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The constituition? What was its purpose, its goal?

It was a paradigm of the

democratic government that our INDIA was supposed to flourish in. However, like
most things that exist in this world, it was plagued with certain flaws that violate
its own ideals and thus I present before you, the hypocrisy in the most superior
form- the Indian Constituion. Do heel before it. Afterall, it determines the law and
order of citizens of the largest democracy in the world- INDIA.

When I said plague earlier, it wasnt an understatement because our constitution

is erroneous, so erroneous that I would not be able to elucidate all its fault in the
paucity of 2 mins however I would definitely shed light on the most vital flaws.
In the section that promises the right to equality, we experience an anomaly
evidently in education. Here, while the General caste struggles and perseveres to
get admitted and selected for a rigorous course of Medical Science, the OBCs
with not even 50% on the test pass without the knowledge of the difference
between quinine and quinidine. While the former treats malaria, the latter treats
arrhythmia which is a cardiac problem and you dont want to know their effects if
interchanged. So imagine, if by a stroke of luck your OBC doctor prescribes you
quinidine instead of quinine, how beneficial that will be to the society. Who cares
about fatality while there is an acute increase in employment.
Here are some figures for you, so that you can figure out some truth for yourself.
Around 64,000 is the number of pending cases in the Supreme Court as of May
2014 however more overwhelming is the number of pending cases in all high
courts- a staggering 4.4 million. I can see everyones reaction currently- poker
faced. Havent we all accepted the way that India is? Although my point here is,
the right to equal justice that is promised in the Indian Constitution. Now
imagine if after 10 years, a murder trial is taken up in the court, till then the
statute of justice would have expired, in simple terms, the criminal wont be
convicted because it has been too long a time now for justice? Yes that is true
folks. However, Justice delayed is justice denied But this maxim is so
undeniable a truth now that it surely is becoming the constitutions edict.
Moreover, these cases are probably of those meagre people who had instilled
faith in the Constitutions promise however they are still in the eternal while a the
case of an affluent family takes a few days to be trialled .Its all a play of green
notes, corruption greed and in this, no matter how much the Constitution
proclaims that it serves equal to all. The promises are deemed empty.
A lot of uproar shook India the past few years on the topic of Section 377 of the
Constitution. This section proclaims that individuals who are anything except
heterosexual- that is the LGBT community are not citizens of India, they are not
even considered humans and will not be granted protection of the nation in any
circumstance. Instead they are frowned upon and jailed. Knock knock. Whos
there? The right to freedom of speech and expression. Oh we forgot about you?

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