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EITHER DAN NEITHER digunakan untuk meringkas kalimat (berpola sama).

..... and neither + auxiliary/to be/modal + subject
.... and Subject + auxiliary/ to be/ Modal + not either

Example :
He didnt go to school yesterday.

He didnt go to school yesterday, and neither did she.

She didnt go to school yesterday.

Atau ..
He didnt go to school yesterday, and she didnt either.

# perlu diperhatikan dan selalu di ingat bahwa NOT dalam elliptical sentences selalu DISINGKAT,
digabungkan dengan to be atau auxiliary verb yang ada dalam kalimat yang akan di ringkas.
Perhatikan contoh di bawah ini:
1. They will not visit you
I will not visit you
Menjadi => they will not visit you, and neither will I.
Atau => they will not visit you, and I wont either.
*wont ( asal kata dari WILL + NOT =WONT).
2. they dont watch TV.
Toni doesnt watch TV
Menjadi => they dont watchTV, and neither does Toni
Atau => they dont watchTV, and Toni doesnt either .

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