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Explorinnd Mysteries
of Judaism
Does Judaism believe in guardian angels? Why do Jews use matchmakers? Who wrote
the handwriting on the wall? A fun course in Jewish cultural literacy, full of surprising facts, myths,
and mysteries surrounding Jewish tradition and practice.

A six week course at Barnet Synagogue on Tuesday Evenings May 5th- June 16th
8.15pm-9.45pm, with Rabbi Yaron Jacobs
5/lecture or 25 for 6 week course
Week 1 May 5th
Know Something About the Bible?
Is an eye for an eye meant to be taken literally?
Was the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge an apple? Did
the Jews actually cross the Red Sea? We leap beyond
a Hebrew School comprehension of the Bible, as we
explore the deeper significance of its stories and their
profound lessons for life.
Week 2 May 12
From Womb to Tomb
Why celebrate a bar or bat mitzvah? Whats with breaking
glass under the wedding canopy? Peppered with
astounding insights along the way, well journey from
birth through burial, infusing meaning and relevance
into the customs and traditions of the Jewish life cycle.

Week 3 May 19
Angels, Blessings, and Evil Eyes
What is the evil eye? How does it work? Are we
accompanied by guardian angels? Do they have
wings? Join us as we enter the hidden world of the
occult and investigate the fascinating interaction
between matter and spirit.

Week 4 June 2nd

Foods and Feasts
Ever wondered what it is about Jews and food? What
makes food kosher? Why is pork considered the
quintessential non-kosher chow? With tasty surprises
along the way, well learn a thing or two about Jewish
diet in this mouth-watering, eye-opening session.
Week 5 June 9th
Its All Hebrew to Me
From abracadabra to kippa and Yom Kippur, this lesson
dives beyond semantics into the depths of Hebrew
etymology. Well uncover insights into seemingly
arbitrary Hebrew names, and discover words that offer
perspective into the heart of key Jewish concepts.
Week 6 June 16th
Myths, Misconceptions, & Urban Legends
Sometimes the truth can be stranger than fiction.
Do Jews believe in Satan? Can a Jew convert out of
the faith? Peering into a world of untold mystery,
well explore common Jewish myths rooted in nonJewish beliefs, everything from the bizarre to the
downright outrageous.

For further information contact Rabbi Lerer

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