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Adam Olson

Roy as DLC in Super Smash

Brothers 4

Period: B3
Dear Reader,
This collection of pieces is here to show what happens to Roy at the moment
of being removed from the S.S.B. Brawl roster, up to the current day. Some of these
pieces will broadcast his emotions and thought process during the ordeal, whereas
others will state information according to his lifestyle, and how he is attempting to
be re-implemented in a Smash Roster.

Roy is an important character in the Fire Emblem series, along with Ike and
Marth. He made his first appearance in Blazing Blade. He is a prideful man, and is
also royalty. Even so, he does not take center stage, instead, another character,
Marth, does. This is most likely why Roy was cut from the roster, instead of Marth,
as he was only a supporting character, and therefore, not as important. Marth and
Roys characters shared a few similarities in the Fire Emblem series, such as them
both being royalty.

Marth and Roy had a similar moveset and playstyle in S.S.B. Melee. They
were both medium-weight characters. Marths moves were quicker than Roys, and
weaker. His attacks also had a sweet-spot, where they would do more damage,
which was at the tip of his sword. Roys attacks had more power behind them, and
though his sword, and consequently, his hitbox, was larger, he did not have a sweetspot so as to do more damage. However, whenever a so-called smash attack was
charged up, fire would be atop his blade, and the larger the fire was, the wider the
splash damage range, and the heavier the damage and knockback were in general.

Votes for Fire Emblem Roy.
This character deserves to be implemented as
a DLC in Smash 4. This character has been

extremely popular in the earlier version,

known as Melee, but has since been removed,
as he was a so-called Marth-clone. These two
characters are, in fact, very different. If you
do not want a Marth-clone in Smash 4,
please remember that there already is one,
known as Lucina. Roy is quick and powerful,
and has a versatile moveset. If you want a
middle-ground character as pertaining to
Marth and Ike, Roy is the right DLC candidate
for you. Faster than Ike, and more powerful
than Marth, as well as having a blade that is
longer, with an easier to land sweet-spot than
Marths sword, and his smash attacks sprout
fire! Roy is truly, the ultimate character for
close-range combat. Also, modders of Super
Smash 4 have found a folder containing part
of the moves for Roy already inside of the
game. This means that, if you vote for Roy, he
may be released sooner than you thought.
Vote at today!
Im sorry you didnt-
-Shut up.
Really, I mean it. Im sor-
-I said, shut up!

I told them to put you in, you know that, right? I fought for you.
Come on, we both know its neither of our faults that you were-
-Do you want to die? Because Im seriously ready to cut you in half.
Pah, as if you could even touch me!
Want to test that?
Sure, lets fight!
Woah, what did I walk into?!
Thats my name, dont wear it out you two.
Im going to kill you, Ike.
Get out of here, Ike, this is a fight between men.
Hah! Thats funny Marth. Seeing how everyone thinks youre a girl
Oh shut it, both of you. And you, ROY, at least Ill be in Brawl, unlike you.
Thats it, Im going to kill you right here!
Prove it.
I will.
You sure?!
Actually, murder is illegal, so Im going to have to stop this right now.
*scoffs* Just try and stop me!
I will. Even if I have to kill you, I will.
But then youll have murdered him.
Technically, I wont have, as I acted in defense of my fellow man.
Oh, just shut up and fight me! After what youve done, Im ready to rip you all to pieces.
Ok, thats enough. Save the fighting for the actual matches. I dont need you dieing on me.
Sir! Im very sorry! Sir! Im very sorry!
Hm. If you two are that obedient, then you arent worth fighting. But I will be in the next game,
mark my words. And then, I will kill you both

The house was dark, save for a single,

flickering light. The kitchen of said house was
small. Pots and pans were strewn haphazardly
across the range, and the sink was full of used

and unwashed dishes. There was a small table

nearby that was barely able to seat four. A
small T.V. was anchored to a wall, but was
unplugged. A cube with a controller was the
only thing attached to the T.V. Down the hall,
there was a cluttered bedroom. On a shelf
there were multiple practice swords, all
having a thick coat of dust on them, as
though they had not been used for quite some
time. A bulky computer sat powered-down
and unplugged on a nearby desk. A small bed
next to the desk contained a figure, which
was curled up in a ball, and shivering from the
cold of winter. The only part of the figure that
was visible, was a mess of short, fiery red
hair. Finally, above the bed, there was a shelf
holding a display case, and a flickering lamp.
Inside the case was a sword. It was perfectly
sharpened, and had not a speck of dust on it.
A red jewel encrusted on the handguard
glinted in the light of the lamp, the flickering
light making it look like a small flame that
could go out at any moment. The figure
shivered once more, curling up even tighter,
as the lamp flickered out.

OK everyone, now for the next matter at hand. Marth and Roy. These two are much too similar, so only
one of them can be in Brawl. I was shocked to hear this. One of us would be cut from the roster? My
thoughts were interrupted by the announcers speaking to me, Roy, im sorry, but you and Marth are way
too similar. Since Marth is the main character of the Fire Emblem series, whereas you are not, were
cutting you. He turned back to the roster. Replacing him, as the Fire Emblem series seems to be quite
popular, will be a new heavy character. Introducing I hold my breath. Who is it? Who is it that will be
replacing me. I swear, I will kill whoever it is, slowly, and painfully. And then, because they need at least
two Fire Emblem characters, theyll naturally let me back onto the roster. ... Ike! A man walks onstage. I
recognize him instantly. Ive fought with him so many times within the Fire Emblem games. But Id never
thought that Id see him get on the roster for Brawl. Hi, I am Ike, the replacement for Roy. In the Fire
Emblem series, I lead a small, but effective army. Ill be joining you in the next Super Smash Bros game,
the title of which, I am informed, is Brawl. Allow me to demonstrate my in-game moveset. He finished his
little speech, and started to show off his moves. His standard attacks were, mediocre. A punch, followed
by a kick, and then a slash with the monstrosity he calls a sword. His side tilt wasnt too quick, or have
that much power, as with his up and down tilts. His smash attacks were all slow, and powerful. His
standing special, eruption as I understand it is called, was a burst of blue flames that could be charged
to become more powerful, at the risk of damaging himself. I could show him real fire, the fire that adorns
my blade. It is much more powerful that his weak, eruption. His side special was useful, allowing him to
quickly get across the screen. His down special was the same as mine. A counter. Only as powerful as
the damage he would have taken. His up special was the real killer though. He threw his sword into the
air, turned, jumped to catch it, and slammed it back down. I didnt get to see his final smash, as only
Brawl participants are allowed to see them. Overall, he was much weaker than I. And I intend to use
that to the utmost advantage.


You have got to be kidding me! First they cut me from Brawl, now
THIS Moments before, the announcer had spoken the results of the
new roster. Mario... ...Luigi... ...Peach... The list went on, a screen
showing the movesets of the characters after their names were read.
Soon, they reached the Fire Emblem characters. Marth... Of course
the OH SO important MARTH stayed for Smash 4! Ike... And the brute
who had replaced me is staying as well! Robin... Thats a new name
to the Smash roster. I knew he was a new character from Awakening,
but Id never thought hed get in. Shows me how wrong I was. The list
went on for a while, before coming to one more Fire Emblem character.
Lucina... That was another new name. And a girl from Fire Emblem to
boot! But then I noticed the moveset. Anger boiled within me, and my
hand twitched to bring out my sword, even though Id relinquished it at
the entrance. The moveset was EXACTLY the same as HIS. As Marths. I
wanted to kill him, the announcer. Actually, anyone would have
worked. In fact, maybe Marth would be the best! How could they,
putting in a character that had THE same exact moveset as Marth!
Mine was a little bit different, and they cut ME for being too similar to
HIM. But NOW theyre putting in HER! Are they TRYING to make me
KILL THEM Because I sooo want to right now. In fact, maybe Ill kill all
of th-. My rant in my mind was broken off by a tap on my shoulder. I
spun around and spat, What I was met with a young woman who
was looking at her feet shamefacedly. After a moment of silence, I
motioned for her to speak. Im so sorry. I didnt mean to do this to
you. I didnt know up until just now. Im just so sorry. I just looked at
her, confused. Then I realized who it was. It was Lucina, the one who
had, indirectly caused my anger. I calmed down, and said, It wasnt
your fault. You didnt know. How could you have? Dont worry. Im
happy for you, I mean, its not like you get a chance like this every day,
do you. I smiled at her to accentuate my point. She weakly returned
my smile, and said, I guess. I was just wondering how I could-. Wait, I
know! You know, what? I was confused. What could she be trying to
pull off now? Were going to be putting in characters later on in the
game as well! I can convince everyone to vote for you! Thats how Ill
make this up to you! She ran off, probably going to do what she had

said she was. I shook my head. This had just turned from what might
have been my second-worst day, to one of my best, all thanks to her.

Want ad.This piece was simply to introduce the fact that Roy used to be in S.S.B. Melee, but was
removed as he was too similar to another character. It also was used to show that Roy was an
incredibly popular character, and many people are voting for him in the Smash Ballot.
Dialogue This piece is used to show the tension between Marth, Roy, and Ike after learning that Roy
would not be included in S.S.B. Brawl. As I imagined, Roy would harbor a large amount of
resentment towards both Marth and Ike, Marth, as he was the one who went on to be in Brawl,
whereas Roy did not. The tension between Roy and Ike would have been caused because Ike
had essentially replaced Roy.
Scene description I used this piece to show how Roys life had somewhat fallen apart after having been removed
from the Smash roster. The Gamecube hooked up to the T.V. represents him living in the past.
The dusty practice swords represent him not caring to practice swordplay, if he were not going
to be participating in fights anyway. Him shivering showed that he had become poor, as he was
not able to pay for heating. The flickering light would have to represent his flickering hope of
being included in the next Smash game. Finally, his sword still being in perfect condition
represents that there are some things that he would never give up, no matter how bad things
Narrative indelible moment #1 In this piece is Roys reaction to finding out he had not only been taken out of Brawls roster, but
had been replaced as well. I would imagine that most anyone would be furious that you were
taken out of something, just for the fact that you were too similar to someone else who had been
a part of that same thing. And then, on top of that, being replaced by someone whose origin was
basically the same as yours.

Concrete poem Roys blade is incredibly important to him as a fighter. If he did not have his sword, he would not
be able to battle. So it is imperative that his sword would be the representation of his
determination to be included the Smash roster once more. He will use it to cut through any and
all obstacles, if that is what it must come to.
Narrative indelible moment #2Roy has just found out that he will not be a part of the S.S.B. 4 roster. But, he has also found out
that there is a new character that has been implemented. This character is a carbon copy of
Marth, even more so than he was. Roy had been removed as to being too similar to Marth, and
so was caught up in a rage at the fact that someone who was exactly like Marth would be
implemented. It then shows his capacity for forgiveness, as well as how Lucina would know how
angry Roy would be, and attempts to make amends.

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