Lower School Handbook 7-31-14 With Closings and Early Dismissal Policy

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Lower School
Parent-Student Handbook
36 Westledge Road-West Simsbury, CT 06092
Telephone: 860-651-9361
Fax: 860-651-9363


Table of Contents


Academic Expectations

After School


Behavior Policy

Communication / Friday Folders

Dress Code

Field Trips


Lost and Found


Miscellaneous Information

Parent Conferences

Snow and other inclement weather

Standardized Testing Program

We are committed to working with each child until difficult material has been
mastered, and we expect a reasonable standard of performance from each.

Students are not compared to each other, but to a standard that has been
established as a National and State norm. Therefore, students are evaluated
according to whether or not they meet the standard, do not yet meet the
standard, or exceed the standard.
In order to assure quality homework, it is assigned for the following reasons:


increase self-reliance and self-discipline.

reinforce and extend classroom learning.
provide practice in skills and problem solving.
provide opportunities for special projects.

Early Kindergarten
Early Kindergarten hours are 8:00-1:00 p.m.
Full Day Kindergarten
Kindergarten hours are 8:00 a.m.-2:45 p.m. Homeroom begins at 8:00 a.m.
Kindergarten students are dismissed 15 minutes earlier than the rest of the Lower
School. The earlier dismissal provides the students with a separate pick up line.
Those who are in the after school program will be delivered by their teacher.
Kindergarten students who have older siblings at TMS will be taken to regular
carline at 3:00 p.m.
Grades 1-5
Regular school hours are 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Homeroom begins promptly at
8:00 a.m. Children who are tardy begin their day in a stressful and confusing way.
They also miss out on a very important component of our school day called The
Morning Meeting. For this reason as well as others, we ask that parents make
every effort to have children at school by 7:55 a.m. so that they can settle
themselves and be ready for schoolwork. Chronic tardiness will be addressed by
the Director.
Students who need to be dismissed earlier than usual dismissal time must bring
a note to that effect. Early dismissal will not be listed on the daily attendance
sheet unless a note has been sent or a phone call is made to the administrative
assistant. Parents who have failed to give this notice must speak to the Director
or the Administrative Assistant before a child is dismissed. Parents may pick up a

child at the Lower School building in the Lower School office. Children will not
be dismissed to walk to the parking lot.
After School pickup
A note must be sent if a child is going home with another student or will be picked
up by someone other than their usual ride. Students will be escorted to the
carline unless otherwise noted. It is important to remember that in order to pick
up a student after school, the driver must show identification or the official TMS
pick-up sign. This is for your childs safety.
Students who have not been picked up by 3:10 will be placed in the
After School Program.
Illness (with or without a doctors excuse)
When your child is absent for any reason, please call the Lower School
Assistant to report the absence and to describe the nature of the illness.
Family emergency
(i.e. illness at home, death in immediate family, emergencies requiring dental or
medical services) A note or phone call to the office from a parent is required
specifying the reason for the absence.
Personal circumstances
A student should send in a note from a parent in advance explaining the nature of
the absence.
Make-up work for Absences
After an absence, parents and/or students are encouraged to check with teachers
for assistance to complete the missed work. If a long-term illness occurs, special
consideration will be given for a make-up schedule.
Since field trips are planned as an integral and exciting part of the curriculum,
attendance is required. Requests for exceptions for unavoidable and important
circumstances should be submitted in writing to the Director.
equipment is not permitted on field trips. Student guidelines for proper dress and
behavior apply to field trips.

The conduct of students in school has an important impact on school

achievement. While ultimate responsibility for student behavior rests with the
parents and the students themselves, TMS has an obligation to provide leadership
in this respect and to ensure that appropriate standards are maintained when
students are under school supervision.
We believe that discipline is a process by which we guide students to develop
Christ-like characteristics. Each teacher maintains classroom behavior in a
manner in accordance with Christian principles and school policy.
Early Kindergarten and Kindergarten Students
Please consult with your teachers about safe, comfortable & appropriate clothing.
Regular Dress Code for Grades 1-5 Boys & Girls

Regular dress may be informal (jeans are allowed).

At all times, all students are expected to wear shirts that cover the back
and belly even when arms are raised above the head.

Sandals with backs may be worn, but are not encouraged because of active
recess play.

No flip-flops (safety concern).

Snow boots may be worn to and from school, but not all day.

Students may not wear hats during school hours unless specifically
permitted by the administration. However, they may wear hats on the

Sleeveless shirts may not be worn by girls or boys.

Shorts may be worn during the months of September, October, April,

May and June (not on Chapel Days). Discretion must be used when
determining the length of shorts. Students should not be able to touch
their own skin when arms hang loosely at their sides.

T-shirts may be worn but should be monitored by parents as to appearance

and content of pictures or writing.

Girls dresses/skirts must be modest, no shorter than 3 inches above the

knee. No sundress unless worn over a T-shirt or a sweater is worn over it.
Girls are encouraged to wear shorts or leggings under dresses/skirts.

Grades 1-5
Chapel happens on Thursday each week and on that day students are expected
to dress up accordingly:
A collared, button down shirt and tie (Boys may wear a sweater/vest over
shirt and tie)
School Polos may be during the months of September, October, April,
May and June
Shirts must be tucked in
No denim
No shorts

Dresses, skirts or jumpers no shorter than 3 above the knee

December - March, girls may wear dress slacks
No denim
No shorts

Boys and Girls

No sweatshirts/fleece
Sneakers are encouraged because of recess (no black soles in order to
preserve gym floor).
Weather Considerations: Students travel outside every day. Students
must come properly equipped for the weather:
Loose fitting water proof rain coats with a generous hood are
required on wet days. Rain boots may be worn but are not
Umbrellas are not permitted.
Our campus is shaded and cool. Please send your child in
appropriate cold weather gear. Students improperly attired in cold
weather will be considered unsafe and may be restricted from
outside activities.

Please note: Homeroom teachers and/or the director reserve the right to ask
that particular articles of clothing not be worn to school if they are deemed
Children in grades Kindergarten through fifth may bring their own lunches or may
purchase lunch at the school Dining Hall. Dining Hall information and monthly
menus will be posted on our website. Students purchase lunch through the use of
a meal ticket purchased in advance. Families will receive a notice in the Friday
folder when a childs meal ticket is ready to expire. Students who bring a cold
lunch and would like to purchase a drink will need to use a lunch ticket to buy
their drink. Snack items are purchased with cash allowing us to
understand that the child has parental permission to purchase a snack.
Students in grades 2-5 may purchase an additional snack.
Microwave Use: Fifth grade students have the privilege of using the microwave
to warm their cold lunches. Time constraints do not allow for staff to assist
younger students in grades K-4 with the microwave.
Lunch orders are submitted to homeroom teachers who, in turn, send them to the
Administrative Assistant at the beginning of class. Lunch orders for children tardy
to school will be accepted by the Administrative Assistant up until 9:30 a.m.
Parents will receive a communication from the LS and their classroom teacher
electronically each week.
For grades EK-5, student work and additional resources and communications
The folders are dated and we ask that parents sign and promptly return the folder
at the beginning of the next week. Please the Friday folder is also used for return
communication to the school such as purchase of a lunch ticket.
Regular parent-teacher conferences are scheduled in mid-November and again in
March. Twenty-minute appointments are scheduled through the Lower School
Administrative Assistant in late October and in March. A progress report will be
sent home in October. Updates will be sent as needed in the middle of the

second and third trimesters. Conferences may also be scheduled at parents' or

teachers' initiative at other times during the year. Communication with teachers
through notes, email or telephone calls is welcomed and encouraged at all times.
Students in Grades K-5 will be assessed for reading progression using a variety of
diagnostic tools including the Diagnostic Reading Assessment (DRAII).
The Otis Lennon School Ability Test and the Stanford Achievement Test are
administered to students in grades 2, 3, 4 and 5. Print-outs of the results and
explanations are shared with parents.
Lower School After School Program
Policy and Procedures 2014-15

2:45 pm 5:30 pm
Students in grades K-5
$ 7.00 per hour; minimum of hour increments
After School Care will be billed monthly
It is expected that all students will be picked up by 5:30 pm
at the latest. Late charges,
accruing at $5.00/
five minute increment, will be assessed after 5:30pm.

Sign up: Please send a note to your childs teacher designating the day/s you
will need the service. If you have an unexpected need, call Mrs. Dahlstrom in the
Lower School office at 651-9361, extension 1003 or send an email to
Please note, children not picked up in car line will be taken to After School at 3:10
and will be charged as noted above.
Pick up Procedure: The person picking up the child will sign them out with the
teacher in charge. Proper identification is required when someone other than
parents are picking up your child. If you need to have someone pick him/her up
that doesnt have the carline NAME card, please call the office to give us their
name. Designated riders must show identification when the student is picked up.
This is for your protection. The locations for pickup will be one of the following
places: Lower School Common Room, the Lower School playground or the Upper
Lower School playground. For your convenience, the location will be posted near
the Lower School door.

Snack: Please pack a separate snack and drink for your child. Snack will NOT be
Lost and Found is located in the Lower School office. Students should check it
regularly. Parents may check the Lost and Found any time they are at school. All
items with a student name will be returned to the student. Articles with no
names that are not claimed are given away at the end of each semester.
Please mark all items with students name.
All considerations made with regard to the opening and closing of school begins
with our primary objective, which is to ensure the safe travel of our families to
and from campus. On days when snow, sleet, or other weather conditions make
travel especially difficult, the Headmaster and Director of Facility make a decision,
generally by 5:30 a.m. regarding whether classes will be held. (In some cases it
will be necessary to delay the opening longer than originally predicted in order to
have a safe campus; therefore, it is important to check the status on the station
website before leaving for school.) If a decision is made to cancel or open school
later than usual on any day, our closing status will be sent via SchoolReach, heard
on the following stations and posted on our website:
CBS Radio (WTIC am, WTIC fm, WRCH, WZMX)
Channel 3 Early Warning Network
WFSB/CBS-3 WSHM - www.wfsb.com
NBC 30 - www.nbc30.com
News Channel 8 and MYTV9 - www.wtnh.com
Their website allows you to sign up to get closing notifications sent directly to
your cell phone or email address, a free service; just sign up on their website.
Delayed Opening Times
Main Campus:
One Hour:
start at 9:00 a.m., teachers are on campus at 8:40
90 Minutes:
start at 9:30 a.m., teachers are on campus at 9:10
2 Hour:
start at 10:00 a.m., teachers are on campus at 9:40

For ECP:
One Hour:
start at 9:00-11:15 a.m.
90 Minute: start at 9:30-11:15 a.m.
2 Hour:
start at 10:00-11:15 a.m.
Early Dismissal
On days when inclement weather necessitates an early dismissal, communication
will be disseminated via email, website, television and radio stations.
On days when an early dismissal is required, the expectation is clearly that
parents retrieve their children by the closing time. On the rare occasion when this
is not possible, please call the office/personnel of the specific division your child
attends to make appropriate arrangements.
Unlike public schools, The Master's School is not required to make up each snow
day. However, each spring the Headmaster, in communication with the Directors of
each school and with direction from the Board of Trustees, will determine whether it
is advisable to make up snow days in order to present adequately the program.
Party Invitations
We are a small school and strongly encourage that all classmates be invited to a
party given by or for a student (or to all the girls or all the boys, as appropriate).
Notes from parents are required for students being transported to parties in other
than regular transportation arrangements.
Birthday Celebrations Individual birthday celebrations are allowed at school.
Please check with the classroom teacher as to what he/she prefers for food and to
be aware of any food restrictions within the class. In general, these are scheduled
for the end of the day.
Parent Teacher League-PTL
This team is a group of parents representing each grade EK-12. Their goal is to be
a voice that advocates for building the TMS community of parents, teachers
and students through prayer, ministry and service. They meet monthly to
discuss upcoming events. Each grade has one or two Parent Representatives
whose role it is to be the liaison between the school and parents. Their role
includes coordinating volunteers for classroom activities throughout the year as
requested by the classroom teacher, and communicating school information to

All visitors to the Lower School are asked to report to the Lower School reception
desk upon arrival to sign-in and receive a visitors badge. This is a safety
precaution as we monitor who is in the Lower School at all times.


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