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We at The Masters School are committed to Christ-centered education which integrates faith
and learning. We challenge our students to strive for spiritual maturity and academic
excellence in a supportive community which emphasizes Education from the Inside Out.

We desire to glorify God in Jesus Christ, the Master, through the training of youth spiritually,
intellectually, physically, emotionally, and socially.

The Early Childhood Program (ECP) is committed to fostering wonder and delight in learning.
The curriculum is designed to encourage exploration and discovery while supporting and
strengthening emerging skills. Qualified teachers prepare active learning environments and
experiences that emphasize the development of the whole child. A balance of structured and
spontaneous activities help children learn to focus their energy, make decisions, develop
skills, form friendships and function in a group.

We believe that each child is a gift from God, unique and special. We foster each childs
awareness of and response to Gods love for him or her. Our qualified staff and small class size
allow each child to develop at his or her own pace, interest and learning style.


Tips for Successful Transitions and Separations: Many parents wonder how to make
transitions and separations easier for their children and for themselves. Fortunately there
are many ways to help this process go more smoothly for both of you.

A predictable routine is important to children. Just a reminder that after recess
mommy or daddy (or the sitter, etc.) will be back helps many children relax as they
internalize and verbalize a routine they can depend on.

Soon after arrival and greetings, each room has a class meeting. This is a natural
point for parents to give one final kiss before the school day begins.


Planning and verbalizing your separation strategy ahead of time can really help
both of you. Try to keep the routine simple, short, and the same. Books such as The
Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn are helpful with before school preparation.

Transitional objects are small items that bridge the gap between home and school.
For example, the corner of a blanket with bound edges that can fit in a pocket can be
a good transitional object. A piece of ribbon that has been kissed by all the family
members or a very small stuffed animal that lives in the childs tote bag and can be
visited occasionally are good items. If you decide to use this method you will need
multiples of the item in case it is lost or misplaced. A full size blankie or toys are
usually not good choices.

Visit prior to the first day. Each teacher has informal visiting times. Come, make a
connection and hear about plans for the school year. Take time to note where the
bathrooms, exits, and playground are located.

All of us in the Early Childhood Program are available to help you work out a plan
for smooth school-day separations.

Toileting: Many parents have concerns about whether their young child will be potty
trained before the start of school. Even though the ECP has a No Pull-ups policy we want to
assure you that the process goes much more smoothly and quickly without them. Our small
class sizes and low teacher to student ratio result in our ability to quickly guide children to
the bathroom. Additionally, the modeling of peers is usually just what is needed to help a
child complete the transition. If your child is having many accidents we will request that
you keep him/her home for a few days and focus on training.


The following forms must be completed and submitted prior to August 27. Your childs
attendance at school is contingent upon the submission of this paperwork.
Physical Form - New and returning students must have a physical examination no
earlier than 12 months before the start of school.
Student Registration & Health Office/Emergency Form-this came with your
contract from the admissions office.
Allergy Survey

ALLERGIES: If your child has an allergy which might require medication during school (bee
stings, food, etc.) be sure you have your doctor fill in and return our Emergency Treatment
Form and bring medicines to the Lower School office TWO WEEKS BEFORE school begins .
The medicine must be in its original, child-resistant safety container. Please open the bottle
and remove the safety seal so it is ready for immediate use. Any liquid medication must
include a measured method for dispensing it (dropper, spoon, or cup). Please confirm
expiration dates on the medication. For your childs safety, he/she may not be in school
without the appropriate medicine, the original doctors order and the Treatment
Form properly completed.

Doctors orders form - for those children with epi- pens or medication that may
need to be administered at school.

Help Us Get To Know Your Child - provides your childs teacher with information
that is helpful in making your child more comfortable at school as well as classroom

CLOTHING: The best choice of clothing for school days is clothing that the children can
manage as independently as possible, that allows for ease of movement, and that are not
too special to get dirty. Velcro closures and pull on tops and bottoms are good choices.
Sturdy sandals or sneakers with non-slip soles are needed for walks and outdoor play as
well as at gym. Please dont send your children in Crocs or flipflops. Even though children
are provided with smocks, etc. as needed, paint and mud are often attracted to childrens
clothing. Just remember that a good day at school is often a dirty day. Each child will be
required to keep a hand towel and wash cloth along with a change of clothes in a zip-loc
bag clearly labeled with his or her name in their back pack or tote. Please label all clothing

SNACKS: Please send a small, nutritious snack in a small lunch box or bag labeled with
your childs name. Use an ice pack if needed as we do not refrigerate snacks.
Due to the dramatic increase in severe food allergies in young children, especially
related to peanuts and tree nuts, the ECP has elected to maintain a peanut and tree
nut free classroom. We appreciate your support as we strive to keep school a safe place
for all our children.


ADMISSION: All children admitted to the program come on a one month trial basis. This
period is built into the program to accommodate for individual developmental needs which
may need time to adequately evaluate. If for any reason there is a consideration to remove
a child from the program, staff and parents will discuss concerns before the director makes
a final decision.


Teachers open classroom doors five minutes before class begins to allow you to
assist your children to use the classroom bathroom.

We ask that ECP students use classroom bathrooms. The adult bathroom in the
hallway is reserved for faculty.

Teachers have a list of those you have authorized for pick-up. Permission for your
child to leave with someone not on your list must be done in writing or in an
emergency by calling the office at 651-9361 x 1003. Please ask them to have photo
identification readily available.

Children will be picked up in a carline format. (This procedure will be covered in

the Orientation on the first day of school.)


Academic Open House: Academic Open House is in September each year. This
evening gives you a chance to learn more about our program and see what your
child does at school each day. Child care is not provided for this event and the
evening is geared for parents.

CONFERENCES: School conferences are scheduled twice a year. Regular parent-

teacher communication is a vital factor in creating successful school experiences.
SUPPORTING CHILDRENS BEHAVIOR: Recognizing that young children are still
learning appropriate social behaviors, helping children in this area is approached as
a teaching/learning opportunity. Children are helped to understand the possible
consequences of their actions (safety, effect on others, etc.), and guided to develop
more appropriate approaches (using words, helping hands, etc.). A child may be
removed from a situation or redirected to a new activity as needed. In the event of
persistent inappropriate behavior staff and parents work together to develop an
effective plan of action. If the combined efforts of school and home are not sufficient
to effect a change of behavior the family may be asked to withdraw the child from
the school. It is the policy of the school that all interactions between staff and
students be loving, positive, gentle, and supportive.

HEALTH: Do not bring your child if she/he has:
Vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours.

An active cold i.e. frequent coughing or sneezing, or runny nose (thick mucous).
Chicken pox - please call to inform us. She/he must remain home for a minimum of
7 days and all pox are scabbed over.
Purulent conjunctivitis (pink eye with pus) - until 24 hours after treatment is
Strep throat - until 24 hours after treatment is initiated and child is fever free
Head lice until NO nits are present (as determined by school personnel).

If a child does not seem well, as judged by the staff, you will be asked to take the
child home. If we cannot reach either parent, we will call the people listed on your
Emergency Card. Please be sure they are willing to pick up your child if this occurs.
If your child is out sick please call 651-9361 x1003 and leave a message. Please
note: we are unable to administer non-emergency medications to your child at

PLEASE notify the ECP office if your child is diagnosed with any of the following
reportable diseases, strep throat, chicken pox, mono, fifth disease, pneumonia, head
lice, Lyme disease, ringworm and scabies.

CELEBRATIONS: We like to celebrate! We usually plan special events/projects to celebrate
Harvest/Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter and the End of School. A room
parent may ask you to bring a special treat or participate in some other way for one of
these times.

BIRTHDAYS: We love to celebrate birthdays simply! 1) A birthday star and crown for the
birthday child. 2) Special snack to share with the class. 3) Favorite story read to the class by
mom or dad or someone special. Your classroom teacher can tell you about food allergies
or other issues that may be present in your childs class if you are preparing a special treat.

Open Door Policy for Parents Parents are always welcome.
Room Parents One (or more) room parent is needed for each class. Their goal is to
be a voice that advocates for building the TMS community of parents, teachers
and students through prayer, ministry and service.
Volunteers Volunteers are always welcomed, appreciated and provide valuable
contributions to the school. There are opportunities to help in the classroom, with
Scholastic Book orders, or with special projects.

SNOW DAYS: In the event of inclement weather, families will be notified via SchoolReach
and announcements will be made on;
CBS Radio (WTIC am, WTIC fm, WRCH, WZMX)
Channel 3 Early Warning Network
NBC 30
News Channel 8 and MYTV9
(This website allows you to sign up to get closing notifications sent directly to your cell
phone or email address as a free service just sign up on the website.)

Delayed Opening for ECP
One Hour delay: morning class meets from 9:00-11:15 a.m.
90 Minute delay: morning class meets from 9:30-11:15 a.m.
2 Hour delay : morning class meets from 10:00-11:15 a.m.
Afternoon classes are not affected by delays.
No change to the Lunch Bunch program on delayed days.
If PM classes need to be cancelled due to inclement weather, notification is made by
10:30 a.m. and parents are notified by phone and/or email.


Academic Open House is designed for parents to meet one another and the staff and to
learn about the program and activities in which their children are involved. It is a parent-
oriented evening and child care is not provided.

Faculty Professional Development Days provide staff development opportunities

related to classroom issues, curriculum development, new trends and research in
education, etc. There is no school on these days.

Open Houses are provided for parents of prospective students to see the facility, meet the
staff and hear about the program at The Master's School. Current parents are informed of
the dates so they can invite friends who may be interested in learning more about the


Mother-Child Tea and Father-Child Day provide special opportunities for children and
parents to spend time together at school. It is an opportunity for your child to invite you
to share in his/her world of favorite activities. We recognize that it may not always be
possible for a parent to attend. In this case we recommend a relative or friend be invited
to spend this special time with your child. If this is not possible, your child could share a
parent with a friend at school or let the teacher know and we will provide someone from
the school to be a special guest.

Class room assignments are determined in August prior to the start of the school year and
notes from teachers are mailed soon after. Many factors such as total enrollment, number
of boys/girls, ages, teacher input, etc. are used when forming classes. Any information
regarding preference in placement should be given to the ECP office in writing. This
information is added to our data base. We are always interested in feedback from parents
and are often able to honor these requests but we do not guarantee that we will be able to
do so.

We are looking forward to this new school year, trusting that it will be a time of discovery,
growth, and joy for your child. If you have any questions, please call the ECP office at 651-

We request that you send one snack item and one drink. Our goal is to promote healthy
nutrition and independence. We recommend water as a beverage. For snack items we
recommend whole grain items, fruit (in bite size pieces), yogurts (no tubes, please).

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