of advantages and disadvantages for sustainability

Instructional Objectives:

Students will cooperate positively with their teammates

Students will respond to questions based on prior knowledge
Students will self-assess their knowledge of unit content

SmartBoard (Powerpoint)

Lesson Procedure:
Introduction: (5 minutes)

When students are settled and prepared to start, remind them of our unit exam
tomorrow (Wed, Feb 18th) in the morning. The study guide is on Google Drive, as are
all PowerPoints.
o Students must ensure they bring a book or homework to work on for when
they finish the test
o Students must remember to submit their thermos project for grading, as well
as their Topic 8 PowToon
Go over the four main outcomes for this unit (GLOs listed above) and relate them to
the 8 topics we have studied (uses of heat over time, measuring temperature, particle
model of matter, changes of state in relation to heat, sources of thermal energy, and
fossil fuels)
Today we are going to play Grudgeball as a review for the test tomorrow

Development: (30 minutes)

Show students their teams and allow them to group together and come up with a team
Go through the rules together as a reminder of how the game works (they should
remember from last time)
Each time starts with 10 Xs on the board (lives)
Team 1 will be posed a question. One member of the team must
answer individually. If correct, they can erase two Xs from other teams
They get an opportunity to throw the ball in the basket. If they get it in,
they can erase an additional 2 Xs
If a team loses all of their lives, they can get back on the board before
the end of the game if they answer a question correctly AND sink the
ball (they would get 5 lives back)
There are up to 45 questions for this unit, but we may not get through
all of them
Instruct class to listen carefully and respect other teams this is a learning
opportunity for everyone and they should use this as a basis for how much studying
they need to do for the test
Begin playing the game, starting with Team 1. Stop the game when there are about 3
minutes left in class and award prize to team with the most lives left.

Conclusion: (3 minutes)
Ask students to return to their seats and gather up their materials. Thank them for
participation and give feedback on behavior
Ask someone to remind the class of what they need to have prepared for tomorrow
(thermos project, PowToon, study for the test, bring a book, stuff for JJ Collett!)

Observation of individual responses during the game (formative assessment)

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