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The Rolling Club

for Bladers and Boarders

December 99 Newsletter
Safety Counts
By: John Davis
You can really crash and burn when youre inline skating (rollerblading) or skateboarding. Its easy to injure yourself,
your buds, or even innocent bystanders if you dont have the right equipment or dont observe common-sense rules of
the road.
You can take a few easy steps to protect yourself (and others) each time you enjoy your sport, including:

Check your wheels before each ride and rotate or replace them.

Wear a helmet and protective eyewear.

Always wear wrist guards, kneepads, and elbow pads.

Only roll where its legal to do so.

Avoid busy streets or heavy pedestrian traffic.

Practice new skills in an area where you can make a soft landing.

Give pedestrians and other rollers plenty of room to pass.

Observe curfews in your area.

Meeting Quotes
By: Brad brown
Meetings of The Rolling Club are never boring, and the November meeting was no exception. Club members finalized
plans for the May trip to prime rolling locations in san Francisco (more on this trip in the next newsletter) and
discussed increasing club dues (see the next story).
Stacy marks offered the following update about the clubs ongoing contact with city leaders to improve rolling
In response to the survey presented by The Rolling Club to the Mayor and City Council in June, the City Council will
discuss changing the curfew from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. during the summer months at the next City Council meeting. At the
last City Council meeting, members approved the plan to convert the New River warehouse to an indoor inline skating
and skateboarding park. Work will begin January 15. Finally, the new multi-use path along the river will be finished in

Dues Blues?
By: Ann Skater
Nearly all club members (25 out of 30) attended the November meeting of The Rolling Club. At that meeting, club
members voted on a proposal to raise club dues to $15 for the year 2000. This dues change will help us continue to

Salma Abdulle

offer yummy treats at our meetings and during group rolling sessions. Ill be collecting dues (cash only, please) at the
January meeting.

Salma Abdulle

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