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MICHELLE L, RICE, SBN 235189 KORY & RICE, LEP 19300 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 200 Beverly Hills, Califia 90212 Telephone: (310) 285-1630 Facsimile: (310) 278-7641 DANIEL A. BERGMAN, SBN 75825 BRYAN M. BERGMAN, SBN 239232 IBERGMAN LAW GROUP. 21600 Oxnard Street, Suite 1100 ‘Woodland Hills, CA'91307 Telephone: (818) 999-9100 Facsimile: (818) 999-9184 Attorneys for Plaintiffs LEONARD N, COHEN and LEONARD COWEN INVESTMENT 8, LLC SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - CENTRAL DISTRICT LEONARD NORMAN COHEN, an | CASE NO.: BC 338322 individual, LEONARD COHEN RELATED CASE NO.: BC 341120 INVESTMENTS, LLC, aDelaware | Assigned to the Hon. Robert L. Hess, Limited Liability Company, Dept. 24 Plaintiffs, [PROPOSED] ORDER ON y, PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR SANCTIONS AGAINST DEFENDANT i i KELLEY LYNCH PURSUANT TO KELLEY A. LYNCH, an individual, | CCP §1008(d) AND CCP §128.7 RICHARD A. WESTIN, ESQ. an individual, DOES 1 through 50, ee Hearing Date: September 3,2015 Time: 8:30 AM, Defendants. Dept. 24 Complaint Filed: August 15,2005 Plaintiff’ Motion for Sanctions Against Defendant Kelley Lynch Pursuant to CCP §1008(2) and CCP §128.7 came on noticed heating before the Hon. Robert L. Hess, Judge of the Los Angeles Superior Court, on September 3, 2015, Upon consideration ofthe pleadings on file, Defendant's Motion for Terminating and Other Sanctions, Plaintiffs” Opposition to Defendant's 10 u 2 1B 1s 15 16 7 18 1 a n 2B 4 25 6 n Motion for Terminating and Other Sanction, and Plaintiffs’ Motion for Sanctions Pursuant to (CCP $1008(4) and CCP §128., all supporting documents, and argument of counsel, and good cause appearing therefor, the Court issues the following findings and awards PleiniffS the following nonmonetary sanctions agnnst Defendant pursuant to CCP §128.7(8): EINDINGS 1. The Cour finds that Defendant's Motion for Terminating and Other Sanctions filed Jon March 17, 2015 violates Cal. Code Civ. Proc, $1008, Cal. Code of Civ. Proc. §1008(@) provides that a violation of CCP §1008 may be punished as a contempt and with sanetions as allowed by section 128.7 2. Tho Court finds that Plintiffs compliod with the notice and “safe harbor” provisions of CCP §128.1()(1) by serving Defendant with writen Notice of Motion, which included a Memorandum of Points and Authorities and Proposed Order, as required under the statue. Plaintiffs provided Defendant 21 days to withdraw the offending motion before filing Plaintiffs? Motion for Sanctions with the Cour. 3. The Cour finds that Defendant filed, and then subsequently refused to withdraw, a Motion for Temninating and Other Sanctions that was file’ for the improper purpose of harassment in violation of CCP §128.706X1). 4. The Cour finds that Defendant's motion contsined legal contentions that were not warranted by existing law or by @ nonftivolous argument for the extension, modification, or roversl of existing law or the establishment of new law in violation of CCP §128.7(0)2). 5. The Court finds that Defendant’s motion contained allegations and factual contentions lacking evidentiary suppor in violation of CCP §128.7(0)63). 6 Pursuant to California Government Code §68636(), the Court finds that Defendant, whose Court fees and costs were initially waived under the August 9, 2013 Order on Court Fee Waiver, is obtaining Court services in bad faith forthe improper purpose of harassment oF Plants, 7. "The Court finds that nonmonetary, rather than monetary, sanctions are appropri given Plaintiffs’ existing $7.3 million Default Judgment against Defendant and Defendant's in "POPGSED] ORDER ON PLADVTFTS WOTION FOR SANCTIONS PURSUANT 10 COP TOG and CP TAT rma pauperis status. Given the circumstances ofthis case, the Court finds the appropriate | sanctions sufficient to deter future frivolous and harassing filings by Defendant are nonmonetary, ether than monetary, sanctions. ‘The Court now ORDERS that the following nonmonetary sanctions under CCP §128.7(d) be imposed against Defendant in favor of Plaintiffs: ORDER NONMONETARY SANCTIONS 1(@). Defendant Kelley Lynch, whether unrepresented or represented, is PROHIBITED fiom filing any further motions inthis case, Civil Case No, BC 338322. The Clerk ofthe Coun is directed to not aeoept any further motions ftom Defendant Lynch io this matter. Should Lynch fie any further motions inthis mater, the ling wil be ignored and Paints will not be obligated to respond, oR} 1). Defendant Kelley Lynch, whether unrepresented or represented, is PROHIBITED ing leave to file from filing any further motions in Civil Case No, BC 338322, without fist se fiom the Supervising Judge of the Los Angeles Superior Court, Any further motions filed by [Defendant in this matter without the required leave to file from the Supervising Judge will be rejected by the Clerk ofthe Court. 2. Defendant Kelley Lynch is ORDERED to return to Plaintiff’ counsel, within 7 calendar days from the date of this Order, Plaintiff’ attomey-client privileged and other confidential documents, including Plaintiff's personal and business tax retums, and any copies thereof, et [be returned include, but are not limited to, Plaintifs’ attomey-client privileged and other confidential documents identified in Exhibits Cand D of Plaintiffs" Motion to Seal Portions of the [Court Record, Defendant is further ORDERED to retum any other attomey-client privileged or other confidential documents of Plsintifs’ stil in her possession that she has retained following [her termination as Cohen's personal manager in October 2004, Upon surrender of Plaintfi’ [documents to Plaintiffs’ counsel, Lynch will be required to certify in writing, under penalty of er hard copy oF in electronic format, remaining in her possession. The documents to {POPGEED] ORDAR ON LANTIFTS- MOTION FOR SANCTIONS RSUANT TO CO OH) BTCCP NT 10 a 2 13 “4 1s 16 1” 18 19 20 a 2 4 25 26 an perjury, that she no longer has in her possession any of Plaintiffs’ attorney-client privileged or Jother confidential documents, either in hard copy or electronic format stored on any type of electronic devices which Defendant has access to or contol over, including, but not limited to: a personal computer hard drive, external storage drive, thumb drive, cellular phone or any other hand held electronic device, Intemet cloud storage service, Intemet websi or web blog. Defendants failure to return Plaintiffs’ attomey-client privileged and confidential documents to Plaintiffs counsel within 7 calendar days ofthe date of this Order may subject Defendant to being held in contempt of Court. Further, Defendant's failure to certify or false certification in writing that all of Plaintifis’ privileged and confidential documents in Defendlant’s possession have been returned to Plains’ counsel may subject Defendant to being held in contempt of Court. 3, The form of cettifcation required to be executed by Defendant upon retum of Plaintiffs privileged and confidential documents to Plsintifls? counsel will be as follows: 1, Kelley Lynch, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I have returned to Plaintist counsel all of Pisintiffs’ attorney-client privileged and confidential documents, including Plaintiffs’ personal and business tax records, in my possession. T understand that T must return all copies of such documents, whether in hard copy form or stored electronically on any type of electronic devices which I have access to or control over including, but not limited to: © personal computer hard drive, external storage drive, thumb drive, cellular phone or any other hand held electronic device, Intemet cloud storage service of Internet ‘website or web blog. | further understand that a false certification that Ihave returned all of Plaintiff’ attorney. ‘client privileged and confidential documents in my possession, whether in hard copy or ‘stored on electronic devices that [have access to or are under my control, may subject me + being held in contempt of Court DATED: September _, 2015 ‘Signe KELLEY LYNCH 4. his further ORDERED as a sanction for impermissibly disclosing Plaintifs’ atorney-liont privileged and other confidential documents in the Cours public record. that Defendant is PROHIBITED ftom furter dissemination or distibution of those documents to hid parties, including publication of Plaintiff” attorney-client privileged and other confidential [PROPOSED] ORDER ON LANTIFET MOTION FOR SANCTIONS PURSUANT TOG Fs OC? FRAT documents on her personal web blog located at httpu/riverdeepbook or anywhere else on the Internet. 3. ‘The August 9, 2013 Order on Court Fee Waiver is hereby revoked and withdrawn pursuant to California Government Code §§68631 and 68636(1) for fature fees and costs in Civil Case No, BC 338322 a8 ofthe date ofthis Order. DATED: September_, 2015 IT IS $O ORDERED: Hon, Robert L. Hess JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT TPROROSED|OROEK ON FLANTFTS NOTION FOR SANCTIONS PURSUANT TO GP GOON al GOP SDE? Michele L Rice, Esa (SBN 285189) [Kory & lee, Li 3300 Wise Sv, Suite 200, Bevery Hil, CA 80212 rasminano, 810-2954690 passa ce swasceer micog@kontce com ‘erro gua Leonard Norman Cah, Leona Cohen Investments LO [suremon couRT oF cALFoRw, couwrvor L0S Angeles Sreranmane $47 Wt Soo! Gwoneccte Los Argos, CA 80012 SGN Cia Disc Stanley Most Courhous uasmiFsPetmoner Leonard Norman ConenLeonard Cohen Investments lerenoavtnesroso=NT Ketey Lynch ‘PROOF OF SERVICE—CIviL [check method of service nly one): J oyranenaisevee pte (2) 6 OveriahtDeiay Si syneesnserseven — ) oyrox oy terete serie aceee2 ‘apse Hon. RobarL Hoss eee 24 (Bo not ue ti proof of sevice show sare of Summons and complaint) +. the te of seve wos cre 18 years of pear no party ol ston. 2. My resitonon obsess dress: 9300 Witshire Bivd., Suite 200, Beverly Hils, CA 90212 3:1 the ecumber or ecto canic sees fom whic sed te cecum (comple sce was eer slberon soca 4, On(6te: May 26, 2015 sewed he ftowing documents ct 5. |sanethe documents on th person or persons bow, tows: 9 cporzon serves: Kelley Lynch Busnes readetal adres where parton was sored: 11754 N. Van Nass Avenue, Hollywood, CA 90028 5 (2 (Compine #sonice way fra alacont soni) (1) Facrunbsr er cloconesrven adres whee person wae saved 2) Tima osone: ‘The document aes he Atschnontto Pett Sanieo-Chil focuments Ser) (erm POS-b0(0). Compt serico was by parsenal src, mal vert ny or messenger sie) 1 The names, tases, nd ihr spose iniomatn bast parton seve onthe Aachen Prato Bove Gia Parsans Sore) (arm POR O1P), 6. The ocurents wore served by he olin means (pec 2) By personal eersice, | personaly vend tha dacs oth parton ln areas ted na 5) ‘ny rpsared by a sey, Savery wes madetothaaorrey ratte soos oles by etna he Sone, {ar onene or pastge de abled ony te aoray org eed ‘Sarae othe ee sctveon ix hours nna tesrong and eine vena) For {othe pty ecb avn he dosti th parts etdsee wih 2ame peton nol urge etree hours inte mong and Sn hs evening “See ‘PROOF OF SERVIGE_CWIL a (Proof servi) asst an ail rib yor of ane Posow ‘Leona Norman CoheniLeonard Cohan investments v Ketey Lynch ecaaes22 Co iy RRR gaaheaeenen eee anon eaRTO ET man oe eee (2) placed the envelope for callecion and maiing, fallowing aur ordinary business practices. | am realy famiior cathy ate eaten eee oe Se aeons Stearate tras amano spasieement canara Reo eapnmpeahtent © [by evernght story. |encosed he document nan envelepe o pacage proved by an veg dla ‘Sara sfewet ee persone athe sresans nor paced te aneope o face fr cletEn overt very a an tic rary en op boca overt vere 4.15 by messanger sere, | snes docunants yaa hemin an evioneoseckene eresee ote pera Aine adasocs neha tem Sapevng ete a pce mszarae soe evn (A cetraon O7 {he mesenger mst aonompan hs Pro f Sree ob sna iho Ducato ef ossogo bac) ©. 8yfextranemiasion, Bszedon an rere he partie to sel anon by fax venation |feedtha donuts ‘Birepancn tte fac runtore tocar. Ne crv was potest eax nadine Wat ised Aap Phe ‘esootie fox onemsnon eh ped ot hed © (by clacton arin, sad ona cout org or an area of the pao fo acl electron see, lesen the ‘Scument sunset othe paon al ie doctenlssevensaeses lod nn. | acta uncer pray of pau under he lows the State af Calflora that he feeping ite a core. te May 26,2015 Lauren Wit enn libel lake Sn a RR TEE ———— ect ram ni ching sn bbw at capers mat cect am aresargernl aes) DECLARATION OF MESSENGER (1 by personal aric. tgeranay deters th rls or package ested Fm he desta bove oh pons he ‘Sears team tom) Fora pty opens by a0 sary. avery Was agate atomey wa he storeys ‘en by baer he docurents an omen pacha, which wssclea abled 1 ety be ey ten sve, ‘iva reponse an indulge oe fice, betoon te fers open he ing ed rene wenn (2) Fora party, delivery wasmace toh party ey eae te Sncurers al be pars reicance wih sme persen nt oanaer ‘an yeas of age beter aus fg nto meri and se te ere ‘Atte reo seve, Ia aver 18 yor ps am nla paty tote sbovertrencos legal proces. ‘serene envelope package a iste above, on it) | declare vd ena of parry ander he awe ofthe Sate of Cai a te eegong we and creel Teo PROOF OF SERVICE—CWiL (Proof of Service) os-o4n(0) ‘SORT TME/ Leonard Norman Cohen, Leonard Cohen Tnvestmenis L Kelley Lyack Bc338322, ATTACHMENT TO PROOF OF SERVICE—CIVIL (DOCUMENTS SERVED) (Atcha we os FOS-00) ‘The documents that were served ate as follows (describe each document spocitically): [PCATRTIFFS NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION FOR SANCTIONS AGAINST KELLEY LYNCH] lpuRSUANT TO CCP SECTION 1008() and CCP SECTION 128.7; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND] LUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT THEREOF [PROPOSED SANCTIONS A [PURSUANT T0 CCP SECTION1G08() and CCP SECTION 1287 ‘FROM MICHELLE. MAY 75 3 "YNCH, BC 338522, PLAINTIFFS INTENT TO MOVE FOR SANCTIONS UNDER CCP SECTIONS roow "SREREER,TTecven to proor oF senvice_cimi Documents seRvED) nw Le ‘Proof et Seren) Nichola Ree, Eaq (SBN 235189) [ory & les, LLP o3b0 wished, Sute 200 Bevery Hie, CA S02"2 reamorene. 210-285-1690 puna eet eum screen cae com ‘omev so un Laonard Nos Cohen; Leon Cehen Investonts LLC [suremoR court oF canon county oF +95 Argsies Qiroanae SY Rf Soe! moze ete Los Angels, CA 90012 seit Cra Distt - Stary Mosk Courthouse TRASTFFRETPONER Leonard Norman Cohan;Lecnard Gt Ivesinents lerenwwrnesPoNDeNT Kaley Lyneh ae PROOF OF SERVIGE—cWiL ossesze [check method of serve (aniy on Col ayromonstenice CZ) aya Cay ovemigt ones ‘aece Hon. Robert L Hess [sy maesngerseves 1 oyrax__ J] ayttocont Seven son 24 (G0 not ue this proof servis to ahow service of Summons and comple) 1. Ate te ofsenoe as over 18 yer ofa and not apart t his ation. 2. restores or busines aos i 9800 Witshire Bivd,, Suto 200, Beverly Hils, CA 90242 5.) The tacnumnber or cone sree ads rom wich str the documents comple srce was by farer ‘aoc er) 4 on (6a: May 26, 2015 saredhe fotowing document (pec (22 Tre cocunents se stsinte Ateneo Pr of Sence-Clal(Cocuments Sane} em POS-00(). 4 need cheunansen Be person or persons bl, 28 10N: 8, Name of person sec: Kelley Lynch °C (Compete itsanico wast ores sane, mal, vemigh delay, 2 mosanger seni) nes of rede rest where parson as ened: 1754 N. Van Ness Avenue, Hollywood, CA 90028 © (Compete snes was by ox orotic snc) (9) Farnunber or letone sven eos whee person Ws are 2) Tin ot senie: (Tre names, sdaceses, nd che ppicateemeton abut parsons ceeds on the Atacmento Prot Sanco” Cit (arene Sere) (lnm POS OP, {Te documats worsened bythe folowing moans psi 41.) Bypernel eevee, I persona) care he coca to the prone te stesss td inom 5. (1)Fora, ics reponse yan tamey vey wes rae oe rey ar atte aor ofc by ing he documents, ron envapearpeckoge deat lobaedoicaily te torey boi ved, wi 4 ecptont ora rush ‘hap ofthe oe, betesan te hare rns nha moray ars sve the evening 2) ore, delvor wes made {Cite pny arty anny te doers es par aden mn come pron ot joungatna? 18 yeas cape Beton hou of nth moming anes eer. =e ROCA. $e oes a ToS Pos.oto ‘leonard Naan Cohen:Loonerd Cohon vestments v Key Lynch ossssz2 5 b [1B United States mall lendeed tho aecunons na snd envupe or pacage siete the pasons athe sdreeaein tom nd fp) ono (1) CZ epost he ssi arvana wt th Und Sao Pot! Son wh the pean fly reps 2) slaces ne eaves fr entorn and mang eloving ou ena tases rac, | areal aac Wns tuanents paces x casing end promechy coeapatéees fran. Gh cae yt ‘Seamer sacs or concn sr aang ts epost na orrary cnr euies we UGted Ste Pol Seven, na coo onrope wi otge a reba. {ama rent oreloyedin county whee ming coed. 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L wate lel Luke Sn TES eet he See (oy sched ect baw mete caer spate don fom messanger HC) DECLARATION OF MESSENGER [By parona serves. |peransy dobre te envelope opuckge ecole fo he dctrant above tthe eos he ‘renee n tin (1) Fara pay rposete yon aioy, avery wae mae th trey or athe st=eys ‘tan yang te Sacro n ot envle pace whe) wos ety ita ey he stomey berg seed. (iva oaptonat an ndlion Eicher aces acho te hows ona he meng en ve he even. 2) Foray dee wt made tothe pay ylang te decent athe par’ ecdence wih sa fee0 Pl Ynge thar faye of agetanewen eau agi inte nacig ander Se eres. Aha ine of avn, | wa ver 8 yon of age. aac pty le the sbovevevencos eal rome, | saved ents or package, a ssi above, | eetr nde pansy of ary ander te awe of he Sate of Calf that te fregoing is ue and ex. ate: » eo ‘PROOF OF SERVICE—GMIL (Proof of Service) P0S-040(0) ‘SORT Tie Leonard Nowmnan Gahes, Leonard Cohea Investments v—‘] =m L Kaley Lyoch 18338322 ATTACHMENT TO PROOF OF SERVICE—CIVIL (DOCUMENTS SERVED) (is Atacmatis for os wh fom FOS 0) "To docu et we ever flew are ee comet special [PURSUANT TO\CeP SECTION loo ent CcP SECTION 18.7 MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND] \UTHORITIES IN_SUPPORT THEREOF. =F MOTION FOR SAl SY LYNCH [PURSUANT TO CCP SECTION1008(4) and CCP SECTION 128.7 YNCH, Be S300, AINTIFES INTENT TO MOVE FOR SANCTIONS UNDER CCP SECTIONS snd 128, _SRSSESEE arracHment To PROOF OF SERViCE—civi (DOCUMENTS SERVED) re Le ‘root of Serves)

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