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Professional Development Plan

EPC 4909
Practicum 4b

Goal 1

I will use formative assessment techniques to evaluate students

1. Formative assessments gives a better chance to the students to learn
from their mistakes. By knowing what is the mistake and how to correct
2. Providing feedback to students will expand their ZPD and it will
enhance their performance in class (Vygotsky, 2014)
3. Formative assessments help students to learn what is taught in the class
(Black and Wiliam, 1998)
4. Formative assessment boosts students achievement to the best.
5. Doing my role as a teacher to enhance students performance (Harrison
and Killion, 2007)


1. Improving formative assessments by MST comment.

2. Provide effective feedback to students on how to improve their
performance in class.
3. Do more formative assessments to evaluate students understanding.


Monitoring and assessment; Doing effective formative assessment to develop

students understanding and grades every time they are in class
1. MST feedback
2. Internet :
3. Book:
Classroom assessment concepts and application (Russell and Airasian, 2012)


See Appendix A

Getting more involved in the school community

Goal 2


1. Developing my IT skills
2. When helping other teachers in IT issues that happen to them I can
develop my IT skills by fixing new things.
3. Getting new ideas from other teachers to help me in teaching.
4. It make me look like professional
5. Getting more teaching experience


1. Getting involved in the school events

2. Help teachers with IT problems when they need
3. Observe other teachers when teaching


Take extra periods to have more teaching experience

Professionalism and understanding; Helping others with IT skills I have and

develop them through practicing.
Seeing others perspectives develops me in understanding others better


1. School events



YouTube: How to fix

See Appendix B

I will use variety types of activities

Goal 3


1. Address students style of learning

2. Motivate students to learn
3. Avoid boring routine


1. Vary the types of activities (online, drawing and discussions)

2. Attend workshops for new ideas


Using ideas from other teachers (best practice)

1. Implementing and managing; targeting new ideas to adapt in my class

2. Planning for learning; think about new ideas and adjust it to fit students


1. Workshop handout (leadership, workshop in the school)

2. Teachers in the school
3. Internet; Activity village (
4. UN Habitat
5. ( )


See Appendix C

This professional development plan was implemented in the school for seventeen weeks
in two semesters, and it is connected to five competency areas. I achieved my goals
because I want to enhance myself threw the goals. As, a result, I will be a better teacher
for the students, and a better person towards others. This development plan helped me to
realize which and where to develop myself, and which areas I need to work on.
Moreover, I respected all the manners of the place I was in, which was necessary to show
my respect to the place and the people in it. Respecting and considering what and where I
should do things helped me to grow my professionalism and understanding. Thus, it
helped me to see things in a bigger point of view. Moreover, during the teaching practice
I developed myself a lot by having lots of comments and criticism from other teachers on
how to improve myself in teaching. Overall, after finishing the last teaching practice I
developed my professionalism and understanding, implementation and managing,
managing for learning, monitoring, assessment and reflection.
However, developing is a never ending way. I will continue to develop in these areas and
more in the future. What I really want to work on is how to control my nerves in the
presence of the students.

Askew, S. and Lodge, C. (2000) Gifts, ping-pong and loops - linking feedback
and learning. In: Askew, S. (ed.) Feedback for Learning. London: RoutledgeFalmer,
Grout, L. and Montgomery, S. (n.d) Student learning styles and their
implications for teaching. Retrieved from
Jones, A. (2010). Encouraging students participation. Draper, S (Ed.).
Knowing your students. (n.d). Retrieved from
Kyriacou, C.(2007) Essential teaching skills. United Kingdom: Nelson Thornes.
Lepi, K.(2014, February 13) The key Differences between summative and
formative assessments. Retrieved from, W.J (1998) Transform Assessment. Retrieved from,-What,-and-Whether.aspx
Harrison and Killion, (2007). The roles for teacher leaders. Nashville: Tenn.

Appendix A
Goal #1 I will use formative assessment techniques to evaluate students

Figure 1. Here are some pictures that show formative assessments and the teachers comment.


These pictures demonstrate the work I have done to

reach the first goal. Picture A.1 shows the teachers
comment on the formative assessment done in the class.
Picture A.2 shows the student working in the formative
assessment, and I am giving her feedback on how to
improve her work through asking some questions and
she will answer. Picture A.3 and A.4 shows students
work after they were given formative assessments.

The evidence above demonstrates some of the work I did

to achieve goal1. I noticed that when I use formative
assessment the students understand better. Formative
assessments give the teacher the chance to comment on
students work. The feedback help the student to think
with the help of the teacher (ZPD), such as illustrated in
figure A.2. In addition, when using the best formative
assessment the students understand the content of the
class better without helping them. Figure A.1 shows that
the teacher is giving me comments to use the best
formative assessment for the students.

Appendix B
Goal #2 Getting more involved in the school community

Figure2. Here are variety types of activities outside the classroom


These pictures demonstrate what I did to
reach goal 2. Figure B.1 shows the extra
periods I took to have more experience.
Figure B.2 shows the school event I was
getting involved in. the event was about
reading books, and how it is important.
Figure B.3 demonstrates an IT problem that
happened while explaining some
information to the teachers. Figure B.4
shows one of the periods I attended

Figure B.1 shows the extra periods I have been taken. The
teachers had to attend some workshops during the class time, and
the schedule was a mess in week seven. Extra classes were added
to the teachers, and I took some to help the teachers. Figure B.2
shows a library event that happened during week three, and they
needed some help in the decoration and new ideas. I suggested
that to do an open reading area. Figure B.3 shows an IT
workshop that the teacher did in week seven. When explaining
how to do hyperlink, and the hyper link opened with another
program. The teacher was confused, and I told her to do. Then
she continued the workshop with no problems. Figure B.4 shows
one of five classes I attended to have more ideas and experience
during week ten. After doing all of those things I got close to the
teachers. All of the school knew me, and the teacher ask for help
when she is having a problem in the computer. I noticed that the
teachers are not just in one place, and they have be involved in
the school community.

Appendix C
Goal #3 I will use variety types of activities

Figure3. Pictures that show variety types of activities I used in the class.

Figure C.1 shows an activity where the
students have to figure the commands.
Figure C.2 shows summative activity
they have to do in Game Salad
program. Figure C.3 shows a painting
activity for students to create a nice
logo for the UAE national day. Figure
C.4 shows an activity on the computer.
They have to follow the instruction
from the website I designed it for

The pictures shows how I am using lots of activity types; summative

and formative. I was able to have lots of ideas for summative and
formative activities to the students. The books and websites helped me
in getting new ideas to apply in the class. Some of the activities were
best practice such as figure C.3. I understood that using verity types of
activities help students to be enthusiastic about the class, and help
them to be motivated toward the activities. Because students tend to
be bored if the class was like a routine to them. Using lots of activity
types will help the teacher in getting more experience on how to do
activities, and what types of activities the students prefer. The
activity is the area where the teacher should be creative. The teacher
should improve the activities and have lots of types of them.

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