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Jonathan Bates

(612) 578 0222

Creative & Design Direction

User Experience Development Silverlight / AIR /Flash Dynamic Content Site Architecture Design / Production Management

Jonathan Bates

Commerce Integration

Web design, creative direction & rich media development by Jonathan Bates
Revised January 2009 More portfolio samples, resume and more online at

My Background
6 years experience at CNET Networks 1996-1998, Director of Multimedia 2001-2003, Design Director (Commerce, All Network Sites) Roles/Responsibilities Managed creative + production staff (4-30+) Oversaw sub-brand designs, redesigns & daily production for 13 properties worldwide Developed & design new commerce systems
November 2008
Jonathan Bates (612) 578 0222

My Background
@Home Network Senior Producer, Multimedia Roles/Responsibilities Produced daily broadband video content for two million subscribers worldwide Managed production staff and videographers Responsible for content syndication relationships with CNN, Bloomberg, NBC
November 2008

Jonathan Bates

(612) 578 0222

My Background
Jon Bates Design Creative Director Roles/Responsibilities Multimedia/Dynamic Flash content Silverlight & Adobe AIR rich media content Commerce integration Production systems integration and training Content planning & site architecture

November 2008

Jonathan Bates

(612) 578 0222

Jonathan Bates

(612) 578 0222

Web user experience / UI / design

Designs, concepts and projects by Jonathan Bates

eCatalog Best 100 Products

eCatalog is a product directory system viewable on- or offline.
Tight page load restrictions Vendor-maintained product required

intuitive content production tools

Commerce solution for CNET allowed

vendors to distribute and maintain product while delivering click-through revenue back to CNET

Portfolio / Site design + User experience

November 2008
Jonathan Bates (612) 578 0222

Apple eMac Retailer Toolkit

The Retailer Toolkit was an online system for sales team product training
Watch-and-Quiz format highlighted

selling points, specs and more

Test results sent to store manager,

then sent for aggregation by Apple

Apple was ensured greater

consistency in sales practices and retail proficiency

Retail managers able to measure staff

proficiency and target re-training

Portfolio / Site design + User experience

November 2008
Jonathan Bates (612) 578 0222

CNET Reviews site redesign

Reviews is the primary commerce engine and revenue producer for CNET
Redesign included new commerce

back-end, new ad system & new network-wide common templates

Needed to improve user & vendor

experience without confusing them

Business-critical redesign: failure in UI

or back-end would have impacted revenue significantly

Portfolio / Site design + User experience

November 2008
Jonathan Bates (612) 578 0222

Solonis Portal redesign

The Portal is a total-business interface for sales, inventory and reporting
Existing product was clunky and

unintuitive, causing user complaints

New UI and architecture used familiar

icon and common UI tools

Introduced new Help system and

running Tips footer to educate user

Main navigation stayed consistent,

allowing users to feel grounded

Portfolio / User interface (application)

November 2008
Jonathan Bates (612) 578 0222

Solonis Portal redesign

The Portal is a total-business interface for sales, inventory and reporting
Integration of features like Instant

Messaging encouraged interaction between team members

IM conversation logging saved to

blog-like space for internal review and sharing of practices, ideas and concerns across organization

Portfolio / User interface (application)

November 2008
Jonathan Bates (612) 578 0222

HP Change internal promotion

HP staff worldwide needed to be included in the roll-out of HPs new ads

Online web format replaced previous

print brochure approach, resulting in significant budget savings

Tracking system gave HP metrics on

internal awareness, which brochures did not offer

Online format allowed tweaking and

revisions; brochure required 6-12 weeks advance for printing

Portfolio / Site design + User experience

November 2008
Jonathan Bates (612) 578 0222

ZDNet worldwide redesign

CNET acquired ZDNet in 2001, requiring the rebuild of all properties worldwide to work with ad, content and analysis systems at CNET
Conversion of 5+ years static pages to

dynamic publishing system pages

Conversion of unmanaged sites to

common network-wide templates

Integration with CNET ad & analysis

while keeping previous ZD buys online

3 month timeline, business critical

Portfolio / Site design + User experience

November 2008
Jonathan Bates (612) 578 0222

HotGigs site launch design

Contract staffing site needed new brand, site design & marketing campaign
Wide range of visitors required UI

with fast-track tools for savvy users and simple tools for newer users
Formidable competition meant

HotGigs had to offer unique tools, services and approach

New product launch included

publishing system and analysis integration, all during development

Portfolio / Site design + User experience + Brand development

November 2008
Jonathan Bates (612) 578 0222

G2 HomeWorks, Inc.
Branding, collateral and web site
Wide range of visitors required UI

with fast-track tools for savvy users and simple tools for newer users
Formidable competition meant

HotGigs had to offer unique tools, services and approach

New product launch included

publishing system and analysis integration, all during development

Portfolio / Site design + User experience + Brand development

November 2008
Jonathan Bates (612) 578 0222

Lipservice Agency site design

Top national agency for voiceover talent in television and radio

Designed site in newsletter format,

as old static site was rarely changed

Content focused on personal

aspects of talent, to add depth to client perception of the actors

Portfolio / Site design + User experience + Brand development

November 2008
Jonathan Bates (612) 578 0222

Mark Farina record release

Site to accompany release of new album by major San Francisco record producer and musician
Created Air Farina concept as

homage to old-style airline safety guides

Client was so pleased with concept

that album was renamed Air Farina and new song written with same name

Portfolio / Site design + User experience + Brand development

November 2008
Jonathan Bates (612) 578 0222

Sabri Properties rebranding

Property developer with image problem needed to rebrand & educate
Refocused site content around

community involvement and donations, which had not been widely publicized
Many images from communities

where Sabri developed, to give current residents sense of ownership

Press section revamped and included

photos and bios highlighting good

Portfolio / Site design + rebranding

November 2008
Jonathan Bates (612) 578 0222

ChickFlick Productions site

Site for independent film release See How They Run, a documentary about the mayoral race in San Francisco.

Portfolio / Site design + User experience + Brand development

November 2008
Jonathan Bates (612) 578 0222 site design

New launch site for provider of highspeed wireless Internet information, products and services

Portfolio / Site design + User experience + Brand development

November 2008
Jonathan Bates (612) 578 0222

Jonathan Bates

(612) 578 0222

Presentation design / print projects

Designs and concepts by Jonathan Bates

Presentation design
Walker Art Center /HGA Architects
Presentation for donors and foundation members prior to construction of major addition to Walker Art Center facitilty

November 2008

Jonathan Bates

(612) 578 0222

Presentation design
Entry House, Inc.
Presentation for non-profit human services organization advocating education, self-sustainability training, employment aid, and achieving stability to reduce need for public financial assistance and reduce the extended use of other social services programs

November 2008

Jonathan Bates

(612) 578 0222

Presentation design
Sabri Properties
New construction presentation for city review and community impact meetings Designed in Adobe AIR as dynamic animation

November 2008

Jonathan Bates

(612) 578 0222

Presentation design
Sabri Properties
New construction presentation for city review and community impact meetings Designed in Adobe AIR as dynamic animation

November 2008

Jonathan Bates

(612) 578 0222

Jonathan Bates

(612) 578 0222

Identity design & brand building

Designs and concepts by Jonathan Bates

Identity & Brands

Echezeaux Restaurant
Total identity system

November 2008

Jonathan Bates

(612) 578 0222

Identity & Brands

Foreign Cinema Restaurant
Logo design and ad campaign

November 2008

Jonathan Bates

(612) 578 0222

Identity & Brands

ChickFlick Productions
Logo design and identity system

November 2008

Jonathan Bates

(612) 578 0222

Identity & Brands

101Blu restaurant
Logo design and identity system

November 2008

Jonathan Bates

(612) 578 0222

Identity & Brands

101Blu restaurant
Logo design and identity system

November 2008

Jonathan Bates

(612) 578 0222

Jonathan Bates

(612) 578 0222

Other design and ad development

Designs and concepts by Jonathan Bates

Advertising design
California Freedom Coalition
2002 campaign for bus-stop ads by anti-Iraq war organization for worldwide protest

November 2008

Jonathan Bates

(612) 578 0222

Advertising design
3M Corporation
Ad campaign for new industrial fire barrier product line

November 2008

Jonathan Bates

(612) 578 0222

Brand design
Rebranding, ad campaign & corporate collateral system

November 2008

Jonathan Bates

(612) 578 0222

Broadcast design & production

Fox TV 1999 Emmy Awards
Segment for Emmy Awards show (Concept producer; designer; motion graphics supervisor)

November 2008

Jonathan Bates

(612) 578 0222

Jonathan Bates

(612) 578 0222

Thank you for your interest!

Jonathan Bates

(612) 578 0222

Revised 10 Jan 2009

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